HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-09-23 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesSeptember 23, 1964
An ad ourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was convened at the office of the District
by President Wagner at 8:30 A.M. on the 23rd day of September 1964.
Directors present and answering the roll call were, Clodt, Wagner
Hastings, McGuire and Milmoe. ...Attorney for the District, H.
Rodger Howell was also present.
A motion was made-by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt
to'appoint Jean E. Mathews, Secretary pro tem in the absence of the
District's secretary, Valdo Y; Smith.
A motion made by Director Clodt seconded by Director McGuire acid
carried approved payment of the following:
Accounts payable $13,778.73
Refunds & Rate Dept. $ 609.85
General Manager Shook announced that the AWWA Convention in San
Diego was from the 27th through the 30th of October. Motion by
Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that
the General Manager and any Directors desiring to attend should
do so and the expenses soincurred would_be reimbursed by the District.
Registrations to be sent in immediately. Announcement also made of
the Hawaii AWWA Convention in 1966.`
Annexation 64•-1 ( Shell Reservoir Site ) corrected Ordinance # 5
was presented by the Attorney, H. Rodger Howell. Motion by Director
Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire to readopt the Ordinance as
corrected. Roll Call vote: Ayes, McGuire, Hastings, Milmoe, Clodt
and Wagner. Noes none. Absent none.
General Manager Shook read a letter from M.W.D. regarding the
connection to the M.W.D. line, stating that the matter had been
referred to Orange'County Municipal Water District and that forms
would be mailed tows for execution.
Discussion regarding the suit filed by Glenbrook Development Co.,
vs City of Brea, Yorba Linda County Water District. Motion made
by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that
the authority be given to the General Manager and the Attorney to
file an answer to this, or any further action.that they might deem
necessary to protect the District's interests.
Discussion regarding the company houses on Plumosa and Richfield.
Motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried,
the General Manager be authorized to make all necessary and reason.
able repairs. All outside painting and specifically screens for the
Richfield House at this time, to be done by the District. Re-
decorating and interior painting, the District will furnish paint
and supplies and the tenant would do the work.
Report from the General Manager on Placentia Annexation 64-4 at
Local Agency Formation Commission hearing on September 10, 1964.
District was asked to submit maps showing service area for water
and sewer.
9/ 23/ 64
of Placentia
A carbon copy of a letter from Mr. Jones City Administrator/to
LAFC was read in which he stated that the District would serve
water and Rewer to all properties,wthin the annexed area.
City of Anaheim p Planning Commission - Reclassification No. 64-
65-•25 has been continued to 11/9/64. The General Manager also...
reported that there were no problems on the La Palma extension.
( Anaheim General Plan Amendment No. 38)
Mr. Bradford and Mr. Pape and others came into the meeting at
this time. Mr. Bradford stated that sewer pipe and trenching
equipment, etc. had been moved in on his property without his
knowledge or consent. He also stated that he had been out and checked
the grading stakes and that portions of the line had only a foot
of cover which he felt was insufficient. Also that he had not been
naid for the acgyia.sition or tnis Ea_,ewent regarding Sewer Jub 227.
Mr. Shook stated that a corrected description had gone into the
Title Company`anct that the search etc. would take about two or
three weeks. Mr. Pape from Land Acquisition stated that no
appraisal could be made at this time. District unable to proceed
with any negotiations until this figure is arrived at and the
Title Report is finished., Mr. Bradford was again advised that
the District had not, at this time, given permission to anyone
to enter on his property or to construct any sewer line across
10:00 A.M Bid Opening for 73 A - Mr. Sauer from Bradford and Heil
and Associates was present. `Bids are tabulated as follows:
Norman Construction Company 15099.98
Paulco Company 1,091.94
Harco Construction 920.77
Motion by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Hastings and
carried that after analysis by the staff they recommend the award to
the lowest bidder.
5-348 Application and Agreement for sewer service was prese~ted for
execution by the District. Motion by Director Hastings, seconded
by Director Clodt and carried the proper officers be authorized
to execute the document.
S-132 " Assignment from Norwood Homes to Chip and Norma Chasin.
Attorney Howell stated this assignment was all right insofar as
the District was concerned. A motion was made by Director Hastings,
seconded'by Director McGuire and carried Tor the District to
accept this assignment.
Job 356-Pursuant to section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on exhibit Nos. A. B,
and C were examined. It was moved by Director Milmoe, seconded
by Director Clodt and carried that it be disapproved and returned
to staff for further study,.
Sept. 23/64 ( continuted )
Job 203 d Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No4,,and B.,
were examined. It was moved by Director C1odt, seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that proposed facilities be approved as re-
commended by staff., 900 ' + of 8" main, 1 fire hydrant and 1 r 1"
Job 353 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No's A and B
were examined. It was moved by Director Clodt and seconded by
Director McGuire and carried that the proposed facilities be approved
as conforming to the rules and regulations with no exceptions.
Applicant ,s request not to front entire property with water main
was denied.
Job S-353 » Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposeu
sewer service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A and B were
examined. It was moved by Director Clodt and seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that the application for service be approved
and that the property is within drainage area "C" that the service
charge could not be determined on the basis of the information
s°ubmitted. Applicant's request not to front entire property with
a sewer main was denied.
Job 12-560-S - Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed
sewer service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A and B were
examined. It was moved by Director Hastings, seconded by Director
Clodt and carried that the application for service be approved and
that the property is within drainage area "C" that the service
charge shall be at the rate of $350.00 per acres, that there shall
be no refund agreement, subject to verification of the area of
parcel by the staff.
Job 357 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations
the proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A
and B were examined. It was moved by Director Hastings, seconded
by Director McGuire and carried that the proposed facilities be
approved as recommended by staff; including Lakeview frontage @
$2.75 per foot, easement frontage @ $2.10 per foot, a fire hydrant
and one 1" meter with service.
Bid Openming for S-•227
1. D. C. Sewer Construction, Pomona Unit 1 $6,572.25
Unit 2 4,876.28
2. H. C. Jarrell Constrctors,Ontar-io Unit 1 6,679.75
Unit 2 4,984.66
3. George Howery, Pomona Unit 1 63213.34
Unit 2 4,670.94
Director Clodt made a motion, seconded by DirectorHastings and carried
that the above bids be referred to staff to study and check for ex-
tensions with recommendations as to the low bi__.
Sept. 23/64 ( continued)
Motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings-and
carried stated that District Directors are hereby authorized to
leave the State of California for either business or.personal reasons
between now and the next regular meeting.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 1P.M.
on a motion by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire,
motion unanimous.
Jean E. Mathews-
Secretary pro tem