HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-08-05 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packetr a Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING - ENGINEERING - OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 5, 2010, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director John W. Summerfield Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager Ken Mendum, Operations Superintendent John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report 2.2. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report 3. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 3.1. Amendment to On -Call Services Contract with MWH Americas, Inc. (MWH) Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of On -Call Services contract Amendment No. 3 with MWH Americas, Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $45,500, resulting in a total fee of $140,740. 3.2. Approval of Change Order No. 4 for Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 4, a credit to the District in the amount of $38,815.00 and the addition of 47 calendar days to Schuler Engineering Corporation for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. 3.3. Award of Construction Contract for Highland Booster Station Replacement Project Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors award the Contract for Construction of the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for $4,525,800. 3.4. Brand -Name Requirements for Well No. 20 Wellhead Equipping Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve brand -name requirements for Well No. 20 Wellhead Equipping for the items listed on the attached memorandum. 3.5. Sewer Agreement for MWD's Diemer Treatment Plant Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Agreement for Extraterritorial Sewer Service Between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Yorba Linda Water District. 3.6. Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club, Job No. 200707. 3.7. Well Optimization Study Amendment No. 1 with Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of the Services Amendment No. 1 with CDM for a fee increase not to exceed $35,395, resulting in a total fee of $89,785. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 4.1. Report on Preliminary Planning for Elk Reservoir Site Development 4.2. Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report 4.3. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 4.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next regular meeting of the Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee will be held September 2, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 ITEM NO. 2.1 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report i ATTACHMENTS: Name: Import2010 -2011 July PEO Sheet.pdf Import2010- 2011 _July Pie _Chart (2).pdf Import2010 -2011 July TWU.pdf Import2010 -2011 July YTD Prod Chart.pdf Description: Import 2010 -2011 July PEO Sheet Import 2010 -2011 July Pie Chart Import 2010 -2011 July TWU Import 2010 -2011 July YTD Prod Type: Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY Fiscal Year 2010 -11 Allowable GW (YTD) 1,058.0 (AF) Underpumped 264.8 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE GW (AF) IMPORT (AF) TOTAL DEMAND (AF) MONTHLY GW (%) YTD GW (%) BUDGET (Demand Est.) (AF) DELTA (%) MONTH Jul -10 Aug -10 Sep -10 Oct -10 Nov -10 Dec -10 Jan -11 Feb -11 Mar -11 Apr -11 May -11 Jun -11 793.2 1,476.0 2,269.2 35.0% 35.0% 2,483.5 45.0% 2,443.4 35.0% 2,143.8 25.0% MONTHLY GW (%) 1,808.3 tYTD GW (% BPP GOAL 46.6% 1,428.5 5.0% Jul -10 Aug -10 Sep -10 Oct -10 Nov -10 Dec -10 Jan -11 Feb -11 Mar -11 Apr -11 May -11 Jun -11 Month 1,285.0 1,120.4 1,071.9 1,270.2 1,588.8 2,101.6 2,354.8 FYTDI 793.2 1 1,476.0 2,269.2 1 35.0% 1 2,483.5 1 -8.6% Allowable GW (YTD) 1,058.0 (AF) Underpumped 264.8 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 85.0% 75.0% 65.0% 55.0% 45.0% 35.0% 25.0% MONTHLY GW (%) 15.0% tYTD GW (% BPP GOAL 46.6% 5.0% Jul -10 Aug -10 Sep -10 Oct -10 Nov -10 Dec -10 Jan -11 Feb -11 Mar -11 Apr -11 May -11 Jun -11 Month WATER SUPPLY FY 2009 -2010 July 2010 Water Supply GW 35.0% IMPORT 65.0% 2010 -2011 YTD Water Supply GW 35.0% IMPORT 65.0% GW BPP GOAL 46.6% am 2,500 2,000 FS ,07 0' 1,500 0 1,000 500 Total Water Use N° o o N° N° o%, e N° o° N(° NN o°' Noi o°' '.° o�' NQ, �. o N° NN Month 22,000 20,000 18,000 16,000 14,000 U- a 12,000 a� E 0 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Jul -10 2010 -2011 YTD Water Supply Aug -10 Sep -10 Oct -10 Nov -10 Dec -10 Jan -11 Feb -11 Mar -11 Apr -11 May -11 Jun -11 Month July 2010 Daily Average Demand (MG) 30.0 25.0 20.1 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Sunday 24.9 qI 22.7 23.5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 25.5 r L r L r L Friday 22.1 Saturday a ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 2010 -11 fiscal(1).xls 2010-201 1—fiscal Backup Material ITEM PM PROGRAM 20010/2011 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS (3,881) Target; all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 66 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 66 % OF TOTAL VALVES (10,706/2= 5,353) Target; all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 536 OPERATED THIS YEAR 536 % OF TOTAL DEAD ENDS (166 X 2 = 310) Target; all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 0 % OF TOTAL AIR VACS (309) Target; all air /vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 296 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 296 % OF TOTAL SEWER CLEANING (802,560) Target; all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 1269497 CLEANED THIS YEAR 1269497 % OF TOTAL SEWER TELEVISING (200,640) Target; all sewers to be televised every 4 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 129176 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 129176 % OF TOTAL AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 3.1 Yes $200,000 $45,500 Water Capital Reserves 1- 2700 -0903 200903 Engineering N/A N/A Subject: Amendment to On -Call Services Contract with MWH Americas, Inc. (MWH) SUMMARY: MWH was previously retained for On -Call Services (services) under the General Manager's signing authority, to update the District's hydraulic model and evaluate pump- connection locations to enhance emergency response and fire protection. Subsequently, Amendments No. 1 and 2 were approved to provide additions to these services. In the process of providing these services, District staff requested MWH to provide assistance with tasks on other District projects. These combined tasks nearly consumed the available budget. Staff is requesting approval of Amendment No. 3 to complete the engineering support services and model conversion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of On -Call Services contract Amendment No. 3 with MWH Americas, Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $45,500, resulting in a total fee of $140,740. DISCUSSION: On May 7, 2009, the District entered into a Professional Services Agreement with MWH to provide on -call support services to evaluate and update the existing hydraulic model and evaluate the planning of potential interzonal emergency connections, for a fee not to exceed $15,000. On August 5, 2009, based on good progress and the need for further work on these items, Amendment No. 1 to the PSA was approved by the General Manager for $33,000, increasing the limit to $48,000. Subsequently, on March 11, 2010, the Board approved On -Call Services contract Amendment No. 2 for $47,240 increasing the limit to $95,240. Work completed to date by MWH is summarized below. When Addendum No. 1 tasks were completed, it was determined that the design and upgrading of many of the District's pressure regulating valves (PRVs) in underground vaults was going to be a larger work effort than anticipated, and that it should be packaged and completed as a separate project in next year's budget. It was also determined that the construction of three emergency pump -out facilities was going to cost in excess of $100,000, and in accordance with District policy, would need full contract documents and public bidding. Accordingly, funding for and preparation of the plans, specs and contract documents for the emergency pump -outs was completed under Addendum No. 2. Also, after Addendum No. 2 was approved, work tasks were identified that required the assistance of MWH that were not budgeted. These tasks were hydraulic modeling and analysis for: • Cresthill /Willow Woods Drive, as necessary for the Intertie Improvements Project with the City of Anaheim (Capital Project 2009 -06) • Pipeline sizing for the Ohio Street replacement project (Capital Project 2010 -06) • Supply line sizing for the planned Palm Avenue Booster Pump Station upgrade project (Capital Project 2008 -17) • Zones 3, 4 and 5 in the vicinity of Fairmont Pump Station, for a preliminary study of pump station upgrades at that site (Capital Project 2010 -11) These hydraulic modeling and analysis tasks were necessary for each of the District's capital projects listed. Accordingly, the costs related to each of the above will be charged to the noted capital project number. Tasks Completed Under Original PSA ($15,000 Expended) • Hydraulic analysis, site investigations, exhibits and cost estimates to locate five proposed emergency pump -out locations. • Reviewed specifications for portable pumps. • Prepared plans for three emergency pump -out locations to be included in contract with Zone 4 Reconfiguration Project contractor. • Prepared work plans and facilitated meetings for the District to begin the conversion of the hydraulic model to InfoWater. Tasks Completed Under Addendum 1 ($33,000 Expended) • Evaluated alternatives to modify the Village Center PRV vault to allow safer access, replace valves and recoat piping. • Prepared bid documents to modify the Village Center PRV and vault; including structural and mechanical drawings. • Reviewed the District's GIS and shape files for conversion to InfoWater. • Prepared a report and attended meetings, so that staff could clean up the GIS data. Tasks Completed Under Addendum 2 ($47,240 Nearly Expended) • Performed hydraulic analysis for Cresthill /Willow Woods Drive to determine available fire flow and identify potential pressure zone changes and new larger pipelines. • Prepared bid documents (plans and specifications) for three emergency pump -out locations. • Performed hydraulic analysis of Zone 3 to size potential pipeline improvements after the Ohio Street pipe break. This included several alternatives to look at supplying Zone 2 water into Zone 3. • Performed hydraulic analysis to determine the maximum size of the proposed new larger Palm Avenue Pump Station. • Performed hydraulic analysis of Zones 3, 4, 5 and 6 around the Fairmont Pump Station, to determine required booster pump station upgrades. At this time, tasks remain for work in progress on the District's improvement of the water system hydraulic model and for engineering services during upcoming construction of the Emergency Pump -out Facilities, for which MWH has completed design plans, specs and contract documents. District staff requested a proposal from MWH for these services and also requested that they include a task and budget for Planning Support to the District. A summary of the requested work is provided below and further described in the attached letter proposal of June 11, 2010 from MWH. Improved Hydraulic Model: The water - system model will be converted from its existing format to the District's GIS system, allowing the District to simulate emergency response alternatives before and during events. Additional MWH services are required to assist staff with this conversion. District staff will assist with the GIS modifications and the hydraulic analysis to minimize costs (MWH cost not to exceed $17,500). Emergency Pump Connections: Pump connection points will allow the District to utilize its portable pumps to deliver water faster and more efficiently from lower to upper pressure zones, for which MWH has completed design plans. MWH will provide construction management support for these facilities (MWH cost not to exceed $14,000). Planning Support: At the request of District staff, MWH will assist with planning support including, but not limited to, evaluation of pipeline replacement and pump station rehabilitation (MWH cost not to exceed $14,000). Staff reviewed this proposal for $45,500 and recommends approval, with the understanding that this will be the final contract amendment. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On March 11, 2010, the Board approved On -Call Services contract Amendment No. 2 with MWH Americas, Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $47,240, resulting in a total fee of $95,240. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: MWH On -Call Services Proposal Amendment 06 -11 MWH On Call Services Contract Amendment Backup Material 2010 pdf Q MWH BVILDIN6 At BETTER WORLD June 11, 2010 Mr. Steve Conklin Yorba Linda Water District 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 -6785 Subject: On -Call Services Contract Amendment YLWD Job No. 200903 Dear Mr. Conklin: MWH is performing "as- needed" professional engineering assistance for the Yorba Linda Water District (District). Our existing agreement and addendums are almost fully utilized. MWH is proposing to continue "as- needed" support to the District. The District has projects and tasks that are identified over the next several months. MWH will assist District staff on a task -by -task basis. These projects include hydraulic model support, engineering support during construction and general planning support. These tasks will be added to our existing on -call contract with the District. The tasks will be performed on a time and materials basis. Work will not be initiated until authorized by the District. Listed below is a description of the tasks to be performed as part of the on- call contract. Task 1 Hydraulic Model Support MWH will perform hydraulic modeling assistance for the conversion of the existing model into the GIS system. District staff is currently performing cleanup of the GIS in preparation of importing into the hydraulic model. MWH will review the GIS shape files and provide direction for the District to prepare for the importation. MWH staff will convert the old model data base files and import them into the new model software. MWH staff will assist the District in re- allocating the demands and performing model updates after the conversion process is complete. (Budget 100 hours /$17,500) Task 2 Engineering Support During Construction The District will be constructing three new emergency pump outs to deliver water to the upper pressure zones in the event of an emergency. The bid documents are near completion and a solicitation for bids will be issued. MWH will provide bid support and engineering support during construction. MWH will review submittals and attend meetings as needed. Record drawings will be prepared for the as -built condition. (Budget 80 hours /$14,000) - - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- _ b 1n kAlch INnda Ave -E1 626 796 9141 Site 20G Fk, 626 668 610` Arcadi3r CA 9100' vNN,,,mw ,&raf.crn Mr. Steve Conklin - 2 - June 11, 2010 Task 3 General Planning Support The District evaluates potential changes to the water supply and distribution system to meet customer needs and address operational changes. MWH will assist District staff in performing the planning studies by providing hydraulic analysis, cost analysis, attending meetings, preparing exhibits and preparing reports. (Budget 80 hours /$14,000) The proposed task and budgets are based on our knowledge of the District's current needs. We estimate a budget of $45,500 for tasks 1 -3. Budget may be shifted between tasks, if needed. MWH will not start on these tasks until we receive your written authorization. We are pleased to continue to provide service to the District. Please call Michael Moore if you have any questions at (949) 328 -2405. Sincerely, ohn Robinson ice President Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT August 5, 2010 Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 3.2 Yes $11.2M $11.2M Water Revenue Bond 102 -2700 200309 Engineering No MND Approval of Change Order No. 4 for Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Work is almost complete on the construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. Submitted for consideration is construction Change Order No. 4. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 4, a credit to the District in the amount of $38,815.00 and the addition of 47 calendar days to Schuler Engineering Corporation for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Schuler Engineering submitted Change Order No. 4 due to additions and modifications, as well as District - initiated changes encountered during the course of construction to date. A copy of Change Order No. 4 is attached for review and information. Details of significant items in the change order are listed below. Change Order Proposal (COP) 19: The utility water wash down lines were relocated from below the reservoir slab to on top of the reservoir roof to prevent any issues with leaking of the utility water lines under the structure. Also, the material for the vent pipe on the inlet line of the reservoir was changed from PVC to stainless steel to decrease the need for replacement in the future. The amount of this change order item is $18,566.00 and 9 additional days. Change Order Request (COR) 20: The contractor proposed a credit for the deletion of the two retaining walls around the temporary tanks as a cost savings to the District. A credit was also proposed for the deletion of the retaining wall at the southeast corner of the property, due to the existing two V- ditches. With an extension of the new V -ditch and modifications to existing grading, storm run off is directed to the onsite drainage system of V- ditches. The amount of this credit is $210,000.00 and no additional days. COP 22: Due to the relocation of the overflow piping and utility water piping, encasement for these lines was not required. The amount of this credit is $36,000.00 and no additional days. COR 52: The District requested that additional work associated with COR 20 be broken out for clarity. Changes included the additional grading to delete the walls, extending manhole heights, additional survey work and additional labor and equipment to complete the work. The amount of this change order item is $76,873.00 and no additional days. COP 54: The District requested that the fence originally shown on the contract drawings along the east side of the reservoir be relocated along the east property line. This causes additional labor for the contractor, since the property line will need to be re- surveyed and then shrubs and brush will need to be cleared along the new alignment. The contractor will also hand dig all of the post holes since there is no access for equipment. This was requested to provide a larger secure area for District use and will assist when constructing the new Highland Booster Pump Station. The amount of this change order item is $40,013.00 and 12 additional days. COP 59: The District IT Department requested the addition of a high -level float to each basin to provide back -up monitoring for SCADA. This work included extra conduits, wire, two high level floats and labor to install. The amount of this change order item is $11,233.00 and 3 additional days. COP 61: The District Operations Department requested the addition of an access road on the south side of the reservoir with gravel base. This road will facilitate vehicle access to the various valve vaults and manholes on the south side of the reservoir. The amount of this change order item is $51,700.00 and 11 additional days. The status of the construction contract with Schuler Engineering is as follows: The original contract is $9,049,346 and 730 calendar days starting June 2, 2008. • Authorized change order to date amount is $431,847.87 (4.8% of the original contract amount) and 74 calendar days (10.1 % of original contract calendar days). • If approved, Change Order No. 4 deducts ($38,815.00) ( -0.4% of the current contract amount) and adds 47 calendar days (5.8% of current contract calendar days). • If approved, the percentage of change orders to the original contract amount is 4.3 %. • If approved, the percentage of original contract calendar days to additional days is 16.6 %. • If approved, the revised construction contract amount is $9,442,378.87 and 851 calendar days. Staff and Carollo Engineers, the District's construction management consultant, reviewed the change order request and recommend approval. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On April 10, 2008, the Board awarded a construction contract to Schuler Engineering in the amount of $9,049,346 for construction of the project. On May 15, 2008, the Board approved execution of a Professional Service Agreement (PSA) with Carollo Engineers in the amount of $605,856 for engineering support services, construction management and backup inspection services; a PSA with Leighton Consulting in the amount of $86,200 for geotechnical services, soils, concrete and materials testing; a PSA with BonTerra Consulting in the amount of $22,251 for environmental compliance services; and approved the construction budget in the amount of $11,200,000 for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. The Board has approved three Change Orders and twenty six Progress Pay Requests to date, the most recent of which was approved on September 10, 2009, and July 8, 2010, respectively. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Highland Reservoir CO 4 Schuler Engineering. df Highland Reservoir Project Change Order No. 4 Type: Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 DATE 7/20/10 Page 1 of 2 CONTRACT NAME: Highland Reservoir CONTRACT AMT.: Replacement CONTRACT NO.: J- 200309 CONTRACTOR: Schuler Engineering $ 9,049,346,00 DAYS: 730 PREV. APPRVD. $431,847.87 DAYS: 74 CHANGES: THIS CHANGE: ($38,815.00) DAYS: 47 OWNER: Yorba Linda water District REVISED CONTRACT $9,442,376.87 DAYS: 851 AMT: This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein. The Contractor shall construct, furnish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES +INCREASE /OR — DECREASE IN CONTRACT AMOUNT ($) CONTRACT TIME +EXTENSION /OR- REDUCTION (DAYS) COP 19: Reservoir wash dawn relocation, sample ports, vent $18,566.00 9 days COR 20: Deletion of retaining walls 1,2,4 for credit. ($210,000.00) 0 days COP 22: Rebar encasement for overflow and UW piping ($36,000.00) 0 days COR 52: Revised grading due to deleted retaining walls $76,873.00 0 days COP 53: Air Gap Extension $'1,671.1`10 2 days COP 54: Fence relocated to along property line $40,013.00 12 days COP 55: Inspection on 11 -11-09 and 1 -16 -10 ($1,068.00) 0 days COP 56: Column Identification Credit ($4,540.00) 0 days COR 57: Added T -wall rebar $3,605.00 4 days COP 59: Add 2 high & relocate the high high floats $11,233.00 3 days COP 60: T &M Issues $9,132.00 6 days COP 61: New South road grading and base $51,700.00 11 days NET CHANGE ($38,815.08) 47 days REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $9,442,378.87 851 days The amount of the contract will be increased by the sum of [$38.815.001 and the contract time shall be increased by fo -seven 47 calendar days. The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes, if any, in the contract price specified for each Item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change in work, and as to the extension of time allowed, if any, for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order. The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work, inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension, required to complete the Change Order items. This document will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This change order constitutes full, final, and complete compensation to the contractor for all costs, expenses, overhead, profit, and any damages of every kind that the contractor may incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the work, including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract, any changes in the sequences of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any work, any rescheduling of any work, and any other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the change order, the contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change, if any, and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation, damages or time extensions, in connection with the above - referenced changes. h*U' 1' tom- :1,1gI►1111 :►'►'1 -Ilk i=1:4 f]6-11.IC010 RECOMMENDED: ACCEPTED: APPROVED: Brian CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 DATE 7120110 Page 2 of 2 Carollo Engineers DATE: ;;1— 0(7 -lQ Schuler DATE: , Engineering �—/76 b—C) Chas wick Vorba Linda DATE: L�o Water District � onklin ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.5M To: Planning- Engineering- Cost Estimate: $5.44M Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101 -2700 Manager Job No: J- 200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: MND Engineer Subject: Award of Construction Contract for Highland Booster Station Replacement Project SUMMARY: On July 15, 2010, bids were received from nine contractors for the construction of the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project. The low bid was $4,525,800 by Pacific Hydrotech Corp. The Engineer's Estimate was $5,440,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors award the Contract for Construction of the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for $4,525,800. DISCUSSION: The 18,000 -gpm- capacity Highland Booster Station Replacement Project includes construction of a new pump building, three electric motor driven pumps, two gas engine driven pumps, larger suction and discharge headers, upsizing a section of the Zone 2 transmission pipeline and a 5,000 gallon surge relief tank. Construction will commence in October 2010 following completion of the new 6 MG Highland Reservoir. The new pump station was designed to allow continued pumping operations through the existing station during construction activities, and therefore will have minimal impacts on the District's production operations. Completion of the new Highland Booster Station Replacement Project is expected in late 2011. Bids were received from nine contractors, ranging from a low of $4,525,800 to a high of $5,631,596, as shown below. The bid tabulation and other bid documents from the low bidder, Pacific Hydrotech Corp., were reviewed by District staff and found to be responsive. Name of Contractor Bid Amount Pacific Hydrotech Corp. $4,525,800 Schuler Engineering Corp. $4,875,283 SCW Contracting Corp. $4,875,432 Norman A.Olsson Construction, Inc. $4,960,000 Brutoco Engineering & Construction, Inc. $5,187,000 J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. $5,218,000 Gantry Constructors, Inc. $5,231,000 R.C. Foster Corp. $5,270,000 Environmental Construction, Inc. $5,631,596 PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 9, 2009, the Board of Directors approved the award of the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) for design of the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Project to MWH Americas, for a fee not to exceed $469,593. On January 28, 2010, Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with MWH Americas, in the amount of $91,940, for additional engineering services. On February 11, 2010 the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 2 for a fee of $18,929. ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $2M To: Planning- Engineering- Cost Estimate: N/A Operations Committee Funding Source: Water Capital Reserves From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101 -2700 Manager Job No: 200711 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: Exempt Project Manager Subject: Brand -Name Requirements for Well No. 20 Wellhead Equipping SUMMARY: Staff has determined that several key design and manufactured components from specific suppliers are desired to match systems currently in use by the District in order to maximize opertional and maintenance efficiencies and overall system reliability. Attached is a copy of a staff memorandum titled "Recommended Brand -Name Requirements for Well No. 20 Project" that lists recommended brand names for this project and justification for each. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve brand -name requirements for Well No. 20 Wellhead Equipping for the items listed on the attached memorandum. DISCUSSION: During the design and review process, District staff determined that several key design components and manufactured parts are desired from specific suppliers in order to match products currently in use within the District's water system. This request is similar to the Highland Booster Station brand - name request approved by the Board on April 8, 2010 where Counsel determined, per Public Contract Code Section 3400, that, with Board approval, brand -name products can be specified provided that they are used to match products in use. A staff memorandum is attached listing recommended brand names and justification for each. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): 1. In August 2008, the Board of Directors approved a Professional Services Agreement with Camp Dresser & McGee in the amount of $179,469 to provide hydrogeologic services to evaluate two potential well sites and provide a well drilling design, specifications and inspection services. 2. In January 2010, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a Drilling Contract for Well No. 20 to Bakersfield Well & Pump Company, in the amount of $367,291. 3. On March 11, 2010, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. for a fee not to exceed $79,820, for design, bid support and construction management services for Wellhead equipping of Well No. 20. ATTACHMENTS: Name: uescripi u r MEMO - Well 20 Name Well 20 Brand Name Requirement Memorandum Brand Recommendations.docx 0 Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2010 TO: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager FROM: John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator COPY: Anthony Manzano, Sr. Project Engineer Lee Cory, Operations Manager Rick Walkemeyer, SCADA Administrator SUBJECT: Recommended Brand -Name Requirements for Well No. 20 Project During the Well #20 preliminary design review with Civiltec Engineering on July 21, 2010, District staff noted some items in the design for which specific brands are very important for operational continuity and efficiency. Below is a list of brand -name equipment requested and the justifications: 1. Onsite Sodium Hypochlorite System. Because of the complexities and proprietary parts associated with this type of equipment, YLWD staff would like to limit these systems to the two manufacturers we are currently using. In an effort to make repairs in a timely manner, the District stocks key repair parts for these two manufacturers in our warehouse. As such, PSI Microclor and Severn Trent are the two recommended manufacturers. 2. Chlorine System Analyzers. Like the sodium hypochlorite system, the analyzers also require regular maintenance and repairs with proprietary parts. This equipment is critical for accurate chlorine dosages. The District has strict requirement from the California Department of Public Health pertaining to the chlorine dose rate. We have found two manufacturers and models to perform better than others in our system. Staff is recommending we specify ProMinent Model DC1 /DMT control package for our import water supplies and the Capitol Controls Series 1870E with the "CO2" adapter for pH buffering for our groundwater supplies. The recommended Capitol Controls unit buffers pH for a stable reading without the use of reagents. Because we use the reading to drive the dose rate, a stable reading is essential to the operation of the system. Further, a unit that does not require the addition of reagents is critical because the Well #20 location doesn't have a sanitary sewer system nearby to discharge used reagents. 1 3. Chemical Feed Pumps. The chemical feed pumps are another key component in the chlorine feed systems. The lead time for rebuild kits and repair parts for these types of pumps is typically many months. To minimize downtime the District has stocked several of these expensive parts and rebuild kits in our warehouse. We have also trained staff on the repair of the pumps we currently have in our system. The pumps have been proven to be reliable when properly maintained. Therefore, we are recommending the use of the pumps from one of the two manufacturers we currently have installed in our system: Alldos and Encore 700 series chemical feed pumps. 4. PLC. Programming language for a programmable logic controller (PLC) is a very specialized field. All of the District's PLCs must communicate and work together in order to operate in our water system. The District's SCADA Administrator has specialized training and software to work with the Modicon PLC systems. The District also stocks repair parts for this unit. Therefore, because of the District's successful experience with the Modicon M340 PLC, it is recommended that this be the only model PLC the District will specify. 5. Flow Meters. The District is specifying a magnetic flow meter for flow measurement, the current standard of the industry for accuracy and ease of maintenance. The District has six locations with mag meters in place, and five of those are meters manufactured by ABB, all of which are working very well. Flow meters must be calibrated on a regular basis. The District's SCADA technician has specialized training in calibration of the ABB meters, and we also stock limited repair parts and calibration equipment for these units. Accordingly, staff is recommending that ABB magnetic flow meters be specified for new projects. 6. Pump Control Valves. For pump control valves, District staff is specifying units manufactured by Cla -Val, which have proved to be of high quality and value. The District has a crew trained in the maintenance and repair of the Cla- Val brand product. Because these valves are manufactured locally, District staff can generally call -in for parts and pick them up the same day. This has expedited repairs, which allows staff to get systems back on line quickly. In an effort to minimize repair -parts inventory in our warehouse, we utilize the local - availability of CIa -Vat's warehouse to meet that need. With these multiple benefits, staff recommends specifying only CIa -Val for pump control valves. 7. Operator Interface (OI). Programming the computer -based interface between the District's operator and equipment is very specialized. The District's various Operator Interfaces must communicate and work together in order to operate in our water system through our existing SCADA infrastructure and software. The District's SCADA Administrator has specialized training and software to work with the Wonderware Operator Interfaces. Utilizing this, the District is able to replicate the SCADA system at the control center and at the field site with minimal effort and cost. Therefore, because of the District's experience and success with the Wonderware Operator Interface Panel, it is recommended that this be the only model OI specified by the District. K Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT August 5, 2010 Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Scott Moulton, Consultant CEQA Compliance: Sewer Agreement for MWD's Diemer Treatment Plant ITEM NO. 3.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 4010 0780 20 0902 Engineering Yes Exempt The existing sewer agreement for MWD's Diemer Treatment Plant was created in 1968 for a much smaller operation. The Diemer Plant is much larger today, with peak effluent discharge rates 70 times larger than referenced in the original agreement. In addition, a second discharge connection has been requested by MWD for a sewer force main in Valley View Circle. District staff has negotiated a new agreement with MWD which will cover Diemer's current and planned discharges, and will recover $265,890 of past sewer trunk line investment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Agreement for Extraterritorial Sewer Service Between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Yorba Linda Water District. DISCUSSION: The District has invested over $3 million in sewer trunk lines to support the northwesterly area of the District. The District's policy is to recover a portion of the investment from major users that require dedication of a part of that capacity. Staff calculated that the Diemer Plant discharges will require 9% of the capacity of Bastanchury Trunk Sewer, 7% of the Wabash Trunk Sewer, and 12% of the Valley View Trunk Sewer. In total, $265,890 of past sewer construction capacity (actual historical cost) is now dedicated to the Diemer Plant operations discharge and is not available for other uses. Accordingly, this capacity cost is included in the new agreement to be borne by MWD. District staff negotiated a new agreement with MWD that addresses capital facility fee, monthly service costs, effluent standards, pumping rates and times of discharge, metering requirements, and legal issues. The new proposed agreement has been reviewed and approved by legal counsel at both districts. A copy of the proposed agreement is attached for review. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): None. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Sewer Agreement Between YLWD and Metropolitan 7 22 2010.doc Sewer Agreement for MWD Diemer Plant Type: Agreement AGREEMENT FOR EXTRATERRITORIAL SEWER SERVICE BETWEEN THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT This Agreement ( "Agreement ") for extraterritorial sewer service is made and entered into as of , 2010, by and between the METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ( "METROPOLITAN') and the YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ( "YLWD ") (METROPOLITAN and YLWD are sometimes herein referred to collectively as "Parties" or individually as a "Party" to this Agreement). RF,CITAIN A. YLWD owns and operates sewer pipelines as part of its water system. B. METROPOLITAN owns and operates, as part of its water system, a facility adjoining YLWD's service territory known as the Robert B. Diemer Filtration Plant ( Diemer Plant). C. METROPOLITAN requires sanitary sewer service in order to facilitate its operation of the Diemer Plant. D. The Parties entered into an agreement that provided for an extraterritorial sewer connection from the Diemer Plant to a YLWD sewer line at or near the intersection of Casa Loma Street and Pacific Avenue on or about July 1, 1968 (" 1968 Agreement ") E. The Parties now desire to enter into a new agreement for extraterritorial sewer service to cover the connection set forth in the 1968 Agreement, as well as one additional connection. 1 F. This Agreement supersedes any and all agreements between the Parties for extraterritorial sewer service, including the 1968 Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed between the Parties as follows: AGREEMENT 1. COMPENSATION. 1.1 METROPOLITAN shall pay Sewer Maintenance Charges consistent with the applicable Sewer Maintenance Charge adopted by YLWD's Board of Directors for Commercial, Industrial and Public School customers, which is subject to change. In the event that YLWD's Board of Directors changes the Sewer Maintenance Charge, METROPOLITAN shall pay the new charge beginning the first month after adoption of the change. The current fee for Commercial, Industrial and Public School customers, when metered, is $5.50 per month for the first 1,100 cubic feet of effluent and $5.06 per month per 1,000 cubic feet of effluent in excess of 1,100. 1.2 YLWD shall assess, and METROPOLITAN shall pay, the standard service fee of $1,957.00 for the connections covered by this Agreement. Payment under this Section 1.2 is due and payable no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice from YLWD. 1.3 METROPOLITAN shall pay a sewer trunk capital facility fee of $265,890.00 in lieu of the standard acreage fee. Payment under this Section 1.3 is due and payable no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice from YLWD. 2. EFFLUENT STANDARDS. All effluent must comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations. Specific effluent requirements are discussed in greater detail in Section 9.6. 3. PUMPING HOURS. Pumping at Connection # 1 of 1) treated rainwater runoff effluent approved under a Class II permit issued by Orange County Sanitation District ( "OCSD ") and 2) effluent approved under a Special Discharge permit issued by OCSD shall occur only between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 a.m., Pacific Time. 4. REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF CONNECTIONS AND PIPE. METROPOLITAN shall be responsible for repairing and maintaining each connection and pipe that is upstream of each connection. YLWD is authorized to, but not obligated to, access any of 2 the connections or pipes for repair and maintenance if METROPOLITAN fails to perform its obligations under this Section 4. In the event YLWD undertakes such repair or maintenance of the connections and /or pipes, YLWD is entitled to full reimbursement for all associated costs from METROPOLITAN. YLWD shall be responsible for repair and maintenance of pipe which is downstream of each connection. 5. [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED] 6. METERING. 6.1 All connections shall be equipped with a meter capable of measuring the flow of effluent into the YLWD sewer system. 6.2 METROPOLITAN is responsible for all costs associated with the meters including, but not limited to, the purchase of the metering equipment, the installation of the metering equipment and the repair and maintenance of the metering equipment. 6.3 In the event METROPOLITAN fails to properly install and maintain metering equipment, YLWD is authorized, but not obligated to, undertake these tasks. In the event YLWD undertakes installation, repair or maintenance of the metering equipment, YLWD is entitled to full reimbursement for all associated costs from METROPOLITAN. 6.4 METROPOLITAN shall take and record monthly readings on the meters on connections through which effluent was discharged during the previous month. 6.5 On the last day of each month, an accounting of all effluent discharged into the YLWD system shall be completed by METROPOLITAN and submitted to YLWD. The accounting shall set forth the total amount of effluent discharged into the YLWD system, as well as the amount of effluent discharged at each connection. The amount of effluent shall be multiplied by the applicable Sewer Maintenance Charge set forth in Section 1.1 of this Agreement. 6.6 No later than the end of each month YLWD shall submit an invoice for all sewer charges incurred during the previous month to METROPOLITAN. METROPOLITAN shall pay YLWD the full amount of the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice. All amounts not paid within 30 days of the invoice shall be subject to interest at a rate of one percent (1 %) per month. All payments of Sewer Maintenance Charges shall be addressed to YLWD as provided in Section 14.1 of this Agreement. 6.7 In the event a portion of an invoice is disputed, the Parties agree that the entire amount of the charge, including the disputed amount shall be paid when due. Upon the determination of a correction to the original amount of the invoice, the amount of said correction shall be refunded promptly after such determination with interest accrued at the rate of one percent (1 %) per month, computed from the date of payment to the date of refund. 6.8 YLWD shall be permitted to independently verify the meters at any time with appropriate escort by METROPOLITAN to ensure safety and security of METROPOLITAN's facility. 7. RECORDS CONCERNING FLOW DATA. METROPOLITAN shall maintain accurate records and accounts of effluent discharged into the YLWD system. Said records shall include total amounts of discharge, as well as laboratory data of the discharge, at each connection for a period of three (3) years after the respective discharge. Such records and accounts shall be subject to audit by YLWD or an independent accountant selected by YLWD upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to METROPOLITAN. The records shall be available during normal business hours, at METROPOLITAN's main place of business. YLWD shall not release METROPOLITAN's records or disclose any information contained therein without the express written consent of METROPOLITAN unless required to do so pursuant to the California Public Records Act. 8. INDEMNITY. To the fullest extent permitted by law, METROPOLITAN shall indemnify, defend and hold YLWD, its directors, officers, consultants, employees, or authorized volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, expenses, damages, losses, liability or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of defense) arising from or related to METROPOLITAN's performance (whether based on actual performance or alleged non - performance), except to the extent resulting from the willful misconduct or active negligence of YLWD, its directors, officers, consultants, employees, or authorized volunteers. METROPOLITAN's duties and obligations under this Section 8 shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 9. CONNECTIONS. This Agreement shall cover two sewer connections by METROPOLITAN to the YLWD system. For the purpose of identification, these connections are referred to as Connection #1 and M Connection #3. (Connection #2 is currently not planned to be used.) 9.1. Description and General Location Connection #1: This is an existing connection from the Diemer Filtration Plant to the YLWD system. It connects at or near the intersection of Casa Loma Street and Pacific Avenue in the City of Yorba Linda. Connection #3: This is a recent connection from new and existing facilities including the West Filter Building, the Solids Handling Facility, the Vehicle Maintenance Center and Vehicle Wash Rack, and the Guard Station at the Diemer Plant to the YLWD system. It connects at or near Valley View Circle in the City of Yorba Linda. 9.2. Construction Connection #1: This connection has already been constructed and is currently in operation. Connection #3: This connection has already been constructed and is currently in operation. 9.3. Pipe Size and Type Connection #1: 8 -inch gravity flow sewer main. Connection #3: 4 -inch sewer force main. 9.4. [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED] 9.5. Maximum Flows Connection #1: Maximum peak flow 45 gallons per minute. Total flows not to exceed 22,000 gallons per calendar day. Connection #3: Maximum flow of 30 gallons per minute. Total flows not to exceed 43,000 gallons per calendar day. In the event of an emergency that results in an unavoidable release to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage, METROPOLITAN shall immediately notify the YLWD by telephone and METROPOLITAN shall implement any remedial measures required. In the event that METROPOLITAN is unable to comply with any permit condition due to a breakdown of equipment, accidents, or human error, METROPOLITAN shall immediately notify the YLWD by telephone and METROPOLITAN shall implement any remedial measures required. Notwithstanding the above in this Section 9.5, METROPOLITAN's indemnification obligations under Section 8 shall apply in the event of an emergency that results in an unavoidable release to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage or if METROPOLITAN is unable to comply with any permit condition due to a breakdown of equipment, accidents, or human error. 9.6 Type of Effluent All effluent for which METROPOLITAN has obtained a permit from the Orange County Sanitation District. Percent solids not to exceed five percent (5 %). 9.7. Discharge of Other Effluent Unless and until METROPOLITAN obtains express written approval from YLWD, it shall not discharge effluent different from that specified in Section 9.6 above, at the respective connections. 9.8. Third Party Use of Connections YLWD may allow others to connect to YLWD's system and shall not be obligated to make any refund therefore; provided, however, that any such connection and service shall be subordinate to METROPOLITAN's right to use the sewer to its full contracted capacity as provided in this Agreement. 10. NECESSARY APPROVALS AND PERMITS. 10.1 METROPOLITAN shall obtain any and all necessary approvals and permits for discharge of effluent and comply with all requirements of said approvals and permits. 10.2 The necessary approvals and permits referred to in Section 10.1 include, but are not limited to, those required by the Orange County Sanitation District. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. METROPOLITAN warrants that it will comply with all Federal, State and local laws governing the discharge of effluent. YLWD shall not be responsible either jointly or severally for METROPOLITAN's failure to adhere to said standards. 12. TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall remain in effect unless and until either Party gives the other Party at least one (1) year written notice. 13. LAW GOVERNING CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. If any portion of this Agreement is held invalid under any applicable statute or rule of law, then only that portion shall 0 be deemed invalid. All other portions shall remain valid. 14. NOTICES. 14.1. Any formal notice, demand or request provided for in this Agreement, or given or made in connection with this Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given or made if personally delivered or sent by registered mail, postage prepaid to the person specified below: METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Water Treatment Unit Manager 3972 Valley View Ave. Yorba Linda, California 92886 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT P.O. Box 0309 Yorba Linda, California 92885 ATTN: General Manager 14.2. A Party may at any time, by written notice, change the designation or the address of the person specified to receive notices pursuant to Section 14.1. This paragraph does not apply to notices and requests of a routine nature. Such notices and requests shall be given in such manner as the Single Point of Contact from time to time shall specify. 15. WAIVER. 15.1. No waiver or failure to exercise any right, option or privilege under the terms of this Agreement on any particular occasion shall be construed to be a waiver of any other right, option, or privilege on any other occasion. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 16.1. This document constitutes the entire Agreement between the Parties and supersedes all oral or written representations or agreements which may have been entered into between the Parties regarding the extraterritorial sewer service discussed herein. Specifically, this Agreement supersedes the 1968 Agreement. No modification, revision or amendment to this Agreement shall be of any force or effect, unless the same is in writing and executed by the Parties hereto. 17. EFFECTIVE DATE AND AUTHORITY. The effective date of this Agreement shall be the latest date of execution hereinafter set 7 forth below. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on a date hereinafter respectfully set forth. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA By: _ Name Title: Date: Jeff Kightlinger General Manager YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BY: _ Name Title: Date: William R. Mills President APPROVED AS TO FORM: a Karen L. Tachiki General Counsel Metropolitan Water District of Southern California APPROVED AS TO FORM: n-M Arthur G. Kidman McCormick, Kidman & Behrens, LLP Counsel for Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 ITEM NO. 3.6 To: Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Funding Source: Developer Funded From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Job No: 200707 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Prepared By: Ariel Bacani, Engineering CEQA Compliance: N/A Technician II Subject: Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club SUMMARY: Yorba Linda Country Club has requested water service as a back -up to their two onsite wells that provide irrigation to the golf course. The proposed connection is located at the north end of Parkhurst Place, within Pressure Zone 2 of the District's Western Service Area. An exhibit depicting the project location is attached for your reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club, Job No. 200707. DISCUSSION: The District has an existing pipeline in Parkhurst Place that has provided water service through the use of a temporary meter. Yorba Linda Country Club is requesting a permanent connection to the distribution system to supplement their two onsite wells for irrigation purposes. The applicant will construct a two -inch service and meter with a backflow prevention device. The Yorba Linda Country Club will agree to pay for water used at the District's construction rate. The applicant's proposed water service may be terminated at the District's discretion during declared drought conditions. The Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club are attached for your consideration. The applicant will pay all water service fees and execute an approved water service agreement in accordance with the District's Rules and Regulations. ATTACHMENTS: Namt 200707 T C.doc EXHIBIT - Prop. YLCC Wtr. Service 07- 22- 2010.pdf Description: Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Yorba Linda Country Club Exhibit - Proposed Water Improvements for Yorba Linda Country Club Type: Agreement Exhibit Date: August 12, 2010 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTH END OF PARKHURST PLACE, YORBA LINDA TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 200707 LOT(S): N/A The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) X The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 1 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. I. 4) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 2 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. 2. 5) X The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) marling DlaR c) TraGt Dornol nr VP —Sting Map d) Landscaping Plans 6) X Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTH END OF PARKHURST PLACE, YORBA LINDA 7) The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 8) The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tr�n vel Map(s)er Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to Feq6leGtmRg ^^^61paRGY releases construction. 9) The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 10) X The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24 -hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 11) X The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 12) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 13) X The applicant shall provide per the District specifications one complete set of "As Built" mylars and electronic copy of ACAD drawings (version 2008 or later) for the Water and SeWe r facilities. 14) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Water Service. 15) X The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 16) X The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 17) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Water Service. 18) The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTH END OF PARKHURST PLACE, YORBA LINDA 19) X The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the District's Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 20) X The applicant's water facilities (on -site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 21) X The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 22) X The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 23) The applicant shall install one 1 water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Plans. 24) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 25) The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 26) X All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 27) X The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 28) The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 29) The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 30) The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all dwellings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 31) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Water Permit (Jumper Installation) for all water that will be used through the new water service to serve the A &A4 4 .4elli e golf course. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTH END OF PARKHURST PLACE, YORBA LINDA 32) The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 33) X The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 34) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly prior to the water meters being turned on for service. 35) The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 36) X The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross - Connections. 37) The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 38) The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Sewer Service. 39) The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service. 40) The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 41) The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 42) The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 43) The applicant's sewer facilities (on -site) shall be Privately owned and maintained. 44) The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Plans and Specifications. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTH END OF PARKHURST PLACE, YORBA LINDA 45) The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 46) The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) X The applicant shall install one new water service, per approved plans and District Specifications. 49) X The applicant shall agree to pay for all water supplied at construction rate. 50) X The applicant's proposed water service may be terminated at the District's discretion during declared drought conditions. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the August 12, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Application To and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Sewer Service is not executed for the project under consideration. Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, P.E., General Manager 'S EXIST. 4" PVC WATER BY YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB EXIST. FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED 2" SERVICE & METER WITH A BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE EXIST. 8" WATER MAIN LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY: ELYORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT w1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 (714) 701 -3100 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE EXHIBIT PROPOSED EMERGENCY WATER SERVICE FOR YORBA LINDA COUNTRY CLUB SCALE: NO SCALE DATE: 7 -22 -10 FILENAME: JOB - 200707 ITEM NO. 3.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $190,000 To: Planning- Engineering- Cost Estimate: $35,395 Operations Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101 -2700 Manager Job No: 200813 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Anthony Manzano, Senior CEQA Compliance: N/A Project Manager Subject: Well Optimization Study Amendment No. 1 with Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc. (CDM) SUMMARY: CDM was previously retained to provide Consulting Services (Services) for the Well Optimization Study to evaluate the condition of the District's wells and provide recommendations on means to maximize production to meet current water demands. Additional work is required to complete these evaluations and provide inspection services for well rehabilitation work. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize approval of the Services Amendment No. 1 with CDM for a fee increase not to exceed $35,395, resulting in a total fee of $89,785. DISCUSSION: On October 16, 2008, the District entered into a Professional Services Agreement with CDM to evaluate the condition of the District's wells and maximize production to meet current water demands, for an amount not to exceed $54,390. Work completed to date includes: • Attended several meetings with District staff to collect data including well characteristics, water levels, interference drawdown, pump performance curves, specific capacity and operational records. • Performed Well Nos. 5 and 12 pump analyses including several days of field observation while the contractor conducted pump testing. • Reviewed Well Nos. 5 and 12 video logs. • Completed Well Nos. 5 and 12 reports which included the following recommendations to assist in eliminating cascading water and air entrapment during pumping: Pump setting levels, installation and setting of packer, maximum discharge flow rate. • Confirmed District's calculations for Well Nos. 5 and 12 pump sizing. • Provided sizing calculations for Well No. 5 electric motor conversion and attended a conference call meeting with District staff to discuss sizing requirements with the contractor. • Reviewed Well No. 11 modifications with District staff and evaluated extent of production and quality improvements. • Provided pump installation inspection services for Well No. 5. Well No. 5 pump was recently installed and test pumped at approximately 2,200 GPM; a small portion of this required inspection work exceeding the previously authorized $54,390 by approximately $1,900. Payment for this overage is requested as part of the proposal for additional services. Currently, additional well optimization support services will be required, including inspection of Well No. 12 pump installation, and consulting services for the refurbishment of Well No. 1. At the District's request, CDM provided the attached letter proposal dated June 8, 2010, describing the proposed work and fee. District staff reviewed the proposal and recommends approval. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On August 28, 2008, the Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee for the amount not to exceed $54,390 to provide hydrogeologic and support engineering services to prepare an optimization study of the District's existing water production wells, Job No. 200813. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Des pdon: Type: Well Optimization Study Amendment 1/w Camp Dresser ylwd_ammendment _ r2 June_061710.pdf Backup Material etc. YLWD well 1 evaluation June 2010 r2.pdf CDM Well optimization study amendment Backup Material *I P , Ly� 111 Academy, Suite 150 Irvine, California 92617 tel: 949 752 -5452 fax: 949 725 -3790 June 8, 2010 Steve Conklin Anthony Manzano Yorba Linda Water District 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Yorba Linda Water District Well Optimization Study Amendment Dear Steve and Anthony: As requested, CDM is submitting this amendment to our contract with the District to provide engineering services to evaluate the current conditions of the District's wells so that the District can maximize production and meet the current water demands. Well 5 work was recently completed; rehabilitation of Well 12 has been completed, and the District has requested CDM to assist in the oversight of the installation of the permanent pump, evaluation, and oversight of Well 1 rehabilitation. 1.0 Scope of Work Task 1 -1 Well Evaluation and Recommendations CDM will evaluate the well data and develop recommendations to increase production. Wells 1, 5 and 12 were experiencing aeration due to the pumping water levels being below the top of the perforations. CDM will provide guidance to the District during the field testing. The preliminary field work has been completed for Well 5 and the aeration issue appears to be resolved; however, Layne Christensen recently installed the pump and the District requested that CDM provide construction observation services. During this task the following items will be performed: • CDM provided pump installation observation for Well 5. This task has been completed. However, this task represents additional engineering services completed in excess of the approved $54,390. • CDM will review the video surveys and provide field oversight during the installation of the packer/ cylinder (if the District determines it is needed) with the pump and test pumping and provide recommendations for eliminating or reducing the aeration for Well C: \Documents and Settings \hoffmanmj \Desktop \ylwd ammendment r2 June 061710.doc consulting • engineering • construction • operations CDM Steve Conklin June 8, 2010 Page 2 1. CDM will provide pump installation observation for Well 1, if needed. After the pump is installed, the well will be evaluated for air in the discharge. Photographs will be taken and a short memorandum prepared to document the installation and testing. ■ CDM will provide pump installation observation for Well 12. Photographs will be taken and a short memorandum prepared to document the installation and testing. 2.0 Fee and Cost Breakdown The total not -to- exceed cost approved by the District for the Well Optimization Study is $54,390. The estimate to perform the work described in this letter is $35,395 which would increase the upper limit to $89,785. The cost breakdown for the additional services described herein is detailed on the attached table. All other terms and conditions of the original contract dated October 16, 2008 will remain in effect. Should you have any questions, or require additional clarification, please let me know. Very truly yours, Richard W. Corneille, P.E. Principal -In- Charge Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. I� Su anne M. Rowe, C.HG. Project Manager Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. C: \Documents and Settings \hoffmanmj \Desktop \ylwd ammendment r2 June 061710.doc Yorba Linda Water District Wells 1 Analysis, Well 5 and Well 12 Observation Budget Estimate June 2010 TASK Officer in Charge $210 Project Manager SCGE 8 $180 Tech Advisor/ Review SCGE 9 $210 Senior WR Planner/ Engineer 7 $175 Project Hydrogeologist SCGE 5 $135 Prof II Geol./ Eng. SCGE3 /4 $125 Drafter $85 Clerical/ Contract. Admin $80 Total Labor Hours Total Labor Dollars ODCs Total Task Costs 1 Improve Well Yields 1.0 Well Evaluation and Recommendations Well 5 Observation 1 1 2 7 2 13 $1,775 $140 $1,915 Well 1 Evalution, Recommendations and Observation 40 6 12 40 40 2 140 $21,120 $400 $21,520 Well 12 Pump Installation Observation 4 2 2 24 2 34 $4,650 $400 $5,050 2.0 Project Management 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 17 $2,290 $300 $2,590 3.0 Meetin s 8 1 4 1 4 1 8 1 1 1 2 1 26 $4,220 $100 $4,320 TOTALI 1 1 61 1 13 1 20 1 48 71 1 0 1 16 1 230 $34,0551 $1,3 $35 395 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 ITEM NO. 4.1 Subject: Report on Preliminary Planning for Elk Reservoir Site Development ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: ElkSiteSTAFF REPORT 02Aug2010 (2).pdf ElkSiteReport Backup Material ElkSitePrelimCostEst _02Aug2010Grass. pdf ElkSitePrelimCostEst 02Aug2010ArtifTurf (2).pdf ElkSiteDevel Plan Map. Rdf ElkSiteGrass ElkSiteTurf ElkSiteMap Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District STAFF REPORT DATE: August 2, 2010 TO: STEVE CONKLIN FROM: HANK SAMARIPA SUBJECT: PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF ELK MTN RESERVOIR SITE FOR YOUTH SPORTS FIELD Background In the early 1990s, as a condition in its development agreement with the District, Vista del Verde Development provided $300,000 to the District to help establish a community park on the District's Elk Mountain Reservoir site. Recently, District staff initiated discussions with local representatives for youth soccer and baseball organizations located in the eastern portion of the Yorba Linda community. The purpose of the discussions was to determine if they have an interest in the use of the reservoir site, with modest improvements, for practice fields for the youngest age groups. Those representatives indicated that they were very interested in the site for practice fields. Based on this response, District staff prepared preliminary cost estimates for two variations on modest improvements to the site, which would include a grass field (natural or artificial), grading and drainage, irrigation system for a natural grass field, chain -link fencing around the field, asphalt -paved parking lot for about 10 cars, and other minor improvements. The two estimates are attached, the first based on providing a natural -grass field, and the second based on providing an artificial -turf field. See attached sketch showing a preliminary plan for development of 57,000 square foot (about 1.3 acres) playing field. Preliminary Cost Estimate Based on the preliminary information at hand, and general cost quotes from suppliers, it is estimated that a natural -grass field may cost in the range of $271,000, and the same -sized artificial -turf field may cost in the range of $738,000. These costs include 10% for design costs, and 10% contingency. Thus, the added cost to provide a field with artificial turf versus natural grass is estimated to be $738,000- $271,000 = $467,000. However, there are potential savings with artificial turf. These savings would be the avoided costs associated with maintaining a natural -grass field, which includes mowing, irrigation and fertilizer. As shown on the attached cost estimate, the estimated cost to maintain and irrigate the natural -grass field may be in the range of $19,000 per year. Therefore, the potential payback for the added cost of providing a field with artificial turf would be the added cost for construction divided by the annual savings for reduced maintenance cost, which is $467,000/$19,000 per year, which equates to a payback of 24+ years. Note that this very simple payback analysis is based on preliminary cost data and assumes that there are no annual costs to maintain an artificial -turf field. If the District was to invest this extra cost into the project, it would save approximately 1.3 million gallons of water annually that would otherwise be used for irrigation with a grass field. This would be a strong affirmation by the District of its commitment to water conservation. The District would also be providing a larger -scale demonstration project for artificial turf and its benefit for water conservation. The proposed project for modest development for practice fields for local community sports organizations would demonstrate the District's desire to provide dual -use of its facilities, with the proviso that use would be controlled and limited to local recreational groups that provide all necessary insurance and indemnification. The issue at hand is to determine how much the District is willing to invest at this site, keeping in mind that proceeding with dual use could potentially lead to requests for the District to improve other sites for dual use. Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate -- Natural Grass Elk Mountain Site Youth Sports Field 2- Aug -10 Item Units Unit Cost Cost Chain link fence 780 Lf. $55 /LF $ 43,000 * 15'Sliding gate 1 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Grading /Drainage 57,000 SF $1 /SF $ 57,000 Natural grass 57,000 SF $0.75/SF $ 42,750 * Irrigation 57,000 SF $0.43/SF $ 25,000 * Asphaltic Concrete 7,000 SF $7 /SF $ 49,000 Retaining Wall 100 Lf. $30 /Lf. $ 3,000 Signage 4 $250 EA $ 1,000 Sub Total of Construction Costs $ 223,250 Design Cost Estimate (10 %) $ 22,750 Sub Total $ 246,000 Contingency (10 %) $ 25,000 Total Cost Estimate - Natural Grass $ 271,000 *Preliminary Cost Quote from contractor or supplier Estimated Maintenance Expenses for 57,000 SF natural grass sports field Mowing one time per week- 3 hrs. @ $30 =$90 x 52 wks. = $4700 /yr. Water consumption: 3 AF /AC per yr x 1.3 acres = 1,280,000 gal /yr = 1713 units Annual water cost: 1713 units x $2.52 per unit = $4300 /yr Lawn food and weed abatement: $10,000 /yr. Total Estimated Maintenance Expenses per year: Comment or Description of Estimate 8 ft. high coated chain link fence 8 ft. coated 15' wide sliding chain link gate Include rough grading, 6" rock base, water barrier, drain pipe. Slope 1/2 % per ft. min. Natural sod - hybrid bermuda Tifgreen Designed for athletic fields, soccer and baseball. Commercial sprinkler installation with Smart Controller Asphalt pavement for 10 parking spaces at entrance 30" high retaining wall at entrance to parking lot. Miscellaneous allowance for signage to field. Annual Cost $4,700 $4,300 $10,000 $19,000 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate -- Artificial Turf Elk Mountain Site Youth Sports Field 2- Aug -10 Item Units Unit Cost Cost Comment or Description of Estimate Chain link fence 780 LF. $55 /LF $ 43,000 * 8 ft. high coated chain link fence 15'Sliding gate 1 $2,500 EA $ 2,500 8 ft. coated 15' wide sliding chain link gate Grading /Drainage 57,000 SF $4.50 /SF $ 260,000 * Include rough grading, 6" rock base, water barrier, drain pipe, curb & gutter. Slope 1/2 % per ft min. Artificial Sod 57,000 SF $4.25/SF $ 250,000 * A -Turf Sod manufacture Mo. A -Turf Premier -RS -XP Designed for athletic fields, soccer and baseball. Asphaltic Concrete 7,000 SF $7 /SF $ 49,000 * Asphalt pavement for 10 parking spaces at entrance Retaining Wall 100 Lf. $30 /Lf. $ 3,000 30" high retaining wall at entrance to parking lot. Signage 4 $250 EA $ 1,000 Miscellaneous allowance for signage for field. Greens Groomer 1 $1,500 EA $ 1,500 * Artifical sod groomer Sub Total of Construction Costs $ 610,000 Design Cost Estimate (10 %) $ 61,000 Sub Total $ 671,000 Contingency (10 %) $ 67,000 Total Cost Estimate - Artificial Turf $ 738,000 Notes: 1. *Preliminary cost quote from contractor or supplier. 2. Estimate assumes minimal maintenance expenses and no irrigation system. 3. Information indicates that surface temperature of artificial turf may exceed 120 F, making it unusable at times. o t 11 tot O 90j Lx v/ W V,11- l 14 �4 � rl \�pVlgi ?2AtCTtCC rInD5 fk ,NbuNrA9J wof L• ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: GWP MtgNotes 14July10.pdf GWP Meeting Report for July 2010 Backup Material 0 Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: July 15, 2010 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager FROM: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager COPY: Pat Grady, Assistant General Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting, July 14, 2010 John DeCriscio and I attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) Meeting on July 14 at OCWD. A summary of each item discussed is as follows: 1. Water Quality Update. OCWD provided an update on proposed Public Health Goals (PHGs) for Methoxychlor (0.09 parts per billion [ppb]), Selenium (30 ppb), and Chromium -six (60 parts per trillion). None are a concern in the Orange County groundwater basin. ( Methoxychlor is a pesticide that has not been approved for use in California since 1995.) 2. Annexation Process Update. OCWD reported that on July 14 the OCWD Water Issues Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board consider approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Anaheim, IRWD and YLWD for annexation, which will initiate the process for the preparation of the EIR. If approved by the Board on July 21, staff will conduct Annexation Workshops, approximately every other month, to consider the issues and concerns of the Groundwater Producers on such topics as CEOA Process and Annexation Policy, Water Resources and Financial Impacts. The workshops will proceed in parallel with the preparation of the EIR. It is anticipated by OCWD staff that the workshops and EIR preparation will take one year or more to complete. Thereafter, there would be preparation of the Annexation Agreement, adoption of the EIR, and preparation of the LAFCo resolution. LAFCo approval and annexations would follow. 3. BEA Exemption Program for Water Quality Projects. OCWD provided a list of six projects in the above program, under which the four participating agencies may produce groundwater requiring treatment, with the production not subject to the Basin Production Percentage (BPP). Groundwater production under the exemption program is typically 23,000 afy, but may theoretically be as high as 38,000 afy under existing agreements. This equates to 8% to 13% of current 1 basin pumping, over and above the existing 296,000 afy at 62% BPP. [As an aside, the proposed additional pumping from the basin from the proposed annexation by Anaheim, IRWD and YLWD will be 9,361 afy at 62% BPP. Pumping under the existing BEA Exemption Program is about 2.5 times more than that for the proposed annexations.] OCWD will examine the existing exemption program in a Board workshop in August 2010. They will consider means to reduce the exempt pumping, such as adding sunset clauses, reducing the amount of pumping exempted, and eliminating projects that are not meeting objectives. 4. Future BPP and RA Projections. OCWD will provide more information next month, but in general, the BPP will probably remain in the range of 62% and the RA may increase at a rate of 5% per year in the near future. They noted that increasing demand on the basin will be offset by increasing recharge, allowing the BPP to remain relatively stable. 5. Update on Alamitos Seawater Barrier Project. OCWD reported that recent studies have found increased salinity in monitoring wells, indicating seawater passing the existing injection wells into Orange County. Increased salinity was detected within 2,000 ft of three production wells, operated by the City of Seal Beach and Golden State Water Company. More injection wells and more injection water are proposed to mitigate, though the supply pipeline is nearing its capacity. About half of the existing injection supply is recycled water (3,000 afy). 6. Update on North Basin VOC and MTBE Lawsuits. The groundwater basin area impacted by VOC and MTBE contamination is west of the 57 Fwy and north of the 91 Fwy, in Anaheim and Fullerton. The remediation project will consist of five extraction wells drawing from the plumes, pipelines, a centralized treatment plant, and injection of the treated water. OCWD is proceeding with design and construction of the project, and has sued the identified responsible parties for reimbursement of costs. The lawsuits and counter -suits will take years to settle. 7. Classification of Reclaimed Water with respect to the Annual BPP. The City of Buena Park is pursuing grant funding for a project to bring recycled water from LA County into Orange County. However, the project is not cost effective if recycled water continues to be counted as supplemental water, reducing the proportional take of groundwater. The city wants a change so that they can take their full allotment of groundwater and reduce their more - expensive Met -water use. OCWD commented that they will review this, but noted that any change will impact how all other recycled water is used and counted by others as well. 8. MWD Storage Account. OCWD noted that they just received a request from MWD for OCWD to receive and recharge 16,000 of under the existing Conjunctive Use Program, for potential future use. OCWD will be recharging 90 cfs for three months for MWD. 2 ITEM NO. 4.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 5, 2010 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: CIP Rept Aug10.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: August 1, 2010 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Highland Reservoir Hydrotest and Bacti sampling Under -drain to be installed On schedule with no significant Budget: $11,200,000 Job No. 200309 results acceptable. Reservoir and backfilled. Ops Dept. to issues outstanding. Project Contact: Joe Polimino placed online July 15. Electrical monitor reservoir and controls, Planned Completion Date: August 2010 controls tested and approved. and determine when to remove temp tanks from service. 2 Hidden Hills Res & Santiago BPS Complete and placed online Coordinate with Edison to Punch list being finalized. Budget: $7,000,000 Job No.200028 June 30. Completed backfilling energize. Electrical controls to Project Contact: Joe Polimino and final grading. Access road be tested and finalized at the Planned Completion Date: July 2010 and Hidden Hills Road paved. reservoir and Santiago BPS. 3 Vista del Verde Valve Replacement Phase 1 construction completed Pay Contractor's final invoice Construction on schedule & Budget: $1M Job No. 200908 July 21. Both City and District and plan to combine Phases 2, complete. Change order = $1,267 Project Contact: Derek Nguyen are very happy with the 3 and Emergency Pump Out including permit fees, additional Planned Compl. Date: July 2010 (Ph. 1) Contractor's performance. Facilities into one project. cathodic protection and labor. 4 Wells 1, 5 and 12 Upgrade W -12 electric conversion nearly W -12 new pump to be New W -5 test pumped at 2,200 Budget: $190,000 Job No. 200813 complete. W -5 gas engine installed in August. W -5 GPM. Developing plan of action Project Contact: Anthony Manzano refurbishment underway. dampener and new drive shaft for Well No. 1. Project Completion: TBD to be installed by mid- August. 5 Well 20 Wellhead Equipping design Wellhead Equipping 90% Pumping capacity designed for Budget: $2,000,000 Job No.200711 PDR completed and reviewed plans & 50% specs due late 3,000 GPM. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano by staff. 50% design plans August. Planned Completion Date: TBD reviewed. IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 OC -51 Connection Upgrade MWD proposed administrative Review proposed MWD costs, Staff to review overall project costs Budget: $242,000 Job No. 200815 & inspection fees = $160,700. design engineering costs and with GM to determine if project is Project Contact: Derek Nguyen Staff & consultant reviewing est. construction costs. economically beneficial. Planned Completion Date: TBD cost proposal. 2 Highland Booster Station Upgrade Received 9 bids, low -bid Recommending award to PHC Issue Notice to Proceed about Budget: $5,000,000 Job No. 200814 contractor is Pacific Hydrotech at August 5 PEO. Proposed August 301'. Tentative construction Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Corp at $4.5M. Bid documents award by Board on Aug 12. mobilization Sept 20 for 13 -month Planned Completion Date: Nov 2011 and references ok. construction. 3 Anaheim Intertie Connection Anaheim approved installation Issue Amendment No.I to Solicit proposals for construction to Budget: $250,000 (YLWD Share) of control valve to deliver Steve Andrews Engr. PSA for four approved contractors with Job No. 200906 emergency fire flow demands revising plans at Willow work experience with Anaheim and Project Contact: Hank Samaripa in Willow Woods Drive. Woods Drive intertie. YLWD. Planned Completion Date: Nov 2010 4 Ohio St Pipeline Replacement Project Board approved addition of Preliminary layout to be Anticipate design completion for Budget: $530,000 Job No. 201005 Oriente Drive pipeline reviewed with City. 90% plans combined Ohio /Oriente pipeline Project Contact: Anthony Manzano replacement. Consultant and specs expected to be replacement in October 2010. Planned Completion Date: TBD completing preliminary plans. complete within 2 -3 months. 5 Emergency Pumpout Facilities Completed design plans and Staff to combine this project Plan coordination meeting to Budget: $120,000 Job No. 200903 specs. City and staff reviewed with VDV Valve Replacement determine logistical requirements to Project Contact: Derek Nguyen project documents on June 23. phases 2 & 3. combine the three projects. Bid Planned Completion Date: TBD documents scheduled for release in September 2010. IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Fairmont Site Improvements Shapell verbally agreed with Complete internal review and Pursue agreement from Shapell in Budget: TBD District taking over design and make recommendations for lieu of site design and partial Job No. 200803 construction. Sent draft layout and site improvements. payment for construction of site Project Contact: Hank Samaripa agreement conditions to improvements. Planned Completion Date: TBD Shapell for review. 2 Recycled Water Study Consultant reviewing supply Begin preparation of 50% + Project due date for draft report is Budget: $1,800,000 Job No. 200807 and demand data to make draft report. Report to include end of September 2010. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen recommendation on project recommended sites and Planned Completion Date: TBD feasibility. potential treatment process. 3 West Wellfield Project Investigating additional Review hydrogeology data and May retain a Property Acquisition Budget: $9,000,000 Job No. potential well sites east of contact land owners to Firm for assistance. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Tustin Avenue determine if there is interest in Planned Completion Date: TBD selling small site for well. 4 Sewer Master Plan Flow monitoring report Consultant to refine and Modeling expected to be complete Budget: $350,000 Job No. 200916 complete. Reviewed draft complete model and start by late summer 2010. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano model and preliminary master plan report. Planned Completion Date: Oct. 2010 analysis with consultant. 5 Lakeview Grade Separation Preliminary pipeline relocation Design submittal remains on Awaiting OCTA final decision to Budget: TBD Job No. 201002 alignment finalized. hold pending OCTA Board determine agency financially Project Contact: Anthony Manzano approval to resume work. responsible for pipe relocation. Planned Completion Date: Sept. 2013 6 YL Blvd. Booster Station Met with MWD reps on site Gather all utility substructure Pursue response from City. Finalize Budget: TBD Job No. 200817 and obtained their comments. drawings to determine future RFP for design consultant. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa Awaiting City of YL response pipeline alignment to new Planned Completion Date: Dec 2011 re proposed location. pump station. 7 Elk Mountain Site Improvements Drafted development options. Discuss potential site Review insurance documents of Budget: $300,000 Job No. 200522 Received responses from development options with PEO soccer organizations and determine Project Contact: Hank Samaripa youth teams. committee. if there are liabilities or other issues Planned Completion Date: Dec 2011 of concern.