HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-04-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, April 8, 2010, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL William R. Mills, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Ric Collett Phil Hawkins John W. Summerfield 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Presentation to the Family of Paul R. Armstrong for his Service as Director from May 1982 to January 2010 7. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 7.1. ISDOC Special District Selection Committee Meeting Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider which candidates they would like to support as regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners and adopt the corresponding resolution. Additionally, that the Board of Directors designate Mr. Vecchiarelli to attend the ISDOC meeting on April 29, 2010, in the absence of Director Mills and vote on behalf of the District in accordance with the approved resolution. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors Meeting Held March 25, 2010 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,020,900.39. 8.3. Progress Payment No. 10 for Construction of the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 10 in the net amount of $733,167.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project, Job No. 200028. 8.4. Progress Payment No. 23 for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 23 in the net amount of $339,405.18 to Schuler Engineering Corporation and 10% retention of $37,711.69 deposited to Citizens Business Bank escrow account for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. 9. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 9.1. Urgent Pipeline Replacement Project, Ohio Street North of Yorba Linda Boulevard Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize issuance of a Professional Services Agreement for engineering services with Tetra Tech, Inc. for the Ohio Street Pipeline Replacement Project, with a scope of work and fee for services to be negotiated by District staff and the General Manager, followed by ratification by the Board. 9.2. Well 5 Pump Installation for the Well Rehabilitation Project. Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify execution of an Agreement with Layne Christensen Company in the amount of $51,249, for the installation of Well 5 pumping equipment as part of the Well Rehabilitation project. 9.3. Mitigated Negative Declaration, Highland Booster Station Replacement Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan; find and declare that the proposed Project, with incorporation of the mitigation measures per the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, will not have a significant effect on the environment of the YLWD service area; and authorize staff to file a Notice of Determination for the Project. 9.4. Brand Name Requirement for Highland Booster Station Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Brand Name Requirement for the Highland Booster Station Project for the items listed on Exhibit A of the attached staff report. 9.5. Records Retention Policy Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records and Rescinding Resolution No. 95-04. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 10.1. Presentation by Lyle Defenbaugh Regarding CalTRUST Investment Options 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. President's Report 11.2. Directors' Reports • MWDOC Infrastructure Tour - March 26, 2010 (Summerfield) 11.3. General Manager's Report • 2010 Children's Water Education Festival - March 25, 2010 11.4. General Counsel's Report 11.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Executive Administrative-Organizational Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Collett • Meeting scheduled April 20, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Sum merfield/Collett) Alternate: Mills • Meeting scheduled April 12, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Director Mills will attend in place of Director Summerfield. 12.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Collett/Hawkins) Alternate: Summerfield • Meeting scheduled April 13, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 12.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Mills/Summerfield) Alternate: Beverage Minutes of meeting held April 1, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled May 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 12.5. Public Information-Technology Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Alternate: Summerfield Minutes of meeting held April 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the meeting.) Meeting scheduled May 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 12.6. MWDOC/OCWD Ad Hoc Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Collett -Meeting scheduled May 25, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 12.7. Citizens Advisory Committee (Directors Rotate Attendance) Minutes of meeting held March 29, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (Beverage) Meeting scheduled April 26, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (Summerfield) 13. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 13.1. YL City Council - April 6, 2010 (Mills) 13.2. MWDOC/MWD Workshop - April 7, 2010 (Staff) 13.3. OCWD Board - April 7, 2010 (Staff) 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1. Meetings from April 9, 2010 - May 31, 2010 15. CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 15.1. OC Water Summit - May 14, 2010 16. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 16.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.7 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representatives: Ken Vecchiarelli Pat Grady Gina Knight Richard Kreisler Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association 17. ADJOURNMENT 17.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held April 22, 2010 at 8:30 a. m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Board of Directors Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive CEQA Compliance: N/A Secretary Subject: ISDOC Special District Selection Committee Meeting SUMMARY: The regular and alternate special district seats on the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will expire on June 30, 2010. The Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Special District Selection Committee will meet to fill these seats on Thursday, April 29, 2010 in conjunction with ISDOC's quarterly meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider which candidates they would like to support as regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners and adopt the corresponding resolution. Additionally, that the Board of Directors designate Mr. Vecchiarelli to attend the ISDOC meeting on April 29, 2010, in the absence of Director Mills and vote on behalf of the District in accordance with the approved resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee discussed this matter at its meeting held March 16, 2010 and recommended adopting a resolution supporting Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane as regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners. DISCUSSION: The regular and alternate special district seats on LAFCO will expire on June 30, 2010. These seats are presently held by Commissioner John Withers and Commissioner Charley Wilson. The ISDOC Special District Selection Committee will meet to fill these seats on Thursday, April 29, 2010 in conjunction with ISDOC's quarterly meeting. Under LAFCO rules, the presiding officer of each special district is entitled to vote in this election. If Director Mills is unable to attend this meeting, the Board must designate another individual to attend and cast the District's vote. Proof indicating board action for the designation must be provided to LAFCO's Executive Officer prior to voting at the ISDOC meeting on April 29, 2010. The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) has requested that the Board consider adopting a resolution in support of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane for Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners, respectively. Both Mr. Freschi and Mr. Dewane will be in attendance at the meeting to address the Board regarding their candidacy. Staff has also prepared a similar resolution in support of John Withers and Charley Wilson as regular and alternate LAFCO Commissioners for the Board's consideration. Both Mr. Withers and Mr. Wilson have requested to address the Board regarding their candidacy at the meeting. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): A resolution supporting Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane as regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners was presented to the Board for review at the meeting held March 25, 2010. Following a majority vote of the Board, consideration of this item was postponed to the meeting scheduled April 8, 2010. In addition, the Board has previously designated the General Manager or Assistant General Manager to vote on behalf of the District at ISDOC meetings when the President or Vice President were unable to attend. ATTACHMENTS: Narne, Description: I ype ISDOC Selection Committee.pdf Correspondence Backup Material Resolution No. 10-06.doc Resolution No. 10-06 Resolution Resolution No. 10-07.doc Resolution No. 10-07 Resolution 04-08-10 - ISDOC.pdf Correspondence Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/JS 3-2 Roll Call Directors Beverage, Hawkins and Summerfield voted to adopt Resolution No. 10-06. Directors Collett and Mills voted No. JS/PH 5-0 Directors Beverage, Collett, Hawkins, Mills and Summerfield voted to designate Director Beverage to attend the ISDOC meeting on April 29, 2010 in the absence of Director Mills and vote on behalf of the District in accordance with Resolution No. 10-06. F LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ORANGE COUNTY RECEIVED eon DATE: February 25, 2010 MAR - 2 2010 CHAIR TO: General Managers YORBAUNDAWAIERD#STMT PEER HERZOG Independent Special Districts Councilmember City of Lake Forest VICE CHAIR FROM: Joyce Crosthwaite, Executive Officer JOHN MOORLACH Supervisor 2°° District SUBJECT: Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Selection Committee Meeting VICE CHAIR PETER HERZOG Coy of of lme Lake m Forest City The regular special district seat and the alternate special district seat on the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission will expire on CHERYL BROTHERS June 30, 2010. They are presently held by Commissioner John Withers and Councilmember City of Fountain Valley Commissioner Charley Wilson. The Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Special District Selection Committee will meet to e~~HELL fill this position on Thursday, April 29, 2010 in conjunction with ISDOC's 3 D'stt"t quarterly meeting. ARLENE 5CHAIFER Director The LAFCO Executive Officer will accept nominations for both the regular Costa Mesa Sanitary District and alternate special district position. Nominations must be received by SUSAN WILSON LAFCO no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 19, 2010. Nominations Representative of received will be included in the informational packet sent to each district General Public prior to the election. A copy of the ISDOC "Rules of Procedure" is JOHN W11THERS attached. Director Irvine Ranch Water District Please forward the enclosed notice and nomination forms to the presiding ALTERNATE officer from your district. As stated in the notice, if the presiding officer PAT SATES Supervisor from your district will be unable to attend the ISDOC quarterly meeting 5- District on May 29, the board may designate another member to attend and cast ALTERNATE your district's vote. Proof indicating board action for the designation must Po„~ bA'~'~'A-`- be provided to LAFCO's Executive Officer prior to voting at the 1SDOC City of Buena Park meeting. ALTERNATE DEREK J. MCGREGOR If you have any questions or concerns, lease feel free to contact me at Representative of Y Y q p General Public (714) 834-2556 or by email Ocrosthwaite(@oclafco.org). ALTERNATE CHARLEY WILSON Director Santa Margarita Water District JOYCE CROSFHWAITE Executive Officer 12 Civic Center Plaza, Room 235, Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 834-2556 • FAX (714) 834-2643 h[ip://ww~rv.oefafCo.org RESOLUTION NO. 10-06 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT IN SUPPORT OF RICH FRESCHI FOR REGULAR LAFCO COMMISSIONER AND SHAWN DEWANE FOR ALTERNATE LAFCO COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Selection Committee has been called for April 29, 2009 at 12:00 pm in the Joint Board Room of the Municipal Water District of Orange County/Orange County Water District, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA; and WHEREAS, this meeting will be held for the election of a Regular Special District Member and Alternate Special District Member to the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, Rich Freschi is a member of the Serrano Water District and, therefore, qualified to serve as a representative of a Special District on the LAFCo Board; and WHEREAS, Shawn Dewane is a member of the Mesa Consolidated Water District and, therefore, qualified to serve as a representative of a Special District on the LAFCo Board; and WHEREAS, Rich Freschi is seeking the Regular Special District Member position and Shawn Dewane is seeking the Alternate Special District Member position; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District supports the candidacy of Rich Freschi for Regular Special District Member and Shawn Dewane as the Alternate Special District Member; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District directs their representative to the ISDOC Selection Committee to vote for Rich Freschi for Regular Special District Member and Shawn Dewane as the Alternate Special District Member. Resolution No. 10-06 In Support of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of April, 2010 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: William R. Mills, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 10-06 In Support of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners 2 RESOLUTION NO. 10-07 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT IN SUPPORT OF JOHN WITHERS FOR REGULAR LAFCO COMMISSIONER AND CHARLEY WILSON FOR ALTERNATE LAFCO COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Selection Committee has been called for April 29, 2009 at 12:00 pm in the Joint Board Room of the Municipal Water District of Orange County/Orange County Water District, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA; and WHEREAS, this meeting will be held for the election of a Regular Special District Member and Alternate Special District Member to the Local Agency Formation Commission; and WHEREAS, John Withers is a member of the Irvine Ranch Water District and, therefore, qualified to serve as a representative of a Special District on the LAFCo Board; and WHEREAS, Charley Wilson is a member of the Santa Margarita Water District and, therefore, qualified to serve as a representative of a Special District on the LAFCo Board; and WHEREAS, John Withers is seeking the Regular Special District Member position and Charley Wilson is seeking the Alternate Special District Member position; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District supports the candidacy of John Withers for Regular Special District Member and Charley Wilson as the Alternate Special District Member; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District directs their representative to the ISDOC Selection Committee to vote for John Withers for Regular Special District Member and Charley Wilson as the Alternate Special District Member. Resolution No. 10-07 In Support of John Withers and Charley Wilson as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of April, 2010 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: William R. Mills, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 10-07 In Support of John Withers and Charley Wilson as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners 2 Yorba Linda Water District Reliable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Years April 8, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District held April 8, 2010, the Board designated Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager, to vote on behalf of the District at the ISDOC Special District Selection Committee meeting scheduled April 29, 2010. Sincerely, William R. Mills Board President 1717 E. Miratoma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 714-701-3000 714-701-3458 Fax ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors Meeting Held March 25, 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: Type: 032510 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 03/25/10 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING March 25, 2010 1. CALL TO ORDER The March 25, 2010 regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Mills at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE R 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT William R. Mills, President Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Ric Collett Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Phil Hawkins Lee Cory, Operations Manager John W. Summerfield Stephen Parker, Finance Director Gina Knight, HR Manager Damon Micalizzi, PI Specialist Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary OTHER VISITORS Brett Barbre, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County John Withers, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District Charley Wilson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District Sherry Roldan, Field Representative, Assemblyman Curt Hagman's Office 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Roldan briefly introduced herself and offered the services of Assemblyman Hagman's Office to the District. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Collett, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar. Director Collett abstained from voting on Check No. 53743 of Item No. 6.3. as he had a financial interest in the company. 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Held March 8, 2010 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 1 6.2. Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors Meeting Held March 11, 2010 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.3. Payment of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $964,374.17. 6.4. Property Insurance Premiums for April 2010-2011 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize payment in the amount of $35,325 to renew the District's property insurance coverage through the ACWA/JPIA for the period of April 1, 2010 through April 1, 2011. 7. ACTION CALENDAR Item 7.2. was taken out of order. 7.2. ISDOC Special District Selection Committee Meeting Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that the ISDOC Special District Selection Committee would be meeting on April 29, 2010 to fill the regular and alternate special district seats on LAFCO, which expire June 30, 2010. The Board will need to designate an individual to attend this meeting and vote on the District's behalf if President Mills is unable to attend. In addition, MWDOC has requested that the Board consider adopting a resolution in support of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane for regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners. If approved, this resolution would direct the District's attending representative to vote for Mr. Freschi and Mr. Dewane for these positions at the ISDOC meeting in April. The Executive- Administrative-Organizational Committee has discussed this matter and recommends adoption of the resolution. Mr. Withers addressed the Board, summarized his work experience with LAFCO and IRWD and highlighted some of the issues facing water agencies in the Orange County area including efforts to break up MWDOC. Mr. Withers then requested that the Board consider making a substitute motion to support his re-election as regular LAFCO commissioner or postpone taking action to a future meeting. Mr. Wilson addressed the Board, summarized his work experience and also commented on efforts to break up MWDOC. Mr. Withers then requested that the Board not approve the resolution proposed by MWDOC and to support his re-election as alternate LAFCO commissioner. Mr. Withers then responded to questions from the Board regarding efforts to break up MWDOC and their relation to the ISDOC election process. 2 Mr. Barbre addressed the Board and summarized issues facing MWDOC and the groundwater basin. Mr. Barbre then requested that the Board approve the resolution proposed by MWDOC supporting the election of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane for regular and alternate LAFCO commissioners. Director Mills suggested that the Board postpone further discussion of this item until the next Board meeting. In addition, Director Mills suggested that both Mr. Freschi and Mr. Dewane be invited to attend the next meeting to address the Board regarding this matter. On a motion by Director Collett, seconded by Director Summerfield, the Board voted 4-1, with Director Beverage voting No, to postpone discussion of this item to the next Board meeting scheduled April 8, 2010 and invite Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane to attend that meeting and address the Board regarding their candidacy. 7.1. Ethics Policy Mr. Grady explained that the proposed ethics policy had been prepared at the direction of the Board in response to the Orange County Grand Jury report titled Water Districts. A New Era in Public Involvement. This policy would address potential ethics issues as well as concerns of the Grand Jury. The Executive-Administrative-Organizational has reviewed this policy and recommends adoption. Mr. Grady then responded to questions from the Board regarding the policy. On a motion by Director Summerfield, seconded by Director Hawkins, the Board voted 5-0 on a Roll Call to adopt Resolution No. 10-05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and ' District Employees. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS,. 8.1. Consolidation of Funds Mr. Parker explained that staff would be bringing a proposal to the Board to approve consolidating the District's fund structure. Consolidating the structure would eliminate the ID 1 and ID 2 fund designations and result in a reduction of unnecessary work for the Finance Department. Mr. Parker and Mr. Vecchiarelli then responded to questions from the Board regarding fund balances, restricted reserves and capital improvements related to ID 1 and ID 2. Following further discussion, Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that staff would provide the Board with a formal reserve policy and long term financial plan for consideration in May. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report None. 3 9.2. Directors' Reports California's Comprehensive Water Package International Forum - March 12, 2010 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins reported that he had attended this event but that it wasn't well organized. Mr. Barbre stated that he participated in the Q&A portion of this event. Director Mills commented on an article in the most recent issue of Western Water discussing the water bond measure. 9.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that staff had previewed the Children's Water Education Festival being held at the Nixon Library. It looked like it was going to be a great event with lots of activities. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that the VIP tour would begin at 11:30 a.m. following the Board meeting if any of the Directors were interested in attending. In addition, Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that staff recently provided a tour of the District's water quality program for a writer from the OC Register. Staff expects a related article to be released within the next few days. 9.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Mills requested staff to provide the Board with a detailed presentation regarding the District's water quality standards at a future meeting. Director Mills also requested staff to provide the Board with a copy of each of the candidates resumes for the upcoming ISDOC election. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that discussion of this matter could also take place at the Board meeting scheduled April 22, 2010 should Mr. Freschi and/or Mr. Dewane be unavailable to attend the meeting scheduled April 8, 2010. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Collett Minutes of the meeting held March 16, 2010 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Mills and Beverage attended. Matters discussed during the meeting were as follows: Ethics Policy; ISDOC Special District Selection Committee Meeting; Request to Concur in the Nomination of Rich Freschi and Shawn Dewane as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners; Request to Support Re-Election of John Withers and Charley Wilson as Regular and Alternate LAFCO Commissioners; Membership to CalDesal Organization; OCWD Annexation; City of Yorba Linda and City of Placentia Sewers; Customer Feedback Report; and General Counsel's Monthly Summary Billing Report. Meeting scheduled April 20, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 4 10.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Summerfield/Collett) Alternate: Mills Minutes of the meeting held March 15, 2010 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Summerfield and Collett attended. Matters discussed during the meeting were as follows: January Budget to Actual Results; Monthly Investment Report for January 2010; One Year Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11; Budget Calendar Update and Progress Report; and Consolidation of Funds. Meeting scheduled April 12, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. Director Mills will attend in place of Director Summerfield. Director Beverage asked if a representative from CalTrust would be providing a presentation to the Board. Mr. Parker responded that this presentation was scheduled for the next Board meeting. 10.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Collett/Hawkins) Alternate: Summerfield Meeting scheduled April 13, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 10.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Mills/Summerfield) Alternate: Beverage Meeting scheduled April 1, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 10.5. Public Information-Technology Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Alternate: Summerfield $0000 Meeting scheduled April 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 10.6. MWDOC/OCWD Ad Hoc Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Collett Meeting scheduled March 23, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. was cancelled. Meeting scheduled May 25, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Director Mills asked what efforts were currently being made to review the MWDOC and OCWD budgets. Mr. Vecchiarelli responded that staff provides feedback to both of these agencies at the monthly groundwater producers meetings. Director Mills then asked if it would be beneficial to have these budgets reviewed by one of the District's committees. Mr. Vecchiarelli suggested that the Finance-Accounting Committee could as review them as these costs affect 45-50% of the District's budget. This matter will be discussed at a future Finance-Accounting Committee meeting. 5 10.7. Citizens Advisory Committee (Directors Rotate Attendance) Meeting scheduled March 29, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (Beverage) 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. YL City Council -March 16, 2010 (Summerfield) Director Summerfield attended and commented on several matters discussed during the meeting including the 91 east bound lane addition project and borrowing of District signs for a coyote alert. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that staff had been contacted by the City regarding the use of these signs. 11.2. MWDOC Board - March 17, 2010 (Staff) Staff did not attend. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented on funding for Other Post Employment Medical Benefits (OPEB) which was discussed during the meeting. Mr. Barbre stated that the MWDOC Board had not made a decision regarding the funding amount but did plan to satisfy the OPEB requirements. The MWDOC Board also plan to be proactive in preparing for an expected increase in PERS costs. Director Mills requested staff to provide the Board with a report regarding the District's funding for long term obligations at a future meeting. 11.3 OCWD Board - March 17, 2010 (Staff) Staff did not attend. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented on an engineer's report on the groundwater basin which was discussed during the meeting. Mr. g Vecchiarelli also stated that staff planned to attend this meeting in April as the OCWD Board would be considering the Replenishment Assessment and Basin Production Percentage for the water year. Mr. Barbre and Mr. Vecchiarelli then responded to questions from the Board regarding the purchase of groundwater from OCWD at Tier I and Tier II rates. 11.4. YL Planning Commission - March 24, 2010 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended and commented on a homeowners request to install a 1-inch line and land being given to property owners on Imperial Highway which were discussed during the meeting. 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from March 26, 2010 -April 30, 2010 The Board reviewed the listed meetings and made no additional changes. 6 The Board requested staff to provide them with possible dates for a budget workshop. Director Hawkins stated that he would be unavailable to attend the Board meetings scheduled on May 13, 2010 and June 10, 2010. 13. CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 13.1 MWDOC Infrastructure Inspection Trip - March 26, 2010 13.2 ACWA/JPIA Spring Conference - May 3-4, 2010 13.3. ACWA Spring Conference - May 5-7, 2010 On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Collett, the Board voted 5-0 to authorize Directors and such staff members of the District as approved by the General Manager to attend the above listed events. 14. ADJOURNMENT aYa 0, "R 14.1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held April 8, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. Ken Vecchiarelli j Board Secretary tl 7 ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $3,020,900.39 Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Director Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,020,900.39. DISCUSSION: The major items and wire transfers on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $980,163.16 to U S Bank for 2003 and 2008 Certificates of Participation interest payment; a wire of $60,417.00 to Process Solutions, Incorporated for on site Hydrochlorite generation system; a wire of $81,443.00 to 1 st Enterprise Bank for Hidden Hills February 2010 retention payment; a check of $151,714.42 to Akeen Solar, Incorporated for Administration Building solar project progress payment; a check of $136,154.40 to Ken Thompson, Incorporated for Zone Reconfiguration January 2010 progress payment; a check of $122,511.58 to MWDOC for February 2010 water purchase; and, a check of $733,167.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for Hidden Hills February 2010 progress payment. The balance of $531,486.57 is routine invoices. ADP issues our payroll checks, with the exception of the third party checks. The Accounts Payable check register total is $2,797,057.13; Payroll No. 6 total is $223,843.26; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $3,020,900.39. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: CkReg40810_BODa.pdf Check Register Backup Material 10-CS 408a.pdf Cap Sheet Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 Y©rba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated-, 3/26/2010 thru 4/8/2010 Check No. Date Vendor Name _Amount Descri tion 25k or neater W481C 04/08/2010 1st Enterprise bank 81,443.00 Hidden Hills retention Feb 53788 04/08120:10 A Plus Awards By Dewey 239,75 53783 04/08/2010 Abbott Staffing Group, Inc. 2,609.50 53784 04/08/2010 ACWA/JPIA 45.00 53785 04/08/2010 ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 886,60 53786 04/08/2010 Akeen 56ar, Inc. 151,714.42 Adrn Bldg Solar proj prop pay 53787 04/08/2010 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 905.00 53789 04/08/2010 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 6,33193 53790 04/08/2010 Aramark Uniform Services, inc 514.83 53791 04/08/2010 Art Vega 39.95 53792 04/08/2010 Associated Laboratories 2,175.20 53793 04/08/2010 AT & T - Calnet2 3,081.36 53794 04/08/2010 AT & T Mobility 31.8.69 53795 04/08/2010 Brown And Caldwell 200.00 53802 04/08/2010 C & L Refrigeration Corp. 895.84 53796 04/08/2010 Cal Society-Municipal Finance 275.00 53797 04/08/2010 Carona Engineers 8,018.00 53798 04/08/2010 Ceridian Benefits Services 90.00 53799 04/08/2010 Certified Laboratories 260,96 53859 04/08/201.0 Citizen's Business Bank 37,711.69 Highland lies retention March 53801 04/08/2010 City Of Yorba Linda 60109 53775 04/08/2010 Clarence E Lowery 5834 53803 04/08/2010 Dapper Tire Co. Inc. 708.78 53804 04/08/2010 Datalok Grange County 304.72 53807 0410812010 Dean Criske Trucking 549.94 53805 04/08/2010 Derek Nguyen 495.00 53806 04/08/7010 Draper Safety Inc. 170.00 53808 04/08/2010 E_ G. Brennan & Co., Inc 355,63 53809 04/08/2010 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 2,226.66 53445 03/26/2010 Federico Flares Lopez •85.74 53810 04/08/2010 Foundation For Cross-Connectio 900.00 53811 04/08/2010 Fry's Electronics 114.76 53812 04/08/2010 Government Finance Officers 124.18 53813 04/08/2010 Haaker Equipment Co. 4$.11 53814 04/08/2010 Home Depot Credit Services 158.83 53815 04/08/2010 ICI Faints 69.65 53816 04/08/2010 Infosend Inc. 6,204.13 53817 04/08/2010 Jackson's Auto Supply Napa 442.24 53774 0410812010 Janet Willis 40.90 53818 04/08/2010 Ken Thompson, Inc. 136,154.40 Zone Reconfig grog pay Jan 10 53860 04/08/2010 Ken Thompson, Inc. 15,128.26 53819 04/08/2010 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 5,474.00 53779 0410812010 Marco Diaz 82.99 53780 04/08/2010 MAT Investments 31.40 53821 04/08/2010 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 67.46 53822 04/08/2010 MCR Technologies Inc. 4,398.14 53823 04/08/2[11(3 Miguel Serna 2,076.14 53824 04/08/2010 Minuteman Press 199.73 53825 04/08/2010 Mudge Fasteners, Inc. 739.31 53826 04/08/2010 Municipal Water District 122,511.58 Water purchase February 53827 04/08/2010 Muzak LLC 65.25 53928 04/08/2010 MWH Americas, Inc:. 24,417.67 53829 04/08/2010 Nickey Petroleum Co 4,603.84 538,30 04/08/2010 Office Depot Credit Plan 90.97 53831 04/08/2010 Office Solutions 893.01 53832 04/08/201.0 Orange Coast Petroleum Equip. 192.49 53833 04/08/2010 Orange County - LAFCO 4,600.00 53835 04/08/2010 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 733,167.00 Hidden Hills grog pay Feb 53836 04/08/2010 Pacific Safety Council 1,954.00 53837 04/08,x'2010 Parts Source Anaheim 60.90 53782 04/08/2610 Paymon Roshan 48.46 53838 04/08/2010 Pete's Road Service Inc 1,612.46 53900 04/08/2010 Platinum Consulting Group 9,198.75 53839 04/08/2010 Praxair Distribution 244.64 W4710 04/07/2610 Process Solutions, Inc. 60,417.00 Onsite Hypochlorite gen sys 53840 04/08/2010 Progressive Business Publications 299.00 53841 04/08/2016 RSM McGladrey, Inc. 10,969.00 53842 04/08/2410 Ruben Maldonado 361.00 53843 04/08/2010 Safety-Kleen Corp. 329.18 53834 04/08/2010 SARBS 250.00 53844 04/08/2010 SC Fuels 2,487.00 53861 04/08/2010 Schuler Engineering Corp. 339,405.18 Highland Res prog pay March 53778 04/08/2010 Scott Dale 245.22 53845 04/08/2010 Selman Chevrolet Company 185.67 53777 04/08/2010 Shea Homes 825-00 53846 04/08/2010 Sheward & Son & Sons 350.00 53847 04/08/2010 Siemens. Water 1,047.07 53776 04/08/2010 Skip Jenkins Realty 135.55 53848 04/08/2010 Southern Calif Edison Co. 37.81 53849 04/68/2010 Southern Counties 378.91 53850 04/08/2010 Stacy Bavol/Petty Cash 18.61 53851 04/08/2010 Staples Business Advantage 293.86 53852 04/48/2010 Steven Andrews Engineering 3,140.40 53853 04/08/2010 Systems Source Inc 154.97 53820 04/08/2010 The Lighthouse Inc_ 103.84 53781 04/48/2010 Tina Devlin 270.32 53854 04/08/2010 Transcat 393.45 W33010 03/30/2010 U S Bunk Trust National Assn. 980,163.16 2003, 2008 COPS interest pymt 53855 04/08/2010 United Industries 422.84 53856 04/08/2010 United Rentals - Fullerton 182.34 53668 03/26/2010 Wailea Property Partners LLC -35.00 53857 04/08/2010 Wells Supply Co 14,087.79 53858 0410812010 Westside Building Material 881.51 TOTAL $2,797,057.13 April 8, 2010 CHECK NUMBERS: Void Checks 53445 and 53668 $ (120.24) Computer Checks 53774 -53861 $1,675,154.21 $1,675,033.97 WIRES: W-33010 U S Bank $ 980,163.16 W-4710 Process Solutions, Inc. $ 60,417.00 W-4810 1St Enterprise Bank $ 81,443.00 $ 1,122, 023.16 TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRES $ 2,797,057.13 PAYROLL NO. 6: (including ADP checks): District Manual Checks 4446 - 4454 $ 223,843.26 DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 3,020,900.39 APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 8, 2010 ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5,500,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $5,500,000 Funding Source: ID No. 2 GO Bonds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 401-2700 Manager Job No: 200028 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: MND Subject: Progress Payment No. 10 for Construction of the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project SUMMARY: Construction is proceeding on schedule. Work includes construction of a 2.0 million gallon buried concrete reservoir, upgrades to the Santiago Booster Pump Station, an all-weather access road and pipeline appurtenances to the reservoir site. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 10 in the net amount of $733,167.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project, Job No. 200028. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 10, in the amount of $814,630.00 for work completed through February 28, 2010. During this period, the contractor began removing shoring from the interior of the East bay and completed pouring the concrete roof for the West bay. The Contractor continued installation of the storm drain for the reservoir and the inlet/outlet waterline located in the site access road and also in Hidden Hills Road. The contractor placed approximately 1600 feet of storm drain piping and 1550 feet of steel waterline.The status of the construction contract with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation is as follows: . The current contract is $5,012,458.00 and 400 calendar days starting May 11, 2009. . If approved, Progress Payment No. 10 is $814,630.00 (16.3% of the total contract amount), less 10% retention of $81,463.00 for a net payment of $733,167.00. . Total payments to date including retention are $3,432,698.00 (68.5% of the total contract amount). . As of February 28, 2010, 294 calendar days were used (73.5% of the contract time). Staff and Butier, the District's construction manager for the project, have reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 10 is attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board has approved nine progress payments to date for this project, the last of which was approved February 25, 2010. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Pacific Hydrotech PPR 10.pdf Pacific Hydrotech PPR 10 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT Hidden Hills Reservoir PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. +010 LOCATION Yorba Linda, CA PROJECT NO. J-200028 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES CONTRACTOR Pacific H drotech DATE March 10, 2010 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT-- $ 5,012,458.00 AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: 0.00 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: 5,012,458.00 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD February 1, 2010 TO February 28, 2010 PREVIOUS THISMONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 2,618,068.00 S 814,630.00 S 3,432,698.00 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 2,618,068.00 $ 814,630.00 S 3,432,698.00 LESS RETENTION 10% $ 343,269.80 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wire Fees S 200.00 NET !EARNED TO DATE S 3,089,428.20 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ 2,356,261.20 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE S 733,167.00 NOTICE TO PROCEED May 11, 2009 COMPLETION TIME 40U CALENDAR DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS a CALENDAR DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 400 CALENDAR DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 294 CALENDAR DAYS TIME REMAINING 106 CALENDAR DAYS REQUESTED BY: DATE 03/12/10 Ronald Webe, Project Coordinator, Pacific Hydrotech APPROVED BY: / , DATE, S A70 y Steve te, onstruction Manag , Butler Engineering APPROVED BY: DATE: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager, YLWD i MAR 2 3 2010 ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: 11.2M To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: 11.2M Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 200309 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: MND Subject: Progress Payment No. 23 for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project SUMMARY: Work is proceeding on schedule and on budget for the construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. Construction is approximately 83% complete. Submitted for consideration is construction Progress Payment No. 23. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 23 in the net amount of $339,405.18 to Schuler Engineering Corporation and 10% retention of $37,711.69 deposited to Citizens Business Bank escrow account for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Schuler Engineering Corporation submitted a request for Progress Pay No. 23 for the period ending March 31, 2010. This progress pay request includes payment for continued installation of shoring, decking, rebar, formwork and placing concrete for the remaining walls and the first roof pour. The contractor placed approximately 723 cubic yards of concrete in this month. They continued to prepare the next roof sections for concrete and installed more 36-inch inlet piping. The status of the construction contract with Schuler Engineering is as follows: . The current contract amount is $9,481,193.87 and 804 calendar days (includes $431,847.87 in authorized change orders and additional 74 calendar days with approved time extensions). . If approved, Progress Payment No. 23 is $377,116.87 (4.0% of the revised contract amount) less 10% retention of $37,711.69 for a net payment of $339,405.18. . If approved, total progress payments to date including retentions are $7,876,993.65 (83.1 % of the total revised contract amount). . As of March 31, 2010, 668 calendar days were used (83.1 % of the revised contract calendar days). Staff and Carollo Engineers, the District's construction management consultant, reviewed the progress payment request and recommend payment. A copy of Progress Payment Request No. 23 is attached for your information. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board has approved 22 progress payments to date, the most recent of which was approved on March 11, 2010. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Schuler Engineering PPR 23 Highland Reservoir.pdf Schuler Engineering PPR23 Highland Reservoir Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT Highland Reservoir _ PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO- 23 LOCATION Yorba Linda PROJECT NO. J- PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 200309 CONTRACTOR Schuler Engineering _ DATE March 31, 2010 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD March 1, 2010 TO March 31, 2010 PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 7,074,446.43 $ 377.116.87 $ 7,451,563-30 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ 425,430.35 $ 425,430.35 TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 1,499,876.78 $ 377,116.87 $ 7,876,993-65 LESS RETENTION 10% $ 7$7,699.37 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE $ 7,089,294,28 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ 6,749,889.10 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $ 339,405.18 NOTICE TO PROCEED June 2,2008 COMPLETION TIME 730 CALENDAR DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS 74 CALENDAR DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 804 CALENDAR DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 668 CALENDAR DAYS TIME REMAINING 136 CALENDAR DAYS qS~P"E,6NG1NEERING-CCVN REQUESTED BY: DATE: TOR Chas Wick APPROVED BY: DATE: ER -REP ESE TATIVE Brian ilSo APPROVED BY: DATE: YLWD- OWNER Steve Conklin ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $530,000 From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700-201005 Manager Job No: 201005 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Steve Conklin, Engineering CEQA Compliance: N/A Manager Subject: Urgent Pipeline Replacement Project, Ohio Street North of Yorba Linda Boulevard SUMMARY: On Saturday, March 27, 2010, at approximately 4:00 P.M. a water main break occurred in a 12-inch diameter, unlined cast iron pipe, constructed in 1948. The break was repaired and service was restored early the next morning. However, due to the nature of the break, the damage to the surrounding area, the condition of the pipeline and the fact that this pipeline has suffered other significant breaks in the recent past, staff is recommending replacement efforts begin immediately. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize issuance of a Professional Services Agreement for engineering services with Tetra Tech, Inc. for the Ohio Street Pipeline Replacement Project, with a scope of work and fee for services to be negotiated by District staff and the General Manager, followed by ratification by the Board. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee discussed this matter at its meeting on April 1, 2010 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: The 12-inch cast iron pipeline in Ohio Street north of Orient Dr. was constructed in sections between 1938 and 1948. This pipeline has experienced several breaks in the last ten years and has become a maintenance and risk liability. The most recent failure occurred on Saturday, March 27, 2010 and caused significant damage to a section of Ohio Street and a nearby private street called Villa Terrace. The District's street restoration contractor began removing and replacing the damaged street sections on Monday, March 29th. Staff also initiated contact with representatives from the City of Yorba Linda to discuss permit requirements and conditions for repairs in Ohio Street. Upon inspecting the condition of the failed pipeline and in discussing the nature and frequency of the pipeline failures in the immediate area, staff has concluded the best course of action is to immediately initiate a replacement project for the entire reach of pipeline in Ohio Street north of Yorba Linda Boulevard, for a total length of approximately 3,400 lineal feet. In this regard, staff recommends retaining Tetra Tech, Inc. for engineering services under the Emergency Policy section of the District's Purchasing Policy, Resolution 07-11 to immediately begin design of the replacement project. Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 RC/MB 5-0 ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $190,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $51,249 Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 200813 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: N/A Project Manager Subject: Well 5 Pump Installation for the Well Rehabilitation Project. SUMMARY: Well 5 rehabilitation testing was completed to determine modifications required for continued long- term production of this 60-year-old well. Staff solicited quotes for the installation of a new pump in accordance with the pump test results, and recommends award to Layne Christensen Company for $51,249. Please note, due to desire to minimize lost well production, staff directed Layne to commence this work. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify execution of an Agreement with Layne Christensen Company in the amount of $51,249, for the installation of Well 5 pumping equipment as part of the Well Rehabilitation project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee discussed this at its meeting on April 1, 2010 and supports staff recommendation. DISCUSSION: Work is continuing on the District's Well Optimization Project, to maximize the life and production of our existing wells. The first element of work was testing and rehabilitation of Well No. 12. The second element of work was testing of Well No. 5, which recently underwent video-inspection, cleaning and test-pumping. The test pump work was performed, under the supervision of our consultant, CDM, and District staff. Based on the test pump results, a discharge of 2,300 GPM with a pump setting of 280 feet below grade appears to be feasible. Subsequently, staff requested quotes from General Pump Company (GP) and Layne Christensen Company (Layne) to install the pump and appurtenances at Well No. 5 in accordance with previous test pump results. GP submitted a quote for $66,671 and Layne submitted the attached quote, dated March 11, 2010, for $51,249. District staff reviewed and recommends approval of the quote from Layne to proceed with further rehabilitation and service of Well 5. Please note, recent well improvement projects such as the drilling of Well 20 (which requires Well 11 to be shut-down) and rehabilitation of Wells 5 and 15, limits our well production. Consequently, staff requested Layne to proceed with Well 5 pump improvements to minimize lost well production and to limit the amount of imported water purchased. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): 1. On December 11, 2008, the Board authorized approval of a contract with General Pump Company for well rehabilitation services. 2. On August 6, 2009, the Board approved Change Order 1 to provide and install a new water- lubed pump at Well 12 for $56,973.39. 3. On January 14, 2010, the Board approved Change Order 4, in the amount of $36,185, to conduct test pumping as part of Well 5 rehabilitation. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: i ype: W5_Layne _Price _Quote _03-11-2010.pdf Layne Christensen Company Quote Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 RC/MB 5-0 LA YNE CHRIS TENSEN COMPANY CA License. # 510411 1 1001 Etiwanda Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337 - Phone: 949-394-2833 - Fax: 909-390-6497 www.laynechristensen.com Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Mira Loma Placentia, Ca 92870 Phone: 714-701-3162 Fax: 714-701-3128 Well 5 Pumping Equipment & Installation Quote 27010 Thursday, March 11, 2010 Prepared For: Anthony Manzono, P.E. Sr. project Manager Prepared By: Dennis Skinner Account Manager Description: Pumping Equipment & Installation Thank you for choosing Layne Christensen Company, a leader in groundwater development. Layne Christensen continually works to tailor unique and practical solutions using Layne products and services to meet individual client needs within the water community. Layne Christensen has been maintaining life's most vital resource since 1882. Our full range of water-related services encompasses site selection, well field design and development, pump installation and repair, water treatment, aquifer maintenance and remediation, and well rehabilitation. Thank you again for choosing Layne Christensen Company. As a representative of the company's Fontana, California based district office, I realize that Layne possesses the experience and technical expertise to solve your complex water supply issues. We will diligently work in a consistently courteous and professional manner to meet your specific site conditions and needs. We look forward to becoming your sole source provider for water-related services. W Professional Servicesfor Water Systems 1 Soject Estimate r Company: Yorba Linda Water District Date: March 11, 2010 Contact: Anthony Manzono, P.E. Estimated By: Dennis Skinner Address: 1717 E. Mira Loma Location: Well 5 City, State, Zip: Placentia, Ca 92870 Prevailing Wage: Yes Project: Furnish and Install new pumping equipment Tax Rate: 8.75% Phone: 714-701-3162 Quote Number: 27010 Fax: 714-701-3128 Description Unit • Total Labor Rig, 3 man crew, Install pump and perform start up, mob and demob. LS 1 $6,420.00 $6,420.00 Shop Labor to prepare pump for installation including cleaning and painting existing discharge head. LS 1 $2,074.00 $2,074.00 Freight and Testing New Material Freight LS 1 $2,183.00 $2,183.00 Non Witnessed Bowl Performance Test LS 1 $942.00 $942.00 Materials Suction Pipe 10'x 10" Steel LS 1 $370.00 $370.00 316 Stainless steel cone strainer LS 1 $712.00 $712.00 Goulds 14RJHC 4 Stage Bowl Assembly LS 1 $6,251.00 $6,251.00 416 Stainless steel lineshaft 2 3/16° x 10' EA 28 $335.00 $9,380.00 Column Pipe 10" x 10' EA 28 $500.00 $14,000.00 Bronze retainers with rubber inserts EA 28 $94.00 $2,632.00 Column pipe nipple 10" x 2' LS 1 $377.00 $377.00 Stuffing box bearing LS 1 $384.00 $384.00 Stuffing box packing LS 1 $123.00 $123.00 416 Stainless steel headshaft LS 1 $870.00 $870.00 Adjusting Nut, gib key, and lock screw LS 1 $326.00 $326.00 1/4" Stainless steel airline and direct read guage LS 1 $654.00 $654.00 Misc consumables LS 1 $362.00 $362.00 Materials $36,441.00 Freight and Testing $3,125.00 Labor $8,494.00 Subtotal $48,060.00 Sales Tax $3,188.59 Clarifications Total $51,248.59 L Client to pro%idc Icgal accc- 2. Clicnt to provide all applicable permits. 3. Clicnt to provide on-site water eoureC. 4. This quote is valid lot 30 days from above date. 5. Based Upon Laync Chni tcnscn's attached Tcrmc & Conditions. 6. Layne's payment ternx are'Tet Duc Upon Receipt OI lmoice". 7. This CCtimatC NN ill bC cubjCCt to a IiICI RUrcha ,1C pcr the attached Terms & Conditions. S. Signing this project CCtimatC authorizes Layne Christensen Company to proceed with your project. 9. Fuel Surcharge applies. Sce attached Tcrmc and Conditions. 10. Prevailing wage rates apply. Layne Christensen Company Client: Yorba Linda Water District 311112010 8/5/211118 Dennis Skinner. Account Manages DATE DATE Thank you for the opportunity to be your water resource solution. Professiowl Sai ices for Warer Srsrents ITEM NO. 9.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.6M To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $5.6M Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: MND Engineer Subject: Mitigated Negative Declaration, Highland Booster Station Replacement Project SUMMARY: An Initial Environmental Study (IES) under the California Environmental Quality Act has been prepared for the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project. The analysis in the IES concludes that the proposed Project can be implemented without causing significant adverse environmental impacts with the incorporation of mitigation measures for specific issues. The impacts and mitigating measures are summarized in the enclosed Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan prepared by MWH Americas. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan; find and declare that the proposed Project, with incorporation of the mitigation measures per the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, will not have a significant effect on the environment of the YLWD service area; and authorize staff to file a Notice of Determination for the Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee discussed this matter at its meeting on April 1, 2010 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: The Initial Environmental Study (IES) and supporting environmental analysis for the Highland Booster Pump Replacement Project found that the proposed Project will not have a significant impact on the environment in all CEQA guideline categories when mitigating measures are included in the project. To address noise concerns, mitigation measures were identified for the construction phase and for long-term operation and incorporated into the Project. These measures include full compliance with local noise ordinances and the requirements that all construction equipment be properly tuned and maintained. Other mitigating measures identified for the Project include restrictions on disturbing nesting habitat for native bird species, monitoring for potential cultural resources and monitoring for potential hazardous materials. The initial environmental study was completed by MWH Americas in conformance with CEQA requirements. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 9, 2009, the Board of Directors approved award of the Professional Services Agreement for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Project to MWH Americas, for a fee not to exceed $469,593. On January 28, 2010 the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 1 for a fee not to exceed $91,940. On February 11, 2010 the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 2 for a fee not to exceed $18, 929. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Doscdption: u ype: MitNegDecPlan032210.PDF mitigated negative declaration Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 PH/JS 5-0 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PLAN YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT HIGHLAND BOOSTER PUMPING STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT Biological Resources BIO-1: Should vegetation clearing activities be scheduled to take place during peak nesting season (March 1 through September 15), native bird nesting surveys will be performed by a qualified biologist prior to vegetation clearing in conformance with CDFG requirements. All active nests will be plotted on a map with an associated buffer. Impact: Birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act may nest in trees adjacent to the proposed construction Party Responsible for YLWD Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Nesting surveys performed by qualified biologist hired by YLWD Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: BIO-2: Should eucalyptus or other ornamental tree be impacted within the raptor breeding season (February 1 through August 31), a survey for active raptor nests in conformance with CDFG requirements will be required seven days prior to the commencement of any construction activities. Any occupied nests found during survey efforts will be mapped on the construction plans. Some restrictions on construction activities may be required in the vicinity of the nest until the nest is no longer active as determined by a qualified biologist. Impact: Raptors may nest in trees adjacent to the proposed construction Party Responsible for ~YLWD Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Nesting surveys performed by qualified biologist hired by YLWD Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: Cultural Resources CUL-1: The Project specifications shall state that if previously unidentified and potentially significant archaeological resources (e.g., stone artifacts, dark ashy soils or burned rocks, or old glass, metal, or ceramic artifacts) become apparent during ground disturbances, work in that location shall be diverted and a qualified archaeologist shall be contacted immediately to evaluate the nature and significance of the find. Additional archaeological surveys will be needed if project limits are extended beyond the present survey limits. Impact: Unknown archaeological resources could be encountered during construction Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Evaluation of find(s) by a qualified archeologist hired by YLWD Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: CUL-2: A qualified paleontologist shall be retained by YLWD. A pre-construction meeting will be conducted in which the qualified paleontologist shall explain the procedures necessary to protect and safely remove potentially significant fossil materials for study and curation. The qualified paleontologist shall be retained thereafter on an on-call basis to identify and evaluate potential cultural resources should any be encountered during Project construction. Impact: Unknown paleontological resources could be encountered during construction Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: E Monitoring Method: Pre-construction meeting conducted by a qualified paleontologist hired by YLWD and on-call evaluation by the paleontologist Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: CUL-3: Any fossils and associated geologic data collected during the project earthmoving shall be prepared and identified by a qualified paleontologist. Excavated significant fossil finds shall be donated with funding for stabilization, identification, and curation on a first right-of-refusal basis, to an appropriate institution that has a retrievable collection system and an educational and research interest in the materials (e.g., the Orange County Natural History Museum). A final report prepared by the qualified paleontologist detailing findings and disposition of specimens shall be submitted to the Orange County Current and Advanced Planning Department and/or the City of Yorba Linda. Impact: Unknown paleontological resources could be encountered during construction Party Responsible for YLWD Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Identification of find(s) by a qualified paleontologist Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: CUL-4: If human remains are discovered, the Orange County Coroner's office must be notified immediately under state law (California Health and Safety Code § 7050.5) and all activities in the immediate area of the find must cease until appropriate and lawful measures have been implemented. If the Coroner determines that the remains are Native American, the Coroner shall contact the NAHC (California Public Resources Code § 5097.98). The NAHC will designate a Most Likely Descendent who will make recommendations concerning the disposition of the remains in consultation with the lead agency and Project archaeologist. Impact: Unknown human remains could be encountered during construction Party Responsible for YLWD Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: On site inspection during construction Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: Hazards and Hazardous Materials HAZ-1: If contaminated soil is encountered during construction, the Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) in Santa Ana, the local Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA), will be notified of the discovery. The impacted soil will be handled and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the CUPA. Impact: Project construction may encounter contaminated soils Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD and HCA Monitoring: Monitoring Method: On site inspection during construction Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: Noise N0I-1: Construction noise shall be reduced by sound barriers at construction sites and by prior notification of construction timing and duration and request that windows be kept closed during that period. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial- N01-2: All construction equipment, stationary or mobile, shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained mufflers. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: N0I-3: The following maximum equipment sound levels shall be included in the procurement specifications for the project: Maximum Equipment Noise Levels for Proposed Project Construction Maximum Sound Maximum Sound Equipment Item Power Level, LW, Pressure Level, LP, Under Full Load Under Full Load Right angle drive 99 dB(A) 3 feet 88 dB(A) 3 feet Gas engine mechanical noise 114 dB(A) 3 feet 103 dB(A) 3 feet Gas engine exhaust, unsilenced 125 dB(A) 3 feet 114 dB(A) 3 feet Electric vertical turbine pump motor 108 dB A 3 feet 97 dB(A) 3 feet PLC cabinet A/C outlet 71 dB(A) 3 feet 60 dB(A) 3 feet Transformer in electrical room 55 dB(A) 3 feet 44 dB(A) 3 feet Exhaust fan 59 dB(A) 3 feet 48 dB(A) 3 feet Transformer outdoors 71 dB(A) 3 feet 60 dB(A) 3 feet Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise generation and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: N0I4: The northeast, southeast, and southwest exterior walls of the pump station, as well as the wall separating the pump room from the electrical room, shall be constructed using 12 inch- thick solid-grouted concrete blocks, and shall be covered on both the exterior and interior sides with two coats of latex paint or sealer. The northwest exterior wall of the pump station shall be constructed of minimum 8 inch thick tilt-up concrete panels. All walls shall be constructed full height and shall be constructed airtight. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor _ Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD _ Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-5: The roof of the pump station shall be constructed with minimum 3.25 inch-thick lightweight concrete over metal decking. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor - - Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review roof specification and construction and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: N0I-6: All personnel and access doors, both exterior and interior, shall be sound-rated assemblies that provide the following minimum octave band sound transmission loss values: 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 23 dB 23 dB 43 dB 41 dB 42 dB 43 dB 51 dB This may be achieved with an Industrial Acoustics Company (IAC) Noise-Lock door or equivalent providing a sound transmission class (STC) rating of 43. Door hardware, frames and seals shall be utilized and installed in strict conformance with manufacturer's instructions in order to maintain the acoustical performance of the doors. Such requirements may include, but are not limited to: the use of gasket seals and drop seals at the perimeter of the doors, and astragal seals. The perimeters of all door frames shall be sealed to the exterior wall construction with a weather-resistant sealant. Roll-up doors shall not be used. All doors shall be kept closed when not in use and shall not be left open for ventilation purposes. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for Implementation: YLWD and Contractor Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: N0I-7: All exterior and interior windows shall provide a minimum sound transmission class (STC) rating of 43. The perimeters of all window frames shall be sealed to the wall construction with a weather-resistant sealant. The windows above the personnel doors shall be fixed assemblies rather than operable transom assemblies. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive _ y receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-8: All ventilation louvers shall be acoustical louvers that provide the following minimum octave band sound transmission loss values: 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 5 dB 7 dB 11 dB 12 dB 13 dB 14 dB 12 dB 9 dB This may be achieved with Industrial Acoustics Company (IAC) Noiseshield Model R louvers or equivalent. The louvers shall be sealed airtight to the exterior fagade in which they are installed. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for ; YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: N0I-9: The roof access hatches shall be insulated metal assemblies designed for noise control, and shall be sealed airtight with neoprene compression gaskets when closed. The hatches shall be kept closed when not in use. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive _ receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-10: Skylights shall not be permitted. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-11: At least 1,000 square feet of the walls and ceiling shall be covered with acoustical panels that provide the following minimum octave band absorption coefficients: 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 0.86 0.89 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.77 This may be achieved with Industrial Acoustics Company (IAC) Model NF-I-4-P Noise-Foil sound absorptive panels or equivalent. The panels shall be attached per the manufacturer's instructions and specifications. The panels shall be distributed evenly over the walls and ceiling rather than concentrated at any one location. In distributing the material, the following shall be considered: (a) The panels shall be attached with a Type A mounting; (b) Panels placed in corners will provide greater benefit than those placed in the field of a wall or ceiling; and (c) Panels placed at the intersection of two walls or at the intersection of the walls and the ceiling will provide greater benefit than those placed in the field of the walls. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-12: The exhausts of the two pump engines shall be fitted with hospital grade silencers that provide the following minimum octave band insertion loss values: 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 36 dB 42 dB 42dB 40 dB 37 dB 37 dB 37 dB 40dB This may be achieved with Johnson Matthey QX Model silencers or equivalent. The silencers shall be installed within the interior of the building. The exhaust pipes and silencers shall be resiliently isolated from the building structure with suitable hangers and mounts. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for i YLWD and Contractor Implementation: ! Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-13: The rooftop exhaust fans shall be fitted with silencers that provide the following minimum octave band insertion loss values: 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1 kHz 2 kHz 4 kHz 8 kHz 5 dB 7 dB 15 dB 18 dB 17 dB 12 dB 10 dB 10 dB This may be achieved with Industrial Acoustics Company (IAC) Model 3LFM silencers or equivalent. The silencers shall be sealed airtight to the roof structure. The SMACNA guidelines shall be followed with care when attaching the silencers to the exhaust fans. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive _ receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-14: All rotating equipment items shall be properly balanced to minimize noise from vibration. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-15: The proposed engines shall be mounted on concrete bases having a mass at least twice the mass of the engine. The concrete bases shall be isolated from the building foundation with suitable vibration isolation. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLW D Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-16: All pipes, conduits and ducts shall be resiliently isolated from the building structure. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive _ receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-17: All pipes, conduits, electrical connections, ducts, etc., shall be attached to the mechanical equipment with slack, flexible connectors or conduits. The flexible connectors shall be as close to the mechanical equipment as possible. Best performance is achieved when the connector is installed in a pipe that is parallel to the equipment shaft. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive _ receptors_ Party Responsible for Implementation: YLWD and Contractor ~J Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-18: Where an above-ground hose, pipe or conduit penetrates a wall, the penetration shall be made through a prefabricated split metal sleeve. The hose/pipe/conduit shall float inside the sleeve with a resilient material filling the gap. The gap between the metal sleeve and the wall shall be grouted or packed airtight. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for _ I YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: NOI-19: Pipes and conduits through the roof deck shall be centered in an opening with a diameter about 1/8 inch larger than the outside diameter of the pipe or conduit. The opening shall be sealed with mineral fiber all around with resilient (non-hardening) caulk on both sides. If a steel pipe clamp is required, it shall be isolated from the deck with properly sized spring isolators. Impact: Construction will occur in the immediate vicinity of sensitive receptors Party Responsible for YLWD and Contractor Implementation: Agency Responsible for YLWD Monitoring: Monitoring Method: Site inspector shall review noise control measures and report violations Documentation of Compliance: Date: Initial: ITEM NO. 9.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.6 Million To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: 200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: MND Engineer Subject: Brand Name Requirement for Highland Booster Station Project SUMMARY: During the project design and subsequent reviews, District staff and the consultant team determined that several key design components and manufactured parts from a specific supplier were desired in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. Staff reviewed the possibility of requiring brand name items with legal counsel. Counsel determined that per the Public Contract Code, Section 3400, a Board finding is required to approve a brand-name requirement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Brand Name Requirement for the Highland Booster Station Project for the items listed on Exhibit A of the attached staff report. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee considered this item at its April 1, 2010 meeting and supports staff recommendation. DISCUSSION: During the design process and reviews, District staff and the design team determined that several key design components and manufactured parts were desired from specific suppliers in order to match products already in use in the District's water system. Legal counsel informed District staff that a brand-name requirement cannot be used unless the Board makes a finding per Public Contracts Code Section 3400 that the brand name requirement is necessary in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. A copy of the staff report setting forth the reasons for requiring brand-name components and parts for the Highland Booster Station Project is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 9, 2009, the Board approved the award of the Professional Services Agreement for the Highland Booster Station Project to MWH Americas for a fee not to exceed $469,593. On January 28, 2010, the Board approved Amendment No. 1 for a fee not to exceed $91,940. On February 11, 2010, the Board approved Amendment No. 2 for a fee not to exceed $18,929. ATTACHMENTS: Name: IDes-riptian: o ype: STAFF REPORT Brand-Name Reqmt 25Mar10.pdf Brand-Name Reqmt Staff Rept Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 Yorba Linda Water District, STAFF REPORT DATE: March 25, 2010 TO: STEVE CONKLIN FROM: HANK SAMARIPA SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR BRAND NAME COMPONENTS AND PARTS -HIGHLAND BOOSTER STATION REPLACEMENT PROJECT BACKGROUND During the planning and design phases for a District improvement project, the Engineering Department meets with and solicits input from the Operations Department which will operate the new elements. The Operations Department has certain maintenance history and training with certain brand name components and parts in the District's system. For certain projects, the Operations Department has requested that bid specifications require a part by brand name in order to improve the efficiency of operating and maintaining the District's water system. However, Public Contract Code Section 3400 (b) prohibits the drafting of specifications in a manner that will limit bidding to one specific concern, or call for a designated item by specific brand or trade name, unless the specifications are followed by the words "or equal," and which would allow the bidders to furnish an equal item. However, there are exceptions to this rule that support requiring brand name components and parts if the District's Board makes certain findings. Per Section 3400 (c), the "or equal" rule is not applicable when the awarding authority makes a finding that the item as specified by the brand name is needed for one of the following reasons: (1) In order that a field test or experiment may be made to determine the product's suitability for future use. (2) In order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement either completed or in the course of completion. (3) In order to obtain a necessary item that is only available from one source. (4) In an emergency situation as described in detail in Section 3400. WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND PARTS The District has a complex assortment of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation components that are integrated into one public improvement - its water system. The use of different brand name components and parts for its water system creates inefficiency because the District must maintain a large inventory of said parts. In addition, the District's staff must be familiar with different maintenance and repair schedules/procedures for these parts, thus requiring a large amount of training. Requiring a brand name for certain components and parts would permit the District to maintain a smaller inventory (for example, one part in inventory could serve as a back-up replacement for several sites, whereas, if five sites had five parts made by five different manufactures, the District would be required to keep one back-up part for each site), lessen the risk of incompatible products, lessen the amount of time required to diagnose problems, and lessen training costs related to maintenance and repair (for example, instead of requiring expertise regarding the nuances of five different brand name parts, District staff would only be required to know how to maintain and repair one brand name part). During the final design development for the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project, it was determined that several key operating components and parts for the project should be specified with a brand name in order to match other components and parts in use in the District's water system. As set forth in the attached Exhibit A, the components and parts listed are either already in a vast majority of District facilities or are part of a movement to modernize certain District facilities. SUMMARY The District has a complex assortment of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation components unique to its system. Requiring brand name components and parts to match other components and parts already in use in the District's water system is in the best interest of the District because it will permit the District to maintain a smaller inventory of parts, lessen the risk of incompatible products, and lessen the amount of time required to diagnose problems and perform maintenance and repair. Therefore, it is the recommendation of Engineering and Operations staff that the specified components and parts in Exhibit A to the staff report be specified by brand name for the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. EXHIBIT A BRAND NAME REQUIREMENT HIGHLAND BOOSTER STATION REPLACEMENT March 25, 2010 Name of Reviewers: Rick Walkemeyer, John DeCriscio, and Mike Kiddie Departments: Information Systems, Production, Operations Product Function Manufacturer 1. Gas Engine (365bhp) Primary gas engines for the District Caterpillar Use in water system: 10 of 13 District gas engines are Caterpillar 2. Diaphragm Control Valves Control water flows Cla-Val Use in water system: 30 of 38 control valves at District booster stations are Cla-Val 3. Air Fuel Ratio Controller Control emissions from gas engines Mec-R Use in water system: 10 of 13 of the gas engines air-fuel ratio controllers are Mec-R. 4. Gas Meter for interior space Measure gas fumes inside booster station MSA Use in water system: 5 of 7 District gas meters in pump rooms are manufactured by MSA. 5. Gas Engine Control Engine control interfaces with air fuel controller Murphy Use in water system: 10 of 13 District's gas-engine controllers are manufactured by Murphy. 6. Process Controller (PLC) Automatic Control Logic (Modicon) Schneider Elec. Use in water system: Used at all District booster stations 7. Pressure Switches High and low pressure measurement Mercoid Use in water system: In place at 10 of 12 pump stations. 8. Magnetic Flow Meter Flow measurement at booster stations ABB Use in water system: In place at 5 of 6 locations with mag meters. ITEM NO. 9.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Budgeted: N/A To: Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Pat Grady, Assistant General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Pat Grady, Assistant General CEQA Compliance: N/A Manager Subject: Records Retention Policy SUMMARY: For the Board's consideration is Resolution No. 10-08, updating the District's records retention policy and schedule. The District's existing records retention policy was last updated in 1995. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records and Rescinding Resolution No. 95-04. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Exec-Admin Committee reviewed and discussed this item at its meeting held on January 19, 2010 and supports the staff recommendation. DISCUSSION: The District's existing records retention policy was last updated in 1995. Since then, laws have changed and the District has implemented new technologies that affect the manner by which the District handles, organizes and disposes of records. As a result, staff selected Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc. (GGS) to develop a comprehensive records retention schedule for the District. GGS is an expert in developing records retention schedules and policies and has assisted over 100 California municipal governments, including many special districts and agencies, with their records management, records retention and/or document imaging programs. With the cooperation and participation from the various District departments, the updated policy complies with applicable laws and is customized to suit the needs of the District. The policy provides clear, specific records descriptions and retention periods. It identifies which departments are responsible for maintaining the original record and establishes clear retention periods for different categories of records. Additionally, the records retention schedule identifies records for disposition and/or destruction. As mentioned previously, GGS has assisted over 100 California municipal governments with their records management, records retention and/or document imaging programs. When working with these other agencies, GGS discussed the pros and cons, and the possible effects, of destroying certain types of records. GGS brought that bank of knowledge to the District when preparing the attached records retention schedule. GGS and District staff discussed the pros and cons, and possible effects, of destroying the categories of records listed in the records retention schedule. GGS and District staff discussed how District records are used and when certain types of records are no longer required to meet the District's or public's needs, including, but not limited to, the District's administrative and operational needs, the District's fiscal obligations and the District's historical needs, all with due regard to legal requirements and avoiding or minimizing potential liability. After these discussions, GGS prepared the attached records retention schedule identifying certain records for disposition and/or destruction. After careful review and discussion between GGS and staff, it is the opinion of both GGS and staff, that the destruction or disposition of the records according to the records retention schedule will not adversely affect any interest of the District or the public. While the primary benefits of the proposed policy is to ensure compliance with the law and provide updated procedures for the management of records, a future savings in storage costs is also anticipated as many of the documents located off-site will be reviewed and handled accordingly. Over time, staff anticipates phasing out the need for off-site storage services. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: a ype: Resolution No. 10-08.doc Resolution No. 10-08 Resolution Agenda- Large Attachment.doc Large Attachment Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 RC/MB 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 10-08 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE AND AUTHORIZING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN DISTRICT RECORDS AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 95-04 WHEREAS, the maintenance of numerous records is expensive, slows document retrieval, and is not necessary after a certain period of time for the effective and efficient operations of the Yorba Linda Water District; and WHEREAS, Section 60200 of the California Government Code provides that the legislative body of a special district may authorize at any time the destruction or disposition of any duplicate record, paper, or document, the original or a permanent photographic records of which is in the files of any officer or department of the District; and WHEREAS, Section 60201 of the California Government Code provides that the legislative body of a special district may destroy or dispose of any record that is not expressly required by law to be filed and preserved if it 1) adopts a resolution finding that destruction or disposition of the category of records will not adversely affect any interest of the district or of the public and 2) maintains a list, by category, of the types of records destroyed or disposed of that reasonably identifies the information contained in the records in each category; and WHEREAS, the District has a procedure to maintain a list, by category, of the types of records destroyed or disposed of that reasonably identifies the information contained in the records in each category. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts the records retention schedule attached hereto as "Exhibit A" (the "Records Retention Schedule") and incorporated herein by this reference, to serve as the records retention schedule for the District; Section 2. The Board of Directors finds that the destruction or disposition of the records series that have exceeded the retention periods as set forth in the Records Retention Schedule will not adversely affect any interest of the District or the public. Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records 1 Section 3. The records of the District, as set forth in the Records Retention Schedule are hereby authorized to be destroyed as provided by Section 60201 et seq. of the California Government Code and in accordance with the provision of said schedule in accordance with District policies and procedures, without further action by the Board of Directors of the District. Section 4. District staff shall maintain a list, by category, of the types of records destroyed or disposed of that reasonably identifies the information contained in the records in each category. Section 5. With the consent of District Counsel and General Manager, updates are hereby authorized to be made to the Records Retention Schedules without further action by the Board of Directors of the District. Section 6. The destruction of any record as provided for herein shall be by burning, shredding, or other effective method of destruction and said destruction shall be witnessed by the Secretary of the District or the designee of the Secretary. Section 7. For purposes of this policy and the Records Retention Schedule, "record" means any record consisting of a "writing" as defined by subdivision (g) of Government Code Section 6252. Section 8. As set forth in Government Code Section 60201(d), notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Records Retention Schedule, the District may not destroy or dispose of any record that is any of the following: (1) Relates to formation, change of organization, or reorganization of the District. (2) An ordinance adopted by the District. However, an ordinance that has been repealed or is otherwise invalid or unenforceable may be destroyed or disposed of five years after it was repealed or became invalid or unenforceable. (3) Minutes of any meeting of the District's Board of Directors. (4) Relates to any pending claim or litigation or any settlement or other disposition of litigation within the past two years. Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records 2 (5) Is the subject of any pending request made pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Government Code Section 6250) of Division 7 of Title 1), whether or not the District maintains that the record is exempt from disclosure, until the request has been granted or two years have elapsed since the District provided written notice to the requester that the request has been denied. (6) Relates to any pending construction that the District has not accepted or as to which a stop notice claim legally may be presented. (7) Relates to any nondischarged debt of the District. (8) Relates to the title to real property in which the District has an interest. (9) Relates to any nondischarged contract to which the district is a party. (10) Has not fulfilled the administrative, fiscal, or legal purpose for which it was created or received. (11) Is an unaccepted bid or proposal, which is less than two years old, for the construction or installation of any building, structure, or other public work. (12) Specifies the amount of compensation paid to District employees or officers or to independent contractors providing personal or professional services to the District, or relates to expense reimbursement to District officers or employees or to the use of District paid credit cards or any travel compensation mechanism. However, a record described in this paragraph may be destroyed or disposed of seven years after the date of payment. Section 9. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Section 10. That Resolution No. 95-04 is hereby rescinded. Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of April 2010, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: William R. Mills, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. McCormick, Kidman & Behrens Resolution No. 10-08 Adopting a Records Retention Schedule and Authorizing Destruction of Certain District Records 4 PLEASE CONTACT YLWD RECORDS DIVISION FOR THIS ATTACHMENT (714) 701-3101 records@ylwd.com RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE LEGEND ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written permission OFR (Office of Record): The department that keeps the original or"record copy." Usually it is the department that originates the record, unless the item is for a Board of Directors meeting (then it is the District Secretary.) "Lead Depart." refers to the division or department that maintains the original of a record where the records series is common to many departments (e.g. correspondence.) Classification: The method of filing and retrieving records (File Number). This number may be tied into other systems to ensure accuracy. Records Description/Folder Subject: The record series (a group of like records). "Records" shall include documents, instructions, books, microforms, electronic files, magnetic tape, optical media, or papers; as defined by the California Public Records Act. Transitory Records not retained in the ordinary course of business: Preliminary drafts, notes, or interagency or intra-agency memoranda and records having only transitory value. Examples: Telephone messages, meeting room reservation schedules, logs, source records entered into a computer system that qualifies as a "trusted system", etc. Retention/Disposition: Active: How long the file remains in the immediate office area Inactive: How long the file is in off-site storage, stored on Optical Disk or Microforms Total Retention: The total number of years the record will be retained For file folders containing documents with different retention timeframes, use the document with the longest retention time. P = Permanent Indefinite = No fixed or specified retention period; used for databases, because the data fields are interrelated. Vital? = Those records that are needed for basic operations in the event of a disaster. Media Options: The form of the record - Mag = Computer Magnetic Media (hard drive, disks, tapes, etc.) Mfr= Microforms (aperture cards, microfilm, microfiche, or jackets) Ppr= Paper OD = Optical Disk, CD, DVD or other media which does not allow changes Scan/ Import: "S" indicates the record should be scanned into the document imaging system; "I" indicates the record should be electronically imported into the document imaging system; "M" indicates the record should be microfilmed Destroy Paper after Imaged & QC'd: QC'd=Quality Checked. "Yes" indicates the paper version may be destroyed if the document has been imaged (microfilmed, scanned or imported onto Optical Disk—CD-R, WORM or DVD-R), and then each page Quality Checked ("QC'd"). Legend for legal citations(§: Section) B&P: Business& Professions Code(CA) CBC: California Building Code CC: Civil Code(CA) CCP: Code of Civil Procedure(CA) CCR: California Code of Regulations(CA) CFC: California Fire Code CFR: Code of Federal Regulations(US) EC: Elections Code(CA) EVC: Evidence Code (CA) FA: Food &Agriculture Code FC: Family Code(CA) FTB: Franchise Tax Board (CA) GC: Government Code(CA) H&S: Health &Safety Code (CA) HUD: Housing&Urban Develop. (US) LC: Labor Code(CA) Ops.Atty. Gen.: Attorney General Opinions(CA) PC: Penal Code (CA) R&T: Revenue&Taxation Code(CA) UAC: Uniform Administrative Code UBC: Uniform Building Code UFC: Uniform Fire Code UPC: Uniform Plumbing Code USC: United States Code(US) VC: Vehicle Code(CA) W&I: Welfare& Institutions Code (CA) WC: Water Code(CA) Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-1 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Image: Active Inactive Total Media Impor Destroy t Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after � (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations sus end normal retention pe riods retention begins after settlement or completion). Agreements&Contracts- INFRASTRUCTURE- Architectural, Engineering, JPAs, MOUs and MOAs. Agreement or Contract, Department Preference;All Insurance Certificates&Notices infrastructure, JPAs, &Mutual Aid of Completion. Agreement or contracts are permanent for Lead Dept. DW-001 Contract includes all contractual Yes: Before Mag, OD, Yes: After emergency preparedness; Statute p Completion P P Completion Ppr S Inactive of Limitations is 4 years; 10 years obligations(e.g. RFP, Specifications, Successful for Errors&Omissions; CCP Proposal/Scope of Work, §§337. 337.1(a), 337.15, 343; GC Certificates of Insurance, and §60201 et seq. amendments) Examples of Infrastructure: Architects,Treatment Plants,Lines, Buildinas,etc. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-2 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Image: Active Inactive Total Media Impor Destroy t Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after � (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations sus end normal retention pe riods retention begins after settlement or completion). Agreements&Contracts- NON INFRASTRUCTURE- Equipment Purchases, Consulting Services, Leases, Department Preference; Covers Vehicle Purchases,etc. E&O Statute of Limitations; Agreement or Contract, Published Audit Standards=4-7 Insurance Certificates&Notices years; Statute of Limitations: of Completion. Agreement or Completion Yes: Before Mag, OD, Yes: After Contracts&Spec's=4 years, Lead Dept. DW-002 Contract includes all contractual Completion 10 years + 10 years Completion Ppr S Inactive Wrongful Death=comp. + 5 years, obligations(e.g. RFP, Developers=comp. + 10 years; Specifications, Successful Statewide guidelines propose Proposal/Scope of Work, termination + 5 years; CCP Certificate of Insurance, and §§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC§60201 amendments) et seq. Examples of Non-Infrastructure: Consultants, Painting,Maintenance, FrnnnhiQP Anraamnntc atrr Also see Grants. Covers E&O Statute of Limitations (insurance certificates are filed with Agreements&Contracts-ALL: agreement); Published Audit ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Standards=4-7 years; Statute of Lead Completion Completion Mag, OD, Yes: Upon Department DW-003 + 10 years + 10 years Ppr S/I Completion Limitations: Contracts&Spec's=4 Correspondence, project years, Wrongful Death=comp. + 5 schedules, certified payrolls, etc. years, Developers must retain their records for completion + 10 years; CCP§§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-3 Office of Retention Record No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged& IrP Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, com plaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention pe riods retention begins after settlement or completion). Department Preference; E&O does not apply; Published Audit Agreements& Contracts- Standards=4-7 years; Statute of Completion Yes: Before Mag, OD, Yes: After Limitations: Contracts &Spec's=4 Lead Dept. DW-004 Leases (Plant& Equipment& Completion 5 years + 5 years Completion Ppr S Inactive years; Statewide guidelines Renewed Annually) propose termination + 5 years; CCP§§336(a), 337 et. seq., GC §60201 et seq. Lead Agreements& Contracts: Bid Opening Bid Opening Special Districts are required to Department DW-005 Unsuccessful bids +2 years +2 years Ppr keep public works unaccepted bids for 2 years; GC§60201(d)(11) Association Records(external When No When No DW-006 associations-e.g.,ACWA, etc.) Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non-records; GC§60201 et seq. Required Required DW-007 Bids: See Agreements DW-008 Brochures: See Reference Materials When No When No Lead Dept. DW-009 Clippings/Newspaper Clippings Longer Longer Ppr Non-records; GC§60201 et seq. Required Required Committees or Task Forces: When No When No Lead Dept. DW-010 Internal (e.g. Records Longer Longer Mag, Ppr GC §60201 Management Committee, etc.) Required Required Committees, Task Forces, Associations, Commissions, & When No When No Lead Dept. DW-011 Boards: External Organizations Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non-records (e.g. Association of California Required Required Water Agencies, etc.) DW-012 Contracts: See Agreements YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-4 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Active Inactive Total Media Impor Destroy t Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after � (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Copies- Copies LDW-013 Copies or duplicates of any When No When No Mag Ppr GC§60200 record Longer Longer Required Required When No When No District preference; some Longer Longer Yes: While Lead Dept. DW-014 Correspondence-Regulatory Required- Required - Active Mag, Ppr correspondence from Regulatory Agencies Agencies need to be retained for Minimum Minimum Issues long periods of time; GC§60201 10 vears 10 years Dept. that Correspondence-Routine(e .g. Authors Administrative, Chronological, When No When No Document Communications, General Files, Longer Longer or DW-015 Letters, Memorandums, Required - Required - Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Receives Miscellaneous Reports, Reading Minimum 2 Minimum 2 §60201 the District's Files, Working Files, etc. Does Original NOT include Regulatory Agency Years years Document Correspondence) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-5 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Active Inactive Total Media Impor Destroy t Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after � (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations sus end normal retention pe riods retention begins after settlement or completion). Correspondence-TRANSITORY I PRELIMINARY DRAFTS, Interagency and Intraagency Memoranda not retained in the Dept. that ordinary course of business Authors E-mails that have a material Document (e.g. calendars, checklists, e-mail impact on business are saved by that does not have a material When No When No or printing them out and placing them DW-016 impact on the conduct of Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Receives in a file folder, or saving them the District's business, invitations, instant Required Required electronically; GC§§60201, 6252, Original messaging, logs, mailing lists, 6254(a) Document meeting room registrations, supply inventories, transmittal letters, thank yous, requests from other cities, undeliverable envelopes, visitors logs,voice mails, absence slips, etc.) When No When No Lead Dept. DW-017 Displays& Exhibits Longer Longer Ppr Non-records; GC§60201 et seq. Required Required When No When No As long as the drafts and notes are Lead Dept. DW-018 Drafts&Notes: Drafts that are Longer Longer Mag, Ppr not retained in the"Regular revised (retain final version) Required Required Course of Business". GC§60201, GC§6254 Grants: UNSUCCESSFUL When No When No Lead Dept. DW-019 (Applications, Correspondence, Longer Longer Mag, Ppr GC§60201 etc.) Required Required YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-6 Office of Retention Records Description Retention I Disposition Comments I Reference Record No. Image: Active Inactive Total Media Impor Destroy t Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after � (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Ensure records kept in Department files comply with District policy; Originals are maintained by Send to Send to Personnel. Supervisors notes Human Human should be maintained in a Human DW-020 Personnel Files- Department- Resources Resources Before Mag, Ppr separate folder and be Resources level Copies Upon Upon Separation incorporated in the employee's Separation Separation annual performance review; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), 8 CCR§3204(d)(1)et seq., GC §§12946, 60201 Supervisors notes should maintained in a separate folder When No When No and be incorporated in the Lead Dept. DW-021 Personnel Files- Department- Longer Longer Before Mag, Ppr employee's annual performance level Supervisor's Notes Required Required Separation review; 29 CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), 8 CCR§3204(d)(1) et seq., GC§§_12946, 60201 When No When No Lead Dept. DW-022 Photographs Longer Longer Mag, Ppr GC§60201 Required Required DW-023 Policies& Procedures-See Reference Materials When No When No Reference Materials: Policies, Longer Longer Yes: Documents of historical Procedures, Brochures, Manuals, Required - Required - Mag, OD, When Lead Dept. DW-024 & Reports: Produced by YOUR Minimum Minimum Ppr S/I Super- significance should be retained Department of of seded longer; GC§60201 Suoersede r YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: DISTRICT-WIDE STANDARDS Page DW-7 Office of Retention Record No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged& IrP Retentions apply to the department that is NOT the Office of Record OFR or the "Lead Department". If you are the OFR, refer to your department retention schedule. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+ 2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Reference Materials: Policies, Lead Dept. DW-025 Procedures, Brochures, Manuals, When When Mag, OD, Copies; GC§60200 & Reports: Produced by OTHER Superseded Superseded Ppr Departments Reference Materials: Policies, When No When No Procedures, Brochures, Manuals, Lead Dept. DW-026 & Reports: Produced by Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non-Records OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS Required Required Reports and Studies-White Lead Dept. DW-027 Papers, Issue Papers, Position Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr GC§60201 Papers, Scientific Studies(other years years than Annual Reports) Surveys/Questionnaires(that the District issues). If a summary of the data is compiled, When No When No Lead Dept. DW-028 the survey forms are considered Longer Longer Mag, Ppr GC§§60200, 60201 a draft or transitory record, and Required Required can be destroyed when no longer required. Lead Dept. DW-029 Visitor Logs/Registers 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC 60201 et. seq. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: GENERAL MANAGER / SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Page GM-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off-site,OD or Mfr) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). General Agendas&Agenda Packets- Manager/ District Board of Directors, Yes: Before Mag, OD, Yes: After Department preference; GC Secretary GM-001 Subcommittees of the Board P P Meeting S to the (Includes Agenda Staff Reports, Date Ppr 2 years §60201 Board Annotated Agendas, etc.) General When No When No Manager/ Association Records(external Secretary GM-002 associations-e.g.,ACWA, etc.) Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Non-records; GC§60201 et seq. to the Required Required General Yes: Before Manager/ Closed Session Agenda/ Mag, OD, Yes: After Department preference; GC Secretary GM-003 Memoranda/Minutes 2 years 2 years Meeting Ppr S 2 years §60201 to the Date General Manager/ GM-004 Committees-Subcommittees of 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Secretary the Board §60201 to the General Manager/ Mag, OD, Department preference; GC Secretary GM-005 Copyrights/Patents P P Yes Ppr S No §60201 to the General When No When No Manager/ Longer Longer Secretary GM-006 Correspondence and Safety Required- Required- Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Certificates to the Minimum 2 Minimum 2 §60201 Board vears Years _ General Manager/ GM-007 District Formation Records P P Mag, Ppr Department preference(historical Secretary purposes); GC§60201 to the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: GENERAL MANAGER / SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Page GM-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off-site,OD or Mfr) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). General Manager/ GM-008 District Seal, Logo P P Mag, Ppr Department preference(historical Secretary purposes); GC§60201 to the General Elections- Historical: Manager/ Department preference (historical Secretary GM-009 Certificate of Election, Sample P P Mag, Ppr purposes); GC§60201 to the Ballot, Election Results, Oath of Board Offices General FPPC 700 Series Forms Manager/ (Statement of Economic Mag, OD, District maintains original Secretary GM-010 Interests): DESIGNATED 7 years 7 years Ppr S Yes statements; GC§81009(e)(g) to the EMPLOYEES(specified in the Board District's Conflict of Interest code) General FPPC 700 Series Forms Department preference (only (Statement of Economic Manager/ required for 4 years); District Secretary GM-011 Interests): PUBLIC OFFICIALS 7 years 7 years OD, Ppr S After 2 maintains copies only; original to the (elected &not elected. Includes years statements are filed with FPPC; Board District Board Members, General GC§81009(f)(g) Manager) General District Secretary Determines Manager/ GM-012 Historical Records P P Mag, OD, S No Historical Significance; GC Secretary Ppr §60201 to the General Manager/ GM-013 Minutes: Board of Directors P P Yes (all) Mag, OD, S No GC§60201(d)(3) Secretary Ppr to the General Brown Act challenges must be Manager/ Notices: Affidavits of Postings Secretary GM-014 and Publications 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr filed within 30 or 90 days of action; to the GC§§60201, 54960.1(c)(1) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: GENERAL MANAGER / SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Page GM-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off-site,OD or Mfr) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). General Manager/ GM-015 Ordinances P P Yes(all) Mag, OD, S No GC§60201 et. seq. Secretary Ppr to the General When No When No Yes: While Manager/ GM-016 Projects& Issues (Issues and/or Longer Longer Active Mag, Ppr GC§60201 Secretary projects will vary over time) Required Required Issues to the General Department(most ; If uncontested Manager/ GM-017 Prop. 218 Ballots or Protest 2 years 2 years Ppr EC§§ 17302, 17306; CA Secretary Letters to the Constitution Art. XIII General Manager/ GM-018 Public Records Act Requests 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC§60201(d)(5) Secretary to the General Manager/ GM-019 Records Destruction Lists 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Secretary §60201(b)(1)(B) to the General Manager/ When Mag, OD, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Secretary GM-020 Records Retention Schedules Superseded P P Ppr S 2 years §60201(b)(1)(B) to the General Manager/ GM-021 Resolutions P P Yes(all) Mag, OD, S No GC§60201 et. seq. Secretary Ppr to the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: GENERAL MANAGER / SECRETARY TO THE BOARD Page GM-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media 1=Import Paper after (OFR) (in office) (Off-site,OD or Mfr) Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan ? If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). General 30 days, or 30 days, or Manager/ After After Tape Department Preference; legally Tapes&Recordings(Audio) Minutes are Minutes are Secretary GM-022 (Mag), required for 30 days(or adoption to the District Board meetings Approved, Approved, OD of the minutes); GC§54953.5(b) Board whichever is whichever is long_er longer General Upon Sale Upon Sale Manager/ GM-023 Vehicle Titles("Pink Slips") of the of the Yes OD, Ppr S/I Yes: After Given to the new owner upon sale Secretary Vehicle Vehicle 1 year of the vehicle; GC§60201 et seq. to the General Manager/ Water Conservation Programs Department Preference(meets Secretary GM-024 (rebates, etc. years 5 years Mag, Ppr auditing standards); GC§60201 to the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged& , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). ADMINISTRATION When No When No District preference; some Engineering Correspondence with Regulatory Longer Longer Yes: While correspondence from Regulatory /Admin. ENG-001 Agencies Required- Required- Active Mag, Ppr Agencies need to be retained for Minimum Minimum Issues long periods of time; GC§60201 10 years 10 years Engineering Urban Water Management Plans Department Preference(copies) /Admin. ENG-002 ( 10 years 10 years Yes Mag, Ppr GC§_60201.7 When When Engineering Superseded Superseded /Admin. ENG-003 Vulnerability Assessment Minimum 2 Minimum 2 Mag, Ppr Confidential; GC§60201 ears vears ENGINEERING-PLANNING &DESIGN &CONSTRUCTION Annexations/Boundary Changes Engineering ENG-004 Upon P P Yes Mag, S Yes: 1 GC§60201 et seq. Index, Maps, Documents Completion OD, Ppr year Department preference; Statute of Limitations for written CCTV Inspection Tapes/Video contracts are four years from the Inspections/Video Tapes or date of breach; errors and Engineering ENG-005 Digital Recordings-Jobs/ 10 years 10 years OD omissions is 10 years; Death Project Inspections(all lines) during construction is 10 years; CCP§§337., 337.1(a), 337.15 GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). CEQA/NEPA Documents: Prepared by others for NON- District Projects When No When No Yes: Until Y l Engineering ENG-006 (District comments)(Environmental Longer Longer Project OD, Ppr S/I year District Preference; GC§60200 Impact Reports (EIRs), Required Required Completed Environmental Assessments, Negative Declarations, etc) CEQA/NEPA Documents: Prepared for District Projects Yes: Until Mag, Yes: 1 Usually filed in Project File; GC Engineering ENG-007 (Environmental Impact Reports P P Project OD, Ppr S/I year §60201 (EIRs), Environmental Completed Assessments, Negative Declarations, etc) Engineering ENG-008 Connection Permits/Repair P P Yes Mag, S Yes: 1 Department Preference; GC Permits OD, Ppr year §60201 et seq. Encroachment Permits issued by Expiration of Expiration of Covers Statute of Limitations for Engineering ENG-009 outside agencies(e.g.for District Permit+4 Permit+4 OD, Ppr S/I Yes:ears written contracts; CCP§§336(a), construction ears ears p y 337 et. se g., GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) ff Vital? after OD or Mf(Off-site, a (in office) r) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Job Files/Engineering Project Files/CIP (Capital Improvement Project) Files-Administration Completion Statute of Limitations for written File: 10 years or + 10 years contracts are four years from the After or After date of breach; errors and Project Administration, Funding Funding omissions is 10 years; Death Advertising, Certified Payrolls, Upon Agency Yes: Until Mag, Yes: 1 Engineering ENG-010 Agency S during construction is 10 years; Complaints (project-related), Cost Completion Audit, if Audit, if Completed OD, Ppr year CCP§§337., 337.1(a), 337.15 of Construction, Fee& Deposit required, required, GC§60201, Contractor has Reimbursements, Insurance whichever is whichever is retention requirements in 48 Certificates from Contractors, longer longer CFR 4.703 Labor Compliance, Logs, Performance Bonds/Surety, Project Security files, Proiect Schedules, _ Job Files/Engineering Project Files/CIP (Capital Improvement For Disaster Recovery Purposes; Final environmental Project) Files- Permanent File- Engineering ENG-011 Large Format Drawings Upon P P Yes: Until Mag, S Yes: 1 determinations are required to Completion Completed OD, Ppr year be kept a"reasonable period of Design Drawings(finals), Record time"; 14 CCR§15095(c); GC Drawin s "As Builts" §60201 et seq. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, com taints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations sus end normal retention perio ds retention begins after settlement or completion). Job Files/Engineering Project Files/CIP (Capital Improvement Project) Files- Permanent File: Specifications, RFIs/RFPs, Change Orders, Construction Photos, Correspondence, Close- Out/Acceptance, Deeds, Easements, Encroachment Permits, Field Inspection Reports, Upon Yes: Until Mag, Yes: 1 For disaster preparedness Engineering ENG-012 Materials Testing Reports, Bills of Completion P P Completed OD, Ppr S year purposes; GC§60201 et seq. Material/Substitutions Environmental Documents, Notice of Completion, Regulatory Agency Approvals, Right of Way, Shop Drawings, Soils Reports, Structural Calculations, Surveys, Permanent Encroachment Permits, Rights-of- Ways, Submittals, Materials Submittals, SAMPs, SWPPP, Variances, etc. Engineering ENG-013 Land Surveys/Survey books P P Yes Mag, S Yes: 1 Department preference; GC OD, Ppr year §60201 et seq. Expiration + Expiration + Yes: Until Mag, Department preference; GC Engineering ENG-014 Permits 2 ears 2 ears Expired OD, Ppr S NO 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & If the record is not listed here refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Liti ation, com /aints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention perio ds retention begins after settlement or completion). Department preference; USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) Engineering ENG-015 Real Estate Appraisals 5 years P P Mag, Ppr ethical standards require appraisers to retain records for at least 5 years, or final disposition +2 years, if used in a judicial proceeding; GC§60201 Sewer Improvement Districts/ Mag, S Yes: 1 Engineering ENG-016 Assessment Districts P P Yes OD, Ppr year GC§60201 et seq. Engineering ENG-017 Special Purpose Maps/Tracts with P P Yes Mag, S Yes: 1 Department Preference; GC Survey Notes OD, Ppr year §60201 et seq. Subdivisions/Tract Files(contains Mag, Yes: 1 Department preference(Tracts Engineering ENG-018 drawings of our easements) P P Yes OD, Ppr S year maintained by appropriate County and/or City); GC§60201 Engineering ENG-019 Trunk Lines P P Yes Mag, S Yes: 1 Department Preference; GC OD, Ppr year §60201 et seq. Engineering ENG-020 Underground Service Alerts 3 years 3 years Ppr GC§4216.2(d)&4216.3(d); GC (U SAs) 1 §34090 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-6 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) ff Vital? after OD or Mf(Off-site, a (in office) r) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). WATER QUALITY When No When No Lab Reports may be destroyed if Engineering Longer Longer data is transferred to a"tabular /Water ENG-021 Biology: Worksheets, Reports& Required- Required- Mag, Yes: 5 Sampling q q OD, Ppr S/I � years summary"meeting legal Quality Minimum 5 Minimum 5 requirements; 40 CFR 141.33(a); years years 22 CCR 64453(b)et seq. Engineering Chains of Custody/Water /Water ENG-022 2 Mag, Yes: 2 40 CFR 141.33(a); 22 CCR Sampling: Bacteriological & years 3 years 5 years OD, Ppr S/I years §64470 Quality Organics Engineering Chains of Custody/Water Sampling: Chemical, Mag, Yes: 2 40 CFR 141.33(a); 22 CCR Quality Disinfection By-Products, /Water ENG-023 p g' 2 years 8 years 10 years OD, Ppr S/I years §64470 Trihalomethanes Lead and Copper are required Engineering for 12 years or 2 compliance Sam OD Ppr /Water ENG-024 Chains of Custody/Water 2 years 10 years 12 years Mag, S/I Yes: 2 cycles(some compliance cycles Quality pling: Lead &Copper , years are nine years); 22 CCR 64400.20: 22 CCR 64690.80 Engineering Cross-Connection/Backflow Meets California Department of /Water ENG-025 Device Inspections and 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr Health requirements; GC§60201 Quality _Maintenance Engineering Customer Concerns/Customer 5 years is required in State and /Water ENG-026 Complaints: Odor/Taste/Visual 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Federal law for any complaints; Quality Complaints 40 CFR 122.410)(2)&40 CFR 141.33(b); 22 CCR 64470 Engineering ' /Water ENG-027 Fire Detector Tests 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC§60201 Quality YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: ENGINEERING Page E-7 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) ff Vital? after OD or Mf(Off-site, a (in office) r) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Lab Reports may be destroyed if Engineering 5 years After 5 years After data is transferred to a"tabular Placed in a Placed in a Mag, S/I Yes: 5 summary"meeting legal /Water ENG-028 Laboratory Analysis (ALL) Tabular Tabular OD, Ppr years requirements;40 CFR 141.33(a); Quality Summary Summary 40 CFR 141.91; 22 CCR 64453(b)et seq., 22 CCR 64692 Engineering Pressure Tests/Hydrant Flow Department preference; GC /Water ENG-029 Tests 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr 60201 Quality § Engineering Preventative Maintenance System Data is interrelated; system /Water ENG-030 (for cross-connection locations and Indefinite Indefinite Mag qualifies as a"trusted system"; Quality backflow tests) GC§§60201, 12168.7 Engineering Reports to the State(Water Meets California Department of /Water ENG-031 Quality) 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr Health requirements; GC§60201 Quality Engineering Department preference; State /Water ENG-032 Water Quality Reports/Consumer 12 years P P Mag, S/I Yes(after 2 law requires 12 years,federal 10 Quality Confidence Reports OD, Ppr years) ears;40 CFR 141.33(a) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). ADMINISTRATION/CONTROLLER/GENERAL LEDGER Finance/ Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; Meets Admin. FIN-001 Adjusting Entries 5 years 5 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year municipal government auditing standards; GC§60201 Finance/ Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-002 Audit Work Papers(Finals) 5 years 5 years J OD, Ppr S/I 1 year §60201 Audited Financial Statements/ Department Preference for Finance/ Comprehensive Annual Financial Mag, Yes: After historical purposes; District Admin. FIN 003 Report(CAFR)with Audit 2 years P P OD, Ppr S/I 1 year Secretary retains original Management Letters/Audit Reports permanently; GC§60201 et seq. Finance/ Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-004 Audits-Operational (Internal Audits) 2 years 5 years 7 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year §60201 District Preference(may include records pertaining to Finance/ Bank Statements/Checking independent contractor's Admin. FIN-005 Account Reconciliation 7years 7 years Mag, Ppr compensation, or expense reimbursement); Meets auditing standards; GC§60201 Department Preference; Statute of Limitations for bonds, mortgages,trust deeds, notes or Cancellat., Cancellat., debentures is 6 years; Bonds Finance/ Bonds/Certificates of Participation/ Redemption Redemption Yes: Until Mag, issued by local governments are Admin. FIN-006 Transcripts/Disclosure Reports or Maturity+ or Maturity+ Maturity OD, Ppr S/I No 10 years;There are specific 10 years 10 years requirements for disposal of unused bonds; CCP§§336(a)(1) &(2), 337.5(2); GC§43900 et seq. GC§60201 et seq. Yes: Department Preference; District Finance/ FIN 007 Budgets: Adopted, Budget Hearing, Mag, Yes: After Secretary maintains originals; Admin. etc. 10 years P P Current OD, Ppr S/I 1 year longer for administrative value; Fiscal Year GC§60200 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). When No When No Department Preference; District Finance/ Secretary maintains originals; Admin. FIN-008 Budgets: Development, Drafts, etc. Longer Longer Mag, Ppr longer for administrative value; Required Required GC§60200 Chart of Accounts(Print out if a Finance/ Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-009 software change is made in order to 2 years 5 years 7 years Mag, Ppr §60200 retain historical account numbers) Finance/ Contractor Deposits, Refundable Close+5 Close+5 Department Preference; Meets Admin. FIN-010 Bonds, Receipts years years Mag, Ppr municipal government auditing standards; GC§60201 Department Preference Finance/ Yes: After (consistent with audit work Admin. FIN-011 Depreciation Schedules 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr S/I Inactive papers); Published articles show 7 years after disposal; GC §60201 Financial Reports: Journals, Ledgers, Reconciliations, Registers, Draft/Preliminary documents Finance/ Reports,Transaction Histories, When No When No used to produce final year-end Admin. FIN-012 Balance Sheets, Budget Longer Longer Mag, Ppr general ledger(financial Adjustments(MONTHLY OR Required Required database is the original); GC PERIODIC) Does NOT include year- §60201 end General Ledger. Finance/ Data is interrelated; system Admin. FIN-013 Financial System Database Indefinite Indefinite Mag qualifies as a"trusted system"; GC§§60201, 12168.7 Consistent with Accounts Receivable; Statute of Finance/ Fixed Assets-Auction/Disposal/ limitations is 3 years; statewide Admin. FIN-014 Sales/Surplused 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr guidelines propose 2-4 years; published articles show 3-6 ears; GC 60201, CCP§337 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). When No When No Finance/ Longer Longer Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; Admin. FIN-015 General Ledger: Final year-end Required- Required- OD, Ppr S/I 1 year Published articles show 3-7 Minimum 7 Minimum 7 years; GC§60201 years years Finance/ Inventory-Physical Inventory, Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-016 Worksheets(Fixed Assets) 2 years 3 years 5 years I Mag, Ppr §60200 Finance/ Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-017 Inventory Reports 2 years 3 years 5 years Mag, Ppr §60200 Finance/ Yes: Until Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-018 Investments 5 years 5 years Maturity Mag, Ppr §60201 Department Preference; Statute Finance/ of Limitations is 4 years; Admin. FIN 019 Journal Entries 2 years 5 years 7 years Mag, Ppr Published articles show 6-7 years; GC§60201, CCP§337 When No When No Finance/ Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-020 Monthly Work Papers Longer Longer Mag, Ppr §60200 Required Required District Preference(may include records pertaining to Finance/ independent contractor's Admin. FIN-021 Petty Cash Reconciliation 7years 7 years Mag, Ppr compensation, or expense reimbursement); Meets auditing standards; GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-4 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). District Preference; Meets auditing standards; Uniform Admin. Requirements for Grants After After to Local Governments is 3 years Funding Funding from expenditure report or final Finance/ Agency Agency payment of grantee or Admin. FIN-022 State Controller's Report 2 years Audit, if Audit, if Mag, Ppr subgrantee;21 CFR 1403.36& Required- required- 1403.42(b);24 CFR 85.42, Minimum 5 Minimum 5 91.105(h), 92.505, &570.502(b), years years 28 CFR 66.42;29 CFR 97.42;40 CFR 31.42;44 CFR 13.42;45 CFR 92.42; OMB Circular A-133; GC§60201 Finance/ Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Admin. FIN-023 State Controller's Report 5 years 5 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year §60201 Department Preference; IRS:4 years after tax is due or paid (longer for auditing&contractor Finance/ delinquency); Ca. FTB: 3 years; Admin. FIN-024 Tax Returns 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Published articles show permanent; ; IRS Reg§31.6001- 1(e)(2),26 CFR§1.6001-1, R&T §19530, GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IRS:4 years after tax is due or paid (longer for auditing& Finance/ contractor delinquency); Ca. OD Ppr Accounts FIN-025 1099's Issued 2 years 5 years 7 years Mag, S/I Yes: After FTB: 3 years; Published articles Payable , 1 year show permanent; ; IRS Reg §31.6001-1(e)(2), R&T§19530, GC§60201(d)(12) May contain independent contractor's compensation, Accounts Payable Source Records expense reimbursement,or (includes Invoices, Receivers,Travel District credit card records; Finance/ Meets municipal government Expense Reimbursements, etc.) Yes: Until Mag, Yes: After Accounts FIN-026 2 years 5 years 7 years S/I auditing standards; Sewage Payable Paid OD, Ppr 1 year EXCLUDES TEMPORARY Sludge is required for 5 years; AGENCY INVOICES Published articles show 3-7 years;40 CFR 122.410)(2);WC §13263.2(b)et seq.; GC §60201(d)(_12_) Accounts Payable Source Records Finance/ (includes Invoices, Receivers,Travel Department preference for PERS Expense Reimbursements, etc.) Yes: Until Mag, Yes: After Buy-back purposes;40 CFR Accounts FIN-027 2 years P P Paid OD, Ppr S/I 1 year 122.410)(2);WC§13263.2(b)et Payable TEMPORARY AGENCY INVOICES seq.; GC§60201(d)(12) ONLY Bank Reconciliation&Statements (Transaction Statements Wire Department Preference; Meets , Finance/ municipal government auditing Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Mag, Yes: After Accounts FIN-028 2 years 5 years 7 years S/I standards; Published articles Payable Deposits,Treasury Statements, OD, Ppr 1 year show 3-7 years; GC§60201, 26 Trustee&Investment Statements, CFR 1.6001-1 etc.) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-6 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I,mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). May contain independent Finance/ contractor's compensation; Accounts FIN 029 Check Copies(on CDs) 2 years 5 years 7 years Mag, S/I Yes: After Statute of Limitations is 4 years; Payable OD, Ppr 1 year Meets municipal government auditing standards; GC §60201(d)(12), CC §337 Finance/ When No When No Draft/Preliminary documents Accounts FIN-030 Check Registers Longer Longer Mag, Ppr (financial database is the Pay_able Required Required original); GC§60201 District Preference(may include records pertaining to independent contractor's compensation, or expense reimbursement); Meets auditing After After standards; Uniform Admin. Funding Funding Requirements for Grants to Local Finance/ Grants(SUCCESSFUL-all records, Agency Agency Governments is 3 years from Accounts FIN-031 2 years Audit, if Audit, if Mag, Ppr expenditure report or final Payable including FEMA claims) Required- required- payment of grantee or Minimum 5 Minimum 5 subgrantee;21 CFR 1403.36& years years 140142(b);24 CFR 85.42, 91.105(h), 92.505, &570.502(b), 28 CFR 66.42;29 CFR 97.42;40 CFR 31.42;44 CFR 13.42;45 CFR 92.42; OMB Circular A-133; GC§60201 May contain independent contractor's compensation, Finance/ Mag, Yes: After expense reimbursement,or Accounts FIN-032 Petty Cash 2 years 5 years 7 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year District credit card records; Payable y Meets municipal government auditing standards; GC 60201(d)(1 2 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-7 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media Mmport Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). District Preference; Related to independent contractor's Finance/ compensation; IRS:4 yrs after Accounts FIN-033 W-9's 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr tax is due or paid;Ca. FTB: 3 Payable years;Articles show 7 years; IRS Reg§31.6001-1(e)(2), R&T §19530; 29CFR 516.5-516.6, 29USC 436, GC§60201(d)(12) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-8 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I'mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). CUSTOMER SERVICE Accounts Receivable Source Finance/ Records(All Records and Reports, Department Preference; Meets including invoices to non-profits, Yes: Until municipal government auditing Customer FIN-034 leases and District invoices to 5 years 5 years Paid Mag, Ppr standards; Published articles Service others. Cash, Checks, Deposits, show 3-7 years; GC§60201 Billing for Property Damage,etc.) Finance/ Bankruptcies(Where District does Department preference; GC Customer FIN-035 not pursue a claim) 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr §60201 Service Finance/ Department Preference; Meets Customer FIN-036 Billing Registers/Reports 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr municipal government auditing Service standards; Published articles show 3-7 years; GC§60201 Finance/ Customer FIN-037 Cash Drawer Reconciliations After Audit After Audit Mag, Ppr Department Preference; Service preliminary drafts; GC§60201 Finance/ Department Preference Collection Agency Assignments/ (negative information remains on Customer FIN 038 Write Offs 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr credit reports for 7 years); GC Service §60201 et seq. Department Preference to retain Finance/ as long as it remains a doubtful Collection Correspondence(under Mag, Yes: After Customer FIN-039 $40 and over$40) 7 years 7 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year account; Meets municipal Service government auditing standards; GC§60201 Finance/ District preference for drinking Customer FIN-040 Customer Service Requests(CSRs) 5 years P P Mag, S/I Yes: After water regulations; CCP§§338 et Service OD, Ppr 1 year seq., 340 et seq., 342, GC §§945.6, GC§60201 Finance/ Department Preference; Meets Deposit Slips Customer FIN-041 De s 5 ears 5 ears Mag, Yes: After p p y years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year municipal government auditing Service y standards; GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-9 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I'mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Finance/ Payment Stubs(mailed)/Utility Transitory records not retained in Customer FIN-042 Receipts(when payment is made at After Audit After Audit Mag, Ppr the ordinary course of business; Service the counter) GC§60201 Finance/ Residential Water Deposits/ District preference for drinking Customer FIN-043 Customer Deposits/Customer 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr water regulations; CCP§§338 et Service Refunds seq., 340 et seq., 342, GC §§945.6, GC§60201 Finance/ Meets municipal government Customer FIN 044 Returned Checks(NSF, etc.) 5 years 5 years Yes: Until Mag, Ppr auditing standards; Statewide Service Paid guidelines propose audit+4 years; GC§60201 Finance/ District preference for drinking Customer FIN-045 Turn On/Turn Offs/Route Order& 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr water regulations; CCP§§338 et Service Address Order seq., 340 et seq., 342, GC §§945.6, GC§60201 Finance/ Data Fields/Records are Customer FIN-046 Utility Billing Database Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag interrelated; GC§60201 Service YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-10 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media I'mport Paper a after (OFR) (Off-site, Vital.? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). PAYROLL Retained to cover auditing Termination Termination standards; General rule under Finance/ Yes: During Mag, Yes: After ERISA(Employee Retirement Payroll FIN-050 Billing: COBRA and Retiree Medical of Service+ of Service+ Service OD, Ppr S/I 1 year Income Security Act)is 7 years; 7 years 7 years 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2);29 USC 1027; GC§60201 Department Preference; IRS:4 years after tax is due or paid (longer for auditing&contractor Finance/ DE-6&941 Forms-Quarterly delinquency); Ca. FTB: 3 years; Payroll FIN 051 Payroll Tax Returns 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr Published articles show permanent; ; IRS Reg§31.6001- 1(e)(2),26 CFR§1.6001-1, R&T §19530, GC§60201 Department preference to be consistent with District-wide standards; EEOC/ADEA(Age) Finance/ Deferred Compensation Plan(457 Plan Plan Yes: Before Mag, requires 1 year after benefit plan Payroll FIN-052 Plan-Lincoln) Termination 10 years Termination Expiration OD, Ppr S No termination; Federal law requires + 10 years 6 years after filing date; State Law requires 2 years after action;29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2);29 USC 1027; GC§§12946, 60201 Finance/ Deferred Compensation Statements Department preference; GC Payroll FIN 053 /Transactions 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr §60201 et seq. Finance/ Mag, Yes: After Payroll FIN 054 Payroll Checks(copies) 7 years 7 years OD, Ppr S/I 1 year GC§60201(d)(12), CC §337 Finance/ Payroll Reports-Detail Year End Department preference; GC Payroll FIN 055 (cumulative) 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr §60201 Finance/ FIN-056 Payroll Reports-Monthly or Periodic 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr Department preference; GC Payroll 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: FINANCE Page FIN-11 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Inactive Active Total Media Mmport Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Department Preference; Statute Finance/ PERS/Retirement/Pension Yes: Until of Limitations for retirement Payroll FIN-057 Records 7 years 7 years Paid Mag, Ppr benefits is 6 years from last action; GC§§12946, 60201;29 USC 1113 Finance/ Department Preference to meet Payroll FIN-058 Timesheets 7 years 7 years Mag, Ppr auditing standards; GC§60201 et seq. Department preference; IRS:4 yrs after tax is due or paid; Ca. Finance/ Mag, Yes: After FTB: 3 years;Articles show 7 Payroll FIN-059 W-2's 7 years i P P OD, Ppr S/I 1 year years; IRS Reg§31.6001- 1(e)(2), R&T§19530; 29CFR 516.5-516.6,29USC 436, GC 60201(d)(1 2 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-1 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g, last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). HUMAN RESOURCES Accident/Incident/Injury/Damage Human HR-001 Reports: EMPLOYEES/NO 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC§§12946, 60201 Resources EXPOSURES(also see Workers Compensation) Accident/Incident/Injury/Damage Reports: EMPLOYEES/ Claims can be made for 30 years Human HR 002 RECORDABLE ACCIDENTS WITH 30 years 30 years Mag, S Yes:When for toxic substance exposure; 8 Resources CHEMICAL EXPOSURES(also see OD, Ppr Inactive CCR§3204(d)(1)et seq.,8 CCR 14300.33(a); GC§§12946, 60201 Workers Compensation) Department preference(same as Affirmative Action Complaints- the Personnel File);All State and Human Department of Fair Employment& Separation+ Separation+ Federal laws require retention Resources HR-003 Housing (DEER)or Equal 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr until final disposition of formal Opportunity Commission(EEOC) complaint; State requires 2 years after action is taken; GC§§12946, 60201 Affirmative Action: EEO-4 Reports Human HR-004 and records required to generate 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr 29 CFR 1602.30 Resources EEO-4 report Department preference; EEOC/ Applications for Employment or FLSA/ADEA(Age)statue of Resumes/Recruitment Files: When No When No limitations is 1-3 years; State Law Human Solicited: Brochure, Longer Longer requires 2 years; Reports&Data Resources HR-005 advertisement, unsuccessful Required- Required- Mag, Ppr used to compile EEO reports are applications(with or without Minimum 3 Minimum 3 required for 3 years;29 CFR 1602 interviews), selection materials, years years et seq& 1627.3(a)(5)and(6), 2 interview notes, results,etc. CCR 7287 et seq., 8 CCR §11040.7(c), GC§§12946,60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-2 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g, last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). No positions open;therefore not Applications for Employment, When No When No deemed part of District Human Interest Cards or Resumes: recruitment practices; considered Resources HR-006 Unsolicited(no open position), Longer Longer Ppr a transitory record not materially candidates not hired Required Required impacting the conduct of the public's business; GC§60201 Human Classification and Compensation When No When No Department Preference; GC Resources HR-007 Studies/Surveys Longer Longer Mag, Ppr §60201 Required Required District preference(DMV record that the District considers a non- Human When When record used for reference); DMV Resources HR-008 DMV Pull Notices Superseded Superseded Mag, Ppr audits every 2 years; Bureau of National Affairs recommends 2 years for all supplementary Personnel records; GC§60201 Department preference; D.O.T. Requires 5 years for positive tests, refusals,annual summaries, Drug and Alcohol Testing/D.O.T etc, 1 year for negative tests; files(ALL Files-Random, Post- 5 years EEOC/FLSA/ADEA(Age) Human HR-009 Accident&Reasonable Suspicion Separation+ 3 years Separation+ Ppr requires 3 years physical Resources Tests, refusals, annual summaries, 2 Years examinations; State Law requires etc.) 2 years;29 CFR 1627.3(b)(v),49 CFR 382.401 et seq.; GC §§12946, 60201,49 CFR 653.71 et se g. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-3 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g, last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Department preference; EEOC/ FLSA/ADEA(Age)statue of When No When No limitations is 1-3 years; State Law Human Longer Longer requires 2 years; Reports&Data Resources HR-010 Employee Investigations Required- Required- Mag, Ppr used to compile EEO reports are Minimum 3 Minimum 3 required for 3 years;29 CFR 1602 years years et seq& 1627.3(a)(5)and(6), 2 CCR 7287 et seq., 8 CCR §11040.7(c), GC§§12946,60201 Non-citizens must re-certify periodically; RICA recommends 1 year from termination or 3 years from hiring,whichever is later; Human Separation+ Separation+ Yes: Until Mag, Yes:When EEOC/FLSA/ADEA(Age) Resources HR-011 I-9s 2 years 2 years Separation OD, Ppr S Inactive requires 3 years for"any other forms of employment inquiry"; State Law requires 2-3 years; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(i), GC§§12946, 34090 Department preference to be Insurance Policies-Employee consistent with District-wide Benefit Policies (Benefits: Health, standards; EEOC/ADEA(Age) Human Eye, Dental, Life Insurance, Long Plan Yes: Before Mag, requires 1 year after benefit plan Resources HR-012 Term Disability,State Disability, 10 years Termination Expiration OD, Ppr S No termination; Federal law requires Unemployment Insurance, etc) + 10 years 6 years after filing date; State Law Includes Policies requires 2 years after action; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2);29 USC 1027; GC§§12946, 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-4 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g, last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Department preference to be consistent with District-wide Human Insurance Policies-Workers Policy Policy Yes: Before Mag, standards; EEOC/ADEA(Age) HR-013 Compensation Insurance Policy/ Termination Termination Ppr S No requires 1 year after benefit plan Resources Plan + 10 years + 10 years Expiration OD, termination; State Law requires 2 years after action;29 CFR 1627.3(b)(2); GC§§12946,60201 Human Superseded Superseded Yes: Before Department Preference; GC Resources HR-014 Job Descriptions +3 years +3 years Superseded Mag, Ppr §60201 Human Labor Relations/Negotiations Department preference; GC Resources HR-015 (Notes) 10 years 10 years Mag, Ppr §60201 Human Department Preference to protect Resources HR-016 LiveScan Fingerprint Clearance Log 50 years 50 years Mag, Ppr City in the event of past employee misconduct; GC§60201 et seq. General Copies- Copies- Department Preference; Statute of Manager/ HR-017 Memoranda of Understanding When No When No Yes: Before Ma g' p Ppr Limitations: Contracts&Spec's=4 Secretary (MOUs) Longer Longer Completion years; CCP§§336(a), 337 et. to the Required Required seq., GC§60201 et seq. Human HR-018 Organization Charts P P Mag, S Yes:After GC§60201 et seq. Resources OD, Ppr Separation Personnel Files-General Department Preference; statue of (Includes Application,Awards, DMV limitations for retirement benefits Reports, Disciplinary Actions, is 6 years from last action; Certifications, Commendations, EEOC/FLSA/ADEA(Age)requires Human HR-019 Employment Verifications, Separation+ Separation+ Yes: Until Mag, S Yes:After 3 years for promotion, demotion, Resources Evaluations, Grievances, Licenses, 6 years 6 years Separation OD, Ppr Separation transfer, selection, or discharge; Personnel Action Forms, Policy State Law requires 2-3 years; 29 acknowledgements,Waiver of CFR 1602.31 & 1627.3(b)(ii), 8 responsibility for voluntary activities, CCR§3204(d)(1)et seq., GC etc. -Excludes Medical Records §§12946, 60201;29 USC 1113 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-5 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g, last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investi ations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Personnel Files-Medical Files maintained separately; Human (Includes pre-employment Separation+ Separation+ Yes: Until Mag, Yes:When Claims can be made for 30 years Resources HR-020 physicals, hazmat exposure 30 years 30 years Separation OD, Ppr S Inactive for toxic substance exposure; 8 records, pulmonary tests, Class B CCR§3204(d)(1)et seq., GC medicals, and backgrounds& §§12946, 60201 fingerprint clearances) District preference(the department that conducts the class maintains the records; certificates for individuals are kept in Safety; Statewide guidelines propose 7 years; Calif. Labor Training (In-house training- Division is required to keep their Human HR-021 Attendance Rosters, Outlines and 7 years 7 years Mag S Yes:When OSHA records 7 years; Resources Materials) OD, Inactive EEOC/FLSA/ADEA(Age)requires 3 years for promotion, demotion, transfer, selection, or discharge; State Law requires 2-3 years; 29 CFR 1627.3(b)(ii), 8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq., GC§§12946, 60201 Department preference; Claims Human Separation+ Separation+ Mag, Yes:When can be made for 30 years for toxic Resources HR-022 Workers Compensation Files ALL 5 years 25 years 30 years OD, Ppr S Inactive substance exposure; 8 CCR §3204(d)(1)et seq., GC§§12946, 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 ver.4.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: HUMAN RESOURCES Page HR-6 Office of Retention Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record No. Inactive Image: Destroy Active Total Media I=Import Paper after (OFR) (Off-site, vital? (in office) O Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged& D or Mfr) S=Scan QC'd? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. I Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder il last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims,public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). RISK MANAGEMENT Human Final Department Preference; Covers Resources Final Yes: Until Mag, Yes: After various statute of limitations; CCP /Risk HR 023 Claims Resolution 5 years Resolution+5 years Resolution OD, Ppr S 5 years §§337 et seq.; GC§§911.2, Manages 945.6,60201, 60201.6; PC§832.5 Human Resources HR-024 Facility Inspections 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr GC§60201 /Risk Manage. Human Final Department Preference; Covers Resources Final Yes: Until Mag, Yes: After various statute of limitations; CCP /Risk HR-025 Lawsuits/Litigation Resolution 5 years Resolution+ Resolution OD, Ppr S 5 years §§337 et seq.; GC§§911.2, Mana e. 5 years 945.6,60201, 60201.6; PC W2.5 SAFETY Department Preference; Calif. Labor Division is required to keep Human their records 7 years;OSHA Resources HR-024 Cal-OSHA Inspections&Citations, 7 years 7 years Ppr requires 5 years; State law /Safety Log 200, 300, 300A, 301,etc. requires 2 years; 8 CCR 14300.33(a);29 CFR 1904.33, 29 CFR 1904.44; GC§60201 et seq.; LC§6429c Human Minimum of Minimum of Yes: When Illness and Injury Prevention Mag, Consistent with District-wide Resources HR-025 Program Superseded Superseded OD, Ppr S/I Super- standards; GC§60201 /Safety +2 years +2 years seded When No When No Human Longer Longer Department Preference(actuary Resources HR-026 Loss Runs Required- Required- Mag, Ppr wants 10 years of data); GC /Safety Minimum Minimum §60201 et seq. 10 years 10 years Human FS!afetyCommittee/Safety Steering Department preference; GC Resources HR-027 Committee 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr §60201 et seq. /Safety YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 3.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Page IT-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 1=Import Paper (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged& , ? If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Used for Disaster Recovery Information When No When No Purposes Only; Considered a Technology IT-001 Backup Tapes/Disks-Daily Longer Longer Yes Mag. copy and can be destroyed when Required Required no longer required; GC§60200 et seq. Used for Disaster Recovery Information When No When No Purposes Only; Considered a Technology IT-002 Backup Tapes/Disks-Weekly Longer Longer Yes Mag. copy and can be destroyed when Required Required no longer required; stored off- site; GC§60200 et seq. Information Geographic Information System Data is interrelated; GC§60200, Technology IT-003 (G IS) Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag 60201 et seq. Information Network Configuration Maps& When No When No Preliminary documents not Technology IT-004 Plans Longer Longer Yes Mag. retained in the ordinary course of Required Required business; GC§60201 et seq. Information IT-005 Software Licenses, Warrantees, When No When No Ma g' Department preference; GC Technology Installation Media Longer Used Longer Used §60201 et seq. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-1 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION When No When No Engineering OPS-001 Construction Project Files, Longer Longer Mag, S/I Yes: Upon Engineering is OFR for project; Production Control Center Required Required OD, Ppr Completion GC§60200 Operations/ Disaster Plan: Emergency When No When No Yes: Until Mag, Yes: 2 Department Preference; GC Admin. OPS-002 Operations Center(EOC) Longer Longer Superseded OD, Ppr S/I years §60201 Required Required Operations/ Emergency Exercises/Drills/ When No When No Yes: Until Mag, Yes: 2 Department Preference; GC Admin. OPS-003 After Action Reports Longer Longer Superseded OD, Ppr S/I years §60201 Required Required Environmental Agencies/ When No When No Operations/ OPS-004 Regulatory Agencies Required- Required- Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Admin. §60201 (EPA, DHS, etc.) Minimum 5 Minimum 5 years vears Operations/ Department Preference; GC Mechanics OPS-005 Fire Inspections, Maintenance 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr §60201 OR Admin. Incidents/Unauthorized Yes: Department Preference; Code of Operations/ OPS-006 Discharges: Main Breaks, Spills, Last Action Last Action Before Mag, Federal Regulations requires 3 Admin. Investigations and Corrective + 3 years + 3 years Resolution OD, Ppr years;40 CFR 122.410)(2)&40 Actions-ALL CFR 141.33(b) Incidents/Unauthorized Yes: Department Preference; Code of Operations/ Last Action Last Action Mag, Federal Regulations requires 3 Reports Resolution Admin. OPS-007 Discharges: Regional Board + 5 years + 5 years Before OD, Ppr years;40 CFR 122.410)(2)&40 CFR 141.33(b) Operations/ Landscape Contract Site Check Covers various statute of Admin. OPS-008 List, Weed and Brush Abatement, 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr limitations; CCP§337 et seq., GC Verification of Work §60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-2 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). When No When No Yes: Until Mag, Yes: Upon Engineering OPS-009 Manuals: Operations and Projects Longer Longer Superseded OD, Ppr S/I Completion Copies; GC§60200 Required Required Department Preference; Operations/ Expiration + Expiration + Yes: Until Monitoring records required for 3 Admin. OPS-010 NPDES Permits 3 years 3 years Expiration Mag, Ppr years;40 CFR§§122.21, 122.41; CCP§337 et seq.; GC §60200 Regulatory Agency Reports/ When No When No Department Preference; Hazmat Operations/ OPS-011 Compliance Reports: Monthly Required- Required- Mag, S/I Yes: 2 discharge records are required Admin. and Quarterly Reports, including OD, Ppr years for 3-5 years;40 CFR Minimum 5 Minimum 5 backup data 122.410)(2) V4 ars vears Department preference; plans Yes: OD must be updated every 5 years, Operations/ OPS-012 Sanitary Sewer Overflows(SSOs) 5 years 5 years Before Mag' audits are required every 2 Admin. Resolution , Ppr years; SWRCB Order 2006-03 GC§60201 Department preference; plans Operations/ Sewer System Management Plans must be updated every 5 years, Admin. OPS-013 (SSMP)and Audits 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr audits are required every 2 years; GC§34090 Department Preference; Vector Control/Pesticide Records pesticide companies are Operations/ OPS-014 (usage records are filed with the 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr required to retain logs and other Admin. records for 3 years; 8 CCR County Agriculture Department) §3204(d)(1)et seq., 16 CCR 1970; GC 34090, YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-3 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Work Orders/Service Requests/ Operations/ Service Tracker CMMS Admin. OPS-015 DATABASE(Computerized Indefinite Indefinite Mag Data is interrelated; GC§60201 Maintenance Management Svstem) Work Orders/Service Requests/ When No When No Operations/ Preliminary drafts(the database Admin. OPS-016 Service Tracker-All Information Longer Longer Mag Ppr is the original); GC§60201 Entered in CMMS Database Required Required Work Orders/Service Requests/ District Preference-all will be Service Tracker- NOT entered in entered into CMMS before they Operations/ OPS-017 CMMS Database (or partial P P Mag Ppr are destroyed (Clean Water Act Admin. Actions can go back 5 years); information entered into CMMS Database CCP§§338 et seq., 340 et seq., 342, GC§§945.6, GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-4 Office of Record Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments/Reference Image: Destroy Inactive Paper Active Total Media 1=Import (OFR) (in office) (Off-site, Retention Vital? Options M=Mfr after OD or Mfr) S=Scan Imaged & If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). MAINTENANCE Operations/ OPS-018 Asbestos Pipe Records and P P Mag, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC Maintenance Remediation OD, Ppr QC'd §60201 CCTV Inspection Tapes/Video When No When No Operations/ OPS-019 Inspections/Video Tapes or Longer Longer Mag Department preference; GC Maintenance §60201 Digital Recordings-Maintenance Required Required Operations/ OPS-020 Cleaning of Main Lines P p Mag, S/I Yes: After Department Preference; GC Maintenance OD, Ppr QC'd §60201 Operations/ OPS-021 Collections 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference; GC Maintenance §60201 Confined Space Entries& Purchase Orders Operations/ Code of Federal Regulations Maintenance OPS-022 (Permitted entries into confined 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr requires 3 years;40 CFR spaces such as sewers and storm 122.41(j)(2) drains in order to comply with regulations) Human Drivers License for Commercial When No When No Resources OPS-023 Drivers Longer Longer Mag, Ppr Copies; GC§60200 Required Required Operations/ OPS-024 Fire Hydrant Maintenance Logs/ Indefinite Indefinite Mag, Ppr Stored on AS 400(data is Maintenance Data interrelated); GC§60201 When No When No Engineering OPS-025 Manuals: Operations& Longer Longer Yes: Until Mag, S/I Yes: Upon Copies; GC §60200 Required Required Maintenance/Project Manuals Superseded OD, Ppr Completion YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-5 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). MSDS may be destroyed as long Material Data Safety Sheet as a record of the chemical/ Operations/ (MSDS)/Chemical Use Report Mag, Yes(after substance/agent, where& Maintenance OPS-026 Form (or records of the chemical/ 2 years 28 years 30 years OD, Ppr S inactive) when it was used is maintained substance/agent, where&when for 30 years; Applies to qualified it was used) employers; 8 CCR 3204(d)(1)(B)(2 and 3) Operations/ Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Maintenance OPS-027 Repairs of Lines P P OD, Ppr S/I QC'd §60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-6 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). MECHANICS Operations/ AQMD Permit&Monitoring/ Disposal of Disposal of Department Preference (log Mechanics OPS-028 Generator Operation Logs Vehicle or Vehicle or Mag, Ppr indicates run time only); GC Equipment Equipment _§60201 Life of the Life of the Operations/ Bit Inspection (CHP Commercial Vehicle Vehicle 49 CFR 396.11(c)(2); GC Mechanics OPS-029 Vehicle Inspection) (minimum 2 (minimum 2 Mag, Ppr §60201 years) years) Department preference; If a Operations/ Daily Safety Checks/Pre-Starts/ motor carrier, required for 3 and Mechanics OPS-030 Commercial Vehicle Prestarts and 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr 14 months;49 CFR 396.11(c)(2); Forklift Inspections 49 CFR 396.21(b)(1); GC §60201 Operations/ Mechanics Equipment Repair Orders(Pumps, Life of Life of Department Preference; GC OR OPS-031 Pump Stations,Well Logs, etc.) Equipment Equipment Mag, Ppr §60201 Production Operations/ Department Preference; GC Mechanics OPS-032 Fire Inspections, Maintenance 2 years 2 years Mag, Ppr §60201 OR Admin. Hazardous Materials Inventory/ Operations/ OPS-033 Disclosures(for Local Fire 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Department Preference(this is Mechanics Authorities/Districts performed annually); GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-7 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Department preference; Claims can be made for 30 years for ,toxic substance exposure; 8 Yes: CCR§3204(d)(1)et seq., 5 Operations/ Hazardous Waste Manifests/ Mag, Yes:After Mechanics OPS-034 Disposal (includes batteries) 5 years P P Before OD, Ppr S QC'd Years is required in State and Resolution Federal law for any complaints; 40 CFR 122.410)(2)&40 CFR 141.33(b);22CCR 64453(a); GC I§§12946, 60201 Covers statute of limitations for Operations/ Two-Way Radio Licensing and Expiration + Expiration + Yes: Until written contracts(4 years); Mechanics OPS-035 Information 2 2years Expired Mag, Ppr Statewide guidelines propose years Permanent; CCP §337 et. Seq.; GC§60201 Operations/ 22 CCR 66266.130(c)(5), H&S Mechanics OPS-036 Used Oil Disposal 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr §25250.18(b),25250.19(a)(3)et seq. GC§60201 et seq. Department Preference to cover all statute of limitations; If a motor carrier, required for 18 Vehicle and Equipment Folders: Disposal of Disposal of months after vehicle is sold; Operations/ OPS-037 Includes Maintenance History, Vehicle or Vehicle or Mag, Ppr Covers all statute of limitations; Mechanics Inspections, etc. Equipment+ Equipment+ CHP requires life of vehicle; 2 years 2 years OSHA requires 1 year; 8 CCR§ 3203(b)(1);49 CFR 396.21(b)(1); 49 CFR 396.3(c); CCP§337 et. Seq., GC§60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-8 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations suspend normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). PRODUCTION Operations/ Calibration Records(Chlorine Mag, Yes: 2 Consistent with Lead &Copper Production OPS-038 Analyzers) 10 years 10 years OD, Ppr S/I years Analysis;40 CFR 141.33(a); 22 CCR§_64692 Operations/ Production 5 years is required in State and Customer Concerns/Customer OR OPS-039 Complaints: Odor/Taste/Visual 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr Federal law for any complaints; Engineering Complaints 40 CFR 122.410)(2)&40 CFR /Water 141.33(b); 22 CCR 64470 Quality Operations/ WC§13263.2(b)et seq.; GC Production OPS-040 Inspection Schedule and Logs 3 years 3 years Mag, Ppr §60201 Operations/ Upon Upon Mag, Yes: After Department Preference; GC Production OPS-041 Meter Changes/Pump Meters Change of Change of OD, Ppr S/ I 1 year §60201 Meter Meter Operations/ Operations&Maintenance Disposal of Disposal of Department preference; GC Production OPS-042 Manuals/O&M Manuals Equipment Equipment Mag, Ppr §_60201 Reservoir, Dam Maintenance Operations/ OPS-043 (includes Dam Safety reports, P P Mag, S/I Yes: 2 Infrastructure; GC§60201 Production corrosion reports, surveillance OD, Ppr years reports, etc.) Database is original, printouts Operations/ SCADA Alarm &Status Printouts/ When No When No Mag, Yes: 2 are drafts/copies. Data is Ppr OPS-044 Longer Longer S/I interrelated; system qualifies as Production Charts Required Required OD, years a"trusted system"; GC§§60200, 12168.7 Operations/ SCADA Database (Supervisory Data is interrelated; system Production OPS-045 Control and Data Acquisition) Indefinite Indefinite Yes Mag qualifies as a"trusted system"; GC§§60201, 12168.7 Operations/ Videos-Water Wells, Repairs, Department preference; GC Production OPS-046 Reservoirs, Tanks, etc. P P Mag 60201 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 Ver. 5.0 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE: OPERATIONS Page OPS-9 Office of Retention No. Records Description Retention/Disposition Comments I Reference Record Image: Destroy Active Inactive Total Media 11=Import Paper (OFR) (Off-site, Vital? after (in office) OD or Mfr) Retention Options M=Mfr Imaged & S=Scan If the record is not listed here, refer to the Retention for District-Wide Standards. Retentions begin when the act is completed, and imply a full file folder(e.g. last document+2 years), since destruction is normally performed by file folder. Litigation, complaints, claims, public records act requests, audits, and/or investigations sus end normal retention periods retention begins after settlement or completion). Operations/ Department Preference; GC Production OPS-047 Water Pressure Charts 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr [§60201 et seq. Department Preference; Meets Operations/ OPS-048 Water Production Reports (to 5 years 5 years Mag, Ppr California Department of Health Production State DHS&DWR) requirements(3 years); GC §60201 Wells, Depth to Water When No When No Operations/ OPS-049 measurements, Sounding, Longer Longer Mag, Yes: 2 S/I Copies; GC§§60200 Production Compiled reports I Required Required OD, Ppr years YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ©1995-2009 Gladwell Governmental Services, Inc.-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent 909.337.3516 Adopted: 04/08/2010 INDEX - RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULES Abbreviations: DW— District Wide E — Engineering F — Finance GM — General Manager/ Secretary to the Board HR— Human Resources IT— Information Technology OPS - Operations 1041 Forms — Quarterly Payroll Tax Returns .................................................................................................................................FIN-10 1099s................................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 457 Plan — Lincoln ..........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 A AbsenceSlips ...................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Accident/ Incident/ Injury/ Damage Reports................................................................................................................................... HR-1 Accounts Payable Source Records (Invoices, Receivers, Travel Expense Reimbursements, etc.).................................................FIN-5 AccountsPayable................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5— FIN-7 Accounts Receivable Source Records (Invoices to others, leases, Cash, Checks Deposits, Billing for Property, etc.)...................FIN-8 AddressOrder...................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 AdjustingEntries...............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Administration, Operations............................................................................................................................................... OPS-1 — OPS-3 AdministrativeCorrespondence........................................................................................................................................................DW-2 Administrative Files, Chronological Files, Communications, General Files, Letters, Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports.........DW-4 Affidavits of Postings and Publications.............................................................................................................................................GM-2 Affidavits of Postings and Publications.............................................................................................................................................GM-2 Affirmative Action Complaints — Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or EEOC .................................................. HR-1 AfterAction Reports - Emergency ..................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Agenda / Memoranda / Minutes — Closed Session...........................................................................................................................GM-1 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District i ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Agenda Staff Reports— District Board of Directors, Subcommittees of the Board ...........................................................................GM-1 Agendas & Agenda Packets— District Board of Directors, Subcommittees of the Board.................................................................GM-1 Agreements & Contracts - Leases...................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Agreements & Contracts—Administrative Correspondence.............................................................................................................DW-2 Agreements & Contracts - Infrastructure ..........................................................................................................................................DW-1 Agreements & Contracts— Non-Infrastructure..................................................................................................................................DW-2 Agreements & Contracts..................................................................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 AlcoholTesting / DOT Files.............................................................................................................................................................. HR-2 Analysis, Laboratory (ALL)................................................................................................................................................................... E-7 Annexations / Boundary Changes ....................................................................................................................................................... E-1 Applications for Employment or Resumes — Recruitment Files........................................................................................................ HR-1 Applications for Employment or Resumes — Unsolicited .................................................................................................................. HR-2 Appraisals, Real Estate........................................................................................................................................................................ E-5 AQMDPermit & Monitoring.............................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 AsBuilt Drawings........................................................................................................................................................................E-3 — E-4 Asbestos Pipe Records and Remediation ......................................................................................................................................OPS-4 AssessmentDistricts............................................................................................................................................................................ E-5 AssociationRecords (ACWA, etc.) ...................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Association Records (External Associations—e.g. ACWA)..............................................................................................................DW-3 AttendanceRosters, Training ........................................................................................................................................................... HR-5 Auction / Disposal / Sales/ Surplused - Fixed Assets......................................................................................................................FIN-2 Audio Recordings— District Board Meetings ....................................................................................................................................GM-4 AudioTapes — District Board Meetings.............................................................................................................................................GM-4 AuditManagement Reports ..............................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 AuditReports ....................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 AuditWork Papers............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Audited Financial Statements / Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ..........................................................................FIN-1 Audits — Operational (Internal Audits)...............................................................................................................................................FIN-1 B Backflow Device Inspections & Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... E-6 BackupTapes / Disks......................................................................................................................................................................... IT-1 Bacteriological & Organics: Chains of Custody/Water Sampling...................................................................................................... E-6 BalanceSheets.................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 BankDeposits...................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Bank Reconciliation & Statements (Transaction Statements, Wire Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.) ................FIN-5 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Bank Statements / Checking Account Reconciliation .......................................................................................................................FIN-1 Bankruptcies.....................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 BenefitPlans..................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-3 Bids, Unsuccessful............................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Billingfor Property Damage..............................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 BillingRegisters/ Reports.................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Billing: COBRA and Retiree Medical..............................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Biology: Worksheets, Reports & Sampling ......................................................................................................................................... E-6 Bit Inspection (CHP Commercial Vehicle Inspection).....................................................................................................................OPS-6 Boardof Directors Minutes ...............................................................................................................................................................GM-2 Bonds/ Certificates of Participation /Transcripts / Disclosure Reports............................................................................................FIN-1 Bonds, Performance / Surety............................................................................................................................................................... E-3 BoundaryChanges .............................................................................................................................................................................. E-1 Brochures, Manuals & Reports........................................................................................................................................... DW-6 — DW-7 Brush Abatement, Verification of Work...........................................................................................................................................OPS-1 BudgetAdjustment Reports..............................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Budgets: Adopted, Budget Hearing, etc...........................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Budgets: Development, Drafts.........................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 C CAFR................................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Calendars, Checklists, e-mail, invitations, instant messaging, logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations.................................DW-5 Calibration Records (Chlorine Analyzers).......................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Cal-OSHA Inspections & Citations, Log 200, 300, 300A, 301, etc. .................................................................................................. HR-6 Capital Improvement Project Files..............................................................................................................................................E-3— E-4 CashDrawer Reconciliations............................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Cash..................................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 CategoricalExemptions (EIRs, etc.).................................................................................................................................................... E-2 CCTV Inspection Tapes /Video Inspections /Video Tapes or Digital Recordings—Jobs / Project Inspections................................. E-1 CCTV Inspection Tapes /Video Inspections/Video Tapes or Digital Recordings.........................................................................OPS-4 CEQA ./ NEPA Documents (EIRs, etc.)............................................................................................................................................... E-2 Certificateof Election........................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 Certificates of Participation /Transcripts / Disclosure Reports (Bonds) ...........................................................................................FIN-1 Certificates, Insurance - Contracts &Agreements.............................................................................................................. DW-1 — DW-2 Certificates, Safety............................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Certified Payroll —Agreements & Contracts .....................................................................................................................................DW-2 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent CertifiedPayrolls.................................................................................................................................................................................. E-3 Chainsof Custody/Water Sampling................................................................................................................................................... E-6 ChangeOrders .................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Chartof Accounts .............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 CheckCopies....................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 Check List, Weed and Brush Abatement, Verification of Work.......................................................................................................OPS-1 Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.)..........................................................................................................................................FIN-5 CheckRegisters................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 CheckingAccount Reconciliation......................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Checklists, e-mail, invitations, instant messaging, logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations...................................................DW-5 Checks, Deposits..............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Checks, Payroll...............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Checks, Returned .............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 ChemicalExposures......................................................................................................................................................................... HR-1 Chemical, Disinfection By-Products, Trihalomethanes: Chains of Custody/Water Sampling ........................................................... E-6 ChlorineAnalyzers..........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 CHP Commercial Vehicle Inspection..............................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Chronological Files, Communications, General Files, Letters, Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports..........................................DW-4 CIP (Capital Improvement Project Files).....................................................................................................................................E-3— E-4 CircularCharts................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-9 Citations - OSHA............................................................................................................................................................................... HR-6 Claims, Risk Management................................................................................................................................................................ HR-6 Classification & Compensation Studies / Surveys ............................................................................................................................ HR-2 Cleaningof Main Lines ...................................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Clippings / Newspaper Clippings......................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Closed Session Agenda / Memoranda / Minutes.............................................................................................................................GM-1 CMMS — Computerized Maintenance Management System —Work Orders, etc...........................................................................OPS-3 COBRA and Retiree Medical Billing................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Collection Agency Assignments/Write Offs.....................................................................................................................................FIN-8 CollectionCorrespondence...............................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Collections ......................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Commercial Vehicle Prestarts and Forklift Inspections...................................................................................................................OPS-6 Committee / Safety Steering Committee........................................................................................................................................... HR-6 Committees — Subcommittees of the Board .....................................................................................................................................GM-1 Committees or Task Forces: External..............................................................................................................................................DW-3 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District iv ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Committeesor Task Forces: Internal...............................................................................................................................................DW-3 Communications, General Files, Letters, Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports ..........................................................................DW-4 CompensationStudies / Surveys...................................................................................................................................................... HR-2 Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints ..............................................................................................................................OPS-8 Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints (Drinking Water)......................................................................................................... E-6 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) ............................................................................................................................FIN-1 Confined Space Entries & Purchase Orders...................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Connection Permits / Repair Permits................................................................................................................................................... E-2 Conservation Programs (Rebates, etc.)............................................................................................................................................GM-4 Construction - Engineering .........................................................................................................................................................E-1 — E-5 ConstructionPhotos............................................................................................................................................................................. E-4 Construction Project Files, Production Control Center ...................................................................................................................OPS-1 ConsumerConfidence Reports............................................................................................................................................................ E-7 Contractor Deposits, Refundable Bonds, Receipts...........................................................................................................................FIN-2 Contracts—Administrative Correspondence ....................................................................................................................................DW-2 Contracts - Infrastructure..................................................................................................................................................................DW-1 Contracts— Non-Infrastructure..........................................................................................................................................................DW-2 Contracts & Agreements..................................................................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 Control Center— Construction Project Files....................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Controller/ General Ledger .................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 — FIN-4 Copiesor Duplicates.........................................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Copyrights / Patents..........................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Correspondence —Agreements & Contracts ....................................................................................................................................DW-2 Correspondence — Regulatory Agencies........................................................................................................................................DW-4 Correspondence — Routine (Letters, e-mails, Memorandums, etc.) ...............................................................................................DW-4 Correspondence —Transitory/ Preliminary Drafts........................................................................................................................DW-5 Correspondence and Safety Certificates ..........................................................................................................................................GM-1 Correspondence with Regulatory Agencies......................................................................................................................................... E-1 Costof Construction ............................................................................................................................................................................ E-3 Cross-Connection / Backflow Device Inspections & Maintenance....................................................................................................... E-6 CSRs — Customer Service Requests................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Customer Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints ..............................................................................................................OPS-8 Customer Concerns / Customer Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints................................................................................. E-6 Customer Concerns / Customer Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints............................................................................OPS-8 Customer Deposits / Customer Refunds ..........................................................................................................................................FIN-9 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District v ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent CustomerRefunds............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 Customer Service Requests (CSRs) ................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 CustomerService ................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 — FIN-9 D Daily Safety Check/ Pre-Starts / Commercial Vehicle Prestarts and Forklift Inspections..............................................................OPS-6 DamageReports............................................................................................................................................................................... HR-1 Database, CMMS — Computerized Maintenance Management System —Work Orders, etc..........................................................OPS-3 Database, Financial System .............................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Database, SCADA..........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Database, Utility Billing .....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 DE-6 & 1041 Forms—Quarterly Payroll Tax Returns.....................................................................................................................FIN-10 Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan — Lincoln).........................................................................................................................FIN-10 Deferred Compensation Statements /Transactions.......................................................................................................................FIN-10 Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or EEOC Complaints .................................................................................. HR-1 DepositSlips.....................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Deposits / Customer Deposits / Customer Refunds .........................................................................................................................FIN-9 Deposits............................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Deposits............................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Deposits, Bank..................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 DepreciationSchedules....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Depth to Water Measurements, Sounding, Compiled Reports.......................................................................................................OPS-9 Design & Construction - Engineering..........................................................................................................................................E-1 — E-5 DesignDrawings.........................................................................................................................................................................E-3 — E-4 Destruction, Records ........................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 DFEHor EEOC Complaints.............................................................................................................................................................. HR-1 DHS / DPH......................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 DHSReports...................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-9 Digital Recordings Video Inspections—Jobs / Project Inspections ..................................................................................................... E-1 DisasterPlan: EOC........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Discharges: Regional Board Reports.............................................................................................................................................OPS-1 DisclosureReports (Bonds)..............................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Disclosures— Hazardous Material Inventory ..................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Displaysand Exhibits........................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Disposal — Hazardous Waste..........................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 Disposal / Sales / Surplused - Fixed Assets .....................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District vi ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Disposal, Used Oil ..........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 District Board Meetings, Audio Recordings, Audio Tapes ................................................................................................................GM-4 District Board of Directors, Subcommittees of the Board - Agendas &Agenda Packets..................................................................GM-1 DistrictFormation Records ...............................................................................................................................................................GM-1 DistrictSeal, Logo.............................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 Districts - Sewer Improvement Districts/Assessment Districts........................................................................................................... E-5 DMVPull Notices.............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-2 DOTFiles.......................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-2 Drafts & Notes...................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Drawings, Large Format, As-Builts, Record Drawings................................................................................................................E-3— E-4 Drills /After Action Reports - Emergency .......................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Drinking Water— Customer Complaints: Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints...................................................................................OPS-8 Drivers License for Commercial Drivers .........................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Drug &Alcohol Testing / DOT Files.................................................................................................................................................. HR-2 Duplicatesor Copies.........................................................................................................................................................................DW-4 DWRReports..................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-9 E Easements........................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 EEO-4 Reports.................................................................................................................................................................................. HR-1 EEOCComplaints............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-1 EIRs, Environmental Impact Reports................................................................................................................................................... E-2 ElectionResults ................................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 Elections— Historical ........................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 e-mail, invitations, instant messaging, logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations .....................................................................DW-5 Emergency Exercises / Drills /After Action Reports.......................................................................................................................OPS-1 Emergency Operations Center Plan ...............................................................................................................................................OPS-1 EmployeeInvestigations .................................................................................................................................................................. HR-3 EncroachmentPermits ........................................................................................................................................................................ E-2 EncroachmentPermits......................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Engineering — Planning & Design & Construction.......................................................................................................................E-1 — E-5 EngineeringAdministration.................................................................................................................................................................. E-1 Engineering Project Files / CIP (Capital Improvement Project Files)..........................................................................................E-3— E-4 Environmental Agencies / Regulatory Agencies.............................................................................................................................OPS-1 EnvironmentalAssessments................................................................................................................................................................ E-2 EnvironmentalImpact Reports............................................................................................................................................................. E-2 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District vii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent EOCPlan........................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 EPA.................................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 EquipmentFolders..........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 EquipmentLeases ............................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Exhibits .............................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 ExpenseReimbursements................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 ExternalAssociations—e.g. ACWA..................................................................................................................................................DW-3 External Committees or Task Forces................................................................................................................................................DW-3 F FacilityInspections............................................................................................................................................................................ HR-6 FEMAReimbursements....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 FinalYear-end General Ledger ........................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Finance Administration / Controller/ General Ledger..........................................................................................................FIN-1 — FIN-4 Financial Reports: Journals, Ledgers, Reconciliations, Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets .....................FIN-2 FinancialSystem Database ..............................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 FingerprintClearance Logs............................................................................................................................................................... HR-4 FireDetector Tests .............................................................................................................................................................................. E-6 Fire Hydrant Maintenance Logs / Data ...........................................................................................................................................OPS-4 FireInspections, Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Fixed Assets —Auction / Disposal / Sales / Surplused .....................................................................................................................FIN-2 FixedAssets - Physical Inventory, Worksheets................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Folders, Vehicle & Equipment.........................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 ForkliftInspections..........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 FormationRecords ...........................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 FPPC 700 Series Forms (Statement of Economic Interests)............................................................................................................GM-2 G General Files, Letters, Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports .......................................................................................................DW-4 GeneralLedger....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 — FIN-4 GeneralLedger: Final Year-end ......................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 GeneratorOperation Logs ..............................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 GeographicInformation System (GIS)................................................................................................................................................ IT-1 GIS...................................................................................................................................................................................................... IT-1 Grants — Successful - ALL................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 Grants - Unsuccessful.......................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 H Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District viii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Hazardous Materials Inventory/ Disclosures..................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Hazardous Waste Manifests / Disposal ..........................................................................................................................................OPS-7 HealthPlans...................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-3 HistoricalRecords.............................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 HumanResources ................................................................................................................................................................ HR-1 — HR-5 HydrantFlow Tests.............................................................................................................................................................................. E-7 1 I-9s.................................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-3 Illnessand Injury Prevention Program.............................................................................................................................................. HR-6 Incident/ Injury/ Damage Reports ................................................................................................................................................... HR-1 Incidents / Unauthorized Discharges: Regional Board Reports.....................................................................................................OPS-1 InformationTechnology ...................................................................................................................................................................... IT-1 Infrastructure Agreements & Contracts.............................................................................................................................................DW-1 Injury/ Damage Reports................................................................................................................................................................... HR-1 InjuryPrevention Program ................................................................................................................................................................ HR-6 InspectionSchedule & Logs ..........................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Inspections & Citations, Log 200, 300, 300A, 301, etc. (OSHA)....................................................................................................... HR-6 Inspections/Video Tapes or Digital Recordings............................................................................................................................OPS-4 Inspections, Facility........................................................................................................................................................................... HR-6 Inspections, Forklift.........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Instant messaging, logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations...................................................................................................DW-5 Insurance Certificates -Agreements & Contracts............................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 Insurance Policies—Workers Compensation Insurance Policy........................................................................................................ HR-4 InsurancePolicies............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-3 Internal Committees or Task Forces.................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Inventory— Physical Inventory, Worksheets (Fixed Assets).............................................................................................................FIN-3 InventoryReports..............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Investigations, Employee.................................................................................................................................................................. HR-3 InvestmentStatements .....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Investments.......................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Invitations, instant messaging, logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations.................................................................................DW-5 Invoices to Others, Leases, Cash, Checks Deposits, Billing for Property Damage —Accounts Receivable. ...................................FIN-8 Invoices, Receivers, Travel Expense Reimbursements, etc.............................................................................................................FIN-5 Invoices, Temporary Agency ............................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Issue Papers, Position Papers, Scientific Studies ............................................................................................................................DW-7 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District ix ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Issues & Projects..............................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 J JobDescriptions ............................................................................................................................................................................... HR-4 Job Files / Engineering Project Files / CIP (Capital Improvement Project Files) ........................................................................E-3— E-4 JournalEntries..................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Journals, Ledgers, Reconciliations, Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets ....................................................FIN-2 K L LaborRelations / Negotiations.......................................................................................................................................................... HR-4 LaboratoryAnalysis (ALL).................................................................................................................................................................... E-7 LandSurveys / Survey Books.............................................................................................................................................................. E-4 Landscape Contract Site Check List, Weed and Brush Abatement, Verification of Work ..............................................................OPS-1 LargeFormat Drawings ..............................................................................................................................................................E-3— E-4 Lawsuits / Litigation........................................................................................................................................................................... HR-6 Lead & Copper: Chains of Custody/Water Sampling........................................................................................................................ E-6 Lease (income / billing).....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Leases (Plant & Equipment & Renewed Annually)...........................................................................................................................DW-3 Ledgers, Reconciliations, Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets....................................................................FIN-2 Letters, Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports...............................................................................................................................DW-4 Letters, Prop. 218 Protest.................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Licensing and Information, Two-radio ............................................................................................................................................OPS-7 LineRepairs....................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-5 Litigation............................................................................................................................................................................................ HR-6 LiveScanFingerprint Clearance Logs............................................................................................................................................... HR-4 Logs — Fire Hydrant Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Logs, Generator Operations ...........................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Logs, LiveScan Fingerprint Clearance Logs..................................................................................................................................... HR-4 Logs, mailing lists, meeting room registrations.................................................................................................................................DW-5 Logs: Inspection Schedule & Logs ................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 LossRuns......................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-6 M Mailinglists, meeting room registrations...........................................................................................................................................DW-5 MainLine Cleaning .........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Maintenance — Reservoirs, Dams...................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 DamMaintenance...........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District x ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Maintenance History, Vehicle & Equipment....................................................................................................................................OPS-7 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................................... OPS-4 — OPS-5 Manifests / Disposal — Hazardous Waste .......................................................................................................................................OPS-7 Manuals— O&M ..............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Manuals & Reports ............................................................................................................................................................. DW-6 — DW-7 Manuals, O&M ................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Manuals: Operations & Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Manuals: Operations & Projects ....................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Maps - Special Purpose Maps /Tracts with Survey Notes.................................................................................................................. E-5 MaterialData Safety Sheet- MSDS ...............................................................................................................................................OPS-5 MaterialsTesting Reports.................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Mechanics........................................................................................................................................................................ OPS-6— OPS-7 MedicalBilling (Retiree)..................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 MedicalPlans.................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-3 Meetingroom registrations ...............................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Memoranda / Minutes— Closed Session ..........................................................................................................................................GM-1 Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)............................................................................................................................................. HR-4 Memorandums, Miscellaneous Reports............................................................................................................................................DW-4 MeterChanges / Pump Meters.......................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Minutes — Closed Session ................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Minutes: Board of Directors .............................................................................................................................................................GM-2 MiscellaneousReports......................................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Monitoring - AQMD .........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Monthlyor Periodic Payroll Reports................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 MonthlyWork Papers........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 MOUs................................................................................................................................................................................................ HR-4 MS DS..............................................................................................................................................................................................O PS-5 N NegativeDeclarations.......................................................................................................................................................................... E-2 Negotiations / Labor Relations.......................................................................................................................................................... HR-4 NEPADocuments (EIRs, etc.)............................................................................................................................................................. E-2 NetworkConfiguration Maps & Plans ................................................................................................................................................. IT-1 NewspaperClippings........................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Non-Infrastructure Agreements & Contracts.....................................................................................................................................DW-2 Notes.................................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District A ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Noticeof Completion............................................................................................................................................................................ E-4 Notices of Completion -Agreements & Contracts .............................................................................................................. DW-1 — DW-2 Notices: Affidavits of Postings and Publications..............................................................................................................................GM-2 NPDESPermits ..............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 O O&M Manuals .................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 O&M Manuals .................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 O&M Manuals .................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Oathof Office....................................................................................................................................................................................GM-2 Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints— Drinking Water .......................................................................................................................OPS-8 Odor/Taste /Visual Complaints (Drinking Water).............................................................................................................................. E-6 Operations & Maintenance Manuals...............................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Operations & Maintenance Manuals...............................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Operations & Maintenance Manuals...............................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Operations & Projects Manuals ......................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Operations Administration................................................................................................................................................ OPS-1 — OPS-3 Orders, Turn On /Turn Offs, Routes, Addresses .............................................................................................................................FIN-9 Ordinances........................................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 OrganizationCharts.......................................................................................................................................................................... HR-4 OSHA Inspections & Citations, Log 200, 300, 300A, 301, etc.......................................................................................................... HR-6 P Patents..............................................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 PaymentStubs..................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 PayrollChecks (Copies) .................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 PayrollReports— Detail year End...................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Payroll Reports — Monthly or Periodic.............................................................................................................................................FIN-10 PayrollTax Returns ........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Payroll..............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 — FIN-11 PensionRecords.............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-11 PerformanceBonds/ Surety................................................................................................................................................................ E-3 Permit & Monitoring -AQMD ..........................................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Permits (Engineering) .......................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Permits, NPDES .............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Permits: Connection Permits / Repair Permits.................................................................................................................................... E-2 Permits: Repair Permits...................................................................................................................................................................... E-2 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent PERS / Retirement/ Pension Records ...........................................................................................................................................FIN-11 Personnel Files— Department-level copies / Supervisor Notes........................................................................................................DW-6 PersonnelFiles— General................................................................................................................................................................ HR-4 PersonnelFiles— Medical................................................................................................................................................................ HR-5 PesticideRecords...........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 PettyCash Reconciliation.................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 PettyCash ........................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 Photocopies......................................................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Photographs......................................................................................................................................................................................DW-6 Physical Inventory, Worksheets (Fixed Assets)................................................................................................................................FIN-3 PinkSlips..........................................................................................................................................................................................GM-4 Plan, Disaster/ EOC.......................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Planning & Design & Construction - Engineering .......................................................................................................................E-1 — E-5 Plans, Benefit.................................................................................................................................................................................... HR-3 Plant & Equipment Leases................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Policies, Insurance............................................................................................................................................................................ HR-3 Policies, Procedures, Brochures, Manuals & Reports ........................................................................................................ DW-6— DW-7 Policies, Workers Compensation Insurance Policy........................................................................................................................... HR-4 PositionPapers, Scientific Studies ...................................................................................................................................................DW-7 Postings and Publications (Affidavits of)...........................................................................................................................................GM-2 PressureCharts, Water ..................................................................................................................................................................OPS-9 PressureTests / Hydrant Flow Tests................................................................................................................................................... E-7 Pre-Starts / Commercial Vehicle Prestarts and Forklift Inspections ...............................................................................................OPS-6 PreventativeMaintenance System ...................................................................................................................................................... E-7 Procedures, Brochures, Manuals & Reports....................................................................................................................... DW-6— DW-7 Production Control Center— Construction Project Files .................................................................................................................OPS-1 Production........................................................................................................................................................................ OPS-8— OPS-9 ProjectAdministration.......................................................................................................................................................................... E-3 Project Files, Production Control Center.........................................................................................................................................OPS-1 ProjectSchedules................................................................................................................................................................................ E-3 Projects & Issues..............................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Prop. 218 Ballots or Protest Letters..................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Proposal, Successful - Agreements & Contracts................................................................................................................ DW-1 — DW-2 Proposals, Unsuccessful...................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 ProtestLetters, Prop. 218.................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xiii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent PublicRecords Act Requests ...........................................................................................................................................................GM-3 PullNotices, DMV............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-2 PumpMeters...................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Purchase Orders — Confined Space Entries...................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Q QuarterlyPayroll Tax Returns.........................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Questionnaires..................................................................................................................................................................................DW-7 R RadioLicensing and Information ....................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 ReadingFiles, Working Files ............................................................................................................................................................DW-4 RealEstate Appraisals......................................................................................................................................................................... E-5 Rebates.............................................................................................................................................................................................GM-4 Receipts - Contractor Deposits, Refundable Bonds .........................................................................................................................FIN-2 Receipts, Utility.................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 Receivers..........................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Reconciliation & Statements - Bank (Transaction Statements, Wire Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.)..............FIN-5 Reconciliation, Bank Statements / Checking Account Reconciliation...............................................................................................FIN-1 Reconciliation, Petty Cash................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Reconciliations, Cash Drawer...........................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Reconciliations, Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets...................................................................................FIN-2 RecordDrawings ........................................................................................................................................................................E-3 — E-4 Recordings (Audio)— District Board Meetings..................................................................................................................................GM-4 Recordings Video Inspections — Jobs / Project Inspections ................................................................................................................ E-1 RecordsDestruction Lists.................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 RecordsRetention Schedules ..........................................................................................................................................................GM-3 RecruitmentFiles.............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-1 Reference Materials: Policies, Procedures, Brochures, Manuals & Reports..................................................................... DW-6— DW-7 RefundableBonds, Receipts ............................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Refunds, Customer...........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 RegionalBoard Reports..................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 Registers, Billing ...............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Registers, Check...............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-6 Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets .............................................................................................................FIN-2 RegulatoryAgencies.......................................................................................................................................................................OPS-1 RegulatoryAgency Correspondence................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District AV ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Regulatory Agency Correspondence................................................................................................................................................... E-1 Regulatory Agency Reports / Compliance Reports ........................................................................................................................OPS-2 Reimbursements, Expense Reimbursements...................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Remediation, Asbestos...................................................................................................................................................................OPS-4 Repairsof Lines..............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-5 Repairs, Reservoirs, Tanks, etc......................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Report, State Controller....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-4 Reports — Spills / Discharges: Regional Board Reports ................................................................................................................OPS-1 Reports & Sampling - Biology.............................................................................................................................................................. E-6 Reports & Studies —White Papers, Issue Papers, Position Papers, Scientific Studies....................................................................DW-7 Reports (Financial): Journals, Ledgers, Reconciliations, Registers, Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets...................FIN-2 Reportsto the State (Water Quality).................................................................................................................................................... E-7 Reports ............................................................................................................................................................................... DW-6 — DW-7 Reports, Billing..................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 Reports, Inventory.............................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Reports, Miscellaneous Reports.......................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Reports, Payroll —— Monthly or Periodic.........................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Reports, Payroll — Detail year End..................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Reports, Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets ..............................................................................................................................FIN-2 Reports: Accident/ Incident/ Injury/ Damage Reports................................................................................................................... HR-1 Reports: Regulatory Agency Reports / Compliance Reports.........................................................................................................OPS-2 Requests for Proposal -Agreements & Contracts.............................................................................................................. DW-1 — DW-2 Requests from other Cities/ Districts................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Requests, Public Records Act ..........................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Reservoir, Dam Maintenance .........................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Reservoirs, Tanks, etc. ...................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Residential Water Deposits/ Customer Deposits/ Customer Refunds............................................................................................FIN-9 Resolutions .......................................................................................................................................................................................GM-3 Resumes — Recruitment Files........................................................................................................................................................... HR-1 Resumes — Unsolicited ..................................................................................................................................................................... HR-2 RetireeMedical Billing ....................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Retirement/ Pension Records........................................................................................................................................................FIN-11 ReturnedChecks (NSF, etc.)............................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 RFIs ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 RFP - Contracts &Agreements .......................................................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xv ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent RFPs.................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 RiskManagement............................................................................................................................................................................. HR-6 Rosters, Training............................................................................................................................................................................... HR-5 RouteOrder and Address Order.......................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 Routine Correspondence (Letters, e-mails, Memorandums, etc.) ....................................................................................................DW-4 S SafetyCertificates.............................................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Safety Committee / Safety Steering Committee................................................................................................................................ HR-6 Safety................................................................................................................................................................................................ HR-6 Sales / Surplused - Fixed Assets......................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Sampling - Biology............................................................................................................................................................................... E-6 SAMPs................................................................................................................................................................................................. E-4 SanitarySewer Overflows (SSOs)..................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 SCADAAlarm & Status Printouts ...................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 SCADADatabase ...........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 ScientificStudies...............................................................................................................................................................................DW-7 Scope of Work - Contracts &Agreements.......................................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 Service Requests / Service Tracker................................................................................................................................................OPS-3 ServiceTracker...............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-3 Sewer Improvement Districts/Assessment Districts........................................................................................................................... E-5 Sewer System Management Plans (SSMP) and Audits .................................................................................................................OPS-2 Software Licenses, Warrantees, Installation Media............................................................................................................................ IT-1 SoilsReports........................................................................................................................................................................................ E-4 Special Purpose Maps /Tracts with Survey Notes.............................................................................................................................. E-5 Specifications - Contracts & Agreements ........................................................................................................................... DW-1 — DW-2 Specifications....................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Spills / Discharges: Regional Board Reports.................................................................................................................................OPS-1 SSMPand Audits............................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 SSOs...............................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Staff Reports — District Board of Directors, Subcommittees of the Board.........................................................................................GM-1 StateController's Report...................................................................................................................................................................FIN-4 Statement of Economic Interests— FPPC 700 Forms ......................................................................................................................GM-2 Statements /Transactions — Deferred Compensation....................................................................................................................FIN-10 Statements, Bank (Transaction Statements, Wire Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.)..........................................FIN-5 Stubs, Payment.................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xvi ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Studies—White Papers, Issue Papers, Position Papers, Scientific Studies.....................................................................................DW-7 Studies/ Surveys, Classification & Compensation ........................................................................................................................... HR-2 Subcommittees of the Board -Agendas & Agenda Packets.............................................................................................................GM-1 Subcommitteesof the Board.............................................................................................................................................................GM-1 Submittals............................................................................................................................................................................................ E-4 SupplyInventories ............................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Surplused - Fixed Assets..................................................................................................................................................................FIN-2 SurveyBooks....................................................................................................................................................................................... E-4 Surveys / Questionnaires..................................................................................................................................................................DW-7 Surveys, Classification & Compensation .......................................................................................................................................... HR-2 T Tanks, etc. ......................................................................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Tapes & Recordings (Audio)— District Board Meetings....................................................................................................................GM-4 TaskForces: External......................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 TaskForces: Internal .......................................................................................................................................................................DW-3 Taste /Visual Complaints— Drinking Water ..................................................................................................................................OPS-8 Taste /Visual Complaints (Drinking Water)......................................................................................................................................... E-6 TaxReturns ......................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-4 TaxReturns, Payroll .......................................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 TemporaryAgency Invoices .............................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 ThankYous.......................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 Timesheets .....................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-11 Tractswith Survey Notes..................................................................................................................................................................... E-5 Training............................................................................................................................................................................................. HR-5 Transaction Histories, Balance Sheets.............................................................................................................................................FIN-2 Transaction Statements, Wire Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.).........................................................................FIN-5 Transcripts / Disclosure Reports (Bonds) .........................................................................................................................................FIN-1 Transitory Correspondence / Preliminary Drafts...............................................................................................................................DW-5 TransmittalLetters / Memos .............................................................................................................................................................DW-5 TravelExpense Reimbursements.....................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 TreasuryStatements.........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 TrunkLines.......................................................................................................................................................................................... E-5 TrusteeStatements...........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-5 Turn On /Turn Offs / Route Order and Address Order.....................................................................................................................FIN-9 Two-Way Radio Licensing and Information ....................................................................................................................................OPS-7 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xvii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent U Unauthorized Discharges: Regional Board Reports ......................................................................................................................OPS-1 UndeliverableEnvelopes ..................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 UndergroundService Alerts................................................................................................................................................................. E-5 UnsolicitedResumes ....................................................................................................................................................................... HR-2 UnsuccessfulBids, Proposals...........................................................................................................................................................DW-3 UnsuccessfulGrants.........................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 UrbanWater Management Plan .......................................................................................................................................................... E-1 USAs.................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-5 UsedOil Disposal ...........................................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 UtilityBilling Database......................................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 UtilityReceipts (Payment Stubs) ......................................................................................................................................................FIN-9 UWMP — Urban Water Management Plan........................................................................................................................................... E-1 V Vector Control / Pesticide Records.................................................................................................................................................OPS-2 Vehicle & Equipment Folders..........................................................................................................................................................OPS-7 Vehicle Prestarts and Forklift Inspections.......................................................................................................................................OPS-6 Vehicle Titles ("Pink Slips")...............................................................................................................................................................GM-4 Verification of Work (Weed & Brush Abatement)............................................................................................................................OPS-1 Video Inspections /Video Tapes or Digital Recordings —Jobs / Project Inspections.......................................................................... E-1 Video Inspections /Video Tapes or Digital Recordings..................................................................................................................OPS-4 Video Tapes or Digital Recordings — Jobs / Project Inspections ......................................................................................................... E-1 Videos, Water Wells, Repairs, Reservoirs, Tanks, etc. ..................................................................................................................OPS-8 VisitorLogs / Registers.....................................................................................................................................................................DW-7 VisitorsLogs .....................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 VisualComplaints— Drinking Water ..............................................................................................................................................OPS-8 VisualComplaints (Drinking Water)..................................................................................................................................................... E-6 VoiceMails........................................................................................................................................................................................DW-5 VulnerabilityAssessment..................................................................................................................................................................... E-1 W W-2s................................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-11 W-9s..................................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-7 Water Conservation Programs (Rebates, etc.).................................................................................................................................GM-4 Water Deposits / Customer Deposits / Customer Refunds...............................................................................................................FIN-9 WaterPressure Charts ...................................................................................................................................................................OPS-9 Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District xviii ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent Water Production Reports (to State DHS & DWR) .........................................................................................................................OPS-9 WaterQuality Reports.......................................................................................................................................................................... E-7 WaterQuality..............................................................................................................................................................................E-6 — E-7 WaterSampling ................................................................................................................................................................................... E-6 Water Wells, Repairs, Reservoirs, Tanks, etc. ...............................................................................................................................OPS-8 Weed and Brush Abatement, Verification of Work..........................................................................................................................OPS-1 Wells, Depth to Water Measurements, Sounding, Compiled Reports ............................................................................................OPS-9 White Papers, Issue Papers, Position Papers, Scientific Studies.....................................................................................................DW-7 Wire Transfers, Check Listing Audit Trail, Deposits, etc.).................................................................................................................FIN-5 Work Orders / Service Requests / Service Tracker........................................................................................................................OPS-3 WorkPapers, Audit...........................................................................................................................................................................FIN-1 WorkPapers, Monthly.......................................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Workers Compensation Insurance Policy......................................................................................................................................... HR-4 WorkersCompensation .................................................................................................................................................................... HR-5 WorkingFiles ....................................................................................................................................................................................DW-4 Worksheets (Fixed Assets)...............................................................................................................................................................FIN-3 Worksheets, Reports & Sampling - Biology......................................................................................................................................... E-6 WriteOffs..........................................................................................................................................................................................FIN-8 X Y YearEnd Payroll Reports ...............................................................................................................................................................FIN-10 Z Retention Schedule Index—Yorba Linda Water District Ax ©1995-2010 Gladwell Governmental Services,Inc.(909)337-3516-all rights reserved Do not duplicate or distribute without prior written consent ITEM NO. 10.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Presentation by Lyle Defenbaugh Regarding CaITRUST Investment Options ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: Type: Presentation. pdf PowerPoint Presentation Backup Material Firm_Overview.pdf Handout Backup Material Heritage MMF.pdf Handout Backup Material NEW =9,.qj April t. Nlfl Yorba Linda Water District per Disciplined Approach ~ Credit Research ~ Risk Management ~ Customized Poittolios ~ Client Focus ® Yorha Linda Water District Overview CaIIITRUST Governance & Administration Program Structure & Features Asset Breakdown By Fund By Type of Jurisdiction Portfolio Summary & Performance Money Market Option Short Term Account Medium Term Account ~r 1 El Yorba Linda Water District CaITRUST Governance & Administration Governance: Board of Trustees of JPA; public official oversight Chuck Lomeli, Solaro County ➢ John Colville. City of Sacramento Glenn Duncan, City of Chino ➢ Don Kent. Riverside County Rob Boitano, Sonoma County ➢ Dan McAllister, San Diego County Dave Ciapponi. Westlands Water District ➢ Bill Pollacek, Contra Costa County P3ow,am CSAC Finance Corporation Adminlstralor: On behalf of the JPA, supervises all activities of the program and oversees service providers, such as: Legal Counsel ➢ Auditor A Transfer Agent ➢ Custodian Invest nom- Compliance with all CA Government Code provisions; Guidelines: Leveraging Prohibited o-Sg>cnsocs California Special Districts' Association League of California Cities California State Association of Counties Community College League of California Investment Wells Capital Management Advisor: ® Yorba Linda Water District CaITRUST Program Features Flexibility ➢ No account maximums; no limit on number of accounts ➢ Unlimited transactions in Money Market and Short-Term Accounts; once per month in Medium-Term Account u Transparency ➢ Daily mark-to-market of portfolios means no "hidden surprises" ➢ 24-hour secure online access to account info, reflects all activity through prior day close-of-business ➢ Monthly Statements ➢ Public Board Meetings Ease of Participation ➢ No need to join JPA ➢ Online trading feature in pilot phase 2 El Yorba Linda Water District CaITRUST Program Features Investment Options with Three Accounts MMF Short-Term Medium-Term Rated "AAA/Aaa" Rated "AA/S1+" Liquidity Daily Daily Monthly same-day notice prior-day notice 5-days notice Target <90 days 0-2 years* 1.5-3.5 years Duration Benchmark Lipper Institutional LAIF Merrill 1-5 MMF Average Treasury & Agency Index " Target Duration 11 1-2 years per adopted Investment Policy Guidelines. Present strategic positioning direction from Board of Trustees calls for a target duration of 0-0.75 years rmtil markets E` have stabilized from credit and liquidity crisis. F~ ® Yorba Linda Water District Assets By Fund September 2009 March 2010 Total.1ssets: $709 MNI Total.kssets: $895 AINI SI3L .\191 S'93.R\'L\f 17. P, Sh S367od=.4 11.\I lMM 2 Shod= term 41 53816 :\t;\t d7X',, 42.9 ,Medium-7erm .Aledium-7erm S2(i9.7 .A1:VI 5217.8 A 1:A9 32d3 3 El Yorba Linda Water District Assets By Type of Jurisdiction September 2009 March 2010 TotalAssets: $769 MNI TottlAssets: $895 AIAI Higher Educalion Higher Education 510.0 bIM 56.1 ALM Publie Non Profits 0.7"'" Public Non-Profit, Special Districts 13"h 575.0 M.AI Special Districts 511;2.4M:M 4.6"r, S137.6M.A-I S AIAI 17? ° 15.444 3.7°h Cilies Cilies Counties 5164.8 MNI Counties S 02.7 MM MM 1.4",, 5-15.' Yorba Linda Water District HIM q a3 H~ S aa9 $ ~ ~ 7Tt as 3 t a Q t - I If H gS a Hit 19 g HIM aia 1 5 1, lie t ran &5ssssa 7 4 El Yorba Linda Water District Short Term Portfolio v; or0' ,010 CashiVV k'.-ccc Portfolio Statistics Sector Breakdown Commercial Paper M1"` JS Treas,ry r Market Value $389.249.903 YTM 0.62% NAV per Share $10.01 ornorar,s Average Maturity 1.09 Years a,.~ \T_G- A,gero;ee Effective Duration 0.74 1L` Average Credit Quality AAA Ass,Sackec See Credit Rating Profile oy,,e Aaa 64% Effective Maturity Distribution Aa 8% 5c, 47 A 13, A-1 14/ 30`2 Cash/Mmkt Fund 2% z 26;. a 1xi <nq Cash 0W 1 Year 1W2 Years 2W 3 Years ® Yorba Linda Water District Short Term Portfolio 3M0 6M0 1YR 3YR Inception Annualized Annualized it - 8AG( 18C, 'TO07- 1",GE _ 2~ 10 ,2206 ,22711] 7310 ,22,1G Ca. TRUST Short Term- Tota Return 0.20% 0.52% 1.99`/ 2.88% 3.48`/ CalTRUST Short Term- Yield Return 0.16% 0.31% 0.77% 2.80% 3.42% LAIF - Yield Return 0.14% 0.30% 1.00% 2.97% 3.43% 4.00% ■ C an RU ST She rt Term-Teel ReWrn 3.60% SaITRUST Shaft Term-Ylald ReWrn LAIF - Yield ReWrn 3.00% 2.60% zoo% 1.5 % 1.00% M Y% 0.00% 3M0 6M0 1YR 3YR Annualized IncepAan Annualized EE R,W,,, shown for C,J I RUS I o,, rd offers. II 5 El Yorba Linda Water District Medium Term Portfolio \,,,j 0' ?H '010 Portfolio Statistics Sector Breakdown Corporates 30% Corn raal Market Value $216.294,053 gaper is YTM 1.04 NAV per Share $10.04 J S -reasury Average Maturity 1.77 Years 28',- Effective Duration 1.68 Gov;AOendes j Average Credit Quality AAA 411' Credit Rating Profile Effective Maturity Distribution Aaa 74% Aa 15% 50`0 38` 385_. A 9% 40r. A_1 1% _ 3ov 2c^-b si c"- 0S 1 Year 1Ie 2Years 2M 3 mars 3 4 Years ® Yorba Linda Water District Medium Term Portfolio 3M0 6M0 1YR 3YR Inception Annualized Annualized II. ,2 '26!1G hG 18, 10 12 G2r1C OG 2C!10 CalTRUST Medium Term -Total Return 0.21% 1.29% 2.80% 3.90% 3.80% ML 1-3 GovlCorp. A Rated & Above 0.32 % 1.60,' 4.00% 4,94% 4.33% ML 1-5 GovlCorp, A Rated & Above 0.32% 2.18% 5.19% 5.52% 4.64% 6.00% ■ CaITRUST Madlum Term-Tnel Realm ML 1-3 Gav/Carp. A Rated & Abave 5.00% ML 1-5 Gav/Carp. A Rated & Abave 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 3M0 6M0 1YR 3YR Annuallzed Inaeptlan Annuallzed EE Ii--hown for Ca I RL'S I'aic nc[ A f,,,. II Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Funds Select Class Shares as of 02-28-10 Heritage Money Market Fund Seeks current income, while preserving capital and liquidity. General Information Historical Performance, Advisor: Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC Average Annual Total Returns as of 02-28-10 Inception Date: 06-29-95 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Year Since Inception Net Fund Assets: $31.3 Billion 0.40% 2.61% 3.28% 3.04% 3.83% Fund Manager: David Sylvester Ticker Symbol: WFJXX Total Returns CUSIP: 94984B793 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Net Expense Ratio: 0.13% 1.07% 1.27% 3.10% 4.96% 5.26% 2.90% 0.56% Portfolio Composition, Dividend and Distribution Information as of 02-28-10 %of Portfolio 7-Day Commercial Paper: 59% 7-Day Current Current Yield 30-Day Certificates of Deposit: 10% Month Dividend Yield Before Waivers Current Yield Repurchase Agreements: 9% Sep 09 $0.0002 0.30% 0.23% 0.30% Time Deposits: 9% Oct 09 $0.0002 0.24% 0.17% 0.26% Municipal Bonds: 7% Nov09 $0.0002 0.20% 0.13% 0.21% Short Term Corporate Bonds: 3% Dec 09 $0.0002 0.18% 0.11% 0.19% Floating/Variable Rate Bonds: 3% Jan 10 $0.0001 0.15% 0.12% 0.16% Feb 10 $0.0001 0.13% 0.08% 0.14% Total: 100% Weighted Average Maturity 27 Days Moody's Money Market Fund Rating3 Aaa S&P Money Market Rating3 AAAm NAIC Approval' Yes Figures quoted represent past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Investment returns will fluctuate. The Fund's yield figures more closely reflect the current earnings of the Fund than the total return figures. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Money market funds are sold withouta front-end sales charge or contingent deferred sales charge. Other fees and expenses apply to an investment in the Fund and are described in the Fund's current prospectus. An investment in a money market fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. The adviser has committed to certain fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. These reductions may be discontinued. Portfolio composition is subject to change and may have changed since the date specified. Select Class shares incepted on June 29, 2007. Performance shown prior to the inception of the Select Class reflects the performance of the Institutional Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Select Class shares. Performance shown prior to March 31, 2000 for the Select Class shares reflects the performance of the Administrator Class shares, and includes expenses that are not applicable to and are higher than those of the Select Class shares. 'The ratings indicated are from Standard & Poor's and/or Moody's Investors Service (together "rating agencies"). Standard & Poor's is a trademark of McGraw-Hill, Inc., and has been licensed. The Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by these rating agencies, and these rating agencies make no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Fund.The credit rating is a forward-looking opinion about a Fund's potential capacity to maintain stable principal or stable net asset value.The ratings are opinions as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell any security. Standard & Poor's rates the creditworthiness of money market funds from AAAm (highest) to Dm(lowest). Ratings may be modified by the addition of a plus or minus sign to show relative standing within the ratings categories. Moody's rates the creditworthiness of money market funds from Aaa (highest) to C (lowest). Ratings Aa to Caa may be modified by the addition ofa number 1 (highest) to 3 (lowest) to show relative standing within the ratings categories. 'The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the organization of insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the four U.S. territories. The NAIC provides a forum for the development of uniform policy when uniformity is appropriate. A fund is NAIC approved when it is on the List of Approved Mutual Funds pursuant to Part 4, Section 6 (d) of the Securities Valuation Office (SVO) Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC. This fact sheet must be accompanied or preceded by a current prospectus for Select Class shares of the Wells Fargo Advantage Money Market Funds. Wells Fargo Funds Management, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wells Fargo & Company, provides investment advisory and administrative services for Wells Fargo Advantage Funds". Other affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company provide subadvisory and other services for the Funds.The Funds are distributed by Wells Fargo Funds Distributor, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. NOT FDIC INSURED • NO BANK GUARANTEE • MAY LOSE VALUE 10",'clip _ ? 185 03-10 MMFS036 ITEM NO. 12.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Mills/Summerfield) Alternate: Beverage Minutes of meeting held April 1, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled May 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: PEO Minutes - 040110.doc PEO Mtg Minutes 04/01/10 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING April 1, 2010 A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Director Mills at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director John W. Summerfield Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report Mr. DeCriscio reported on water production in March, noting that we have met our MWD CUP obligation and, at the request of MWDOC, are planning to take an additional 600 AF of CUP water between now and the end of June, with no financial impact to YLWD. This will be the last of the MWD water in the basin stored under the CUP. Overall, the District's water demand is 6.9% under the target reduction of 10% for conservation. 2.2. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report Mr. Cory reported on the status of the PM Program through March. He noted that we are on target to meet our PM goals for the year, except for sewer televising. We fell behind because equipment was out for repair, though now back in operation and catching up. The budget for FY 10-11 includes a spare crawler unit for the video unit, which should significantly reduce equipment down-time in the future. 3. ACTION CALENDAR 3.1. Urgent Pipeline Replacement Project, Ohio Street North of Oriente Drive Mr. Vecchiarelli and Mr. Cory reported on the pipeline failure on Ohio Street on March 27 and the process to restore service. Mr. Vecchiarelli noted that the pipeline along Ohio was constructed in sections between 1938 and 1948 and has had several breaks over the last 10 years. Due to the need for continuing repairs and the risk liability, moving forward with immediate replacement is recommended by staff. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff recommendation to move forward immediately to retain an engineering consultant for design of the 1 replacement water line in Ohio Street from Yorba Linda Boulevard northerly to its terminus at J & J Lane, approximately 3400 feet. 3.2. Well 5 Pump Installation for the Well Rehabilitation Project Mr. Conklin reported that rehabilitation testing of Well 5 has been completed and quotes were solicited for the installation of a new pump. He also reported that a low-bid of $51,249 was received from Layne Christensen Company, which was reviewed and accepted by staff. In order to minimize lost well-production and the cost impacts of purchasing additional import water, staff directed Layne to commence work after completion of contract documents. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff recommendation that the Board ratify execution of the agreement with Layne Christensen. 3.3. Mitigated Negative Declaration, Highland Booster Station Replacement Project Mr. Conklin reported that the initial environmental study in conformance with CEQA was completed by MWH, the District's consultant for the Highland Booster Station Project. The analysis indicates that the proposed project can be implemented without causing significant adverse environmental impacts with incorporation of mitigation measures summarized in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan prepared for the project. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff recommendation that the Board adopt the Plan, find that the Project with incorporation of the mitigation measures, will not have a significant effect on the environment, and authorize staff to file a Notice of Determination for the project. 3.4. Brand Name Requirement for Highland Booster Station Project Mr. Conklin reported that as part of the design process for the subject project, staff determined that several key design components and manufactured parts from specific suppliers were desired in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. Following direction of legal counsel, staff prepared a report setting forth the reasons for requiring brand name components and parts, which was presented to the Committee for review and discussion. Following that discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve brand-name requirements for the project for the items listed in the staff report. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS (Continued) 4.1. Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report Mr. Conklin reported on the items discussed and presented at the March 10 Groundwater Producers Meeting. 4.2. Capital Improvement and Replacement Projects Budget Mr. Conklin presented a copy of the Five Year CIP approved by the Board for the FY 2009-10 Budget and provided a copy showing project progress 2 in the last year. The latter table showed expected expenditures on CIP projects through June 2010, and proposed projects and budgets for the next three fiscal years. The table showed the status of projects added in FY 2009-10, and new projects proposed for FY 2010-11, with the newly proposed projects being pipeline replacement projects, totaling an estimated $1.85 million. The Committee reviewed the project information with staff and briefly discussed funding mechanisms. Mr. Vecchiarelli noted that the issue of funding will be discussed at the Finance- Accounting Committee meeting and following Board meetings. 4.3. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Mr. Conklin reported on projects in planning, design and construction. 4.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held May 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 3 ITEM NO. 12.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Public Information-Technology Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Alternate: Summerfield • Minutes of meeting held April 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the meeting.) • Meeting scheduled May 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 040610 PIT - Minutes.doc PIT Mtg Minutes 04/06/10 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISRICT PUBLIC INFORMATION -TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING April 6, 2010 A meeting of the Public Information-Technology Committee was called to order by Director Beverage at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Damon Micalizzi, PI Specialist 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Ohio Street Construction Community Outreach (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi briefed the Committee on YLWD's efforts to address the questions and concerns of residents who may have suffered property damage as a result of the water main break on March 27tH 2.2. District Participation in 2011 Water Education Festival (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi discussed with the Committee ideas and promotional items to aid in YLWD's increased presence in the 2011 event. 2.3. Options for Bottling District Water (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi presented to the Committee bottle and label options along with costs for bottling YLWD water. Staff will discuss and consider the logistics for storage of the pallets of bottled water before moving forward. 2.4. Draft FY 2010/11 PI Budget Mr. Micalizzi presented the 2010/11 PI Budget highlighting items 2.2 and 2.3. The Committee suggested budgeting an additional $5,000, for a total of $15,000, for artificial turf and conservation rebates for District customers. 2.5. Conservation Ordinance Monthly Statistics Mr. Grady updated the Committee on the District's monthly conservation statistics. 2.6. Public Outreach Activities Mr. Micalizzi updated the Committee on current and future public outreach activities. The Committee discussed additional marketing efforts for promoting the conservation classes at the Fullerton Arboretum. 1 2.7. Utility Billing Software Implementation Status and Payment Lockbox Services Mr. Grady updated the Committee on the status of the implementation of the new utility billing software and stated a go-live date is scheduled for the first week in June. Mr. Grady also announced that the District will be switching to a lockbox service, provided by the District's bank, to process water bill payments. Currently, this process is accomplished in house. 2.8. Draft FY 2010/11 IT Budget Mr. Grady presented to the Committee the IT Budget for FY 2010/11 and indicated the most significant increase in the IT budget is the GPS system for the District's fleet of vehicles of approximately $40,000. 2.9. IT Projects Monthly Status Mr. Grady updated the Committee on current IT projects including: the pilot program for GPS installation in the vehicles; implementation and conversion of the financial modules; the online bill pay system; and upcoming future IT projects. 2.10. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Beverage requested that practice fields for certain reservoirs be placed on the Agenda for Discussion at the next PIT Committee meeting. Director Hawkins suggested the Committee explore future grants and opportunities to expand YLWD's rebate program for artificial turf. 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Public Information-Technology Committee will be held May 4, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. 2 ITEM NO. 12.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Citizens Advisory Committee (Directors Rotate Attendance) Minutes of meeting held March 29, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (Beverage) Meeting scheduled April 26, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (Summerfield) ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 032910 - CAC Minutes.doc CAC Mtg Minutes 03/29/10 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING March 29, 2010 A meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Michael J. Beverage, Director Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Hank Samaripa, Project Engineer Joe Polimino, Project Engineer Bill McCue, Sr. Construction Inspector Jesus Sosa, Construction Inspector Damon Micalizzi, PI Specialist Cindy Botts, Management Analyst COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT OTHER VISITORS Carl Boznanski Lindon Baker Mark Schock Cheryl Borden Richard Bogda Gene Scearce Bill Guse Greg Meyers 1. CALL TO ORDER 1. 1. Introduce Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Mr. Vecchiarelli introduced Director Beverage who shared with the group his background and history in Yorba Linda and with the District. 1.2. Introduce CAC Members Present The Advisory Committee attendees introduced themselves and shared their background, interests and personal history living in the District. 1.3. Introduce Visitors Mr. Schock introduced himself and thanked staff for recent tours of District facilities and construction projects he was able to attend. 1.4. Introduce Engineering Department, Construction Section Mr. Vecchiarelli asked Mr. Conklin to introduce his construction team. Mr. Polimino gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the different projects currently under construction. The committee members interacted with questions and comments. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 1 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1. Recognition of CAC Members Mr. Vecchiarelli presented the committee members present with a District coffee mug, coaster and commemorative pen, marking the one year anniversary of the Citizen Advisory Committee's formation. 3.2. Request for Proposals for Cost of Service and Water Rate Study This item was not addressed at this meeting and will be included on the agenda for the next CAC meeting on April 29, 2010. 3.3. District Presence on Facebook and Twitter Mr. Micalizzi gave a brief introduction to the District's Facebook and Twitter pages. 3.4. Status Report on Conservation Efforts Mrs. Botts shared year to date conservation numbers and outlined the District's efforts to further promote conservation to our customers. 3.5. Future Agenda Items Mr. Vecchiarelli encouraged the committee members to continue to provide feedback through e-mails and/or telephone calls to let us know if there are other matters or topics they would like to discuss or explore. Director Beverage requested that the group explore and discuss the November Water Bond Measure in the upcoming meetings. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee will be held April 26, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. 2 ITEM NO. 14.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: Meetings from April 9, 2010 - May 31, 2010 ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: Type: BOD - Activity Calendar.pdf BOD Activity Calendar Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: April 2010 Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 12 4:OOPM Collett/Mills Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 13 4:OOPM Collett/Hawkins Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 14 7:OOPM Collett Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 20 4:OOPM Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 20 6:30PM Summerfield MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 21 8:30AM Staff OCWD Board Wed, Apr 21 5:OOPM Staff Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 22 8:30AM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 26 8:30AM Summerfield Ethics and Brown Act Training Tue, Apr 27 10:OOAM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 28 7:OOPM Hawkins ISDOC Selection Committee Meeting Thu, Apr 29 11:30AM Mills Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Fri, Apr 30 8:30AM May 2010 Public Information-Technology Committee Meeting Tue, May 4 4:OOPM Beverage/Hawkins Yorba Linda City Council Tue, May 4 6:30PM Mills MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, May 5 8:30AM Staff OCWD Board Wed, May 5 5:OOPM Staff Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, May 6 4:OOPM Mills/Summerfield Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, May 10 4:OOPM Summerfield/Collett Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, May 11 4:OOPM Collett/Hawkins Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 12 7:OOPM Collett Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, May 13 8:30AM Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Tue, May 18 4:OOPM Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, May 18 6:30PM Summerfield MWDOC Board Wed, May 19 8:30AM Staff OCWD Board Wed, May 19 5:OOPM Staff Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, May 24 8:30AM Collett MWDOC/OCWD Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Tue, May 25 4:OOPM Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 26 7:OOPM Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, May 27 8:30AM 4/2/2010 10:03:05 AM ITEM NO. 15.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 8, 2010 Subject: OC Water Summit - May 14, 2010 ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: Type: OC Water Summit.doc Conference Flyer Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 4/8/2010 MB/RC 5-0 OCWATER°SUMMIT z~~! a u~1 +1 I'Vri ~s The Orange County- ter Sur Mff, Save the Date! Friday, May 14, 2010 Disneyland's Grand Californian Hotel and Resort, Anaheim Presented by: MUFAICkPAL ` '41h, WATER 71 F ' rxn ru+~E 'let OUNTY RESORT Register Now: Click here to register. California continues to confront significant challenges to its water future - an outdated water system, severe water supply shortages due to drought, and regulatory restrictions on water deliveries. Our water delivery system was built a generation ago to meet the needs of 16 million people - it now strains to meet the needs of 38 million. Business owners, policy makers, and community leaders need information and resources to continue to thrive. The 2010 O.C. Water Summit - themed Capture the Flow - will bring together hundreds of professionals representing business, manufacturing and agriculture, the water and environmental communities, elected officials, and community leaders. Guests will learn about the threats and opportunities before us and hear from expert panelists as we begin to cultivate ideas and solutions. What are the global economic and societal trends related to water reliability? What role does innovation and technology play in managing water? How are other nations addressing similar water challenges? Find out at the OC Water Summit! Event Registration Register now for the 2010 O.C. Water Summit! Online registration and payment are currently available. Tickets are $125 pre-sale or $140 at the door. Register early - last year's event sold out. Click here to register. Sponsorship Information Thank you to our 2009 sponsors! We are currently seeking sponsorships for our 2010 event. Click here to view the Sponsorship Opportunities flyer, or contact Darcy Burke at (714) 593-5029 or dburke@mwdoc.com. Program The O.C. Water Summit will feature notable experts discussing topics including: the global perspective on water; emerging economic and societal trends related to water; innovations in water use efficiency; and more. Speakers confirmed to present at the Summit include: Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez; Paul Rodriguez- actor, comedian, and water activist; Joel Kotkin- author of "The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050;" Joel Borne- writer for National Geographic; Robert Boller- Vice President of Sustainability for Kendall-Jackson Winery; and Curt Schmutte- expert on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay-Delta. Additional program and speaker information will be added in coming weeks. Stay tuned!