HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-09-29 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesSeptember 29, 1978
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba
Linda County Water District was called to order by President
Knauft at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District on Plumosa
Directors present and answering the roll: Roy Knauft, Howard
Lindow, Fred Clodt, Art Korn and Whit Cromwell. Also present
Ralph Shook general manager, Jean Mathews secretary, Betty
Emblidge auditor and Richard Davalos project manager, DuWayne
Lidke engineer, and Art Kidman attorney.
Moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Lindow to approve
the minutes as mailed for September 12, 1978. Motion carried
General Manager announced the AWWA California section spring
conference October 24 to 27 at the Marriott in Los Angeles.
Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell
authorizing the General Manager and staff as directed by Manager
and directors to attend.
Planning Commission meeting of September 13 not attended by
Director Cromwell. City Council meeting of September 18 reported
on by Fred Clodt. Director Korn reported on the Planning
Commission meeting September 27.
Richard Davalos spoke regarding the modification of the appli-
cations for the area east of Yorba Linda. Recommended revision
of Section 2.2 to read as follows:
The District will refund to applicant the "total estimated cost"
of facilities constructed pursuant to section 2.1 upon acceptance
of the facilities, described in both section 1.2 and 2.1 by the
District subject to completion of requirements of section 7.
In the event that there is not sufficient money in the Improve-
ment Fund for Improvement District No. 1, then the District shall
provide for sums necessary for reimbursement in the next sale of
bonds for Improvement District No. 1 and shall make reimbursements
within 60 days of receipt of such bond proceeds.
Moved by Director Cromwell, seconded by Director Clodt to approve
the modification of applications for the East area as presented
by staff. Motion carried unanimously.
The second recommendation of Mr. Davalos was a time limitation on
the applications with the suggestion that the same 6 month
limitation be applied to the parent district application.
Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director
Cromwell to approve the time limitation clause as presented by
staff. Motion carried unanimously.
The terms and conditions of this application and agreement
become void six (6) months from the issuance date if con-
struction of the above described facilities has not
September 29, 1978 (continued)
started. Prior to start of construction and District's
periodic review of unit costs the total amount of this
application and agreement will need to be paid.
Mr. Davalos gave a verbal report on the S and S Landscape system
in addition to report sent to board members. Discussion. Moved
by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Korn to receive and
file with the comment that it was a job well done and Board
appreciated staff effort.
Relocation of the Diemer intertie turnout for the District as
presented by staff. Discussion. Kevin Hunt had said that it
would not delay the project, however immediate action would be
necessary to start the redesign and engineering necessary for the
new connection. The two alternates could be included in the bid
material. Estimated engineering cost to make a change now would
be in the neighborhood of $7,000.00. Staff concluded there would
be a greater saving in material and ease of acquisition and use
of the necessary easements, and a better alignment would make
this change worth the District time and money. Lengthy discussion.
Moved by Director Cromwell, seconded by Director Clodt authorizing
the study and the design of the alternate location of the con-
nection at a cost not to exceed $10,000 with the full understanding
that it will not delay the Diemer Project time table. President
Knauft asked for the vote: 2 ayes, 3 noes. Motion defeated.
President Knauft asked for a recess at 10:35 a.m.
Meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m. with all directors present.
Richard Davalos asked for authorization to hire an outside con-
sultant to prepare the in depth initial study on the De Los Reyes
Reservoir in preparation for a conditional use permit from the city.
Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell.
Motion carried unanimously to authorize staff to hire an inde-
pendent consultant to do an in depth initial study to determine
if we need an E.I.R., cost not to exceed $7,000.00. Staff to make
the judgment if anything further is needed.
Pete Royere's issue memorandum on the Fiesta Days parade was dis-
cussed. Board felt that District should participate in some manner.
Discussion. Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell
that the District will have an entry in the parade such as the crane
truck with a back hoe on the lowboy, with a message on water con-
servation and the staff riding on the float, to be paid for their
time on Saturday. Motion carried unanimously.
Art Kidman reported: nothing further on the Agnello matter.
The Diemer amendments 1 and 2 are not ready yet for signing.
The request of the city for easements
received purchased from the District.
Director Lindow, seconded by Director
an easement for the purchased sewer 1
authorization for the proper officers
carried unanimously.
for the two sewer lines they
Discussion. Moved by
Korn to transfer or grant
Ines to the City with the
to sign the documents. Motion
September 29, 1978 (continued) 1458
Mike Payne came into the meeting.
New business Job 1080, 1081 and 108 for the east area and Jobs
S 29-205, 25-380 and S 1108 presented for Board approval and
information. 51108 is for the area at Imperial and Esperanza
service by So. Calif. Water which will be served off the
Esperanza Sewer line at $750.00/ac. Moved by Director Lindow,
seconded by Director Clodt. Carried unanimously to approve the
above jobs as presented by staff.
Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Cromwell to approve
the audited bills and refunds for payment in the amount of $93,268.37
on checks 6711 through 6808.
Moved by Director Lindow, seconded by Director Clodt and un-
animously carried, all Directors are hereby authorized to leave
the State of California for either business or personal reasons
between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Revised applications for the following jobs were presented: Job
1096, 1053, 1051, 1052, 1065, 1062, 1075, 1076 and 1066 all in the
east area. Moved by Director Korn, seconded by Director Lindow,
carried unanimously to approve as presented the above revised job
Mr. Shook reported on the Diemer intertie committee meeting.
The CSDA meeting at Monterey on November 17-19 was announced by
Mr. Shook. Moved by Director Korn, seconded by Director Clodt to
authorize the attendance of 3 directors and staff as designated
by the General Manager. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Shook reminded the Board to attend the LAFCO meeting on
October 11th at 2:00 p.m.
Mr. Korn reported on the September 21st economic conference.
Mr. Royere said that the rent was now current on the building on
Olinda and it was a new owner of the business so remodeling
should go ahead as planned.
Discussion with Mr. Lidke regarding the design level of the east
side reservoir. More information to be presented at a future
Board meeting.
City assignments for October: City Council, October 2, Director
Cromwell; October 16, Director Lindow; Planning Commission, October
11, Director Clodt; October 25, Art Korn.
Moved by Director Korn, seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn at
12:30 noon.
Jean E. Mathews, Secretary