HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-01 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes65
July 1, '.1960
A soecba.l iaceting of the
was cor7ened at the office
by .resilient Oris`..
A.11 Directors were ;`)resent
Podger Ho cl_l.
and of Directors of the Yorb. Linda Cc znt,% ;,rater Distri&
of the District on July 1, 1960,, at the he,,)-- of 83:30 a-m.
and. a.nswo-ed t•,„' roll call. Also -oresant W,,^-.s Attorney
General vr re-)reco es c-F ;rc , Re 1 e Re eme_ t
r _ iii _~~,e.:Y DuE ~ ~i ~,ry ~ of SeS::r r~~. ~,~r~° s
k7_"C r' by Lowry ` u Associates to the Directors for study.
A a Yt -Prom Garde_ Nand om-p_ _.y, Ltd. for the District to over the wntelr
s-stem I -n Tract was ,-esen-l-ed and t 1EC1 ^wSPCI . The apr^ernent had been ap~-roved.
ttCrilP. FIoWell and, r^,e' D?1E7 8't. II1 tiCs1 was aC.E by Director `T~.stings
Seconded by Director Ir ilr^oe, and i1nanimoasly that the .z, i~~7ree'e. be c°~*Y1?'oTed
y~ _t ~a
,are, that the - rop°,r officers t e ~uthori zed to execLzte Came.
'),n'it'er Dueker report.e i that a pi =ssure proclem exiAted_ in said Tract 11.82, but
he felt that it could be sclved in the cea- flat-ure t.rit'"S the aid n$ -t e Doveloper.
A notion Was made by Direct^ (77odt, seccnded i1` Director Vilmoe, an(-,nanimously
c<:ar-4 oO_ that i`'aana.ger Duelcer be authorized to proceed `,nrith the plan to inCT e 7.° -r,)ress rc,
a cost not to exceed ~3COC.00.
uBSt " f r he
T "1 val l fcrrtia H;t?i. "0t~: _.7 a n' for a,n
_ v )-1 5G11 ~
r er .~sia..e'_{er ~^Fse;_tPd. a re-
ease tient for construction of a. -)oim..*:'r like on District ")rtnIcrt"' at f E?"e' Lr 1 ' Cite
1TC. IlOtir12 W^ by Di3 CCtCr ~s "Tl^r,COl~C'eG. lDi'P,Ct^1^ 'l.Cdt, and
car'ied "iE:-t t.tl'_`e General T'`d~z?nC ?Je auti,orized to c";xecutc the easement if e
o.-oaroved th location.
C i,iction b Director Fastin;s, seconded u_r Director 1aa7zter, and duly car'°ied
ta"° meeting z^.rc;s adjourned to the ho-or of 0:00 a.m. , 'D,zeSdaz;, Jul-, C 11"60.
SeCre: &rV°A?. ditor