HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-08 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING September 8, 2010 A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Director Mills at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director John Summerfield Lee Cory, Operations Manager Anthony Manzano, Sr. Project Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report Mr. DeCriscio reported that water demand for August was 4.0% under the budget projection and reported that the conservation percentage since July 1, 2009 is still at 18.0% overall. Mr. DeCriscio also showed a graph for August 2010 water supply and reported that 34.8% of demands were met with groundwater, which is close to staff's operational goal of 35% for the summer months and 65.2% import water was supplied to meet the monthly demands. Mr. DeCriscio also noted that the temperature for the month of August was slightly cooler than in 2008 and 2009. 2.2. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report Mr. Cory reported that the PM is continuing pretty much on schedule. The Committee inquired about some of the items that were below projections and Mr. Cory responded to their questions. Director Mills and Summerfield also inquired about the sewer TV equipment and Mr. Cory mentioned that the District did receive the back-up crawler equipment so that item should pick up in pace over the next few months. 2.3 Report on Brush Fire in Yorba Linda Hills Saturday, September 4, 2010 (The Committee agreed to add Item 2.3 for discussion as the incident occurred after the agenda was posted.) Mr. DeCriscio reported that staff's response to the fire Saturday night was prompt and reservoirs in the area of the fire were in the process of being filled to capacity as soon as staff received word of the incident. The fire was put-out quickly by OCFA and other fire crews. No water shortages or pressure issues were reported. 1 3. ACTION CALENDAR 3.1. Approval of Change Order No. 3, Final Progress Payment Number 15 and the Notice of Completion for the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that this item represents the final change order and translates to a negative change order overall for the project. Director Mills asked if this was the same contractor (Pacific Hydrotech Corporation - PCH) that was recently awarded the Highland Booster Pump Station Project and Mr. Vecchiarelli confirmed that it is. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that this item is scheduled for consideration on the Consent Calendar for tomorrow's Board meeting. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation for approval of Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $3,002.27 and one additional calendar day, Final Progress Payment No. 15 in the amount of $418,817.04, and authorization to file the Notice of Completion. 3.2. Geotechnical Services for the Highland Booster Station Replacement Project Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that these services are for the Highland Booster Station. Mr. Manzano reported that Ninyo and Moore was a very qualified firm and that their Principal has nearly 35 years experience and that their staff is also well qualified. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Ninyo & Moore, for a fee not to exceed $30,494. 3.3. Water Supply Assessment for the City of Yorba Linda 2008-2014 Housing Element Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that the Water Supply Assessment (WSA) was being completed as a requirement because the Project exceeds 500 dwelling units. Director Summerfield inquired about how projects like this may affect our conservation measures since an increase in development would increase demands. Mr. Vecchiarelli mentioned that OCWD manages the groundwater basin and MWDOC manages the water allocations from MWD. While both of these resources are currently experiencing restrictions, the current allocation levels and long term water supply status factors in future development and growth in demands. Even with the mandate to achieve 20% reduction by 2020, continued development is still included in the total water supply available into the future. Mr. Vecchiarelli mentioned that the WSA was modified and Mr. Manzano handed-out the revised copies of the draft WSA to the Committee members and both Mr. Vecchiarelli and Manzano briefly discussed the minor changes. Director Mills asked if this would be on the Board Agenda and Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that this will go to the Board Meeting for consideration on September 23. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board adopt the WSA at its September 23 meeting, for incorporation into the City's Project Draft EIR. 2 3.4. Well No. 20 Engineering Services Amendment No. 1 with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that this change order request is primarily a result of keeping Well 11 for back-up until the well is no longer useful. Director Mills asked if there is sand produced from this or other wells and Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that sand production has been minimal. Mr. Cory added that some customers in the food services industry and circuit board manufacturing are sensitive to this and that it is very limited in our system. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation to authorize Engineering Services amendment No. 1 with Civiltec Engineering Inc. for a fee increase not to exceed $9,500. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting Report Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that he attended this meeting with Mr. Conklin and that this was the first major meeting for the Annexation Workshop with no major decisions being made. OCWD is expecting to receive four proposals to complete the draft EIR for annexations. Mr. Vecchiarelli also reported that IRWD may also reconsidering locating production wells within the City of Anaheim with YLWD at the proposed West Wellfield location. They may instead utilize available production capacity in their Dyer Road Wellfield. 4.2. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Mr. Vecchiarelli asked the Committee members if they had any questions about the CIP Status Report and Director Mills asked about the status of the Recycled Water Study. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that the draft report is expected by the end of the month. Director Mills also asked about the 2010 Waterline Replacement Project and Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that this project includes pipelines that need to be replaced as identified in the Asset Management Plan and other reports. 4.3. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks. Staff will research and report on the City's conservation over the past 14 months and bring this report back to the Committee at their meeting next month. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee, originally scheduled for October 7, 2010, was rescheduled to Wednesday, October 6, 2010 at 4:00 PM. 3