HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-23 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes813
December 23, 1970
The adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was called to order in the offices of the
District at 8:30 a.m. December 23, 1970 by President McGuire.
Directors present and answering the roll: McGuire, Hastings, Clodt,
and Knauft. Director Wagner absent. DuWayne Lidke and Rodger
Howell were also present.
1971 IDA convention dates in Spring at Sacramento and the fell
convention at San Diego. Also announced the City of Yorba Linda
open house on December 23 from 5-7. Colorado River Water Users
December 6 and 7 at the Sahara in Las Vegas.
Communication from the Orange County Grand Jury regarding planning
received and filed.
General Manager Shook gave a brief report on the annual meeting of
the California Mutual Water Company Assoc.. at Corona attended by
Ralph McGuire, Jim Kerfoot and Ralph Shook on December 17th.
S-4-150 M.K. Livingston at 16611 Bastanchury Road 0.663 acres for
sewer connection, exhibits and application reviewed, moved by
Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously
to approve staff recommendations.
S-14-524 Burmaster 4911 Park Place - exhibits and application re-
viewed moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings
carried unanimously to approve staff recommendations.
Mr. Kerfoot stated that three jobs had been completed with District
Participation under Resolution No. 154. Under redolution 154
District to charge interest on the borrowed money to the participat-
ing subdivider or applicant. Discussion, moved by Director Clodt
seconded by Director Knauft that the interest rate for 1970 under
Resolution No. 154 be set at 6% on all contracts completed in 1970.
Sewer refunds for 1970 in drainage area B and C - discussion,
moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings carried
unanimously to approve sewer refunds for 1970 in Area B and C as
presented for payment as of December 31, 1970.
Discussion regarding the Loan Application for sewer money from
the Federal Government. Decision to table until further study.
Discussion regarding a meeting to discuss various problems with
the City Council and District Board and more particularly the
sewer situation. Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director
Hastings that General Manager Ralph Shook be authorized and in-
structed to set up a meeting with Darrel Dalton and the City
Council some time after the first meeting of the District Board
in January, this meeting may include the Planning Commission.
Motion carried unanimously.
December 23, 1970 ( continued)
The 5% Utility Tax to be collected by the District for the
City of Placentia on January billing was discussed. Moved
by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt that the
cost of setting up the accounting proceedures for this Utility
Tax collection be deducted from the first collection. Motion
carried unanimously.
Moved by Director Knauft seconded by Director Hastings carried
unanimously toapprove for payment audited bills and refunds in
the amount of $29,845.71 on checks 17116 through 17161.
Moved by Director Knauft seconded
unanimously that all Directors be
of California for either business
this meeting and the next regular
by Director Clodt carried
permitted to leave the State
or personal reasons between
meeting of the Board.
DuWayne Lidke reported on the meeting with Kraemer and Adsit.
DuWayne had given Mr. Kraemer the aerial map showing the
various possible reservoir site locations so that it could be
shown to the Upper Kraemer Ranch Board meeting. Mr. Adsit
said Millett and King were doing a preliminary study of the
hill area which should be ready after the first of the year.
No further action until after some action from Kraemers.
Ralph Shook reported: 1. Yorba Linda Blvd. widening from Lake-
view east to Club Terrace. The construction of any transmission
main within the right of way should include an engineering study
for requirements on East side before any line sizes are determined.
Discussion - moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director
Clodt carried unanimously to authorize a supplementary engineering
study to determine line size and requirements for East side.
2. Orange County Flood Control Planning the construction of the
Peach Creek flood control channel along Kellogg from Mt. View to
Grandview.There had been previous approval for a line in Kellogg.
The District can now proceed to complete the design for this water
line. 3. At Lakeview and La Palma there is a need to replace ap-
proximately 1200 feet of line and the area is under study. 4. Call
from Harry Jones of National Fire Protection Company regarding
sprinkling system now needed in the industrial building on La Palma
requirements vary. 5. Water rate analysis being worked on.
6. Meter prices-.from Neptune preferential price until Jan. 15.
Now checking with Badger. 7. Annual cleaning of Reservoir # 1
on Highland Ave. is scheduled for December 29. 8. Inquiry re-
garding the Edison right of way for Christmas trees - rate x 2 or
irrigation rate at off peak times - proceed with further checking.
9. Reported on the Christmas party - fine party, nice turnout and
everyone had a good time.
Moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director Clodt to adjourn
at 12:15. Motion carried.
Jean E. Mathews, Secretary