HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-11 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Monday, December 11, 2023, 10:00 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS This meeting will be held in person. For public convenience, the meeting can also be accessed via internet-based service or telephone as indicated below. For questions regarding participation, please call the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020. Computer/Mobile Device: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86791383944 Telephone: (669) 444-9171 or (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 867 9138 3944 2. CALL TO ORDER 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL Brett R. Barbre, President Trudi DesRoches, Vice President Phil Hawkins, Director Tom Lindsey, Director 5. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Items may be added to the agenda upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or a unanimous vote if only three Directors are present, that there is a need to take immediate action which came to the District's attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. (GC 54954.2(b)(2)) 6. AB 2449 TELECONFERENCE REQUESTS 7. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board (or Committee) is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes and must be related to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the Water District. (GC 54954.3) 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board (or Committee) at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking advice and counsel. Time permitting, it is generally in the District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 8.1. Review Candidate Applications for Board Vacancy 9. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 9.1. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Page 1 of 35 Title: General Manager 9.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representative: Andrew Gagen, General Counsel Unrepresented Employee: General Manager 10. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 11. ADJOURNMENT 11.1. The next regular meeting is scheduled Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 7:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Non-exempt materials related to open session agenda items that are distributed to a majority of the Board of Directors (or Committee Members) less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s Administrative building located at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 during regular business hours. When practical, these materials will also be posted on the District’s website at https://ylwd.com/. (GC 54957.5) Accommodations for the Disabled Requests for disability-related modifications or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, required for participation in the above-posted meeting should be directed to the Board Secretary at (714) 701-3020 at least 24 hours in advance. (GC 54954.2(a)) Page 2 of 35 ITEM NO. 8.1. AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: December 11, 2023 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Mark Toy, General Manager STAFF CONTACTS: Annie Alexander, Senior Executive Assistant/Board Secretary SUBJECT: Review Candidate Applications for Board Vacancy BACKGROUND: Attached are the applications submitted by the following candidates for the vacant position on the Board of Directors. Staff confirmed that each individual is a registered voter residing within the District's boundaries. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Gene Hernandez - Application Packet 2. Peggy Huang - Application Packet 3. Chi-Chung Tang - Application Packet Page 3 of 35 Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Reliable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Yea,s APPLICATIO N FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If you would fike to be considered for appoi ntment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. you must be a registered voter. reside within the District's boundar ies. and be wiling and dedicated to serving the public. This app lication. a letter of interest including your reasons for wanting to serve on the Boord. and a statement of quaifications (resume cr CV) must be submitted no later than Wednesday, December 6, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. at the e-mail address cr mailing address li sted at the bottom of the form. Pl ease call 714-701-3020 if you have any questions. Con ta ct Information Fun Name: Hernandez Eugene (Gene) J lost M.I. Address: Street Adcress Apatmert /Unit " Yorba Linda CA 92886 City State lPCode Phone: Alt Phone: ------------ Email: Candidate Attestation I hereby apply for consoeration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby ce hat all information I have submitted is accurate and truthful. Signature Date: 11/21/2023 Re uired Su lemental Materials In addition to th is form. al appicants must submit the foUowing: J;J Letter of Interest and Reasons for Want ing to Serve on the Board � Statement of Qualifications (Resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this fcrm and the requested supplemental materials to Annie Alexander. Board Secretary. Al mater ials must be submitted no later than WednesdaY, December 6, 2023 at I 2·00 i;i m ro the e-mail address cr mailing address listed below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not rece ived by the deadline. Submit via emaD: aalexa nder@ylwd.com Submit by malt YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander. Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water Distr ict PO Box 309 Yorba Linda. CA 92885 Page 4 of 35 Honorable Eugene J. "Gene" Hernandez Yorba Linda, CA 92886 November 22, 2023 YLWD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 SENT VIA E-MAIL AND U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Dear President Barbre and Honorable Members of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors: I am wr iting today to officially inform you of my interest in the appointment to the newly vacant position on the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) Board of Directors. Per the appointment application instructions, this will serve as my Letter of Interest, and attached you will find my resume/biography which captures a number of my professional, personal, educati onal, and governmental activi ties. I am confident you will find that my lifelong community-oriented approach to serving the pu blic with passion is consistent with YLWD's core values as described in your Strategic Plan as integrity, accountability, responsibility, transparency, teamwork, and respect. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the incredible ded ication and service of former Director J. Wayne Miller, Ph.D. As your Mayor and Council member of the City of Yorba Linda for over a decade, I have had the pleasure of working with extraordinari ly committed members of our community, and Director Miller is one of those individuals. He is leaving some very big shoes to fill, and I look forward to continuing his legacy of service and putting our community first. My interest in serving on the YLWD Board is an extension of my service to our community and ensuring that vital water and sewer services are delivered in a safe, dependable, and cost­ effective manner. First and foremost, I am a conservative ratepayer and a 37 year residential customer, and I believe strong ly that our jobs as elected leaders are to tackle the ultimate challenge of providing high quality water and sewer services at the lowest cost possible. I am not under any illusions whether this is simple or straightforward, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with the Board and staff to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to protect the ratepayers of the district. Page 5 of 35 My interest in the appointme nt also stems from what I have seen in other communities and other countries. As part of my volunteer work with Rotary over the years, I have had the opportunity to travel to countries that do not have clean, safe water or functioning sewer services. I wish everyone could see and witness what the lack of water and sewer services does to a community. It is nothing short of devastating. I helped deliver water wells to communities in India, Africa and Mexico and they have changed lives. My goal with being appointed to the YLWD Board is to become an outspoken ambassador for the vital services that the district provides and help prepare our community for the challenges that are coming. I am currently serving our community in my final term of office on the City Council, and I am proud to say that the Oty is in a stronger financial position than when I joined the Council 11 years ago. We represent nearly 70,000 people with a general fund operating budget of approximately $50,000,000 and budget reserves over $40,000,000. Ad ditionally, I have had budget and public policy responsibilities on a number of regional boards representing our community, including serving as Chairman of the Board of both the Orange County Fire Authority and Orange County Transportation Authority. Additionally, I am the Chair of the O.C. Senior Citizens Advisory Council. In each of the positions of responsibility that I have undertaken, ensuring cost effective proper infrastructure has been my top priority. In working with each of you on our Joint Agency Committee meetings over the years, I have come to appreciate that water and sewer service is complex and requires a committed Board and staff to best position YLWD for both the expected and unexpected challenges that will come our way. It is clear there will be continuing pressure from Sacramento to dictate how we manage water and sewer service in our community, and I look forward to bringing my local, regional, and state experience and relationships to use for the benefit of the district and our ratepayers. It would be an honor to continue to serve our community and I look forward to wor king with each of you to best represent the City of Yorba Linda and the portions of Plac entia, Brea, Anaheim, and the unincorporated areas of north Orange County that make up our incredible district. I respectfully ask for your support. Page 6 of 35 Biography of Chief Eugene J. (Gene) Hernandez (RET.) Chief Hernandez received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Administration of Criminal Justice from San Jose State University and Masters of Science Degree in Management from Cal Poly, Pomona. He is a graduate of Class 15 of the California POST Command College and Class 154 of the F.B.I. National Academy. Entered law enforcement as a police officer with the City of Fullerton in 1972. In 1998, he assumed the Chief of Police position with the City of Chino. He retired in December of 2006. Community and professional service has included: City of Yorba Linda Mayor, 2015/2018 and current Mayor; Past Chairman of the Orange County Fire Authority; Current Chairman for the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA); Immediate past President of the CA League of Cities OC Division and current Public Safety Policy Committee; Executive Board Chair of Senior Citizen Advisory Council (SCAC); District Governor, 2008-09, Rotary International, District 5300; Rotary Group Study Exchange Team Leader in 2006 to District 1910 (Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina); Participated in National Immunization Days in India; 2005 participated in Water Well Project in Zambia, Africa; 2004 participated in Wheelchair Distribution Project in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and in 2012 in Hermosillo, Mexico; 2013-14 Chair of Rotary’s Project Corazon Home Builds, in Tecate, Mexico; 2011-12 Chair for the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee; 2009-2013 Vice-Chair for the California State Athletic Commission; Past Board President of the Yorba Linda/Placentia YMCA, North Orange County YMCA, Orange YMCA and Chino Valley YMCA; Past President of Family Solutions Inc., foster care homes for abused children; Past Specialist for the California State PTA Board; Current Board member of the PrimeHealth Care Foundation; Past President of the Board for the Chino Youth Boxing Club Foundation. Gene has been married for 54 years to wife, Louise, and has three children, six grandchildren. Page 7 of 35 2024 WATER RESUME Eugene (Gene) J. Hernandez , Yorba Linda, CA. 92886 Home Telephone: Cell Telephone: OBJECTIVE: Yorba Linda Water District –To Be Obtained: 11/06/24 POLITICAL PARTY: Republican 11/1968 EXPERIENCE: 03/2010-Present ELECTED/APPOINTED POSITIONS HELD •Appoint Mayor 12/06/2022 to Present •Appointed Mayor Pro Tem 12/06/2021 •Appointed Mayor Pro Tem 12/04/2020 •Elected Representative for the 55th Assembly Dist.- OC Republican Party Central Comm. 06/07/2016 to Present •Appointed Mayor 12/04/2017 •Appointed Mayor Pro Tem 12/04/2016 •Appointed Mayor 12/02/2014 •Appointed Mayor Pro Tem 12/03/2013 •Assembly Dist.-OC Republican Party CC 02/18/2013 •Elected Council Member 12/04/2012 to Present •Gubernatorial Appointment to CA State Athletic Commission 03/01/2010 11/2012-Present CITY/COUNTY ASSIGNMENTS/POSITIONS HELD •OC Transportation Authority – Chair 12/2022-23 •OC Transit Authority – Director 11/2020-23 Page 8 of 35 •ACC-OC - 1st Vice President 12/04/2022-23 •OC Senior Citizens Advisory Council – Chair 12/02/2022-23 •OCCOG - City Rep 12/20/2022-23 •YL Chamber of Commerce - Liaison 12/20/2022-23 •OC Mayor’s Committee - Liaison 12/20/2022-23 •League of Cal Cities-OC Division President 10/11/2019-22 •YL Water District Board – Liaison 12/11/2022-23 •YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee – Liaison 12/2022-23 •OC Senior Citizens Advisory Council – Executive Board Member at Large 01/11/2019 •OC Transit Authority – Director, 3rd Dist. 12/10/2018 •League of California Cities – OC Division Vice Chair 2018 •League of California Cities – OC Division - 01/01/2016-23 Public Safety Sub Committee •ACC-OC Legislative Committee -Member 03/07/2017-Present •ACC-OC Energy/Environment/Water Committee – Chair of the Sub-Committee 03/07/2017-Present •OC Fire Authority – Chair 01/2015 •OC Fire Authority – Vice Chair 01/09/2014 •OC Sanitation District – Director 12/03/2012/14 •Yorba Linda Water Bond Committee 12/03/2013 •OC Fire Authority-Executive Committee 09/18/2013 •Joint Agency Standing Committee 04/17/2013 •OC Fire Authority – Director 12/11/2012-2023 •YL Water District Board – Liaison 12/11/2012 •OC Sanitation Board – Director 12/11/2014/15 •OC Sanitation Board – Alternate Director 12/11/2012 •YL Chamber of Commerce -Liaison 12/11/2012 • Council Training/Seminars •ACC-OC Legislative Advocacy Trip 03/6-7/2023 Sacramento- Citizen Hotel •League of Cal Cities Annual Conference 09/7-9/2022 Long Beach Convention Center •CA League of Cities Public Safety Committee 01/24/2020 Workshop Held at the Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA •Certified Watershed Ambassador Program#2 01/21/2020 Held at the Costa Mesa Dungan Library, Costa Mesa •CA League of Cities Leadership Workshop 12/4-6/2019 Page 9 of 35 Held at the Meritage Resort/Spa, in Napa, CA •W.E.L.L. Leadership Retreat 11/8-9/2019 Held at Woodbury University – Los Angeles Campus, 7500 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank •OCBC 25th Annual Economic Forecast Conference 10/30/2019 Held Hotel Irvine, Irvine •Certified Watershed Ambassador Program#1 09/16/2019 Getting to Know Your Watershed Held at the OC Water District, 18700 Ward St, Fountain Valley •ACC-OC Workshop 06/26/2019 Changing Cultural Norms in the Post "Me Too" Movement. Held at the Tustin City Library. •CSUF Town Hall Meeting 05/03/2019 Held at CSUF, Fullerton/Student Presentation Evaluator •ACC-OC Forum 01/31/2019 Homeless/Housing Panel. Held at Irvine City Council Chambers •ACC-OC Washington, DC Advocacy Trip 01/27-29/2019 For Policy/Meetings with Gov. Officials •Richard Nixon Foundation Speaker Series - 11/12/2018 General Stanley McChrystal was featured speaker. Held at the Nixon Library. •Richard Nixon Foundation Speaker Series - 10/18/2018 Tucker Carlson was featured speaker. Held at the Nixon Library-YL •OC Forum -Free Speech on College Campuses - 10/17/2018 with UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman. Held at Nixon Library. •Huntington Beach Desalination Project Briefing 09/26/2018 Overview of the Poseidon Water project held at Meadowlark Golf Club, 16782 Graham St, Huntington Beach, CA •ACC-OC Homeless Task Force Update - 09/12/2018 Held at Care Ambulance, 1517 W. Braden Ct, Orange •OC Supervisors Conference hosted by Judge Carter 04/3, 2018 regarding the Santa Ana Riverbed Status Update held at the Reagan Federal Building, 411 4th St., Santa Ana, CA •ACC-OC Haven for Hope Field Trip 01/18-19/2018 Location of Center was San Antonio, Texas •Richard Nixon Foundation Speaker Series - 11/28/2017 General David Petraeus was featured speaker. Held at the Nixon Library-YL Page 10 of 35 •ACC-OC Delegation to Washington, DC - 09/24-26/2017 for Policy and Advocacy Meetings w/ Gov. Officials •Richard Nixon Foundation Speaker Series - 06/10/2017 Karl Rove was featured speaker. Held at the Nixon Library-YL •Lincoln Club of OC Annual Membership Banquet 04/01/2017 Greg Gutfeld was the featured speaker. Held at Pasea Hotel/Spa, 21080 Pacific Coast Hwy, Huntington Beach. •League of Cities Public Safety Comm. 03/30/2017 Held at the Ontario Doubletree Hotel. •ACC-OC Sacramento Advocacy Trip - 03/13-14/2017 Held at the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA, stayed at Citizen Hotel, 926 J Street, Sacramento •Latino Leadership Forum - 03/25/2017 Participated in Field Trip of an Oxnard Strawberry Farm Operation. •W.E.L.L. Water Conference - 03/23-24/2017 Toured Water Waste Treatment Center. Held at the Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel, 1355 N. Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA •Lincoln Club 2017 Presidential Inauguration - 01/19-22/2017 Held in Washington, DC for Pres. D. Trump •ACC-OC Water Committee Workshop – 09/15/2016 Desal in OC and Beyond – Attended ACC-OC Special Committee meeting on the future of desalinization in OC and Beyond, at Mesa Water Reliability Facility, 1350 Gisler Ave, Costa Mesa, CA •9th Annual OC Water Summit – 05/20/2016 Turbulent Times – Attended Metro Water District Summit, The Westin, So. Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa, CA •W.E.L.L. Water Conference - 03/4-5/2016 Held at the San Jose Hilton Hotel, Visitor’s Center, 300 S. Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA •NALEO National Policy Institute on Energy - 02/26-27/2016 Attended NALEO National Institute on Energy, held at the Hotel Maya, Long Beach, CA •ISDOC Emergency Response Training for 08/11/2015 Elected Officials – Held at the OC Communications Site, 644 Santiago Canyon Road, Silverado, CA •2015 Metropolitan Water District San Jacinto 02/25/2015 Aqueduct Tunnel Tour – San Jacinto Mountains •2014 NALEO National Policy Institute on Health08/08-10/2014 Attended NALEO National Institute on Health Care Page 11 of 35 Delivery held at the Westin San Diego Gas Lamp Quarter, San Diego, CA •2014 Latino Policy Forum - 06/07/2014 Attended So. Cal. Latino Policy Center Forum held at the USC Ronald Tutor Campus Center, LA •2014 City Infrastructure Summit - 05/29/2014 Attended ACC-OC Summit on City Infrastructure – Hilton Costa Mesa Hotel •W.E.L.L. – Water Education for Latino Leaders - 03/27-28/2014 Attended Tour of the BDCP and lectures- held at the Holiday Plaza Center- Sacramento •OC Visionary Leaders’ Conference - 03/07/2014 Attended ACC-OC United Way on the Collective Impact Concept •Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip - 12/06-08/2013 Attended Water Education tour hosted by Metropolitan Water District of So. Cal. •OC Human Relations Seminar - 12/04/2013 Attended Seminar on Hate Speech vs Freedom of Speech •Richard Nixon Foundation Speaker Series - 11/18/2013 Newt Gingrich was featured speaker •Lincoln Club Freedom Forum Series - 11/14/2013 California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse •2013 Latino Policy Forum - 11/09/2013 Held at East Los Angeles College, Monterey Park, CA •Weymouth Treat Plant and La Verne Fabrication - 11/08/2013 Shops- Hosted by Metropolitan Water District of OC •Municipal Water District of OC - 11/07/2013 Board and Elected Officials Forum held in Fountain Valley, CA •OC Sanitation Workshop - 10/02/2013 Goal Setting Workshop held in Fountain Valley, CA •Edmonston Pumping/Water Treatment Facility 09/20/2013 Inspection Trip hosted by Metropolitan Water District of OC •Cal State Water Project/San Joaquin Delta 04/12-13/2013 Project Inspection hosted Metropolitan Water District of OC, Sacramento •Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip - 03/08-10/2013 Hosted by Metropolitan Water District of So. Cal. •Water Advisory Committee of OC Meeting - 01/01/2013 Held in Fountain Valley, CA Page 12 of 35 •OC Sanitation Board of Directors Orientation - 01/23/2013 Held in Fountain Valley, CA •ACC-OC New Elected Officials Public Policy 02/07-08/2013 Makers Academy – A two-day training session for new and returning elected officials. Held in Anaheim, CA •League of Cities Newly Elected Officials Boot Camp 02/15/2013 Held at the City of Irvine City Hall MANDATORY STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRAINING •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 09/20/2023 Proof of Completion Certificate •Youth Protection Training -BSA 12/19/2022 Proof of Completion Certificate •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 12/6/2022 Proof of Completion Certificate •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 09/7/2022 Proof of Completion Certificate •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 12/11/2020 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, City of Yorba Linda •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 01/15/2020 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 01/15/2020 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 01/10/2019 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 01/10/2019 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 02/15/2018 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 09/14/2017 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention 02/02/2017 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda Page 13 of 35 •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 02/02/2017 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC, OCTA, OCFA, and City of Yorba Linda •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 12/10/2015 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC •ISDOC Emergency Response Training for Elected 08/11/2015 Officials - Proof of Completion Certificate. Held at the City of Yorba Linda •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 11/08/2014 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC •AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention - 05/07/2014 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for OC Sanitation District •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 03/01/2014 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for SCAC •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 02/15/2013 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for YL City Council Compliance. Held at 1400 K Street, Suite 205, Sacramento, CA •AB 1234 Ethics Training - 04/26/2012 Proof of Completion Certificate. Required for CA State Athletic Commission. HONORS/AWARDS •Certificate of Recognition - California Assembly 09/01/2022 In Recognition of serving as the OC Division Director to the League of Cal Cities •OC GOP Elected Official of the Year 2019 •Certificate of Recognition - Oversight 07/17/ 2018 Board of the Successor Agency to the YL Redevelopment Agency •Certificate of Recognition – CAL Assembly 02/28/2018 Speaker Richard Rendon for successfully completing the inaugural WELL Untapped Academy CITY/COUNTY MEMBERSHIPS/INVOLVEMENT •CSUF Town Hall Meeting 05/07/2021 Student Group Project Evaluator •CSUF Town Hall Meeting 05/03/2019 Student Group Project Evaluator Page 14 of 35 •California Local Elected Officials 01/15/2017/2019 (CLEO) •LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES-OC Division 10/11/2019 Board President •LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - 08/24/2016 Elected to 3rd District Representative, 2016-17 Division Board of Directors, Orange County Division •LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES - 01/22/2016-23 Selected to the Public Safety Sub Committee •California Republican Assembly 04/14/2016 Yorba Linda-Placentia Unit – Member •ACCOC – Public Engagement Committee-Member 10/16/2014 •National Association of Latino Elected Officials - 01/10/2014 N.A.L.E.O. Life Member •OC SENIOR CITIZENS ADVISORY COUNCIL - 11/14/2013 Selected a Director at Mayors City Selection Session and assigned to the Housing and Transportation Sub Comm. •OC LINCOLN CLUB – Member 10/20/2013 •CALIFORNA WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP ASSOC. 10/07/2013 (CWLA) – Member •OC TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION - 05/30/2013 Member •Republican Party of OC Central Committee - 01/10/2013 Elected Member Finance Committee, Local Elected Officials Committee •ACC-OC – Member/Public Safety Policy Comm. 01/10/2014 •ACC-OC – Member/Public Engagement Sub Comm. 01/10/2013 •GROWELECT – Member 12/06/2013 Revised 10/14/2023 Page 15 of 35 l ffl Yorba LindaW Water District Independent, Rellable and Trusted Service for More Than 100 Years APPLIC ATION FOR APPOINTME NT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS If . you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda �ater District _Board of Di�tors, you must be a registered voter, reside within the District's boundane�, and be wirng anddedicated to serving the public. This "'pfication, a letter of intere st Inclu ding your recs� forwanting to serve on the Boad, and a statem ent of qualifications (resume or CVJ must � submitted no later than Wednesday. December 6. 2023 gt 1 nil 0 m at the e-mail addre .ss or ma iling addressl$1ed at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have any questions. Contact Information Ful Name : ...:.H...:..u=-a=n:...:.:gS!.._ _____ ..:_P.:.:egg�y _______z_. ---- Lost Address : Street Addess Yorba Li nda City Phone: Email: Rrst M.L Apatmert/Urit # CA 9286 State ZIP Code M�--- Candi date Attestation I hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors. I hereby C • • • • is accurate and truthful. __ Date: be<... �, 2-(),z.3 In addition to this form, al applican ts must submit the foloVt1ng: a Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board □Statement of Qualifications (Resume or CVJ Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supple mental materials to Annie Alexander, Board Secretary. Al materials must be submi tted no later t han Wednesday. December 6., 2023 g1 ) 2;00 ReW. to the e -mail address or mailing address listed below. Postmcn:ed materials wil not be accepted if not received by the deadline. Submit xl9 flDAlli aalexander@ylwd.com submn by maft YLWD Boad of Directors c/o Annie Alexander. Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box309 Yorba Linda. CA 92885 Page 16 of 35 PEGGY Z. HUANG Yorba Linda, CA 92886 | Dear Yorba Linda Water District Directors, I am applying for the director posi:on recently vacated by Director J. Wayne Miller. My background and experience in water law and statewide policy and public agency management will be an asset to the Board. As a former elected official, I understand the importance of managing a financially strong public agency and ensuring that all revenues and expenditures are transparent to the public. As the chair of the Toll Roads, we successfully structured public financing in which we were awarded the Bond Buyer Deal of the Year in 2021 for the Western Region and saved over $100 million dollars in interest payments. YLWD has to maintain and replace water treatment facili:es and aging pipes. I have the knowledge and experience in managing a budget and bond financing and structuring to fund capital improvement projects. Moreover, I led the City of Yorba Linda in engaging the public on several Proposi:on 218 efforts to reassess landscape and maintenance assessment districts. Since 1997, I have been engaged in statewide water law and policy. I worked on the statewide CalFed Bay Delta Restora:on Project and the California Water Plan for 2020. As part of my work on the CalFed Bay Delta Project, I was involved in the planning of watershed restora:on, groundwater storage, and Bay Delta restora:on as well as working with stakeholders who held superior water rights, farmers, and environmentalists. In addi:on, I worked with stakeholders on the alloca:on and delivery of water to Central and Southern California for the years 2000 to 2020. Addi:onally, I am interested in ensuring that water delivered to users are clean and free from contamina:ons. I worked on the first bill that was signed into law to study MTBE in groundwater. I also worked with stakeholders on replacing underground gasoline storage tanks to prevent chemicals from entering the groundwater system. Further, I want to work on ensuring that YLWD con:nues to be a leader in figh:ng wildfires. It is important to ensure that the reservoir has adequate supply of water so it will fill the helitank during the fire as well as meet the demands of firefigh:ng on the ground. Thank you for your considera:on. Sincerely, Peggy Z. Huang Page 17 of 35 PEGGY Z. HUANG PROFESSIONAL LICENSE: EDUCATION: LEGAL EXPERIENCE: ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Santa Ana, CA, Special Counsel to the District Attorney 2023 CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, CRIMINAL APPEALS, WRITS, AND TRIAL Los Angeles, CA, Deputy Attorney General 2008-2023 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, LEGAL DIVISION Monterey Park, CA, Staff Attorney 2001-2008 Page 18 of 35 LAW OFFICES OF ANNE E. FRAGASSO Monterey Park, CA, Minor’s Attorney 2000-2001 Represented children and parents in juvenile dependency proceedings. Conducted all phases of litigation in juvenile dependency, including investigation, research and drafting of motions and briefs, witness preparation and presenting them in testimony, and document review. Consulted expert witnesses and presented them in testimony. Managed a caseload involving more than 250 families. Represented clients at Individual Education Plan meetings with school officials. Advocated for clients in placement and counseling services. SACRAMENTO CHILD ADVOCATES, INC. Sacramento, CA, Minor’s attorney 1998-2000 Represented children and parents in juvenile dependency proceedings. Conducted all phases of litigation in juvenile dependency, including investigation, research and drafting of motions and briefs, witness preparation and presenting them in testimony, and document review. Consulted expert witnesses and presented them in testimony. Managed a caseload involving more than 400 children. Represented clients at Individual Education Plan meetings with school officials. Advocated for clients in placement and counseling services. Sponsored two bills that were signed into law, which provided counsel for all foster children and denied reunification services for any siblings or half-siblings of the child when the parents previously received reunification services but failed to reunify with the siblings or half-siblings of the child. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, CRIMINAL DIVISION Law Clerk, Sacramento, CA 1996-1997 Evaluated pre-indictment evidence and made recommendations to prosecute or reject the case. Conducted legal research and drafted motions in drug trafficking, theft, and civil rights cases. Drafted legal memoranda on federal death penalty issues. PUBLIC POLICY EXPERIENCE: CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE, SENATOR K. MAURICE JOHANNESSEN Senate Associate, Sacramento, CA 1997-1998 Managed bills from introduction until signed into law on MTBE, smog check, social services, environment, and water. Assisted in conducting senate select committee hearings on CALFED, which was a joint federal and state program on fish restoration, water storage and restoration, and water delivery in the Bay-Delta and the California Aqueduct. Designated staff liaison for Team California, a partnership between the California Congressional Delegation and the State Legislature. Analyzed executive agencies’ reports on water restoration, water delivery, environmental restoration, wildlife and fisheries, and the California Water Plan. Briefed Senator Johannessen in advance of hearings on CALFED. Drafted editorial and talking points for the Senator. Researched and analyzed constituent concerns. Coordinated with the press secretary on responses to media inquiries. Drafted the Senate Select Committee’s Report on CALFED. CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE, SENATOR HILDA SOLIS Policy Intern, Sacramento CA Spring 1997 Conducted research and analyzed issues related to the California Welfare Reform Plan’s compliance with the federal welfare reform act. Managed bills to exempt domestic violence victims and grandparents who provided care for their grandchildren from welfare requirements and denied visitation orders to the party to whom a restraining order had been issued and no parent-child relationship had been established. Page 19 of 35 FAMILY SERVICES OF AMERICA, INC. Policy Intern, Washington, DC Summer 1996 Researched and analyzed child welfare, welfare reform, immigration, and job training bills and assessed their impact on how service agencies would deliver services to the community. Completed a national study that analyzed the federal child protection programs (Title IV-B and Social Services Block Grant, Title XX), which would have been affected by the Welfare Reform Bill and child welfare funding. Authored policy papers and engaged in coalition building to support or oppose a bill. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: VANGUARD UNIVERSITY Costa Mesa, CA, Adjunct Professor 2023-present Taught Introduction to Law to pre-law major students ___ PUBLICATIONS: People v. Swanson (2020) 57 Cal.App.5th 604 People v. Garcia (2020) 46 Cal.App.5th 786 People v. Miracle (2018) 6 Cal.5th 318 People v. Aguilar (2016) 4 Cal.App.5th 857 People v. Trevino (2016) 1 Cal.App.5th 120 People v. Banks et al. (2015) 6 Cal.4th 788 In re Perdue (2013) 221 Cal.App.4th 1070 People v. Kunes (2014) 231 Cal.App.4th 1438 People v. Johnson (2013) 221 Cal.App.4th 623 In re Orlando C. (2010) 186 Cal.App.4th 1184 People v. Gonzalez (2010) 180 Cal.App.4th 1420 People v. Leal (2010) 180 Cal.App.4th 782 People v. Martin (2010) 169 Cal.App.4th 822 MCLE self-study, “Dependency 101”, California Lawyer Magazine, April 2001 Juvenile Dependency Law, California Lawyer Magazine, April 2000 Co-author, Senate Select Committee on CALFED Report, August 1999 Page 20 of 35 COMMUNITY SERVICE/PUBLIC AGENCIES LIFESTEPS FOUNDATION Board of Directors 2008-present Served as President of the Board of Directors for this statewide non-profit social services organization which provided therapeutic services to developmentally delayed individuals from birth to the elderly. Represented the organization in meetings with funders and community events. Oversaw the successful merger of Lifesteps Children and Family Services, Lifesteps Adult Services, and Lifesteps Foundation. ASIANS EMPOWERED Advisor 2021-present Served as co-chair of a conference to discuss advancement of Asian American Pacific Islanders and hate crimes against members of the community. Engaged in fundraising, planning, and advocacy on Asian American Pacific Islanders issues. Advocated for a national data base to document hate crimes on Asian Americans. Collaborated with Hollywood producers and writers to promote Asian American actors and positive portrayals of Asian Americans. Engaged with Fortune 500 executives on increasing diversity in corporate executive suites and board of directors. ORANGE COUNTY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL BOARD President 2015-present Appointed since 2015 to represent the City of Yorba Linda to oversee programs that educate and protect the public from vector and prevent vector-borne diseases. Served as a member of the personnel and budget committee, legislative committee, and nuisance and abatement committee. PROVIDENCE ST. JUDE MEMORIAL FOUNDATION BOARD Director 2021-2022 Raised funds to fulfill Providence St. Jude Medical Center’s mission to provide medical services to the North Orange County community. Worked with businesses and community groups to obtain and distribute hospital equipment and supply during the COVID-19 pandemic. Held virtual town halls and utilized social media to educate the public on coronavirus, promote good hygiene practices, and vaccination. CITY OF YORBA LINDA 2014-2022 Councilmember Elected to the City Council in November of 2014. Represented 66,000 residents at special assessment districts and government boards, and managed city matters, including development, revenue generation, and traffic. Served on the finance committee. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT Regional Council 2017-2022 Appointed to represent Orange County on local planning issues on an 87-member metropolitan planning organization. Chaired the Community, Economic, and Human Development Committee, which comprised of 40-members for two years. Chaired the Regional Housing Needs Assessment subcommittee, which comprised of 15 members for two years. Chair of the Legislative Member Communication Committee. Member of the Special Subcommittee on racial equity and social justice. Page 21 of 35 TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY Chair 2017-2022 Appointed since 2017 to represent the City of Yorba Linda on transportation issues. Chaired the Joint Strategic Committee and 241 Toll/91 Freeway Connector Committees. Chaired the ad-hoc contracts and joint vision committees. Served on the joint finance committee, environmental review committee, and public affairs committee. LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUNTY Commissioner 2021-2022 Elected by mayors of 34 cities in Orange County to serve as a commissioner. The commission oversee the geographic boundaries and proposed changes of cities and unincorporate county land. It also ensure delivery of public services to residents and businesses. FIRST FIVE ORANGE COUNTY/COMMISSION ON CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Commissioner 2017-2019 Appointed by the Orange County Board of Supervisors to serve on the commission. The commission oversees the First Five program in Orange County and distribution of Proposition 10 tobacco tax monies. First Five Orange County’s goal is to improve the outcome of children from prenatal to five years of age by funding and supporting comprehensive educational and health programs for children and families. GOOD SHEPHERD’S HOME Mentor, Taipei, Taiwan 1993-1994 Mentored girls who were sold into child prostitution and rescued by the police and social workers. Provided tutoring in English and math. AWARDS & RECOGNITION •Orange County Register 125 Most Influential People for 2021 •Irvine Chamber of Commerce, Women of Influence, Nominee, 2022 •Orange County Register 2021, 125 Top Influencer •Marian Bergeson Excellence in Public Service, Alumni of the Year, 2020 •Next Top 100 Taiwanese American, TaiwaneseAmerican.org, 2020 •Outstanding Taiwanese American, Taiwanese Archives, 2019 •Orange County Asian American Bar Association Recognition for being the first Asian American elected in the City of Yorba Linda, 2015 Active membership in: •Asian Pacific American Women Lawyer Association, Lifetime Member •California District Attorney’s Association, 2019-present •Global Hope 360 End Child Marriage and Human Trafficking, Volunteer, 2020-present •Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, 2010-2021 •National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Member, 2011-present •National Asian Pacific Islander American Prosecutor’s Association, Board Member, 2016-present •Orange County Asian American Bar Association, 2014-present Page 22 of 35 m Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Reliable and Trusted Setvice for More Than 100 Vears APPLIC ATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS If you would like to be considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water Dis trict Board of Directors. you must be a registered voter. reside YAthin the District's boundaries. and be YAlling and dedicated to serving the public. This application. a letter of interest including your reasons for Y<Onting to serve on the Board, and a statement of qualifications (res ume or CV) must be submitted no later than Wednesday. December 6. 2023 at 12:00 p.m. at the e-mail address or mailing address listed at the bottom of the form. Please call 714-701-3020 if you have any questions. Contact Information Full Name: Tang Chi-Chung Last Fi,st MJ. Address: Slreet Address Aportment/Unit # Yorba Linda CA 92886 City State ZIP Code Phone: Alt Phone: ------------ Email: Candidate Attestation I hereby apply for consideration for appointment to the Yorbo Linda Water Distr ict Board of Directors. I hereby certify that all information I have submitted is accurate and truthful. Signature: __ Date: J1/29Lz42,; Re uired Su lemental Materials In addition to this form. all applicants must submit the fo lo.ving: 0 Letter of Interest and Reasons for Wanting to Serve on the Board 0 Statement of Qualifications (Resume or CV) Submit Materials Please return this form and the requested supplementa l materials to Amie Alexander, Board Secretaiy. All materials must be subrritted no later than Wednesday, December 6. 2023 at 12:00 p.m. to the e-mail address c.-mailing address listed below. Postmarked materials will not be accepted if not received by the deadfine. Submit via emalt aalexander@ylwd.com Subml by maU: YL WO Board of Directors clo Annie Alexander, Board Secretaiy Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorbo Linda, CA 92885 Page 23 of 35 YL WD Board of Directors c/o Annie Alexander, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Dear YL WD Board of Directors, November 29, 2023 Letter of Interest in being Considered for Appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors I am writing to express my keen interest in being considered for appointment to the Yorba Linda Water District (YL WD) Board of Directors. I am a retired environmental engineer with a strong technical background and over 30 years of experience working in the public sector. After obtaining my doctorate degree in environmental engineering, I started my career working for the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) in Whittier, California until my retirement from the agency at the end of 2015. LACSD is one of the largest public agencies in the U.S. that provides wastewater treatment, water reclamation and reuse, and solid waste management services to 5. 7 million residents in the Los Angeles County. During my tenure at the LACSD, I was the manager of the Wastewater Research Section from 2002 to 2015, directing numerous research projects that deal with technical challenges arising from wastewater treatment and water reuse. As part of my responsibilities, I worked with the Metropolitan Water District and many of its member agencies including the Orange County Water District, Water Replenishment District, and Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District. I directed several pilot studies that investigated the feasibility of using treated wastewater effluent from the LACSD's water reclamation plants to supplement local water supplies. In 2012, my group completed a pilot testing project that provided the technical basis for the establishment of the recently dedicated Grace F. Napolitano Pure Water Southern California Innovation Center in Carson. Some of the most important research topics we studied included the efficacies of various disinfectants, practices that minimize the formation of harmful disinfection byproducts, and the occurrences and removal of emerging contaminants of concern such as nitrosamines, 1,4- dioxane, and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) in recycled water as public health protection is a top priority in the use of recycled water. These experiences have given me a strong understanding of water resource management issues, water quality protection regulations, and the many challenges facing the water industry in Southern California, including the ability to provide sufficient amount of drinking water for the residents; complying with stringent water quality standards; and operating the water treatment and distribution system in a cost-effective manner. Since moving to Yo rba Linda in 2020, I have really enjoyed living in this community of friendly people and well operated public facilities such as the community center and public Page 24 of 35 library. I was also pleasantly surprised that my water bills are lower than what I used to have in the Los Angeles County. Last year, I attended the YLWD open house event, and I was highly impressed with the YLWD operations and the public outreach efforts YLWD has made to educate the residents about the importance of water conservation, resource re covery, and water quality protection. Based on what I learned from the open house, I truly appreciate the outstanding job YLWD has done in serving our community. As a community member, I would like to contribute to YL WD's efforts by sharing my experiences so that the agency can continue to provide safe and reliable drinking water to aH residen1s, to implement sustainable water ma nagement practices to conserve water resources, to maintain reasonable and affordable water rates to all residents; and to expand puhlic education and outreach on water conservation and sustainability. I am confident that my skills, experienc e, and passion for water quality protection and water conservation make me a good candidate for the opening which gives me an opportunity to serve community and fell ow residents. I am committed to learning from and working collaboratively with the other Board members as well as YL WD management and staff. It would be an honor to serve on the YL WD Board and to contribute to the continued success of the agency! Thank you very much for considering my application. Very Trul y Yours, Chi-Chung Tang, Ph.D. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Attac hments Page 25 of 35 Chi-Chung Tang, Ph.D., P.E. eel I: 11111111111111 Summary Environmental engineer with expertise in advanced water treatment, water reclamation and reuse, wastewater treatment and resources recovery. Education Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Experience Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1984 Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1980 Civil Engineering, Nati onal Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1978 January 2017 -Present, Tee hnica/ Consultant Consult on a variety of water and wastewater treatment projects. Topics range from water recycling and reuse, energy and resources recovery, nutrient removal, industrial wastewater treatment, mitigation of sludge settling and foaming problems, oxygen transfer efficiency testing and diffuser cleaning. and biosolids treatment and management. Clients include National Water Research Institute (Irvine, CA); the United States Depa rtment of Energy, Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. (Irvine, CA); and CITS Group (San Jose, CA). Janua,y -March 20/9, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environ mental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA Taught ENGRCEEl 63, Wastewater Treatment Process Design, for the Spring 2019 quarter (3 units). Responsibilities included lecturing twice a week (each lecture was 100 minutes) for 10 weeks, developing and grading homework assi gnments and exams, and taking the class on a field trip to visit the Michelson Water Recycling Plant operated by the Irvine Ranch Water District. September 2012 -Present, Adjunct Associate Professor. Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Lectured on Waterworks Design (2012), Water and Wastewater Treatment (2013), and Wastewater System Design (2015) and presented seminars on various wastewater treatment/reuse and biosolids management topics. May 2002 -December 2015, Manager/Division Engineer, Wastewater Research Section Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, Whittier, CA Managed the Wastewater Research Section which includes a staff of 23 (among them 17 engineers). The section conducts research projects to sup port operations, design, and monitoring of the Districts' 11 wastewater treatment plants which have a total design capacity of 650 million gallons per day (MGD). Responsibilities of the section include conducting research to ensure the Districts meet all regulatory requirements for discharge and water reuse; testing of new treatment technologies and equipment for potential applications at the Districts' facilities; trouble shooting and solving problems I Page 26 of 35 encountered during plant operations; identifying oppo1tunities to save energy and chemicals and to recover resources from treatment plant operations and conducting testing to realize these opportunities; and collaborating with other utilities, universities, consulting engineers, and research organizations such as the Water Environment Research Foundation and WateReuse Research Foundation on research projects that address important issues to the wastewater treatment and water reuse industries. Served as the principal investigator of two research projects, one sponsored by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation and the other by the WateReuse Research Foundation. For these projects, prepared proposals and secured in excess of $400,000 research funding for the Districts. Representative projects included implementation of free chlorine disinfection (sequential chlorination) at the San Jose Creek East Water Reclamation Plant (SJCEWRP, 62.5 MGD) to meet California Title 22 water recycling requirements; testing advanced water treatment processes with membranes and advanced oxidation process to produce high quality recycled water for reuse at the A. K.Warren Water Resource Facility (AKWWRF) in Carson, a 400 MGD High Purity Oxygen Activated Sludge ocean discharging facility; pilot testing sludge dewatering liquid with deammonification processes (ANITA Mox® and a sequencing batch reactor system) at the AKWWRF; evaluation of nitrogen removal alternatives at the evaluation of reverse osmosis concentrate volume minimization technologies; using biological trickling filter to remove hydrogen sulfide in digester gas; measuring oxygen transfer efficiencies of fine-pore diffusers via offgas testing to determine diffuser cleaning frequency and the effectiveness of various cleaning practices; pilot testing of food waste co-digestion with sludge at the AKWWRF; evaluation of technologies that enhance anaerobic digestion performance; characterization of greenhouse gas (nitrous oxide) emissions from the SJCEWRP and from the ANITA Mox® process treating AKWWRF centrate; testing inorganic media for use in odor control biofilters; evaluating the performance and economics of thermal drying on dewatered biosolids; testing and assessment of biosolids pyrolysis and reformation to liquid fuel technologies; testing chlorination of return activated sludge to improve sludge settling characteristics and to minimize the use of cationic polymer which has the potential to form NDMA; evaluating the feasibility of recovering phosphorus at AKWWRF and Valencia Water Reclamation Plant (22 MGD); and testing of the aerobic granular sludge process. Research results from the section were regularly presented at the California Water Environmental Association annual meeting and at national conferences such as WEFTEC. July 1990 -April 2002, Supervising Engineer, Solid Waste Management Department, Water Quality Section, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, Whittier, CA Responsible for developing and implementing sw-face water and groundwater monitoring programs at the Districts' solid waste management facilities (6 sanitary landfills including the largest in the U.S., the Puente Hills Landfill; 3 gas-to-energy facilities, one refuse-to-energy facility, and 2 material recovery facilities) to ensure compliance with permit conditions. Managed 7 engineers and one technician and an annual budget of $2 million. Supervised the development of groundwater monitoring programs at four landfills to meet Federal Subtitle D and California Title 27 requirements; prepared water quality monitoring reports for review by regulatory agencies; directed the implementation of storm water pollution prevention plans and monitoring and response programs; managed hydrogeological investigations to characterize landfill effects on groundwater quality; and supervised implementation of corrective action programs at landfills where water quality remediation was required. 2 Page 27 of 35 January 1990 -June 1990, Senior Engineer, Solid Waste Operations Section Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, Whittier, CA Responsible for the operations of the Spadra Landfill that received 3,000 tons refuse per day. Prepared cut and fill designs, managed a 1.5 million yards earth moving project, and supervised gas collection system operations. May 1985 -December 1989, Project Engineer, Solid Waste Research and Monitoring Section Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, Whittier, CA Developed mathematical models to project landfill gas production for energy recovery projects and for design of gas collection wells and trenches. Developed a model for designing leachate collection system, and used EPA's HELP model to evaluate landfill final cover performances. Responsible for implementing landfill gas characterization, surface gas emissions, ambient air, and gas migration monitoring programs at the Districts' six landfills. Awards American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Research Award: 2015 Honorable Mention Lowering the Economic, Operation, and Environmental Barriers to Sidestream Deammonification: Pilot Testing of the ANITA Mox® Process 2009 Grand Prize -An Innovative Approach to Disinfection for Recycled Water 2003 Grand Prize -Getting the "N" Out -Integrated Side Stream Treatment for Plant Nitrogen Removal California Water Environment Association Research Achievement Award: 2015 Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Partial Nitritation-Deammonification for Centrate Nitrogen Removal at the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant 2012 TMBR + RO: An Improved Approach to Reclaim Secondary Effluent for Reuse 2009 Combine UV and Chlorination for Disinfection 2007 Sequential Chlorination -An Innovative Approach to Minimize Byproduct Formation and Improve Disinfection Performance 2003 Nitrification/Denitrification (NON) Process Research at the Valencia Water Reclamation Plant Illinois Water Pollution Control Association Best Paper Award: 1984 Use of Mathematical Models for Analysis of Secondary Wastewater Systems Processional Certification and Societies Professional Civil Engineer, California (C41 162) Board Certified Environmental Engineer, American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists Member, Water Environment Federation/California Water Environment Association Volunteer Activities Program Committee member, WEFTEC 2016 Program Committee member, WEF Nutrient Symposium 2015 Conference Scientific Committee member, WEF/IWA Residuals and Biosolids Conference 2015 Program Committee member, WEFTEC 2015 3 Page 28 of 35 Conference Scientific Committee member, WEF/IW A Residuals and Biosolids Conference 2014 Program Committee member, WEFTEC 2014 Engineering and Research Committee member, California Water Environment Association Selected Presentations Digestion Enhancement with Thermal Hydrolysis Pretreatment at Beijing's Gaobeidian Water Reclamation Plant Operating Experience and Challenges, WEFTEC.18, New Orleans, LA, October 2, 2018. Assessing the Feasibility of Recovering Phosphorus at the Sanitation Districts' Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Environmental Engineering Seminar, The Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, December 4, 2015. (Invited by Professor Adam Smith) Pilot Testing of Innovative Nitrogen Removal Technologies at a Large Ocean Discharge Wastewater Treatment Plant in California, U.S.A., 2015 KSWE-KSWW Annual Conference, Seoul, South Korea, November 5, 2015. (Invited by Korea Society of Water and Wastewater) LACSD 's Research on Deammonification and Zeolite. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, June 24, 2015. (Invited by Professor David Jenkins) Applied Wastewater Research at the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA, April 24, 2015. (Invited by Professor Diego Rosso) From Wastewater Treatment to Resource Recovery -LACSD 's Experience. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, February 27, 2014. (Invited by Professor Michael Stenstrom) Pilot Testing of the ANITA Mox® Process -The Sanitation Districts' Experience. Department of Environmental Engineering, Renmin University, Beijing, China, April 4, 2014. (Invited Speaker) Special Topics on Nitrogen Removal and Phosphorus Recovery. Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, October 26, 2013. (Invited Speaker) Energy Conservation and Recovery in Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation. 2012 International Conference on Sewage Construction, Taipei, Taiwan, November 8, 2012. (Invited Speaker) Beneficial Reuse of Municipal Solid Waste and Wastewater Treatment Biosolids as Alternative Fuels. 9th Sino-American Technology & Engineering Conference (SATEC), Nanchang, Jiangxi, China, April 19, 2012. (Invited Speaker) Trend and Challenges in Municipal Wastewater Treatment. College of Enviromnental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China, May 31, 2011. (Invited Speaker) Water Recycling and Reuse in Southern California. 2010 Taiwan Water Industry Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, October 28, 20 I 0. (Invited Speaker) 4 Page 29 of 35 Oxygen Activated Sludge From Bioprecipitation to HPOAS, Dan Okun Memorial Symposium, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, November 7, 2008. (Invited by Professor Philip Singer) Evaluation of Breakpoint Chlorination for Disinfection of Reclaimed Effiuent. California Water Environment Association 78th Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA, April 6, 2006. Maximum Nitrogen Removal in the Step-feed Activated Sludge Process. WEFTEC.04, New Orleans, LA, October 6, 2004. Use of Mathematical Models for Analysis of Secondary Wastewater Treatment Systems. Illinois Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting, Peoria, IL, May 8, 1984. Selected Publications Pilot Study of Advanced Treatment Processes to Recycle JWPCP Secondary Effiuent. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Agreement RI 0AP35291, Sept. 28, 2012. Combining UV and Chlorination for Recycled Water Disinfection. WateReuse Research Foundation, Project 06-015, 2010. Sequential Chlorination: A New Approach for Disinfection of Recycled Water. Maguin, S.R., Friess, P.L., Huitric, S.-J., Tang, C.-C., Kuo, J., and N. Munakata, Environmental Engineer: Applied Research and Practice, Vol. 9, Fall 2009. Disirifection of Wastewater Effiuent Comparison of Alternative Technologies, Leong, L., Kuo, J., and C.-C. Tang, Water Environment Research Foundation, Project 04-HHE-4, 2008. Maximum Nitrogen Removal in the Step-Feed Activated Sludge Process, Tang, C.-C., Kuo, J., and J. S.Weiss, Water Environment Research, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 367 374, April 2007. Disirifection Alternatives to Avoid NDMA Formation. Tang, C.-C., Huitric, S.-J., Kuo, J., Horvath, R. W., and J.F. Stahl, Wastewater Professional, Vol. 42, No. 3, July 2006. Comprehensive Model of Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment System. Tang, C.-C., Brill Jr., E. D., and J. T. Pfeffer, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 5, pp. 952-969, 1987. Optimization Techniques for Secondary Wastewater Treatment System. Tang, C.-C., Brill Jr., E. D., and J. T. Pfeffer, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 5, pp. 935-951, 1987. Mathematical Models and optimization Techniques for Use in Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems. Tang, C.-C., Brill Jr., E. D., and J. T. Pfeffer, Report No. 194, Illinois Water Resources Center Report, Urbana, Illinois, November, I 984. 5 Page 30 of 35 Page 31 of 35 Page 32 of 35 Page 33 of 35 Page 34 of 35 Page 35 of 35