HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-07-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes2007-111 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING July 12, 2007 The July 12, 2007 regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Ric Collett at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. DIRECTORS PRESENT AT ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President John W. Summerfield, Vice President Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage William R. Mills STAFF PRESENT Michael A. Payne, General Manager Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, Asst. G.M. Lee Cory, Operations Manager Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Amelia Cloonan, Exec. Secty INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC COMMENTS None SPECIAL RECOGNITION None CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1 through 4) On a motion by Director Mills, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar. Minutes of the Regular Board of Directors meeting held June 28, 2007. Recommendation: Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Payment of bills, refunds, and wire transfers. Recommendation: Ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,977,140.97. 3. Progress Payment No. 14 and Change Order No. 2 for Construction of the Lakeview Booster Pump Station. Recommendation: Approve Progress Payment No. 14 in the net amount of $714,526.04 and Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $467,285.13 and a 74 calendar day extension to Schuler Engineering for Construction of the Lakeview Booster Pump Station, Job No. 200505. 4. Progress Payment No. 4 in the net amount of $599,735.51 to Grant General Contractors for Construction of the new administration building. Recommendation: Approve Progress Payment No. 4 in the net amount of $599,735.51 to Grant General Contractors for Construction of the new administration building, Job No. 200313. -1- ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION 5. None. 2007-112 ACTION CALENDAR 6. Consider a Professional Services Agreement with McCormick, Kidman, and Behrens, LLP for General Counsel Services. General Manager Payne stated the item was on the last Board agenda and was referred back to the Executive- Adminstrative-Organizational Committee. Some changes to the agreement were discussed with Mr. Kidman. Most of the changes were to Exhibit A.1.b. There will be some modifications to the task order form to indicate which attorney or professional consultant will be added along with the level of compensation. A one board meeting per month basis was also discussed. The revised task order form will go back to the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee. On a motion by Director Mills, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement between the Yorba Linda Water District and McCormick, Kidman, and Behrens, LLP for General Counsel Services with changes noted. Jim Wohlt, District resident, entered the meeting at 8:35 a.m. Mr. Wohlt, President of the Eastlake Village Homeowners Association, attended to address the issue of water pressure. The association would like to have something in writing stating when the problem will be dealt with. General Manager Payne attended a couple of meetings of the homeowners association. He spoke about some of the pilot programs the District is preparing to initiate. Homeowners were asked to put pressure regulators in at their own expense in the first area. 5-6 cards were received from homeowners in the second area. The District is now moving into the third area. Those areas can be worked out with just adding pressure regulators. The last area is one where the District met with developers before the properties were developed. The developers were told they needed to move pad areas down in order to have adequate water pressure. The developers worked with the city. The District stated homeowners could install booster pumps if they wished, which statement should be on the title report. Mr. Wohlt asked that instead of doing more studies the District help the homeowners by subsidizing installation of a booster pump. Director Beverage asked if installation of one large booster pump would be acceptable to homeowners, with the understanding that there is a lot of noise associated with a booster pump. Mr. Wohlt would be willing to canvas the neighborhood. General Manager Payne said he would like to work with Mr. Wohlt to put together a letter to a small area to determine the response. President Collett asked that this matter be put on the agenda for the second meeting in August, so staff could come in with an update. Jim Wohlt left the meeting at 8:49 a.m. -2- 2007-113 2007. General Manager Performance Evaluation. President Collett reported some recommendations were made for continuing improvement. When the General Manager completes an executive management program, the Board will conduct a salary review. The compensation was adjusted for cost of living for the two-year contract. On a motion by President Collett, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to increase the General Manager's salary effective July 1, 2007 by a 10% COLA over the two year contract period. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8. None REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMENTS 9. a. President's Report The President had nothing to report. 2007. Directors Reports Director Mills referenced the two articles provided to the Board members in their mail regarding water districts getting together to discuss a drought. He stated it will be interesting to see what Orange County Water District will do with the BPP. Assistant General Manager Vecchiarelli responded, and there was some discussion about drought conditions and the BPP, capacity of the Basin, an overdraft situation, GWRS water, percentage the District is able to pump, the transmission system, Wells #11, 12 and 19 production, discussions with the City of Placentia. General Manager Payne spoke about the Highland Reservoir and the Lakeview Reservoir. Temporary tanks will be used. Director Beverage asked about a temporary pump in the low pressure area. President Collett said the item should go to Staff, to the Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee and to the Board. 2007. General Managers Report General Manager Payne met with Yorba Linda City Manager Letourneau yesterday. They spoke about the sewer rate increase. It is expected that one or two Council members will come out against the District at next Tuesday's meeting. The city is looking at their rates. The city is still interested in giving their sewers to the District at a price. The District is not interested in paying for the sewers, and the rate must be the same the District charges. The District will go out for appraisal of the Plumosa Drive building. If this property is declared surplus, the city is first in line to acquire it. General Manager Payne is not sure what the city would do with the property. Director Armstrong was concerned with the water mains. General Manager Payne f stated the plan set draft does not include any replacement of pipes. -3- 2007-114 General Manager Payne met with Pat Scanlon regarding annexation and the Irvine Ranch Water District. He also met with a field representative of Senator Dianne Feinstein's staff and conducted a tour of the Highland Reservoir. d. General Counsel's Report General Counsel did not attend the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10. a. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Collett/Summerfield) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Minutes of meeting held July 6 will appear in the Board agenda July 26. The Committee considered the District's contract with McCormick, Kidman & Behrens for legal services and spoke about grants. 2) Meeting scheduled for August 21. Director Armstrong will attend in place of President Collett. b. Finance-Accounting Committee (Mills/Beverage) Alternate: Summerfield 1) Minutes of meeting held July 10 will appear in the Board agenda for July 26. Director Mills reported the Committee considered the monthly Financial Statements for the tenth and eleventh months ending April 30 and May 31, respectively. Standing items discussed included the Investment Reports for months ending April 30 and May 31, 2007 and a monthly status report on portfolio investments ending May 31 and June 30, 2007 presented by Keith Khorey. Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Financial Audit Entrance Conference was discussed with Paul Kaymark of Charles Z. Fedak & Company. He advised on new rules for expenses by the Board and Staff. 2) Meeting scheduled for August 14, 4:00 p.m. c. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Summerfield/Armstrong) Alternate: Mills 1) No meeting of the committee was held July 9. 2) Meeting scheduled for August 13, 4:00 p.m. -4- 2007-115 d. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Armstrong/Mills) Alternate: Collett 1) Minutes of meeting held July 5 will appear in the Board agenda July 26. Director Armstrong reported action items discussed by the committee included: approval of a one-time variance for original participants of the Grandview Avenue Sewer Project and the possibility of refunding deposits made, consideration of a balancing change order for the design/build project to Schuler Engineering regarding the Lakeview Booster Pump Station and consideration of a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. The committee discussed Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Linda Garden Apartments. Standing items covered at the meeting included: Preannexation Agreement with PYLUSD, status report on meter replacement project, status report on monthly water production and purchased import for June 2007 and fy 2006-07, status report on capital improvement projects in progress and status report on OCWD Annexation request. There was some discussion about wells. 2) Meeting scheduled for August 2, 4:00 p.m. e. Public Information Committee (Collett/Beverage) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Minutes of meeting held July 11 will appear in the Board agenda for July 26. President Collett reported the committee discussed community outreach programs and reviewed the Waterlines - Drought & Water Conservation message. The committee discussed publication of Board and Standing Committee agendas and reviewed the Water Management Program - level 1, spoke about the SmarTimer program and received a status report on District information activities. Director Armstrong noted he would prefer to receive agendas in paper format. 2) Meeting scheduled for August 7, 4:00 p.m. f. Building Ad Hoc Committee (Summerfield/Beverage) Alternate: Armstrong 1) Meeting scheduled for July 19, 4:00 p.m. g. MWDOC Ad Hoc Committee (Beverage/Collett) Alternate: Mills 1) Meeting scheduled for August 28, 4:00 p.m. -5- 2007-116 h. City of Placentia Ad Hoc Committee (Beverage/Payne) 1) Meeting scheduled for August 1, 10:00 a.m., Richfield Plant. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11. a. WACO, July 6 No one attended. b. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, July 11 Director Armstrong reported there was discussion about the development near Yorba Linda Lake on Lakeview. The District should check the developer's plans when he comes to the District. The developer of the parcel at Linda Gardens has asked for a year's extension. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR Authorization to attend meetings scheduled after July 12, 2007. Agenda is available in the District office prior to meeting. July 2007 Yorba Linda City Council, July 17, 6:30 p.m. Mills (Alt. Collett to attend MWDOC Board, Jul 18, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Jul 18, 5:00 .m. Staff Building Ad Hoc Committee, Jul 19, 4:00 p.m. Summerfield/Bevera e Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Jul 25, 6:30 .m. Summerfield Auaust 2007 Yorba Linda City Council, Au 1, 6:30 .m. Collett MWDOC/MWD Joint Workshop, Au 1, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Au 1, 5:00 .m. Staff Plan nin -En ineerin -O erations Committee, Au 2, 4:00 .m. Armstrong/Mills WACO, Au 3, 7:30 a.m. Mills Public Information Committee, Au 7, 4:00 p.m. Collett/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Au 8, 6:30 .m. Armstrong Personnel-Risk Management Committee, Au 13, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Armstrong Finance-Accounting Committee, Au 14, 4:00 .m. Mills/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council, Au 15, 6:30 .m. Mills MWDOC Board, Au 15, 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Board, Au 15, 5:00 .m. Staff Building Ad Hoc Committee, Au 16, 4:00 .m. Summerfield/Bevera e Executive-Admin-Organizational Committee, Aug 21, 4:00 p.m. Collett/Summerfield (Alt. Armstrong to attend Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Au 22, 6:30 .m. Summerfield -6- 2007-117 CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS 12. Authorize attendance of Directors and such staff members of the District as approved by the General Manager to attend the following conferences and seminars. a. None ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Summerfield, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to adjourn at 9:57 a.m. to a regular meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for Thursday, July 26, 2007, at 8:30 a.m., at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda 92886. Secretary -7- 2007-118