HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-04 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2010
A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by
Director Mills at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office
at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director John W. Summerfield Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Lee Cory, Operations Manager
Ken Mendum, Ops Superintendent
John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator
(The following Items were taken out of order at the request of Mr. Vecchiarelli.)
3.1. MET Shutdown Operating Plan (Verbal report)
Mr. DeCriscio provided a PowerPoint presentation on the District's
preparations for and actions during the planned week-long shutdown of
MWD's Diemer Plant. He noted that during this interval, the District was
limited to its groundwater supply and water in storage in its reservoirs. Mr.
DeCriscio indicated that, with the cool, wet weather and all of the
reservoirs filled to capacity at the start of the shutdown, the District
successfully met the water needs of its customers with no problems. The
Diemer Plant and MWD transmission pipelines were restored to full
service on January 31.
3.3. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report
Mr. Vecchiarelli and Mr. DeCriscio reported on the water demands and
source of supplies for the month of January 2010. Mr. Vecchiarelli noted
that fiscal year to date demands are 4.2% beyond the 10% goal of
reducing water demands over last year. Mr. DeCriscio reported that we
are on target to meet our groundwater production goal.
3.4. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report.
Mr. Mendum reported on the status of the Preventative Maintenance
Program from July 2009 through January 2010. He noted that our crews
are on target to meet maintenance goals in all areas, with the exception of
sewer televising where some catch-up is needed. Mr. Mendum left the
meeting following these discussions.
2.1. Amendment No. 2 to Professional Services Agreement - Design of
Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement.
Mr. Conklin reported that design is 75% complete. He noted that in the
process of reviewing the 75% design plans, staff noted changes
necessary that were outside the scope of the project. At the request of
staff, the design consultant, MWH, provided a work scope and fee for the
proposed extra work for $18,929, which staff reviewed and recommended
for approval as Amendment No. 2. Following discussion, the Committee
supported staff's recommendation.
2.2. Change Order No. 2 for the San Antonio Pressure Reducing Station
Upgrade Project.
Mr. Conklin reported that construction is complete on the subject project,
through which water is provided to the newly completed Zone 4
Reconfiguration Project. He described the extra work necessary to install
the new vault top slab around an encased Edison electrical conduit, and
the recommendation of staff that the $12,777.65 cost of the extra work be
approved as Change Order No. 2. Following discussion, the Committee
supported staff's recommendation.
2.3. Drilling Contract for Well No. 20
Mr. Conklin reported on the opening of bids on February 2 for the subject
project and the four bids received, ranging from a low of $367,291 to a
high of $431,275. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff
recommendation for award to the lowest responsible bidder, Bakersfield
Well & Pump Company for $367,291.
2.4. License Agreement with the Orange County Water District (OCWD) to
Discharge Well No. 20 Blow-Off Water Into the Warner Basin Complex.
Mr. Conklin reported that as part of the Well No. 20 Project, discharge of
water from well construction and continuing well operations will discharge
periodically into OCWD's Conrock Basin at the Warner Basin Complex.
OCWD has approved a 50-year license agreement for this use and
approval of the license by the Board is recommended. Following
discussion, the Committee supported staff recommendation.
2.5. Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study
Mr. Conklin reported the proposals have been received and reviewed for
the subject study. Following an evaluation of the proposals by staff based
on technical merit, and consideration of the proposed fees, staff
recommends award to Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., for a total fee not to exceed
$146,044. He also noted that the District has received a grant from the
State for the study that will cover half the cost, up to a maximum grant
amount of $75,000. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's
2.6. Status of Change Orders and Final Progress Payment with Ken
Thompson, Inc. (KTI).
Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that he met with Mr. Ken Thompson, Jr. of KTI on
the matter of the $150,000 change order claim. Based on that meeting
and follow-up discussions, Mr. Thompson agreed to drop the claim and
accept the project as complete, subject to the filing of the Notice of
Completion by the District. Following discussion, the Committee
congratulated Mr. Vecchiarelli on his efforts to successfully settle this
matter. Mr. Vecchiarelli expressed his gratitude for the Board's direction
and support on the matter and for staff's diligence in properly documenting
meeting minutes, daily work reports and other efforts to make this project
go smoothly during its course through the community.
3.2. Water Supply to Black Gold Golf Course
Mr. Conklin reported that at its January 28 meeting the Board commented
that Black Gold Golf Course is experiencing ever-increasing cost for water
and that perhaps there might be options for water supply that could lead to
savings in the future. The Committee discussed options and ideas that
may be considered including recycled water, the use of GWRS water and
other possible sources. It was noted that the District will begin its Recycled
Water Facilities Planning Study shortly and that consideration of the Black
Gold Golf Course as a potential customer will be included. Mr. Vecchiarelli
also noted that the District has been contacted by Aera Energy, which has
an unused pipeline that previously discharged waste water from its oil
production facilities to the OCSD SARI line near La Palma Avenue. The
use of this line for distribution of recycled water is a possibility being
3.5. Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report
Mr. Conklin reported on the above for the month of January. Of particular
note, he reported that OCWD has made preliminary estimates for FY10/11
for the Replenishment Assessment (RA) of $249 to $266 per acre foot,
and for the Basin Production Percentage (BPP) of 57 to 62 percent. The
final decision on this will be made by OCWD in April, partly dependent on
the rain and weather in the interim.
3.6. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress
Mr. Conklin reported on the status of capital projects in planning, design
and construction.
3.7. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
4.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The next regular meeting of the
Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held March 4, 2010 at
4:00 p.m.