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1972-03-23 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
898 March 23, 1972 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by President McGuire at 8:30 A.M. in the offices of the District. Directors present and answering the roll: McGuire, Hastings, Knauft, Clodt and Wagner. DuWayne Lidke of James Montgomery Consulting Engineers was also present. Murray Jenkins of Mickel Lane came into the meeting regarding Job 657. Moved byDirector Hastings seconded by Director Knauft that minutes of March 9, 1972 be approved as mailed, General Manager Shook noted a correction in a job number on page 895 from 656 to Job 678. Minutes approved as corrected, carried unanimously. Mr. Jenkins request for water service on Mickel Lane reviewed 203 feet of 811 water line plus a fire hydrant and a 111 meter total of $1644.00. Discussion 4 of a fire hydrant with 2 of a 8" water line, the line to be installed when the other half of the line was paid for, plus his one inch meter installation for a total of $847.00, moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Wagner carried unanimously to approve Job 657 as amended. Suggested that the General Manager contact the City and see if 4 of a hydrant could be required from person rebuilding from the fire. Mr. Jenkins thanked the Board for their patience and left the meeting. Julia Carey reporter from the Yorba Linda Star came into the meeting at 9:00 a.m. Discussion on. setting up a fund or setting aside some part of the tax dollar to finance the installation of fire hydrants. General Manager Shook read a letter from IDA dated 3/7/72 which gave an analysis of the Brown Act,making it available for the Directors to read. Further communication dated 3/8/72 regarding the Watson Initative for tax revision. He also read a resolution in opposition of Proposition No. 9. Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously instructing delegates to the convention to support IDA Resolution to oppose Prop No. 9. AWWA Spring conference California Section from 4/13 to 4/14 - reservations in before 4/3/72. Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously giving authorization for General Manager and Directors to attend at District expense. Fred Clodt reported on the March 13 Planning Commission meeting. Ralph McGuire reported on the March 20 City Council meeting. 899 March 23, 1972 (continued) DuWayne Lidke reported on Plant No. 2 unit No. 4 - he had gone over the proposal as received from McCalla Bros. suggesting possible changes and he also suggested that the District should get at least two more bids. Mr. Lidke reported on the Anaheim emergency connection - a letter from Gordon Hoyt stated that they were agreeable to an emergency connection but suggested that we wait until they extended the line down La Palma to the intersection of Fairmont and La Palma ®-eke-~eeee}© and make our crossing of the railroad right of way at that point. This would then be aline they would use so they would make the extension to that point at their expense. The 8" extension down to the McCarthy Sant 41 acre site at Esperanza and Fairmont - plans complete and an estimate on the cost almost ready. 8" welded steel would be used on the steep portion of the hill plus a reducing station. Rodger Howell came into the meeting at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Howell reported that the reservoir site escrow about ready to close and property should be available about April 1st. The sewer assessment District for the Country Club Area has 62% signatures so ready to proceed with the calander for a 1911 Assessment District. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings directing staff to proceed with assessment act proceedings - setting up dates notices etc, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Howell reported that he had not meet with Placentia regarding sewers discussion. The Sunwood Annexation will have to be a separate annexation and can not be included with any other annexation. Ralph Shook reported that he had a letter Proposal from Larry Sutton on the appraisal of the office property on Olinda Street for $400.00 to be done within thirty days. His contact with other firms had set time at about sixty days before they could give an appraisal. Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to accept the offer of Larry Sutton not to exceed $400.00. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Wagner to approve for payment the audited bills and refunds in the amount of $20,841.08 on checks no. 19635 through 19680. 900 March 23, 1972 (continued) Moved by Director Wagner seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously all directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Job 658 Tract 7532 six acres and 22 lots exhibits and staff recommendations reviewed, water $11,951.35 but tract will be sewered by the City of Placentia. Moved byDirector Wagner seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations for water for Job 658. S-7-411 Joseph 0 Malley 4132 Casa Loma - application reviewed moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations. S-13-446 Charlier at 4892 Casa Loma - application reviewed, moved by Director Knauft seconded byDirector Hastings carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations. Mr. Howell reported that he lqad-Ret approved Job 485 application for service form. DuWayne Lidke reported the Yorba Linda Blvd, widening has been postponed by the City for about one year. District will complete plans and be ready when City goes ahead. s Sewer easement from Johnson has not been signed because Mr. Joe Johnson has a question about trees and route,should meet with him on the property and with Sam Peterson so that any problems can be resolved. Discussion regarding the borrowing of money and how much District will need and how soon. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Clodt curried unanimously instructing staff and attorney to get information regarding a $600,000 loan from UCB, B of A, and Sec. Pac. City Council assignments, Rex Hastings for April 3, Ralph McGuire April 17th. Planning Commission Fred Clodt April 10 and Roy Knauft April 24. Moved byDirector Hasting seconded by Director Knauft carried unanimously to adjourn to April 6th at 8:30 a.m. --7,2, f 1 - Jean E. Mathews Secretary