HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-10-23 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes305 October 23, 1963 An adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District was held at the office of the District at 4866 Olinda Street, Yorba Linda, California. Meeting convened at 8:30 A.M. with Vice 'resident Robert 'Milmoe presiding Roll Call- Directors Milmoe, McGuire, Clodt and Hastings present. Director Wagner absent. Attorney H. codger Rowell attorney for the District was also present. Motion by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt to appoint Jean Mathews, Secretary pro tem. H. Rodger Howell read a letter from the P.U. C. answer#ing our letter regarding Southei6VCalifornia Water Company and the area-East of the Yorba Linda Country Club and advising that we ;could be notified if a hearing date was set. Letter placed on file. Resolution # 86 - Annexation 63®1 ( Anderson) A discussion was held concerning item 4 which set forth the terms and conditions of the annexation.-Upon a motion by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried the following terms were established: back taxes from the date of the formation of the District to the date of annexation are to be collected, without interest thereon. Said back taxes are to be levied on land,,improvements, trees, unsecured credit, and personal property. It was pointed out that the above conditions were the only conditions of annexation for this property inasmuch as this property can be served by the present District facilities without any additional facilities being required, except for those facilities, such as water distribution mains, fire hydrants, sewer mains and trunks,-sewer and water services, ect., which may be required by thenormal Rules and Regulations of the District as a condition for service. Motion by Director Hastings seconded by Director McGuire and carried to resind Resolution 11 86 adopted October 9, 1963 and adopt Resolution # 87 and set the Hearing for Annexation 6341 ( Anderson) for November 27th, 1963 at 10:00 A,M. Motion by Director Hastings, seconded,by Director Clodt and carried to pay the bills as audited in the amount of $8,640.38. The hour of 9:00 A.M. having arrived the Bids for A.C. Pipe Spec- ification 4 M were opened. The Bids teceived for the A.J. ?pipe were as follows: The Republic Supply Company of California Total Bid $62,641.00 Johns Manville 63,261.00 The staff was instructed to check the extensions and individual prices on various sizes of pipe and return to the meeting as soon as this was accomplished. The staff reported the extensions were correct and the contract was awarded to The Republic,Supply Company of California who was the low bidder, upon a motion by Director McGuire, seconded by-Director Clodt and carried. General Manager Dueker reported that he had again talked to Clem McCulloch regarding the A.U.W. Company customers in this area and now had a map of the areas involved but that the map would require more study. 306 Release from Pacific Pipeline in the amount of $65.33. A motion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director McGuire and carried authorizing the General. Manager to sign the release and forward to them with a letter of transmittal authorizing the use of release when we have received $65.38. Report from General Manager on the Community Chest's use of our Add.ressograph. A decision was,made to contact other utilities in other cities and report at a later date as to their policy. As signrent from .ies Ford Devlopment Inc. to Mr. Haring and Mr. Huffman as revised so as to read 50% of whatever refund might be available. A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carried authorizing the acceptance of this assignment. Assignment from Pearcy to Rutherford. A motion was made by Director C1odt, seconded by Director castings and carried to accept this assignment. Assignment from Orange County Builders to Cardon Homes., A motion was made by Director ?castings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried to accept this assignment. A letter from the City of Placentia was read regarding the sale of sewer rights in the 'trunk Sewer on Palm. Draft for $7,000.00 was enclosed but made/?o the Yorba Linda Water Company instead of the Yorba Linda County Water District. Manager Dueker was advised by the attorney to return the draft and ask that it be made out correctly. In addition the Board instructed that the $100.00 deposit for sewer maintenance be requested. Salary Review ® discussion - tabled until October 30, 1963. General Manager Dueker reported that no additional information had been received from Mr. Manes regarding the possible sale of the property on Olinda Street but that there was an extreme need for additional space immediately. Discussion - Director Clodt suggested that perhaps azgood temporary solution would be a trailer and or prefabricated buildings. The matter was tabled until the General Tanager and Director Clodt could look further into this possible solution of the problem. 1",anager Dueker reported that meetings were being held regarding the protection of the C.I. Pipe. Agreement from Boa Construction regarding the Flood. Control District and the relocation of our 26" and 1011 lines. Subject to a slight change and on a motion by Director castings, seconded by Director McGuire, and carried that the proper officers are authorized to execute the Agreement after this change has been made under the direction of our attorney. 307 _i~beri.dian and Associates had requested that we to them jointly with Sully Miller in payment to :gully Miller in lieu of their refund whic° at a later date. Motion by 'director McGuire, , astings and carried denying this requost and in the normal manner and at the proper_ time. make a, check payable of their oavina bill would be+ determined= seconded by Director to make the refunr' Job 273 - Corp of 3ngineer - ;arbor. Canyon Dam - meter service- Pe. Pate deposit of X30.00. Discussion. `?otion by Director Mc'uire seconded by Director Hastings and carried to waive deposit in this particular instance. $15.00 rate deposit - which is held for one year and refunded in June and December - discussion. :.'ould it be Netter from the 'oasis of work and public relations if refunds were made once each month? Motion by :Director Hastings, seconded by Director McGuire and carried to refund monthly on the X15.00 rate deposit. Job 274- Staff recommended a one 1 11 meter and a fire hydrant in accordance with. the Pules and egulations. A motion by Director ~Ta.stings. seconded by Director McGuire and carried to follow staff recommendation. Job 275 - Tract 5310, Pose Drive and Imperial, 14.0, acres - tenative map from County asking our recommendations and comments. Motion by Director McGuire seconder' by Director 1sastings and carried t1-at staff write letter to lounty with conditions as shown and re- commended by staff. 1. No water main on Imperial 2. 811 chain thru Tract from :"ose to =lest boundary. 3. 151easement thru Tot 17 for main. 4. Service for Station to be determined upon consideration of retailed map. :lob `b 276 - Tract 5320 - 'Sarah Thursby - Ohio Street - 5 acres. .rea raster placed in :one 3 with a static pressure of 12LO pai, staff requests that area be changed to Zane 2 with a static pressure of 60 psi and construct an 817 line in street at center of parcel and abanron the °7 main at South property line. ?ob !r' 254 - Tract No. 5177 - 8.4 acres on El Cajon - extension, of 81' line along Zl Cajon from Valley View to the property and across the frontage - 511 line within the tract - 5 fire hydrants. :Motion by Director 11astings , seconded by Director Mc=wire and carried to adopt the staff recommendations as outlines. Job -f 148 - this job was approved on April 24, 1963. Now has several new owners and only one watts water service at this time. Discussion- require t`~ of a fire hydrant and 235 ' of l°' line and two - 111 meters. District to pay cost of ,z firs hydrant in this case rather than pay cost of bringing F.".-155-01 up to standard. Motion by Director Mc=dire, seconded by Director hastipgs and carri=d to approve staff's recommendation. 303 job ;'f 143 portion of Lot 3 in Blocr~ 17 - ~aater service for a portion thereof. Two alternatives - 319 in Orange to Liverpool and down Liverpool to hydrant location and set 2 hydrants plus 51` from Liverpool West and leaving the present 51' in service until this is accomplished then relocate the existing service on the 6`1 aRiit ARgFVetng old 6" lying ':Jesterly of Liverpool. The other/tom e an ex~ension on Valley View from Yorba. Linda Blvd. to grange and West on grange to the present 311 line . By doing this first, the old 511 may be abandoned right away so teat grading of the land can be done without endangering the services and the old 511/ Staff having thoroughly gone over this a {notion made by Director 'Clout, seconded by Director McGuire an:' carries to adopt the staff's recommendation. job f 211 - Pearsol ilvGlean a 3 acres on Plumosa North of Michael' s may°, et - 110 apartments lotion by Director Clo-It, seconded by Director '.a1-:1TTNG7zS i ,7D to install water and sewer as out- lined by staff. general "Hanager reported that s-4 'had been awarded to Losch 5.~ ~ 7 Company after the unit price/ gHn8hecked and the company had been highly recommended. by ouW consulting engineers and the its of %a -.abra . .lob S-250 Huffman - Richfield oad - Mr. Huffman had requested that we include.,: in the agreement two paragrap's which would read as follows: Alt is, also, understood and agreed that in the event any pro- perry shall desire to connect to the facilities to be constructed as oer this application and agreement, the District shall collect and refund to the applicant a sum of money for each parcel of property, prior to permitting connection to said sewer facilities, in accordance with the `mules and Regulations of the District re- garding sewer service as they may be adopted from time to time, It is,also, understood and agreed that for the purpose of cal- c&![ Lions, in implementing the provisions set forth in the above paragraph, the total cost of these facilities shall be calculated at the rate of .$4.00 per linear foot of eight inch sewer main ( totaling approximately $944.00 and said figure being based on 236 linear feet of pipe as per the plans re- ferred to herein above). This unit price per foot of $4.00 when multiplied by the number of feet of eight inch pipe is the total cost of these facilities including but not limited to labor, material, equipment, and inspection charges, ect., necessary for the installation of said facilities including but not limited to main line, manholes, ect. Motion by Director Glodt seconded by Director 1-Iastings and carried to change the agreement as outlined and present same to Mr. Huffman for execution. 309 r~Tot-Ton by Director McGuire, seconded by Director Hastings and carried that all District Directors are hereby authorizer to leave the State of California for either business or pefsorial reasons between now and the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors. I'lotion by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings and carried to adjourn to 3:30 A.M. October 30, 1963. can E. Z-Itthews Secretary pro tem