HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-11-14 - Resolution No. 170• • RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, MAKING APPLICATION FOR THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO SAID DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District desires to initiate proceedings for the annexation to said district of the territory hereinafter described; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District HEREBY DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER as follows: Section 1. Application and a proposal hereby is made to the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of Orange for a change of organization as follows: 1. This proposal is made pursuant to the District Reorgan- ization Act of 1965, commencing with Government Code Section 56000. 2. The nature of the proposed change of organization and the names of all districts for which any such change of organiza- tion is proposed are as follows: The annexation of the hereinafter described terri- tory to the Yorba Linda County Water District. 3. The names of all other affected counties, cities and districts are: Placentia Unified School District North Orange County Junior College District County Library District Orange County Flood Control District Orange County Harbor District Orange County Mosquito Abatement District County Road District #3 Metropolitan Water District County Fund -1- Orange County Municipal Water District Northeast Orange County Soil Conservation District County Structural Fire Protection District Orange County Sanitation District #2 4. The territory proposed to be annexed to the Yorba Linda County Water District is uninhabited. A description of said territory is attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and made a part hereof. A map of said territory is attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof. 5. It is desired that the proposed annexation provide for and be made subject to the following terms and conditions: That said property after annexation and inclusion shall in all respects be treated as part of the District. 6. The reasons for this proposal are as follows: The owners of the property herein described proposed for annexation and inclusion are desirous of receiving water and sanitary sewer service from the facilities of this District, that this District is capable of providing water for domestic and municipal purposes, and sanitary sewer service to such property, and that such owners have requested this annexation and inclusion to proceed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 1968 G• Seca tary or-the Yor a Linda County Wat~'r District -2- • All that certain land situated in the State of California, County of Orange, described as follows: That portion of the land of Samuel Kraemer as shown on a map thereof filed for record in Book 2, page 21, Records of Surveys, in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, California, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the North„ea'st one-quarter of Section 24, Township 3, South, Range 9 West, S.B.B.&M.; thence South 89° 23' 16", West, 657.98 feet along the Northerly line of the Rancho Cajon de Santa Ana to the true point of beginning at a monument marking the Northeast corner of Felipe Yorba Allotment of Second Class Lands in the petition of the Rancho Canon de Santa Ana, as shown on said map of the lands of Samuel Kraemer, running thence North 89°23'16" East 657.98 feet along the Northerly line of the Rancho Canon de Santa Ana to the Southwest corner of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 9 West, S.B.B. & M., thence North 0°14'53" West 892.54 feet along the West line of the said Northwest one-quarter of Section 24 of the Southerly line of that certain 50.00 feet right of way conveyed to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, by Deed recorded July 11, 1960 in Book 5321, page 448; thence South 76°06'28" East 1,897.53 feet along the Southerly line of said 50.00 feet right-of-way; thence South 0°14'53" East 2,346.42 feet; thence North 88°5713' West 275.33 feet• thence South 56°38'48" West 778.52 feet thence South 81°09;29" West 453.40 feet; thence North 72°19'38" West 517.38 feet; thence North 43°43'38" West 250.97 feet; thence South 89°05'07" West 383.14 feet to a point in the Westerly line of said land of Samuel Kraemer; thence North 2°18'34" West 2,062.26 feet along said West line to thelpoint of beginning. EXHIBIT "A" ' Y'.1 h 0 Cpl % C~ w 1 L co CA- 93 4tt W - N 4 r Q Ix `t m O 14 6 cq~ V 4i dD U NV.+ ~ q~ a N N 4 1 ~lt vi IQ U I n~ 1 I o=. 4 caV J z 4+2 ~l M (D ' v + tom.: J yrxSt r~~rdQ•e ~ w N © : - 4 y 1711 M r 93 7 54 UaO `O ` Q < 1~ cr• r J/~ 1 tr7 r k,V O Q t!) n .yV1n1,,,, V , ~ ~ ~ ; J n to Cf' > Q 47R .~•S ~y~ _a O X70 a M 600' 7a ii Jq 1 O c~ ?.7 •o~ r~ 1l~ i w~ m n a i LCD > lbw ~ _•..-fb~~ ~ e~ ~~v~ C\~ cv ~ 900" ° IOG a ~t W a Q w 1. h N 100-09 ti U Q 1,~ O n t~ w EXHIBIT 'l8+l STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, JEAN E. MATHEWS, Secretary of the Yorba Linda County Water District, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said District at an adjourned regular meeting of said Board duly held on the 14th day of November, 1968, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: 5 DIRECTORS: Merwin Wagner, M. Roy Knauft, Jr., R. D. Hastings, Ralph A. McGuire, Fred Clodt NOES: 0 DIRECTORS None ABSENT:O DIRECTORS None retary o the or a Linda unty Water District (SEAL) -3- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF ORANGE I, JEAN E. MATHEWS, Secretary of the Yorba Linda County Water District, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 19e9 of said Board, and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED: November 14, 1968. f ?h e- ~ Secr ary of the Yorba Linda County WatdxI District (SEAL) -4- r 0 ^x aXo L TO Y'3A&"% LINDA LOUN r l +MT K A.NN- L 4.A. r I OW 6A.1 A1.1 that Ca='ta1A laaJ .ituat0d in the Mate of '..aLifornla, ..ounty of Jrange. 104crib&d 44 follows: Yhat portion of the lard of thereof file] for record in iu tho office of the ounty Ja:i,criu43 as foll;)Wi.: Samuel Kraemer a,6 asha in on Book 26 pa a 21. Recorib of Recorleer a! Jran&e ounty. California, Beginning at the Southwe*t corner of the Northwest on*.quartsr of section 24,;awna►hip 3. South xsn e 9 :eat. ~ .B.B. s * . ; theme South 9 231 161"0 "st, ~S7.9 feet along the Northerly, line of the Rancho Cajon de ;smote Ana to the true point of beginning at a aonumemt varking the -Northeast corner of teali:)• Yorba Allotment of 3oeond Class Lands in the petition of the Rancho Conan d• senta Me, as shaven on said map of the lanIs of Samuel traamer, runni theme North 89o 23' 16" ~,-"ast 657.93 fen slang the "Orthearly im of the Rancho Canon do `;ante =1.na to the louthwest comer of the Motrthwoa:t one-quarter of `,ectton 24, Towship 3 South Rango 9 iwost. zo.B.B. b r.. , thence orth ,10 14' 53'" "'e>et 892.34 feet &I=$ the uo*t line of the tssi=1 Northwest uns•quorter of Seatim 24 to tho Southerly line of th&t curtain 50.00 feet night of way conveyed to the ?-;etropolitaan w4tar District of :Southern Callifornla s b :)t•d recorded July 11, 190, to Book 33219 pa a 4491 themes Sout 760 06, 28" Last 1 897.33 feet alone t Southerly line of said 30.01 feet right of wsyi thoace South 0 14• $30 Enot 2. 346.46 f eat • thence North 040 57 34 west 275.23 f oet G thence -oath Se 38, ~+V, "4eat 778.5 feet theme South $110 09' 26" Neat 4i3.40 fen; theme North 7?0 19' X" Nest 317.36 feet- theme North 43 43, 38" w*it 250.97 feet= theaeoe South SP 13, 31" West 383.14 feet to as point in the w+~stetly► line of said land of Sa~wuel Krae"r; thence North 20 18, 34" Wert 7.062.16 feet along said Vast line to rh i, tires pout of begin INg. :o>rCCSCte~! ll•2b•+id I 11 I T w 4 n Ju lam',. C:.L1..1.el~1-•St• K ~ t l,jnlf ~°t. li tfSit t 1 a,~ ~-Lt } ~ IV, ' 1 ~r' 1'.. ~ ~ '•~.,tr t' .i~, / 1 ,1 t -f''1 f` `n 1~+,, 1, -Ic r~ ~'~1 ;4. ] ~ •1, 1 ^ 1 ~ l a t ^ t~ l:a~ .l . 1t,) ~ 4 -.r C 1 If1tf` 7i 'y) ~f y~r1 ~).~ts , 1 t+r)S~ 3 ~1 i L f t tt t l`r. i1. Y ~tl ~1 ~ ~,1 ~ «3'• r~ -~.it V ~rw'~.-.1 ' 1.'.~• ~ r, l., f. t :1'1 ~ f 7~ .i .~11 ~i, '.,tY r. r Ij 4'. ~..j vf- •1 :..a. 1 ~ .e.; 41 1. ^ ~ '.•R 4 ~ 7,~p U r q - ~ jr, 7 [ t~ PRuHo FLU AIN 01V IV ifv►~t,► 1 Li It V f ~I 14 113 y 23 ~24 N SECTION CORNER I 50` a/w MET. WATER DIST, OF SO. CALIF BOOK 3301 OF DEEDS PAGE 449 to ~ N O I A.P 7 7-26-41 N. 89'-23'-Ie E. 657 ~Ek' -NORTHERLY LINE OF RANCHO CANON DE SANTA ANA i I N.E. COR. FELIPE YOR BA ALLOT 5 W- COR . OF N.W. '/a CLASS LAND SECTION 24 - TOWNSHIP 3- SOUTH RANGE J-wEST - 5 b B E M. 'N I ~I 9 d'I --WESTERLY LINE OF LAND 'N OF SAMUEL KRAEMER 3 W m V)I cJ N o zl AP 7-7-2-6-413 0, I 38~ 14" 4+ a'~ i ~l9' 05 = 07 W Z ~t h 7~ /y .R 453 4_--.- 8 EXy~B/T B N fifl'- S 1 " 13' 4Y- YORRA UNDA COUNTY ViATER DISTRICT EAi i)KAVv % J V'Y vl, a1~1~1~OVED UATE II I~c it U- 543 0 4 AL 1 RESOLUTION NO. 171 2 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE 3 CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY 4 INTERESTS AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECES- 5 SITY THEREFOR. 6 WHEREAS, Yorba Linda County Water District is a county 7 water district duly formed, organized and existing pursuant to 8 and under the provisions of Division 12 of the Water Code of 9 the State of California, and 10 WHEREAS, Section 31040 and 31041 of the Water Code of 11 the State of California provide a county water district may 12 take property by condemnation, may hold, use and enjoy property 13 within or without the district necessary to the full exercise 14 of its powers, and 15 WHEREAS, Section 31044 of the Water Code of the State of 16 California provides a county water district may bring Eminent 17 Domain proceedings, and 18 WHEREAS, Yorba Linda County Water District has heretofore 19 entered into an agreement with the City of Yorba Linda, which 20 provides that said Yorba Linda County Water District shall be 21 the agent of said City for the purpose of serving the area of the 22 said City with sewer collection and disposal services, 23 NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda 24 County Water District does hereby resolve as follows: 25 SECTION 1. That the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda 26 County Water District has found and determined and does hereby 27 find and determine that the public interest and necessity require 28 for public use the acquisition, construction, completion, opera- 29 tion and maintenance by said Yorba Linda County Water District 30 of certain public improvements, to wit: A sanitary sewer and 31 all facilities and appurtenances necessary or incidental thereto 32 including manholes, measuring devices, and other structures for -1-