HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-10-27 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1352 October 27, 1977 The regular meeting of the Board County Water District was called 8:35 a.m. Directors present and Roy Knauft, Howard Lindow and Art absent. of Directors of -the Yorba Linda to order by President Clodt at answering the moll: Fred Clodt, Korn. Director T°?erwin Wagner Also present, general manager Ralph Shook secretary Jean Mathews, assistant general manager P.D. Royere, DuWay:ne Lidke and Bob Seamans engineers from Montgomery Consulting Engineers, H. Rodger Howell and Fritz Stradling attorneys, Carolyn Ewing representative from the City and Chuck Hobbs consultant. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Knauft to approve as mailed the minutes for the October 13, 1977 board ~feeting, motion carried unanimously. President Clodt turned meeting over to general manager Shook. Mr. Shook said that in -the interest of getting Fritz Stradling on to another appointment he was first on the agenda and Mr. Shook asked Mr. Hobbs to introduce Fritz Stradling. Chuck Hobbs said that he had consulted with Rodger Howell and asked for someone who specialized in finances and he had recommended Fritz Stradling of his office Mr. Stradling to give the Directors a brief resume of the various methods of financing the area fac- ilities east of the District. Mr. Stradling said there was number one - general obligation bonds which had to be voted in by 2/3 vote of the entire district but would be paid back by the area that received the benefit. Number 2 - Improverriient District would be by vote of 2/3 of '~~e people within the Improvement District, no particular minimum number needed. Number 3 would be Developer pays for the facilities and includes it in the cost of the home. Discussion. A combination of Developer paying acreage fees plus improvement district might be worked out. Board felt it imperative that the annexations be followed up and upon Mr. Shook's suggestion actively sought if they have not already applied for annexation to the District. Suggested that Mr. Royere be assigned this project to keep things going on the annexations so that when and if an Ia-lprovement District is formed all the area at least to the Bryant Ranch is already within the District. Fritz Strad ling left at 9:14 a.m. Discussion regarding the annexations and the numbering system, suggested that perhaps including the name of the property in n parenthesis after the annexation number would serve to clarify for everyone the property being annexed. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to include the name when designating new annexations, motion carried un animously. 1353 October 27, 1977 ( continued) Fred Clodt reported on the October 17th meeting of the City Council and reported he had given a certificate for water conservation and it was well received by Mayor Groot. Art Korn reported on the planning commission meeting of October 26. Mr. Korn also reported that he had presented certificates for water conservation at the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce, Knights of Columbus, Troy Club and Yorba Linda Jr. Womens Club and that they were very well received and people still aware of need for conservation. Roy Knauft reported that he presented a conservation certificate to the Placentia Unified School District and the Yorba Linda Rotary Club. Ralph Shook reported on the AWWA meeting in San Jose. Roy Knauft moved seconded by Director Lindow to receive and file the letter from Robertson, motion carried unanimously. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to continue item 2 under section 1 annexation 77-6, motion carried unanimously. Item 3 section 1 letter from S and S regarding zoning, moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried unanimously to receive and file. Item 4 section 1 auditor's letter and report, moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried unanimously to ask the staff and auditor who prepared report to be present for an in- depth study of all matters mentioned in letter and report and to have Auditor that prepared the report present at a future meeting to review the report and answer their questions. President Clodt declared a recess at 9:55 a.m. Meeting reconvened at 10:10 a.m. by President Clodt with all directors present except Director Wagner. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow to approve for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of $66,291.84 on checks 4822 through 4887, motion carried unanimously. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried un- animously all directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. I Assignments for city meetings city council November 7 Director Clodt, November 21 Director Lindow. Planning commission November 16 Director Knauft and November 30 Director Korn. Discussion regarding the hearing date on Annexation 77-1 (Dominguez) 1354 October 27, 1977 (continued) Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Korn to adopt Resolution No. 77--30 entitled RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YO BA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT INITIATING PROCEEDINGS AND SETTING HEARING FOR ANNEXATION NO. 77-1(Dominguez) IN ACCORDANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 56310, setting the time for 10:00 a.m. on November 23, 1977. Roll call vote: Ayes: Clodt, Knauft, Lindow and Korn. Noes: none Absent: [-Wagner. Adopted this 27th day of October, 1977. Chuck Hobbs presented the Directors with a draft of a Resolution Setting Goals for the District. Discussion suggeste changes. Resolution No. 77-31 entitled RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT REAFFIRMING GOALS OF THE DISTRICT. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Korn to adopt above entitled resolution with changes, roll call vote, Ayes, Clodt, Knauft, Lindow and Korn. Noes, none. Absent, 'Wagner. Adopted this 27th day of October, 1977. DuWayne Lidke of fames Montgomery Consulting Engineers Inc. presented the Board members with an update of the 1973 preliminary master plan cost figure which included a filteration plant and the Diemer line. Alternate I covering 11,300 acres was presented from the Diemer Plant with a filteration plant connected to the MWD lower feeder and Alternate I using the Diemer Intertie® Discussion regarding storage, the possibility of the Diemer Intertie not being built and the District's alternative. Decision that it will take a work session for just this one item. Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. decided on as the work session. Ralph Shook reported for Richard Davalos that dry sewers were being installed on the four lots that Director Knauft had asked to be researched for sewer service. Director Knauft left at 11:50 a.m. General manager read a letter from Green River Area Property Owners Association, received in the morning mail, requesting their area be included in any upcoming studies. The general manager reported on the MWDOC meeting on Wednesday, the MWDOC Water Problems Committee was considering re-defining of the agricultural rates to cover probably a minimum of a five acre parcel. This district has to make a survey and have it in to them by Monday November 1, on irrigation services, size and number. Rodger Howell reported that the Agnello matter was status quo. Shipkey Insurance has asked to come to a meeting and present their reasons for the high cancellation charges and Mr. Howell had told them the Board would welcome the chance to have it explained to them. 1355 October 27, 1977 (continued) Mr. Royere asked the Board to consider survivors insurance under PERS inasmuch as we now are out of Social Security. The younger people in the organization who do not have 40 quarters under Socil Security would have no coverage or survivors insurance for their family if anything happened to them. Discussion, recommended that Mr. Royere get more information and bring it back when there is a full board present. Job No. 1007 James Carter for 11 lots on 6.5 acres water costs $ 13,998.71 and sewer costs $9819.20. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow to approve staff recommendations. Motion carried unanimously. Job No. 1027 His Gardens for a temporary water service outside the District boundaries. Discussion, this is a service already existing but is just being expanded and is on Government land at the end of Rose Drive, Carbon Canyon Dam. Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations for the upgrading of this service. Mr. Davalos reported that work was progressing on the right of way for the sewer line across Imperial Highway. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Clodt that the meeting adjourn to 7:00 p.m. on November 2, 1977. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourned at 1:35 p.m. Jean E. Mathews, Secretary