HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-05-14 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes702 May 14, 1969 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order by Vice President McGuire at 8:30 a.m. in the offices of the District May 14, 1969. Directors present and answering the roll: McGuire, Hastings, Clodt and K.nauft. Absent, Director Wagner. Rodger Howell attorney for the District was also present. Approval of minutes of April 7, 14 15 and 30 as mailed, moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt, correction on April 14, 1969 minutes, Fritz Stradling, attorney from Rutan and Tucker also present, and FredClodt to May 14 City Planning meeting and Rex Hastings to May 19 City Council. Motion carried unanimously. Vice President McGuire turned the meeting over to General Manager Shook. General Manager announced: Local Agency Formation Commission hearing on Annexations 69-2 and 69-3 by the City of Yorba Linda, May 14 at 2:00 p.m. Read a letter from Robert R. Strehlow regarding the sewer assess- ment District, filed. Mr. Jim Brock of Santa Ana Register arrived at this time. "Patterns on the Land' a seminar at U.C. Riverside on May 24 . Letter from the Orange County Auditor Controllers office requesting that the District employ a firm of Auditors for fiscal year 68-69. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt carried un- animously that the services of Diehl Evans and Company be retained for the year 1968-69. General Manager read a letter from West Orange County Water Board dated 5/7/69 re: Orange County Municipal Water District expenditure of money for engineering and construction of a reservoir which would only benefit a smallportion of the District taxed to provide the money for such planned reservoir. Moved byDirector Hastings seconded by Director Clodt that the District write a letter stating that the Orange County Municipal Water District was formed for the purpose of a membership billing agency between M.W.D. and non member agencies and District was opposed to any construction of reservoirs or facilities without notice in advance and proof that they were of general benefit to the District. A copy to West Orange County Water Board. Motion carried unanimously. 1 Suggested by Attorney Rowell that election date should be checked t and new directors elected to office perhaps would be a remedy to above situation, in future. A letter from Senator Whetmore regarding A.B. 661 read and filed. 703 May 14, 1969 (continued) Letter from the City of Yorba Linda stated they recognized District prior rights and would bear the expense of moving facilities belonging to District when Yorba Linda Blvd. was widened, if District would do the work. District to give an estimate of the cost, actual cost to be computed after re- locationwork completed. Rodger Howell reported that there were several courses open to the District on the sewer project. 1. Abandon the Assessment District concept and proceed with Resolution # 154. 2. Abandon entire project and concentrate on # 154 and Jr. college site. 3. Defer specific decision on sewer assessment district as such and take a look at what Federal funds are available. Mr. Howell also felt that it was too difficult for people-to understand the different costs in each district, that perhaps a uniform cost per lot would have been better. Discussion regarding the processing of an application for Federal Funds, time involved, cost etc. Moved by Director Knauft, second- ed by Director Hastings, that the Board authorize the General Manager, the Attorney and two Directors to work on the project, checking in more detail on Federal funds and have things outlined by next meeting. Motion carried unaimously. Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Knauft to aut- horize chairman to appoint two directors to work with Attorney and General Manager, carried unanimously. Rex Hastings and Ralph McGuire appointed to work with General Manager and Attorney Howell. Mr. Shook reported on the Water Pollution Control Convention held May 7-9 at Disneyland Hotel with about 800 in attendance. Lt. Gove. Reineke speech was the high light of the convention. S-14-164 Cottom on Garden Place, moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Knauft to approve staff recommendations carried un- animously. Job 560 Kelly Corkhill in Block 36 on Lakeview, moved by Director Hastings, seconded byDirector Clodt carried unanimously to Tprove staff recommendations. Job 562 Tract 6122 A and B Construction. Application and exhibits reviewed, moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Knauft carried-unanimously to approve staff recommendations for water S- 562 letter from Mr. Dudics asking that District Resolution # 154. Moved by Director Hastings, sec Clodt carried unanimoulsy authorizing the District contract with the developer under resolution # 154 vice to Tract 6122 - S-562 at an estimated cost of firm commitment after cost is determined. participate under Dnded by Director to enter into a for sewer ser- $21,000.00 a May 14, 1969 ( continued) Moved byDirector Hastings, seconded the audited bills and refunds in the $2,566.41 on checks # 13313-13477 be ously. 704 by Director Knauft that amount of $23,245.95 and paid. Motion carried unanim- Moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Knauft :that all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Motion carried un- animously. General Manager Shook reported 1. District had been notified by MWD that we-were in violation of Resolution 7149 service require- ment. Had changed the flow more than 10% without notifying M.W.D. 12 hours in advance. 2. A pressure chart to point out to the Board the need for the line from the two tanks on Citrus that had been authorized at last Board meeting. 3. City had deferred action on the sewer to their May 19th meeting. 4. Service to Orange County Water District for ;reserve supply to So. Calif. no further action at this time. 5. The copys of Agreements with the City of Anaheim, City of Placentia and a map showing the City Boundaries and District service areas had been forwarded to LAFC. 6. Further checking on Calif. Highway Patrol requirements on driver license for heavy vehicles. 7. District had been informed after our Water Pipe Specifications had been checked that there was a Japanese brand of A.C. pipe that would meet AWWA standards at about 30% re- duction. Moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings carried un- animously to adjourn to May 28, 1969. Jean E. Mathews Secretary