HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-08 - Resolution No. 054-1
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RX501=108 (W THS BOARD (W §M=M$
YORM. LIM w= 1A, D=
The Bo4w4 of Dtmtom of tho Yacbe Lin" qty Watex
Diattut bu rsby *IV*:
1. met eaiad District parsuaut to the provis e of
se cti-cm 3103+4 of the 'Val Cade does bwo 3mmo et garret the
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to the Public UtI1ities C wsi m r a pa t utility 6mixb*
to Aw"ab vot+ea wrid this st xIne s boundMiss aac W
mere 4* la sold *Ut t► irriAm to the tiw '
aetiaa to tWou as sa petitlAw by Po'bM a t?t#.litim Co ssUat
Z. The edreec~ars map a the ts'iet, md the
area wt We *odd oisftUt W~ws std District psaviAn votic
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an "t faith an obits "A"' and "a" r tteeWW hsr*to
30 ComA11el tat sail District to bnvby 4 tsd
ti t o Corti lAd eepp of this t IM.M c+ to the Public
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. f Y `i."'. nor-•~Tn.,.
he irnn~ t t w ;Y.',cst core-rr of Block No. 1 of the
Yorba Linda Trac' as r d i c 1, pad;s 17 a18 cf _ascallaneo
La S, -0 ;:'aS ^ C f... ali or .ia; '.hence Ed?;. :rlthe
Vorthorly line of 'xlec' r:? 2 c" sail Yorba Linda Tract'- :c t?le iJorth-
east Corner 0f nlock 2 of said Ycrba Linda Tract; thence SouthK-rly along
the East line of saiel Block 2 to an intersection with the lfest rly Pro-
longation of the North line of Plock 25, as shown on a map of Carlton, "
recorded in Book 298 pages 7, 8 and 9. Miscellaneous Records of Joe d~`
Angeles County, California, said intersection being on the Southerly lige ,
oaf Wabash Avenue; thence Easterly along the Southerly line o.t Wabash Avenge
to an intersection vrith the 'lest line of First Street, 60.00 feet in width as
now laid oat; thence Southerly along the West line of First Street to
an intersection v&th the Westerly prolongation of the North lino of Block 6 of said
said Yorba Linda Tract; thence Easterly alonb said Westerly prolongation
and along the Northerly line of Blocks 6 and 7 of said Yorba Linda Tract
to the Northeast corner of said Block 7; thence Southerly along the Last-
erly line of said Block 7. and its Southerly prolongation to an intersection
with Urn Westerly prolongation to Lhr Northerly line of Block 11 of said
Yorba Linda Tract; tiuar ~ Easterly a.lon„ said Westerly prolongation and
along tht Northerly line of Block ll and 10 of said Yor'ua Linda Tract to -tn
a point of the West line of Chio Street, 60.00 feet in width as now laid
outj thence Southerly along the said 2'esterly line of Ohio Street to an
intersection with the Westerly produced Northerly line of Block 9, of
said Yorba LindaTract; thence FAsterly alone; said We.atar]y prolongation
and along the Northerly line of Blocks 9 and 8 of said Yo;-ha Linda Tract
to the Northeast corner of said Block
thence Southerly 41ong the East tx,
erly line of said Block 8 and its Southerly prolongation to the South Una
of Yorba LindaBoulevard, 60.00 feet vide as now laid outj thence Easterly
along the Easterly prolongation of said Souther line of Yorba Linda Boule.
vard tc an intersection v>'ith the East line of tare No Yorba Allotment of
second class land on a map shmia, the subdiviolon or the Rancho Cajon
Is Santa Ana, by order of the 17th Judicial District; thence Southerly
along the Easterly line of said L's Yorba Allotment to the Southeast corner
thereof; thence Westerly and Northwesterly follozrirg alone the boundary Una
of said Le Yorba Allotment to an intersection with the Easterly line of
Block 24 of said Yorba LinuaTract, said intersection boinb the most Southerly
corner of said Block 24; thence; northwest r]y aril Southwesterly along the
South line of Yorba Reservoir land as shovm on the map of said Yorba
Linda Tract, and Block 33 of said YorbiuLS.nda Tract.-to +he Northeast corner
of Lot 7 Moc% 35 of said Yor'ca. Linda Tract; thence Southeasterly along
the.Easterly line of Lots 7 an 8 Block 35 of Said Yorba Linda Tract,
and the Southerly prolongation of said lot 8 to an intersection with the
Southerly line of the ri.;ht of way of the Southern ^ e
.ali;ornia Railroad
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RR.) as :show;: on said map of Yorba Linda
Tract; thence Northwesterly along said Southerly right of way 11ne to an
intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly lure of 'Block 36 "
of said Yorba Linda Wract; thence Southerly aloe; said prolongation and the
Easterly line of said Block 36 !to the Southeast corner of Lot 21, Block 36
of said Yorba Li:ndaTractrj thence Southwesterly along the Southerly line
of-Lots-1 and 24.-of Block 36 of said-Yorba LindaTractp said lines being p-"
the Grant Line of Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana as shown on said Yorba'Linda
Tract, to the Southeast corner of Lot 24, Block 34 of said Yorba Linda l
T raft; thence North-rly along the Wester,;,- litre of Blocks 361; 35, and 31 of said $
~Gn Yo
now rba LindaTraot; to the North line of Lorne Avenue, 49s5 feet in width as
' laid outj thence Westerly along the North line of brae Avenue a distance
of 2668.00 feet more or less to the Wes
t line of Jefferson, Street $9.QD Peet
> J
/a pxl~t i ,f x tae „'d ~S u
Y rx'd x ~f~'
°yf h# p ; : tf x f ~
t .r a r x'fF r r x s r x/ r xJ r .ei
f r t pr Yr~'a., f y Yr YJ/ rfal '
r j f L a
f C 'f r } Fr * 'e
i.r., wl.dth# thence- Cn .t: +vrl al,)n saS a West line a distan :e C,f 7 5.1 Peet
more or less t, ;Iho South llae of th-c iNortheast, two (2` a„ree ih square
form of Lot 17 Hazardls &=bdiwisicn of the Shankliz, Tract, as shovm on
a trap recorded in 3cok:1F, pale 70 Dii.s'cellanooas Records of loss Angeles
a'r,ty~ nab"~ a, +y. T ,1,~ g %
said South line a distance
of 295.11' doe,---t o- 111, 4 tc w` of said Northeast two (2) , s
acrrs; tt T x« n --a."1 rz t 7...Ri axl t ',ortherly pro-
longation to -Lid's-Vt 7'__ne %-f i.^ 4)-,~ nuv, . P9-t in'+'ildt.i; ihoit(-,e
Westerly alo n; aa,.d north 1i..~ of Lo-.-se Av*;nua t~,, !,he East lire of Lot 15
of Hazard°s Subdivislo:, as recardad t : ^•ook 1% page 7, liscell,-ineous
Records of LosAn,;eles Ge z .tys Calif r a; "hence Northerly along ,:he East
line of said Lot 15 to the: :%,Lthoa<t ,arrne th?reof; thence ''stc'ly ~
alon the North lane r_ ai.) Lct 15 to "h- cast line of Linda ;'ista Street.,
40.00 feet it., idth as now lai=r out; thence Northerly aloe; thfa Last line
of Linda 'Fists Street to a F drat 266.17 chains forth 40 west from the
Northeast corner of the Kraemer Tract, as shown on a map recorded in
Book 12s Nes 87 and 88 L'scellaneour Recor of Loss Angeles Coanty.,
California; thence West' (deed) 1204.50 feet, more or less to a point
therein distant 198000 feet Last of the West line of Section 29, To 3S•a R gWo$ thence South (dead) 1160*00 feet, morn or less to a point
in the Northerly line of Palm Drive, 40.00 feet in width as now laid
out; thence Westerly along the Northerly* line of said Palr Drive to an
-r'latersection with the Easterly line of Valencia Avenue$ 60.00 feet in
width as now laid out; thence Northerly along said Easterly line of
Valencia Avenue to an intersection with the North ;Line of the South-
west quarter (S..) of the Southwest (S«) of Section 20 of 'said Tonm-
ship and Ran
gal th a East to the Northeast corner of the Southwest
quarter- ( a) of the fisaft Southwest quarter (SIFT-
of said Section 20; thence North 650.00 feet noa•e or less to the
,9 , North. .
east corner of. the South half (SD of tite Northwest quarter (riffl) of
the Southwest quarter (30i) of said Section 20; 'thence IFest,. 1290.00 feet
more or lese, aloe the North line of said South half (SD of the
Northwest quarter tNWj) of the Southwest quarter ( of said Section
20 to an intersocti,on-with the East line of sail Valencia Avenue, 60.00
feet in' dth; thence North along the East line of said Valencia
Avenue to an intersection with the north line of the South half (51)
of the South half ($a) of the South half (Sa) pf Section 17, of said
Township and Pangs; theme East 2750.00 feet, more or less, along said
North line to an intersection with the Easterly lima of the Ranch San
Juan Cajon de Santa Ana; thence Northerly alone said Easterly line
1550.00 feet more or less, to the point of beginning*
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