HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-06 - Public Information-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC INFORMATION-TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Damon Micalizzi, PI Specialist 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. Ohio Street Construction Community Outreach (Verbal Report) 2.2. District Participation in 2011 Water Education Festival (Verbal Report) 2.3. Options for Bottling District Water (Verbal Report) 2.4. Draft FY 2010/11 PI Budget 2.5. Conservation Ordinance Monthly Statistics 2.6. Public Outreach Activities 2.7. Utility Billing Software Implementation Status and Payment Lockbox Services 2.8. Draft FY 2010/11 IT Budget 2.9. IT Projects Monthly Status 2.10. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The next regular meeting of the Public Information-Technology Committee will be held May 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 To: Public Information-Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Specialist Subject: Draft FY 2010/11 PI Budget SUMMARY: Staff will review a draft of the FY 2010/11 PI budget with the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: Name: DescHption: Type: PI Budget FY1011.doc PI Draft Budget FY 2010/11 Backup Material Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: Admin (Public FY 2011 Information) (2020) 1-2020-0580-00 $186,650 1-2020-0580-05 40,950 Bill Stuffier (1800 X 12 Months) 21,600 COMMUNICATIONS (E) Advertising Ads in YLStar/ PL News Times 3,400 Street Signs (3) 1,650 Automated Phone Call (Program Update X 2) 7,800 2010 Consumer Confidence Report 6,500 1-2020-0580-15 20,000 Special Events (Site Dedications/Recognitions) 20,000 District Special Events 1-2020-0580-30 24,500 Postage 24,500 Postage 1-2020-0580-35 45,000 YLWD Bottled Water 20,000 Promotional Items Re-stock Promotional Items 25,000 1-2020-0580-40 14,500 Sponsorship- OCWD Water Festival (Breakfast & Boot 2,500 Sponsorships Sponsorship- OC Water Summit x 2 2,000 Partnership - Fullerton Arboretum 10,000 1-2020-0580-45 20,500 PSA/Video Production 20,000 Video Productions Digital Camera 500 1-2020-0580-50 17,600 Summer Newsletter 4,400 Water Conservation Materials Fall Newsletter 4,400 Winter Newsletter 4,400 Spring Newsletter 4,400 1-2020-0580-55 3,600 Water Conservation Event 1,000 Water Conservation Programs Enforcement Materials 2,600 1-2020-0600-00 $11,920 1-2020-0600-00 11,920 Conservation Rebate Prog. (Turf, Sprinklers, Appli 10,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CAPIO Membership 350 PRSA Membership 790 Muzak Contract 780 1-2020-0640-00 $580 1-2020-0640-10 530 OC Register 530 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTIONS Newspaper Subscriptions (E) 1-2020-0640-20 50 Western Water 50 Publications 1-2020-0715-00 $500 1-2020-0715-00 500 Employee Recognition 500 DISTRICT ACTIVITIES, DISTRICT ACTIVITIES, EMPL.RECOGNITION (E) EMPL.RECOGNITION (E) 1-2020-0710-00 $100 1-2020-0710-00 100 Misc Materials 100 MATERIALS (E) I MATERIALS E 1-2020-0780-00 $0 1-2020-0780-00 0 Communication & Public Outreach 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-2020-0830-00 $8,200 1-2020-0830-00 8,200 CAC Field Trips 5,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Meeting Dues/Mileage 3,200 1-2020-0890-00 $100 1-2020-0890-00 100 Misc. Vehicle Expenses 100 VEHICLE EXPENSES (E) VEHICLE EXPENSES (E) Section Total $208,050 ITEM NO. 2.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 Subject: Conservation Ordinance Monthly Statistics ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: a ype: Ordinance Monthly Stats.xls Ordinance Monthly Statistics Backup Material Conservation Ordinance Monthly Statistics July 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010 Grace 1st 2nd 3rd 4th or Violations Violations Violations Violations Installed Removed Waivers Period Hotline Violation Violation Violation More Appealed Repealed Appealed Repealed Flow Flow Shut-offs Approve Waivers Notices Calls s s s Violation (1st appeal) (1st appeal) (2nd appeal) (2nd appeal) Restrictors Restrictors d Denied Jul-09 291 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 Au -09 0 63 108 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 Sep-09 0 33 74 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Oct-09 0 40 28 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 Nov-09 0 7 15 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dec-09 0 3 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jan-10 0 10 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Feb-10 0 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mar-10 0 7 18 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Apr-1 0 May-101 Jun-10 ITEM NO. 2.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 Subject: Public Outreach Activities ATTACHMENTS: Name: ype: Public Outreach Activities.doc Public Events Update Backup Material Special Events Date Description Business Materials Notes 01/12/09 Golf Tournament Friends Christian School Golf Classic Water Bottles, Water Truck 03/20/09 Jogathon Linda Vista Elementary School Water Bottles, Water Truck 04/24/09 Jogathon Van Buren Elementary School Water Bottles, Water Truck 06/03/09 5th Grade Celebration Travis Ranch Elementary School Water Bottles, Water Truck 06/04/09 2nd Grade Park Day Travis Ranch Elementary School Water Bottles, Water Truck 06/09/09 3rd Grade Country Fair Travis Ranch Elementary School 105 Water Bottles, Water Truck 08/07/09 Relay YL Relay for Life/American Cancer Society Water Bottles, Water Truck 10/10/09 Parade Placentia Heritage Festival & Parade 2,000 Water Bottles, Water Truck 10/03/09 Booster Club Fundraising Yorba Linda High School/Fairway Ford 300 Water Bottles (Empty), Rain Drops, Pencils 10/16/09 Jogathon Linda Vista Elementary School 450 Water Bottles, Water Truck 10/23/09 Jogathon Mabel Paine Elementary School Water Truck 10/23/09 Jogathon Yorba Linda Middle School 500 Water Bottles, Water Truck 10/28/09 Jogathon Travis Ranch Elementary School 550 Water Bottles, Water Truck 10/30/09 Jogathon Lakeview Elementary School 620 Water Bottles, Water Truck 11/26/09 5k Run Plymouth Rock N' Run 5k 1,000 Water Bottles, Water Truck 11/20/09 Jogathon Glenview Elementary School 500 Water Bottles, Water Truck 12/10/09 Community Celebration Holiday in Old Towne Yorba Linda 500 Water Bottles, Water Truck 01/15/10 Golf Tournament Esperanza High School Baseball 150 Water Bottles (Empty) 01/28/10 Jogathon Valencia High School 50 Water Bottles (Filled) 03/01/10 Golf Tournament YL Chamber of Commerce/OC Credit Union 80 Water Bottles (Empty) To be picked up. 03/13/10 Community Celebration OC GirlScouts's Birthday Celebration Coloring Books, OC Water Heroes kits To be picked up. 03/26/10 Jogathon Travis Ranch Elementary School 950 Water Bottles (Filled), Water Truck 04/01/10 Earth Week Celebration Linda Vista Elementary School 500 Water Bottles (Empty), Coloring Books Dropped off prior to Earth Week 104/16/10 Jogathon Glenknoll Elementary School 525 Water Bottles, Water Truck, Rain Drops NOTE: Approximately 1,145 water bottles in stock as of 03/31/10. Fullerton Arboretum Class Attendance Date Description Customers Others Total Notes 09/12/10 Alternatives to Lawns 34 8 42 10/10/10 California Friendly Plants for the Garden 63 5 68 01/23/10 California Friendly Landscape Designs 24 14 38 Nine (9) customers pre-registered but did not attend. 02/20/10 Irrigating the Low-Water Use Garden 18 4 22 Two (2) customers pre-registered but did not attend. 03/27/10 Edible Landscapes 3 16 19 05/15/10 Low Water Gardening Basics NOTE: Class Limit is 70 people. ITEM NO. 2.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 To: Public Information-Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Prepared By: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Subject: Utility Billing Software Implementation Status and Payment Lockbox Services SUMMARY: Staff will update the Committee on the progress and status of implementing the new Utility Billing software as well as implementation of a lockbox service for payment processing. ITEM NO. 2.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 To: Public Information-Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Prepared By: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Subject: Draft FY 2010/11 IT Budget SUMMARY: Staff will review a draft of the FY 2010/11 IT budget with the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: Name: JDescHption: Type: IT Budget Detail.pdf FY 2010/11 IT Budget Backup Material Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (Information FY 2011 Systems) (6020) Detail PrImorytt Category M~~~~03 Item Description 1-6020-0580-00 $67,760 1-6020-0580-00 200 Misc. Items 200 COMMUNICATIONS (E) COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-6020-0580-10 5,100 (phone Cell Phone Service 5,100 Cell Phones (Iphone) Service 1-6020-0580-20 24,000 Nextel/Sprint Service 24,000 Cell Phones (Nextel/Sprint) Service 1-6020-0580-30 8,900 Verizon Mobile 3,900 Mobile Broadband Service Verizon Broadband Aircard Service 5,000 1-6020-0580-40 29,560 Time Warner Cable Internet 3,600 Communications Lines **AT&T District Lines 25,000 AT&T DSL 960 1-6020-0600-00 $109,680 1-6020-0600-00 39,200 Temp Labor for Document Imaging Project 34,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Programming Temp 5,000 1-6020-0600-10 180 AT&T District Web Site Hosting 180 Data Hosting 1-6020-0600-20 61,600 Lease Agreement for New Engineering Copier, Prin 0 Lease Agreements Xerox Copier, Printer Scanner Lease 15,600 GPS Vehicle Tracking (56 vehicle Lease) 40,000 Konica Minolta Operations Copier, Printer Lease 6,000 1-6020-0600-30 8,700 Ricoh 480 Scanner/Copier in Eng Maintenance Agreem 1,750 Warranties & Service Contracts APC Data Center UPS On-Site Service Renewal 3,600 Dell Servers Service Contracts 2,000 Minolta Service Supply Contract for Eng Copier 1,350 1-6020-0620-00 $62,350 1-6020-0620-10 8,500 PerlDesk Replacement 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases Microsoft Volume Licensing Select 6 (Office, Win 0 Solar Winds Mgmt. (APN, IP Address Mon.) 5,500 MS Exchange Server CALs (25 more) 0 New Software 2,000 MS Terminal Server CALs 1,000 1-6020-0620-20 50,100 GP & Cogsdale annual Maintenance (updated 3/11/201 32,000 Software License Renewals Novus Agenda Maintenance renewal 5,500 Solar Winds Engineering's Toolkit Renewal 800 Solar Winds Orion Monitoring Tool mainten 3,900 Lenel Onguard Software Support Agreement Renewal 250 Kiwi Cat Tools 200 Trend Micro NeatSuite AV & Spyware (75 lic.) 2,000 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan (LSAP) 5,000 Enterprise Leave Manager for Dynamics GP Maint. 450 1-6020-0620-00 $62,350 1-6020-0620-30 3,750 Watchguard x1250e firewall renewal 2,250 DATA PROCESSING (E) Hardware Subscription Renewals BDR monthly charge for offsite backup storage 300 Barracuda Spam firewall Energizer annual renewal 600 Barracuda Message Archiver Energizer annual renewa 600 1-6020-0640-00 $842 1-6020-0640-00 592 Smart Computing 30 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI MS TechNet Plus Subscription 500 PTIONS (E) ONS (E) Maximum PC 12 CPU 30 PCWorld 20 1-6020-0640-20 250 Misc Memberships 250 Professional Memberships 1-6020-0710-00 $15,550 1-6020-0710-00 400 Misc. Materials 400 MATERIALS (E) MATERIALS (E) 1-6020-0710-10 1,500 keyboards 800 Desktop Supplies mice 300 blank DVD+R, CD disc etc 200 misc 200 1-6020-0710-20 8,500 HP LaserJet Printers & copier toners, fusers, in 8,000 Printer Supplies Xerox Copier/ Printer supplies in Mail room 375 Minolta Copier/ Printer supplies for Ops 125 1-6020-0710-30 2,600 batteries 800 Cell Phone Supplies holsters & covers 800 chargers 500 misc. 500 1-6020-0710-40 350 Books 350 Books 1-6020-0710-50 200 Power Strips 200 Electrical Supplies 1-6020-0710-60 2,000 Desktop peripherals 900 Hardware Supplies USB Drives 100 misc. hardware supplies 1,000 1-6020-0730-00 $7,900 1-6020-0730-00 1,000 Misc. Maintenance 1,000 MAINTENANCE (E) MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6020-0730-05 2,400 HP Printer servicing 2,000 Printer Servicing fax machines servicing in Engineering 400 1-6020-0730-10 2,000 cell phone servicing / replacement /repair 1,000 Telco/Phone Servicing Phone switch servicing 500 Building line repairs 500 Security equipment maintenance & repair 0 1-6020-0730-30 2,000 Cabling (CAT6A, CAT5e, fiber) installation & rep 2,000 Cabling & WAN Communication 1-6020-0730-60 500 UPS replacement batteries for desktops 500 UPS & Back-up Power systems 1-6020-0750-00 $22,700 1-6020-0750-05 5,500 Oldest server replacement 0 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Servers Forefront TMG Proxy Server including software 5,500 1-6020-0750-10 4,200 Dell Optiplex PCs 3,000 Desktops thin clients 1,200 1-6020-0750-00 $22,700 1-6020-0750-15 1,700 Dell Latitude E-series 1,700 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Notebooks 1-6020-0750-20 500 New printers 500 Printers Fujitsu scanners for Laserfiche (Ops, Eng, & Fin) 0 1-6020-0750-25 750 Misc network equipment such as tranceivers 400 Networking Equipment KVM System Inteface pods 250 Network Storage Devices 0 Network switches 100 1-6020-0750-30 1,000 Data Center misc. equipment (Rack & Cabinet) 1,000 Tools & Equipment CPI Evolution Cable Management for CAT6A cables 0 1-6020-0750-35 500 HID proximity badges for building access 500 Security 1-6020-0750-40 4,350 LCD Monitors 2,400 Audio/Visual Digital Voice Recorder for HR 350 Misc. 1,000 Digital Cameras 600 1-6020-0750-45 1,000 Phones & Accessories 1,000 Telco 1-6020-0750-50 2,000 Multimode duplex 50/125 LC/LC fiber patch cables & 1,000 Cabling DVI, VGA, DB9, Display Port, HDMI, sound, USB cabl 600 Adapters 400 1-6020-0750-95 1,200 Misc Items 1,200 Other 1-6020-0780-00 $7,000 1-6020-0780-10 2,000 Network/Hardware Consulting 2,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Network/Hardware Consulting 1-6020-0780-20 4,000 Software Consulting 4,000 Software Consulting 1-6020-0780-30 0 Data Conversion << 0 Data Conversion 1-6020-0780-40 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 Technical Support 1-6020-0810-00 $ 5,000 1-6020-0810-00 5,000 IT Technical Training 5,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E) TestOut 12 IT Certification Suite CBT Renewal << 0 (E) 1-6020-0830-00 $4,000 1-6020-0830-00 4,000 WinConnections / DevConnections (November) 2009 2,200 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Interop (April/May) 2010 1,300 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement" 500 Section Total $302,782 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (GIS) (6030) FY 2011 Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-6030-0600-00 $0 1-6030-0600-00 0 GISTEMP(CIP$15,000) 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1-6030-0620-00 $26,000 1-6030-0620-10 0 Infrared Image Software (CIP $5,000) 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases 1-6030-0620-20 26,000 InfoWater & InfoSewer 3,000 Software License Renewals Freeance Annual Software Maintenance 2,500 Arclnfor Concurrent Use Primary Maintenance 3,500 ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise Up to 4 Cores Ma 6,000 Parcel Data Renewal (5yrs contract)-- this will be 9,000 ArcView Single Use Primary Maintenance 500 AutoCAD & Map 3Dv2010 Renewal Licenses 1,500 1-6030-0710-00 $3,800 1-6030-0710-20 3,500 Atlas Reprint Supplies (large format 24x36 & 11x17 3,500 MATERIALS (E) Printer Supplies 1-6030-0710-40 300 Books 300 Books 1-6030-0730-00 $0 1-6030-0730-00 0 0 MAINTENANCE (E) MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6030-0750-00 $0 1-6030-0750-10 0 1 GIS Computer for Temp (CIP $5,000) 0 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Desktops 1-6030-0750-20 0 0 Printers 1-6030-0780-00 $1,000 1-6030-0780-20 1,000 Software Consulting 1,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Software Consulting 1-6030-0810-00 $1,000 1-6030-0810-00 1,000 GIS Training 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E) (E) 1-6030-0830-00 $400 1-6030-0830-00 400 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 100 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) ESRI Conference 300 Section Total $32,200 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept/Section: IT (SCADA) (6040) FY 2011 Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1-6040-0580-00 $21,300 1-6040-0580-30 800 Broadband SCADA 800 COMMUNICATIONS (E) Mobile Broadband Service 1-6040-0580-40 20,500 AT&T Circuits (T-1, DSO's) 20,500 Communications Lines 1-6040-0600-00 $7,000 1-6040-0600-30 7,000 Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 1842 router) 3,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Warranties & Service Contracts Cisco Smartnet premium (for Cisco 3825 router) 2,500 Dell Servers Service contracts 1,500 1-6040-0620-00 $32,085 1-6040-0620-10 5,000 Wonderware calc & addistional Platform & views 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases Terminal services talcs & Other Calc-Lit. 750 Misc. software 2,750 Unity sm. 1,500 1-6040-0620-20 26,685 Proworks 32 light 650 Software License Renewals Proworks 32 full 1,285 Wonderware Premium Support 20,100 Concept XL 2,900 Unity 500 Concept Med. 1,250 1-6040-0620-30 400 BDR service 400 Hardware Subscription Renewals 1-6040-0640-00 $600 1-6040-0640-20 600 AWWA 230 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI Professional Memberships PTIONS (E) Instrumentation system & Automation Society x 2 250 Water Environment Federation 120 1-6040-0710-00 $20,525 1-6040-0710-40 300 Books 300 MATERIALS (E) Books 1-6040-0710-50 3,750 Electrical Supplies 3,750 Electrical Supplies 1-6040-0710-60 3,500 Hardware Supplies 3,500 Hardware Supplies 1-6040-0710-70 650 Calibration Supplies 650 Calibration Supplies 1-6040-0710-80 12,325 Level indicators 5,400 Meters & Sensors LEL sensors 625 Flow meter 2,500 Integral Manaflods for flow & Pressure meters 2,000 Pressure meter 1,800 1-6040-0730-00 $80,450 1-6040-0730-15 2,000 Flow Meter Calibration 2,000 MAINTENANCE (E) Flow Meter Calibration 1-6040-0730-20 18,750 Electrical General Maintenance 18,750 Electrical General Maintenance Reservoir Sensor Access (2 sites) 0 1-6040-0730-00 $80,450 1-6040-0730-25 0 Electrical Motor Control Center Work 0 MAINTENANCE (E) Electrical Motor Control Center Work 1-6040-0730-30 4,650 Conduit Replacement Rim Rd. to Chino Reservoir 0 Cabling & WAN Communication Conduit Replacement ValleyView to Gardena Reservoi 4,000 Cabling & WAN Communication 650 1-6040-0730-40 10,000 Radio repairs & Servicing 10,000 Radio repairs & Servicing 1-6040-0730-45 8,500 Signal Conditioners-Converters 800 PLC Hardware Power Supply 1,200 Moduals replacements 5,000 M340 system 0 Terminal Blocks 1,500 1-6040-0730-50 10,000 PLC - SCADA Modifications 10,000 PLC Software 1-6040-0730-55 1,800 Security & Gas detectors 1,800 Security & Gas detectors 1-6040-0730-60 7,500 UPS & Back-up Power systems (Redundent 24Vdc Power 7,500 UPS & Back-up Power systems 1-6040-0730-65 2,250 Cooling & A/C Servicing 2,250 Cooling & A/C Servicing 1-6040-0730-70 15,000 Instrumentation 15,000 Instrumentation 1-6040-0750-00 $48,720 1-6040-0750-15 3,500 Notebook replacements 3,500 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Notebooks 1-6040-0750-25 5,670 Cisco 1841 Router CDB 1,890 Networking Equipment Cisco 1841 Router Box Canyon 1,890 Field Routers - switches - fiber device servers 0 Cisco 1841 Router Bryant Ranch 0 Cisco 1841 Router Elk Mt. 1,890 1-6040-0750-30 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1-6040-0750-35 0 Security 0 Security 1-6040-0750-55 2,500 PLCs & Panels 2,500 PLCs & Panels 1-6040-0750-60 3,500 Instrumentation Sensors & Meters 2,000 Instrumentation Sensors & Meters Smart Bob RI-Chem 1,500 1-6040-0750-65 10,500 Electrical Upgrades 10,500 Electrical Upgrades 1-6040-0750-70 12,600 (Radio) Box Canyon to Hidden Hills 3,800 Redundant SCADA Communications Radio Systems (Radio) Elk Mt to Hidden Hills with Conduit to res 5,000 (Radio) Bryant Ranch to Hidden Hills 0 (Radio) CDB to Hidden Hills 3,800 1-6040-0750-80 7,500 Gas Detector Replacement (3 sites) 7,500 Gas Detector Replacement 1-6040-0750-85 0 Standby Generators 0 Standby Generators 1-6040-0750-00 $48,720 1-6040-0750-90 1,400 Calibration equipment 1,400 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Testing Equipment 1-6040-0780-00 $25,000 1-6040-0780-10 1,000 Network/Hardware Consulting 1,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Network/Hardware Consulting 1-6040-0780-20 23,000 PLC program to Concept OC-51 0 Software Consulting PLC program to Concept Well 19 (3 days) 0 PLC program to Concept Valley View (5 days) 0 PLC program to Concept - Wells 8,000 MSO 5,000 SCADA system programing 10,000 PLC program to Concept Well 15 (2 days) 0 PLC program to Concept Well 18 (3 days) 0 1-6040-0780-40 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 Technical Support 1-6040-0810-00 $1,750 1-6040-0810-00 1,750 Awwa training 500 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (E) Wonderware training 1,250 (E) Concept PLC programming training 0 1-6040-0830-00 $1,400 1-6040-0830-00 1,400 Awwa Conference 1,400 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $238,830 ITEM NO. 2.9 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 6, 2010 Subject: IT Projects Monthly Status ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: Type: IT Projects Update (Mar-2010).pdf IT Projects Update Backup Material IT Projects Update FY 2008/09 FY 2009/10 Status thru Mar/2010 Project FY 2008/09 FY 2008/09 FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 Project Name & Description Bid Budget Actual Budget Actual Status & Comments Financials & Utility Billing Software $264,212 $92,300 $145,653 $150,000 $67,538 Implemented: GL, Inventory, AP, HR partially Fixed Assets Implemented Human Resources Implemented Purchasing (partial) Implemented Payroll Mar/2010 to Apr/2010 Project Accounting Feb/2010 to Mar or Apr/2010 Bank Reconciliation Mar/2010 to Apr/2010 Utility Billing Mar/2010 to Jun/2010 Timesheet System In house Implemented Mar/2010 Purchase Requisitioning System In house Apr/2010 to May or Jun/2010 CMMS (Computerized Maintenance & Management) TBD $160,000 $0 $200,000 $11,830 Interviews - 2nd week of Apr/2010 (3 vendors) Hydraulic Model Software $0 $0 $30,000 $0 Water $12,000 In progress Sewer To be determined GIS (Phase 2) $100,000 $0 Includes integration with UB and CMMS - on hold until UB implementation Online Bill Pay $5,400 (one time) $0 $0 $13,660 $10,418 2273 to 2519 customers $800 (monthly) Automated Vehicle Locator $36,000 $0 Pilot program -Two vendors installed, remaining two in Apr/2010