HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-05-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes264 MAY 8, 1963 A regular Lneeting of the Board of Directors o the Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order at the office of the District at the hour of 8;30 A.M. May 8, 1963 by President Wagner. The following Directors were present and answered the roll: Wagner,, McGuire, Hastings., Director C1odt and Director iKilmoe were absent. Attorney James Erickson was also present.. A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the minutes of the meetings held April 5, April 10th and April 245 1963, be approved as .nailed. A letter from Orange County Municipal Water District was read requesting revised estimates for the use of M-U.D. water for the years 1963-64, 1964.-65 and estimates for the year of 1965 - 66,. It was the opinion of the Board that Staff could only give Orange County Municipal Water District the best estimate available at this time. A letter was read from Attorney Gary L. Davidson asking acknawledge.- ment of an assignment against sewer funds to be received Forest D. Pugh. The matter was refered to the Attorney for theDistrict. After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and duly carried that the Notice of Completion be filed and 90% of the contract for cement lining job 202, be paid after approval of the General Manager and Staff, and that payment of the 10% retained be made after the proper time lapse from the date of filing of the Notice of Completion. Mr. Hubert Ferry, and Mr. McCord, Superintendent oflWater Disposal Company appeared before the Board and presented a request for a sewer connection for the Waste Water Disposal Company at a point at the corner of Linda Vista and Orangethorpe. This connection would involve annexation o% a parcel of land owned by Mr. Gilbert Kraemer. After discussion a motion was made by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and carried that it be the general intent of the Board to be in favor of approval of this petition providing all legal and financial problems could be solved equitably. Job No. 229 - A discussion was held concerning the routing of sewer laterals in a portion of Lot 2 Block 10. It was moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that in this case the best solution would be to obtain for the District 15' feet in F Fee Title for the line, subject to zoning requirements by the County of Orange. The hour of 10:00 A.M. having arrived bids were opened for Job S-185 as follows: Chorak Construction Co. 17,114.90 Harco Construction 12,398.55 Orange Co. Pipe Lines Inc. 125628.00 265 A motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the recommendations of the Board be to approve the award of the contract to Harco Construction Company. Bids were then opened for Job S-48 as follows: Plumbing Contractors Inc. Orange Co. Pipe Lines Harco Construction Co. 8 ,189:. 00 6,876..00 8,547.00 A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the recommendations of the Board be to approve the award of the contract to Orange County Pipe Lines. Bids were then opened for Job S-54 for replacement o'` pavement as follows; R.J. Noble Company Able Contractors .63 per sq ft .5577 per sq. ft. A motion was :Wade by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings a and carried that the recommendations of the Board be to approve the award of the contract to Able Contractors. A bill from Bradford and Associates was presented,in the amount of $587.00 for final engineering on job 5-54. A motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that this payment be made from Trust funds held by the District for this purpose. i Job - 244 = Mrs.. Lowry appeared before the Board to protest a decision previously made rquiring a :main extension across her property in Lot 7, Block 29 ( W. z A.P. 76-12-25 Mar 61). After considerable discussion it was moved by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and carried that the 611 line he constructed to the East property line of her parcel, plus one fire hydrant on the end of the line including a 50' easement across the property ( A.P. 7612-2526 and 31 Mar 61). A motion was .made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and duly carried that audited bills against the District in the amount of $25,079.86 be paid. Job 196 - A request from the McCarthy Development Company was pre- sented as'king for information as to requirements for water and sewer services for approximately 400 acres located Easterly of Country Club and North of Orangethorpe Avenue. A motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that annexation of this property should be endorsed in principle by.the Board providing a proper bonding and financing program for the development could be provided by the petitioners. Mr. D on Schneider entered the meeting. Mr. Schneider indicated that he was interested in sewer service for property on the North east` corner of Y.L. Blvd, and Valencia. Mr. Schneider was informed that due to the present difficulties with Placentia on water and sewer service this request was a legal matter and it must be referred to the legal staff of the District at this time. 266 A communication from Mr. Lloyd Julian protesting a charge of $„50 per month per -apartment for 12 apartment was presented.. It was the opinion of the. Board that the charge waxy fair and equitable and can not be lowered. A request from the Yorba Linda School District was presented as~ei.ng permission for the Mable Paine School to connecto to and pay.for only a portion of-the front footage of the line across their prope rty. After discussion a motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried that the request be denied since it was not in agreement with the policy of the District and since there also existed a serious legal doubt as presented by Attorney Howell that such an agreement could be made due to obligations of the District fora Refund Agreements--to Developers who advanced money for the Original Construction of mains to reach this property. A request from a developer was presented asking for a decision as to whether a parcal of approximately 5 acres which h.e proposed to develop for apartments could be sewered on a step by step basis as a portion thereof was developed and sold. After discussion a motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that if a deed was presented for each separate parcel as developed that the request would be granted as being in accord with District Policy.. A request from Marjon Developers was presented asking to be per- mitted to pay the sewer acreage charge for the various units of a shopping center at the south side of Y.L. Blvd. between Linda' Vista and Jeffersona as each unit is constructed instead of being required to pay the charge for the entire :project. It was ex- plained that different units would be financed at differeat~:tines as development occurred and sewerage became necessary. It was also pointed out that the cost of construction of trunk facilities in drainage area "An would exceed the acreage charge for the portion of land located in said District "A". A motion was made by Director 'McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that Marjan Developers be permitted to have sewer service for their property in drainage area "An without paying the acreage charge for Drain- age Area "G" at the sa_ne :.ime as payment is made for the property in Drainage Area "A* provided that another clause be added to the original agreement for sewer service which would state that no additional improvements or development. of any kind on any of the property owned, lying South of Yorba Linda Blvd. between Jefferson Street and Linda Vista Streets, other than rough grading, be made without the approval of the Yoroa Linda County Water District, and that such approval may require the payment of the balance of the sewer acreage charges. Job 248 - The staff reported that certain ch,34ges in the design of this job for the Orange County Flood Control District' would bevery advantageous to the District. A motion was made by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that the changes be approved as recommended, and that the officers of the 267 Yorba Linda County WaterDistrict are authorized and instructed to sign the required relocation agreement, after approval by the Attorney for the Yorba Linda County Water District, which provides, among other items, for Yorba Linda County Water District employees to perform the relocation of these facilities at the cost of the Orange County Flood Control District. Job No. 143 - Changes in the original plan and design of Lot 3 Block 17 were presented, Grading.of the property will require the lowering of the existing 611 C.I. water line along the southerly line of the property. A motion was made by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and carried that instead of lowering the pipe in the same location, a new location which is clear of the propoeed buildings be used.. Two alternate locations which were considered are the extension of an unnamed street approximately 250 feet North of the South line of Lot 3 and along the west line of Lot 3 to an acceptable R/W easterly. Job No. 243 - A solution to the problem of the Baker and Larson lots being served by only one meter was presented. It was re- commended by the staff that the existing _meter at the east line of the Baker lot be moved to the 611 water line on Knightengale Lane, that another meter be set for the other lot, that a fire hydrant be set on Knightenngale Lane ( with long service lines permitted) rather than a main ectensbon for two homes, and that the two property owners be notified that if a solution is not accomplished -within 90 days, service to both lots will be ter- minated. A motion was -Wade by Diretor Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried that this recommendation be approved as presented. As recommended by the General Manager a motion was mad` by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and unanimously carried that Unit 11, a Hudson be disposed of and replaced by a better piece of equipment. Job 250 as recommended by staff a motion was made by Director McGuire seconded by Director Hastings and carried that 250' + of 61' line, 1 fire hydrant and 1 meter be installed to the Westerly property line of the property and that a 301 wide easement extending 350' be granted to provide water service for this parcel. A letter from Hamilton and Mueller attorneys for Laguna Homes Inc. was read asking for attendance of the General Manager at a meeting of the creditors of the development. It was pointed out hat the District was not a creditor but Manager Dueker ands hat Howell were instructed to attend if they thought it advisable. 268 Job 247 - A regaest for water service was presented,for the Hubbel property a 1 z acre portion of Lot 9 Block 30. It was moved by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and duly carried that since there was now a main on the property that a 111 meter could be.se-. It was also pointed out that the owner should be advised that any further division of land in the area would require considerable :Hain extensions for water service. The meeting was adjourned to 8:30 A.M., May 29, 1963 on a motion made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried. Valdo Y. Smith Secretary Auditor