HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-03-04 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.,=arc fir, 19:33
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District was convened at the office of the District
~riarch 4 19`3 at the hour of c :30 .<°v. by 12resident a per.
All Directors were present and answered the roll except Director
Milmoe ;pyho was absent. ,.od,--er Powell attorney for the District-
was also present.
The meeting was called by the President for the purpose of dis-
cussing with representatives of the City. of Anaheim the possible
effect on the ;v-.1.ter District of a proposed annexation to the Jity
of Anaheim, and ant any other business that might properly come
before the mee in7.
Present from Anaheim were -ire 1`eitk 'wrdock, city Manag~2r, t°'f?".
voe e sle~, Ji_ty Attorney, :v7X. oy :-1e?_ssner, nersonell 1 ,gr'.
and Elr. Gus Lenain, Tt"ater Superintendent.
President "afyner asked Mr. ?B=urdock to male the opening remarks and
the response ~Pms as follows: The pro ress of the annexation at
this time was reasonable and evident and it was his oDini an that
the Water District facilities could be acquired an:a operated by the
City oFAna.heim, without any increase in Ahaheim' s basic tax rate
of $1.10 and that Anaheim would like to merge water facilities
as soon as nossble if the-voters of the area a~nroved the annexa-
tion. 01-.at the City of Anaheim would assume the present bonder
indebtedness of the fistrict. That all the basic problems of a:
mer;Der had been invest, gated by the personell and legal experts
and tha'_ the basic problems sould be resolves. fhat all present
permanent employees--o-L' the District could be absorbed in their
present classifications by the City with the exception of two
employees where some adjustment would be necessary to find them
a comparable position. 1.1r. v'urdock then asked the aboard for thi -r
feelinc,s concernen- t'te merger.
Mr. 'ibastings answered that his principal concern was that this
3oard not fail in their obligation to the employees of the District
and that he would insist on some firm guarantee protecting all the
ric-tits s and benefits of all the employees as to Si clv Leave,
Pension, Insurance, Health. Insurance and vacations. Mr. Hastings
also stated that ne would like some assurance that the projected
improvement pro ram of the District would be Rk Mk continued the way
it ad been outlined to the taxpayors of the District.
Y .-urdock reoliec! that the City of Anaheirm was under the "Sota.te
Retirement program but that he was concerned with findinc- a way-
to protect all District employees under the District plan by so'1e
m tnfld of transferring t -j.eir present credits to something of
equal value in the Mate Plant/ and that he felt protection of these
people -vghould h certainly be a part of any agreement between the
two a~enci es.
idr. Way ner asked what consideration would be given for the lengtI-
e_~ ~ 7 .
Of service of permanent employees. Mr. I urdoc-w stated that wi1e
the City of Ana' eim had no specific seniority right program they
would give District employees the same consideration that would be
given Anaheim employees with the same length of servie and that
all their rights and accu°~ulations would be respected.
Attorney loefi3ell said that it was not feasible to st=ork out general
oroblems in too much detail at this time because the eleetion had
not been held and there was also the problem of litigation against
Anaheim by the City of Placentia but that he felt the voters of the
District should -nave a public statement from the Board expressing
their feelings.
r. Hastinc-s replied that no definite answer could be given at this
time about a mer-er except to say that ~,aork would be done and
consideration given. Director Clodt and Director McGuire concurred
7n7it x this ol3inion.
,.'Ir. -'?urdock stated that at this time t'ne only Ong both agenci es
could really do was point out t rze roads that might be followed.
Mr. T enain upon being questioned about the employees of the grater
Department replied that he had been with the Department for 27 years
ana that in that time he only knee of three employees who had been
dismissed for cause and that never had sae known of any employee
being penalized for any politiaal reason. He further said that
,.-hi le the Personell :Department actually made all promotions on a
merit system after testing and grading them he felt that many of
our employees could pass examinations that would upgrade them due
to their abilities and experience. kr. Lenain also said that he
and ``(r. Fei ssner mould be happy to talk to the employees of the
District at any convenient time.
Director Clodt asked if vacation accruals of days per year for
employees would be recognized by length of service as presently
done by the district. Mr. Heissner replied that it an-feared to
be the opinion of th}e City Council at this time that such accruals
would be respected, but that such protection could be included in
any Lease Agreement.
Director Clodt asked what difference there was in t e irrigation
rate of this DiOstrict and the Anaheim rate and ilr. lvturdock assured
him that the rates were identical.
Director Mc ruire said at
with the other Directors
moment was to di sseminat
result be decided by the
of t'leDi strict, but that
first duty of this Board
this time that he was in corimplete agreement
present that all that could be cone At the
all the information available and let the
people ~•iho own the District, the taxpayors
regardless of all other considerations the
was to protect the interest of the employees.
Attorney Howell asked ii': this statement meant that if it was not
possible for Anaheim to use t-n.e services of two or three of the
4~ .
newest emplovees would this Board compel! the City of Anaheim
to make wort; fo- them.
Director Hastings said that his statement dial not necessarily
imply that woil. w should be made, but that we had previously been
assured in this mee-tin, that there would be a need for all
permanent employees and that temporary employees were not nec-
essaril.v included. ze also reiterated that he was very concerned
C,aitb protectin the ri hts and accruals of employee of ive or
more years service. 311,11r. Lenain assured 11-astin,s that a 20
year 1pro cetion recently made by the City of Anal°eim showed a con-
sistant increase of personell and that since it cost ap-groximatly
?1500.00 to train an employee it was obvious ghat there would be
a dace for any District employee with shill or experience.
Mr. Murdock stated that Personell had made a. detailed investigation
of the classification and qualifications of every employee of the
District and that he was assured that all permanent employees or
the District except two would be useful to the City of Anaheim tn
in their present capacities. ai egardin4} the two exceptions there
might have to be a shifting of certain res onsibilities but that
lobs c?ould be available for them.
The req$reentatives for the City of Anaheim retired at this time .
and a press release was discussed. After discussion and revision
the attached release was approved on a motion by Director McwGuire
seconded by Director {Clodt and unanimously carried.
discussion was then held concerning'-- tie advisability of black
topping the lawn adjacent to the annex for use as a parking lot.
The Board being unable to arrive at any answer president Wagner
appointed the 5irectors present as a committee of the whole to
male a physical inspection of the lot, discuss the matter further,
and renort their findings at the next meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned on a motion made by Director -fcGuire
seconded by Director 'fIastin-,is and duly carried.
Waldo Y. 'mith
secretary Auditor
ti- -
The undersigned, Robert Milmoe , a member of
the Board of Directors of Yorba Linda County Water District, does
hereby waive notice and consent to the holding of a special meeting
of the directors of that District at the principal office of the
District at 4865 South Olinda, Yorba Linda, California at
8:30 A.M. on Larch 4, 1963 for the
purpose Meet ingr with Anaheim officials and and ot-ber
business that might aro ex came before he Tnpp-t,;~--
does hereby ratify any and all actions taken thereat and agrees
that any bualness contracted at said meeting shall be as valid and
legal and of the sae force and effect as though said meeting were
held as t e_° notice was duly given.
Dat ed.: This March 3, 1963 ,