HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-12-14 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes85
December 1CI, 1960
The req,ula.r
of the Roam of Directors of the Yorba
Linda Co inter )"lat(,,r
District, was
to order at the ofpf ih-H
or 'le(,e,her l l l ?hn
at the hour
of 8:30
1-)y President Cri st.
All Dir-c-tors ;-rere present and answered the roll. .,also Present were Attorney
`f. Aodrger Nowell and IvW. i.'alo Keith of Lower-,NT an-_i ='~ssoci_ates.
Lee Barton appeared before the Board and presented -petitions from numerous
interested citizens asking; that th(,, hearini- of December 6, 1960 be closed and. to
deny all requests for exclusion and to submit -the ~11100,OU~.00 bond pro;.x)17e~1_
for serer construction to the voters as soon as possih] e.
ivir. Dan Foley was also present and spoke in favor of callinc-r the election, stati
that in his opi.ni-on so-,,Ters :would increase the assessed valuation of' property with-
in the District -;,1hi_chwould lower the tax rate now being 1 evied for the water
Iar. Marton asked the Board for permission to set a dome _c; k,;.;r r r -r,. n
the westerly 2 1 acres of Lot )4 Block 8 to serve his ho-(-1q
Iv:r, Barton stated thwt he o;rrned an interest in both the _Ia '.erly rarr.:1._-.
A by disc ,scion a mot-ion was made bt Director idilmoe, seconded by Director ..r ;r
and carried that a temporary service be pe:rmitted sub..ject to t he followin^- con-
aitions: 1 - That before the service was installed i,ir. 9arton would s:i,rn an ap-
pl-i.cati.on t. or a. proper main e,.tension to be -lade before any fi_,th. r services :would
be permit ;ed. 2 That i:j:,. _L,rton si.'-.n an a;;*reement th,_:t the service was ter-,-
\ porary and would be replaced at the proper place wl-ion the :Hain was extended.
After carefal discussion the Board was in comiDlete a~yreoment that the: weiTht t
the evidence indicated -t,hat the District would be benefited as a whole by ii,-
c.zrrinc; th:, i_^debtedness. Thereupon a motion was made by Director Clodt ar.l.
seconded by Director iiilmoe that Resolution No. 38 entitled:
rr Resolution bf the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County ;Dater District
makin7 detez_ninations rela.i-An~T to Benefit from, the accomplishment of a certain
District purpose and incurring; bonded indebtedness therefore be adopted.'r
The ro1J_ 1rras called ,,,filth t, he fallov,,inn vote recorded: r. Clodt - Tres, 1'tir.
i,,l l,noe - 'res, L- r. _ rner. - fires, Mr. Hast _ngs- yes, 1e'r, ;.ri_, t - yes
A motion was made by Dir ctor Wagner and seconded by Dire-ctor Clodt that
Resolution No. 39 be adopted. This Resolution ,,would : rrPRMTIDE OR AND Ul: ATE
'TOTICE OF A SH,"CTAL ELEr,,'ION TO *3E IfELO IN Si.I?) 0-TST~'T '1' ON FTARUAfflY 14, 1961
`LO Su,311," T TO THE ~ iLI ,'IiO VOTERS A PhOPOS.IT .ON TO ,IM RR T1;,; T 0OMT)E*O T?i; E`-1,TEOnfi;SS
~,YSAI~O +7IS`P''-I;;T l+'O i !1 CE!~TAiAT 1)IS`'NIC`' i]':i.P1;OV' g; .rr The roll 1:ras called and
the i.ollowin7 vote recorded: Mr. Cloclt - yes. Ih', 7VIijMOe - 'reS 4 ` r. in-, r- yes, 1vlr
Hastinrrs, yes, - l;d. :lrist ;yes.
The finance cog:,:litter reported th,j.t -they had received, audited and approved bills
acraLns i; the i)istri.e t in the amount ~8, :'i'/3. `>(}w it -was moved by i)ir':ctnr g:l_odt,
seconded by Director "ilmoe and unanimously carried that the an_dited '-i.lls
be approved and ordered paid.
Mr. Dieker reoorted that Mr. Hernandez had asked if there wa.~ a ooGsi.-hle waTr
that the District could -rant im an exclusive franchise for varbage collecti n`'.
ttorney Howell stated that the ll_i.strint had no leval authority to do
A mntlgn was We b7 Director Clodt, sconded by Director Hilmoe and unanimoIsly
carried that in recognition of their faithful service and their h0h level of
public relations all regular emnl_o7rees of the District, be liven a turkey for
-e binu no Furth„ r Wsiness the meet,i nq was adjourned on a motion made by
• actor Clodt= secWnd by -Director Hastings, and duly carried.
Va.loo Y. Smd.th
Secretary Auditor