HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-02-04 - Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee Meeting Minutes
February 4, 2011
A meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee was called to
order by Director Beverage at 11:35 a.m. The meeting was held at the District's
Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Phil Hawkins Gina Knight, Human Resources Mgr
2.1. Alternative Work Schedule
Further Committee discussion on this matter is pending a
recommendation from the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), which will
consider the item again at their meeting on February 28.
2.2. Board of Directors and Committee Meeting Minutes
The Committee discussed a misunderstanding with the Citizens Advisory
Committee draft meeting minutes from January 24, 2011, regarding the
Committee's discussion on the matter of how Board Meeting minutes
should be taken and whether the meetings should be audio or video
recorded. Mr. Mark Schock stated his opinion that staff's reporting in the
minutes did not accurately reflect the Citizens Advisory Committee's
motion and recommendation. Director Beverage, who also attended the
Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting expressed that he felt the meeting
minutes did reflect the Citizens Advisory Committee's recommendation
and the parties respectfully agreed to disagree. The Executive-
Administration-Organizational Committee recommended staff present this
item for action at the next meeting on February 15 and then on to the full
Board of Directors for their consideration at the meeting scheduled
February 24, 2011.
2.3. Board of Directors Travel Expense Reimbursement Policy
The Committee reviewed the areas for follow up in the draft policy
presented at the last Executive-Administration-Organizational Committee
meeting and recommend staff bring back the policy with revisions for
action consideration at the February 15 Committee meeting. The items for
review and follow up include combining the per diem expenses over the
course of a conference or travel period, and per diem food and lodging
expenses in the IRS plan that did not seem to cover true costs for certain
destinations. The Committee also recommended comparing the proposed
policy with the current one adopted by the Municipal Water District of
Orange County (MWDOC). The District's respective policies should be
2.4. District Purchasing Policy
The Committee discussed the current policy and concerns with approval
levels that may be out of range with government open transparency
practices and public perception. Staff was instructed to include this item
once again on the agenda for the February 15 Executive-Administration-
Organizational Committee meeting.
2.5. Employee Productivity-Innovation-Communications Committee Activities
The Committee reviewed the activities report and summary minutes from
the EPIC Committee meeting held January 25, 2011. The Committee
discussed the Job Classification Summary and expressed concerns
regarding resource allocation for what could be a timely and unproductive
process. The Committee requested input from Ms. Knight who suggested
the Human Resources Department could include the concerns of the EPIC
Committee and perhaps their participation as well, working with HR on a
future salary and job classifications survey. This will ensure an open and
inclusive process.
2.6. Organizational Chart
The Committee discussed possible changes to the organizational
structure. The General Manager (GM) will review this and bring back
recommendations for further discussion.
2.7. 1 Year/2 Year Budget Preparation
The Committee discussed the benefits and pitfalls of a two year budget.
The GM will bring an agenda item to the full Board of Directors for further
2.8. Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses (Oct-Dec 2010)
The Committee reviewed the revised expense reports from the previous
meeting on January 18. The reports now accurately reflect the total
District expenses for travel and conferences. The prior report showed
only reimbursement amounts, which reflect out of pocket expenses for
Directors and staff. The reports now show all expenses including those
prepaid by the District such as conference registration fees and hotel
2.9. Water Conservation Ordinance (Verbal Report)
This discussion item will be continued to future committee meetings until
action is taken. Staff discussed the Metropolitan Water District (MWD)
shutdown at the end of the month as a valid reason to postpone any
potential changes in the ordinance at this time.
2.10. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
Several items were identified for future consideration as follows:
1) The Elk Mountain joint facilities use plan will come back to this
committee for consideration and further direction on February 15.
2) The potential sewer system transfer from the City of Yorba Linda will
remain on this Committee's agenda until acted upon by both agencies.
3) Director Beverage requested dates of available workshops the new
Board members may consider attending for their required Ethics
Training and Sexual Harassment Training.
4) Director Beverage handed staff a schedule of workshops hosted by the
Orange County Human Resources Consortium in 2011 and highlighted
dates and topics of potential interest to the Board of Directors. Annie
Alexander will include these dates in a future Board of Directors
agenda under Conferences and Seminars for the Board's
5) Director Beverage requested staff formalize and present the Facilities
Use Policy and Agreement to the appropriate committee (either
Personnel-Risk Management or Executive-Administration-Organiza-
tional Committee) for refinement and recommendation to the full Board
of Directors.
3.1. The Committee adjourned at 1:45 p.m. The Committee Chair requested
scheduling another Executive-Administration-Organizational Committee
meeting on Wednesday, March 2 at 11:30 A.M. Following that meeting,
the next regular meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational
Committee will be held February 15, 2011 at 4:30 p.m.