HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-04-30 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes699
April 30, 1969
The adjourned meeting of theBoa.rd of Directors of the Yorba
Linda. County Water District was called to order by President
Wagner at 8:30 a.m. April 30, 1969 in the offices of theDistrict.
Directors present and answering the roll call: Wagner, C1odt,
Hastings, McGuire and Knauft. H. Rodger Howell attorney for the
District was also present. President "Wagner turned the meeting
over to General Manager Shook.
Job S-14-730 Les Hicks on 18032 Lemon - sewer connection for
commerchl car wash, total fees $509.15. Moved by Director Hastings
seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to approve staff
Job 535 A and B - budget item 2400 feet of 14" A.C. pipe from
Reservoir tanks on Citrus to Plumosa. Moved by Director McGuire
seconded by Director C1odt carried unanimously to approve con-
struction on the above budgeted improvements at District expense.
Mr. Shook reported that he had talked with Orange County Water
District regarding emergency standby water for former Anaheim
Union Water Company customers that are to be served bySouthern
California 'Water. Report only, still checking locations, flow
and availability.
General Manager Shook reported that DeWayne Lidke of James
Montgomery ha.d made a. progress report stating that the preliminary
report would be ready by the 1st week in May and final by end of
Orange County MUnicipal Water District ha.d requested that the
District make an estimate on the total water needed for the next
five years and notified the District of the new M.W.D.
Moved by Director McGuire, seconded byDirector Hastings carried
unanimously to authorize the General Manager to make such es-
timated requirements for the next five years.
Orange County Water District communication and notices on the
water equity assessment and the water replenishment assessment
received and filed.
Attorney Homer L. McCormick arrived and executive session was
declared. Mr. Homer McCormick gave an explanation and report on
progress of investigation litigation with Placentia regarding the
Locke Ranch Sewer. Explaining to the Board that the hearing had
been continued to June 11, 1969 but all papers would have to be
filed by May 28th. Session over and meeting declared open.
Jim Brock, reporter for the Santa Ana Register arrived at this
General Manager read correspondence from IDA regarding liability -
insurnace for the employees and directors at a saving of approx-
April 30, 1969 (continued)
ima.tely 30%. Further information will be mailed to all employees
and directors if theDistrict will mail IDA a list of employees and
Rodger Howell said that C.H.P. were beginning to enforce the law
that chauffers license are required for anyone driving equipment
heavier than 6000 pounds.
California Water Resources Association annual proxy for May 9,
1969 meeting at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. Moved byDirector
McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings authorizing signing the
proxy and return of same. Motion carried unanimously.
General Manager Shook announced the Hearing in Corona on 5/16/69
at 1:30 p.m. regarding Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control
Board. Received and filed.
General Manager read a. letter from East Bay Municipal urging
District to oppose A.B 661. Discussion, moved by Director Hastings
seconded by Director Clodt carried unanimously to write both
Senator Whetmore and Senator Schmitz recommending that they oppose
AB 661, with a copy to Assemblyman Badgley.
Local A,gencyForma.tion Commission hearing on Library District
Annexation # 1 parcels 1 and 2 on May 14, 1969.
General Manager gave each Director a list of the people writing
letters regarding the Sewer Assessment District. Read and filed.
The post card survey results were also tabulated and given to
each Director. 52% of the cards had been returned, 34.4% were in
favor of the sewer assessment district at this time, 7.8% were un-
decided and 57.8 per cent were against a sewer assessment District
at this time, particularly objecting to thehi,gh costs.
Discussion - decided that the City should be informed of the
survey results and told that further alternatives were being
investigated in the matter of financing however in the meantime
in view of the letter from the Health Officer, District felt that
all land divisions should have sewers and the District would
participate under Resolution # 154 on the basis of contributing
50 per cent. No action taken at this time until further methods
of financing has been checked into.
Moved byDirector McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt carried un-
animously authorizing payment of all audited bills in the amount
of $11,463.40 and refunds for $3328.90 on checks 13347 through
I Moved byDirector Knauft, seconded by Director McGuire carried
unanimously all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State
of California for either business or personal reasons between now
April 30, 1969 ( continued )
and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
Ralph Shook reported 1. A land division where th sewer would cost
about $25,000 to extend the lines, parties had been informed of
the Resolution 154 and District participation. 2. Agreements
were being prepared on the South Grandview sewer extension. 3. E.
L. Pierson and Associates were investigating property in the
Country Club area for a client. 4. James Joslin from So. Counties
Gas had been checking on water for hydro static tests of a new ga.s
transmission line. 5. the assignments for City Council May 5
Mr-: Ha-stings, May 19 Mr. McGu re and Planning Commission Mr.
Hastings May 14 and Mr. McGuire or Mr. G--ed-t on May 28.
Attorney Howell announced that AB 1750 had been introduced into
the legislature which would allow the District to operate sewers
outside of District boundaries.
Meeting adjourned on a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded
by Director Knauft, motion carried unanimously.
Jean E. Mathews