HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-06-16 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes1315
June 16, 1977
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was called to order by President Clodt at
7:00 p.m. at the District offices. Directors present and answering
the roll call: Fred Clodt, Merwin Wagner, Roy Knauft, Howard Lindow,
and Art Korn. Also present Ralph Shook general manager, P.D. Royere
assistant general manager, Art Kidman attorney and Jean Mathews,
secretary. Attorney Art Littleworth was also present upon the in-
vitation of the Manager.
Moved by Director Lindow seconded by Director Korn to approve as
mailed the minutes for June 7, 1977. Motion carried unanimously.
President Clodt asked that the Board go into executive session at
7:15 p.m. Art Kidman left the meeting.
Meeting recessed at 9:10 p.m.
Attorney Art Littleworth left the meeting
Meeting called to order by President Clodt at 9:20 p.m. All directors
present and Mr. Art Kidman came back into the meeting
Art Korn reported on the planning commission meeting June 15.
Mr. Shook read the letter he had written the Sanitation District re-
garding annexation of the reservoir site # 4. Moved by Director
Knauft seconded by Director Lindow carried unanimously approving
the letter as written, which stated District had no objection to
annexation of our Reservoir site # 4 to the Sanitation District
providing the fees were paid by others or deferred until District
had need of the facilities.
Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Knauft carried un-
animously to employ Art Littleworth on a consulting basis as a
special council on our problems with the City of Yorba Linda with
regard to the East because of a conflict of interest with Rutan
and Tucker serving both the City and the District.
Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Lindow to approve for
payment the audited bills in the amount of $20,206.05 on checks
4125 through 4145, motion carried unanimously.
Moved by Director Korn seconded by Director Knauft carried un-
animously all Directors are allowed to leave the State for either
business or personal reasons between this meeting and the next
regular meeting of the Board.
Mr. Shook said that Jim Wilson of the engineering department was
retiring and moving east at the end of the month. Discussion.
Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Wagner atthorizing
a retirement dinner at District expense for Jim Wilson to include
all Directors, employees and spouses. Motion carried unanimously.
June 16, 1977 (continued)
General manager explained the EMA permit problems;. Discussion.
Attorney Kidman suggested that a cover letter should go with the
Permit stating that the conditions were for the County and not
to assigns or successors in interest and for the one purpose
of a rest room for a park. Moved by Director Lindow seconded by
Director Knauft carried unanimously to authorize execution of the
Permit and write a cover letter noting that there will be no change
of use, conditions apply only to the County of Orange and not their
successors in interest, the obligation of relocation would also
apply only to the County of Orange motion carried unanimously.
Rodger HOwell checking the Fairgreen Easement, the policy of Title
Insurance has not yet been issued. Tabled until we receive a re-
port from Mr. Howell.
Joint Powers Agreement for sewer from the City reviewed. Moved by
Director Knauft seconded by Director Wagner carried unanimously to
receive and file.
Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Knauft to adjourn
at 10:27 p.m.
Jean E. Mathews