HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-06-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes506
June 8, 1966
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water
District was'called to order by President Wagner at 8:30 a.m. June 8,
1966. Directors present and answering the roll were: Wagner, McGuire,
and Hastings. Director Clodt was absent. H. Rodger Howell attorney
for the District was'also present.
Moved by Director Hastings; seconded by Director McGuire and carried
unanimously to approve the minutes of May 11 and 25 respectively and
the correction in the minutes of April 27, 1966 with regard to in-
cluding in the minutes the entire paragraph regarding responsibility
for damages which is to now be a part of all water applications.
General Manager read a letter of resignation from Robert Milmoe
effective today June 8, 1966. Moved by Director McGuire seconded
by Director Hastings the resignation of Mr. Milmoe be accepted with
regret and Resolution #145 be prepared and copy sent to Mr. Milmoe
expressing the Board and the District's feeling. Motion carried
unanimously. Roll Call vote: Yes- McGuire, Hastings, Wagner. Noes-
none. Absent - Clodt.
Mr. Roy Knauft came into the meeting at this time ad-n was introduced.
Mr. McGuire moved that Mr. H. Roy Knauft be appointed`to fill the
unexpired term of office of Mr. Robert Milmoe, seconded by Director
Hastings carried unanimously. The oath of office was administered
by Attorney H. rodger Howell and Mr. Knauft assumed the office of
Director of the Yorba Linda County Water District.
Discussion regarding the change in name of the I.D.A. Three choices
presented for a vote: Irrigation and Water Agencies of Calif; Water
Districts Association of California and Association of California
Water Agencies. After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire
seconded by Director Hastings carried unanimously to vote for-Water
Districts Association of California.
General Manager announced that Life Insurance was available through
AWWA to members.
General Manager read a letter from Etchandy Brothers requesting
permission to drill a well on their property in Block 36. General
Manager directed to contact the Etchandy Brothers for more information,
matter tabled until later date.
Announcement of the public hearing at Orange County Water District
offices at 7:30 p.m. June 17. Motion by Director Hastings seconded
by H. Roy Knauft carried unanimously to adopt Resolution #146
call-vote: Yes - Hastings, Wagner, McGuire and Knauft. Noes- none.
Absent- Clodt.
Job 446 award the contract to the lowest bidder. The following
June 8, 1966 ( continued)
bids were received and opened by staff on Monday June 6, 1966
at 10:00 a.m. Je. E. Young $6799.35, Donald T. Muse $9928.80,
G MacKer-,7ey $8085.90, Barnett and Thomas $5353.20 and Cabildo
$10,670.74. The bids have been checked by.staff and the lowest
responsible bidder found to be Barnett and Thomas. Moved`by
Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried unanimously
to award the Contract to Barnett and Thomas,
Job 270 Schedule II ready for signature of District officers.
Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried
unanimously that the proper officers be authorized to sign the
contract for Schedule II of Job 270.
James Kerfoot, auditor for the District came into the meeting at
this time and presented the tenative budget revisions for the
review of theDirectors. Discussion of equipment and improvements
needed, tax rate, the updating of the Master Plan etc. Mr. Shook
to contact Brian Stone'of James Montgomery and ask that he come
before the'Board and present his plan-a for updating the present
Master Plan and any suggestions that might come from the-Board
that could be incorporated. Budget to be studied further and
taken up in July.
Planning Commission meeting 5/25/66 reported on"by H. Rodger Howell
and Art Korn. Discussion regarding the sewer program in the South
East area of the Yorba Linda Tract; Moved by Director Hastings,
seconded by Director'McGuire carried unanimously that the Manager
with Milo Keith get an estimate for further sewer study and
N1 tn•planning for the South East area with the two inquirys in particular
that are now before the Board, number of acres , cost per acre etc.
Job 466 - Pomykata - Pursuant to the rules and regulations the
application and exhibits were examined. It was moved by Director
McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the application
for water be approved as per the staff recommendations.
Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried
& unanimously authrizing the installation of 500 feet of A.C. line
to loop Via del Caballa at the same time at District expense.
General Manager stated that the S-47 - Roberts job was still not
complted. Mrs. Roberts had been paid by-the Telephone Company on
the same schedule as the other participants in S.-47. Motion by
Director Hastings seconded byDirector McGuire carried unanimously
that the District accept charges as shown-on the estimate sheet
of Milo Keith as follows: Rosio 147.00, Munro 164.00, Huff 147.00.,
Coolman 164.00, Cleveland 164.,00, Allec 175.00, Roberts 175.00,
Burkett 164.00, Pac. Tel. 266.00.
H. Rodger Howell'reported on the meeting with Shell personnel re-
garding the discharge of effluent into the District's sewers, the
annexation of Shell property and felt the Shell people were in-
terested and suggested that the District go ahead and compile-
figures and facts.
June 8, 1966
Moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings carried
unanimously that audited bills in the amount of $53,019.24 on check
~~-8184 b 8292 and rate and plan deposits in the amount of $815.00
on checks # 8293 8239 be paid.
Moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried
unanimously that all Directors have permission to leave the State for
either business or pleasure between this meeting and the next regular
meeting of the Board of Directors.
Motion by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire carried
unanimously to adjourn to June 22, 1966.
Jean E. Mathews