HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-24 - Resolution No. 10-16 ' RESOLUTION NO. 10-16 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010111 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 09-06 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has prepared a one year budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11; and WHEREAS, on May 27, 2010, the proposed "Draft" Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11 was presented and reviewed at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the District; and WHEREAS, the "Final" Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11 was presented and considered by the Board of Directors at a regular meeting on June 24, 2010; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to adopt the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11, and rescind Resolution No. 09-06. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: ' Section 1. That the Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11, set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is hereby approved and adopted. Section 2. The Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11, including the Budget Authority Guidelines recommended to administer the budget, set forth in Exhibit "B" and attached hereto, is in full force and effect beginning July 1, 2010, and continuing until this Resolution is rescinded by the Board of Directors. Section 3. That Resolution No. 09-06 is hereby rescinded effective July 1, 2010. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June 2010, by the following called vote: AYES: Directors Beverage, Collett, Hawkins, Niills and Summerfield NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: hone ' William R. Mills, Presi nt Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 10-16 Adopting the Budget for FY 2010/11 1 ATTEST: Pat Grady, Assis Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. McCormick, Kidman and Behrens 1 1 Resolution No. 10-16 Adopting the Budget for FY 2010111 2 Yorba Linda Water District Budget Fiscal Year 2010/11 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Table of Contents Executive Summary 7 Budget Authority Guidelines (Exhibit „B„) 15 Organizational Structure 16 Budget Assumptions 17 Summary of Income and Total Outlay (Water and Sewer) 21 Distribution of Expenses and Outlay 22 Reserves & Funding Sources 23 Revenues & Expenses (Water and Sewer) 24 Revenues & Expenses (Water) 26 Distribution of Variable Water Costs 28 Historic Variable Water Costs 29 Revenues & Expenses (Sewer) 30 Personnel Summary (All Departments) 32 FY 2010/13 Capital Improvement Projects 33 FY 2010/13 Capital Replacement Projects 34 Capital Projects Program (FY2010/11) 35 Vehicles and Capital Equipment (FY 2010/11) 39 Board of Directors 41 Board of Directors Programs & Responsibilities 42 Board of Directors Budget 43 Board of Directors Budget Detail (FY 2010/11) 44 Page 12 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration 45 Administration Department Organization Chart 46 Administration Programs & Responsibilities 47 Administration Personnel Summary 49 Administration Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 50 Administration Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 51 Administration Section 51 Administration Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 52 Public Affairs Section 52 Engineering 53 Engineering Department Organization Chart 54 Engineering Programs & Responsibilities 55 Engineering Personnel Summary 58 Engineering Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 59 Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 60 Administration Section 60 Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 61 Planning & Design Section 61 Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 62 Construction Section 62 Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 63 Water Quality Section 63 Finance 64 Page 13 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Department Organization Chart 65 Finance Sections and Responsibilities 66 Finance Personnel Summary 69 Finance Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 70 Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 71 Administration Section 71 Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 72 Accounting Section 72 Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 73 Customer Service/Billing Section 73 Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 74 Meter Reading Section 74 Human Resources 75 Human Resources Department Organization Chart 76 Human Resources Programs and Responsibilities 77 Human Resources Personnel Summary 79 Human Resources Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 80 Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 81 Administration Section 81 Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 82 Risk Management Section 82 Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 83 Safety Section 83 Page 14 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology 84 Information Technology Organization Chart 85 Information Technology Programs & Responsibilities 86 Information Technology Personnel Summary 88 Information Technology Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 89 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 90 Information Systems Section 90 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 91 Information Systems Section (Con't) 91 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 92 Information Systems Section (Con't) 92 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 93 GIS Section 93 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 94 SCADA Section 94 IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 95 SCADA Section (Con't) 95 Operations 96 Operations Department Organization Chart 97 Operations Programs & Responsibilities 98 Operations Personnel Summary 101 Operations Department Budget (FY 2010/11) 102 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 103 Page 15 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Section 103 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 104 Water Operation & Maintenance Section 104 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 105 Sewer Operation & Maintenance Section 105 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 106 Water Production Section 106 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 107 Mechanical Services Section 107 Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) 108 Facilities Maintenance Section 108 Page 16 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Executive Summary To the Board of Directors: I am pleased to submit the Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Draft Budget. The purpose of this document is to identify the resources needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the District over the next fiscal year, and to present the financial health of the District in a clear and concise manner for both the Board of Directors and the general public. The following are highlights of achievements completed in FY 2009/10, a financial forecast of the District heading into the upcoming fiscal year and a summary of the goals and objectives for FY 2010/11: FY 2009/10 Highlights & Accomplishments Capital Improvement & Replacement Projects Completed • Zone Reconfiguration Project • Lakeview Sewer Lift Station Upgrades • Water Quality Mixer at Camino De Bryant Reservoir • Solar Panel Pilot Project CIP/CRP's in Construction and on Schedule throughout the Year • Hidden Hills Reservoir • Santiago Booster Pump Station • Highland Reservoir • Well No. 20 Drilling Forward Planning Efforts • Asset Management Plan Completed • Grant Funding Received & Recycled Water Study Initiated • OCWD Annexation Initiated • Cost of Service and Water Rate Alternatives Study Initiated • Commenced Sewer Master Plan Study Customer Service Enhancements • Lock Box Service for Customer Payments • Online Bill Pay Implemented • Created New "Customer-Friendly" Water Bill Statement • Purchased Mobile Water Pump & Generator for Enhanced Emergency Readiness • Hosted Enhanced Emergency Response Training & Exercises with Local Agencies • Implemented Enhanced Social Media Program • Increased traffic to the District's website Page 17 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Business Integration and Software Solutions Implemented • GIS Conversion Completed • Financial Software on Schedule for Completion • Utility Billing Software Completed (est. June 2010) • SCADA System Conversion Completed • Brought Integrated Payroll Processing Back in House Other Positive District Activities • Developed & Implemented Various Policies • Improved & Implemented Several Standard Operating Procedures • Received Positive Auditors Letter for FY 2008/09 • Received Bond Rating Upgrade to "AX from Fitch Ratings • Successfully Recruited Water Quality Engineer, Finance Director, Public Information Specialist, Accounting Assistant II and Storekeeper FY 2009/10 Financial Forecast For the year ending June 30, 2010, staff is anticipating a combined loss of $3,429,490 for the water and sewer enterprises, including vehicle equipment & capital outlay and principal on long term debt. These figures include total depreciation expenses in the amount of $5,017,876. Please refer to the Summary of Income and Total Outlay for supporting information (pg. 23). Beginning July 1, 2009, the total funds (cash) available for both operations and capital projects were $47.2 million. Staff is forecasting these funds to be $32.1 million by June 30, 2010, for a total reduction of $15.1 million for FY 2009/10. Please see the Reserves and Funding Sources table for supporting information (pg. 25). For the upcoming FY 2010/11, the following goals and objectives have been established: FY 2010/11 Goals & Objectives Key Business Objectives • Complete Cost of Service/Rate Structure Alternatives Study • Develop Five-Year Financial Plan • Implement a Financial Reserve Policy • Execute MOU and Complete CEQA for OCWD Annexation • Complete IT Business Systems Implementation • Initiate AWWA/WEF QualServe Utilities Benchmarking & Efficiencies Program • Install Vehicle Fleet GPS Program • Support Sewer Service Area Development • Complete Urban Water Management Plan Update Page 18 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Customer Service Improvements • Support Expanded Online Bill Pay • Implement Enhanced Public Affairs and Outreach Program • Support Water Conservation Program Capital Improvement & Replacement Projects • Complete Hidden Hills Reservoir • Complete Highland Reservoir • Equip Well No. 20 • Complete Sewer Master Plan • Complete Ohio Street Pipeline Replacement • Commence Construction of Highland Booster Pump Station Improvements • Complete Design of Palm Avenue Booster Pump Station For the forthcoming 2010/11 fiscal year, one primary factor will affect an increase in the expenses of the District. This factor is the cost of water YLWD pays to the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) for import water and assessments. MWDOC's cost is primarily based on the cost of water they receive from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). MWD has adopted two 7.5% rate increases, the first effective January 1, 2011, and the second effective January 1, 2012. In response to that commodity charge increase, the Board has authorized staff to include in this budget a pass through rate increase on the monthly service charge to take effect on August 1, 2010. Both the water cost from the MWD rate increase and revenue received from the pass through increase are approximately $400,000 in the FY 2010/11 budget. As practical as possible, staff has instituted additional cost saving measures in this FY 2010/11 budget to reduce or maintain expenses while maintaining, or in some cases, increasing the level of service to our customers. These cost reductions and service improvements include the following: • The number of authorized full time employees has been reduced by one position • Four authorized positions remain vacant and will not be funded in FY 2010/11 • The total number of vehicles in the District's fleet will be reduced by two • Online bill pay and web-based bill viewing are available and used by approximately 12% of all customers, with the number continuing to grow • Web based agenda posting and report downloading have been improved • Increased customer service outreach, public information and programs supporting water conservation and water use efficiency • Supplies & Services costs down by $480,000 from FY 2009/10 budget • Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay reduced by $290,000 from FY 2009/10 Page 19 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Budget Process Preparation of this budget was accomplished with the feedback from four of the District's standing committees and from the full board through a budget workshop. The respective committees reviewed and discussed the following: Finance-Accounting Committee: District's operating and non-operating revenues and expenses Personnel-Risk Management Committee: Personnel needs for the upcoming year Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee: Capital improvement, repair and replacement projects Public Information-Technology Committee: Information technology and public information budgets On April 30, 2010, a Board Workshop was held to discuss the preliminary budget numbers. FY 2010/11 Summary Budget Revenues Total water and sewer revenues budgeted for upcoming FY 2010/11 amount to $29.1 million, an increase of $2.6 million from the revenues forecasted for FY 2009/10. The major differences are comprised of the following: Effect of Prior Rate Increase ($2.2 million) With the previous rate increase taking effect on September 14, 2009, the District received additional revenue for only nine and one-half months during the current FY 2009/10. For FY 2010/11, however, the District will receive all twelve months of additional revenue, including two and one-half months during the summer, high-usage period. These additional months are expected to generate the $2.2 million, over and above the effects of the rate increase effective through FY 2009/10. Pass-Through Rate Increase ($400,000) The current year budget includes the assumption of a $1.53 increase on the monthly service charge, effective August 1, 2010, passing through MWD's two upcoming rate increases. The current year effect of the pass through increase raises an additional $400,000. Page 1 10 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Expenses & Outlay Total expenses & outlay (excluding CIP and CRP projects) budgeted for upcoming FY 2010/11 is $30.2 million, an increase of $800,000 from the FY 2009/10 forecasted results. The following summarizes the significant changes: Variable Water Costs ($410,000 increase) The District's variable water costs will continue to increase primarily due to another substantial increase in the water rate the District pays to MWDOC for imported water. MWDOC's increase is primarily a pass through from the substantial increase in MWD rates. Salaries & Benefits ($270,000 increase) This amount includes merit increases and reclassifications for those employees who may qualify throughout the year, minor increases from CalPERS, medical, dental, and vision premiums, and the assumption that all funded positions will be filled for an entire fiscal year. It also includes a $100,000 increase in retiree benefits, in accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's (GASB) Statement No. 45. These figures do not currently including any COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) increase for FY 2010/11 or other increases that may be negotiated with the District's Employees Association. Depreciation ($480,000 increase) As the District continues to complete and close out large projects, an increase of depreciation will occur for the upcoming fiscal year. Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay ($290,000 decrease) This amount is due to a reduction from the higher than average outlay identified in FY 2009/10. Supplies & Services ($480,000 decrease) These decreases are the result of the District making an active effort to lower expenditures in areas such as Travel & Conferences, Professional Development, Advertising and Community Events. Capital Expenditures The District's capital outlay program includes recommendations for capital improvement and replacement projects (CIP's and CRP's), along with vehicle and equipment acquisitions with a value of $5,000 or greater. The primary objectives of the capital outlay program is to replace assets that have reached or surpassed their useful life, and to construct new projects that assist the District in achieving higher service and reliability standards, decrease dependability on imported water sources and improve long term operating efficiencies. The following summarizes each major component of the program: Page 111 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Capital Improvement and Replacement Protects Previously, the Board approved the FY 2007-2012 five-year capital improvement plan totaling $57,701,500. These projects were identified to be funded with the 2003 and 2008 Series Certificates of Participation (Revenue Bonds) in combination with annexation funds and other reserves held by the District. At the start of FY 2009/10, additional projects, totaling $21,960,000 were added to the five-year capital improvement plan. At the same time, some of the original projects were completed and fell off the revised list. The uncompleted approved projects have been carried over to an updated Three Year CIP/CRP program for FY 2010/13, with the total project estimated values shown, along with the outlay anticipated to complete these projects over the next three years. Staff is recommending that additional replacement projects, in the amount of $2,121,000, identified in the recently completed Asset Management Plan, be added to the CIP/CRP program, for an estimated total of $46,018,000. Of this total, capital improvements amount to approximately $41,726,000, while capital replacements subtotal $4,292,000. Approximately $16,120,000 of the combined projects outlay is expected to be paid out by the end of the current year, FY 2009/10 leaving a balance of approximately $32M in project improvements left to be funded in this updated Three Year CIP/CRP Program. A portion of that total, $14,078,000 is recommended for completion in the upcoming FY 2010/11 budget. Funding is available for the FY 2010/11 and FY 2011/12 projects with existing capital reserve funds. Beyond that, additional funds may be required to complete the entire CIP list. This will depend on bid results and actual costs to complete the approved projects. Personnel Discussion As previously mentioned, the FY 2010/11 budget does not include a cost of living increase for District employees, but does however include merit increases for those employees who qualify. This amounts to approximately $73,000. It also includes the full actuarial cost for retiree benefits, in the amount of $218,000, as required by GASB Statement No. 45. Fully funding this amount increases the District's costs in Salary Related Expenses by $100,000 in the upcoming year. With the exception of the Maintenance Distribution Operator III and the GIS Technician, all vacant positions will remain un-filled and will not be funded in FY 2010/11. The Maintenance Distribution Operator III position will go into the recruitment phase in FY 2010/11. The GIS Technician will be funded as one-half a position, not to include benefits, and will be filled with a temporary employee. Currently, there are 81.5 authorized positions. Included in the budget is the elimination of one unfilled position (Assistant Administrator 1). While the District is currently in negotiations with the bargaining unit, these budgetary figures are contingent upon a finalized Memorandum of Understanding. Other personnel modifications include the following: Page 1 12 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget • Reclassification of a Human Resources Manager to a Human Resources and Risk Manager position, Range 36, no change in salary. • Reclassification of the Public Information Specialist to a Public Information Officer position, Range 30, no change in salary. • Reclassification of the Geographical Information System (G.I.S.) Technician, Range 24, to G.I.S. Administrator, Range 26. • Reclassification of (3) Maintenance Worker I positions, Range 17 to Maintenance Distribution Operator II, Range 20 • Reclassification of the Meter Services Representative position to a Meter Services Lead position, Range 23, no change in salary. Reserves and Funding Sources Currently, the District has nine water and sewer enterprise-related funding sources. Attached is a summary of these funding sources and their associated balances. Five of these funds are restricted or designated specifically for capital projects including, COP Bonds 2008, Water Capital Projects, Sewer Capital Projects, Water Emergency and Sewer Emergency. Both the Water Emergency and the Sewer Emergency funds are non-restricted and were established to fund unplanned, unbudgeted emergency repairs related to the water and sewer system, respectively. The Water Emergency fund was established in FY 2009/10, with a transfer of $2 million from the Annexation fund. The Sewer Emergency fund was established in FY 2007/2008, with the Board of Directors' decision that approximately $1 per connection per month would be set to fund this account. The Board also established at that time a Sewer Emergency fund ceiling guideline of $1 million, after which any additional revenue generated would be transferred to Sewer Capital Reserves. The remaining three funds are the Water Restricted for Debt Service fund, which is used to pay the Districts principal and interest payments and the Water and Sewer Operating funds which are used to fund day-to-day operations and maintenance activities as identified in the budget and as occur as actual expenses. These activities require cash, checks and wire transfers on a regular basis and affect the District's cash flow. Summary The Water Enterprise is budgeted with a FY 2010/11 loss of $2.9 million (including vehicle equipment & capital outlay and principal on long term debt service) under the current rate structure and with depreciation of $4.4 million. This does not include CIP project expenditures, which are funded separately with capital reserves and other identified funds. On a cash basis, this budget will provide approximately $1.6 million at the end of the fiscal year. Page 1 13 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget The Sewer Enterprise is budgeted with a FY 2010/11 loss of $577,000, with depreciation of $615,000. This also does not include CIP project expenditures, which will require funding from capital reserve funds and operating fund transfers. On a cash basis, this budget will provide $37,000 at the end of the fiscal year. A comprehensive Asset Management Plan (AMP) has been completed in the current FY 2009/10 to establish long term needs and objectives for funding asset replacements. This study allows the Board of Directors and staff to engage more fully in funding needs and options for future asset replacements and establish recommendations for a component of the water rate that may partially or completely fund reserves and thereby establish financial security for the future. While the current budget does not fully fund the AMP recommendations, even a partial funding of the costs to replace assets and fund reserves is a positive step for the future fiscal stability of the District. Respectfully Submitted, Ken Vecchiarelli General Manager Page 1 14 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Budget Authority Guidelines (Exhibit "B") The following budget authority guidelines are implemented for use in the administration of this budget: 1. Board of Directors approval is required for expenditures from reserves. 2. Adopting the budget provides the authority for the staff to proceed with programs, activities, purchases and capital projects within the limits of the cash flow and purchasing policy resolution. 3. Significant program changes or service level changes require approval by the Board of Directors. 4. The following reserve funds are currently restricted or designated for capital projects: COP Bonds 2008, Water Capital Projects, Sewer Capital Projects, Water Emergency and Sewer Emergency. 5. General Manager approval is required for transferring funds between department budgets. 6. Department manager approval is required for transferring funds within a department budget. 7. Financial statements will be posted on a monthly basis and presented to the Finance Accounting Committee. A summary financial statement will be presented to the Board of Directors, for consideration, on a quarterly basis. 8. Payment of invoices, payroll, refunds and wires are presented to the Board of Directors for consideration at each regular Board meeting. 9. The budget may need to be modified to reflect labor and benefit agreements and approved by the Board of Directors. 10. Resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors are required for authorizing positions in the service of the District and setting salary ranges for those authorized positions. 11. The General Manager is authorized to use savings from vacant authorized positions to retain contract labor to meet District personnel needs. The General Manager is also authorized to fill an approved and budgeted position that is vacated during the term of this budget with a new employee at a lower or equal classification. 12. Nine percent of selected supplies and services, and salaries and benefits are allocated to the sewer operating expenses. 13. Salaries and benefits of employees working on capital projects are charged directly to that specific project, by way of job number. 14. Equipment purchases of $5,000 or less will be expensed, not depreciated. Page 1 15 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Organizational Structure Page 1 16 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Budget Assumptions General Assumptions • Operating Expenses and Revenues are divided into two enterprise funds - the Water Fund and the Sewer Fund. Capital expenditures are also divided between these two funds, accordingly. • YLWD will strive to achieve a water loss factor no greater than 5% (the difference between water purchased and water sold). This includes water used for water quality assurance purposes, water distribution and sewer collection systems maintenance, fire protection purposes, and unaccounted water losses due to water main leaks. • It is anticipated the District will receive 92% of its share of the property tax revenue or approximately $1.1 M. • The State will pay back the borrowed 9% ad valorem property taxes with interest in FY 2013. • No substantial energy increases are assumed for this fiscal year. • Regular fuel is estimated to average $3.25 per gallon. Water Related Assumptions Revenues • The District will provide potable water service to an average of 23,800 metered water services, an increase of approximately 200 service connections. • Water supply restrictions and associated water allocations will continue to mandate conservation efforts, resulting in demands and water sales lower than historical norms. • The Draft Budget assumes water demands based on 85% of historical water usage, or 15% yearly conservation based on the three-year average from FY 2006/07 - 2008/09. The water budget assumes a yearly demand of 21,100 acre feet (AF). • Water Revenues are calculated with the existing rate structure of $10.20 per month fixed charge and $2.52 per billing unit used, which is 100 cubic feet (ccf) or approximately 750 gallons per billing unit. Effective August 1, 2010, the fixed charge will increase to $11.73. Page 1 17 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Variable Water Costs • Variable Water Costs include treated and untreated import water purchased from Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC), groundwater purchased from Orange County Water District (OCWD) and electric and gas utility costs (energy) to pump it throughout the community. These expenses account for nearly one half of the total water operating budget and vary with demands throughout the year. • MWDOC's cost of service includes a fixed charge (connection charge) based on the number of service connections (meters) in YLWD's service area and a demand (incremental) charge added to the rates charged by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). These charges amount to $214,200 in this budget. • MWDOC also charges a pass-through (with no additional increment) of MWD's Readiness to Serve (RTS) and Capacity Charges. These charges amount to $533,400 in this budget. • MWD's rate increases, effective January 1, 2011, will increase the cost of treated import water from $701 /AF to $739/AF and untreated water from $484/AF to $532/AF. • MWD's Water Supply Condition will remain at Level 3, with continued implementation of their Water Supply Plan and Water Supply Allocation set at Level 2 - a 15% reduction in historical imported water demands. • Due to YLWD's increased ability to utilize local groundwater supplies, the effective import water supply reduction equates to approximately 8% of YLWD's total water supply for a ratio of 53% (import) to 47% (groundwater). • YLWD's MWDOC allocation for import water will be approximately 12,320 AF. • Approximately 10,800 AF of treated import water will be purchased from MWDOC throughout the year at an average rate of $727/AF. • Approximately 500 AF of untreated import water will be purchased from MWDOC throughout the year at an average rate of $515/AF. • Additional import water purchases up to 10% over allocation will be charged a rate of $2,053/AF. Additional import water beyond 10% over allocation will be charged at $3,367/AF. • No import water purchases will be required at rates above allocation levels since YLWD's customers have been responsive to demand management requirements through supportive and responsible water conservation practices. Page 1 18 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget • A total of 9,800 AF will be pumped from the groundwater basin to maximize the benefit of the 62% basin production percentage (BPP). • The District's groundwater production wells will continue to operate and produce potable water up to the BPP. • An additional 315 AF may be pumped from the basin with an additional basin equity assessment (BEA) charge of $501/AF for a total cost of $750/AF. Additional groundwater pumped above these limits will be surcharged an additional $2,400 for a total cost of $3,150/AF. • The difference between water purchases and water sales will be no greater than 5%. This includes water used for water quality assurance purposes, water distribution and sewer collection systems maintenance, fire protection purposes, uncollected delinquent accounts and unaccounted for water losses. Sewer Related Assumptions • The Sewer Fund will be charged 9% of the administrative overhead. • Sewer maintenance charges will remain fixed at $5.50 per month for single family residential (SFR) accounts. • The District will provide sewerage collection services to an average of 15,100 sewer service connections. Personnel Related Assumptions • Salaries and benefits may require modification pending execution of labor agreements and approved memorandums of understanding (MOU's). • Merit increases and reclassifications amount to approximately $75,000 for those employees who qualify based on established performance standards. • The vacant Administrative Assistant position has been eliminated. • The Human Resources Manager will continue to assume the duties and responsibilities of Risk Management. The District's Safety, Training and Wellness Programs will continue to be run and monitored through the HR Department. Page 1 19 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget • The District will continue to hold four authorized positions vacant throughout the budget year. • Existing filled positions that become vacant throughout the year may be refilled at the discretion of the General Manager in accordance with the authority granted by the Board of D i rectors. • The Budget assumes staffing levels at an average of 76 full time employees with benefits throughout the year. Page 1 20 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Summary of Income and Total Outlay (Water and Sewer) FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Sources of Income Water Sales Revenue $ 23,027,872 $ 20,676,496 $ 25,672,831 Sewer Sales Revenue $ 1,160, 000 $ 1,189, 077 $ 1,112, 574 Property Tax Revenue $ 1,200, 000 $ 1,215,808 $ 1,206,000 Other Revenue $ 1,123,094 $ 1,401,895 $ 1,119,182 Total Income $ 26,510,966 $ 24,483,276 $ 29,110,587 Sources of Expenses Supplies & Services $ 4,479,584 $ 3,254,143 $ 3,996,585 Variable Water Costs $ 12,259,937 $ 11,846,661 $ 12,667,236 Salaries & Benefits $ 7,355,049 $ 7,288,420 $ 7,624,683 Depreciation $ 4,540,800 $ 4,734,225 $ 5,017,876 Interest on Long Term Debt $ 1,981,300 $ 1,947,098 $ 1,940,954 Principal on Long Term Debt $ 825,000 $ 825,000 $ 855,000 Capital Equip. & Vehicle Outlay $ 628,500 $ 778,711 $ 334,550 Other $ 156,800 $ 161,389 $ 103,193 Total Expenses $ 32,226,970 $ 30,835,647 $ 32,540,077 Income Less Expenses $ (5,716,004) $ (6,352,371) $ (3,429,490) Capital Projects Expenses Capital Improvements $ 15,837,000 $ 13,249,201 $ 11,379,000 Capital Replacements $ 2,420,000 $ 366,200 $ 2,099,000 Total Capital Projects Expenses $ 18,257,000 $ 13,615,401 $ 13,478,000 Page 121 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Distribution of Expenses and Outlay Vehicles & Equipt. ($.3M) Long Term Debt 9M) Capital Replacement 5°% Supplies & Services ($4.01VI) 9% Variable Water Costs ($12.7M) , fti~ 29°% Depreciation ($5.01VI) 11% Salaries & Benefits Capital Improvement ($7.6M) ($11.3M) 17°% 26% Page 22 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Reserves & Funding Sources Forecasted Budgeted Balance Balance Balance Additions Balances Ending Ending Ending (Deductions) Ending Funding Sources Restriction Category 7/1/2009 4/30/2010 6/30/2010 FY 2010/11 6/30/2011 Water (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 1,801,690 (171,272) (53,964) 1,429,012 1,375,048 Reserve for Debt Service Debt Service Payment 1,453,657 612,893 1,013,186 (136,223) 876,963 Water (Capital) Annexation Fund Capital Reserve 4,766,729 - # - - Water Emergency Emergency Reserve 2,048,767 2,053,153 2,054,379 (1,054,379) 1,000,000 Water Capital Projects Capital Reserve 149,500 18,361,590 # 17,611,590 (8,543,978) 9,067,612 COP Bond 2008 Reserved for Capital ^ 21,513,330 12,465,969 9,458,091 (3,894,000) 5,564,091 ID 1 Capital Reserve 4,332,005 - # - - ID 2 Capital Reserve 9,159,402 - # - - Sewer (Operating): Operating Fund Operating Reserve 1,450,833 1,244,739 1,241,781 (1,098,140) 143,641 Sewer (Capital) Sewer Emergency Emergency Reserve 371,271 523,081 553,441 446,559 1,000,000 Sewer Capital Projects Capital Reserve 188,729 189,133 189,325 679,779 869,104 Total of Funds $ 47,235,913 $ 35,279,286 $ 32,067,830 $ (12,171,370) $ 19,896,460 " Includes $2,147,096 that has been set aside by the fiscal agent in a reserve fund, and is unable to be spent down . Includes a one-time transfer of $4,489,774 made from Annexation to Water Operating on July 29, 2009 to correct negative operating cash # During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, Annexation, ID 1 and ID 2 were consolidated into the Water Capital Projects Fund Page 1 23 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Water and Sewer) FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010111 Budget Forecast Budget Revenue (Operating) Water Revenue (Residential) $ 15,009,333 $ 13,215,818 $ 17,248,481 Water Revenue (Commercial) $ 1,578,296 $ 1,563,390 $ 1,522,341 Water Revenue (Landscape) $ 3,548,543 $ 2,997,999 $ 3,588,335 Monthly Service Charge $ 2,891,700 $ 2,899,289 $ 3,313,674 Sewer Charge Revenue $ 1,160, 000 $ 1,189, 077 $ 1,112, 574 Locke Ranch Assessments $ 116,000 $ 116,000 $ 102,828 Other Operating Revenue $ 586,892 $ 692,087 $ 607,240 Total Operating Revenue $ 24,890,764 $ 22,673,660 $ 27,495,473 Revenue (Non-Operating) Interest $ 7,500 $ 159,127 $ 156,000 Investments $ 140,000 $ - $ - Property Taxes $ 1,200,000 $ 1,215,808 $ 1,206,000 Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 272,702 $ 434,681 $ 253,114 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 1,620,202 $ 1,809,616 $ 1,615,114 Total Revenue $ 26,510,966 $ 24,483,276 $ 29,110,587 Page 1 24 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Con't) Water and Sewer FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Depreciation & Amortization $ 4,540,800 $ 4,734,225 $ 5,017,876 Variable Water Costs $ 12,259,937 $ 11,846,661 $ 12,667,236 Salary Related Expenses $ 7,355,049 $ 7,288,420 $ 7,624,683 Supplies & Services Communications $ 295,348 $ 279,674 $ 415,860 Contractual Services $ 1,101,345 $ 938,835 $ 768,485 Data Processing $ 127,635 $ 93,570 $ 120,435 Dues & Memberships $ 33,428 $ 28,815 $ 34,118 Fees & Permits $ 56,200 $ 55,746 $ 50,402 Board Election $ - $ - $ 80,000 Insurance $ 376,300 $ 270,378 $ 345,400 Materials $ 448,726 $ 393,660 $ 356,615 District Activities, Emp. Recognition $ 15,200 $ 10,000 $ 12,800 Maintenance $ 414,150 $ 112,349 $ 367,200 Non-Capital Equipment $ 158,541 $ 82,368 $ 113,120 Office Expense $ 76,325 $ 29,524 $ 43,100 Professional Services $ 842,000 $ 509,583 $ 705,400 Training $ 70,150 $ 41,134 $ 51,050 Travel & Conferences $ 55,785 $ 16,413 $ 44,950 Uncollectible Accounts $ 52,000 $ 42,700 $ 50,500 Utilities $ 29,700 $ 99,776 $ 123,000 Vehicle Equipment $ 326,751 $ 249,618 $ 314,150 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 4,479,584 $ 3,254,143 $ 3,996,585 Total Operating Expenses $ 28,635,370 $ 27,123,449 $ 29,306,380 Expenses (Non-Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt $ 1,981,300 $ 1,947,098 $ 1,940,954 Job Closing Expense $ 45,000 $ - $ - Other Non-Operating Expenses $ 156,800 $ 161,389 $ 103,193 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 2,183,100 $ 2,108,487 $ 2,044,147 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 30,818,470 $ 29,231,936 $ 31,350,527 Income (Loss) $ (4,307,504) $ (4,748,660) $ (2,239,940) Contributed Capital $ 100,000 $ 339,030 $ 145,860 Principal on Long Term Debt $ (825,000) $ (825,000) $ (855,000) Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay $ (628,500) $ (778,711) $ (334,550) Page 1 25 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Water) FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Revenue (Operating) Water Revenue (Residential) $ 15,009,333 $ 13,215,818 $ 17,248,481 Water Revenue (Commercial) $ 1,578,296 $ 1,563,390 $ 1,522,341 Water Revenue (Landscape) $ 3,548,543 $ 2,997,999 $ 3,588,335 Monthly Service Charge $ 2,891,700 $ 2,899,289 $ 3,313,674 Other Operating Revenue $ 583,792 $ 688,829 $ 574,108 Total Operating Revenue $ 23,611,664 $ 21,365,325 $ 26,246,939 Revenue (Non-Operating) Interest $ 500 $ 143,060 $ 142,000 Investments $ 127,400 $ - $ - Property Taxes $ 1,092,000 $ 1,215,808 $ 1,206,000 Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 205,462 $ 433,582 $ 227,668 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 1,425,362 $ 1,792,450 $ 1,575,668 Total Revenue $ 25,037,026 $ 23,157,775 $ 27,822,607 Page 1 26 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Con't) Water FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Depreciation & Amortization $ 3,945,720 $ 4,151,772 $ 4,403,257 Variable Water Costs $ 12,259,937 $ 11,846,661 $ 12,667,236 Salary Related Expenses $ 6,538,008 $ 6,477,095 $ 6,809,598 Supplies & Services Communications $ 268,694 $ 254,503 $ 376,576 Contractual Services $ 964,090 $ 854,340 $ 707,007 Data Processing $ 116,148 $ 85,149 $ 109,596 Dues & Memberships $ 30,068 $ 26,222 $ 30,778 Fees & Permits $ 50,160 $ 50,729 $ 44,020 Board Election $ - $ - $ 72,800 Insurance $ 342,433 $ 246,044 $ 314,314 Materials $ 427,424 $ 358,231 $ 337,766 District Activities, Emp. Recognition $ 13,832 $ 9,100 $ 11,648 Maintenance $ 384,362 $ 102,238 $ 325,227 Non-Capital Equipment $ 139,910 $ 74,955 $ 92,611 Offce Expense $ 66,775 $ 26,867 $ 39,221 Professional Services $ 763,760 $ 460,536 $ 638,224 Training $ 61,518 $ 40,617 $ 45,735 Travel & Conferences $ 48,892 $ 14,936 $ 40,602 Uncollectible Accounts $ 47,320 $ 38,857 $ 45,955 Utilities $ 27,027 $ 90,796 $ 111,930 Vehicle Equipment $ 279,683 $ 227,152 $ 285,877 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 4,032,096'$ 2,961,272 $ 3,629,887 Total Operating Expenses $ 26,775,761 $ 25,436,800 $ 27,509,978 Expenses (Non-Operating) Interest on Long Term Debt $ 1,981,300 $ 1,947,098 $ 1,940,954 Job Closing Expense $ 40,000 $ - $ - Other Non-Operating Expenses $ 154,500 $ 153,808 $ 102,193 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 2,175,800 $ 2,100,906 $ 2,043,147 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 28, 951, 561 $ 27, 537, 706 $ 29, 553,125 Income (Loss) $ (3,914,535) $ (4,379,931) $ (1,730,518) Principal on Long Term Debt $ (825,000) $ (825,000) $ (855,000) Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay $ (622,500) $ (772,711) $ (266,550) Contributed Capital $ 91,000 $ 291,180 $ 92,807 Page 1 27 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Distribution of Variable Water Costs Power ($1.3M) 10% ti..._ . Groundwater ($2.5M) 20% Import Water ($8.8M) 70% Page 28 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Historic Variable Water Costs $13.00 $12.50 - $12.00 $11.50 $11.00 o $10.50 $10.00 $9.50 $9.00 $8.50 $8.00 FY FY FY FY FY FY 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2009/10 2010/11 (Actual) (Actual) (Actual) (Budget) (Forecast) (Budget) ® Water Costs $10.70 $10.52 $10.45 $12.26 $11.85 $12.67 Page 1 29 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Sewer) FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Revenue (Operating) Sewer Charge Revenue $ 1,160,000 $ 1,189,077 $ 1,112,574 Locke Ranch Assessments $ 116,000 $ 116,000 $ 102,828 Other Operating Revenue $ 3,100 $ 3,258 $ 33,132 Total Operating Revenue $ 1,279,100 $ 1,308,335 $ 1,248,534 Revenue (Non-Operating) Interest $ 7,000 $ 16,067 $ 14,000 Investments $ 12,600 $ - $ - Property Taxes $ 108,000 $ - $ - Other Non-Operating Revenue $ 67,240 $ 1,099 $ 25,446 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 194,840 $ 17,166 $ 39,446 TOTAL REVENUE $ 1,473,940 $ 1,325,501 $ 1,287,980 Page 30 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Revenues & Expenses (Con't) Sewer FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Depreciation & Amortization $ 595,050 $ 582,453 $ 614,619 Salary Related Expenses $ 817,041 $ 811,325 $ 815,085 Supplies & Services Communications $ 26,654 $ 25,171 $ 39,284 Contractual Services $ 137,255 $ 84,495 $ 61,478 Data Processing $ 11,487 $ 8,421 $ 10,839 Dues & Memberships $ 3,360 $ 2,593 $ 3,340 Fees & Permits $ 6,040 $ 5,017 $ 6,382 Board Election $ - $ - $ 7,200 Insurance $ 33,867 $ 24,334 $ 31,086 Materials $ 21,301 $ 35,429 $ 18,849 District Activities, Emp. Recognition $ 1,368 $ 900 $ 1,152 Maintenance $ 29,789 $ 10,111 $ 41,973 Non-Capital Equipment $ 18,631 $ 7,413 $ 20,509 Office Expense $ 9,550 $ 2,657 $ 3,879 Professional Services $ 78,240 $ 45,862 $ 67,176 Training $ 8,632 $ 3,702 $ 5,314 Travel & Conferences $ 6,893 $ 1,477 $ 4,348 Uncollectible Accounts $ 4,680 $ 3,843 $ 4,545 Utilities $ 2,673 $ 8,980 $ 11,070 Vehicle Equipment $ 47,068 $ 22,466 $ 28,273 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 447,488 $ 292,873 $ 366,697 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,859,579 $ 1,686,651 $ 1,796,401 Expenses (Non-Operating) Job Closing Expense $ 5,000 $ - $ - Other Non-Operating Expenses $ 2,300 $ 7,581 $ 1,000 Total Non-Operating Revenue $ 7,300 $ 7,581 $ 1,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,866,879 $ 1,694,232 $ 1,797,401 Income (Loss) $ (392,939) $ (368,731) $ (509,421) Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay $ (6,000) $ (6,000) $ (68,000) Contributed Capital $ 9,000 $ 47,850 $ 53,053 Page 131 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Personnel Summary (All Departments) Positions Additions/ Positions Positions Authorized Deductions Authorized to Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Administration Administration 4.5 -1 3.5 3.5 Public Information 1 0 1 1 Subtotal 5.5 -1 4.5 4.5 Engineering Administration 2 0 2 2 Planning & Design 5 0 5 5 Construction 3 0 3 3 Water Quality 2 0 2 2 Subtotal 12 0 12 12 Finance Administration 1 0 1 1 Accounting 5 0 5 4 Customer Service/Billing 5 0 5 5 Meter Reading 5 0 5 5 Subtotal 16 0 16 15 Human Resources Administration 2 0 2 2 Risk Management 1 0 1 1 Safety 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 3 0 3 3 Information Technology Administration 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 Information Systems 3 0 3 3 GIS 1 0.5 1.5 1.5 SCADA 2 0 2 2 Subtotal 6.5 0.5 7 7 Operations Administration 2 0 2 2 Water Operation & Maint. 23 0 22 20 Sewer Operation & Maint. 5 0 5 5 Water Production 7 0 7 6 Mechanical Services 3 0 3 3 Facilities Maintenance 1 0 1 1 Subtotal 39 0 39 35 TOTALS 82 -0.5 81.5 76.5 Page 32 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget FY 2010/13 Capital Improvement Projects Improvement Projects Over/(Under) Total Est. Cost FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Budget Highland Reservoir $ 9,500,000 $ 240,000 $ $ $ (576,000) New Well 20 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,025,000 $ $ $ (71,500) Wells 1,5,12 Upgrade $ 350,000 $ 150,000 $ $ $ 160,000 OC-51 Upgrade $ 170,000 $ 75,000 $ $ $ 70,000 Fairmont BPS Pump Retrofit $ 300,000 $ 400,000 $ $ $ - Hidden Hills Res. $ 5,000,000 $ 158,000 $ $ $ Anaheim Interties $ 121,000 $ 46,000 $ $ $ (28,900) Lakeview Fencing & Landscaping $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ $ (83,000) GIS Implementation $ 410,000 $ 60,000 $ - $ $ (28,100) Fairmont Site Imprv. $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ $ $ Fire Flow Impvmts Via Sereno & Ohio $ 125,000 $ 100,000 $ $ $ Foxtail Pipeline $ 245,000 $ - $ 245,000 $ $ Elk Mtn. Reservoir Site Impvmts. $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ - $ $ Palm Ave BPS Replacement $ 5,400,000 $ 500,000 $ 3,900,000 $ 1,000,000 $ Zone 5 BPS $ 1,080,000 $ 540,000 $ 540,000 $ - $ Sewer Master Plan $ 350,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ $ GIS/CMMS $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ $ $ Service Area Interconnections $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ $ $ Cresthill Dr. Fire Flow Improvements $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ Highland BPS Upgrade $ 6,100,000 $ 5,500,000 $ $ $ (1,401,700) Mixing/Re-Chlor at 2 Sites $ 80,000 $ 80,000 $ $ $ 56,800 Non-Pot Water for Irrig Use $ 225,000 $ 225,000 $ 525,000 $ 1,000,000 $ - West Wellfield $ 9,100,000 $ 1,060,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 4,000,000 $ 100,000 Fire Flow Pipeline Improvements $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 $ - $ - SUBTOTAL $ 41,726,000 $ 11,979,000 $ 9,560,000 $ 6,000,000 $ (1,802,400) FY 2010/ 11 Proposed Projects Page 1 33 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget FY 2010/13 Capital Replacement Projects Over/(Under) Replacement Projects Total Est. Cost FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Budget Vista del Verde Valve Replacement $ 705,000 $ 600,000 $ - $ $ (295,800) Valley View Pipeline Replacement $ 120,000 $ - $ 120,000 $ - $ Blair Drive Pipeline Replacement $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ $ Highland Pipeline Replacement $ 120,000 $ 120,000 $ - $ - $ Plumosa Water Line Relining $ 155,000 $ 110,000 $ $ - $ Bastanchury Pipeline Replacement $ 1,300,000 $ - $ $ 1,300,000 $ Ohio St. Pipeline Replacement $ 470,000 $ 470,000 $ $ - $ Fairmont Reservoir Repairs $ 205,000 $ 205,000 $ $ - $ Pebble Beach Rd Pipeline Replacement $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ Wabash & Short St Pipeline Impvmts. $ 132,000 $ $ 132,000 $ - $ South Grandview St Improvements $ 100,000 $ $ 100,000 $ - $ Hidden Hills Pipeline Replacement $ 145,000 $ 90,000 $ - $ - $ Richfield Rd Pipeline Liner $ 155,000 $ 200,000 $ $ - $ Oriente Dr. Pipeline Replacement $ 145,000 $ 304,000 $ $ - $ Imperial Hwy. Pipeline Replacement $ 340,000 $ - $ $ 340,000 $ SUBTOTAL $ 4,292,000 $ 2,099,000 $ 552,000 $ 1,640,000 $ (295,800) COMBINED TOTAL $ 46,018,000 $ 14,078,000 $ 10,112,000 $ 7,640,000 $ (2,098,200) FY 2010/ 11 Proposed Projects PageJ34 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Capital Projects Program (FY2010/11) Capital Improvement Protects Highland Reservoir $240,000 Completion of a new 6 million gallon reservoir to replace the former 4.6 million gallon reservoir constructed in 1911. Well No. 20 $1,025,000 Complete construction of a new groundwater production well to replace older wells recently abandoned by the District, and to increase the reliability of the District's local water resource production capabilities. Wells 1, 5 and 12 Upgrade $150,000 Project consists of blanking out shallow perforations and lowering bowl assemblies as required to improve groundwater production capacity at the Richfield well facilities. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Service Area Connections $75,000 Project consists of increasing the capacity of MWD's OC-51 connection from 10 cfs to 20 cfs. The upgrade will allow the District to back up the OC-66 connection off the Allen McCulloch Pipeline with water carried from OC-51 through the Zone 4 Transmission Pipeline. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Hidden Hills Reservoir and Santiago Booster Upgrades $158,000 Complete construction of the new two million-gallon buried concrete reservoir and transmission pipeline to serve Pressure Zone 1390. Pump station improvements include replacement of two pumps and upgrades to the electronic control system. Fire Flow Improvement for Via Sereno at Ohio St $100,000 The project consists of the replacement of approximately 700 linear feet of 6-inch pipeline in Via Sereno with an 8-inch pipe to increase fire flow capacity in the area. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11 with an estimated remaining cost of $100,000. Anaheim Intertie Improvements $46,000 Project consists of the District's share of upgrades to the existing emergency intertie connections with the City of Anaheim at Willow Woods Drive, Crystal Drive and Jennifer Lane. Construction will be complete in FY 2010/11. GIS Implementation $60,000 Final tasks in the implementation of a digital information database and analytical geographical information system (GIS) containing the water and sewer infrastructure, parcel and street Page 1 35 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget information linked to the customer service and operational database systems. Completion is scheduled for FY 2010/11. Fairmont Pump Station Site Improvements $300,000 Construction of improvements to the existing pump station building and the addition of a parts and equipment storage building to be used for maintenance and operations. This is the District's share of a developer-funded project planned for construction in FY 2010/11. Palm Avenue Booster Pump Station and Yorba Linda Boulevard Pipeline $500,000 Project consists of replacing the existing Palm Avenue Booster Pump Station with a three-pump 4,500-gpm capacity facility including a block-building enclosure and other improvements. The project will assist the District in pushing more groundwater to the east half of the service area. The project will require constructing a parallel 16-inch pipeline in Yorba Linda Boulevard from Ohio Street to Fairmont Boulevard. Work will continue in FY 2011/12 and FY 2012/13 with an estimated remaining cost of $4,900,000. Zone 5 Booster Pump Station $540,000 Project consists of a low-head, high-volume booster pump station located downstream of the Quarterhorse Reservoir. This station will lift water from Pressure Zone 920 to Pressure Zone 1000 and to Little Canyon Reservoir. Once completed this station will allow the District to reconfigure the existing Fairmont Booster Pump Station to pump groundwater to Zone 780 and make it accessible to the entire District. Work will continue in FY 2011/12 with an estimated remaining cost of $540,000. Sewer Master Plan $200,000 This project, initiated in FY 2009-10, is the preparation of an updated sewer master plan. The plan will identify existing sewer pipelines, develop and calibrate a hydraulic computer model, provide flow monitoring, identify deficiencies and evaluate needs, provide capital improvement recommendations, and provide a summary report. It will be completed in FY 2010/11 at an estimated cost of $200,000. Computerized Maintenance and Management System $300,000 This project consists of a software-based maintenance and management system for improved tracking of work performed on the District's infrastructure. The system integrates directly with the District's GIS and financial information systems to produce reports on true costs of service and to assist District staff on future infrastructure planning and budgeting. Completion is scheduled for FY 2010/11. Service Area Interconnections $120,000 In an emergency situation or in the event of the loss of import supply, it may be necessary to move water from a lower to a higher pressure zone, in excess of the capacity of existing booster pump stations. This project is for construction of stub-up connection points in the pipelines between two adjacent water pressure zones to address this need. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Page 1 36 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Highland Booster Pump Station Upgrade $5,500,000 Construct an 18,000-gpm capacity pump station, with three electric- and two gas-engine-driven pumps. The new, high-capacity pump station will make it possible to deliver more groundwater to the higher zones of the District. It is estimated that construction will be completed in FY 2010/11, though final completion may extend into early FY 2011/12. Reservoir Mixing & Rechlorination Facilities $80,000 As a means to improve water quality, a small pump and appurtenances were added at Camino de Bryant Reservoir in FY 2009/10. The reservoir water is drawn through the pump and pushed upwards, which, over time, mixes and blends all of the water in storage, resulting in more uniform water quality. The unit will be tested over the summer of 2010, and if successful, a system will be installed at a second reservoir as a low-cost means to improve water quality, at an estimated cost of $80,000. Non-potable Water Facility for Irrigation Use $225,000 A study was initiated in FY 2009/10, evaluating the feasibility of constructing a small-scale facility to treat wastewater from local sewers and use the treated and disinfected water for irrigation of local golf courses, parks, greenbelts, and other landscaped areas. The study, half-funded by a state grant, will be completed in FY 2010/11. If the study findings are promising, a more detailed study and preliminary design report may follow at an estimated cost of $225,000. West Wellfield Project $1,060,000 Initial property acquisition and environmental documentation tasks for the proposed new wellfield located westerly of the existing Richfield Plant and other wells. The new wellfield and transmission pipeline may include three wells to replace and augment existing wells, and to increase the District's groundwater pumping capacity. It is anticipated that acquisition and construction will continue through FY 2012/13 or later and may cost an additional $8,000,000 or more. Cresthill Drive Fire Flow Improvements $300,000 This project consists of installing approximately 160 lineal feet of 8-inch pipeline, crossing under Imperial Highway, along with pressure-regulator upgrades, to increase fire flow capacity in the 430-foot zone. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements $300,000 Design and construction of practice fields for use by local neighborhood groups and the public. Funding was provided as a condition of development by a local developer. Work will begin this FY and will probably extend into FY 11-12. Page 1 37 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Capital Replacement Projects Vista Del Verde Valve Replacement $600,000 Excavate and replacement of 12-, 16- and 24-inch diameter butterfly valves. Phase 1 work for the replacement of the first five valves is planned for completion in July 2010. The remaining work will be completed in two phases, planned for FY 2010/11 at an estimated cost of $600,000. Highland Pipeline Replacement $120,000 Construct 600 ft of 8-inch pipeline, new fire hydrants and new water services. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Plumosa St. and Richfield Rd. Pipeline Relining $310,000 Install new liner pipeline inside 1,900 lineal feet of 18-inch diameter pipeline in Plumosa Drive, and in 1,400 lineal feet of 26-inch diameter steel pipeline in Richfield Road. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Ohio Street Pipeline Replacement $470,000 Construction of approximately 1,300-ft. of 8-inch and 2,000-ft. of 16-inch diameter pipeline in Ohio Street, north of Yorba Linda Boulevard to replace 60-year old pipeline. Design work is underway and is expected to be complete by August 2010. Construction is expected to begin during Sprint 2011. Hidden Hills Rd Pipeline and Oriente Dr Pipeline Replacement $394,000 In Hidden Hills Road, approximately 120-ft. of 14-inch diameter pipeline is planned for replacement due to material issues. In Oriente Drive, approximately 2,600-ft. of 70-year-old 16- inch diameter pipeline is planned for replacement. This pipeline will be sized to supply water to the planned Palm Booster Station. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Fairmont Reservoir Repairs $205,000 Replacement of valves, upgrading of data acquisition and control system, repair of concrete and other appurtenant work in this 36-year-old buried, reinforced concrete reservoir. Construction will be completed in FY 2010/11. Page 1 38 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Vehicles and Capital Equipment (FY 2010/11) Department / Item Amount Board of Directors None Administration None Engineering None Finance Meter Reading (2) Ford Ranger Trucks $ 36,000 Radio-Read Handheld Device $ 6,600 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Finance $ 42,600 Human Resources None IT Information Systems (2) Computer Servers $ 16,000 Security Camera System $ 20,000 Overall Security Improvements $ 15,000 GPS Equiptment for District Fleet $ 22,000 SCADA Hardware Upgrade for Elk Mountain Reservoir $ 14,750 (2) SCA DA Servers $ 16,500 (2) Pump Station Engine Meters $ 10,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- IT $ 114,250 Page 1 39 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Vehicles and Capital Equipment (Con't) FY 2010/11 Department / Item Amount Operations Facilities Maintenance Mechanic's Cold Saw $ 5,700 Sewer Operations & Maint. Slip Lines for Sewer Pipe Repair $ 60,000 Sewer CCTV Camera Cable $ 8,000 Water Operations & Maint. 1 Ton Utility Truck $ 70,000 112 Ton Pickup Truck $ 18,000 Valve Turning Machine $ 16,000 Total Vehicle Equipment & Capital Outlay- Operations $ 177,700 TOTAL VECHICLE EQUIPTMENT & CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 334,550 Page 1 40 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Board of Directors William R. Mills President Michael J. Beverage Vice President Ric Collett Director Phil Hawkins Director John W. Summerfield Director Page 41 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Board of Directors Programs & Responsibilities This program accounts for the Board of Director's activities related to governing the District, establishing policy through approval of the Budget, Five Year Plan, Resolutions and Ordinances, and participating in community affairs, intergovernmental relations and participation at selected water organization activities. In addition, activities related to Board direction to legal counsel is provided in this program. BOARD OF DIRECTORS PROGRAM: 1. Conduct District business at Board of Directors meetings. 2. Study and review specific policy issues facing the District through the Board's five standing committees during the period. 3. Provide Board representation to the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA), Association of California Water Agencies/Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPIA), Colorado River Water Users Association (CRWUA), Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) and Independent Special District's of Orange County (ISDOC). 4. Attend intergovernmental meetings of Yorba Linda City Council and Yorba Linda City Planning Commission. 5. File Conflict of Interest forms. 6. Conduct a Board of Director's goals and strategic plan workshops on a regular basis. 7. Provide direction to legal counsel on specific policy issues during the budget period. 8. Monitor and seek to influence Municipal Water District of Orange County and Orange County Water District policies that affect water service and/or rates. 9. Monitor and provide direction on the legislative positions. 10. Monitor that District policies are being implemented. Page 1 42 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Board of Directors Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Budget Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries - Directors $ 61,740 $ 61,740 $ 54,000 Fringe Benefits $ 22,651 $ 22,650 $ 31,673 Mandatory Benefits - Directors $ 9,743 $ 9,743 $ 5,083 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 94,134 $ 94,133 $ 90,756 Supplies & Services Dues & Memberships $ 700 $ 500 $ 700 Election Expenses $ - $ - $ 80,000 Insurance $ 400 $ 400 $ 400 Professional Services $ 53,000 $ 13,000 $ 30,000 Travel & Conferences $ 12,500 $ 5,000 $ 7,500 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 66,600 $ 18,900 $ 118,600 Total Operating Expenses $160,734 $113,033 $ 20%356 Page 1 43 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Board of Directors Budget Detail (FY 2010/11) e- . r- R" p"O"m . 1-1010-0640-00 $700 1-1010-0640-00 700 Water Education Foundation 200 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, Colorado River Water Users Assoc 200 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) ISDOC 100 WACO 200 1-1010-0650-00 $80,000 1-1010-0650-10 80,000 2010 Board Elections 80,000 1-1010-0690-00 $400 1-1010-0690-00 400 Honesty Bond 400 1-1010-0780-00 $30,000 1-1010-0780-00 30,000 LegalServices - Retainer 30,000 1-1010-0830-00 $7,500 1-1010-0830-00 7,500 **ACWA 3,500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) "Washington DC 0 CRW UA 3,800 ISDOCQuarterly 200 Section Total $118,6001 1 Page 44 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Ken Vecchiarelli General Manager Page 1 45 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Department Organization Chart Administration Department Manager Information General Publiic Management Officer AnaLyst Yorba Linda Water District Organization Chart FY 20:0-1 1 Page 46 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Programs & Responsibilities The Administration Department is responsible for the overall day-to-day management of the District. This involves the continual planning, control, direction and evaluation of the District's programs and resources. The Department researches and prepares recommendations for consideration by the Board of Directors on issues facing the District. Vested in this Department is the primary responsibility for assuring that Board policies, resolutions and ordinances are properly administered. SECTION RESPONSIBILITIES: ADMINISTRATION The Department provides administrative services support to each of the departments. Other department activities include interagency coordination and consultation with department managers regarding various operational and planning issues. Additionally, the department is responsible for facilitating the work of the District's General Counsel. PUBLIC AFFAIRS This section of the Administration department is responsible for the organization and implementation of external and internal communications activities. This includes maintaining relations with the public and news media, coordinating community activities, preparing and disseminating District publications, coordinating water conservation activities, and organizing and conducting tours of District facilities for students, youth groups, and the general public. ADMINISTRATION SERVICES PROGRAM: 1. Coordinate, prepare, print and distribute Board of Director agenda packages, and Committee agendas in accordance with the Brown Act. 2. Facilitate and/or organize Board goals and strategic plan workshops. 3. Coordinate, prepare and print the Administration department's budget by June of each year. 4. Administer the Employees' Deferred Compensation Plan. 5. Administer the adopted records management activity. 6. Facilitate annexation of land to the District and to the Orange County Water District. 7. Facilitate contracts for sewer maintenance with the City of Placentia and City of Yorba Linda.\ Facilitate contracts for sewer maintenance billing with the City of Placentia. 8. Attend intergovernmental meetings of MWDOC, OCWD and Yorba Linda City Council and Placentia City Council as necessary. 9. Update written policies into a manual for the Board of Directors and preparing new policies where possible and practical. 10. Monitor the effect of water quality regulations on District customers. 11. Facilitate survey of customer attitudes. 12. Consider sewer extension policies to encourage completion of the sewer system. 13. Monitor all activities identified in this budget. 14. Conduct discussions with the City of Yorba Linda regarding the use of District facilities for recreational activities. 15. Continue involvement in community organizations. 16. Continue involvement in outside committees of other agencies. 17. Participate on Orange County Water District's groundwater producers committee. Page 1 47 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget PUBLIC AFFAIRS PROGRAM: 1. Provide information on District activities, services and related issues to the District's water and sewer service customers, print and electronic media representatives and other public agencies and community organizations. 2. Prepare and provide for distribution of "Water Lines" customer newsletter. 3. Prepare and provide for distribution of the District's "Annual Report." 4. Coordinate with the Engineering department's Water Quality section to prepare and provide for distribution of annual "Consumer Confidence Report." 5. Coordinate with information technology function to monitor and update content of the District's internet web site. 6. Coordinate and conduct information booth activities at community events including American Cancer Society "Relay for Life" and Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Street Fair. 7. Coordinate District participation in Placentia Heritage Days Parade and Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Parade. 8. Coordinate and conduct speaker's bureau and special events for community, youth and school groups and monitor MWDOC school education program. 9. Monitor activities of Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as related to the interests of the District. 10. Participate in MWDOC Water Conservation Workgroup and coordinate water conservation activities. 11. Coordinate and consult with public affairs consultant. Page 1 48 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Personnel Summary Positions Additions) Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Administration Administration General Manager 1 0 1 1 Asst. General Manager 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 Executive Assistant 1 0 1 1 Management Analyst 1 0 1 1 Asst. Administrator 1 1 -1 0 0 4.5 -1 3.5 3.5 Public Affairs Public Information Specialist 1 -1 0 0 Public Information Officer 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Department Totals 5.5 -1 4.5 4.5 Page 49 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 526,507 $ 526,507 $ 508,374 Fringe Benefits $ 204,128 $ 204,128 $ 131,744 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ - Unemployment Insurance $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ - Overtime $ - $ - $ 34,186 Mandatory Benefits $ 64,634 $ 64,635 $ 285,820 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 845,269 $ 845,270 $ 960,124 Supplies & Services Communications $ 127,808 $ 111,145 $ 211,650 Contractual Services $ 32,350 $ 18,293 $ 39,420 Dues & Memberships $ 23,639 $ 22,004 $ 24,780 Insurance $ 1,100 $ 637 $ 1,100 Materials $ 2,000 $ 1,456 $ 1,600 Office Expense $ - $ - $ 200 Professional Services $ 445,000 $ 171,500 $ 251,000 Training $ - $ 364 $ 400 Travel & Conferences $ 15,600 $ 5,000 $ 14,200 Vehicle Equipment $ - $ 1,001 $ 1,100 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 647,497 $ 331,400 $ 545,450 Total Operating Expenses $1,492,766 $1,176,670 $ 1,505,574 Page 1 50 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Administration Section Total Detail Description Detail s Total 1-2010-0580-00 $25,000 1-2010-0580-30 25,000 Prop. 218 letter 25,000 1-2010-0600-00 $22,500 1-2010-0600-00 3,500 Temp help 500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Qua Ise rv Be nch ma rki ng Su rveys 3,000 1-2010-0600-10 19,000 LAFCO 19,000 1-2010-0640-00 $24,200 1-2010-0640-00 24,100 ACWA 18,100 DUES,M EM BERSHIPS, Notary Assoc 400 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) Water Education Foundation 2,800 YLChamber 700 League of CA Cities 200 Postage 200 Misc. 1,000 PLChamber 700 1-2010-0640-10 100 News pa persubscriptions 100 1-2010-0690-00 $1,100 1-2010-0690-00 1,100 Honesty Bond 1,100 1-2010-0710-00 $1,500 1-2010-0710-00 500 Misc Materials 500 MATERIALS (E) 1-2010-0710-10 1,000 Coffee, Etc. 1,000 1-2010-0760-00 $200 1-2010-0760-00 200 Office Supplies 200 1-2010-0780-00 $251,000 1-2010-0780-05 250,000 Freeway Complex Fire Legal Services 100,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Lega I Se rvices Annexation Legal Services 50,000 Routine Legal 100,000 1-2010-0780-10 0 Appraisel Services 0 1-2010-0780-15 1,000 Records Management 1,000 1-2010-0780-20 0 N/A 0 1-2010-0810-00 $400 1-2010-0810-00 400 Laserfiche Conference 400 1-2010-0830-00 $6,000 1-2010-0830-00 6,000 ACWA 5,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Misc. 1,000 1-2010-0890-00 $1,000 1-2010-0890-00 1,000 Gas & Mileage 1,000 Section Total $332,900 Page 51 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Administration Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Public Affairs Section 1-2020-0580-00 $186,650 1-2020-0580-05 40,950 Bill Stuffer (1800 X 12 Months) 21,600 COMMUNICATIONS (E) Advertising Ads in YLStar/ PL News Times 3,400 Street Signs (3) 1,650 Automated Phone Call (Program Update X 2) 7,800 2010 Consumer Confidence Report 6,500 1-2020-0580-15 20,000 Special Events (Site Dedications/Recognitions) 20,000 District Special Events 1-2020-0580-30 24,500 Postage 24,500 Postage 1-2020-0580-35 45,000 YLWD Bottled Water 20,000 Promotional Items Re-stock Promotional Items 25,000 1-2020-0580-40 14,500 Sponsorship- OCWD Water Festival 2,500 Sponsorships Sponsorship- OC Water Summit x2 2,000 Partnership - Fullerton Arboretum 10,000 1-2020-0580-45 20,500 rgita A/Video Production 20,000 Video Productions l C amera 500 1-2020-0580-50 17,600 Summer Newsletter 4,400 Water Conservation Materials Fall Newsletter 4,400 Winter Newsletter 4,400 Spring Newsletter 4,400 1-2020-0580-55 3,600 Water Conservation Event 1,000 Water Conservation Programs Enforcement Materials 2,600 1-2020-0600-00 $16,920 1-2020-0600-00 16,920 CAPIO Membership 350 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) PRSA Membership 790 Muzak Contract 780 Conservation Rebate Frog. 15,000 1-2020-0640-00 $580 1-2020-0640-10 530 OC Register 530 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, 1-2020-0640-20 50 Western Water 50 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-2020-0710-00 $100 1-2020-0710-00 100 Misc. Materials 100 MATERIALS (E) 1-2020-0780-00 $0 1-2020-0780-00 0 Communication & Public Outreach 0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-2020-0830-00 $8,200 1-2020-0830-00 8,200 CAC Field Trips 5,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Meeting Dues/Mileage 3,200 1-2020-0890-00 $100 1-2020-0890-00 100 Misc. Vehicle Expenses 100 VEHICLE EXPENSES (E) Section Total $212,550 Page 52 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Steve Conklin Engineering Manager Page 1 53 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Department Organization Chart Engineering Department r+ r.. ::r .a> A r Yorba Luida Water District Organization Chart FY 2010-11 Page 54 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Programs & Responsibilities The Engineering Department is responsible for preparing and maintaining engineering records, planning for and managing subsection construction-related work, capital improvements and replacement projects for District facilities, inspecting system improvements, managing the water quality testing program, and administering the planning and design of capital projects. PROGRAM RESPONSIBILITIES ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION This section includes overall departmental administration and planning for capital projects, subsection work and water quality testing. Also included is records management to maintain files on facilities, subsection construction projects, accomplish as-built documentation, and respond to underground service alert requests. PLANNING AND DESIGN This section is responsible for planning and oversight of water and sewer facilities proposed by developers to assure that they are planned and designed to District standards, and sized to meet the long-range plans of the District. The section has similar responsibilities for District planned and funded facilities. The section also provides management and review of the design of District facilities, with the design performed internally or by outside engineering consultants retained by the District. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT This section is responsible for construction management of all District capital projects and developer-related subsection construction projects. The Department has inspection staff or retains outside inspection staff as required, to oversee construction of water and sewer facilities to assure they are meeting design intent and the standards of the District. WATER QUALITY This section is responsible to implement, maintain, and comply with all water quality and environmental regulations and programs which include monitoring, analysis, and documentation of all water quality compliance sampling and testing required by local, state, and federal regulations. In addition, this includes funding for the program to monitor all backflow devices and fire detector check assemblies as required by California law to ensure that they are designed and functioning properly. ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION: 1. Update the District's water and sewer rules and regulations each year, as required. 2. Assist in the preparation of the District's budget. 3. Administer the update and revisions of the District's Standard Plans and Specifications for construction of water and sewer facilities. 4. Improve staff skill level in the areas of water and sewer design, safety practices and cross connection principals. 5. Facilitate completion of projects identified in the capital project budget. 6. Conduct monthly staff meetings with department employees. 7. Administer pre-annexation agreements throughout each year. 8. Assist in the planning required for annexations to the District. 9. Administer sewer charges to the County of Orange for those properties connected to the District's sewer system by July of each year. Page 1 55 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget 10. Research grant and low interest loan programs for water and sewer system improvements. 11. Maintain computerized databases to track equipment, fire hydrants, fire detector check assemblies and backflow devices. 12. Establish files for new subsection construction water projects each year. 13. Establish files for new sewer construction projects each year. 14. Measure and record as-built information for new projects (including subsections and CIP's) onto the water and sewer plat maps. 15. Maintain and review underground service alert files and locate facilities in the field. 16. Provide information about District facilities, procedures and water quality to the District's customers and other governmental agencies throughout each year. PLANNING AND DESIGN: 1. Administer an update of the District's sewer master plan. 2. Administer preparation of an Asset Management Plan for the District. 3. Plan and design water and sewer refurbishment and replacement projects. 4. Plan and design mixing and re-chlorination facilities for two reservoirs. 5. Complete design and begin construction of the Highland Booster Station replacement project. 6. Complete planning and design and begin construction of new Wells 20 and 21. 7. Complete planning, agreements and permits for new westerly well field and pipeline project. 8. Complete redevelopment study for the District's Plumosa site. 9. Pursue grant funding and development of a non-potable or recycled water source for irrigation use. 10. Complete planning and begin design of the Palm Ave Booster Station. CONSTRUCTION: 1. Provide construction management and oversight for the Highland Reservoir Project and the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project. 2. Administer reimbursement agreements for construction of production, storage, transmission facilities, and trunk sewer projects by June of each year. 3. Provide construction management and oversight of the Zone Reconfiguration Project and San Antonio PRS Upgrade Project. 4. Monitor the construction of developer dedicated water production, storage, and transmission facilities. 5. Monitor the construction of developer dedicated sewer facilities. 6. Secure and process current job closing documents throughout each year. 7. Inspect, test and approve materials used for sewer and water jobs during each year. WATER QUALITY: 1. Monitor, analyze, document and file physical, microbial, and arsenic and manganese well water samples test results on the District's wells. 2. Monitor, analyze, document and file a minimum of 37 bacteriological and disinfection residual water samples test results taken throughout the distribution system each week. 3. Monitor, analyze, document and file 12 disinfection by-products samples on a quarterly basis for trihalo methanes, haloacetic acids, chlorate, chlorite, and 16 Stage 2 Disinfectant and Disinfection By- Products samples in compliance with the approved initial distribution system evaluation plan (IDSE). 4. Monitor, analyze, document and file 9 weekly samples for physical water quality parameters in the distribution system. 5. Perform sampling, analyze, document and file results of weekly monitoring for water quality parameters for prevention and control of nitrification in 14 reservoirs. 6. Perform the triennial lead and copper distribution system sampling during the summer of 2009. Analyze, document and file the appropriate reports with the State Department of Health Services. Page 1 56 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget 7. Monitor, analyze, document and file reports for approximately 477 fire detector double check assemblies throughout each year. 8. Monitor the inspection of new backflow device installations. Document and file reports on approximately 2,100 existing devices throughout each fiscal year. Conduct on-site inspection of water users with potentially hazardous contamination potential. 9. Prepare the District's Annual Consumer Confidence Report by June of each year. 10. Review and monitor all proposed and upcoming federal and state regulations related to drinking water quality matters. 11. Monitor annual testing of nearby underground fuel storage systems. 12. Assist in the development and calibration of computer-based water quality modeling using the District's hydraulic analysis software system. 13. Oversee the arsenic and manganese blending operation of Well 15 with other District wells to ensure compliance with drinking water standards. 14. Investigate and resolve water quality-related complaints, and respond to customer and backflow tester requests for backflow device information. Page 1 57 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Personnel Summary Positions Additions/ Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Engineering Administration Engineering Manager 1 0 1 1 Engineering Secretary 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 Planning & Design Sr. Project Manager * 1 0 1 1 Project Engineer 1 0 1 1 Engineering Technician II 3 0 3 3 5 0 5 5 Construction Project Engineer 1 0 1 1 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 0 1 1 Construction Inspector 1 0 1 1 3 0 3 3 Water Quality Water Quality Engineer 1 0 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 Department Totals 12 0 12 12 * 3-year limited term position under filled with Water Quality Technician I Page 58 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 904,955 $ 904,955 $ 908,210 Fringe Benefits $ 183,163 $ 183,163 $ 183,344 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ - $ - $ - Unemployment Insurance $ - $ - $ Overtime $ - $ - $ - Mandatory Benefits $ 115,657 $ 115,658 $ 114,550 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 1,203,775 $ 1,203,776 $ 1,206,104 Supplies & Services Communications $ 2,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Contractual Services $ 88,965 $ 52,200 $ 77,970 Dues & Memberships $ 2,725 $ 1,566 $ 1,300 Fees & Permits $ 24,200 $ 28,220 $ 20,500 Materials $ 1,400 $ 1,949 $ 1,550 Non-Capital Equipment $ 1,310 $ 850 $ 300 Office Expense $ 13,425 $ 3,400 $ 3,000 Professional Services $ 14,100 $ 190,244 $ 163,000 Training $ 10,850 $ 1,166 $ 8,500 Travel & Conferences $ 4,735 $ 600 $ 3,500 Vehicle Expenses $ 16,540 $ 8,452 $ - Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 180,250 $ 289,647 $ 280,620 Total Operating Expenses $ 180,250 $ 289,647 $ 280,620 Page 1 59 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Administration Section g o 1-4010-0640-00 $500 1-4010-0640-00 500 N/A 500 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-4010-0780-00 $13,000 1-4010-0780-00 5,000 N/A 5,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-4010-0780-50 8,000 Legal Services 8,000 1-4010-0810-00 $500 1-4010-0810-00 500 Professional Development 500 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-4010-0830-00 $1,500 1-4010-0830-00 1,500 Travel & Conferences 1,500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $15,500 Page 1 60 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Planning & Design Section o- o- DAWIAML $2,500 1-4020-0645-20 2,500 N/A 2,500 FEES & PERMITS (E) USA Underground Service 1-4020-0750-00 $300 1-4020-0750-10 300 N/A 300 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Pressure Rec and Equip 1-4020-0760-00 $3,000 1-4020-0760-00 3,000 N/A 3,000 OFFICE EXPENSE 1-4020-0780-00 $150,000 1-4020-0780-20 5,000 Sewer plan-check services 5,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-4020-0780-30 145,000 Water System LeakSurvey (limited study area) 10,000 Plumosa Site Redevelopment Study 50,000 On-call Misc. Cons ultingEnginee ring Se rvice 10,000 On-call SurveyingSe rvices 10,000 Urban Water Management Plan Update 45,000 Corrosion Monitoring Program 20,000 1-4020-0810-00 $1,000 1-4020-0810-00 1,000 N/A 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-4020-0830-00 $1,000 1-4020-0830-00 1,000 N/A 1,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $157,800 Page 61 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Construction Section ® Sub Acct,No^ub Category SubAcd ®A Total Total ~Description 1-4030-0580-00 $500 1-4030-0580-20 500 N/A 500 COMMUNICATIONS (E) Code & reference Books 1-4030-0600-00 $220 1-4030-0600-95 220 N/A 220 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Uniforms 1-4030-0640-00 $300 1-4030-0640-00 300 N/A 300 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-4030-0810-00 $1,000 1-4030-0810-00 1,000 N/A 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-4030-0830-00 $500 1-4030-0830-00 500 N/A 500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $2,520 Page 62 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Engineering Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Water Quality Section , 1-4040-0580-00 $500 1-4040-0580-20 500 N/A 500 COMMUNICATIONS (E) Code & reference books 1-4040-0600-00 $77,750 1-4040-0600-10 350 N/A 350 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Ba ckfl ow Device Repair 1-4040-0600-20 2,400 N/A 2,400 Distribution Physical Testing 1-4040-0600-30 15,000 N/A 15,000 Distribution System Disinfection 1-4040-0600-60 55,000 N/A 55,000 Microbiological Examination 1-4040-0600-80 5,000 N/A 5,000 Well 15 Blending 1-4040-0640-00 $500 1-4040-0640-00 500 N/A 500 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-4040-0645-00 $18,000 1-4040-0645-10 18,000 N/A 18,000 FEES & PERMITS (E) Dept of Health Services 1-4040-0710-00 $1,550 1-4040-0710-20 1,550 N/A 1,550 MATERIALS (E) Wtr Qua IityTest Kit Reagents 1-4040-0810-00 $6,000 1-4040-0810-00 6,000 N/A 6,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-4040-0830-00 $500 1-4040-0830-00 500 N/A 500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $104,800 Page 63 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Stephen Parker Finance Director Page 1 64 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Department Organization Chart Finance Department Yorba Linda Water District Organization Chart FY zoso-11 Page 65 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Sections and Responsibilities The Finance Department is responsible for the management and accounting of the District's financial resources as well as providing effective customer services. SECTION RESPONSIBILITIES: FINANCE ADMINISTRATION SECTION The administration of the Department includes is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of an effective financial accounting, inventory and utility billing system, which accurately the operations of the District and offers a framework for planning and analysis. ACCOUNTING SECTION The Department tracks and records all the financial transactions of the District. In addition, the Department processes payroll, financial statements, construction in progress, payables and inventory transactions. CUSTOMER SERVICE/BILLING DIVSION The Customer Service Department assists customers with all areas of water and sewer monthly billing services. In addition, the department administers the Meter Department in reading of meters within the District's boundaries. They also assist customers with general questions concerning the daily operations of the District. METER SERVICES SECTION The meter staff provides services related to reading meters and repairing/replacing broken meters, lids and boxes. Handles all customer service orders for water service turn ons', turn offs' reads and re-reads. Also, interacts with customers in the field with questions concerning their water bills, conservation efforts and other water related issues. FINANCE ADMINISTRATION SECTION: 1. Coordinate the budget process beginning February 2011 for completion in June 2011. 2. Prepare departmental budget by May 2011. 3. Coordinate fiscal year 2009/10 annual audit for presentation to the Finance-Accounting Committee and Board of Directors. 4. Coordinate with the Human Resources department on the monthly administration of the deferred compensation plan for District employees. 5. Conduct departmental meetings on a monthly basis. 6. Present the District's investment policy, when modification deemed necessary, to Finance-Accounting Committee and Board of Directors. 7. Invest the District's funds in safe, liquid and high yielding accounts in accordance with the District's investment policy. 8. Administer the District's financial requirements for the payment of approximately 24 check registers and 26 payrolls each year. 9. Prepare and/or review the required county, state and federal financial reports on a timely schedule: - County Budget report by July 2010 - Payroll reports by July 2010 - Replenishment Assessment by August 2010 - Statement of financial conditions by September 2010 - Ad-Valorem property tax report by September 2010 - Wastewater collection, transport, and/or Treatment Agencies Survey by June 2011 - Annual Report of Special Districts Page 1 66 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Appropriation's Limit. 10. Coordinate and investigate ways to improve accounting, warehouse and billing procedures. 11. Review monthly and quarterly financial statements, investment and portfolio reports. 12. Prepare and execute Loch Ranch Sewer Assessment Report to Orange County Auditor Controller's Office to be included on the tax roll. 13. Monitor ongoing Certificate of Participation requirements for the 2003 and 2008 series bond issues and ensure the Significant Events Disclosures are documented and submitted. ACCOUNTING SECTION: 1. Account for the daily receipts and disbursements of the District. 2. Maintain inventory in approximately 400 categories and perform a physical inventory count by June 30, each year. 3. Track investments and bank balances. 4. Purchase all office supplies, computer and billing supplies, arrange for returns of any office equipment needing repairs. 5. Issue approximately 1,200 purchase orders each year. 6. Prepare and keep track of reports sent to other agencies. 7. Process accounts payable for approximately 800 vendors and prepares 24 billboards each year. 8. Post and/or balance subsidiary ledgers monthly. 9. Post and balance fixed assets ledger monthly. 10. Process payroll for District employees on a biweekly basis. 11. Prepare and post journal entries each month. 12. Reconcile all bank accounts on a monthly basis. 13. Research, balance and close all construction jobs. 14. Prepare the agricultural credit report monthly. 15. Prepare and file form 5500 at year-end for 125 Plan. 16. Process refunds for accounts receivable. 17. Reconcile balance sheet items to general ledger each month. 18. Reconcile all insurance premiums for COBRA participants and retirees. 19. Complete approximately 10 vendor credit applications per year. 20. Assist with annual audit. 21. Prepare monthly and quarterly Finance Statements as well as Investment Reports for the Finance-Accounting Committee and the Board of Directors. CUSTOMER SERVICE/BILLING SECTION: 1. Administer monthly billing program. 2. Sign on new customers for service and administer approximately 2,900 changes in existing services each year. 3. Respond to approximately 10,000 customer inquiries each year, research accounts and update files. 4. Deliver notices of termination to approximately 150 customers weekly. 5. Contact approximately 400 customers by telephone that are subject to termination during the year. 6. Disconnect approximately 125 services due to nonpayment during the year. 7. Process approximately 300 returned checks during the fiscal year. 8. Perform receptionist duties for the water district. 9. Process customer payments and deposit money on a daily basis. 10. Process approximately 2,500 collection accounts each year. 11. Prepare billing for construction meters, jumpers, damages and outside services. 12. Continue analyzing customer accounts. 13. Process billing format changes as needed. Audit bills for accuracy after changes are made. 14. Research alternative payment plan options such as online payments and electronic bill presentment. Page 1 67 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget WATER METER SERVICES SECTION: 1. Read water meters on assigned routes. Records data into computerized meter reader. 2. Performs re-reads on misreads or billings questioned by customers. 3. Tag delinquent customers and shut-off delinquent accounts. 4. Test and repair broken residential and construction meters, lids boxes, and registers. 5. Respond to customer inquiries. 6. Maintain the meter recycling program. 7. Maintain and read construction water meters on a monthly basis. 8. Create new accounts for services. 9. Establish new routes and methods to make reading more efficient. 10. Install water meters on new services. 11. Assist other departments on meter locations. 12. Coordinate with the Water Quality department on location of backflow devices within the District. Page 1 68 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Personnel Summary Positions Additions/ Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Finance Administration Finance Director 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Accounting Sr. Accountant 1 0 1 1 Accounting Assistant II 2 0 2 1 Accounting Assistant 1 1 0 1 1 Storekeeper 1 0 1 1 5 0 5 4 Customer Service/Billing Customer Service Supervisor 1 0 1 1 Customer Service Rep. 1 1 0 1 1 Customer Service Rep. 11 1 0 1 1 Customer Service Rep. III 2 0 2 2 5 5 5 5 Meter Reading Meter Services Lead 0 1 1 1 Meter Services Representative 1 -1 0 0 Meter Reader 1 2 0 2 2 Meter Reader 11 2 0 2 2 5 0 5 5 De pa rtm a nt Tota I s 16 0 16 15 Page 1 69 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 881,192 $ 827,369 $ 865,432 Fringe Benefits $ 235,462 $ 228,806 $ 239,360 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ - $ - $ - Unemployment Insurance $ - $ - $ - Overtime $ - $ - $ 3,000 Mandatory Benefits $ 107,162 $ 101,013 $ 108,383 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 1,223,816 $ 1,157,188 $ 1,216,175 Supplies & Services Communications $ 103,200 $ 85,030 $ 101,050 Contractual Services $ 215,950 $ 294,523 $ 182,065 Dues & Memberships $ 2,000 $ 646 $ 1,900 Materials $ 2,800 $ 1,956 $ 18,540 Maintenance $ 300 $ 220 $ 350 Non-Capital Equipment $ 4,200 $ 215 $ 2,950 Office Expense $ 42,600 $ 16,423 $ 24,400 Professional Services $ 114,500 $ 126,224 $ 110,900 Training $ 7,200 $ 2,614 $ 5,200 Travel & Conferences $ 3,600 $ 278 $ 7,850 Uncollectible Accounts $ 52,000 $ 42,700 $ 50,500 Collection Agency Fee $ 3,500 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Utilities $ 2,700 $ 1,992 $ - Vehicle Equipment $ 23,500 $ 11,610 $ 200 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 578,050 $ 587,431 $ 508,905 Total Operating Expenses $1,801,866 $1,744,619 $1,725,080 Page 1 70 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Administration Section Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail Item Description Detail Amt 1-3010-0600-00 $1,050 1-3010-0600-00 1,050 Custodial services 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Checksignature plate 350 Misc. contracts 500 1-3010-0640-00 $500 1-3010-0640-00 500 Membership dues -GFOA, CSMFO, etc. 500 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, DUES, MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPT SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) IONS (E) 1-3010-0710-00 $500 1-3010-0710-00 500 Reference books 500 MATERIALS (E) MATERIALS (E) 1-3010-0780-00 $110,900 1-3010-0780-00 110,900 Consulting - temporaryassistance 17,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Fieldman Rolapp 5,000 Auditors 23,900 Great Plains consulting 10,000 Bond counsel 5,000 Cost of Service and Water Rate Study 50,000 1-3010-0810-00 $1,500 1-3010-0810-00 1,500 Government workshops 700 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) Misc training 800 1-3010-0830-00 $5,500 1-3010-0830-00 5,500 CSMFO Conference 2,500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) ACWA Conference 2,500 Educational Seminars 500 Section Total $119,950 Page 171 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Accounting Section !*APWNq^*0*~my j $4*0 1 a• OwOtlbn 1000UAmt low 1-3020-0580-00 $450 1-3020-0580-00 450 Publish Unclaimed List 350 COMMUNICATIONS (E) UPS / Fed Ex/ Other 100 1-3020-0600-00 $61,780 1-3020-0600-00 300 FSAPlan Renewal Ceridian 200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Misc 100 1-3020-0600-10 29,630 Analysis fees (averaging 2350/month) 29,500 Ba nk Services/Fees Safe deposit boxfee 100 Annual bankcard fee 30 1-3020-0600-30 900 Checksigner 700 Maintenance contracts Misc 200 1-3020-0600-40 30,000 Accounting 30,000 1-3020-0600-50 350 Uniforms 350 1-3020-0600-70 600 ADP fees 600 1-3020-0640-00 $600 1-3020-0640-00 600 Joann - CSMFO,GFOA, etc 300 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) Sr. Accou nta nt - CSMFO, G FOA, etc. 300 1-3020-0710-00 $2,620 1-3020-0710-00 2,620 AP & Payroll check stock 1,400 MATERIALS (E) Ribbon 300 Warehouse cabinet 620 Misc 300 1-3020-0730-00 $350 1-3020-0730-00 350 Misc (typewriter, etc.) 350 1-3020-0750-00 $1,200 1-3020-0750-00 1,200 Calculators 400 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Misc. small equipment 500 Safety items 100 Ergonomics items 200 1-3020-0760-00 $22,500 1-3020-0760-00 18,000 Office supplies 18,000 OFFICE EXPENSE (E) 1-3020-0760-10 4,500 Paper 4,500 1-3020-0810-00 $1,300 1-3020-0810-00 1,300 Payroll related training 500 PROFESSIONAL Staff Training 500 DEVELOPMENT(E) Supervisor Tra ining 300 1-3020-0830-00 $700 1-3020-0830-00 700 Misc. Travel & Conference 500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Mileage 200 Section Total $91,500 Page 72 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Customer Service/Billing Section e . 1-3030-0580-00 $100,600 1-3030-0580-00 600 UPS/ Fed Ex/Other 600 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-3030-0580-10 10,000 Postage Metered 10,000 1-3030-0580-20 90,000 Postage- INFOSEND 90,000 1-3030-0600-00 $113,835 1-3030-0600-00 250 Post Office Box Rent 250 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1-3030-0600-10 47,000 Lock Box Services 30,000 Bank Services/Fees Credit Card & Auto Dr Processing 17,000 1-3030-0600-20 53,660 Info Send E-Bill Fees 13,660 Printing ofbills, Infosend Mailing Service 40,000 1-3030-0600-30 925 Mail Opener Maintenance 425 Maintenance contracts Meter & Scale Maint Contract 500 1-3030-0600-40 5,000 Temporary employment 5,000 1-3030-0600-60 7,000 Phone Answering Service 7,000 1-3030-0640-00 $400 1-3030-0640-00 400 CustServPublications/Books 250 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, Membership Dues 150 1-3030-0710-00 $100 1-3030-0710-00 100 Materials 100 MATERIALS (E) 1-3030-0750-00 $400 1-3030-0750-00 400 Calculators 400 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-3030-0760-00 $1,900 1-3030-0760-00 1,900 Forms/Pads/Tags 1,500 OFFICE EXPENSE (E) Postage Machine Supplies 300 Deposit Supplies 100 1-3030-0810-00 $1,600 1-3030-0810-00 1,600 CustServClerksSeminar 600 PROFESSIONAL Safety Tra i ni ng 200 DEVELOPMENT (E) Supervisor Training 500 Undesignated 300 1-3030-0830-00 $1,650 1-3030-0830-00 1,650 Conferences 1,050 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Travel 600 1-3030-0850-00 $50,500 1-3030-0850-00 50,500 Sewer 5,500 UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS Water 45,000 1-3030-0855-00 $3,000 1-3030-0855-00 3,000 Agencyfee 3,000 COLLECTION AGENCY FEE (E) 1-3030-0890-00 $200 1-3030-0890-00 200 Mileage Travel Reimbursement 200 VEHICLE EXPENSES (E) Section Total $274,185 Page 73 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Finance Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Meter Reading Section ° e 9tibAcdWdAuhtatVxV m" 6daft - f ®d Tiw e < 1-3040-0600-00 $5,400 1-3040-0600-30 1,500 Sensus Maintenance and Support 1,500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Ma i me na nce contra cts 1-3040-0600-50 3,900 Uniforms 3,900 Uniform 1-3040-0640-00 $400 1-3040-0640-00 400 AWWA 400 DUES,M EM BERSHI PS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-3040-0710-00 $15,320 1-3040-0710-00 15,320 Register Replacements 6,720 MATERIALS (E) MXU (Buffer Inv. for Warranty Returns) 8,200 PPEEquipment(RainGear) 400 1-3040-0750-00 $1,350 1-3040-0750-00 1,350 Ha nd Tools/Mete r Lid Ba rs/Lifte rs 850 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) Power Tools 200 Meter Shop Equipment 300 1-3040-0810-00 $800 1-3040-0810-00 800 Safety 300 PROFESSIONAL J o b Tra i n i ng 500 1-3040-0830-00 $0 1-3040-0830-00 0 Lodging 0 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Travel 0 Meals 0 Section Total $23,270 Page 74 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Gina Knight Human Resources/Risk Manager Page 1 75 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Department Organization Chart Human Resources Department HR & Risk Manager Personnel Technician Yorba Linda Water District organization Chart FY 2010-11 Page 76 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Programs and Responsibilities The Human Resources Department is responsible for the administration and coordination of the District's personnel system, risk management and safety programs. Its primary function is to provide support services in the areas of recruitment, retention, selection, employment and training to other District departments. The department supports operating departments by providing a wide range of personnel services such as benefits administration, which includes health, dental, optical, life insurance and an employee assistance program, coordinating recruitment and selection, classification and compensation programs, as well as the administration of the District's personnel rules, policies and procedures. Other functions include the maintenance of employee personnel files, training records, medical files and employee performance evaluation reports. It provides employer/employee relation's administration services and contract negotiations. This includes employee and supervisory counseling on personnel policies, procedures and practices, providing assistance in the handling of employee grievances and disciplinary actions as well as implementation of new labor contract provisions. The Human Resources department administers the District's self-insured liability, worker's compensation and loss prevention programs. The District's liability and workers compensation insurance is provided by the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA-JPIA). The department strives to protect the personnel and physical assets of the District from injury and financial consequences of accidental losses through a program of prevention, avoidance and insurance procurement. Other functions include the coordination and implementation of safety and training programs ensuring compliance with federal and state laws regarding occupational health and safety regulations. The department promotes employee development and the sharpening of employees' skills and knowledge through training programs as well as providing career development opportunities. The department actively looks to reduce the District's accidental loss exposure through continuous identification and measurement of existing hazards and through the implementation of policies and procedures to eliminate unsafe working conditions. The department is responsible for cost-effective management of tort liability claims filed against the District. It strives to process and bring closure as expeditiously as possible to all claims and engages the input of other District departments during the investigation and resolution process. HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAM: 1. Conduct the recruitment, advertising, testing and selection processes necessary to maintain full staffing needs. 2. Conduct timely and successful recruitments to maintain an effective workforce throughout the budget period. 3. Conduct appropriate surveys to ensure competitive employee salaries and benefits when necessary. 4. Prepare, maintain and secure employee personnel data files for approximately 75 full-time employees and five Board members. 5. Review and revise the District's Drug and Alcohol Policy by December 15, 2010. 6. Administer U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing regulations. 7. Review and Revise the District's Family and Medical Leave Policy as needed. 8. Process Family Medical Leave Act requests and track/monitor usage. 9. Continue to review and revise personnel rules, policies, employee handbook and mandated programs when necessary. 10. Assist departments in preparation of appropriate disciplinary actions. 11. Provide employee assistance through an employee assistance program. 12. Coordinate a District-wide Employee Service Award Luncheon on an annual basis. 13. Conduct financial planning workshops as needed and presented by the District's deferred compensation providers to assist the District's employees with supplemental retirement planning needs. Page 1 77 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget 14. Conduct investigations on complaints regarding harassment allegations. 15. Manage the labor relations and meet and confer process with the District's employee association. 16. Maintain and interpret the Memorandum of Understanding with the District's employee association. 17. Participate in the Liebert Cassidy and Whitmore consortium to provide additional training material to the District's management and supervisory staff. 18. Provide consultation and advice to four department heads in performance management issues. 19. Assist management in interpretation of the District's personnel rules and regulations and Memorandum of Understanding throughout the budget period. 20. Provide on-going training to all Supervisory and Management staff on the District's policies and procedures and personnel rules. 21. Participate on ACWA's Salary Survey Subcommittee and Orange County Water Association's Human Resources Committee. RISK MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY PROGRAMS: 1. Improve safety and health awareness in the District. 2. Process and monitor liability claims filed against the District. 3. Process and monitor claims and invoices filed against others. 4. Process and monitor workers' compensation claims. 5. Continue to coordinate and monitor administration of the worker's compensation program. 6. Review general liability insurance, property insurance, and workers' compensation insurance requirements as needed. 7. Expand and maintain a selection of individualized computer-based training programs throughout the budget period. 8. Provide employee development training to maintain a knowledgeable and capable workforce throughout the budget period. 9. Implement and maintain federal and state safety regulation requirements throughout the budget period. 10. Promote a safe and positive working environment throughout the budget period. 11. Conduct quarterly safety committee meetings throughout the fiscal year. 12. Coordinate the safety committee's review of job injuries and accidents. 13. Coordinate the annual mandated safety inspections of all District facilities. 14. Provide OSHA-required workplace training. 15. Review and revise the District's Injury and Illness Prevention Program as needed. 16. Administer the District's comprehensive Hearing Conservation Program. 17. On a continuing basis, streamline the risk management and training processes. 18. On a continuing basis, conduct ergonomic workstation improvements. Page 1 78 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Personnel Summary Positions Additions/ Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Human Resources Administration Human Resources & Risk Manager 0 1 1 1 Human Resources Manager 1 -1 0 0 Human Resources Analyst 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 Risk Management Personnel Technician 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Safety Safety & Training Officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Department Totals 3 0 3 3 Page 79 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 196,522 $ 196,522 $ 259,678 Fringe Benefits $ 51,480 $ 51,480 $ 51,708 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ - $ - $ - Unemployment Insurance $ - $ - $ - Overtime $ - $ - $ - Mandatory Benefits $ 96,590 $ 96,590 $ 32,430 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 344,592 $ 344,592 $ 343,816 Supplies & Services Communications $ 9,900 $ 6,496 $ 9,400 Contractual Services $ 45,900 $ 11,510 $ 29,450 Dues & Memberships $ 800 $ 800 $ 1,750 Insurance $ 374,800 $ 201,847 $ 343,900 Materials $ 5,100 $ 1,932 $ 5,100 District Activities, Emp. Recognition $ 15,200 $ 10,000 $ 12,800 Professional Services $ 97,000 $ 39,395 $ 87,000 Training $ 20,800 $ 18,800 $ 13,700 Travel & Conferences $ 1,600 $ 1,600 $ 1,800 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 571,100 $ 292,380 $ 504,900 Total Operating Expenses $ 915,692 $ 636,972 $ 848,716 Page 1 80 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Administration Section Category Primary GL • Total Sub Acct No./Sub Sub Acct Detail Description Detail a 1-7010-0580-00 $9,000 1-7010-0580-00 1,000 Minuteman Press 1,000 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-7010-0580-10 8,000 Advertising 8,000 1-7010-0600-00 $9,950 1-7010-0600-00 2,000 NA 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) COBRA Solutions 400 Shred-it 1,000 N/A 0 Diaz & Associates 0 EE Relations 600 1-7010-0600-10 2,250 DOTPhysicals 2,250 1-7010-0600-20 2,500 Pre-employment Physicals 2,500 1-7010-0600-30 3,200 Flu Shots 3,200 1-7010-0640-00 $1,050 1-7010-0640-00 1,050 Jobs Available Membership 100 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI CALPELRAAnnual Dues 450 PTIONS(E) National Notary Association 300 SHRM Membership 200 1-7010-0710-00 $2,600 1-7010-0710-00 1,500 YLWDJackets/Beanies 500 MATERIALS (E) Office Supplies 400 Refreshments-Training, Meetings, Interviews 600 1-7010-0710-10 500 Books & Publication 300 FLSA Update 200 1-7010-0710-20 600 Employee/Promotional Items 600 1-7010-0715-00 $12,800 1-7010-0715-00 12,800 Employee Recognition 6,000 DISTRICT ACTIVITIES, Benefits Fair 800 EM PL.RECOGNITION(E) Employee Picnic 5,000 Retirement Recognitions 1,000 1-7010-0780-00 $87,000 1-7010-0780-00 7,000 Norm Traub & Associates 7,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-7010-0780-10 80,000 Lie bertCassidyWhitmore - EmpIoymentLaw 80,000 1-7010-0810-00 $5,700 1-7010-0810-00 5,700 Job Training 2,000 PROFESSIONAL Harassment Prevention 500 DEVELOPMENT(E) Ethics 0 Brown Act/Conflict of Interest 0 LCW -Consortium 3,200 1-7010-0830-00 $1,200 1-7010-0830-00 1,200 CalPERS 600 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) LCW 600 1-7010-0890-00 $0 1-7010-0890-00 0 Misc Vehicle Expense 0 Section Total $129,300 Page 181 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Risk Management Section [4~wi*Tow ® P ® ° P 1-7020-0600-00 $6,000 1-7020-0600-00 0 N/A 0 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1-7020-0600-30 6,000 First Aid- Workers Compensation 6,000 1-7020-0640-00 $200 1-7020-0640-00 200 PARMA Membership 200 1-7020-0690-00 $343,900 1-7020-0690-00 343,900 Tort Claims-<15K 8,000 INSURANCE (E) ACWA-J PIA Liability Insurance 183,500 ACWA-J PIA Property Insurance 38,900 ACWA-J PIA Workers Compensation Program 27K/QTR 113,500 1-7020-0710-00 $600 1-7020-0710-00 400 Office Supplies 300 MATERIALS (E) Refreshments -Training, Meetings, Interviews 100 1-7020-0710-10 200 Books & Publications 200 1-7020-0810-00 $2,000 1-7020-0810-10 2,000 Risk Management Training 2,000 1-7020-0830-00 $600 1-7020-0830-00 600 PARMA 600 Section Total $353,300 Page 1 82 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Human Resources Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Safety Section Primary G L !~atggory Category Sub Acct No./Sub Sub Appt e- item Des~Criptiort Detail Amt e . toiif total 1-7030-0580-00 $400 1-7030-0580-10 400 Minute man Press 400 1-7030-0600-00 $13,500 1-7030-0600-00 8,500 All Purpose Solutions -Safety 2,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) IndustrailHearing&Pulmonary Management 2,500 Regulation Compliance Inc.-Safety 4,000 1-7030-0600-10 0 N/A 0 1-7030-0600-30 0 N/A 0 1-7030-0600-40 5,000 Temporary Labor 5,000 1-7030-0640-00 $500 1-7030-0640-00 500 PASMA 100 DUES, MEMBERSHIPS, Pacific Safety Council -COSS 400 1-7030-0710-00 $1,900 1-7030-0710-00 1,700 Refreshments-Training, Meetings, Interviews 300 MATERIALS (E) Fi rst Aid Suppl i es 800 Office Supplies - IIPP Binders 600 1-7030-0710-10 200 Books & Publications 200 1-7030-0780-00 $0 1-7030-0780-00 0 Misc Professional Services 0 1-7030-0810-00 $6,000 1-7030-0810-10 6,000 OSHA COMPLIANCE TRAI NI NG 6,000 Section Total $22,300 Page 1 83 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology Pat Grady Assistant General Manager IT Director Page 1 84 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology Organization Chart (nformation-Technology Department , ® Yvrba Linda y~ Water Districl Organization Chart Fv 2010-11 Page 85 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology Programs & Responsibilities The Information Technology Department provides a variety of specialized services to other departments and the District at large. Providing access to information through integrated databases, across a local and wide area network are included in this department, along with management of the District's telephone, facsimile, voice and electronic mail systems. This department also includes SCADA which is the information system that allows operators to control and monitor District facilities. SECTION RESPONSIBILITIES INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECTION The information system program administers the development and maintenance of the District's Information Systems and computer network. It consists of the following: billing, accounting, operations and engineering related information systems. This program provides planning, employee technical training and coordinating services with contract consultants. Also included is technical support, which assists other departments with technology related issues by providing help desk support. This program provides user computer installations and configuration, technical support and coordinating services with support contract consultants This program is responsible for telephones, cell phones, walkie-talkies, facsimiles, voice mail, routers, switches, VPN and firewalls. This program is also responsible for internet and intranet connections; developing and maintaining the www.vlwd.com web-site; monitoring and securing the District's computer network data traffic. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) SECTION This program is charged with building and maintaining the layers of graphic data used by the District to produce visual representations and analysis for informed decision making in the water and sewer system. This is accomplished by maintaining the Geographic Information System (GIS), performing geospatial analysis of data and display data on GIS maps; preparing charts, graphs and displays; coordinating system needs with other departments; defining requirements for end users; coordinating services with contract consultants for maintenance agreements; researching information from records, surveys and assessor maps; performing field data collection; programming and scripting for customization of software applications. SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SECTION This program is responsible for the communications and the hardware related to the District's SCADA system. Communications includes radios, lease lines, and all other means for ensuring SCADA remote sites communicate with the District's headquarters. Additionally, this program is responsible for all SCADA sensors in the field that collect and send digital information to the SCADA system via the PLCs. INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROGRAM: 1. Administer all Information Systems for the District except GIS & SCADA 2. Conduct training on personal computers 3. Administer vender and reseller agreements. 4. Maintain an inventory of all necessary computer supplies and technical support manuals. 5. Develop new template forms and reports and modify existing reports. 6. Study and research new technology that would benefit the district. 7. Administer district IS servers including voice mail server. 8. Setup user environments and access restriction on servers. 9. Implement district information sharing strategy on network. Page 86 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget 10. Coordinate network backups. 11. Administering the implementation of new information systems and related software and hardware. 12. Troubleshoot hardware and software problems on PC's. 13. Maintain personal computers by installing software updates and running diagnostic utilities. 14. Provide users with support for software or operating system on PC's including installation and setup of new PC's. 15. Maintain and troubleshoot network printers. 16. Install software upgrades when feasible and available. 17. Install hardware and software updates or upgrades. 18. Troubleshoot network problems. 19. Setup users for network, e-mail, and voice mail servers including passwords. 20. Assist other departments with troubleshooting technical related issues. 21. Administer internet connections with service provider. 22. Maintain point-to-point T-1 connection with the yard 23. Maintain and administer wireless communications with district networks and related hardware. 24. Phone servicing and repairs 25. Cell phones and walkie-talkie 26. Maintaining district web site. 27. Network traffic monitoring for intrusion detection 28. Network Security 29. Maintain and administer district switches, hubs, modems, cabling (CAT 5, 5e, 6) and firewall. GIS PROGRAM: 1. Coordinates activities related to the implementation, deployment and use of GIS and related technologies 2. Installs, configures, upgrades, and administers GIS software including databases. 3. Provides specifications for, configures and administers GIS workstations, servers and related hardware in cooperation with IT section. 4. Codes, install, test, and administer custom GIS applications using appropriate code. 5. Create maps and graphs using GIS software and related equipment 6. Meet with users to define data needs, project requirements, required outputs, or to develop applications. 7. Gather, analyze, and integrate spatial data from staff and determine how best the information can be displayed using GIS 8. Analyze spatial data for geographic statistics to incorporate into documents and reports. 9. Analyze geographic relationships among varying types of data. 10. Prepare metadata and other documentation 11. Operate and maintain GIS system hardware, software, plotter, digitizer, color printers and related equipment. 12. Develop and implement procedures to share GIS database information with other district databases. 13. Identify potential GIS applications to improve operational efficiency and make available geography-based information to other district departments 14. Establish procedures and methods for data entry into GIS databases and sharing information with district employee SCADA PROGRAM: 1. Ensures that all communication links between SCADA equipment in the field with the District's headquarters. 2. Test and maintain all field sensors that are SCADA related. 3. Consult and make recommendations for SCADA field equipment during new construction projects. Page 1 87 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology Personnel Summary Positions Additions/ Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Information Technology Administration IT Director 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 0.5 Information Systems IS Administrator 1 0 1 1 IS Technician II 1 0 1 1 IS Technician I 1 0 1 1 3 0 3 3 GIS GIS Technician 1 -0.5 0.5 0.5 GIS Administrator 0 1 1 1 1 0.5 1.5 1.5 SCADA SCADA Administrator 1 0 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 Department Totals 6.5 0.5 7 7 Page 1 88 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Information Technology Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 441,357 $ 441,356 $ 421,841 Fringe Benefits $ 81,838 $ 81,838 $ 87,307 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ - $ - $ - Unemployment Insurance $ - $ - $ - Overtime $ - $ - $ 2,500 Mandatory Benefits $ 54,509 $ 54,508 $ 52,681 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 577,704 $ 577,702 $ 564,329 Supplies & Services Communications $ 50,760 $ 73,814 $ 89,060 Contractual Services $ 102,930 $ 62,528 $ 116,680 Data Processing $ 127,635 $ 93,570 $ 120,435 Dues & Memberships $ 1,407 $ 970 $ 1,442 Materials $ 35,875 $ 25,840 $ 39,875 Maintenance $ 97,351 $ 35,942 $ 88,350 Non-Capital Equipment $ 127,031 $ 57,760 $ 71,420 Professional Services $ 63,900 $ 35,163 $ 33,000 Training $ 8,100 $ 5,595 $ 7,750 Travel & Conferences $ 6,700 $ 4,039 $ 5,800 Vehicle Equipment $ 300 $ 3,519 $ - Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 621,989 $ 395,221 $ 573,812 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,199,693 $ 972,923 $ 1,138,141 Page 1 89 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Information Systems Section Pft~'GJL Category Category TOW %)b Aoct No./Sub Category Sub AOM POW[ DeSdIption Detail 1-6020-0580-00 $67,760 1-6020-0580-00 200 Misc. Items 200 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-6020-0580-10 5,100 (phone Cell Phone Service 5,100 1-6020-0580-20 24,000 Nextel/Sprint Service 24,000 1-6020-0580-30 8,900 Verizon Mobile 3,900 Mobile Broadband Service Verizon Broadband Aircard Service 5,000 1-6020-0580-40 29,560 Time Warner Cable Internet>> 3,600 Communications Lines **AT&T District Lines 25,000 AT&T DSL 960 1-6020-0600-00 $89,680 1-6020-0600-00 39,200 Temp LaborforDocument Imaging 34,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Programming Temp 5,000 1-6020-0600-10 180 AT&T District Web Site Hosting 180 1-6020-0600-20 21,600 Lease Agreement for New Engineering 0 Lease Agreements XeroxCopier, Printer Scanner Lease 15,600 Konica Minolta Operations Copier, 6,000 1-6020-0600-30 28,700 Dell Servers Service Contracts 2,000 Warranties & Service Contracts GPSVehicleTrackingService 20,000 Ricoh 480 Scanner/CopierinEng 1,750 Minolta Service Supply Contract for Eng 1,350 APC Data Center UPSOn-Site Service 3,600 1-6020-0620-00 $62,350 1-6020-0620-10 8,500 PerlDesk Replacement 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases Microsoft Volume Licensing Select 6 0 Solar Winds Mgmt. (APN, IP Address 5,500 MS Exchange ServerCALs (25 more) 0 New Softwa re 2,000 MS Termina I Se rver CALs 1,000 1-6020-0620-20 50,100 GP & Cogsdale annual Maintenance 32,000 Software License Renewals Novus Agenda Maintenance renewal 5,500 Solar Winds Engineering'sToolkit 800 Solar Winds Orion Monitoring Tool 3,900 Kiwi Cat Tools 200 Trend Micro NeatSuite AV & Spyware 2,000 Laserfiche Software Assurance Plan 5,000 Enterprise Leave Managerfor Dynamics 450 1-6020-0620-30 3,750 Watchguard x1250e firewall renewal 2,250 Hardware Subscription Renewals BDR monthlycharge foroffsite backup 300 Barracuda Spam firewall Energizer 600 Barracuda Message Archiver Energizer Page 1 90 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Information Systems Section (Con't) ~ e - 7TechNet p B. 1-6020-0640-00 $842 1-6020-0640-00 592 uting 30 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, Plus Subscription 500 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 12 30 PCWorld 20 1-6020-0640-20 250 Misc Memberships 250 1-6020-0710-00 $15,550 1-6020-0710-00 400 Misc. Materials 400 MATERIALS (E) 1-6020-0710-10 1,500 keyboards 800 Desktop Supplies mice 300 blank DVD+R, CD disc etc 200 misc 200 1-6020-0710-20 8,500 HP LaserJet Printers & copiertoners, 8,000 Printer Supplies Xerox Copier/ Printer supplies in Mail 375 Minolta Copier/ Printer supplies forOps 125 1-6020-0710-30 2,600 batteries 800 Cell Phone Supplies holsters & covers 800 chargers 500 misc. 500 1-6020-0710-40 350 Books 350 1-6020-0710-50 200 Power Strips 200 1-6020-0710-60 2,000 Desktop peripherals 900 Hardware Supplies USE, Drives 100 misc. hardware supplies 1,000 1-6020-0730-00 $7,900 1-6020-0730-00 1,000 Misc. Maintenance 1,000 MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6020-0730-05 2,400 HP Printer servicing 2,000 Printer Servicing faxmachines servicing in Engineering 400 1-6020-0730-10 2,000 cell phone servicing/ replacement 1,000 Telco/Phone Servicing Phone switch servicing 500 Building line repairs 500 Security equipment maintenance & 0 1-6020-0730-30 2,000 Cabling(CAT6A,CATSe,fiber) 21000 1-6020-0730-60 500 UPS replacement batteries fordesktops 500 Page 1 91 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Information Systems Section (Con't) LaERM2EE 1-6020-0750-00 $22,700 1-6020-0750-05 5,500 Oldest server replacement 0 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) Servers ForefrontTMG ProxyServer including 5,500 1-6020-0750-10 4,200 Dell OptiplexPCs 3,000 Desktops thin clients 1,200 1-6020-0750-15 1,700 Dell Latitude E-series 1,700 1-6020-0750-20 500 New printers 500 Printers Fujitsu scanners for Laserfiche(Ops, 0 1-6020-0750-25 750 Miscnetwork equipment such as 400 Networking Equipment KVM System Inteface pods 250 Network Storage Devices 0 Networkswitches 100 1-6020-0750-30 1,000 Data Center misc. equipment (Rack & 1,000 Tools & Equipment CPI Evolution Cable Management for 0 1-6020-0750-35 500 HID proximity badges for building 500 1-6020-0750-40 4,350 LCD Monitors 2,400 Audio/Visual Digital Voice Recorder for HR 350 Misc. 1,000 Digital Cameras 600 1-6020-0750-45 1,000 Phones & Accessories 1,000 1-6020-0750-50 2,000 Multimode duplex50/125 LC/LCfiber 1,000 Cabling DVI, VGA, DB9, Display Port, HDMI, 600 Adapters 400 1-6020-0750-95 1,200 Misc Items 1,200 1-6020-0780-00 $7,000 1-6020-0780-10 2,000 Network/Hardware Consulting 2,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-6020-0780-20 4,000 Software Consulting 4,000 1-6020-0780-30 0 Data Conversion 0 1-6020-0780-40 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 1-6020-0810-00 $5,000 1-6020-0810-00 5,000 ITTechnical Training 5,000 PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT(E) TestOut121TCertificationSuite CBT 0 1-6020-0830-00 $4,000 1-6020-0830-00 4,000 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 500 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) WinConnections/DevConnections 2,200 Interop (April/May) 2011 1,300 Section Total $282,7$2 Page 1 92 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) GIS Section Primary GIL Category Category Sub Acct NojSub Category Sub Acct Detail Item Description Detail Ahft 'I Uw t Total 1-6030-0600-00 $0 1-6030-0600-00 0 GISTEMP (CIP$15,000) 0 1-6030-0620-00 $26,000 1-6030-0620-10 0 Infrared Image Software (CIP $5,000) 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) 1-6030-0620-20 26,000 Info Water & InfoSewer 3,000 Software License Renewals Freeance Annual Software Maintenance 2,500 ArclnforConcurrent Use Primary Maintenance 3,500 ArcGIS Server Standard Enterprise Up to 4 Cores Ma 6,000 Parcel Data Renewal (5yrs contract)--this will be 9,000 ArcView Single Use Primary Maintenance 500 AutoCAD & Map 3Dv2010 Renewal Licenses 1,500 1-6030-0710-00 $3,800 1-6030-0710-20 3,500 Atlas Reprint Supplies (large format 2406 & 11x17) 3,500 MATERIALS (E) 1-6030-0710-40 300 Books 300 1-6030-0730-00 $0 1-6030-0730-00 0 N/A 0 MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6030-0750-00 $0 1-6030-0750-10 0 1 GIS Computer for Te mp (CI P $ 5,000) 0 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-6030-0750-20 0 N/A 0 1-6030-0780-00 $1,000 1-6030-0780-20 1,000 Software Consulting 1,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-6030-0810-00 $1,000 1-6030-0810-00 1,000 GIS Training 1,000 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-6030-0830-00 $400 1-6030-0830-00 400 Mileage and Travel Reimbursement 100 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) ESRI Conference 300 Section Total $32,200 Page 93 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) SCADA Section 1-6040-0580-00 $21,300 1-6040-0580-30 800 Broa dba nd SCADA 800 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-6040-0580-40 20,500 AT&TCircuits (T-1, DSO's) 20,500 1-6040-0600-00 $7,000 1-6040-0600-30 7,000 Cisco Smartnet premium (forCisco 1842 router) 3,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) Warranties & Service Cisco Sma rtnet pre mi um (for Cisco 3825 route r) 2,500 Contracts Dell Servers Service contracts 1,500 1-6040-0620-00 $32,085 1-6040-0620-10 5,000 Wonderware calc & addistional Platform & views 0 DATA PROCESSING (E) Software Purchases Terminal services calcs & OtherCalc-Lic. 750 Misc. software 2,750 Unity sm. 1,500 1-6040-0620-20 26,685 Proworks 32 light 650 Software License Renewals Proworks 32 full 1,285, Wonderware Premium Support 20,100 Concept XL 2,900 Unity 500 Concept Med. 1,250 1-6040-0620-30 400 BDR service 400 1-6040-0640-00 $600 1-6040-0640-20 600 AWWA 230 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRI Instrumentation system & Automation Society x2 250 PTIONS (E) Water Environment Federation 120 1-6040-0710-00 $20,525 1-6040-0710-40 300 Books 300 MATERIALS (E) 1-6040-0710-50 3,750 Electrical Supplies 3,750 1-6040-0710-60 3,500 Hardware Supplies 3,500 1-6040-0710-70 650 Calibration Supplies 650 1-6040-0710-80 12,325 Level indicators 5,400 Meters & Sensors LELsensors 625 Flow meter 2,500 Integral Manaflods forflow& Pressure meters 2,000 Pressure meter 1,800 1-6040-0730-00 $80,450 1-6040-0730-15 2,000 Flow Meter Calibration 2,000 MAINTENANCE (E) 1-6040-0730-20 18,750 Electrica I Gene ra I Ma i nte na nce 18,750 Electrical General Reservoir Sensor Access (2 sites) 0 1-6040-0730-25 0 Electrical Motor Control Center Work 0 1-6040-0730-30 4,650 Conduit Replacement Rim Rd. to Chino Reservoir 0 Cabling&WAN Conduit Replacement ValleyViewto Gardena 4,000 Communication Cabling & WAN Communication 650 1-6040-0730-40 10,000 Radio repairs & Servicing 10,000 1-6040-0730-45 8,500 Signal Conditioners-Converters 800 PLC Hardware Power Supply 1,200 Moduals replacements 5,000 M340 system 0 Terminal Blocks 1,500 1-6040-0730-50 10,000 PLC -SCADAModifications 10,000 1-6040-0730-55 1,800 Security & Gas detectors 1,800 1-6040-0730-60 7,500 UPS& Back-up Powersystems 7,500 1-6040-0730-65 2,250 Cooling&A/C Servicing 2,250 1-6040-0730-70 15,000 Instrumentation 15,000 Page 94 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget IT Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) SCADA Section (Con't) 4 W Au# sokA* e• e• POTbEill $48,720 1-6040-0750-15 3,500 Notebook replacements 3,500 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-6040-0750-25 5,670 Cisco 1841 Router CDB 1,890 Networking Equipment Cisco 1841 Router Box Canyon 1,890 FieldRouters -switches - fiber device 0 Cisco 1841 Router Bryant Ranch 0 Cisco 1841 Router Elk Mt. 1,890 1-6040-0750-30 1,550 Tools & Equipment 1,550 1-6040-0750-35 0 Security 0 1-6040-0750-55 2,500 PLCs & Panels 2,500 1-6040-0750-60 3,500 Instrumentation Sensors & Meters 2,000 Instrumentation Sensors & Smart Bob RI-Chem 1,500 Meters 1-6040-0750-65 10,500 Electrical Upgrades 10,500 1-6040-0750-70 12,600 (Radio) Box Canyon to Hidden Hills 3,800 Redundant SCADA (Radio) Elk Mt to Hidden Hills with 5,000 Communications Radio Systems (Radio) Bryant Ranch to Hidden Hills 0 (Radio) CDB to Hidden Hills 3,800 1-6040-0750-80 7,500 Gas Detector Replacement (3 sites) 7,500 1-6040-0750-85 0 Standby Generators 0 1-6040-0750-90 1,400 Calibration equipment 1,400 1-6040-0780-00 $25,000 1-6040-0780-10 1,000 Network/Hardware Consulting 1,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-6040-0780-20 23,000 PLC progra m to Concept OC-51 0 PLC program to Concept Wel119 (3 0 PLC progra m to Concept Va I I ey Vi ew (5 0 PLCprogramtoConcept - Wells 8,000 MSO 5,000 SCADA s ys t e m programing 10,000 PLC program to Concept W ell 15 (2 0 PLC program to Concept W ell 18 (3 0 1-6040-0780-40 1,000 Technical Support 1,000 1-6040-0810-00 $1,750 1-6040-0810-00 1,750 Awwa training 500 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Wonderwa re training 1,250 (E) Concept PLC programming training 0 1-6040-0830-00 $1,40011-6040-0830-00 1,400 Awwa Conference 1,400 Section Total $238,830 Page 95 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operations Lee Cory Operations Manager Page 1 96 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operations Department Organization Chart Operations Department Yorba Linda ® Water District Organization Chart FY 2010-11 Page 97 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operations Programs & Responsibilities The Operations Department is delegated the responsibilities of maintaining and overseeing the District's water storage, production, pumping and distribution systems; sewer collection systems; operation of wells and related water production equipment; fleet and equipment maintenance. These responsibilities are achieved through the following sections. SECTION RESPONSIBILITIES: OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION Activities of the operations administration include the day-to-day supervision and administration of maintenance, production and inventory work. The department's safety and risk management program are undertaken in this section. WATER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The Department undertakes the maintenance and repair of all water distribution facilities and appurtenances. This section also includes ongoing programs such as the fire hydrant maintenance; valve turning programs; dead end water main flushing; the meter installation and replacement program, and the maintenance of the District's Air Vacuum and Air Release systems. SEWER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE The Department is responsible for implementation of the District's Sewer System Management Plan that includes; system inspection (CCTV) cleaning, repairs, grease control, and monthly reporting of sewer overflows to the State. This plan also includes system capacity and rehabilitation assessments, in addition to other supplemented Waste Discharge Requirements. WATER PRODUCTION The Production Section is responsible for the operation of the District's water supply, water storage and water disinfection systems. This includes the operation and maintenance of the following systems, chlorine generation and application, booster pump stations, water wells and imported water connections. The primary objective is to meet customer water demands on a daily basis. Activities include overseeing the maintenance of the supply wells, booster stations, system pressure regulating, disinfection systems and monitoring of the District's reservoir levels, and the under-drain systems of reservoirs. Water Production depends on and is the end user of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System (SCADA). Production interfaces with the IT Department to develop programming, reports and updates of the SCADA system. Updates include remote systems such as flow meters, level transmitters, the human machine interface (HMI). Production SCADA interface includes technical support and planning of the SCADA system and the wide area network communication systems, working with contractors on new booster stations and reservoirs to bring the new controls into the District's control system. Additional interfacing extends to maintenance, repair and control changes to the District's remote telemetry systems, programmable logical controllers (PLC's) and related control devices, and instrumentation. MECHANICAL SERVICES The Department carries out the maintenance on the District's fleet of vehicles, heavy equipment, and natural gas fired booster engines and small equipment. FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Page 1 98 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget This section is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of District buildings and facilities sites. It interfaces and oversees work of outside contractors as relate to performing facility maintenance. OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM: 1. Conduct bi-weekly safety meetings. 2. Conduct building and yard safety inspections. 3. Administer the operations department budget. 4. Administer the sale of surplus equipment. 5. Administer mandated personnel training during the fiscal year. 6. Administer the 9/80 work schedule. 7. Interact with regulatory agencies as required. 8. Administer regulatory programs assigned to the Operations Department WATER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: 1. Respond to approximately 380 meter repair work orders each year. 2. Respond to approximately 510 leak repairs work orders each year. 3. Respond to approximately 180 customer complaints per month. 4. Service, and repair as necessary, approximately 360 air release/vacuum breaker valves annually. 5. Continue system valve maintenance & replacement program. Operate approximately 5,000 valves annually. 6. Repair or replace fire hydrants on an as needed basis. 7. Flush approximately 460 dead-ends twice (2) each year. 8. Inspect and service approximately 4,000 fire hydrants for correct operation annually. 9. Respond to contractor emergency problems as necessary. 10. Assist engineering in pipeline shut-downs for construction jobs. 11. Assist engineering in water quality program activities. Installing new sampling stations and maintaining approximately 37 existing stations. SEWER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: 1. Check and service sewer lift station once per week. 2. Clean approximately 16,000 linear feet of sewer lines per week. 3. Respond to approximately six sewer complaints per month. 4. Respond to approximately six contractor emergency problems each year. 5. Comply with mandated Waste Discharge Regulation, by responding to all compliance rules and best management practices as dictated by the State Water Resources Control Board. 6. Monitor, analyze, document and file waste discharge reports to the Regional Water Quality Control Board throughout each year. 7. Televise approximately 1,000 feet of sewer main weekly. WATER PRODUCTION PROGRAM: 1. Provide necessary supply of local and imported water to meet customer needs. 2. Conduct combined daily and weekly on-site plant inspections of production facilities. 3. Oversee weed abatement program at reservoir and booster sites. 4. Assist in the annual upgrade of the computer telemetry system. 5. Perform maintenance on approximately 100 pressure reducing station valves per year. 6. Monitor and report on energy prices and usage. 7. Ensure proper performance of well, booster and CL2 systems. 8. Assess the Cathodic Protection system. 9. Provide for continuous and reliable operation of the District's telemetry system. Page 99 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget 10. Maintain the SCADA system programmable logic controllers (PLC's) and communications systems. 11. Increase the reliability and improve security of the SCADA systems. 12. Maintain the SCADA system historian, protect the data, and provide the stored data to the District's Departments as needed. 13. Replace obsolete PLC hardware. 14. Interface and build human machine interfaces (HMI) to newly constructed facilities. 15. Maintain human machine interfaces (HMI) and program changes to meeting operational requirements or changes. 16. Maintain instrumentation & perform calibrations (i.e. flow meters, pressure meters, and level transmitters. MECHANICAL SERVICES PROGRAM: 1. Conduct routine service on the District's rolling stock and major equipment. 2. Conduct routine service on the District's 15 stationary natural gas engines. 3. Conduct routine service on the District's small equipment. 4. Assist in development of specifications for vehicles and equipment used by District. 5. Assist in the purchase of budgeted vehicles and equipment. 6. Assure AQMD compliance of stationary natural gas engines. FACILITY MAINTENANCE 1. Carry out repairs to buildings and ancillary equipment; Co-ordinate with outside contractors when required. 2. Conduct site maintenance including mowing, weed abatement, graffiti removal, and building upkeep. 3. Ensure Richfield yard is kept in a clean and safe condition. 4. Conduct emergency repairs to facilities after hours and at weekends. Page 1 100 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operations Personnel Summary Positions Additions) Positions Positions to Authorized Deductions Authorized Fund Departments FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 FY 2010/11 Operations Administration Operations Manager 1 0 1 1 Operations Secretary 1 -1 0 0 Operations Assistant 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 2 Water Operations & Maint. Water Maintenance Superint. 1 0 1 1 Sr. Maint. Distribution Operator 4 0 4 3 Maint. Distribution Operator III 4 0 4 3 Maint. Distribution Operator II " 6 0 6 5 Maintenance Worker 1 6 0 6 6 21 0 21 18 Sewer Operations & Maint. Sr. Maint. Distribution Operator 1 0 1 1 Maint. Distribution Operator 111 1 0 1 1 Maint. Distribution Operator II 1 0 1 1 Maintenance Worker 1 2 0 2 2 5 0 5 5 Water Production Chief Plant Operator 1 0 1 1 Sr. Plant Operator 1 0 1 1 Maint. Distribution Operator II 1 0 1 1 Plant Operator II 4 0 4 3 7 0 7 6 Mechanical Services Sr. Fleet Mechanic 1 0 1 1 Mechanic 111 1 0 1 1 Mechanic 11 1 0 1 1 3 0 3 3 Facilities Maintenance Facilities Maintenance 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Department Totals 39 0 39 35 (2) positions underfilled with Maintenance Worker I " Underfilled with Maintenance Worker I Page 101 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operations Department Budget (FY 2010/11) FY 2009/10 Budget FY 2009/10 FY 2010/11 Budget Forecast Expenses (Operating) Salary Related Expenses Salaries $ 2,047,532 $ 2,047,533 $ 2,185,834 Fringe Benefits $ 681,984 $ 681,984 $ 569,459 Vacation Sale/Purchase $ - $ - $ - Unemployment Insurance $ - $ - $ - Overtime $ - $ - $ 108,000 Mandatory Benefits $ 336,245 $ 336,245 $ 347,176 Total Salary Related Expenses $ 3,065,761 $ 3,065,762 $ 3,210,469 Supplies & Services Communications $ 1,680 $ 2,189 $ 3,700 Contractual Services $ 615,250 $ 499,781 $ 342,900 Dues & Memberships $ 2,157 $ 2,329 $ 2,246 Fees & Permits $ 32,000 $ 27,526 $ 29,902 Materials $ 401,550 $ 360,527 $ 289,950 Maintenance $ 316,500 $ 76,187 $ 278,500 Non-Capital Equipment $ 26,000 $ 23,543 $ 38,450 Office Expense $ 20,300 $ 9,519 $ 15,500 Professional Services $ 51,000 $ 9,347 $ 27,500 Training $ 23,200 $ 12,595 $ 15,500 Travel & Conferences $ 11,050 $ 1,496 $ 4,300 Utilities $ 27,000 $ 97,784 $ 123,000 Vehicle Equipment $ 282,210 $ 225,036 $ 312,850 Supplies & Services Sub-Total $ 1,809,897 $ 1,347,859 $ 1,484,298 Total Operating Expenses $ 4,875,658 $ 4,413,621 $ 4,694,767 Page 1 102 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Administration Section 1-5010-0580-00 $500 1-5010-0580-20 500 Manuals/Books/Magazines 500 1-5010-0600-00 $5,000 1-5010-0600-70 5,000 Miscellaneous Contractor Services 5,000 1-5010-0645-00 $300 1-5010-0645-15 300 E.P.A. Fee's 300 1-5010-0640-00 $796 1-5010-0640-05 55 CESA 55 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, 1-5010-0640-10 396 AWWAMemberships 396 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-5010-0640-20 250 CWEAMemberships 250 1-5010-0640-30 50 OCWAMemberships 50 1-5010-0640-40 45 WEF Membership 45 1-5010-0710-00 $8,000 1-5010-0710-65 8,000 PPE Equipment 8,000 1-5010-0750-00 $100 1-5010-0750-50 100 Safety Equipment (includes Traffic Equipment) 100 1-5010-0760-00 $15,500 1-5010-0760-10 2,500 Paper Supplies 2,500 OFFICE EXPENSE (E) 1-5010-0760-20 3,000 Printer Ink 3,000 1-5010-0760-30 10,000 Misc Supplies 10,000 1-5010-0780-00 $17,500 1-5010-0780-20 15,000 Emergency Service Consultant 15,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 1-5010-0780-30 0 UrbanWaterMa nageme ntPlanConsultant 0 1-5010-0780-40 2,500 Legal Fees 2,500 1-5010-0810-00 $2,500 1-5010-0810-10 100 Safety 100 PROFESSIONAL 1-5010-0810-20 500 Job Training 500 DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-5010-0810-30 1,600 Emergency Response 1,600 1-5010-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 1-5010-0830-00 $1,550 1-5010-0830-10 300 Travel 300 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 1-5010-0830-20 500 Lodging 500 1-5010-0830-30 300 Meals 300 1-5010-0830-40 450 Registration 450 Section Total $51,746 Page 103 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Water Operation & Maintenance Section x a x D r r A° x Y ° x @ 1-5020-0580-00 $200 1-5020-0580-20 200 Manuals/Books/Magazines 200 1-5020-0600-00 $155,000 1-5020-0600-15 120,000 Asphalt Paving 120,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1-5020-0600-20 20,000 Concrete Repair 20,000 1-5020-0600-50 10,000 Uniforms 10,000 1-5020-0600-70 5,000 Miscellaneous Contractor Services 5,000 1-5020-0640-00 $600 1-5020-0640-10 600 AWWAMemberships 600 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-5020-0645-00 $16,902 1-5020-0645-05 402 AQMD Permits 402 FEES & PERMITS (E) 1-5020-0645-10 15,000 Landfill (Orange County & Dan Coop) 15,000 1-5020-0645-25 1,500 NPDES Deminimus (RWQCB) 1,500 1-5020-0710-00 $212,000 1-5020-0710-02 2,000 Arrow Hardware 2,000 MATERIALS (E) 1-5020-0710-05 20,000 Road Material 20,000 1-5020-0710-13 10,000 Air-Vac parts 10,000 1-5020-0710-20 10,000 Water Main Repair Parts 10,000 1-5020-0710-25 50,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 50,000 1-5020-0710-28 3,000 McFadden Dale 3,000 1-5020-0710-30 25,000 Valve Repair Parts 25,000 1-5020-0710-40 40,000 N/A 40,000 1-5020-0710-45 2,000 Meter Repair Parts 2,000 1-5020-0710-50 0 N/A 0 1-5020-0710-60 10,000 Meter Boxes/Lids/Vaults 10,000 1-5020-0710-90 35,000 Water Service Repair Parts 35,000 1-5020-0710-94 5,000 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 5,000 1-5020-0730-00 $50,000 1-5020-0730-40 50,000 Pipeline Repairs 50,000 1-5020-0750-00 $16,600 1-5020-0750-10 3,000 Hand Tools 3,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-5020-0750-15 4,000 Equipment Rental 4,000 1-5020-0750-20 5,000 Road Equipment (Jackhammers, Wackers, etc.) 5,000 1-5020-0750-30 2,000 Power Tools 2,000 1-5020-0750-50 1,600 Traffic Cones, Barricades, and Signs 1,600 1-5020-0750-55 1,000 Safety Equipment Repairs 1,000 1-5020-0780-00 $2,500 1-5020-0780-40 2,500 Legal Fees 2,500 1-5020-0810-00 $8,300 1-5020-0810-10 1,000 Safety 1,000 PROFESSIONAL 1-5020-0810-20 6,000 Job Training 6,000 DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-5020-0810-40 1,300 Certificate Reimbursement 1,300 1-5020-0830-00 $900 1-5020-0830-10 300 Travel 300 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 1-5020-0830-20 200 Lodging 200 1-5020-0830-30 200 Meals 200 1-5020-0830-40 200 Registration 200, Section Total $463,002 Page 104 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Sewer Operation & Maintenance Section a e e 2-5030-0580-00 $2,100 2-5030-0580-10 2,000 FOG Materials 2,000 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 2-5030-0580-20 100 Manuals/Books/Magazines 100 2-5030-0600-00 $7,200 2-5030-0600-15 6,000 Asphalt Paving 6,000 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 2-5030-0600-50 1,200 Uniforms 1,200 2-5030-0640-00 $400 2-5030-0640-20 400 CWEAMemberships 400 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, CWEA Memberships SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 2-5030-0645-00 $3,700 2-5030-0645-20 2,400 FOG Inspections & Fees (OCSD) 2,400 FEES& PERMITS (E) 2-5030-0645-30 1,300 WDR -SSO(SWRCB) 1,300 2-5030-0710-00 $11,000 2-5030-0710-02 400 Arrow Hardwa re 400 MATERIALS (E) 2-5030-0710-28 600 McFadden Dale 600 2-5030-0710-92 10,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 10,000 2-5030-0730-00 $28,500 2-5030-0730-15 1,000 Electrical Repair Work 1,000 MAINTENANCE (E) 2-5030-0730-55 1,500 Sewer lift Station Repairs 1,500 2-5030-0730-60 20,000 Sewer Line Repairs 20,000 2-5030-0730-65 6,000 Vector Control in Manholes 6,000 2-5030-0750-00 $13,150 2-5030-0750-05 10,000 CCTV Repairs 10,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) 2-5030-0750-10 1,500 Hand Tools 1,500 2-5030-0750-50 850 Traffic Cones, Barricades, and Signs 850 2-5030-0750-55 800 Safety Equipment Repairs 800 2-5030-0780-00 $4,500 2-5030-0780-10 3,000 Water/Sewer Consultant 3,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) 2-5030-0780-40 1,500 Legal Fees 1,500 2-5030-0810-00 $1,800 2-5030-0810-10 500 Safety 500 PROFESSIONAL 2-5030-0810-20 1,000 Job Training 1,000 DEVELOPMENT(E) 2-5030-0810-40 300 Certificate Reimbursement 300 2-5030-0830-00 $550 2-5030-0830-10 200 Travel 200 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 2-5030-0830-20 100 Lodging 100 2-5030-0830-30 150 Meals 150 2-5030-0830-40 100 Registration 100 Section Total 1$72,900, Page 105 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Water Production Section Primary GIL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Sub Acct Detail Item Description Detail Amt 1-5040-0580-00 $400 1-5040-0580-20 400 Manuals/Books/Magazines 400 1-5040-0600-00 $3,200 1-5040-0600-50 1,200 Uniforms 1,200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1-5040-0600-70 2,000 Miscellaneous Contractor Services 2,000 1-5040-0640-00 $450 1-5040-0640-10 400 AWWA Memberships 400 DUES,MEMBERSHIPS, 1-5040-0640-30 50 OCWAMemberships 50 SUBSCRIPTIONS (E) 1-5040-0660-00 $775,514 1-5040-0660-20 563,721 S.C.E. 563,721 FUEL& POWER-PUMPING (E) 1-5040-0660-30 211,793 The Gas Company 211,793 1-5040-0670-00 $551,285 1-5040-0670-10 150,170 City of Anaheim 150,170 FUEL& POWER, WELLS& 1-5040-0670-20 194,714 S.C.E. 194,714 YARD PUMPING (E) 1-5040-0670-30 206,401 The Gas Company 206,401 1-5040-0680-00 $2,499,991 1-5040-0680-00 2,499,991 O.C.W.D.Replenishment Assessment 2,499,991 1-5040-0710-00 $46,400 1-5040-0710-02 1,500 Arrow Hardware 1,500 MATERIALS (E) 1-5040-0710-15 5,000 Cla-Valve Parts 5,000 1-5040-0710-17 5,000 Pump Repair Parts 5,000 1-5040-0710-28 1,800 McFadden Dale 1,800 1-5040-0710-75 19,500 Salt 19,500 1-5040-0710-81 100 Welding Supplies 100 1-5040-0710-84 13,000 Production Repair Parts 13,000 1-5040-0710-85 500 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 500 1-5040-0730-00 $139,000 1-5040-0730-05 4,000 CL2 System Service 4,000 MAINTENANCE (E) 1-5040-0730-10 14,000 Electrical Motor& Pump Repairs 14,000 1-5040-0730-15 6,000 Electric Repair Work 6,000 1-5040-0730-25 14,000 Reservoir Inspections & Cleaning 14,000 1-5040-0730-30 60,000 Wells: Maint. & Repairs 60,000 1-5040-0730-45 21,000 Water Softener Service 21,000 1-5040-0730-75 20,000 Pump Repairs 20,000 1-5040-0750-00 $1,600 1-5040-0750-10 200 Hand Tools 200 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-5040-0750-30 400 Power Tools 400 1-5040-0750-50 200 Traffic Cones, Barricades, and Signs 200 1-5040-0750-55 800 Safety Equipment Repairs 800 1-5040-0780-00 $2,000 1-5040-0780-40 2,000 Legal Fees 2,000 1-5040-0805-00 $440,000 1-5040-0805-00 440,000 Municipal Water District of O.C. 440,000 1-5040-0800-00 $8,400,446 1-5040-0800-00 8,400,446 Purchased Water 8,400,446 1-5040-0810-00 $1,900 1-5040-0810-10 500 Safety 500 PROFESSIONAL 1-5040-0810-20 1,000 Job Training 1,000 DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-5040-0810-40 400 Certificate Reimbursment 400 1-5040-0830-00 $1,300 1-5040-0830-10 200 Travel 200 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) 1-5040-0830-20 400 Lodging 400 1-5040-0830-30 200 Meals 200 1-5040-0830-40 500 Registration 500 Section Total $12,863,486 Page 106 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Mechanical Services Section 10 1-5050-0580-00 $500 1-5050-0580-20 500 Manuals/Books/Magazines 500 COMMUNICATIONS (E) 1-5050-0645-00 $9,000 1-5050-0645-05 7,000 AQMD Permits 7,000 FEES& PERMITS (E) 1-5050-0645-35 2,000 Haz Mat Fee (CCFA) 2,000 1-5050-0710-00 $4,900 1-5050-0710-02 100 Arrow Hardware 100 MATERIALS (E) 1-5050-0710-28 1,300 McFadden Dale 1,300 1-5050-0710-80 3,000 Mech. Shop Supplies 3,000 1-5050-0710-81 500 Welding Supplies 500 1-5050-0750-00 $6,000 1-5050-0750-10 2,000 Hand Tools 2,000 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT(E) 1-5050-0750-30 1,000 PowerTools 1,000 1-5050-0750-40 3,000 Misc Mech Shop Equipment 3,000 1-5050-0810-00 $600 1-5050-0810-10 200 Safety 200 PROFESSIONAL 1-5050-0810-20 200 Job Training 200 DEVELOPMENT(E) 1-5050-0810-40 200 Certificate Reimbursment 200 1-5050-0890-00 $312,850 1-5050-0890-10 750 Gasoline 750 VEHICLE EXPENSES 1-5050-0890-11 500 Admin -Vehicle Maint 500 1-5050-0890-20 12,000 Finance -Gas 12,000 1-5050-0890-21 5,000 Finance -Vehicle Maint 5,000 1-5050-0890-30 11,000 Engineering-Gas 11,000 1-5050-0890-31 7,000 Engineering-Vehicle Maint 7,000 1-5050-0890-40 1,000 CPS-Admin Vehicle Maint 1,000 1-5050-0890-41 3,000 CPSAdminGas 3,000 1-5050-0890-42 45,000 CPSWaterVehicle Maintenance 45,000 1-5050-0890-43 3,000 CPS-Water Equipment Maintenance 3,000 1-5050-0890-44 55,000 CPS-Water-Gas 55,000 1-5050-0890-45 7,500 CPS-Water-Diesel 7,500 1-5050-0890-46 20,000 CPS-Sewer Vehicle Maint 20,000 1-5050-0890-47 1,000 CPS-Sewer Equipment Maint 1,000 1-5050-0890-48 5,000 CPS-Sewer-Gas 5,000 1-5050-0890-49 6,500 CPS-Sewer-Diesel 6,500 1-5050-0890-50 5,000 CPS-Production Vehicle Maint 5,000 1-5050-0890-51 1,000 CPS-Production Equipment Maint 1,000 1-5050-0890-52 15,000 CPS- Production -Gas 15,000 1-5050-0890-53 2,000 CPSMechSvcs -VehicleMaint 2,000 1-5050-0890-54 4,500 CPS-MechSvcs-Gas 4,500 1-5050-0890-55 1,000 CPS-Facilities -VehicleMaint 1,000 1-5050-0890-56 2,500 CPS-Facilities-Gas 2,500 1-5050-0890-57 3,000 CPS-Taal Repair 3,000 1-5050-0890-70 2,000 IT-Vehicle Maintenance 2,000 1-5050-0890-71 3,600 IT-Gas 3,600 1-5050-0890-80 75,000 Stationary Engine Maint 75,000 1-5050-0890-81 12,000 Stationary Engine Emissions Testing 12,000 1-5050-0890-90 3,000 Haz Mat Disposal 3,000 Section Total $333,850 Page 107 Yorba Linda Water District FY 2010/11 Budget Operation Budget Section Detail (FY 2010/11) Facilities Maintenance Section M. WIMR-., 725,000 1-5060-0600-00 $172,500 1-5060-0600-05 0 AC&Heating 13,000 CONTRACTUALSERVICES(E) 1-5060-0600-10 0 AlarmService 1,500 1-5060-0600-15 As phaIt Paving 25,000 1-5060-0600-20 2,000 Concrete Repair 2,000 1-5060-0600-30 5,500 Disposal Service 5,500 1-5060-0600-35 75,000 Janitorial Service 75,000 1-5060-0600-40 41,000 Landscape Service 41,000 1-5060-0600-45 500 Pest Control Service 500 1-5060-0600-50 2,500 Uniforms 2,500 1-5060-0600-70 6,500 Miscellaneous Contractor Services 6,500 1-5060-0710-00 $7,650 1-5060-0710-02 150 Arrow Hardware 150 MATERIALS (E) 1-5060-0710-10 5,000 Building Repair Parts 5,000 1-5060-0710-28 1,000 McFadden Dale 1,000 1-5060-0710-85 500 Cleaning/PaintingSupplies 500 1-5060-0710-98 1,000 Landscape Supplies 1,000 1-5060-0730-00 $61,000 1-5060-0730-15 12,000 Electrical Repair Work 12,000 MAINTENANCE (E) 1-5060-0730-35 2,500 Fire Extinguiser Maint/Calibration 2,500 1-5060-0730-50 45,000 Painting& Fencing 45,000 1-5060-0730-70 1,500 Lock Repairs 1,500 1-5060-0750-00 $1,000 1-5060-0750-10 500 Hand Tools 500 NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT (E) 1-5060-0750-30 0 Power Tools 0 1-5060-0750-50 500 Safety Equipment 500 1-5060-0780-00 $1,000 1-5060-0780-40 1,000 Legal Fees 1,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (E) Legal Fees 1-5060-0810-00 $400 1-5060-0810-10 200 Safety 200 PROFESSIONAL 1-5060-0810-20 200 Job Training 200 DEVELOPMENT (E) Job Training 1-5060-0870-00 $123,000 1-5060-0870-10 122,000 Electric 122,000 UTILITIES (E) 1-5060-0870-20 1,000 Gas 1,000 Section Total $366,550 Page 108 Bill all 5 Ll v ~A v .0~ 0 0 m ;W. =ate ANN ® O~E~ Big