HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes190
July 25, 1962
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda County Water District was called to order at the office
of the District by President Crist at the hour of 8:30 A.M. July
25, 1962 with all directors present.
Mr. Dick Everitt, Engineer for Blakeley Bradford was present and
presented for the consideration of the Board certain engineering
expenses and payments for Easements necessary for construction of
the Linda Vista Trunk Sewer as follows:
Blakeley Bradford - Engineering
Charles E. Wagner - Easement
Alma Inez Williamson - Easement
Dew - Easement
Dunham - Easement
Shimizui - Easement
After discussion the following motion was made by Director Milmoe,
seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried that it be
determined by this Board, first, that the facilities to be constructed
have not been completed pursuant to the agreement entered into with
the Developers, secondly that the schedule of amounts presented to
the Board of Directors be paid subject to the approval of the Developers
and thirdly that the proper officers be authorized to execute the
agreemtn providing for payment of the items as the schedule, said
agreement to be executed by the Developers and by the persons re-
ceiving payment, said payments to be made from Rux funds deposited
by Swentek Construction Inc., Project Development Company and Ruth
The General Manager presented for Board approval the finalized quit
claims for a property trade between Mr. Gailerd C. Page and the
District for a right of way as authorized in the minutes of January
24, 1962. After study a motion was made by Director Hastings,
seconded by Director Clodt and unanimously carried that the follow-
ing Resolution No. 62 be adopted:
RESOLVED: That the property trade with Mr. Page is fair and
equitable fo"all concerned and is in the best x interest of the
District and that the trade be authorized and that the proper officers
be authorized to execute all the-necessary documents.
Mr. Stuley of Sinclair Realty representing the Developers of Tract
4498, (our Job No. 118) was present to protest to the Board what he
considered excessive costs for construction of water and sewer mains
to serve the tract. It was pointed out to Mr. Stuley that certain
design changes could help lower the final cost but they would require
changes in the proposed tract layout. A motion was made-by Director
Clodt, seconded by Director Wagner and carried that the prior approval
of this job be amended to provide for the changes recommended by the
staff, if the proper changes and documents be made or deposited by the'
The hour of 10:00 A.M. having arrived the consideration of a petition
for annexation to the District by Tracts 4181 and 4397 was discussed
and a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Wagner
and duly carried that the hearing be continued until August 8, 1962
at the hour of 10:00 A.M.
The prpposed annexation by Placentia ( No. 62-5 ) of lands within the
boundaries of this District was discussed and a motion was made by
Director Clodt, seconded by Director Wagner and unanimously carried
that all the property of the District, if any, included within the
area to be annexed be put on record as protesting said annexation
and that the Attorney for the District, the General Manager or any
Directors or officers of the District be authorized to sign any
documents necessary for the protest,
Assistant engineer Korn presented three jobs for consideration of the
Board as follows:
Job 113 - for certain revisions as recommended by the staff. A
motion was made by Director Wagner, seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that the revisions be approved as recommended. The revisions
referred to were a 15' easement instead of 7 *easement, parcel 3
moved south or require 15' easement on Eastxft side of lot. on the
Sewers accept the 30' easement for sewers only because sewers were
under the pavement.
Job 163 - For installation of water mains at Orange Drive and'Santa
Fe. A motion was made by Director Wagner, seconded by.D irector
Hastings that the construction of said water mains be approved as
Job 131 - For water and sewer lines for Tract 4636 located West
of Rose Avenue and South of Citrus. A motion was made by Director
Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings that this application be
approved for water and sewer lines.
The General Manager presented for consideration a revised contract
with Montgomery Consulting Engineers Inc. providing for increases
in engineering fees for some categories. After discussion a motion
was made by Director Milmoe., seconded by Director Clodt and carried
that the recommendtion of the General Manager be accepted and that the
proper officers be authorized to sign the contract.
Mr. Shook, assistant engineer reported that bids received for
Specifications 4-W had been carefully checked and the lowest respon-
sible bidder was mKAaxky United Pipe Lining. A motion was made by
Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried
that the contract be awarded to United Pipe Lining.
Manager Dueker reported that it would be necessary to drop telephone
lines to move a surge tank from Plumosa Ave. to Plant 2 and that a
deposit of $120.00 would be required by the Te&ephone Company. A
motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Clodt and
carried that the Secretary Auditor be authorized to make the deposit.
It was announced that parties wishing to protest the Placentia Ann-
exation No. 62-5 would meet with the Placentia City Council August
7, 1962 at the hour of 7:30 P.M. and President Crist requested that
all Board members, who cbuld attend the meeting as a member of a
committee be present to protest on behalf of the District.
A letter was read from Shell Oil Company requesting that the District
act as agent and apply to the Orange County Municipal Water District
for a connection to M.W.D. to serve Shell Land. A motion was made
by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Milmoe and carried that as a
policy it was the Boards opinion that this was agreeable to them if
the District could do so legally.. The attorney for the District was
instructed to review the problem and report back. The General Manager
Dueker was directed to answer the letter from Shell with emphasis
on the need of the District for a reservoir site on Shell land.
A letter was read from the Yorba Linda Elementary School District
requesting special rates for acreage charges for sewer services.
A motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Hastings
and duly carried that Manager Dueker be directed to answer the letter
explaining the District had contractural obligations to certain pioneer
Developers and could not change the acreage charge without their
consent, but that the District would contact the Developers by letter
in behalf of the School District.
A request was presented from grange County Sewers for permission to
remove a certain portion of an 8" water main on Richfield Road, install
temporary services to consumers, replace the 81' water line and re-
connect all services after chlorination, all at the expense of Orange
County Sewers.'This action being necessary, due to ground water
conditions, to assure an adequate-water supply to consumers of the
District while the new sanitary sewer line is installed. A motion
was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Wagner and carried
that the job be approved subject to the recommendations and super-
vision of the engineering staff.
The meeting was adjourned on,a motion made by Director Hastings,
seconded by Director Wagner and carried.
Valdo Y. mith
Secretary Auditor