HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes10 May 13, 1959. A regular meeting; of the Board, of Directors of the Forba Linda County Water District was held at the office of theYorVa Linda Water Co., Yorba Linda, California, May 13 1959 at the hour of 7:40 P.I°7. Ali. Directors were present and nswered the root call. Or. a motion by Mr. Hastings, seconded by Mr. !Iilmoe and dully c-.,.aY°ri ed the min,-, t es o- the regular meeting of April 8, 1959 arid, of the s-pecial hel,-! a-,-°11 `:^-"e owed as mailed.. Mr. Hay and. Mr kenmir of James i u-;,-.tgo:ery Co. were present and presented a progeosG report on the e,-~ anded master plan now being prepared by Mont °°,:nAry Co. and discussed -probable reservoir sites and capacities. The finance co:n-rittae reported that bills in the amolrnt of $ 2,521.6 ahd been aa.dited a.nd ap_,roved. A r:otion was made by Mr. Hastings, seconded by Mr. Mi moe, ^nd carried teat the audited bills be paid in the amo:,nt of $ 21.64, and t'll-at the sum of ~1, 2; 500.00 to James Io7ntgoTlAry Co. be approved with payment deferred uj,tii funds were available. The Secretary read a letter from the Northwest National insarance Co. notifying this District that all ?arelimi.nary arrangements had been completed for an Insurance and Pension plan, and that it would only be necessary to notify them when the District had eligible employees. A letter was read from the Oranve County Sanitation Districs solicitating the slap-.port of this District in opposing Assembly Bill No. 1,074, which proposed certain changes in water poli4ation control. No action was taken. A motio was made by 14r. Hastings and seconded by Mr. Clodt that" Or.dinaAce No. 1, provid*Lng- for Organization and Procedures for t'_ne District be adopted. President Crist asked for a roll call vote, and the re .Ilts were as -"o11ows: Mr. Clodt ® yes, Mr. Hastlags yes, Mr. Milmoe - yes, Mr. Wagner - yes, Mr. Criss, a yes. The vote being unanimous Mr. Crist declared the Ordinance be adopted. The Finance Committee re p ,rted, that tae ep..lic-ti.on to the Home Finance Agency had been filed as authorized April 15, 1959 for a loan in the amw nt of $ 5000.00 for sewer planning. The Secretary presented to the Board a tentative budget for the fiscal year beginning August 1, 1959 for thee consideration and study. assembly B 1 2426 proposing that Cities be authorized to annex any portion of a Water District lying Within their bouncia:riez was discus: cd. On a motion made by Mr. Hastings secon0.ed b~: I-Ir. lKilmoe, and unanimously carried *solution I°no. 7 0-o os'ng said. Bill was adopted and the Secretary was i-nstructed to send copies of this Resol ztion to our legislative reyoresantItives. There beIng no furtber bnainess the meeting was decl -red adjoi3rn,ed by Pressdent Crist• n l Secret a;_y-Audtpor