HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-07-13 - Resolution No. 033Yorba Linda County Water District
David Crist P. 0. Box 469 LAkeview B-7226 David Crist
Merwin Wagner
Merwin Wagner
Vice President Robert Milmoe
Leonard L. Dueker Fred Clodt
General Manager
R. D. Hastings
Voldo Y. Smith
Secretary - Auditor
Resolution :-Co. 33
On ssatioz of Director Wagner, seconded by Director hastinsts, rr ulmnimmalp
earri*d the following r-enolution was adopted#
laposrta nce of Having the State Bubrdt
at Earliest Possible Date a
Pro.posed Contract for Delivery of Northern Mater to
The Metro ,ol start Kater District of Southern C.-alf ornia
~ - we have been advised by off latals of The a taro,,,o ~ Itan Water
District of Southersn, California, the major water distribution agency in $onth-
ern Ca.lifornica# a nit of which the Yorba Linda County Water District is a part,
that it has boon carrying on negotiations with the State 4ator Resources
:Dw _aarment se l to obtain Prow the 7tat, r~, contr::.,.ct for 6oliveary of w-%ter
fr,;sn ';orth rn California to most our growing ao Yulatlon no ds, and
W101 US, the soplt of the Yosrba Linda County bat,-,;r =._trlot togsther with
voters throu bout the Star e. will be ohllod upon at the, General Aleotion next
lovember S. to vote can the pras;,osed $1,?50.404,400 bond isms to firms the
fe=ather River ProJoct. ~ hlah ha,,i as one of Its objectives the 1*-., artation of
Norther California water to Southern California: and
the people of t h , `,*o rb& jAnia County Water District, togothear with
the other cities arl areas oc,srs,.-,rising the Metropo'.ltan. Water Dis,riet of
Southern Ca lforn:ias will be a U A uT n to pay from 5 to 60 of the cost of
the Feather River ?'r{ojeat. "And
WhS , it Is hig. y essential that the water users awed taalWers of
3-uthorn California h :v a clear un-`iorssstandI ng of the csontr at obligntions
they or* being atUled u a to as►;:Ume before they vote on the proposed bond
issue, and
xt.a`µ e l the Yorb Lin" Coanty Water Districts as a part of the Metro-
politan, Water District of Southern California. is greatly concerned in the sulb-
ssais ion by the State of a water contract betwo,:)n the State and the Y etropolitatn
Water District that will assure our -tople a future water supzl„v :adequate for
David Crist
Merwin Wagner
Vice President
Leonard L. Dueker
General Manager
Voldo Y. Smith
Secretary - Auditor
J* tiI
• 0
Yorba Linda County Water District
P. 0. Box 469
LAkeview 8-7226
David Crist
Merwin Wagner
Robert Milmoe
Fred Clodt
R. D. Hastings
X WO "M0 Z;.-,_ , L~; IT its V&D b,. the Beard of Dirsetarraa of the Torbs
Linda 0ounty Water District that we urr,e Governor Adaund G. Brown to cal
u non the St*.te OU'letals angaget In w tear acatraclt noptiations to proj*rea mid
*~bwit a ImPeAsed contrast with The Metros olits.n Wafer District of oathafn
California it a dia=ely to the end tuft the ;,eol)le of the Yorba Linda Cmaty
Water District and tiro Directors at tho Metropolitan Water Y i triat and the
people of the Star o of California ' be able to reach a decision as to their
position with regard to tba $1,750,000# 00 w;,,telr bond issue In agile tiaa*~ prior
to the Noveirlaobepr Be 19609 Gensr,".t election,
I,V, IYO0 f. MUl -1, 8ecr tar. of the Yorb° Linda Countr Water Difatrict. Of
the Board of Directors tber-of. do hereby certify that the above and..fcr going
i a full truce mid correct co-7 of a resolution a:: Lopte(I at a r 41"r so4ing of
Ileaid Board held can the 13th day .,f July 13, l1rA0,
Dated July 13. 1060.
f ;
seclreUry of rb,~ "orunty
W-:r. sr histric - M of tho . of
Directors thwoof.