HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-08-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes09 Au7ust TO, 11C The regular meeting, of the Board ^r 7 Ca.. r~ • Lir:; tors of ~ a T1n'"~a County Water .,_Or~JF...• s. District was called to order at ~ +`e office of the Dietr_o„ t on August 10, 1960, ~ :20 r at the hour of 9.~ 1 a.m by Pres .~._aret, J;,~y ~ris . Upon roll 201. ui.., fol0 ng Dirbutors or_ ..v:.i:_t: Q. Orist, Er. .u ner, ~-.I.ti 4. 1nd Hustings were u.,., dais• Glu ~i 11rc:CtQrs +.+_=l.': .Ce and ..s::i,v. a.l~. ' J c::T.t ..'cs..s Attorney :_I od r GowcII and M. Dan May. Lir. i Qley wL.s pr"osent as a representative of ;;.i:, jiti v Ju.i . ~ for t v. There was considerable discussion of the subject and ter. Ible was acs_tred of the co111, leQ cooperation of the District Board in helping finances and d ru the sL.,. .a .;c:.'t.'J b_CCa.. 'S e the Mw..._.__,s „C ..,1 L• v.Auc. On a action by Dirw '.tor ..agner, seconded by Director Clodt and carried 10 minutes of the meetings held jul;y 13, and `_a;u.st 5 were approvzd as mailca. oOrteC;. rov.r. the lnaFiCe C r'1v.1u re Co2',mittze t yat tx eT; had _ c lvsd, ,.alit,: Director and approved uyl1S u_.,c..l,.vt the District in the amount of 933,234.01. it wa.-: .;.oV'.Cx by Director „1QdL, esQIk ,,.A 'Cu, Director Wagner and una_~..,_QUS1„ carri~,-` that the bills as audited be a:,.pDroved for payr2''Tiu + . :,tanager Meker presented to i:l':e Board an application by L r. i.oVert Phillips for t w o ' FFiulii ex"t;eFlsyOn in Lot 11 OC.iti 27, running Ecrthwasterly from Chio Street;. After discussion a motion was made by Director Ciodt, seconded by Director Magner and carried that the ap,llicatlon be '.ranted subject to the R ills and Reualations of the District and that a 50 foot easement be given 'or both lines, and teat a service fee of 42.50 per front foot be paid exce.,tinF that the 'Iortherly 100 feet of the propert v ':°:''1ich can be served from an _iu tin>>; main shall be exe._rpted from the service tee. After discussion a notion was .tlVe by Uirictor G1odt, seconded b> DirecLor tanner and carried tha';, the following aFreerrent be catered into with the iQrbct Linda 4a tar vim:-i and that tli.e':w:,S__delit and t.s is i:--JI`%41Qer,t iii.; ca ni';Gr- to sign said uareemenL. This a; reenant 1s made and entered into f:'1:i s 1st day of August, 060, between YQr a Linda County .rater- i istr.i.t U, hereinafter referred to as District, and for d Linda dc..a ..CTtpan'y', heireinafte raferrod to as Com 'n;; e w District n as through conde:s:Tlc^. tiQn a.Cynais ed all _ c::ui... W..~ "ssets of _ .,,-!.`"'Y'om other than cash; and. VuR S in the final adjustment of . sou.ntE uE) `uVdecn District ail jonpany, Lhare are certain items that need adjusting; it is w t 1isere c;re agreed between the parties parties hereto as follows: District auk?-st;nledges its :indebtedness to Corriany, in addition to t condemnation a: ard, for the following, items and amounts: Accounts Receivable (water) Gsj~-Le Pro-rata share of prepaid insurance 21212.:5 Allocation of prepaid censlo s and booefit 21263-71)1- ;C ar-es and .vas;es paid District e n>p? o,jees u~ atucr Conlranti 1C =xo:it 1S office rent r C rI Jy/ ~I•J ~CSS a cc.- ;:8d E lIp° o?fe$s Vv t atiGls5 for 1)K9 %'yC'. ( v Total amount to be s)ai..a, 1r" yC1':..! ;Cn and acts nvrfy( dbvS t it o.:es m a icI iC i- 1 W Or of'f' ce rent and salariee and '1: o S of Dist-rict Cn:plo jeuS who rla've bear c utily a ~ ~u u,n arc vicrk no from tiiiie to tide -for Co =q,,any in assisting in "wipany' S 1x7 nding-up and disso.L .ion. The eL,;,ct a:xo.iit of tii i lE~i tv do cS is not Kilo-°;y -u- Co lipany agrees -that the correct ai, ount ^fL ll be da terrarl;;d and paid t,rior to ~tS Llrl l 1.11d t Cii an-' be UI, all cash iii S been des Y'l;~_U tC I - ti. tCCii- i,O1deY'S. Dis'triGt areeS that th Gl?areS Or kGi1 ic3^1tieS and SGr1iC_;v chull bo on tile; Same baSyS a_ Colipan;y char,;'cs to Dist-riot, e<ccept nor adjust_ ment rz;asc n of any increased Salar- S. On a ration iiirector ;"iubner, scGCnded by Director Cloat and dale; curried tho me,: t, Il7 ;eras adjcurr_; d. L. C V. s