HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes132
June 13, 19.2
The re ular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
i7ater District was called to order at the office of the District by President gist on June 13, 1962 at the hour of 3:30 A. T. Directors
present were Nr. Crist, 1,ir. Wagner, Mr. Clods and ' r. ~~°ilmoe. Director
Hastings was absent. Attorney Alex Bowie was also present.
A motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by Director Wagner and
duly carried that the minutes of meetings held May 9 and May 20, 1902
be approved as mailed.
A letter was read from Mr. Nasser, Attorney for a development corporation
suggesting that certain money; deposited for sewer construction be
deposited with the union yank of orange. No action was taken.
After: discussion a motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded by
Director Wagner and unanimously carried that the motion made and o_assed
April 11, 1962, page 166, paragraph 4 of the minutes be rescinded and
that the following- amendment be added to section 3.15 of the Rules and
l: `gglat ions :
A deposit in the amount of $15.00 per service shall be required for 1
year from any consumer who has not previously received and paid for
service from the Di 6trict for 1 year or more, or from any consumer who
has !ad a service shun-off for non-payment of a bill. Such a deposit
may be required in additional instances when it is determined by tie
General ~jlana,ger that a deposit would be in the nest interests of the
District. Delinquency in payment of water bills is a sufficient cause
for such a determination by the 'eneral "!,Tanager.
The bonds required of each individual subdivision shall be in lieu of
the deposits required herein except that when all bonds posted by a
subdivider have been released by.the District a deposit shall be re-
quired.or each meter remaining in service.
The General iianager shall have the authority to waive any or all of the
above requirements.
After completion of the above service requirement of one year a refund
shall be made as to all accounts which a e paid up. liefunds shall be
computed as of dune 1st or December --'QAE of each year and payment there-
on made not later than 30 days thereafter.
After.discussion a motion was made by Director N`filmoe, seconded by
Director Clodt and unanimously carried that consideration of a petition
nor annexation .for Tracts 4181 and 4397 by red Johnson },enterprises Inc.,
be continued until dune 27, 1962 at the hiour of 10:00 A.M.
After discussion a motion was Grade by Director Wagner, seconded by
Director Clodt and unanimously carried that upon receipt of a properly
signed release the Secretary be authorized to refund to Red Johnson
Enterprises Inc., the suer, of X27,253.24 of a X30,000.00 deposit, the
difference of $2,741.76 to be retained by the District for the costs
incurred by the District in connection with Job 08.
job 165" - A Mr. Greer appeared before the meeting with a request to
( be permitted to connect an existing line and install apmeter on a line
in Lot 7 , Block 22, which was more than 100 feet nom nis property.
A motion was made by Director Clodt, seconded ClyDirector Milmoe and
carried that the meter be set on the new 81" main in front of the
property in accordance with tie ,'Wles and I:egulatims and (upon payment
of the proper charges.
As recommended by the Audit Committee a motion was made by Director
Clodt, seconded by Director",a ner and duly carried that audited bills
against the District in t1_1 amount of ?24,027.00 be aaid.
Job 106 - After discussion a motion was made by Director =,gagner,
seconded by Director vlodt and duly carried that the General Manager
be autinorized to accept bids for cement lining, certain mains located
on Pi-Lxmosa, 3:uena Vista, Short Street, I--rancview Avenue and Ohio street
said 'bids to be opened duly 11, 1962.
Manager Duel{er reported receipt of a letter from the developer of Tract
No. 4547 in Lot 1, Block 1. This Tract is within the Yorba Linda
County 'd ter District boundaries but has been annexed to the city of
area. The letter indicated that the developer expected the lines
within the tract to 'be laid to the specifications of the City ofl'rea
and that the 't'ract would be served by the 'City of :area wit`ri water
wholesaled to ;area by the Yorba Linda County aVater District. The
matter was discussed and it was agreed that the ;general '°"Tanager should
inform the Developer that this District was not obligated to whole-
sale water to any agency for retail distribution within the District
but would be obligated under a reasonable interpretation of the -u.les
and Regulations 'to serve any Tract within, the District boundaries
;,f ?ere the aczliti.es within saki 't'ract were constructer ;.±nder -the
sped e ications and supervision o_47 this ji strict.
The engineering staff recommended that the boundary between :one 1
and Zone 2 be moved from the present location of half way between
Palm and " orba Linda Zou levard extending from Linda Vista to Valencia
to a new location following the centerline of Yorba Linda Boulevard.
A motion was mare by Di-ector J 1moe, seconded by Director Clodt
and duly carried that the ci}ange be approved as being; beneficial to
tne District.
Manager Due~.er reported ti-fat it would add to the efficiency o-
operations and tend to reduce ti°oe surge present in Zone 2 to move
a surge tank from Plant 2 to Plant 1, for an approximate cost of
$2,450.00. A motion was made by Director, v,,agner, seconder by Director
1•Iilmoe and duly carried that the tani- be moved.
After discussion a motion was made by director I>ilmoe, seconded by
Director viagner and duly carried that the firm of Diehl, Evans ,ompany
be retained by the ;.district for the annual audit for the ensuing
fiscal year.
Job _`55 - ifter discussion it was moved by Director Clodt, seconded
by Director _iilmoe and carried that the relocation of certain services
Vin, i-lig aland Avenue as outlined in ob 55 0e approved. (3eference:
"eL , A, Page 91, Paragraph 9)
-Is -oresented and recolrtmended by t ;.e engineering staff the following jobs
~;aere approved, subject to --ne approval of tide General Hana-ger for all
water construction and to t-he approval of the ;general ',-Ianager and sewer
engineers Eor all sewer construction:
job 109 For dater construction only. 1,-owed by :Director Clodt, seconded
by Director viilrzoe and carried.
Job 119 ';pater and sewer construction. '•Loved by Director , agner, seconded
by Director 1,1iimoe ancl carried.
Tob 137 -w'ater and sewer construction. _oved by Director vlodt., seconded
by Director 1 i lt:oe and carried.
L. 143 :later_ and sewer construction. 1:ove6 by Director %~tilllloe, seconded
by Director Clodt and carri-ed.
Job 144 414"ater and sewer construction. b owed by Director i%agner, seconded
by Director Clout and car_Tied.
Job 145 ;dater Construction only. 'Eloved by Director Clodt, seconded by
Director Hill::oe and carried.
Job 153 .,later and sewer construction. 15'oved by Director djaCner, seconded
by .=Director 'iilmoe and carried.
job 155 dater and sewer construction. loved by Director C1odt, seconded
by "Director -W ilmoe and carried.
Tob 157 ;pater and sewer construction. .:.oved by Director Clodzt, seconded
by :Director Milmoe and carried.
T was brought to the attention of -he Soard that a hearing was being
proposed to permit water service by a Public 'jtility to a cortion o'" Lot
bt, 1oCc% iyiT'c within tole uouncaries of trie District. After discilsslon
i t was moved by Director Cloalt, seconded by Director ~iiImoe and carried
is lat this service be protested and any necessary legal action be taken
at the discretion oL t ae attorney for t -,e :District.
wpb 1'73 -after discussion a motion was made by ;Director Clodt, seconded
by Director 'lilmoe and carried that job 170 be approved as to the installa-
tion of one service to the parcel in question under present conditions,
b'.kt if more than one service is desired in t to future a :lain extension
and rydran~s o 1d be req~zired as recolr;niended by trze engineering staff.
A discussion wasnleld concerning the reluctance of certain parties to
sign -an easer!ent for construction of a T-fater main across property in
Lot E, Block 5 oar t,-:~ iorba Linda, ~.rac . It was i~tovec ray Director C1odt,
seconded by Director 1z~ilmoe and carried that the construction of the
T,ain be authorized to proceed ender the Blanket Easement acquired from
the Yorba Linda` Tater Comp any and that the owners of the property in
question be notified or this action by a letter fron the General 1v?ana er.
:_,ftef discussion a motion ,.,,as :made that a charge of $10.00 per line
wer lain to t to
inspected be made for inspection of lines `rori the s°-
33ro-oer -v line wblere there -is a :stain installed.
on a motion :Wade by Director I-A lmoe, seconded by Director C " odt and duly
carried he mteet in was adjourned to 3:30 xi.14:. Tune 27 , 1962.
aldo Y. mgt 1, Secretary - kudit_or
For Cleaning and Cement Lining of Steel Water Pipe
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
County Water District, 4866 Olinda Street, Yorba Linda, California
will receive sealed proposals, until 9:30 A.M: July 11, 1962 for the
Cleaning and Cement Mortor Lining of approximately: 1600 feet of 8
inch rivited steel pipe, 450 feet of 10 inch steel pipe and, 225 feet
of 14 inch rivited steel pipe.
Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, cashiers check,
or bidders bond equal to at least ten percent of the estimated aggreg-
ate amount of the bid as a guarantee that the bidder will, within 15
days of award, if successful, enter into a contract and furnish the
necessary bonds for completion of the contract.
Said Yorba Linda County Water District, pursuant to the Labor Code
of the State of California, has ascertained and determined that the
general prevailing rates of wage in the locality in which the con-
struction work of the District is to be performed, for each craft and
type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract for con-
struction work proposed by said District as hereinbefore set forth,
and also the general prevailing rates of legal holiday.and over-time
work for each craft or type of workman or mechanic, to be as follows:
Teamster - Winch ~$3.85
Teamster - Van $3.805
Laborer $3.26
Operating Engineers - Concrete Mixer (skip) $3.77
In addition to the above rates, the following rates shall be
added for the respective benefits:
Teamsters Health and welfare 0.10
Foreman: Receives not less
than 25G per hour more than
the hourly rate of the
highest classification over
which he has supervision.
Laborers Health and Welfare 0.125
Pension Fund 0.10
Foreman: Receives not less
than 301,, per hour more than
the hourly rate of the high-
est classification over which
he has leadership.
Operating Engineers Health and Welfare 0.15
Pension Fund 0.10
- A - 1 .
Foreman: Receives not less
than 25r, pet hour more than
the hourly rate of the highest
classification over which he
has supervision.
Providing that one and one-half (1-2) times the said prevailin rates
of wages shall be paid for any working time more than eight (8~ hours
during any one calendar day where such work is required in cases of
extraordinary emergencies caused by fire, flood, or danger to life or
property and double time on Sunday and the seven (7) legal holidays,
to wit: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Veterans
Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day; provided, further, that the
pay for foreman for each eight (8) hour day shall be not less than
Two Dollars ($2.00) more than Journyman rate for the craft or work-
man involved.
it shall be mandatory upon any contractor to whom a contract is awarded
and upon any subcontractor under him to pay not less than the said
specified rates to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics employed by
them in the execution of the contract.
The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive
any informality in a bid, to be the sole judge of the respective merits
of the bids, and to make awards as the interest of the District may
5pecif ications,and all contract documents may be obtained at the
office of the District, 4866 Olinda Street, Yorba Linda, California.
The specification is entitled "Specification No. 4r1-Cleaning and
Cement Lining of Steel Water Pipe."
This notice is given by the order of the Board of Directors, Yorba
Linda County Water District, Yorba Linda, California.
Leonard L. Dueker
Assistant Secretary
Dated: July 3 , 1962