HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-15 - Resolution No. 006H-985 (10-55) HOUSING AND HOME FINANCE AGENCY COMMUNITY FACILITIES ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OF ADVANCES FOR PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 68-R874.1 FOR COYBRNYBNT USB ONLY u APPLICATION NO. DATE RECEIVED CITY OR COUNTY TYPE OF PROJECT APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE FOR PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING The Appplicant hereinbelow designated makes application to the United States of America for an advance of S 5,00®.00 under the provisions of Public Law 560, 83rd Congress, as amended, to aid in financ- ing the cost of plan preparation of the public work project described in item 4 hereof. The Applicant represents that it will make every possible effort to have available, when needed, suffi- cient funds to defray the cost of constructing such public works; that the data in support of this applica- tion for an advance are true, correct, and complete; that the filing of this application has been duly au- thorized by the appropriate governing body of said Applicant; that the undersigned officer has been duly au- thorized by formal action of said governing body of said Applicant to file this application for and in behalf of said Applicant, to provide to the United States such additional information and documents as may be re- quired and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with this appli- cation; and that a certified copy of the instrument evidencing such authorization is hereby made a part of this application. In Witness Whereof the Applicant has caused this application to be duly executed in its name by its un- dersigned officer and its official seal (if one has been selected) to be hereunto affixed and attested by its proper officer on this 15 day of April . County of Orange State of California (SEAL) ATTEST: (Signature of attesting officer) SECTY.-AUDITOR (Title of attesting officer) 1959 , in Yorba Linda YORBA LINDA 007JNTY WATM DISTRICT (Legal corporate name of Applicant) BY (Signature of authorised representative) APPLICATION DATA PRESIDENT (Officer's title) 1t Exact Legal Corporate Name of Applicant City or Town County State YORBA LINDA COUNTY WAT t DISTRICT YORBA LINDA ORANGE CALIF. 2. Name of Applicant's Authorized Representative Title and Address -DAVID E. CRIST, PRESIDENT, 4431 S. Palms YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA 3. Name of Applicant's Architect or Engineer Address State,.License Humber LOWRY-OURMYM & ASSOCIATES INC. 1020 BUSH ST., SANTA ANA, CALIF. Bee afTSO.(:xlTflellt A 4. Description of Proposed Public-Work (Attach 'a copy of any available report or study, sketch, ■ap, or other pertinent data, and indicate preliminary action taken.) The preperation of preliminary plans for the construction of a sanitary sewage collection and disposal system to,u1tim tly serve- the com-olete"Yorba_Li a County Water District and possibly some expanded area. 5, location of Proposed Public Work see attachment B ENGINEERING INFORMATION 6. Estimated Cost of Proposed Public Work Preliminary Expense. . . . . . . . . . A 8.000.00 Land anti Rights-of-Way . . . . . . . 75.000.00 Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.500.000.00 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. Plan Preparation - Preliminary . . . . 5+000.00 Final . . . . . . . 78, 000.00 Supervision of Construction. . . . . . 35000.00 Legal and Administrative . . . . . . . 30 000.00 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.000.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E 1.801.000.00 7. Maximum coat which Applicant will set for public work S esti.;nated APPLICATION DATA (Continued) ENGINEERING INFORMATION (Continued) 8. Analysis of planning costs shown in Item 6 PRELIMINARY FINAL a. Field work . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 500.00 $ b. Office work. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000.00 c. Other expense. . . . . . . . . . . 5 sM46- Total estimated planning cost. . $ 5,000-00. t . d. Advance requested. . . . . . . . . $ 5,000.00 $ e. Applicant contribution . . . . . . $ f 9. Check present status of site acquisition: Selected E j Not selected C 7 Under option C ] Acquired 10. Plan Preparation (Attach statement shooing the following); a. Briefly describe planning work to be financed by the requested advance, indicating planning data and documents to be prepared. refer toa.tbhment 0 b. Indicate briefly what, if any, related planning work has been performed to date. none c. State whether engineering contract has been entered into: [XI No C I Yes, on (Date) d. State whether plans will be prepared by contract or by Applicant's forces. By conttaet 11. Does the advance requested include funds: a. To reimburse the Applicant for any disbursements made or to defray any costs incurred prior to the date of the application? C ] Yes Cgs No b. To defray the cost of any contract entered into or to be entered into by the Applicant prior to ap- proval of the application, if in such contract the Applicant is obligated to finance the preliminary plan preparation from other funds? C ] Yes EA No I 12. a. Preliminary plan preparation will be started in 30 calendar days after receipt of notification of approval of the advance and will be completed in 12.0 calendar days thereafter. The preparation of final plans and specifications will be started in calendar days after approval of preliminary plans, and completed in calendar days. b. Date within which Applicant will initiate construction of the proposed public work. Se-pt.. 1962 13. All proposed public work must conform t an p 1' abl ov r-all State, local or regional plan. Attach a statement of approvals from applicable ouuies. Is Here a Civil Defense Plan for your locality? J Yes C ] No. If yes, is the improvement contemplated by the proposed planning included in such Civil Defense plan? E I Yes C ] No see attachment Z 14. If the proposed public work comprises school facilities, state whether any reorganization or consolidation of Applicant School District is contemplated. No school facilities 15. If the proposed public work comprises either water or sewer facilities, state whether the Applicant owns and operates any such system at this time. The applicant does not $ this time if sewage facilities are contemplated by this application, is the present water system, including supply, adequate to assure operation of the proposed facility? Yes, see atbhment 2 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 16. Indicate sources of funds and amount from each source to finance the proposed public work and attach a copy of latest financial statement.None available, District formed Dec. 2, 1958 a. Cash on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none b. General obligation bonds - authorized . . . . . . . . . none General obligation bonds - to be authorized . . . . . _2000.000.00, c. Revenue bonds - authorized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . noilo Revenue bonds - to be authorized. . . . . . . . ur&nown at this time d; Assessment or Improvement bonds - authorized none Assessment or Improvement bonds - to be authorized unknown at this time, e. Otftj sources (Specify) is or partia,I gifts b:~ subdividers unknown at this time Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,000,000.00 Attach description of methods of assessment, i.e., front foot or other basis, and of determination of bene- fits; describe situation in event of default, showing whether assessment bonds become a general obligation. State whether law reguirea contractor to accept bonds in payment for his work. Attach map showing location of improvement district and indicate thereon assessed. valuation of district. 17. Total assessed valuation $ 9.412.820.00 18. Latest tax rate per $100, $ 0`00 1 0 a,,pprp1mat~1 Assessed valuation is _ I o actual valuation. ; Current legal tax limit per $100, $ no limit 00 RESOLUTIOjT , FOR R.LF TCE SAL AJ?PTIC OVOR 70 '3 _FROM E01JST1 G AND lice<? FIITANCING 'IC FACILITI;Z ADl,$INISTRATIOIT. APPLICATION DATA (Continued) FINANCIAL INFORMATION (Continued) 19. Status of General Obligation Debt: a. Present general obligation legal debt limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S no limit b. Outstanding present gross general obligation debt. S Os©n c. Allowable deductions (sinking funds, general obligation self-supporting bonds, etc.) . . . . . . no limit d. Net present general obligation debt (line (b) minus (c)) . . . . . . . . . . $ e. General obligation debt capacity not used (Line (a) no 1 imit minas (d)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. a. If the public work to be planned is revenue producing through payment by users of the services, and bonds or other obligations are to be issued, payable in whole or in part from such receipts, attach a statement showing the number of connections or users, together with an estimate of gross yearly revenue and yearly maintenance and operation expense. no b. If the public work to be planned consists of extensions or additions to a presently-owned revenue pro- ducing-facility, attach a statement showing the number of present connections and rates for service, the additional anticipated connections and gross annual revenue, and the anticipated annual mainte- nance and operation expense of the to-be-planned extensions or additions. Also attach a copy of the latest operating statement of the revenue-producing facilities. no 21. Have any defaults in debt payment occurred in past ten years? Yes No n®(Atttacck tt t~~ent) LEGAL INFORMATION D 22. Name and address of Applicant's attorney H. ROGM HO MI, a RU-TAN, LINSAY, DAIS, StUDW- ARD, HOWELL & TUCKER, ORANGE COUNTY LAW BUILDING, 401 n. 30th STREET, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 23. Indicate if the Applicant has the basic legal authority for the following actions by listing specific statutory citations. (Attach copy of any special charter) a. To plan the proposed public work? SEE ATTACIZIENT G b. To construct the proposed public work? c. To finance the proposed public work? d. To operate and maintain the proposed public work? 24. Population 1950 census 1900 ® egt inAtilesent estimated population moo If proposed public work is to be designed to serve people outside corporate limits, give additional number of people to be served CERTIFICATION I certify that the information supplied on the above form and in the attached exhibits and statements is true, correct, apd complete to the best of my knowledge'and belief. Date: April 15, 1951 Signed. (Applicant's Authorised Representative) (SUGGESTED) FORM OF RESOLUTION Authorizing filing of application with the United States of America for an advance to provide for the planning of public works under the terms of Public Lam 560, 83rd Congress of the United States, at amended. WHEREAS, YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT herein called the (Legal name of Applicant) "Applicant," after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and study of available data has hereby determined that the ruction of certain public works enerally described as A SANITARY SEWAGE COLLECTIONT AN-D DISPOSAL SOTEIA. is desirable and in the public interest and to that end it is necessary that action preliminary to the con- struction of said works be taken immediately; and WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 560, 83rd Congress, as amended, the United States of America has authorized the making of advances to public bodies to aid in financing the cost of engineering and architec- tural surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications or other action preliminary to and in prepa- ration for the construction of public works; and WHEREAS, the Applicant has examined and duly considered such Act and the Applicant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an application under said Act and to authorize other ac- tion in connection therewith; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS BOARD OF DIRECTORS the governing body of said Applicant, as follows: (Over) (SUGGESTED) FORM OF RESOLUTION (Continued) 1. That the construction of said public works is essential to and is to the best interests of the Ap- plicant, and to the end that such public works may be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminaryoA_xgpnsRl$t onptRhSe1o1)f bTe undertaken immediately; 2. That VV 111JJ N. E0 be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the Applicant an application (in form required by the United States and in conformity with said Act) for an advance to be made by the United States to the Applicant to aid in defraying the cost of plan preparation for the above described public works, which shall consist generally of THE PREPERATIOR OF PRELIMINARY PT.LIS FOR THE CBNSTRUCTTON Or A SAXTTA'Pv q% Aak' COLLECTION A10 DISFOSA-L S - 3. That if such advance be made, the Applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds, in addition to the advance, as may be required to defray the cost of the plan preparation of such public works; 4. The said DAVID E. CRIST is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take such other action as may be necessary to enable the Applicant to qualify for the advance; S. That the officer designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized repre- sentative of the Applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the United States such information, data, and documents pertaining to the application for an advance as may be required; and otherwise to act as the au- thorized representative of the Applicant in connection with this application. 6. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for an advance to be submitted to the United States. (SUGGESTED) FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting SECRETARY AUDITOR (Title of officer) of the YORBA LI1MA COLMI TY WATER DISTIRCT (Applicant) (herein called the "Applicant") and the keeper of the records of the Applicant, including the journal of pro- ceedings of the BO-4kRD OF DIRECTORS (Governing body of the Applicant) (herein called the "governing body"), do hereby certify: 1. That the attached resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution as finally adopted at a meeting of the governing body held on the 15th day of APR IL , 19-5.0 and duly re- corded in my office; 2. That such meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and to the ex- tent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; and a legal quorum was present through- out the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the governing body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publication, if required, have been duly ful- filled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute this certificate; 3. That if an impression of a seal has been affixed below, it constitutes the-official seal of the Ap- plicant and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; but if no seal has been affixed, the Applicant does not have an official seal; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this If Applicant has an official seal, impress here. 15th day of Aril , 19 9Q . (Signature of officer) Vp1do Y. Smith (Type or print - Name of officer) (SEAL) * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1955 o-363062 00 010