HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-01 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesAugust 1, 1 1961
A speci.a'll meet E.ng o tale Board of DI rectors of the Yorba Linda.
County ?,'ater District was zI, cal.led to order at the office of t.~e
Di strict by president can August. 1, 1961 at the hour of 8:30
A.M. for the purpose of discussing 'u-:_-e 1961-62 Budget and any other
necessary business.
A-1 iarectlors were present and answered the roll. Also present was
Attor icy Milford Dail.
After dfscussion a motion was race by Director Wagner, seconded by
Director Clodt and duly carried that chlange € rd.ers be approved pln.-
vidi?ng o tie installation off' t* rest blocks for butterfly valves
w1nere fiecessa.r`y an to iris tall tI.e carbon ca.r on line by overhead
suspension instead of underground as recommended by t -ie General ',Tanager
A request from 'Y ./Saulsbery for water service to Lots 21, 227 23%
and 2 - in Block 2 of the. Carlton 1o4,insi.te was presonted for coia-
si.derati.on. After discussioai a notion was mace by director 7:!agner,
seconded by Director Hastings and carried that she request be
, ~ to the g,y~- e ' e f Qtft r ^ C`
granted subject t~ h - pay_4 n - ~ 2 uhe pris o an 8main f oA 165
feet and the pf°i ce of ? 'ire iy dr ant,, a portion of the amount paid
for t-ILe fire hydrae to be subject to a possible refund in time fu.t :rc.
After a t iDrotlg i discuss.'-on o tie ,edge t for l 9° 1-2 a motion was
mace by 'Director Walgne.i, seconded by Lieu t^°, !'ilmoe and unwii--rously
¢1 -ion. css1 t iris .~.of lolo:.npg olu `o Q be ac ; k,emd:
.c,,ESCT g That he Budget "or ie orba Linda County , ater•
ibis tr°i t I,n. tie ; ,,,m nt of vWl ~,r0C`.C'1 be xXtfX adopted as presented
said taia L t t ie tax :ate to be levied be 7; cent: exactly.
'anager Ducker presented 10 construction jobs for nnsi.dera lon.
They were studied, dLscussed and acted on a^ follows:
Job No . - rz mo tine was made by Di.rec tor.' Clodt, seconded
by Di-ector I-'aS°'k.-.i l.gs and 1:inan-IlT ousl;y carried tilat € a1C r evv,`-. ed
,va c Tract be approved scab ject to `t=ie rules and
~~;~r of regit ` ions ~~f t_"ae Distr-I c 1- and the approval of ~ o Genel°al 1-,anager .
A zc tion ,,.,as made by DirFec for Y'.? moe, seconded by Director C10di;
and unanimously carried that he design for dry sewers iza Tract
1+088 be approved subject to the approval oftrae Genera onager and
t{ie set.ierf C-Iglnee2 s .
Job iic. 72 - A motioxi was 'made by Director ?`ilrne, seconded
by :director C? c t, alad 1: t;:"lc"-.1~7..f"_ously cam ried s;tlat 'qa -r a~KtenSC'"il C°'es gn
'S'+ 'i- p o® t`ywed ° `>.?3a .kP ec a 'ss_1 a
p pr , -.L °r 1 ^,s
i' b 2 4 ~ vi C be aiv e _ v v1 u~l
C GG °1Pi~ a__
d°:axaagerry aid subject to the r«.l_es and, Regulations of the Jistrict.
A motion T- as made by Dir ec t or I1Ki.lmoc , seconded Uy Director Clodt fwd
uZl^il?'ousl y carried tla'i t'"ie seweteS .g3 i, serve Tract 1+1
be approved provided taut `-lie design co-sforms to the ',?aster Flan .,,=,d
subject to t':ie approval of the General I!anager and the sewer engineers.
Jcb '-a - A motion was .nude by Director Hil_moe seconded
by Director `'astin.gs and unanimously carried that thegwater
extension design for `tract 41-74 be approved subject and to the
approval of the General "'Tanager and to the Rules and Regulations
of the District. A motion was made by Director Milmoe' seconded
by Director Wagner and una nimousl.y carried that the sewer design
for Tract 4174 be approved subject to the approval of the Genera'?
Manager and -the sewer engineers.
Job 76 - a motion was ^nade by Director !,'-astings, seconded
by Director 7agner and unanimously carried that the water extension
design for Tract 4223 be approved subject and to the Mules and Regul-
a t:i,ons of -he Dis tr`ict and to the approval of the General Manager.
Job 77 - x motion was made by Director N,41moe, seconded by
Director Clod t and unanimously carried that , the tenative wa -.er
design for Tract 421113 be approved subject to -the Rules and Regulations
of the District and the approval of -he General Manager.
A motion was made by Director Mil.:moey seconded by Director Wagner
and unallimousl y carried that tlxe sewer design for Tract 42181 be
approved subject to the approval of the Genera? ?~anager and the,
sewer engineers aiad to "h o Installation of a booster station by
the developer.
Job 7/' A motion was ^ ade by Director Clod t, seconded by
Dirce or I astings that the water design for Tract 4205 be approved
subject and to the aDp roval of tape General 'I1`anager and to -Irle
Lutes and Regulations of the Districe. A ?potion was made by Director
Glodt, seconded by Director Hastings and unanimously carried t'-_at
the sewer design for Tract °i 2n5 k~x be approved subject to the
approval of the General sranager and the sewer engineers.
Job 80 - motion was made by Director Wagner, seconded by
Director Milmoe axed uanaaimously carried that the second revised
water design for Tract 4210 be approved sub j ec to the mules and
Regulation of the District and t"-,-,e approval of the General Manager.
A motion was made by Director Wagner' seconded by Director Milmoe
and unanimously carried that tne sewer design for Tract 4240 be
approved subject to the approval of the General Manager and the
sewer engineers.
Job - a motion bias made by Director 11i i-moe, seconded by
Director 01odt and unanimously carried + that the water design for
Tract 42-15 be approved subject to the {pules and Regulations t he
District and the approval of the General Manager. A motion was
made by Director Mil.moe' seconded by Director Clodt and unan:~mousl y
carried that the sewer design for Tract 4255 be approved subject to
the approval of the General. Manager and the sewer engineers.
Job gP - A motion was made by Director Milmoe' seconded
by Director -lodt and unanimously carried that the water design
for Traci 4282 be approved subject to t'tae Rul esand Regulations of
the District and the approval of-° tie General Raanager. A motion
was made by Director Mil.roe and seconded by Director ilodt and - -
i6er t e _senT r des F11 for Tract 4282 be approved
el` tae ` enera _ n bey and t1iie sewer c agineers.
Job °9 - A motion was made by Director Mjlm e conded
by Director Clodt and unanimously carried that 4- e0 a Ygign
for Tract 1+280 be approved subject to the c°ules and Regulations
of the District and the approval of tILe General Manager. A motion
was made by Director 'Ylilmoe and seconded by Director Clodt and
unanin-our sy carried that the sewer des-';.gn for Tract Lr2 C be
approved subject to the approval o~ tr_e Genera?_ Tranager and trie
se tiA=e3 enc-ineer s .
There being no further business te meeting was adjourned on a
motion made by Di-I- ector = astings, seconded by D-4i ector Cl ? odt
and unanimously carried
a1 do n:.tb
Secretary Auditor