HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes661
November 131 1968
The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by President
Wagner in the offices of the District. Directors present and
answering the roll: Wagner, Clodt, Hastings, McGuire and Knauft.
Attorney Jim ERickson of Rutan and Tucker was also present.
Minutes of the October 9 and October 20th meeting approved as
mailed on a motion made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director
McGuire. Carried unanimously.
General Manager Ralph C. Shook announced the Orange County Water
Association Christmas Dinner Dance at the Newporter Inn, moved by
Director Knauft, seconded by Director McGuire that employees as
designated by the General Manager be invited to attend the Dinner
Dance as guests of the District. --Motion carried unanimously.
General Manager asked the Boards pleasure with regard to the District
Christmas party for the employees and their wives or husbands and
the annual gift of a turkey for each family. Moved by Director
McGuire, seconded by Director Knauft, carried unanimously that the
District host the annual Christmas party for employees and also
give the customary gift of a Christmas turkey.
General Manager Shook read a letter from Barbara Machado, Fiesta
Day Coordinator, expressing appreciation for the Water District
participation in the parade. The Board of Directors expressed
their appreciation to the General Manager for the employees
part, their interest and the ingenuity shown in the preparation
of the entrys for the parade. Moved by Director Clodt, seconded
by Director McGuire that a letter expressing the Boards appreciation
should be written to the employees regarding their part in the
parade. Motion carried unanimously. The Board asked that this
letter commend the employees on a good presentation and they
felt employees had reflected credit on the District and them-
selves, president Wagner to sign above letter.
General Manager read a.'letter from Anacal Engineering regarding
Tract 6422 requesting District participation under Resolution
No. 154. Felix Ou the developer. Moved by Director Hastings,
seconded by Director Knauft a.t the management be authorized to
to proceed with preliminary study.
Letter from Black and Veach, engineers, read and filed.
Announcement of the Annual meeting of the California Mutual
Water Association on November 26, 1968 at Corona, Ralph McGuire,
James Kerfoot and Ralph Shook planning to attend. Ralph McGuire
to check with Orange County Water District on their retirement
plan for employees.
Cross Talk- copies of quarterly report given to all Directors.
November 13, 1968 ( continued)
Letter read from IDA dated November 7, 1968 notifying of an
expected raise in the dues due to increasing cost of operation
higher budgets etc.
A brief report fromJim Erickson on the North Orange County
Junior College Yorba Linda Campus, District should be ready
to start annexation proceedings if request for annexation is
received from the Junior College Board from their November
26th meeting. Papers will need to be filed with the L.A.F.C.
by December 15 to be on the January agenda of the L.A.F.C.
Mr. Shook reported that a letter was being prepared by Mr.
Markhoff of Signiure Homes, requesting service from the District,
the terms and request for annexation and that this letter should
be delivered some time today. The District would be required
to bring water and sewer to both the Jr. College site and to
Signature homes sites and each would then do their own on-site
facilities. Further information available on Thursday, from
Rodger Howell.
Purchase of the Placentia Sewer to the Locke Ranch, purchase
price quote of $28,750.00 had been given to the City of Yorba
Linda., Discussion. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by
Director Hastings, carried unanimously authorizing the General
Manager and Attorneys to negotiate to acquire the Placentia
sewer line.
A.C. Pipe Contract time for renewal. Certain-teed Products
Corp., had presented an informal bid stating they would hold
firm on the prices for the ensuing year, at 401-$0.80, 6"-$1.21,
8"-$1.785 1011 -$2.52 and 12"-$3.39. Moved by Director McGdxe
seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously to accept
the informal bid from Certain-teed Products Corp. for the 68-69
General Manager Shook asked the Board approval for an alarm
system by Motorola (MARS) that will enable the District to
keep a close check on the alarm conditions within the system
during hours when there is no one on duty at the Plant. This
will consist of a base radio alarm transmitter and one alarm
receiver. Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director
Clodt carried unanimously to approve purchase of the MARS eq-
uipment, with authorization to purchase two receivers if a
better price can be obtained on the second.
Meter reading contract with ECS Corp. checked by attorney
everything in order, for a six month period with an increase
from 12(~ to 14(, per meter as the only major change. Moved
by Director Knauft, seconded by Director Hastings carried un-
animously to authorize the proper officers to sign the Contract.
November 13, 1968 (continued)
S-15-234 and S15-240 J.L. Allbee on Arroyo and Valencia ap-
plication for sewer connection, moved by Director McGuire,
seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously approving
staff recommendations.
Job 541 - water for parcel on Yorba Lane, moved by Director
Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously to
approve staff recommendations on Job 541.
Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings,
to approve the audited billsin the amount of $19,383.66 and
refunds for $590.85 on checks numbered 12527 through 12623,
motion carried unanimously
Moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Knauft carried
unanimously all Directors are hereby authorized to leave the
State of California for either business or personal reasons
between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of
General Manager asked the Directors which meetings of City
Council and Planning Commission they could attend, Roy Knauft
to attend November 13, Rex Hastings November-18 and 19 as
representatives of the District.
General Manager reported: 1. A new impeller had been ordered
for a pump at the Palm sewer lift station, due to increased
flow this was found to be necessary. 2. The exhibit at the
Safety Conference on manhole explosions had made quite an
impression, outcome of this Yorba Linda and Anaheim planning
to host a demonstration for the maintenance employees along
this line. 3. Sam Peterson had called regarding the price
to charge on the new aerial maps, he was going to get some
figures from other cities and report. 4. Reported a fire
hydrant stolen from in back of Yorba Linda Inn. 5. Still
waiting for the: arrival of a new flow meter for Well No. 5.
6. Calif. River Water Users Assoc. Dec. 11, 12 and 13 at the
Moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings carried
unanimously to adjourn to November 14, 196°°8-~jat~8::30 a.m.
'Jean E. Mathews