HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-01-24 - Resolution No. 165y tY#.c3r sa ? ti c+.w~i !if d srs „}`"r' t :'4 it at r SOVITION NO. 1.65 66 114, Re: Water Rates Effective Mai,eh 1, 1968 Your Board of Directors have been considering for wonths the rroblem of what to du with ever i.ncrcri Sin ; cost of tvaLer, -ibor and ml,tteri:als> lhvr4. been Lnce August:l, 1964,: u:inc v t iett the care:>t,, v M-W,"), w.1t,-r llas ncreased 307'• K:nsl the, ttrtt 'r. ki a r_ w -c.l 18. 'You'r Ward is striving to `„ivc~ yo°_i tbc• be.-.t water servi: e, kt~e ,)west. possible tort.. We ci an,no. longer ab..f,o b ino.rs !id meet our obligati o t, i'tti:liitaiI1 r c, c tr,' s>t~c C~f+ 1 Lo meet your growing; water " oeds on January 24, 1968 the 8o3xtl of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District amende(t the Mules and Regulations of the District, establishing the w,,ter rates effective with the March meter readings and billings :ts follows: }action 3.5A-Demand Serv~(1. Domestic: and Co miorc tal fir, t- 9,00 cii, ft. per wonth 3.50 u, ft. per month M2 per 100 cu. ft,' , i 9 f :U . 11`3 per 1.00 cu. f t. (ap~~toxinj atc~ly `1.9 - 22 per ac f t. or approximately 0 314 per hour inch) i stir and lxri<czti.on u~Ju cu. it. per iltoIlt~1. ,?.c,0 _.xt 1900 cu. ` f:t, per month 0.12 per 100 cu. ft l l over 2700 cu. ft. per month 0.113 per. 1.00 cu. ft. Combination-this rate will be applicable to domestic ~I iri:4,ation ;ie vi..ou ~-Alere the t tx-:-'; tt:4 iii t0c t: er used is for the oommerci.al. pr-odt:uct.i.ort of agri- ltural, horticultural, or fl,oricult Ural. crops or for sturc grown for commercial' purposes °I'hie type of z:vice can only be suppli,cal to n tivi(jual consumers Q have not, los-; than oile acre of -round :ptante:cl to ,e above- use. This servt_!;e ~~l a. I tier permitted only ,r those services that presently receive wat-.er, at tc- combination rate, The 'combination rate shall not applicable to any new service:. 4. Minimum Charges Minimum charges' per month for Demand Service sha11. be: 5/8" & 3/41, meter $3.5f lot meter o«Of! 1 l meter 6,450 211 m`cer 9.50 3" l11 Z: t o 17 . ij 0 4n meter 30.00'- 6" meter, 5t~ s (3(j ' Section 3.5B-Booked Service or Irrigation Service No minimum charge, All watcx at 407T3 per. 100 cu. ft (or approximately. $49.22 per nacre foot or approximately $00.0811+ per hour° inch) `T.. At the direction of the 'Board i° 'am mrxit.l tng tbis into niiiattoll. to you. This is an interim rate increa.c to c: oie -r fhr: 64F op ration, production, and maintenance: Che differential in the rate between trrigatieo il-Ild Jomc .tic, water of $0.007 per 100 cu. ft;, ?r ,3.00 p t..Y.• foot, " s `dun- to thk_ differential placed "in the Gaut r Replenishment A-9sessme:nt (pump tax; is uo t ne i-rua.vicire k.sounry water uiSLrICL Dy tine xarDa Linda unty Water District for irrigation and domestic water. Very truly yours, Ralph C. Shook General Manager ssI ed and ndoDted this 24th day of January. 1958 by the Noes: Nona Absent: None g D-jted ~1u 1 W.-! A. • - - f IWA r-E t;~Ary - - President d Yorba Linda Countv WaterDi;