HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-04-15 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesrJ
.kpr i.i l,, 1960
An adjourned meeting Of the Hoard of Dir vtsrs of the Yorba Linda Count:
Y ter
. ter DistriCt was called to order at the office of the Di strict April l1 1960
at the hour of 8:qo A.M. by Nice President '."lagner. At the roll call Directors
Magner, Ivilmoe, Clout and Hastings were present. Also present was H. Dodger
iowell., attorney.
A motion was made by Director Hastingv, seconded by.Director Clout and carried
that the minutes of March 9., March 16, March 28, April 4, April 6 and April
be approved as mailed ,Fvith one correct ion as fol _~ows: That paragraph 6 of the
minutes of March 28 be deleted, it being a duplicat:-on of a motion made
and carried in paragraph 6 of the minutes of March i9.
At the hour of 9: ,O A.M. President Crist arrived and assumed the chair.
A motion was made by Director Clod;, seconded by Director Crist and carried
that the mnutes of April 13 be al3proved as read.
A general discussion a'as held concerning the agreement with Shell Oil Company
as drawn up by Mr. Dueker, Mr. Howell and `hell attorneys. it was generally
agreed that with certain minor changes the agreement was tjmtx fair and equitable.
A motion was made by Director riastints, seconded by Director Clo.it and unan-
imously carried to approve the easement and slope construction a;-reement subject
to the a,.,proval .of the, General ivianagc.- ear d l:t' or cy c,,%,C:_ t ~._~e>c r;~e °
officers be author zed to sign same.
An Appraisal Report of proposed reservoir sites 1 through 6 prepared by Cedric
A. 'Nhite..Jr... was received by the Board. A motion was made b., ?Director Milmoe
seconded by Director Magner and carried th,:t payment of : 7530.E for the report
be made to Mr. White.
After discussion a motion was made by Directors :lagner, seconded by Director
Hastings and unanimously carried that Attorney Ho:.ell be a ithorized to
stipulate for dismissal of Court action against Shell Oil with the agreement
that each party ear its OW- Costs.
President Crist reported that after considerable negotiation Mr. G. Cu. gage
had consented to sign escrow instructions for his sale of land to the District.
The Secretaryread Resolutions from the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce and from
the Yorba LzndaBusinessAssociation requesting the District Board of Directors
to prepare an engineering and. Bond report for the installation of sewage
facilities for thezstrict. A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded
by Director Hastings and carried t_,~at Lowry and Iissociates be authorized to
procede wit the necessary engineers= g and provide a Bond. deport for the Distr._ 'c-"
After Discussion a motion was made by Director lailmoe, seconded by Director Clodt
and unan:i.nmously carried that the construction ^ontract for Schedule 1 ( Booster
Pumping Stations and Hefated hork) be awarder: to Pascal and Ludwig, Inc., as the
lowest responsible bidder.
After discussion a motion was made by I; :actor Jagner, Seconded by Director Milmoe
and unanimously c arried thatthei B o?rd of directors be place i on. record as tibW_
being aorecabl e to the annexa -i on of any property desiring to arnex :upon proper
f'r Cati oT2 of the p __ty in T „rev'i' 0 2, and cro that ann xa.+ion be
~ ~ sd d
On a motto
n: b .ir, c or Clout, Ceconaed b - Director 6labner and dal. carried the
meetin,., a a Ic-arne_?. 2 ;al?o Y. Smith, Secretary Auditor
n g ACG