HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-09-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesSe pteniber i s 1960 72 The regular meeting of the Yorba Linda, County Niter District was called to order at the office of the District on September 141 1960 at the hour or 3;30 AS, by President Cristo All Directors were present and answered the -roll call, Also present was Attorrey H. dodger Nowell and Mr. Bulot of Stone and Youn7berr* On a motion made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director 1-kil,moe and carried the minutes of the meeet:i n7s held August 53 August 10 and August 30; 1960 were approved as mailed.. The finance committee re-ported that they had received, audited and approved bills against the District in the amount of 415,845.69. It was moved by I)-ir at,,or Kastiros, seconded by D-i. actor. Clodt arl dul- c rr nd that the vit;i° :C1 n_ is ro- .:F.' r1*n ,nn 701ns ovioadina 10, fn "rap thr ain to, l~ the property line in lot 9, 'Block 21. it was pointed out that this pr.°opert;, had been divided and sold before the limiting 100 foot rule had been made. ,'after discussion a motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carr=ied that permission for service co ections be granted for all presently e :istin; parcels in that portion of Lot 95 lock 21 as shown in dutch accompaning the requests, provided that -one fir.. ;ydra t be set, an~i subject to We approval of th&,1' weal Man.- gar . Ax. uulot of Stone and YoungUrg was introduced and discussed tno subject of preparing a y wI'1 .`?<;:`.:r construction for a ._::6 of ili'.:eviie No decision was maaa. ST. Vern Story of 3arden Land Company arrived and was introduced. J? • Story a)Lplained -that due to certain property being in esprow,difficultins Had been encountered in obtaining an easement for the Countro Club outfall sewer line ;_,L.~.. ,o~i ng constructed by Garden Land Company which is to become dti t ..tf., ut the the proJ✓Vertd vi the District on completion. or. Story er_plainl easement could probably be ne. ot:iatcd after the escrow was completed, but that if delayed beyond the lattor part of October the construction schedule would be disrupted and expenses increased. 1:fter thorou5h discussion a u0 "titan was ;Trade by 1) 7"cCtOr lJlill tae= seconded. by Director Volt and unanimously car-_•,6d that the following Resolution (No. 35) be adopted. RESOLVE: That the General Manager, Consultin_, Sewer ngineer and Attorney are authorized and directed to complete negotiation with Garden Land Company and other property owners for necessary easements for the construction and operation of the Vountry Ca.'•.b outfall sewer line and if un_ahle to obtain in.". b_i l~ui.i.: i;ii ui`~nc1.:1.On pro® the necessary ,::c6as C>- ement :,hcy are authorized v'.) 1 ^t ceedin7s. . l~. contract i,.1etwcE'n the Dist r.iCU and a:d Tal2u a ly r vlTiva?"ly and other ~:irGN.er-u R-y Carden sa rs Gti'diiGrU for easements for e_...i ^.O n..tI.'tZG1,:iOn of the Country Club oatfail C:'vlel^ line 'i,0 be aCyuil'c;d by tti1L' District 'Jc;." u.. as.,cd. A discusoion concerning thv awarding of contracts for Schedules 1., K3 and I! 9! 3, of Specification 2-W was held. A motion was '.!lade by Director Wagner, seconde! by Arector hilmoe an'o unanimously carried tUt the awardc he deferred to a laver data. The subject of the ;cork load of the Mangerta.l Staff mas discussed. k motion eras mode by Director Clodt, seconded by Wirector vi.lmoo and unanimous)-,,, carried that the ~Ieneral Manager be authorized to employ an engineer in: ; assistant at a salary not to exceed r 0, 00 per month). An o plicat i_on by Cromwell and Hodkins was ,resented. The application requested an extension of six inch main in lots 1 and 7 of Block 21 for approximately 310 feet. A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carried that the extension be an roved, sobjec°t to receipt of proper easements, the 'rules and A-;c-s at ons of the District and the approval of the General Manager. A request, by J. A. Sko ;mann et al, for approrimatel-y 700 feet of R 6/p ~ main extension to serve approximately 9 lots on the extension of fro ,ryas received. A motion was made by Director T'+'Tilmoe, seconded by Di tun. ar Clodt and unanimous!7 carried that the line be cons 2cted subject to 20 the Ri116S a.n_a r e `1l;f,.C I2w of = District and Fi it"0" c Von l elb Manager. e ~A A request was received Cro i Sycano re 1mas Ar ' main e , ol , :in t) _ c rv' r/.l Tract 3700. A motion was made b~,~ Director ha.st~_ngs, seconded by Director .f Clodt and unanimously carried that the request be approved subject to the mules and He,gulationfa.nd upon condition that the design be determined by the General Manager and the estimated cost be deposited with the District. Mananer Dueker asked the Board if there would be any objection to his acceptance -of the chairmanship of the California Water n'lan, Feather Hiner Project for Yorba Linda. No objections were expressed. A general discussion was held concerning Bond Constracti.on Anances and the feasabi.li.ty of the District doing some of the proposed construction. On a motion by Director Hastings, seconded by Director Clodt and carried the meeting was adjourned to 8:30-A.M. 'riday September 23, 1960. VaLacTATAT-, S ecr ta.C•y"Aud~ to--