HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-10-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesOctober 14, 1964
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County
Water District was convered at the office of the District at 8:30 A.M.
on October 14, 1964. President Wagner and Vice President Milmoe were
absent. Directors Hastings, Clodt and McGuire were present. Also
present was James Erickson, Attorney for the District.
On a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and
carried Director Hastings was appointed President Pro tem for the
purpose of conducting the business appearing before the meeting.
On a motion made by Director Clodt seconded by Director McGuire, and
duly carried the minutes of the meetings held September 10, and
September 23, 1964 were approved as mailed.
Mr. Shook presented a memo on a meeting held with officials of the
City of Anaheim concerning service by the District within areas
annexed by the City. Mr. Shook stated that the attitude of the
representatives of Anaheim was very cooperative and that they in-'
dicated there would be no conflict of interest in the service areas.
A motion was made by Director McGuire; seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that the General Manager be authorized to continue negotiations
with the City of Anaheim until a firm agreement had been reached.
Mr. Erickson reported on the progress _of the Cross Complaint filed
against the City of Brea re their attempt to serve water within District
boundaries. At this time Brea had not yet filed an answer and sug-
gested that if there was no answer a Default Judgement be filed in
the near future.
Job 270 - Two letters from Orange County Municipal Water District and
Metropolitan Water District were reported on stating that the service
requirements questionaire had been received. No cost figures were yet
ready for the proposed service connection.
The convention of the I.D.A. was announced for December 9, 10,_11 at
the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.
Meetings by the California Reclamation'Association to be held in the
near future in Sacramento and Palm Springs were announced.
A letter was read from D. G. Hobbs asking that the District assume
responsibility for replacement of a private service line, the con.
tention being that the movement and jerking of District mains caused
the line to break. It was agreed that there were not enough facts
to act on at this time and that the matter be referred back to staff.
Mr. Shook announced that bids should be received on October 27, 1964
as per Specification 5 » M for A.C. Pipe purchases for the ensuing-year.
A motion was made by'Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that the General Manager be authorized to advertis e•for said
After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by
Director Clodt and carried that the Secretary Auditor be authorized
October 14, 1964 ( contd)
to cancel the existing contract with Academy Maintenance for
Janitoral services and subject to.approval of attorney, enter
into a contract with Mr. Arthur L. Morgan for janitoral services
for the sum of,$130.00 per month, Mr. Morgan to furnish certain
supplies°and equipment and to be bonded in the amount of $5,000.00.
Job 203 » A letter was read from Betty C. Rosato asking consideration
of the District of special circumstances concerning construction of
water mains for this job. After discussion a motion was made by
Director McGuire seconded by Director C1odt and carried that the
application be granted under the following conditions:
1. That the Board finds that there is no possibility of any refund
by virture of_a Tne adjacent to two lots shown by exhibit "A! on
Deville Drive.
2. The Board also finds that District cooperation to the extant of
$2.75 per ft. for a distance of 330 ft. fronting`on Avocado at
DeVille would benefit the District as a whole and that this cost
should be borne by the District.
3. That the Board also authorize the installation by the District
of 150 ft. of 6" main to interconnect Avocado Street with DeVille.
Job S 73 A As presented a wege sewer application and agreement
with Van Druff was approved and the proper officers authri.zed to
sign, on a motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Clodt
and carried.
After discussion and as recommended by Attorney Howell the proper
officers were authorized to sign an easement to Southern California
Edison Company adjacent to Well No. 11 in Block 36 on a motion made
by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and duly carried.
Job S-291 As presented a Sewer application and agreement with the
Yorba Linda Medical Center was approved and the proper officers
authorized to sign on a motion made by Director McGuire, seconded
by Director Clodt and carried.
Job S 19276 Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed
sewer service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A and B were
examined. It was moved by Director Clodt seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that the application for service be approved
and that the property is within drainage area "C" the service
charge shall be at the rate of $350.00 per acre, that there shall
Be no refund agreement.
S-15-1135 » Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed
sewer service facilities as shown'ofi Exhibit No. A and B were
examined. It was moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director
Clodt and carried that the application for service be approved
and that the property is within drainage area "C" that the service
charge shall be at the rate of $350.00 per acre, that there shall
be no refund agreement.
S-12a-550 Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed sewer
October 14, 1964 ( contd)
service facilities as shown on Exhibit PTO. A and B and C and D
were examined. It was moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that the application for service be approved
and that the property is within drainage area "C' that the service
charge shall be at the rate of $350.00 per acre,,that there shall be
no refund agreement.
S-7-361 -Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed sewer
service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A and B were examined.
It was moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that the application for service be"approved and that the -
property is within drainage area "Ca", that the service charge shall
be at rhe.rate of A350.00 per acre,.that there shall be no refund
S 7- 439 .Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed
sewer service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A and B were
examined. It was moved by DirectorClodt seconded by Director -
McGuire and carried that the application for service be approved
and that the property is within drainage area "C",.that the
servirp charge shall be at the rate of $350.00 per acre, that there
shall be no refund agreement.
A comprehensive review of the Rules and Regulations of the District
was presented by_Mr. Korn, Assistant Manager and a general dis-
cussion was held.
Job 356 This job was again discussed and a motion was made by
Director McGuire, seconded byDirector Hastings and carried that
the applicant should pay one half the cost of 216" plus a fair share
of a fire hydrant plus the cost of a meter if the property.is
divided and if no division of property is made the application may
be reconsidered.
Job 362 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the Rules and Regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibi'! No. A were
examined. It was moved by Director Clodt, seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as
conforming to the rules and regulations with no exceptions.
Job 361 - Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the rules and regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on exhibit No. A were
examined. It was moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director
Clodt and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as con-
forming to the rules and regulations with no exceptions.
Job 35°4 Pursuant to Section 7.6 of the Rules and' Regulations the
proposed water service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A, B and C
were examined. It was moved byDirector Clodt, seconded by Director
McGuire and carried that the proposed facilities be approved as
conforming to the rules and regulations. An 81" main to be installed
on Prospect across the front footage of the parcel designated for
the new house and that the.service for the existing house be dis-
cussed at a future meeting.
October 14, 1964 ( contd)
Job S-353 - Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed sewer
service facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A were examined= It was
moved by Director McGuire seconded by Director Clodt and carried
that the application for service be approved and that the property
is within drainage area ""C"" that the service charge shall be at the
rate of $2,000.00 per acre, that there shall be a refund agreement
in the amount of approximately $1650.00 less frontage charge-s and -
extension shall be a trunk sewer.
S-363 Pursuant to the rules and regulations the proposed sewer service
facilities as shown on Exhibit No. A were examined. It was moved by
0- .;:,tor ricuuire, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the
application for service be approved and that the property is within
drainage area "All that the service charge shall be at the rate of
$350.00 per acre, that there shall be no refund agreement. -
Job S-358 - A discussion was held concerning the installation of
a dry sewer line on Rose Drive for this job before Rose Drive
extension is paved,, this being the economical time to construct
this trunk. A motion was.made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director
McGuire and duly carried that the Application be granted with the
priviso that the line be paid for by the applicant but not used until
such time as the proper service fees are paid for the land proposed
to be-serviced.
Job 5..358 - Bids were opened for this job as follows:
Item 1 Item 2 - Total
D. C. Sewer Const. $2,696.20 630.00 $3,326.20
Homer Jerrell Pipeline 2,775.50 650.00 3,425.50
George W. Howery 2,569.32 600.00 31169.32
A motion was made by Director McGuire,, seconded by Director Clodt
and carried ;that.subject to check and approval by staff the low
bid of Geo. W. Howery be approved.
A motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that bills against the District be paid as follows:
Accounts Payable
After discussion a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by
Director McGuire, and carried that the General Manager be authorized
to purchase an N.C.R. billing machine for the sum of $5,085.60, as
recommended by staff. Model number F"R 22015 .
A motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and carried
stated that all Directors of the District are hereby authorized to
leave the State of California for either business or personal reasons
between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned to 8:30 A.M.
October 27, 1964 on a motion made by Director Clodt,,-seconded by
Director McGuire and carried.
V.Y. Snit