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2017-05 - AHCAC Pressure Zones
EN- _ 1000 ZONE (5B) 1300 ZONE (6B) 570 ZONE (2) _ 1133 ZONE (61D) 1390 ZONE (6C) 675 ZONE (3A) —� 1160 ZONE (6A) 428 ZONE (1A) 680 ZONE (3B) c�Re0NCA%V0'A �� 1165 Zone (5U) 445 ZONE (1 B) 706 ZONE GARDENIA -� ® CHINO HILA \ VALLEY VIEW .1.160 ZONE (6A) LITTV QUARTER HORSE 780-1 (ZONE �k ENI I W ® 1000 ZONE (56) Q FA\F' y ®1\ 920 ZONE (SA) PRINGVIEW 1 718 ZONE (4CR1) 780-4 ZONE (41D) — j Locke Ranch 780-1 (ZONE 4A) 908 ZONE (5BR1) — j Water Boundary 780-2 ZONE (4B) 920 ZONE (5A) 780-3 ZONE (4C) 991 ZONE (5L) BASTANCHURY--J-*� ^�s IAN CIN -101390 ZONE (6C) Q HIDDEN HILLS v 0 W4 780-3 ZONE (4C) F > v I SANTIAGO g 0 ! 8 = I, o • j i �`�VS� 4YO�f 1133 -ZONE (6D) 1000 ZONE (56) RBA LINDA 908 ZONE (5 BR1) o jil los Z'— HIGHLAND i 675 ZONE (3A) } V (90r 71" SNE (4CR1) O p ) BRYANT RANCH STA y � ! 7 • • /Jj i 780-4 ZONE (! ;17 • 3 706 ZONE 570 ZONE (2) ESP Q 6 i NZQ. ESRERPN Q 570 ZONE (2) 428 ZONE (1A) i • SQ(cE� ^� pill i 'I E �PQP�Mp RPE 45 ZONE (1 B) j I — 1 _ W % �( ON _ti N aO�NGET20 P �� IWELLN015 I ��P '141)-0N WELL NO 21 I / I WELL NO 20 i WELL NO 11 j CAMINO DE BRYANT P 11JZ()EL ") • i WELL NO 12 WEL-L—NB 7 Lti NO 1 t WELL NO 18 WELL NO 19 WELL NO 5 i o LL NO 0 \ o w � LL \ U \MCRA<O z © Wells 0 Reservoirs PRV �� ! DISCLAIMER: 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles This map represent a visual aid intended to assist Public Utility Department personnel May 2017 Pressure Reducing Valves A H CAC Pressure Zones Awith the management of Water System facility. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee I I I I I of actual field conditions nor a substitute for record drawings and field verification. Reservoirs