HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-01-13 - Resolution No. 023RESOLUTION 1W - ;2,.3 Approving the Completed Planning Documents Prepared with an Advance From the United States of America Under the terms of Public Law 560, 83rd Congress of the United States, as amended. Whereas, The Yorba Linda Cnnnt,yVat,8r nit3trirt. accepted an offer (Legal corporate name of applicant) from the United States Government for an advance for preparation of planning documents pertaining to a pub- lic work described ■s a aanitary saveragn Gpllarticn anti disposal- tsv~ tam _ and Whereas, Lgxr-yapd -g&0~4.2 was engaged to prepare (Name of architect/engineer) the planning documents for the aforesaid public work, and said architect and/or engineer has completed the documents and submitted them for approval; and Whereas, r~theeLq pcompleted planning documents have been carefully studied and are considered to comprise a cquay0I'~a f heT1tub4ct . kjje,•gsleT`iyI to .hr ..nmunity and within the financial ability of the TWO 1 L ] L 'o r irrtiutt, (Legal corporate name of applicant) Now, Therefore, be it resolved by T%u Board of nireCtorp the governing body of said applicant, that the planning documents submitted by r as the basis for detailed planning construction Ser±fa*ai4Ve'fAWe"881Yi6tiOn and disposal system (Check applicable ho : of the (Public work) dated NOV. 1959 & Jan. JR69nnection with Housing and Home Finance Agency Project N"Calif PB59 be and the same are hereby approved; and that certified copies of this resolution be filed with the Housing and Home Finance Agency. XXHMZKKXKMK M CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER I, the undersigned, the duly qualified and acting officer) of the Torba Zi nda Gnunty Vntar iii tit t.ri n+ (Legal corporate name of applicant) (herein called the "applicant") and the keeper of the records of the applicant, including the Journal of Proceedings of the Pnard of nirer-tnrN (herein called the (Governing body of the applicant) "governing body"), do hereby certify: 1. That the attached resolution true and correct copy of the resolution as finally adopted at a meeting of the governing body on the M46 day of January 1860 and duly recorded in my office; 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law *nd to the ex- tent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a legal quorum was present through- out the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the governing body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedings under the law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, including publication, if required, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwide observed; and that I am authorised to execute this certificate; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of JaAua>~y , 19 60 fif mrylie u t has an vffitiel seat, impress here.) (S,(gnature of officer) Valdo Y. Smith Secretary-Auditor Page 3 of 4 rats 4 a • • Yorba Linda County Water District OFFICERS P. O. Box 469 David Crist PRI *-~.'!,i' Merwin Wagner Valdo Y. Smith ,l kf'ak, - AuDiToo LAkeview 8-7021 January 16, 1960 Mr. Paul Emmert Legional Director of CFA Housing and Home Finance Agency Room 323 9t9 Market Street Sar. Francisco 3, California Dear Mr. Emmert DIRECTORS David Crist Merwin Wagner Robert Milmoe Fred Clodt R. 1). Hastings This is to certify that a separate planning account has been opened with the Bank of America, Yorba Linda branchp and that the federal advance which will be recieved from your agency will rye deposited therein, together with any funds which may be available as our contribution. Sincerely yours Valdo Y. Smi h Secretary-,Auditor Yorba Linda County Water District TYS : nlj s.en.a.d Visent Me. 'oaf /W. yeKribed h, •BLK VOUCHER FOR PURCHASES - Oi, f40 SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONA . .o.,eb.r 2,. ,►s~ 7 Cii 5010 Use ronnnvotion sheet(s) if necessary au YOU P40 U. S. _ HOUSING A14D HOME FINANCE AGENCY-ii kEGION VI - - - (Departrnent, bureou, or establishment) Voucher prepared at San Francisco. California (Give plop and dale) - - - Payee's Account No. _ _ _ Discount Terms TO, orb_a Linda County Water District ,Pay«) Y_orba Linda ___OranQe_County,-California I AddloW Contract No. H-602-760 Shipped from t No. and Data of Date of Dellveryl Order or Service - y i ( Mail checkl to PAID •V Date Req. No. Dote Invoice Recd. to Weight Govt. B/L No. ARTICLES OR SERVICES UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (Enter description, item number of contract or Federal supply Quantity - schedule, and ether Information doomed necessary) Cost 1 Per ' Project Calif. 4-P-3359 $4,3001 Payment of advance for preliminary YORBA LIND COUNTY planning of non-Federal public works PATER DIST ICT in accordance with fully executed P•oe Box 4 9 Agreement for Public Works Plan Yorba Lind, Calif. Preparatiot dated~J 1 23 1959. PAYMENT: COMPLETE E7 PARTIAL FINAL ►WOUSS p ADVANCE t Approved for by Signe (Author ed Of er of Applicant Title esident (PAYEE MUST NOT USE THIS SPACE) DIFFERENCEF Amount verified; corred for (Signature or initials) Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that _ =S this voucher is correct and proper for payment. Title ReRional Director of CPA t (Authorized Certifying OTc«( (Dale( Exchange rah = S 1.00 THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM MUST RE EXECUTED WHEN PURCHASES ARE MADE OR SEEVILES SECURED WITHOUT WRITTEN A6REEMEMT IN ANY FORM ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (Appropriation Symbol must be shown; other classification optional) - an Treasurer of fho United Stoll Check No. dated , 19-- for S . in favor of paysis named above. Paid by Check No. dated 19 for on (Amount) Imams of boot) Cash, $ on 19 Payee ' When used in foreign countries, insert name of currency of county in which used. t If the ability to certify and outhorr toapprove are combined in one Per h person, one signature only is nee essary; otherwise the approving ofli will sign on the line below "Approved far f and over his official fifte. Title 0 6 METHOD OF OR ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING METHOD OF ADVERTISING 1. Advertising in newspapers Yee ❑ No O. 2. (a) Advertising by circular letters sent to dealefa. (b) And by notices posted in public places Yee ❑ No C]. (If notioee were not posted in addition to advertising by circular letters sent to dealers, explanation of such omission must be made below.) ABSENCE OF ADVERTISING 8. Without advertising, under an exigency of the service which existed prior to the order and would not admit of the delay incident to advertising. 4. Without advertising in accordance with b. Without advertising, it being impracticable to secure competition because of - (Hers, Ante in detail the nature of the exigency or circumstsum under which the securing of competition was impracticable under a and 4) NOTE.-The above form "Method of or Absence of Advertising" Is to be used when purchases are made or services secured under Proper authority without written agreement in any form. In case ofa written agreement (formal contract, proposal, and acceptance, or lees formal agreement) Standard Form No. 1036--J; eyyj, should bA Ased for abstracting the method of or absence of advertising and award of contract. (See 7 GAO 4800 and 510p0.s- , I I . , U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING ORNZ I957--0-u417A ;rm Approve4 bu hureas No. ti-ROOG N-9g8 SING AN() HOMY FINANCE A(:FNiI-Y FOX G0VERN11tMT USE 5-Ss' CoVVIINITY PACIIITIRS ADY1NISTAATI0N k:1a"IV Program of Advances for Public Works Planning REQUEST FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PLANNING DOCUMENTS COUNTY There are submitted herewith for review and approval by the Housing ■nd Home Ft- Orange nance Agency, pursuant to the Agreement between that Agency and the public agency CITY identified below, the planning documents prepared in accordance with that Agreement, Yorba L _n da consisting of (cheek applicable box): TYPE Of PROJECt IxI PRELIMINARY PLANNING REPORT I J CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Sewer C aczl.it ies 1. Legal corporate name and address of Applicant: Yorba Linda County Water District, Y. G. Box 469, Yorba Linda California 2. Name, title, and address of representative of the applicant currently authorized to act for the applicant to all matters pertaining to the Federal Planning Advance. David E, Crist, President, x!1131 S. Palm, lorba Linda, Cal_ifnrnia 3. Brief description of public work project contemplated by the planning documents submitted herewith. A sanitary sewerage collection and disposal system to service the complete Yorba Linda ,ounty Water District and possibly some expanded a rea. 4. CX)ST OF PLAN PREPARATION WORK BY WORK BY CONTRACT APPLrICANT'S f13RCES TOTAL COSTS Total, all planning costs to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 4,300 : LESS; Costs not chargeable to Federal advance. . . . . . . Costs chargeable to Federal advance. _ 6vQ S 4 8.349 Payment under the Agreement is requested on attached voucher in amount of . . . . . . . . (1) If any chargeable costs are shown for work by an architect/engineer under contract, attach copy of contract and show architect/engineer's name, address, and state license number: See attachment *Am (2) If any chargeable costs are shown for work by Applicant's own forces attach an itemized breakdown of such costs, showing number of persons employed, time engaged, and rates of pay. S. PREPARATION OF FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS (Show dates and amounts as applicable.) (If planning documents being subaitted include full construction plans and specifications, this item need n o t be f i l l e d t n.) See attachment "S" Preparation of detailed final plans began on (or) will begin on or about Planning contract for final plans was signed on (or) will be signed on or about Final plans will be completed about (date) (or) weeks after contract is signed. Final plans will cost Z (or) are estimated to cost about S (Applicant may attach statement regarding final planning in lieu of filling in this block.)' 6. Describe any Federal, State or local approval required before construction can begin, and show present status thereof: (A statement may be attached if more space is needed.) None required Page 1 of 4 ■ • 7. ESTIMATED COST OF PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK Plan preparation. S I YOW Land and rights-of-way. . . . 5000(~-- Constructton. . . . . . . . . ~87--- Equipment . . . . . . . . . . ^ Supervision of construction . - All other . . . . . . . . . . 16 8, Show date when applicant plans to undertake con- struction: UN KU Mention any factor on which construction depends other than those in Items 5, 9, and 11: Total . . . . . . . . . S 19071,14a_ Maximum cost limit set by Ap- glicant in Item 7 of Form -985, Application 1 9. Site for proposed public work has been C _1 ACQUIRED [ ] SELECTED [ j PLACED UNDER OPTION NOT DEFINITELY 3ELECTED 10. CONTF.MPLATF.D METHOD OF FINANCING PROPOSED PUBLIC WORK A. Anticipated Cash's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S B. (1) General obligation bonds authorized . . . . . . . . (2) General obligation bonds to be authorized l t l[1Q~L~OQ- C. (1) Revenue bonds authorized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q (2) Revenue bonds to be authorized. . . . . . . . . . . unkno wn at this tiaae D. (1) Assessment or improvement bonds authorized. . . . . n (2) Assessment or improvement bonds to be authorized. 11airrio = at this time E. Other Sources (specify each): (1) Gifts o,- part i a lifts by subdiviLitra- unkn own At this time (2) Total - Lines (A) through (F) . . . . . . . . . . . S_ # Attach statement of sources of anticipated cash (building fund, etc.) 11. Describe actions required to accomplish financing shown above and scheduled date for each action (Include State approvals, bond elections, action by local Government, etc.), f gqQ%TM obligation bonds are uaedg, A bond election will required. The details as of this time have not been worked out. I certify that the information supplied on the above form and in the attached exhibits and stateoents is true, correct, and complete to the beat of my knowledge and belief; that the amount of the advance re- quested does not include funds (A) to reimburse the applicant for any disbursement made or to defray any costs incurred prior to the date of the application or (B) to defray the cost of any contract entered into by the applicant prior to approval of the application, if in such contract the applicant agreed to finance plan prep.-*tion from other th n Federal funds. aG ~Oa Si good L.;. ID /Stpa.t its of APP seoot's smtherlsed ~rIf) Date Ile~rrsent.t~vr) Page 2 of 4 • t Instructions For Preparation of Request For Review and Approval of Planning Documents and Request For Payment Upon completion of the planning work described in the Agreement, the plans and other documents are to be submitted to the HHFA Regional Office on or before the date specified for such submission in the agreement between the applicant and the Federal Government. With the planning documents the applicant is requested to submit an original and two copies of Form H-98B as formal notification of completion of planning work under the agreement, together with an original and two copies of Standard Form 1034, Public Voucher, as its formal request for payment of the amount due under the agreement. Please note that Item 4 of Form H-988 requires attachment of a copy of the architectural contract or of a statement of costs incurred by the applicant's own forces or both. If the requested payment includes any costs incurred by the applicant's own forces, an audit of the appli- cant's pertinent records by the HiM Audit Branch will precede payment. Standard Form 1034, Public Voucher, will be partially prepared in advance by the HHFA Regional Office; the applicant's authorized representative should complete the form by entering the amount for which payment is requested and certify the original and two copies in the indicated spaces. When prepared and certified, Form H-988 serves as evidence of plan completion, and of plan approval by the applicant's governing body; in addition, it furnishes information regarding the applicant's anticipated subsequent actions with respect to such matters as preparing detailed plans, arranging financing, and starting construction. The dates shown for such actions in Items S, 8 and 11 should be as firm as possible; if the ques- tions on the Form do not permit an adequate reflection of the applicant's schedule of continued project action, a separate statement should be attached. Payment of the advance depends in part on prior formal approval of the planning documents by the governing body of the applicant. A suggested form of resolution of ap- proval is shown on page 3, together with a suggested form of certificate of the recording officer. If these forms are usable by the applicant, the words "Suggested Form Of" may be stricken at the top of each form which should then be filled out completely by the authorized official of the applicant. Upon receipt of this form and the other documents listed above, the HHFA Regional Office will proceed with full review of the planning documents. When the documents are approved, payment of the advance will be made without further action by the applicant. Prg• 4 of 4