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April 6, 1978
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County
Water District was called to order by President Knauft at 8:35 a.m.
Directors present and answering the roll: Roy Knauft, Howard Lindow,
Fred Clodt and Art Korn. Also present Ralph Shook general manager,
Jean Mathews secretary, DuWayne Lidke engineer, Chuck Hobbs con-
sultant, Richard Davalos project manager, Ken Reynolds, Oliver
Cagel, Art Kidman and Joe Hughes from Rutan and Tucker, Bob Ryan
from Alex Bowie's office, John Spiak, Tom Marchese, Fred Forgy
and Don Steffenson.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to approve the
minutes for March 30, 1978 as mailed, motion carried.
President Knauft turned the meeting over to Ralph Shook general
Mr. Shook presented a lease from Kinoshita ( Red Star wells) to Laws
which needed the District consent to assign to others. Discussion,
moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow that the lease
and consent be executed after being checked by legal counsel as to
form. President Knauft upon hearing no opposition declared motion
passed unanimously.
Art Kidman explained the next step in the Improvement District No.
1 proceedings, and recommended the adoption of Resolution setting
the time for a hearing. This resolution will call a hearing to
determine that Yorba Linda County Water District will incur a bond-
ed indebtedness in the sum of $27,320,000 to acquire and construct
the facilities within the boundaries of the Improvement District.
All owners will be notified and Mr. Kidman reported that all land-
owners are now showing assent. An agreement received late Wednes-
day seemed to be basically appropriate and Mr. Kidman felt with a
little time could be worked out with Broadmoor and Travis. This
agreement then would apply to all people east so that everyone had
the same agreement with the District. Discussion.
Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Lindow to adopt RES-
AND PLACE OF HEARING,(Improvement District No. 1). Roll call vote:
Ayes: Knauft, Lindow, Clodt and Korn. Noes: none. Absent: none,
Abstain: none. Adopted this 6th day of April 1978.
President Knauft asked if there were any comments from the audience.
Oliver Cagel spoke for Broadmoor and Dominguez and Amos Travis. He
said he felt the District had-done a fine job and that the agreement
would solve those concerns regarding reimbursement. He also stated
that 78-4 Annexation would stay out of the District and 78-3 would
be coming in. Fred Forgy and Bob Ryan also said they felt the
District was doing a fine job. Don Steffenson of Lusk and Son said
they had no quarrel with the way District was doing things but were
holding back on the Anaheim Union property because of other prob-
lems, but emphasized they were not in opposition to the financing
plan as proposed by the District.
April 6, 1978(continued)
Mr. Cagel, Mr. Steffenson, Tom Marchese, John Spiak and Fred Forgy
left the meeting.
Mr. Kidman introduced the next resolution with regard to Improve-
ment District No. 2 (Bryant Ranch). This resolution will call a
hearing to determine that Yorba Linda County Water District will
incur a bonded indebtness for $41,660,000 to acquire and construct
the facilities for improvement district no. 2. Discussion.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to adopt RES-
District No. 2) Roll call vote: Ayes: Directors Knauft, Lindow,
Clodt and Korn. Noes: none. Absent: none, Abstain: none. Adopted
this 6th day of April 1978.
Mr. Kidman said there was an additional resolution being prepared
on Annexation 78-5 proposing the additional terms and conditions to
annexation. The additional terms and conditions are that if the
property is annexed to the District it will be added to Improvement
District No. 1.
Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Lindow to adopt
Knauft, Lindow, Clodt and Korn. Noes: none. Absent: none. Abstain:
none. Adopted this 6th day of April, 1978.
Ed Hyland from Stone and Youngberg came into the meeting.
Mr. Davalos gave an up-date of the progress being made regarding
terms , agreement and conditions. Discussion regarding short term
loans and district reserves that would be available before the
Improvement District funds would be available late in October.
Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow directing
District staff to negotiate applications with developers. President
Knauft hearing no objection ordered motion unanimously passed.
Ken Reynolds presented the Initial Study he had prepared which was
compiled of the information received from Stone and Youngberg,-James Montgomery,
Chuck Hobbs and legal counsel summarizing the impact. He stated
he felt there were no significant problems.
President Knauft asked for comments.
Art Kidman stated that he felt a Negative Declaration could be filed
because this according to CEQA number one this was not a project
(an election is not a project) and number two he recommended at-
tention be give to initial study, it is very safe because of the
process. Mr. Kidman's recommendation to receive the Initial Study
and take under submission.
April 6, 1978 (.continued)
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to receive
and take under submission the initial Study. President Knauft
hearing no objection so ordered motion be adopted unanimously.
This report will be distributed to all interested parties, some
60 will be sent out and then on May 4 at the hearing everyone
will have chance to be heard.
Mr. Ed Hyland of Stone and Youngberg presented his report and
asked for any comments or questions.
Mr. Knauft thanked Mr.Hyland and recommended that the report
betaken under submission by the Board.
Moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Lindow to take the
report of Stone and Youngberg under submission. President Knauft
asked for any discussion hearing none President Knauft declared
motion unanimously adopted.
President Knauft declared a recess at 9:45 a.m.
Meeting recovened at 9:55 a.m. with all directors present.
Mr. Bruce Bellwood came into the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Mr. Kidman presented Mr. Joe Hughes from Rutan and Tucker. Mr.
Hughes presented the Board of Directors with his proposal for
bond counsel. Discussion. Mr. Ed Hyland said that Rutan and
Tucker were accepted fully, no difference in their status with
O'Melvey and Myers.
Mr. Hughes explained to the Board that they might want to seek other
Extensive discussion. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director
Korn to receive and take under submission Mr. Hughes proposal rel-
ative to bond counsel and directed staff to get additional proposals.
Roll call voted Ayes: Korn, Lindow and Knauft. Noes: Clodt. Abstain:
none. Absent: none.
Mr. Hughes thanked the Board and left the meeting.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to approve as
presented the jobs under the consent calendar as listed: S 10-1405
S 14-1636, S 30-238 and S-30-329 and water and sewer on job 1064.
President Knauft hearing no objections ordered the motion carried.
Mr. Royere introduced Bruce Bellwood who had presented a proposal
to the Board for the lease of the building on 0linda Street. Asking
for a five year lease at $200/00 a month with repairs, painting and
parking lot repaving to be done by the renter as part of the agree-
ment. Discussion. The historical significance of the building will
be preserved and in the event the historical society wants the build-
ing the lease would be terminated. The possessor interest tax rate
April 6, 1978(continued)
Art Korn said he felt the proposal to restore it was good and that
after the lease had been rewritten with the ideas incorporated that
it would be fair to both parties. Discussion.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to draw up a
5 year lease with Bruce Bellwood for the sum of $200.00 per month
incorporating the terms as discussed. President Knauft hearing
no ob jections ordered the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Knauft did not attend the March 29th meeting of city planning
Mr. Lindow reported on the city council meeting April 3, 1978.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to approve for
payment the audited bills in the amount of $67,917.61 on checks
no. 5772 through 5853. There being no objections President Knauft
ordered the motion unanimously passed.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn unanimously
carried all directors are hereby authorized to leave the State
of California for either business or personal reasons between now
and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Shook presented the job description for auditor. Moved by
Director Korn seconded by Director Clodt to approve the job
description for auditor. President Knauft asked if there was any
discussion, hearing none President Knauft ordered the motion carried
Mr. Shook's proposal to augment staff discussed. Moved by Director
Korn seconded by Director Lindow to approve General Manager's
proposal entitled:"Short Range Staff Augmentation"with an additional
item No. 5 for part time employees to repaint hydrants and do gen-
eral up keep around the various plants. President Knauft noted
no opposition declared the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Shook said that the filling of the vacancy on the Board of
Directors should be taken care of by April 13th and no later than
the 20th.
Richard Davalos said that Mr. Hatch was in compliance with the costs
on his project and agreement was being prepared and that the pro-
perty would have to be annexed to the District.
Mr. Knauft said that a letter had been received from Mr. Peterson
and that he had a draft of a response. Both letters were read.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn directing
President Knauft to respond to Mr. Peterson's letter. Motion carried.
April 6, 1978(continued)
Art Kidman suggested that the personal manuel
Attorney Larson from their office which would
general manager and secretary because they ar
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director
to have Mr. Larson of Rutan and Tucker review
suggested, motion carried unanimously.
be reviewed by
exempt auditor,
appointed positions.
Korn directing staff
personal manual as
Art Kidman answered directors questions on the Conflict of Interest
filings that should be made by April 30th. The disclosure state-
ments of the Directors to be filed with the Secretary who will send
the original to the County Clerk and keep a copy here. The staff's
disclosure statements will be filed with the Secretary only.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn at
11:50 a.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Jean E. Mathews, Secretary