HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes3 i
Nove-11ber 13, 191-5:3
A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the ~iori3a Linda ,bounty
Water District was convened at the office of the District by President
;aagner Novc-inher 13, 19;53 at the hour of 3®'0 A9r .
Directors '.a ner, yIcGu-ire and i-lastin s were present and answered the
roil. Directors I`_3_lmoe an- Gloat .?ire absent. Attorney T'. '.od--cr
Lowell was also present.
A motion was made by Director '-4cGuire, s<cfcixnded "9,y -Director "asti gs
ani duly carri- d. that the minutes of October 9, 23., and 39th, 1953
be approved as .nailed.
r, 7arl Brewer representing the School District of Placentia appeared
before the Board to request that this District acquire an easement by
condemnation over a portion o a strip of land lying immediately west
of Orchard Drive extenF:'.in from the south boundary of the Yorba j,in('a
Sc:3~1€°}tyT .'va ter District in a southerly direction some 500 feet for all
access road. It was the general pinion of the Board b the attorneys
teat the district did not have the ri ht to condemn property for any
purpose not specifically fDr t1he bene-fit an!' use of District facilities.
notice from Vne P.U.J. was read n.ott& in3 tile district of w hearin-
to be held in Santa Ana, ctonacernin~- an application of So. California.
I'jater Company. rLiot3es:,n was -nade by Director ,las-trope, secon:3e by
Director 1.c wire and carried that the attorney and 3ene.ral Tana-er of
t'°ie I~J_Strict he present at %114] hs.ariru to project the interests of
ty° c 1?strict.
A cop ,,7 o` a letter to the Cray -e County Sanitation District written by
tine iayor of Placentia and Di-_ce.+ttor to 'ra.- e County Sanitation District
LaTa lto, c 1 'fsk el a e 3e s tii is e 'or?!10
County Sanitation District to place on their itr~'c ida a 3 0 o cal fc_r
District to purchase from t Lorba Linda County .lc ter Di strict
a portion of 4a 15" sewer e_Listinr:- in Palm Drive between Carolina
and Valencia '"venues.
'ie General a~a s der reported on and a brief discus--ion UJIs hold con-
i of , r, y T ,
cernin;z the pr~Pposed diwssolusion o"f tTeLLe Ana-i1eim Union ':eater C``m,3any
and the disposal o their ?ropcarties.
Afte=r :iiscussion it was the ~enera.l opinion of the 'Soard that the
staff :.7LloE.3ld receive & check 7..i1fo3,.E a.l quotations for the ~~2?rcxia:3e
o meters for the ensuin- year.
Ti he 3eneral '_"r Hager re"t oned on 'fie purchase of f t`e two office
buildmneys. as a,j3' rove by s`te Ccur,-,ttee. The bG~~..~.:~'in-s ~.u- chased I are 01
of metal and are lined and insulated. One building is 32' x 10' and the
o ner is 401 ~ 10' and they will be placed on fo;nndation<s ad joy nill- the
Ls 'e scent business office.
i*Ir. Ldeker also reported thin Oue to the res:lli e"ci77b~ts of she C3t~ntar i
algculd c'~...tcoe .ss'e.ryr t s' - ;pro vide off S .rL f~ ~:%,rk~~.nb .^;T'1 1 Liit"t plans
,were beil?- .llac v C3 ~ravv:1u^.n.d pre are J PariC3..31- places %a+._joi=11i 1~ the
r,nex on 014 nd^ and Imi erL-
31 3
An assignment of refunds of all remaining Sewer Refunds due Laguna
?Comes Inc. to John p. Ingram was presented. A levy from the U. S.
Treasury Department against Laguna Tomes Inc., in the amount of
16,821.01 was also received. A motion was made by Director
i'Ic:rt"uire, seconded by Director TastinS and carried that the re-
ceipt of said assignments be noted.
Resolution No. 39 ® Can a motipn made by Director Hastings, seconded
by Director McCuire aryl unanimously carried Resolution Nos 89 was
adopted to amend Resolution No. 41 to provide for a more Equitable
Distribution of the Cost of installin gunk 3ervi,ces in Drainage
Area W".
Resolution No. 90 - Cn a motion made by Director "'re, seconded
by Director hastings and unanimously carried Resolution No. 90
was adopted to provide for an JqUi table Method of installing and /
Charging for 7urnisi in3 Sanitary ewer Service to Oil fells in
Drainage Area "C°" .
Bids were opened and checkei for Jobs as follows:
.yob No. Bidder Total Bid
241 Harco Construction
Orange moo. Pipeline
Losch and. Company
250 Marco Construction
"range Co. Pipeline
Losc Co.
20 Harco Construction
Orange Co. Pipeline
Lae" ch and to f~o.
A motion made by Director Hastings, seconded
and unanimously carried that approval be given
for each 4ob, subject to check of calculations
7rev, 98.3.W
2y,4j-i-2. `J)
30, 4`-'gin. w`1
54 3353.3)
87 $.593.01
by Director McGuire
to the lowest b iddc r
by the en;J! neeri S
Job S-286 an application from Mr. Lawrence Kraemer was presented
requesting sewer service for 5 oil wells located on a 7 _ ocr,i
parcel in Lot A V{:ck 6. The application was approved on a
motion :jade by Director Ac uire, seconder; by Director 7astinSs and
carried, subject to the extension of the Citrus Trunk to the pro-
perty and other c?"lar3ev ccllculo= in aCOor`,n'~~e with aasolutLon
No. 90.
"niter discussion a motion was made by Director Hastin1s, seconded
by Director McCuire and drily= carrieJ that subject to the approval
of the Ce.neral Yana3er and Department Heads any employees desi_r n
to take the Friday after Tha1<lsZivin; as a hoi ti0ay could do so if
3 i r,
they made up the time off on a Saturday following in December.
A bill for dues in the Orin ;e County= rm 'urea-u in the amount of
$20.00 was presented an& payment was authorized by a m(.7t"Lo made
by Director Ha.stinSs, seconded by Directdr McGuire an carried.'
ob Sm14-9SO m An application from Mr. S. Sonforti for sewer service
to a residence on Flumosc° Drive was presented and proved on a motion
by ?director AcGu.i.rn, sector. jec by Director Hastings and carrieJ.
job S-14-1541 - An application for sewer service for a service :station
at the corner of _ ai are Lemon was approved on a motion by hector
Hastings, seconder by Director Zc3uiere ane carried.
job S-14073 An application from r. Citizen for sewer service for a
ewellinS on F lumps . was a2proved can motion by Director . cCui.re, seconded
by Director hasti jJ ant: cart N.
An application froMr. a~ _.o6L,etr Price for Mwcts r service for a parcel
he was divisdion in the North ?art of Lot _ 3locs_ 2 was presented.
After Ais^cus;.iion a m(rti5'7,n was made by Director H.stin3s, seconded
by Director _Ic u.i re and carried that the application be granted
subject to 25' easement and that the aDplicati.on by a Mrs. Doris
:iildman for OjoininS pnoperty ( job 207) ieferr:`in3 to Pa3e 215 W
the minutes ( October 2~, 1962) for details.
An application from air. u.ffrie&a for water service for 10 acre
?arcal on Torre Avenue was presented an aapp oveJ subject to the
Rules and Regulatizons, particularly the section proviiin that chains
be inst lleA rC`€=tin; the entire frontage of a property fronting a street.
A motion wa s` rr;r.d e by Director McGuire, seconeed b Director Hastings
and carriee that a aefu d agreement be enterer' into b the District
with the Yorba Joint Venture in c'1C+,,L'°}'rdG;nce witb aeso1t1E:.ion No. 89
for an estimated gum of app ronima tely O 33 , x000.00.
job 3-33 - General Hanager Duetcer= reported to the bard that difficulties
cre Gnp°ecte in acquiring zi ht s of. Tay for this Crcharad Drive Tr:ua,"rjt
Line. After discussion a motion was made by Director ukteW e , seco ed,
_ and
by Director _~a.stings and unanimously carried that the attorney and
staff 3 eSot.i t'e for said J:i3hts of way if possible but that if negotiations
were not favorable they were authorized to proceed as soon as possible
,,ritl condemnations proceedings ic`a'r said ri3 is of ':gay.
A motion was made by Director _ L?stings, secon ied by Dircet r McGuire
and duly carried that the General Manager be authorized to attend a
Management California E'°:~1.~"2ar< at of ~ ersie, on January 11, ~ -~':f.a, and
that the expenses be ?aid by the District.
Cn a motion by Director AcCuire, seconded by hector Hastings and carried
payment of auc'ited bills in the amount of "31,343.73 was author:izee.
Yotion by Director ~c%ir"e , seconded by Director anti gs and carried
that ail Din°triC:L; Directors are hereby autiC;.6.izE?C€ to leave tal,.. State
of California for either business or e rso gal reasons between now and
the next regubr ;:geetin3 of the Board of Directors.
There been; no fuitherbusiness the meeting as adjourned to ":30 A.M.
November `'7s 1953 on a motion made by Director . aya=W y W-cconded
by D r2 o .:ic Gure sand.carr ede .
Valdo --Y'.