HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-02-19 - Resolution No. 029. • 0 k LION NO, 22, 10, ~wM! 12 000101" sw 400 13 *a tasn" me so** too "m wo i7t le It: 1090" to bwat) *9 NAMM611 so" at Neill yi , 20 3 21W bw d* ma"Ot* And 22 of 541"AAM lot ovw "A I" Agi • 23 ► 24 25 do swow"m 17 segow of um 4 to Suft Olt * W" 26; Of sksomw „ T"" La book 5 0 p! ~ to" #Y : tho v r~ of sat Lot 4 111. so" 29 to tbo tuft 60 Ab" strip of 1&" 4*30- 1 0 0 Wr w a~ ~a 1 for, develop, produce, extract end talcs the am o 2 subject to the exprests l imi.tat im that my saawl ale operations for the smVieratioan, dovelopam mt, pr*- dwetion, extraction. steel talons of may of s#id sub- 3if shall be carried an at levels below the depth 4.i of 200 feet from the surface of t'ne Above described strip of Lewd, by no"& of aaL"s, wells, derricks 5 and er other equ~t from surface locations an adjoining or o41 omit land lying outside of the 61 above described strip o land, and subject further to the exproas lintrat9oa that the foregoing reser- 7I va,tion shall in as way be interpreted to includ* any described on strip in &a4odu'pon the surface of the above a 9 ( ae1 L-:&L 10 ♦ slope orient is ov+es creel "roes that pertice of the fraatioual Mort"t quarter of Seatioa .22, In 11 i Township 3 South, Range ! Wet, Son Sunsrdiwo base f and maridian in the coulolorro a cage, state at 12 California. lasaribed as !o 13 Commencing at the Northeasterly *cruet of Lot 4 ire Block 7 0! Yorba Linda Tract, as shown on a 14 thereof recorded in book 5, es 17 .arced 18, ltirc:ei• eous , records of said Orange County, then" 15 South $97as3 04 West ales; the Northerly 4oZary of said Lot 40 20 . QU feet to the true point of bo- `inning; thasao loavia lbrtho rl~r bury Of 16 said "t 4, Veda 3)' 00 hest. 173.00 foot; 17 the"* South 73 00 Q0 West 147.00 feet; thee" Mouth 68 00' 00" hest, 196.56 feet; timaee Haag 1s ©'34' 36" Rest, ".56 feet- thmee Mortk 890 23 04p Bast, aloaag the Mmtheriy bomdary of said Lot 4 71.87 feet; tie mee lesvint said 110 beaadasy 1s o} said Lot 4 North 74 ~ 00' 00" Xast 1469 foot; thence South 416 00 001, east, 64.00 kzt; e 20 i Marth 23' 44" east, along said Masrthavly ~ lase, to tine tn" 21 of "i Lot 4, 911.44 loot, >.oro '*r paint of begianiz%; 221 IOLCJL TIM 4li RM all minerals gas, oil, Petro- 23 'j lam, naphtha and other draoar~eaen substmocas in i and under the above descrribed strip of land, tt-~ettwnr 241 with all necessary and a veeiont rights to •acplove for develop preo*mce, extract and take the same 25 sabl ect to t~e wWress limItatiocn that any cad all de~►e t, predta»e- operations for the weloratio on 26 ' tiou extraction, and tahi~ of joy 07-"id substefaeas I shah. be carried am at lev►sls below the depth of 200 271 Peet from the surface of the above demeribod strip of :Land. by mamas of minas, wells, dwricks and/or 2e other equip t from surface lonat ices an ad, j oi.n iag or Cori land lying outside of the above dea- 29 arlbod strip if land, m"d subleet f!vrrfJs to the e~Vxvvs 13Ai.tatiou that the forogoi.ng reservation 30 shall in no ray be interpreted to include any right of entry in cal upon the Owface of the abwm dos- 311 cribed strip of land. • tau" at E d 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 ~r 14 i ~ ~ ~ 1!S 1Q r <~w 17 < 18 19 20 211. 22 23 ~ 241 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 '1# r!t l0 Zia tbo of t ala+ro d s ari 0 is as ~~a law. ..wpm s *at to tt~r utiarers sm ttm a tia~ low ■w+a. a~ ■iaals, er~ t~rl~rs wd lyia~ ~wut~ A = atobwo =604wotiom of reser"i rs iay ~ ft d away that pm- tim at t um 15, is TOWROA ip 3 jk=tl bo, 9 a" ~ sow and "Widiaa, in tho t ty of fttlnwo strata oaltmoia, descrOww as foll4mat a~..~.■Am& ma the smiko wfWIT oar mw of Lent 4 is of W"t a m ft" W VIA* oswu of LOW d Irl" i.4 9"t an *Stu • Oe lwta imewl-bod aaatt~w 11mg 2~ 3 ' T! 4 u E~ `I f~ 7~ 8 I 9I 10 11 ; 12' 13- 14" i its 16% 18 18= 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 31 32 I! • • 1SS.00 foot; threes North 0* *71 0611 ~t~so 0~ feet; 04t 1?sth i9 1t' 54 Bast, iSS. otdb tboes loutb 0 474 0611 =sat, 00.00 feet, race or loss, to the true point of bediesimg; and O' above to 'sired so at a 8ta ft oo , seave of a Mat_froe_si way be IM and up" of load . Emma kA A slope •ssoment In, fps festiea 15, to Bernardino fare and agate of Cali foraLrt, ret+orded In book 310 disribnd as at tba 10 01 voarbs, LL, reeaaded in 'f'0 V6E ttior of the eying said true point of i r oormor of Lot 40 In os oboes on is s 17 aed 1i, Za4ol- mes coat y tis►aorao toot aloe t INWtherly sumdary of said Lot 4; rol"Ttion of th* tsutll u 4 'S401 thl tn'It point 4k. 00 Viest, WOO "et; 106.00 loot ; tbANA feet; thence ilortb th"" fast $2.00 Sast 71.40 foot; 54.$3 feet; thonc* set errs or lass to Jim 7id~xrROyt that portion whimb is 4"eribed aM► follows I at as Nortboasto r ly oeaa' of Lot 4, is Torba Linda Trot, as show am a rap orded i►a book so 17 and 14, r1 rWW do of said Mae 4 ty; tlrsaese 46 W&t 514.00 feet cleft t1a swrtbar ail, lrib4d strip ~i ckr amd/oe an 04je ra d mr to the the a any above and soross toot portion of ,tl..,o,.ath1P now 9 Wast ~ Liam is tho comty oI ia, M on a sop of strr-W►oy 37, Resord of *Arwys, in Records= of said Grams 1 2 3 4° a e 7 LO:- ° 12 a d 1314- 15- =h ~ 16 17 i8 19 r 20, 221 23i 24 25. 26` 27! 28 29 30 _ 31 32 • Vast distases of 3.0 ealma ' thome omti. Floret ` "we Ma►Iq~ South Q 47' 06" to t;~e true point of be A to to of the all aisarols, s, oils 74rvaarboa s su"tsoaa s sod aid at or to up" the adrIss, Zuni IL ♦n oamo m ut and and *aroo* a its and of • to the tTUO VoLms "tb 8 12" 54 o . 7 Qb Matt W . 00 I"t, 155.!60 fast; 80.00 feet owe or I*" of era' to sod str fp of law. ,Ot 09 way for toad pvacgoaoa of laaad. 15 foot WUW. brio Up and betAx a portiam of of the Nerthwe" quwter of South 8Asgs 9 Vasa , Sawn sar+ in tip eamtr of Oranp, at in on a man of arrarvsy roimwA RAGOrd o eye its tlwt of T of ~r~ O ro%* 6aaty. . a In a of said Gook iids of the folly .i l d arribodd 7.5tam on 11"t at the northeast imarow of Lot: d in &look wba Uwk Tftat as shom on a sop thersof in book 56 pasts 17 amid 188, Wiseell4saaus *CA* of "Lounty; ~I~t ~t1h wet alarm bomdary of said Lot **t o the true * uirrt of beginning fL 0' 3+4' 56' vast, 33.00 feat: to it point: e a curve we to the !tort mMot asd Marva~g a radius o 130.00 the radial lbm from d t in "JA verve a bow of ~leartb 0 341 poi►a 56 teat; tbo rraatoerly ""P ~ gsaid VAVVG taros is a t~IMNt6t'~ a of 44 ~ ©Q , am are +dutsra+ of 113.1 ha lwa nmimg of a tow4 out eurvo aoraeaVV !to Mmwt aid havimg a radius of 70.00 feet:; t Masterly t}o~ wort. alarve tbacoriggiass a eeat e of 23` OQ QA", as aho of 18.14 INr of a rwnrse outvo oorewe to resat: said !saving a radlus of 103.00 feat; Mesatoyl fi?~a sail Our" 0 ttx*ush a Gent rof 73 56 , an are tistame of 134.83 l14 beeLQ Ing of a twee" our" 00006va to Wwwat and having a xadims of 103.80 feet; mly along said ewrrM through a esestxal am; tha toot 0 0,74% • 39' 00' OW' s an are 2 ta~a eeeat point; tbAm sa . fmot to the b 3 1 0~ to th* Sout 70 00 foot; tkenei 4 I . a O"t~ral aftle of % feet to the 109 l . 04MOMre to the weest foot I tom. IOUs the f e ; a aeetral angle o $0.98 feet to the b 71 "vee to the Bane an thwenee So uth"starl 0 distamm of 13?.54 loot to a. s Nwtb 37 00 W Xast, gina S of a tea t auras Mreat and baving a radius of a fte rly aim& said eeeurvo t1nrou-0 0 00 00 an are distmel a of eginn OJ a taageat ourvo and ha l%& radius of L60.00 atwl? al said everv0 9 00 Aid , as are eiiatmee 0 ginning of a reverse curve 000- having a radius of 200.00 foot; oontral angla of 23" 00 aacarew 4iatet of 57,1 e ' feet to the beegianinkg of a taent eurw ao+Ws 9 h to tree Northeast and ba viea g; a radius of 50.00 feeot fig said ae~ervee . s eaaotara~ then" lostrl I aloe 1o axis of 90'0 09 Oa an exec diet I ee o 7SA54 f~set ^A 00 a a W a s WWV K~ z< 3 11 12:1' 14 15 16 17 18j 19 20 u 21 22 23 W et t0068rat point; 0 Ibttb V. ~eM#t: 26.00 feet to the b~eg iaa of a tangent Ourwe oft- OUV* to the searth~ea~t sod vivag a radius of 75.00 faeat; thomm moxdwas IT a 8 said elute a awNtrol angle of 96 tai 00 , an *rae "Stop" 121.66 foot to a Wit: oiut; thomm IbTth 3s" 00 e D0' lbest, 23.00 foot to t r. beeeaginDing of a tan got eurge aeaeewo to tbo sortiraea an and ba vi ns a raIius of SM.00 foot; tbowo 1laertherestgly~Mans said Ourv e throw a Dntral asegl o of 19 00 00 , ato no dts- ta moo of 131.84 feet to the beginning of a relPveMcrtlet ,gun" vet to tbeee &Ntbw"t and having a radian of 350-00 feet; them* Sortbv*st*VLI *long said curve through a eacttral angle of 21 00' 0 . an are distance Of 123.28 foot to the 1ing Of a trot curve e:,er "We to the Soathwast having a radius a~eiei of 153.00 feet; o Xortbuosterl al o emirs t brou& a *en t~l la of 28' 430 ~ ago are Rataaao of 75.73 faeeft the beginning of a apporat awm wee to the Southmst and having a radius of 67.79 foa • t~ WasOrl al+ said e arvea tbreeVt I b a oeosetarai angle of 35 47 " , an am dLetam a of $4.83 feet. wort or loser, to a paint o Intersection with a line lying 77.50 feet Ydssterly and Crallel with the Northwesterly prol oaptiou of th0 atarly boundary of previously amtioered Lot 4. 24' The side Lima of the above 4searibed 15-feat strip of L Ad we to be pro or sbe~arteeeeatd too as to 251 teem eat o at th~c Scarth=wr y baeeaawidowry line of acid Lioe 4, and at tbo said paralul line lying 77.54 feet 26! Wstorly of the Mortl ateerl~r prolongation of Ole Ust:erl.y boundary ILA* of said Lot 4; E7 l BSt all ■Laaraia gap, oil, Petro- 28 lee m. uaphtha and other hvdr;; r4o s~ 1~ as is and uadw the above desar ad strip 29 with all aeces a►ry and convenient rights to WW era for danrtlop, produce. extract and take the 8800 30 aubjeect to the wWreess limitatLZ that achy and all op*ratiaew for tha 0acpleraation, &w"lopmmt pros 31 ebeVation, extxswtiean leerenels b►~althee steaos+ ab&11 be arrigid on at 32 'B"ib of land. UY eeeeeaMa of Si**S, wells,, a 6arrieks, I i 2~ 4! i ®1 7. s 10 I1` 12= 13; o « 14° 31 15 o~ le 18 5 19 20 p 21- 22 23, 24 28 ~ 28 27] 281 29 30 i 31~ 32 ad/or otber from st V t " loattiws . ao~oiotiaC or as rin lead lying outside of &bare d ribo►d strip of land, and subject two to tbS eeqresa licit Stiow tit the fOTO wins V vati oa shall in no ray be iatoorpretowt to Ala right of entr to cad ~ the awfaao of the I daooasibotd NUV of lattd. INEW it An oaa mot for Amin IlAw Purposes in,. awnrar lot a strip of lamd 14 foot wide, beiaarS a rtim I"tti4M is, to imWmilp 3 Am*, *me V Umt Sermardime Use and 16widLm. to the cmmty of Mato of Calttfemia as sbarn he boast 331L pap NAGOT48 09 iwr ty 0 6 the offlwe of tkO Umogy evrd" of said Graft o se"ty. WA 10-foot wide sovip of lased inn 3.0 toot so offish side of tiro folleirt" dasarvmw "Oter 1t": d"ia of tiler' tk Masterly bowery of said Lot 40 $mT* •0 1«2 S- west, a di,stm" of 82,30 ftot too true fsat of West iord pp~atrA11*1 t~ te:th rl77 prole atiow of t bo i4V=ly bexoaadaury of acid Lot 4, 33.00 foot 1 118,tW!"ttis ?KYWMM all SLUMA1010 Sms, oil, pettro- ao4e their 4lreo►0 ~;rib~ a- of lead, toil OW WLtb► all a" a" ni~tt f~tts to explore for do"I" A swat, sr taho► fe ttsar slab owe to the seem oo .1.1~a~, tatia~a that say and all ftV the oa .loran 'eve =otime oxtroatUw# and tek sk MY ~d arhs~ oba l l be aawr Lord so at lsv s below tho depth of 20 feet from to surUaot of the above doserij~" atttip of 14044, by mem* of mines, rolls, darrisks and/or otber c fxom twrfaas locatimas on ♦djolat" or ee inp land lyif outside of the above dom- ssibod orLmitatiom ip of Lm sub oint fort her to flow ea W"m tint the or"Pin arosanratisa shall is so way be interpreted to inelmk my trt4 st of d cad mpon t kw surfam of the above doa- o r1boMi strip of land. -,3 - U IT le i =RK.XXD that 111x1 g 16111B"Y, A#ALq oiAm. MOLL i l R, gammas Oom"l at said Ksttriats be dd t are horeby ow4kood sad threat ed to brim an settioot 1A tie s Of the totrba Linda C aty Water Aistriet itt the 6VmrJAw fenrtC of # tlr Etas of Califo rmia, to aotd 6W the qty of o rave's is ' ordA We &MGLA 94W •aadora WON of said prip*tty no oseax`y to be 44 4W o- 1 7 taken as herein ordered and bo rotoforo doaaribeds and to do all 2 thi p mWe as ery to prosaraate add Satted to final dot ~fsNttiwr 3 and to ab"JA the i .ate P080 0"i" ttber+ " 4 Ii IT mum Rtat' m that the pr I LC :Liatere", M~1~M►laeiroo a' setd ree""Ity require, and Lt La bweby ordoted tbot do aim e L10" County rtteter Katriot. Plaintiff Is Ow -Aw"tme "U" 7 eeedmrd ber"a, tikes laaoillatto 910501M aped "m ad do P e bereft rriac+rd to be Seq atr+td rport OOVIYUM Mdth take 9011migi~ of the l.m aPpita+tl►ln tiwof► and abort acid dal OWAA I VIPW 10:' to ter warm my-d ditty of a"d *LitlUt %M i ewelW 11 ngKLK ed t tr dear Ma sorry a~ tw aaeoa bas be" astOrtaft rd sod 04 d 12i VON 0a" sspoet aa" s+rerrt *aterd ►tar drag a ohmak at dw 91starist in the M~t *f Ofd mum tat be der "i UA With tint alwk 14 3 LO of Mill e+ewt: Pursumt to order Of the, Oft. #A z u 1$ a rr M RUMTO a" the Prootdent of tit board of r 19 disrroteeao ag the saar*t4ry-ewUtar of oaid diotriot be$ mW t'b y p ~ ~ a~ro hors a~~:horis +nad e~ ~t ~3~pie ~ ~ = 18 em"lainta, adtidmvits at other d eats s"ul SSOry to iMtLtat* le or misolo seaid awatiara iA "o6owntim r 20 1 21 ~ (W GBAM 22 1, VdLBi Y. 111th; do bereby G*rti►fY that t ds 23 the Seerstary-Aditar of the Torba Ldo" P t y Voter 241 i .st+r"t; that tho fer"WIft r"OLutUM W" r V Y ixft"med and reed to the SaUd of Kxv*tmv• of W!d 26 tlutriet: at its sp"Jaci *"t 'mod on the 1f th " rri #ebxvWy, Lill, and were at "14 oWiot r l ty %+ts -woad ade,Ptad by do said board of Kr*&tOwM bP r: the k"j, Ana" vot" to -Vitt pi-tort mil "01, ux D. uaatfu , Or. .'r '.'r ~~r~f ~ owl