HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-01-26 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1376
January 26, 1978
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was called to order by President Knauft at
8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District on Plumosa Drive. Dir-
ectors present and answering the roll call: Knauft, Lindow, Clodt,
Korn and Wagner. Also present Ralph Shook general manager, Chuck
Hobbs consultant, Pete Royere assistant general manager, Irene
Lycett recording secretary for the day, Richard Davalos administra-
tive coordinator, attorney Rodger Howell, DuWayne Lidke and Bob
Seamans of Montgomery Engineering, and Mr. Bickler of Green River
Property Owners Association.
Moved by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Korn to approve
as mailed the minutes for January 12, 1978. Motion carried un-
Notice from ACWA concerning a Mini Seminar on March 3-5 at Indian
Wells. Moved by Director Wagner and seconded by Director Knauft
to authorize the Board of Directors and the General Manager and
staff designated by the Manager to attend the meeting at the
District-,_ expense. Motion carried unanimously.
Notice of Office of Water Research and Technology Conference
February 16-•17 at Newport Beach. Moved by Director Lindow and sec-
onded by Director Korn authorizing the Board of Directors and
General Manager and staff as designated by Manager to attend the
meeting at District expense. Motion carried unanimously.
Letter from Orange County Water District dated January 18, 1978
concerning "in-lieu" replenishment. Receive and file. Staff was
directed to prepare a resolution thanking Metropolitan [dater
District for the opportunity to be part of the "in-lieu" replenish-
ment program.
Receive and file Green River P.O.A. letter dated January 23,1978.
Fred Clodt reported on the January 16 city council meeting.
Art Korn reported on the January 25 planning commission meeting.
Mr. Shook reported on the CSDA meeting of January 19th. There will
be membership changes in April, Dave Snow, Ralph Shook and Mario
Durante appointed to the Bylaw Committee. The next meeting will
be March 16 , location to be announced later.
Mr. Rodger Howell brought the board up to date on the Agnello
case, he is working on an acceptable agreement. The Stewart case
is awaiting documents from their attorney. Mr. Howell reported
on the progress of SB 1199. Mr. Howell stated that Triad has not
accomplished repairs. They will fix deficiency but will not gua-
rantee the work. He will proceed with negotiations.
January 26, 1978 (continued)
Richard Davalos requested a date for a public hearing concerning
the initial study on the Anaheim Connection and the Esperanza Pipe
Line. Motion was made by Director Lindow and seconded by Director
Korn to set hearing date of February 23, 1978. Motion carried un-
Moved by Director Lindow and seconded by Director Wagner to approve
for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of
$165,227.91 on checks 5388 through 5472.
Mr. Clodt moved that the Directors be authorized to go out of State,
for either business or personal reasons between now and the next
regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Seconded by Director Korn,
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Lidke and Mr. Hobbs reported on the East Yorba Linda Improvement
District concering boundaries, facilities, cost, service fees, fin-
ancing and schedule. Included were certain recommendations. It was
moved by Director Clodt and seconded by Director Korn to take the
staff recommendation of: 1) The board name a project manager with
overall fiscal and technical responsibility to the District manager
for water system development to the county line. Richard Davalos
was recommended to be project manager. 2) The board authorize the
District engineer to proceed with development of augmentation spec-
ification, subject to close and frequent review by a committee
consisting of the project manager, district manager, and one member
of the board 3) the Board establish new acreage fees of $3650.00
per acre for the developing area. 4) the Board authorize staff and
consultants to proceed at all possible speed to annex developing
areas to the county line. 5) the Board authorize staff and consul-
tant to proceed with preparation for an improvement district, which
will include developing areas to the county line, if feasible, or
at least to the Bryant Ranch, and which will be designed to utilize
maximum possible bonding for facility development. Motion carried
Mr. Lindow moved to have Mr. Korn hold the Board position in con-
junction with the project manager, and the general manager. Motion
seconded by Mr. Knauft motion carried unanimously.
President Knauft declared a recess at 10:15 a.m.
Meeting reconvened by President Knauft at 10:30 a.m. with all Directors
Mr. Hobbs and Mr. Lidke reported on the District Master Plan-Green
River Area concerning Conceptual Plan for Water and Sewer and Draft
Report to Green River P.O.A. Report included certain recommendations.
Milo Keith arrived at 11:30 a.m. and gave a Conceptual report-Green
River Property Owners Association Master Plan of Sewers. He also
described new sewer capabilities.
January 26, 1977 (continued) 1378
Mr. Lidke explained size of lines for eastern development and the
need for master planning.
President Knauft declared a recess at 12:05 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 12:20 p.m. by President Knauft with all
Directors present.
Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Lindow seconded the motion to accept the
recommendation of staff to 1) That the Board authorize the con-
tinuation of master planning activities to include the entire
Green River area. 2) That the Board approve the draft Water and
Sewer Statement (C.D. Hobbs) for transmission to the Green River
Area Property Owners Association, and authorize staff and consul-
tants to continue to work with the Association in water and sewer
planning. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Korn requested that
the final version of the Draft Water and Sewer Statement use the
conditional verb tense ( would, could, etc.) instead of the direct
(will) in describing District plans.
Mr. Hobbs reported on the development of an Information Reporting
plan to provide more complete and structured information to the
Board as to District status and progress. The consensus of the
Board was that development should be continued, the next step
being the production of sample reports.
Mr. Korn left the meeting at 1:30 p:m.
Mr. Lindow made a motion to continue Mr. Hobbs' position for the
next six months. Motion was seconded by Mr. Wagner and carried
It was decided to review the credentials of and possiblty inter-
view potential bond consultants at the next board meeting.
Manager Ralph Shook, attorney Rodger Howell and consultant Chuck
Hobbs were instructed to meet with the City concerning future
sewer service arrangements.
Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn
at 1:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
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