HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-08-12 - Resolution No. 098Aii ORIGINAL I 1 I NO. 93 - A 211 L NDE D t•-0.1.IN"1 THE CO]''DEM- 11MONd OF CERTAYIa RMAL PP.OPEr,. i' IN T- COUNTY 077 31 T.A :...r STATE F 0 % I GRI N A" 1i 1' . 3US ING '':'RE PUBLIC NECESSITY THERIEFOR 4' 5' 4'.a~ Yor: a Mr-da Co'nty 'dater District is a County Water 61, -;.:.strict culy f;7rme-d, organized and euistin ~ pursuert to and under 7 t7ae provis iorks of Div is ion 12 of the Water Code of the State of 8<~.ior,~ia, az:ci 9 r' -rrr` 'i *'?ectlc'n s 31340 and 31041 of the Walter Code of the 10' z,tate of C i ..1::z,aia provide a county water district u-4a tare proper- 11 L', by r:ay hold, use and enj oy property v'7f.thfn or w1th- 12 out the district necessary to t`a-.e fall el :erc{sc of its powers, and 13 „',,;S ction 31044 of the Water Code of the State of 14 C,alL oraila. rzovides a county water district may briag ,uLg3~n`!t Domain 16 the ^oard of Dire: tors o t`.'hYor'ay Linda 171 , Wis is r. doge hereby resolve as fo 'r i ovs : the hoard of Directors of ~';~rb. Linda County 19 1U,i s Zounxd and determined and does hcseby find and 20 t,4- --L the ;public intere3t a-Lid necessi Srequixe for public 21 u4 se ncq-t:1.s pion, coastruct Jon, ,.xi?, letion, opezat:i.ora axed r-airtea 22' c ace by EaLd Yorba Linda. County Water District _f certain pablic I _ J c.✓ vyiL L 'ry .si v;\;-i ¢3S G dal l 1.3 a.11 ~ A.t D . a. 24 r~Cf. 33&3:y or incidental thereto includ' c, manholes, 25 :.C_ C;C''iCc-y, and Other structures for t1ae t:'t::A pol tr~t:i0I2 and 26 0_ "and. indusLrial wastes and for the purpose of trvaZ. 27 t;3r.,-, treating and di€po. wile of said sewage and :?:dustrial wastes 28 a-, . -isLnc u w-.1.t iaa the tcrritories of said Yorba Linda County eater 29 r.istr ict and Zuch other territories tts said district may have con- 30 tractee ;u serve pursuant to law; and that certain real property 31 situated -Ln the County of Orange, State of Cali€ornid3, is necessary 32I , i. t41e Cf :r 11 -1- i • 1 1 S~:ctioa 2. Mat the real property, the acquisition of which 2I is squired Ly the public interest and necessity for the uses and 3' purposes set forth in Section 1 hereof, is situated in the County 4 o€ OranSe. State of CalLforala., and is more particularly described 5' az follcti o wit: 6 7 -11 Lhat poxtion of the North 1-!r?f of Fractional Section 8 o,L, Asti L 3, uol t%i, i:3t ~yoc' 9 Wert, S. Lti.Yi., s $ilOtr`L2 on a 51, Pale I of MUscellaneous I..&ps, Orargge, 9 rec::s ed in 4~o►;k 10 ;.Duilty, located ir. the City of rlacentia, Orari,e County, 11 L;&Ufo.:-l a., described as bein- a strip of lz.-.nd of the uniform, lz ;,f 1 .5.00 feet, lying 7.50 feet on each sine of the 13 -"`11ow-z 3escr i.bed 1 irc : 14 :c i.r►ninZ at a point on the cci-. erli.aL of Urida Vista c id point be~i5nS C.sf.$~e~ nt So,- 3a 7' 3ltl i~'ut, r 16 16.11i1 f, .:-i.ct aloe- said centerline 1xom i.i:L ce-aterline 17 of Lix-nda Vista Street and Yo_-ba, Linda Souleva-rd, 18 L-,-ba, Lirsda Bo0.cvard bein;; parallel vL-"h and distant 19 2v feet nurthe-rly ;.ne~:etrom tlxe I`aoltY line of Lot 5 in 20 L : ~s .x+' w ~ubdivis ion in the City of Placentia, County of 21 of California., as ~t~ciW11 one a Inap thereof 22 L_. Book 13, Pale 7 of Miscellaneous Records of 23 C c a fxon said point of e inning 24 ;~tu 39° 53° 45" West 575 feet, more or less, to the 15 25 y C Si,y X T J~ • . r:.Ste- Dlstrict az 5.3 . ca3eiacat of t_:~: k., ~:.a s, &a J 26 des;2x abed in the Final Order of Condemnuz ioa recorded 271 ica :ty~5t 6434 tam 55 Official Records of 3s.id tlraaz~e 28 zs I! ,'/11 /lull / 30 31 3a'~ 1/IIl/II/! ,2- 1 S: c t ion 3. That the ijernanent eascizent and rights of way 2 abOV'e c :;c1 2?.~.cii aad necessary to be acctaizcd zhall be acquired 3 subject to the rights of the owners, their successors and assigns, 4 to use the ut:i face of t C land within the boundary lines o.- said 5 caamcn,s r L' t hts of %;ay to the extent c=pntiblc with the 6 full and. C :crcise of said easement r and ri t is of way; provided, 8 d :~o ins: iicjtug ur s tzuctul: c. of ar y kitici shall be 9 plat ad, -:re .%t C. or raaLzilu-aLned tilt'LC3on; 101 b I .a strects, cllcys nog: roat:ways shall be con- 11 structed upon, uvel:, or along said easements 12 and rights of way to a ""ziur feet 13I . `ove .the top of aly pi.pw or pLpL; 14 U.L the lines of said or of t,~s ; 15 `.o 3:ili BecFxl% be placed or mw'io.taince '11'i, ti::,. 16 I .r:i:' .^c;L of '..he v""ou:. d as t FShal ~.:x itJt r: v. wZ.. ttor.1 17 t 1 {"es.. U.::- ..a1.~ -c=c..+ L 7nG of W~c:ay ..:.3: . ~.u_..=Cn. r~`yCac.~ 181 tipo i the coupletL:j:: of the pro~~ :wc:ct5 to be 19i ti,4 .s--ructed therei.l`_ ter. 1103 feet 20 in degr:l3. I 21 ti~c:i 4Y ' h-a trey pa:~,Y.,:a gent easements and r of 22 c~aY to be Shall ilaclucle: 23i to cv e~ wru: t tn::rhuie s, air. ;raIvcS 24 ~ :offs, staLious, standpipe wad service 25 structures :appurtenant to said fine 26 i zees of trtu~c sewar pipe, which structures 27 -,tone t ov,.'. t:i~ surface of t;he t;Louad; ;i-it to instal"., co"Struct, gecanst uct, 29 reviove and replace, .iispect, maintain, repair, 30 :=_:rove and relocate a pipeline or pipol;..es 31 ..:.c idental and _%i: L ~d :ZiZ.'i 321 Az4, oar, and under said real property : erein 3w! I wbove descr."bed and to install, construct, re- 2 construct, inspect, mainta a, repair, replace, 3 improve and relocate lines parallel to said 4 p''.pel ixte or pipe:l Lae s ; 5I c TIae r.T18ht to eater up-aa and to pass and repass b ~f . nd to de- ~ ~i a 'ad G1 J~d`j "aid c::. 7 ~.o.; it too? E, !Liplam,~i an and at materials 8 by sa2i.6 Yor 3.a Lr Uica Ciouncy 4.~ater u s - 9 _wlcy, it: of is;ers, atZI a t s erd cmp1oyczz, aArxd 10 ,:,y persono wide contract to coiastruc:t said 11 zCwer line, wind them: em,luye;es, vhaneve- and 12 :w.e::ever nec,cm-: iv..~wy for the purpo-c o'" laying, 13~~ construetin~, reconot ue :inby a:'aaewlag,, in- 14 Spectin;, ma -Intain.in.sa 15 F3 rui, i 16 i. Lo-n 5. 'Vaat t':c «•'~a , d o D ix c c t - l!= S r4 VtU Li irda Gti ~ .O itls LO 3CC[ilt"L6 17 cry F"'C!to Di.s tr ~ ^-4 ' r: V~ ♦w ~nb irJ~ 4~t,. e-~'~.-r .L h`iVi ✓y p` ocML.Lacs 18 19 :::5'Y: ncrit 3vi«~ iF}.♦ Miet _,3-"wan U: gamaral counsel for said 20 tyater di6trict be,, tnd they are 'Zaereby ordered and dix:`;~:tea to 21 t ring an w.c i c;a l£'! ::use a j7t ~ z.Or Court o.. 1. le u California, 22 3Zt and for t'-Y~_: of Ormzi-e, is, the name of the Yorba Linda 23 itC4v`~L iv 4 a'sa LWiiS ~ ~.FL•li ox4(~bl a a-zLd claiiaa .t.; of the 24 sbov de£,c~°w'o a pxopcrtiefs for t :.,.e purpose of candcmvilu ; and 25 acoa.r: pzopartlc:~; fog: tir. -public use of ur a. Linea 26 Count;. Dr;;tri.ct anal to do all things necessary to prosecute 27 said action. tc? 'xtw fibc.~ s° ''.Y~ ai::Cfl~ in accorda-iCL With the 28 .-ov.cicmw of law applicable the:eeto. That said attcr aeys are 29 and Iviatructed to make application to said Court for 30 c:- s <a . A-L-Lr- the mount of securiCy by ne way of moncy deposits 31I zs s ; jd f>o rt m;;ty direct and for an order permittlr.g lorba Linda 32 -1a, Vy 'A-ter i<it>triet to take pDscassicn and use of S"-id real -4- 0 0 1 real property for the uses and purposes herein described. 2 Section 6. That the president or secretary of the Board of 3. Directors be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign 4 and verify any nind all complaints, affidavits, or other instruments 5 to maintain said action in condemnation. 6 7 lie above foregaing Resolution No. 98 - A was regularly 8 passed and cdopted by the Board of Directors of Yorba Linda County 9 Eater District at a regular moeting of said. Board held on the 10 12th day of Au'ayust, 1964. 11' S4ecretary of the 13 a,rd of Airectors 14 15'16 17 18 19~ 20 21 22 231 i 24 25 I 26I 2711 281 291 30! 31 Ii 32 5_ 3 • 2 COON= OF CIZANGE 3 4 4. , VALDU Y. SMI i, Secrecary of the Board of Directors 51 of I.:orb 1,,;t.tw 4.'JfiYe~:y E-:Lzl-c D.',,, LrtCt, do hereby cert- .xy that 6 e love and I-aso'Iut.i.on No. ~a••.~ was ::c;,u'crly 7 passed and z,d;opte' d by tLe Loard of Birecto;:~ of Yorbz: LA-.nda 8 -our.ty zi te.c District at a regular meeting of said Board held 9 on the 12-th clay of August, 1964, by am following roll call 101 votey v W4 i ' 11 v... ar irao~:, r c uir ass tihl~8, C .odt and Wa&-her 12 ;rS ; None 13 -"one 14 i 15 16 Secretary of tLe oard of Directors 17 18 19 201 21 22 23 ~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I -6-