HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-05-10 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes~v
!Say 10, 120
A special i coins of the Boar of Directors of the ort a Li reda County
3ater District was convened at the office o Q iatrr_c't May T ^ 196C
at the hour of 9634 A.M. by President Crict.
Directors present
and answering `n-,
u No'! call were 1i1r' 7 ~ R
o 6~tirier
`'r. Ijastingsa and
Mr. .Jr i. t. D
i anA . Clod t was
absent. Attorney i~ Hrr,
Rodger : owell_ also
attended the
rie t0g.
A motion was made by Director Milmoe, seconded by Director Ragner and
dull, car°ri d that the uinutes of afjo„ rn , „i..g of April 15, 1960
be approved as mailed.
Director Milmoe and Manager Dueker reported that they had made a. thorough
study of w"., s and salaries in this area an p.. recil i..`.'d recommendations
f~/`"r wage b.~..^iiwi~`.~'iOrd in 411 ti following classifications:
h of Op :rator
nst• & Lain Foreman
. ..,o t. Foreman
w Wrer
A.dministr ativo Secy,
Meter Foreman
Deter RepG;i"man
450.00 to 525.'c0 per month
per month
per month
1.^n r+n
per month
YT" a
365.^0 to 435-00 per month
45c.Go to 5.00 per month
304.00 to 410.00 per ronth
A motion was made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director F+''~..1Til:?e an
ananimously carried that, the report be adopted as prevented and that the
following wage and salary schedule become ~,i.:.^.cdi~.tcly of :cam vo :.:n
made retroaoti-yv to January 1, 120,
Chief _"pera;.or 450.00 per month
Operator: of less than 6 ;month service
Operators rte. 3,l-;40 364.00 per month
of 6 mo. tc 1 year
375.&C per month
Wrators of 12 me. to two years
3r50 per month
Meter Repairm n - same scale as opwatolp
Constriction Foreman & meter Foreman
475-00 per month
Assistant Foreman 50.00 per 1iIOI1vAi
Administrative Secy. X00.00 per month
Kneral Manager 225.00 por mouth
Swerctary Auditor 600o& per month
All future a 15 G eXiG within the wage trac:ie us a,-- adopted c ',--c :fade
the discretion of the general Manager from this this day oT
• letter was read from No Gunnar _or nr oos proposing construction by hy
of a main sewer line from Carolina Avenge on ial. , and Valencia Avenue
to Yor: a Linda '1 d. and a la t; ral from Yo r ba Linda . d. t~: Pv:cOcr:rL--
lane o .'r. ' crnroos requested information con ..(.r..ing✓a thud rvim-
Lursament Cc him fcr the line at a later CC= scd:.`.'v:.o it and
ay:pro ai from I'lr. :lowell a motion was made by Director Wagner,
v vCU.. ed by .i11r':; Ct r aasu trod., ar.... Cs..rr.Led that 'the <.aaGra.;. Mana.er
-Dare a .L +ter for Ir. Torn~rooS to %
;,a r.J ng the-- ii; Zvi ;g information:
l.` he nis tvict vrill a;-,roc to ac :e-ot and maintain t,;Ihe lines if they
a e 1~~,.=1+ to „fors to th, sr c.~ e~nnc=yamoa+-jorWc P and , Ai,sc°a.. Plan _ ~ r-f' . + E .~J ai-T'~Ca'
r ~ y_v „on a ~ _ .
2• District gL,al1 be the conLSw.ac+q nti+~nn r7' part +..~yr
barw vu_e :j, for the ma-;r. cni,y a.l be made r% _e i, as and i
bond funds are a vailabI .
. It is the present intent of the Board to aJopt a pc`icy of rei-
mbursement for laterals from payrerts of sewer connection c'_har es.
Ia. m _pluu..
Mr. F_n ~ ~ 0l~ ? reported that Ca.~ complete agreement had " been reached
Shell Oil will respect to the Grant of Easement arid: a Letter of Perm4_,I,
fcr -he constracticn cf R.eservoirs on a port-ion of Shell land. it
,Pas made by Director Hastings, seconded by Director i'a ;r er and carried
that the proper officer= of the District be authorized to sign the
necessary document a record same.
111r. ueke r reported that he had received a verbal ass,_-ante of a q,-,it
cla.irr from Western Gulf which is now be4 ng proc ssec? by their isgw 1
depar"Ment and the Page escrow was progressing satisf actor
1,"r. :.)ueker prese:ited a request from Soutivrnl'alifor tia Edison Company
fcr an easement for construction of a po-per line across Iescr%oir Site
No. 1.. A motion ,"pas ~:ade by rector iast1ng , v it
ecUnd--d by D' actor
~gne.r and carried that the (=eneral Iular:a er be
autihUri:,:ed to execute
the easei;ont i-L' pie approved uhe location.
T,Lr. uueker presented a contract drawn by hire and approv,.. d as to con-
text by Mr. Howell prcpos n~; an agreement between the L'istrict and
s.aviaru ' Ur the a iU vlm it tlheistri:'t of the "t
1-J ar c. V e er
Ciro'Gem pre.-en..iy ci ~ ,r Tin ` e ~:Cw.,.;; tryr r'lutiJ a... was ''".-~_de by
~ b u.2re~.t. A m0''' ~.1.Un N
Director Wanner seconded by .Dii3'eCtUr iastinoS and car--' t'rdt tiG
contr=ac't be approved in principal and presented tSr J. Etc' art
Director -'aastin,;s reported t1ha t bills a"~7-:::er_s t the Distr4 Ct , n the
amount of ;;10,746.27 had been audited and a ),pro tired fcr pa-yment. li
motion was made by Director L_~lfi.i ~Oc, seconded by Director Hastir Lgs and
d:, y carric'' `.-hat '-.he a_. '-.ai fie. tills be pa~~~l.-7.
An a} plica 4on fcr a main extension from :Yilliarr Miller was presented
uj' Mr. Ii`r• The E?: !:~:51vn was 77 ^Y4s8d to be rode in t" 1P `Sv^utlr
one half of Izt ' Block G l I- consist i ate ~ 7f {ec
~ l an; of appro.xir:: l,yr 7 ~ t
V~ lip • A motion was s i.c-.udE-i by DR.i.rALtJ •✓r a1~aViic -1, r~"r-LL~✓~d r..ly D.LrGy tLi
Ha.S 4-? Wks that the ap r:l. ~ ;ry,?+1o. be aC7tip ,cz~ar3 s„yt"ec.,t t0 'the lJ 'til~.+S '
U t. e r . ~ `
Re a cq~. u'ic .,itio r easements r and the apprc,,'al of
~.._.atice.ns , { ,..~ti's ar of prop-
the general "an_zer,
n applicat-icn ~y _'c;elze? a ! ayan:~? and Roo de for a main extension or,
Casa Toma was ?resentcd. The request was for 122) 1 feet of Et' p~ pZr~
extending U'ltt2eriy frdr v..C.: -nd of the preSer't l
art ine 77hiCh is
~ I . l r sea Soath .,d"art, of L T
pro _.:a few 2 ~e v from
th bou1n~; o ~ Rloclb 14. after
discus yon an mo,.i n .vas made by Uirc,c..or tfa tin s, econded ty Dir_ctcr
4'zar r t t h 11 c `Lien lbo ar' o77c; d fer the s 1 ,Z
,a, d V y,-,,.-t y a7,
.~..1...;. .,:.^,t;.,.t ',:i 7 .i'Gu b. 4 " :L U the
a, ti ~r~ bA 2 J north
..no 1;ae u':',: f^~1-,t ni: Z, S w.e" E'. b-: i?r^ side + n'
/J GL~%LtA % _ IIF°M6~fA'C.~ ~~Y T' r7n `T_ '7 1-~: ,.aryA ,1 4
?z CLODT, a member of the board of directors
The undersigned) ,~'i'::d, D 1,
of Yorba Linda County pater District, does hereby war=e notice and
consent to the holdi-ng of a special meetinL of '.-he di.reetors of that
District at the Principal office of the District at 4161- S. 0. tin da,
Yor C Linda, Cal forma at x:30 o°clock A.M. May IC, 1060, for the
purpose of a. review of wages and salaries, does hereby ratify any and
all a uivw.s Il-akcn t:ier:3ut and agrees that any b, siT'.e s contracted at
saiu meeting shall be as valiuwld le-al. and of the same force and effect
as though said ' eetiing ',;ere 'fiel'd after notice was duly given.
)k'= T his 10th day of May, 1960.