HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-14 - Resolution No. 73-18• RI;S~~I:U7'ION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DI PE:CTORS Or' TI?I', YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER Di sTRIC'I' ORDERIN'C T111' ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRiTORi', DESIGNATED "ANNEXATION NO. 72-3", TO THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCI: WITH SECTIONS 56310 TO 56323, INCLUSIVE, OF THE. CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE. WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County for the annexation of certain uninhibited territory, designated "Anne>,at.inn No. 72-3", said territory to be annexed to the Yorba LinC a County Water District pursuant to the District Reorganization Act of 1965, as applicable by Resolution No. 244, adopted on November 9, 1972; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is un- inhabited within the meaning of the District Reorganization Act of 1965 and the owners of said territory, each and all of them, have consented to the annexation of said territory, as evidenced in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission approved said application for annexation of said territory described as "Annexation No. 72-3" by resolution adopted at its meeting of January 24, 1973, and thereby further authorized the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District to order the annexation of said territory without notice and hear- ing and without an election, pursuant to Governmen -1- Z NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District does hereby resolve, determine, and order as follows: SECTION 1. The exterior boundaries of Yorba Linda County Water District are described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. The territory known as Yorba Linda County Water District "Annexation No. 72-3", the exterior boundaries of which are described in Exhibit "B", is hereby ordered annexed to the Yorba Linda County Water District without notice and hearing and without an election. SECTION 3. The annexation of said territory to the Yorba Linda County Water District is subject to the following terms and conditions: None. SECTION 4. The Clerk of the Yorba Linda County Water District is hereby directed to comply with the filing require- ments of Government Code Sections 56450 to 56457 and, specif- ically, to prepare and execute a certificate of completion in accordance with this resolution. ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District at its regular meeting held on June , 1973. 1.f % z~/ 11 elYresiden t of the oar of erectors of the Y rba Linda County Water District ATTEST: ee Secret y of the Board of Directors of th Yorba Linda County Water District -2- ATTESTATION OF RESOLUTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I, JEAN E. MATHEWS, Secretary of the YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution, No. 2Lwas duly adopted by the Board of Directors of said District at a regular meeting of said Board duly held on the -L~l day of June, 1973, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: r /o' NOES: ABSENT: YA,,'G•'N"~ Dated: i Jean X,, ' Mathews , Secre~ary of the Yorba,Linda County Water District and of the Board of Directors thereof, -3- 1 J YOrba I,il)cla County Z'.atei- District DL'F1~ICr I' Yo]:b1 TAncia, C11liforn.ia 9: CR8 1lttent.irm l'.or~l:d of. Directors •Gent].cmen: ~ In z]ccordancc t~it.h California Govermiiont Cod: Section 56261 we, the unclcrsigned, being owners of part of the land ;proposed to be annexed t:o 'Cho Yorba Linda ~ Country Water. District by Resolution No. 244, adopted November 9, 1.972, and dcs.ignatinct t'ic territory to be annexed as Annexation 72-3, hereby request that the Local Agency Formation Com:,lission appi.o e and nuthor.ize the Board of Directors of the Yorba L:incla County Water. District to annex said territory without- notice and hearing by the Boa.r.cl of Directors and without: an election. Very truly yours, ' John and Olivia Reza 1 1 .Y I Exhibit A ~ v ~ ta• a yym~l~^`f~'~ j Yorba Lincia nr_ av,er Y, Yorba Li.nclP, tltt:entlon : Gentlemen: County 1',atcr Disti-ict Cal forni- 92629 I:O II"Ci of Dirc'ctorf; In accor.c', once with California Government CodC Section 56161, gee, the unc3~^r~;ic3necl, being ov;ners, of part of the lane' promo`,' d to be annexo(I to the Yorba Linda County VIat:c r. Di5:tri.ct h , Resoaution No. 2,1 1, adopted November 9, 1072, and cic"ignaLing the territory to be annex:-d as Anncxat.i.on 72-3, hereby request that the Local Agency formation Commission approve and authorize the hoard of Director s of th-- Yorba Linda County Water District: to annex said territory without notice and ]lcal:.in( ~ )'y t.hc, Board of Dirrctoi.s and without an election. Very truly yours, Frank J. and Anna Marie Blaszcak, Sr J I':xhibit T~ I- I i r ~ft Yorba Linda County 1•.atcr DisLrict-. })i: at•~c t I' Yorba Linaa, Cali:of-nia 92683 1, Attention: Board o:F 1)41: C, rs Gent Tomcn In accordance with Cali for.r.ia Govornmen. Code Section 56261, t•:c, the undersigncci, }>eing c>vjnc~ rs of part of the land }proposed to he annexed t_) t.hc 1 orba Linda Count.)' Water. Di:;tr.i.ct by }:c:>cilui.i.on No. 2,14, adopted November 9, 1972, and designating the territory to he annexed as Annexation 72-3, hereby request that the Local Agcncy Formation Commission approve and authorize the oard of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District to annex said territory t,i.thout notice ar.y; hcari.ng by the Board of Directors and without an election. Very truly yours, Edward L. and Doranna L. Mote Exhibit A a .r. :I: ..-9.': eG L., f:Y':W :..Y~•. .G~: ,x.A r 'y .t:~. • ~ s j• Yorba ?,i.l:cla Drawer F Yorb~c Linda Attention: Gentlo en: r Count--y Water ha-.;t.ri.ct-. Cal.iforn-ia 926H) L'oarcl of Director In accordance wj.1 h California Govcr.Iimc~nt. Code Seetirn 56261, vu, the undcrs;-i c3nc c? , '.,-e_i.nq wcmers of pert cal: tlicr land pr.opo :eel to bo an w-:ed to the 5':>rba Linda County 1',Ltt.cr Di. ;t.rict: i)y 1tc,solu',Ann 11o. 2,14, ziclopted November 9, 1972, and de:;.icJn itind the! territory to be annexed as Annc:;at:ion 72_-3, hereby requost that the Local. Agcncy Formation Commission approve and F11ithor. ize oard of hi_r.cctcrs of the Yorba Linda Countv Water the B- District , to annex said territory without notice' and hearing by the Loard of Directors and without an election. y Very truly yours, Joseph A. and Darlene A. Dytko Exhibit A } i -._I r • 0 • I? I July 7, 1972 Yorba Linda County Water District 4622 Plumosa Yorba Linda, California Attention: Board of Directors J.H.SN DAR Gentlemen: COMPr%v, WESTW00') CENTER In accordance with California Government Code 1100 GLENDON AVE. Section 56261, we, the undersigned, being owners of LOS ANGELES 50024 12131479 4171.212 9711 part of the land recently annexed into the city of Yorba Linda, as Annexz tion 72-x-11 and saicl land being within the territory proposed to be annexed to the Yorba Linda County 11ater District for water and sewer service, request that the Local Agency Formation Commission approve and authorize the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District to annex said land without notice and hearing by said Board and with- out an election. Very truly yours, BEVERLY-GLENWOOD CORPORATION (As to Parcel 7) Albert Marko£f V Assistant Secretary AM/haa 011ILDEPS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEPS Exhibit. A . ' ~ikr. , . .r .iK r~.7~M1+..', ~:%y :fY:~k tw~k .~Mr,~ .u1~',{`:, •..«AAi~itvll~;.. da.+.v a,a. ~ - A•..i,~Y ,.~R w~44. ~ ~ ~K~.:,.~k '+P-.x-.:...::. b~~~`:~,..' . 1 -I Yorba Linda County Seater. District Drawcr F Yorba Linda, California 92688 Attention: Board of Directors Gentlemen: • In accordance with California Government C()de Section 56261, we, the underFigncd, being own(, s of part of, the land proposed to be annexed to the Yorba Linda County Water. District by Resolution No. 244, adopted November 9, 1972, and designating the terr.-D-ory to be annexed as Annexation 72-3, hereby request: thaL- the Local Agency Formation Commission approve and authorize the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County [,Yatcr District to annex said territory without not-.i.cc and hearing by the Board of Directors and without an election. Very truly yours, David L. and Edna S. Potter r► Vi"a"' r1 Yorba Linda County Water District Drawer F Yorba Linda, California 92688 Attention: Board of Directors Gentlemen: • In accordance with Cal i l orn i a Covernment_ Code Section 56261, we, the undersigned, being ownars of part of the land proposed to he annexed to the Yorha Linda County Water District by Resolution No. 244, adopted; November 9, 1972, and designating she territory to le annexed as Annexation 72-3, hereby request: that the Local Agency Formation Commission approve and authorize the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Ccunt-y Water District to annex said territory without notice and hearing by the Board of Directors and without an election. Very truly yours, Mi cliael- L. Push 1 Y YORIV\ 1ANI),'"% C'CiU"JT l17VPl;R D P;T1:7C'P A ;V' ,I ; `al'i' I O N No. 72-3 That portion Of the NOrt_heast Quarter of fractional Section 23, T. 3 S., R. 9 W., S.I3. M., situated in the County of Or-anctc, State of California, al ::n being t.h :t parcel do!-,cri.hed in dred recorded in Book 989-1, Pacie 377 of Official Record!; of said County, described as follows: Beginning at an angle point in the existing boundary of the Yorba Linda County Water District por Annexat-.ion No. 68-1, said angle point also being the Southeast corner of the Northeast one-quarter of said Fractional Section 23, as said corner is shown on R/S 6-28, Records of said County; thence North 00° 15' 09" West, 758.17 feet along said Yorba Linda County Water District boundary per Annexation No. 68-1 and the easterly line of said Northeast one-quarter- to a point of cusp on a tangent curve,concave westerly and having a radius of 1200.00 feet; thence leaving said Annexation No. 68-1 boundary, southerly along said curve through a central angle of 11" 11' 20" I an arc distance of 822.87 feet to the intersection with the said Annexation No. 68-1 boundary, a radial line at said point of inter- section bears South 50° 57' 49" East; thence North 89° 23' 16" Fast, 271.25 feet along said Annexation No. 68-1. boundary to the point of beginning. Containing 1.493 acres, more or less. I:xhihit. 8 P j W. 0. f~arsori t, ASSOC. c.s; o r! ^c1~ r;v'D. yo~'j;~~ /"i'h , , ;:~Ty 1 ~;i,'r-~' U/;%l;~'l•1~' bate: u. <nt ~.I IN t:l)} ):`7-<12s _ CheckC'1 ~Y: • ' ` FAII2b1ONr[' c ALE 1"X200 I-N r 61 C In G C; o ~hti St ~ h +o ` ter, ' a'~ V , ~f v y ~ ' for ~l n~.S~r~✓~~'tl,~' Ne9~?.3'lo'"c GS7.?.y~ YOUR ZIN 04 ~c✓~'TI' Annexation No. 68-1 4-1"',a - Cor. N= ~ r~~ . Ste. 23, ~?S.. ti?9ft. ,~risrf.is 6~~%vo~ey of Y~P~~? L/1✓0~f Covh'TY N~ M~? f isTk'IC7 Exhi},i t 11