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2011-03-02 - Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADMIN-ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 11:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager Cindy Botts, Management Analyst 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Water Conservation Ordinance - Temporary Lifting of Restriction on Sunday Watering Recommendation: That the Committee consider a recommendation to the Board temporarily lifting the Water Conservation Ordinance restriction on Sunday watering, on a trial basis, through June 30, 2011. 2.2. Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy Recommendation: That the Committee consider the alternatives presented for the Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy and provide direction for a recommendation to the full Board of Directors. 2.3. Revised Purchasing Policy Recommendation: The Committee review and consider the draft revised Purchasing Policy for recommendation to the full Board of Directors. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Elk Mountain Reservoir Practice Field Project - Tentative Project Calendar (To be provided at the meeting.) 3.2. Revised Public Sewer Transfer Agreement (Verbal Report) 3.3. Alternative Work Schedules 3.4. Organizational Chart 3.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks • Continuous Service Agreement 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee will be held March 15, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 2, 2011 Budgeted: N/A To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Water Conservation Ordinance - Temporary Lifting of Restriction on Sunday Watering SUMMARY: The District's Conservation Ordinance commenced in July of 2009, under Stage 2 restrictions. The basis for determining the District's Stage number was Metropolitan Water District's (MWD) Water Alert Levels. The following are the corresponding Alert Levels and Stage Restrictions: MWD Water Alert Level YLWD Stage Restrictions Level 1: Water Supply Watch No Stage Level 2: Water Supply Alert Stage 1: Reduce Usage By 10% Level 3: Water Supply Allocation (5-15%) Stage 2: Reduce Usage By 10-20% Level 3: Water Supply Allocation (20-35%) Stage 3: Reduce Usage By 20-35% Level 3: Water Supply Allocation (Over 40%) Stage 4: Reduce Usage More Than 35% Over the course of the past 20 months, District customers have maintained a conservation level of nearly double the 10% goal, primarily through water use efficiencies in outdoor water use. In April 2010, MWD voted to continue the Water Supply Alert Level 3: Water Supply Allocation (5%- 15%) for the 2nd year in a row. MWD's allocation level to the District also remained at an 8% reduction from historical averages. It is assumed that based on the above average rainfall level so far in fiscal year 2010/11, MWD will vote to reduce its Water Supply Alert Level to either a Level 2 or Level 1 status. This would then allow YLWD to reduce it's status to either a Stage 1, or No Stage, respectively. The permanent watering restrictions, including no washing down of hard or paved surfaces and no watering between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm would remain in place, regardless of the Stage. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider a recommendation to the Board temporarily lifting the Water Conservation Ordinance restriction on Sunday watering, on a trial basis, through June 30, 2011. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board temporarily lift the Water Conservation Ordinance restriction on Sunday watering, on a trial basis, effective through June 30, 2011. DISCUSSION: In order to address the District's excellent conservation levels and on-going revenue needs, without forgoing the immense progress the District's customers have achieved in long-term water use efficiency, the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee has directed staff to prepare an action item for the Board to consider temporarily lifting the watering restriction on Sunday, on a trial basis through June 30, 2011. Staff determined that the following items would be items of consideration in temporarily lifting the no watering on Sunday restriction. . Schedules would be Mon-Wed-Fri-Sun and Tue-Thu-Sat-Sun. . No change in ordinance required if approved on a temporary basis. . Messaging can be done on bills and future Water Lines. . Estimated staff time and materials are negligible. . Need for continued restriction or Stage re-designation will be assessed after MWD sets its FY 2011/12 Water Supply Alert Level. Previously, research as been done on the water use efficiency of a four-day per week versus a three-day per week watering schedule. The University of Illinois recommends that lawn irrigation is done as infrequently as possible, even 1 to 2 days per week, with a longer soaking, in order to develop deeper roots and discourage shallow rooted species, such as crabgrass. For areas with clay soil, as is common in Yorba Linda, the University of Illinois suggests watering twice per day, which our current ordinance already allows. Approximately 1 "-1.5" of water per week on turf grass is considered ideal. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The EAO Committee discussed this item several times over the last two months and requested staff prepare this item for consideration by the full Board of Directors. ATTACHMENTS: Name: I %escnpfbn: Conservation _Ordinance _Trifold_FINAL.pdf Conservation Ordinance Trifold Backup Material PerrmanenL Yea:-round Water Water Conservation Stages Cons��ervatio n Measures and The following portage Stages may b� Stage T in#nutrt�W ater Shortage Prohibitions Against Water Waste declared to respond (o local or regional 11111koklogMe by 101% water shortage conditions and emergencies. Stage 2 Moderate Water shortage Watering of Lawns &. Plants Reduce usage by 10%- 20%; • Watering is prohibited between the hears of Stage T Stage 3 Severe Water Shorlage 9.00 a.r11- and 6.00 p.m. on any day except for * Waterhig,, 3 days/week. Ddd 1umbemd addresses Redw-v u-,age 20-35'y„ the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an can irrigate M- -F, & even numbered addresses on NW Critical Water Shortage irrigation system * TTH-SAT, Nfl irrigation on Sundays- ' Reduce usage more than :35oa • Watering is limited Lo 15 rninut,es per station Stage 2 Violations per day • * Apr--0d_- watering limited to 3 days/week- Odd Violations of any ordinance items must be personally numbe=red addresses can irrigate M-W-F, & even observed by nleattbers of the District staff.The Fines • Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or numbered addresses onT--TH-SAT.Nov.-Ma r watering for such violations will be c4liecled on the water other vegetated area is prohibited when it is limited to 2 dayslweek, Odd numbered addresses bill. Failure to pay a fine amount will be treated as currently raining or t}rere is a forecasted chance -MON & FRI, and even numbered addresses -TUES nonpayment of the grater bill and water service may and SAT. No irrigation on Sundays ' be terminated as a result. Protests for violations are of rain of 50 percent or higher allowable per Section 8 of the ordinance.The fines for * Leaks must be corrected in no more Than 2 calendar Such violations are as follows; Other Restrictions days of ret+eiuing notice from the District * y5t Violation - YL D will hand deliver a door • No excessive water flow or runraff that causes or allows water to flow onto 3t1 adjoining sic#ewvalk, hanger to the location of the violation and mail .� Stage 3 notice to the current billing,address driveway, street, alley, gutter ter ditch . .hpr.-Oct.: watering limited to 2 dayshveek WON and * 2nd VioIatiort.A 2nd violation +'Rhin 12 calendar FRI,orTUESandS,AT1. Nov,-Mar,:,watering Finitedtot nionthsof the Ist violation is punishable byapenalty • No washing down Hard or paved surfaces dayAveek, in which w d numbered addresses are of $too except when necessary to alleviate safety or permitted toirri ate on Monday oni and�Lvennrrmbered smAtary hazards addresses are permitted to irrigate SMLlyda}- only ' * 3rd ID of the e A 3rd violation within 1 i hable by months of the first or 2 nd violation is punishably by • No excessive case, lass or escape of water • fie-filling of more than one toot, and initial filling of a penalty of 5250 through breaks, leaks or other malfunctiam, in residential swimming pools or outdoor spas is *4th and Subsequent Vielations- a 4th and any the water user's plumbing or distribution prohibited subsequent violation within 12 calendar months of thefirstorany subsequent violation is punishable by sys$e111 Stage 4 a fine of $500 • Re-circulating water required for water fountains • No watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other • In addition to any fines, the District may install .i and decorative water features vegetated area with potable water. 4For exceptions to water flow restrictor device this restriction, see fill text of ordinancet In addition to any fines and the installation of • Washing vehicles limited to use of a Hand-held water flow restrictor, the District may disconnect • Leaks must be corrected in no more than 1 day of acrrst+Amer's%vaterserviceforwill fulV110Idticaiascal b4tcket or sinailar container and/or a handheld hose equipped with an autorrlatle shut-off receiving notice from the District mandatory restrictions. water nozzle or device Hardship Variance • Upon declaration of a Stage 4 Water Supply Shortagn If,clue to unique circumstances,a specific requirement Emergency. no nekv water service will he provided of the ordinance world result in undue hardship, except to protect the public health, safety, and wveIfare a cwtonter may apply for a variance, according to section b of the urdirtance, at www.vli%,cl.com or the o District Offices. YYorba Linda ll hat`s Going Ors? Water District In response.to Governor 5chwarfenegger`s Emergen y Proclamation asking all water users to reduce their consumption by 20%, as well as the MWD's 15% � 1 supply cut to Orange County, the lforba Linda Water Water Conservation Ordinance }islricl, in rooperaiinn with the L:itizenr Advisory Commii tee has drafted awa ter conservation ordinakncc. The purpose of the ordinance is to prevent the wash t of Districl water and toa protect the health and safety of water users within the Yorba Linda Water Disirici. + r The ordiminre outlines permanent, year-round water conservation measures and prohibitions against water wasle, as. well as a four part conlingen[y plan which ' + can he implemented in stages upon the declaration + 1 1 t of water shortages. Violations of any provisions of 1 1 I t the ordinance ]hat are observed by niemhers of the Disirici staff will result in penalties that will begin with a warning, and follow with fines. for subsequent , violations. Adhering to the terms of the ordinance r l will not only aitow you io avoid fines, but you will lie doing your Pahl to help us avoid extreme restrictions r " in a wales shurtag,e that affects us all. i # 40 c o � r s + r • r r ■ Printed afl recycled paper ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 2, 2011 Budgeted: N/A To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy SUMMARY: As part of the 2011 goals and directives of the Board of Directors, staff was asked to review the current Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy and provide options for updating the methodology for reimbursement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider the alternatives presented for the Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy and provide direction for a recommendation to the full Board of Directors. DISCUSSION: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides an annual update to Publication 1542, Per Diem Rates, which outlines all taxable and non-taxable employer reimbursement rates for travel. Publication 1542 allows two ways for determining allowable reimbursement rates. The first method is the "Reimbursement" method. The second method is the "Per Diem" method. Currently, both the Yorba Linda Water District and the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC), use the "Reimbursement" method. Reimbursement Method . Requires an itemized receipt Up to any dollar amount, as long as it is outlined in a policy . Only what is spent will be reimbursed Alternatively, a governing body, as outlined in AB 1234, is allowed slightly more flexibiltiy within the IRS "Reimbursement" method. This flexibility permits spending more than the daily reimbursable amount on meals by "deducting" the overage amount from another day's meal allowance, provided the cumulative daily expenses over the duration of the activity or event are not exceeded. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Draft Resolution 11-05 - BOD Travel Expense.docx Draft Reso 11-05 - Expense Reim Backup Material RESOLUTION NO. 11-05 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SETTING FORTH THE POLICY OF REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES INCURRED BY DIRECTORS, DIRECTOR ETHICS TRAINING AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 06-10 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District have from time to time reaffirmed the importance of active participation of Board members in attending conferences, conventions, symposiums, legislative and intergovernmental meetings related to or furthering the mission of the District; and WHEREAS, this policy also meets the requirements of California Assembly Bill 1234. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Resolution No. 06-10 is hereby rescinded effective immediately upon adoption of this Resolution. Section 2. It is the policy of the Board that the Directors of the District are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums intergovernmental meetings and legislative sessions (herein referred to as an "Activity" or "Activities") relating to the mission of the District. Attendance at an event listed herein must be pre-approved by the Board in order to be considered as an Activity for the purposes of compensation and reimbursement of expenses under this policy. Section 3. That the District will pay or reimburse the following expenses incurred in attending such Activities: (a) Compensation. The amount set forth for each day's attendance or service as a Director per Ordinance No. 03-01 adopted by the Board of Directors including reasonable travel time. (b) Reimbursement. Directors shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend Activities, not to exceed: Travel: $750 per round trip. Lodging: $400 per night Meals: $50 per day Actual and necessary expenses: $50 per day Resolution No. 11-05 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Directors and Directors Ethics Training 1 (1) Expenditures for lodging, meals, and transportation should provide for reasonable comfort and convenience. It should be borne in mind that public funds are being spent and that only a reasonable level of expense is warranted. (2) Notwithstanding the preceding, when available, Directors must use government or group rates for transportation and lodging. If the group rate is not available, the reimbursement cannot be more than the amount set forth above. The most economical mode and class of transportation reasonably consistent with scheduling requirements will be used. In the event a more expensive class of transportation is used, the reimbursable amount will be limited to the cost of the most economical class of transportation available. (3) If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates discussed above or in Section 3(b)(2), it must be approved by the Board, in a public meeting, before it is incurred. (4) Meal expenses include the reasonable costs of meals and beverages, nit including alcoholic beverages. Any amount spent ovqFhe daily reimbursable amount set forth for meals in this policy may be "deducted" from another day's reimbursable amount during that same Activity, provided the cumulative daily expenses over the duration of the Activity are not exceeded. (5) Actual and necessary expenses. Include tips for porters, baggage carries, bell hops, maids, stewards and stewardesses. Does not include laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, lodging taxes or the cost of telephone calls. (6) The District shall not incur the costs for a spouse, or other accompanying person. Section 4. In order to obtain reimbursement for the Activities in accordance with Section 3, the following procedures must be followed: (a) Directors shall submit all expense reimbursement requests on forms provided by the District. The completed form must show that the expenses for which reimbursement is requested meet the requirements set forth in this Resolution. (b) The form must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the Activity. Resolution No. 11-05 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Directors and Directors Ethics Training 2 (c) With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached written receipt or other verification document. (d) All forms, receipts and verification documents shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. Section 5. Directors shall provide a brief report about the Activity at the next regular Board meeting following attendance. Section 6. A full accounting of expenditures of public funds shall be made and become part of the records of the District. Section 7. Ethics Training. Any new Director must receive ethics training within one year from the first day of service with the District. Thereafter, all Directors will be required to receive ethics training at least once every two years. A Director who serves on more than one local agency board may satisfy the requirement under this section by obtaining ethics training once every two years without regard to the number of local agencies with which he or she serves. The District shall provide information annually on where training is available. All Directors shall provide a copy of proof of participation in the required ethics training to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be public documents as~d shall be retained by the District for five (5) years. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of March 2011, by the following called vote: AYES NOES ABSTAIN: ABSENT:. Michael J. Beverage, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 11-05 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Directors and Directors Ethics Training 3 ITEM NO. 2.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 2, 2011 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Subject: Revised Purchasing Policy SUMMARY: Staff has received direction from the Executive-Organizational-Administrative Committee to consider revisions to the adopted Purchasing Policy. Suggestions from the Committee have included lowering the threshold for notification to some figure below the currently adopted policy levels and providing such notification from the General Manager through the Executive- Organizational-Administrative Committee. Staff has recommended that the policy be reviewed and adopted by the full Board of Directors. This report reviews the current policy and provides options for the Committee to consider in recommending a revised Purchasing Policy for adoption by the Board of Directors. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Committee review and consider the draft revised Purchasing Policy for recommendation to the full Board of Directors. DISCUSSION: The Board of Directors first established a Purchasing Policy in 1988 by adopting Resolution No 88- 12. The Board has adopted three revisions to this policy as follows: in 1991 through Resolution 91- 13; in 2002 through Resolution No. 02-01; and most recently in 2007 through Resolution No. 07-11. The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of standard controls and procedures for the acquisition of materials, supplies, goods and services, as identified in the approved budget for any fiscal year. The policy further establishes procedures for the acquisition or leasing of personal property; for repair of modification to District equipment, facilities or structures; for procurement of capital equipment, improvements and replacements; and for obtaining approvals for project change orders or contract amendments. Changes to the policies over the years have primarily focused on the authority level and associated procurement limitations, typically raising these limits to keep pace with inflation and good business practices. A matrix identifying these changes is reflected in the attached spreadsheet. With recent changes to the makeup of the Board of Directors and an increased awareness for transparency in public agencies, the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee has directed staff to review the current Purchasing Policy and recommend revisions in the implementation of the District's acquisition procedures. Attached is a draft Purchasing and Procurement Policy, Resolution No. 11-06 for the Board of Directors consideration. The revised policy strives to add further refinements and additional controls to the District's current purchasing policies and procedures by introducing additional levels of authorization in the Board Resolution and through internal Policies and Procedure No. 7010-11-01, also attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors adopted its first Purchasing Policy on March 24, 1988 by Resolution No. 88- 12. This was rescinded on May 16, 1991 by adoption of Resolution 91-13, which was rescinded by Resolution No. 02-01 on June 13, 2002. The current policy was adopted on June 28, 2007 by Resolution No. 07-11. ATTACHMENTS: Purchasing Policy Comparison.xlsx Policy History Matrix Backup Material Draft Reso 11-06 - Purchasing Policy.doc Draft Policy 07-06 Backup Material Purchasing _Policy- internal. docx Internal Procedures Backup Material Summary of Past, Present & Proposed Purchasing Policies for Yorba Linda Water District Resolution 88-12 Resolution 91-13 Resolution 02-01 Resolution 07-11 Resolution 11-06 Sec. 1: Supplies and Materials Authority/Approval DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DH $0-$5,000 1 Written Quote DH/AGM $0-$500 1 Verbal Quote $0-$2,500 DH/AGM $501-$5000 2 Verbal Quotes No Change $2,501 - $5,000 $5,001 - $25,000 2 Written Quotes $5,001 - $15,000 2 Written Quotes GM $5,001 - $10,000 2 Written Quotes $5,001 - $20,000 $25,001 - $75,000 3 Written Quotes $15,001 - $25,000 3 Written Quotes BOD $10,001 -$25,000 2 Written Quotes $20,001 - $50,000 _ $25,001 - $75,000 3 Written Quotes BOD $25,001+ Competitive Bid $50,001+ $75,001+ Competitive Bid $75,001+ Competitive Bid Sec. 2: Capital Projects Policy Authority/Approval DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DH $0-$25,000 2 Written Quotes $0-$15,000 2 Written Quotes DH/AGM $0-$5,000 2 Written Quotes $15,001 - $25,000 2 Written Quotes GM $5,001 - $10,000 2 Written Quotes $5,001 - $20,000 $25,001 - 100,000 3 Written Quotes $25,001 - $50,000 3 Written Quotes BOD $10,001 - $25,000 2 Written Quotes $10 - $50,000 3 Written Quotes $20,001 - $50,000 2 Written Quotes $50,001 - 100,000 3 Written Quotes BOD $25,001+ Competitive Bid $50,001+ $50,001+ $100,001+ Competitive Bid $100,001+ Competitive Bid Sec. 3: Change Order Policy Authority/Approval DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DH NC on 5%, NTE Notify AGM $7,500 DH/AGM Max 5% of original project Notify GM NC on 5%, NTE Notify GM NC on 10%, NTE Notify GM cost NTE $10,000 $50,000 $15,000 GM Max 10% of original project Notify BOD No Change No Change NC on 10%, NTE Notify BOD NC on 10%, NTE Notify BOD cost NTE $20,000 $75,000 $25,000 BOD Over 10% of original project Approval by BOD NC on >10%, Notify BOD NC on >10%, Agenda Item cost or $20,001+ in $75,001+ in $25,001+ in aggregate aggregate aggregate Sec. 4: Contractual Services Authority/Approval DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DH $0-$5,000 1 Written Quote 1 Written Proposal DH/AGM 0 $0-$2,500 1 Verbal Quote $5,001 - $15,000 2 Written Proposals GM $0-$10,000 1 Written Quote $2,501-$5,000 2 Verba I Quotes $5,001-$25,000 2 Written Quotes $15,001-$25,000 3 Written Proposals BOD $10,001 - $20,000 2 Written Quotes No Change $5,001 - $20,000 2 Written Quotes $25,001 - $75,000 3 Written Quotes $25,001+ 3 Written Proposals BOD $20,001+ Continuing Service $20,001-$50,000 2 Written Quotes BOD Open $50,001+ Competitive Bid $75,001+ Competitive Bid Sec. 5: Emergency Policy Authority/Approval DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement DollarAmount Requirement GM $0 -$100,000 Immediate extraordinary action to protect the public. Ratification by BOD at next regular meeting or the No Change No Change No C!!,ange No C!!iange soonest special meeting BOD $100,001+ Approval of BOD RESOLUTION NO. 11-06 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SETTING FORTH A PROCUREMENT AND PURCHASING POLICY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 07-11 WHEREAS, the District established a Purchasing Policy by adopting Resolution No. 88-12 on March 24, 1998; and WHEREAS, the District modified the Purchasing Policy by rescinding Resolution No. 88-12 and adopting Resolution No. 91-13 on May 16, 1991; and WHEREAS, the District modified the Purchasing Policy by rescinding No. Resolution No. 91-13 and adopting Resolution No. 02-01 on June 13, 2002; and WHEREAS, the District modified the Purchasing Policy by rescindlg Resolution 02-01 and adopting Resolution 07-11 on June 28, 2007; and WHEREAS, from time to time it is necessary to review the Purchasing Policy and to make modifications that reflect current District procedures, public policy demands and economic conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Yorba Linda Water District shall establish the following policies: Section 1: Property, Repairs and Modifications, Supplies and Services The following procedures and authority will be used for the acquisition or leasing of personal property; repair or modification of District equipment or structures; or obtaining labor, materials, supplies or services as identified in the budget: Dollar Amount Procedure Authority $0-57000 1 Written Quote Dept. Manager $5,001415,000 2 Written Quotes Assistant GM $157001-$257000 3 Written Quotes General Manager $25,001-$75,000 3 Written Quotes Board of Directors >$757001 Competitive Bid Board of Directors Section 2: Capital Outlay, Improvement and Replacement Projects The following procedures and authority will be used for vehicles and equipment, fire hydrants, water and sewer pipelines, booster pump stations, reservoirs, etc. as identified in the budget: Dollar Amount Procedure Authority $0-$157000 2 Written Quotes Dept. Manager Resolution No. 11-06 Modifying the District's Purchasing Policy and Rescinding Resolution No. 07-11 1 Dollar Amount Procedure Authority $15,001425,000 2 Written Quotes Assistant GM $25,001450,000 3 Written Quotes General Manager $50,0014100,000 3 Written Quotes Board of Directors >$100,001 Competitive Bid Board of Directors Section 3: Contract Amendments and Change Orders The following procedures and authority will be used for contract services amendments, professional service contract amendments and for capital projects where the change order does not alter project completion time: 41 Dollar Amount Procedure , Authority 5% of Project Cost, NTE $7,500 Notify AGM Dept. Manager 10% of Project Cost, NTE $15,000 Notify GM Assistant GM 10% of Project Cost, NTE $25,000 Notify BOD General Manager >10% of Project Cost or > $25,000 Agenda Item Board of Directors Section 4: Contractual Services Policy The following procedures and authority will be used for professional services such as engineering consultant, legal counsel, auditors, etc as identified in the budget. Dollar Amount Procedure Authority 1 Written Proposal Dept. Mgr $045,000 , 2 Written Proposals Assistant GM $5,001415,000 $15,001425,000 3 Written Proposals General Manager >$25,001 F3,Written Proposals Board of Directors Section 5: Emergency Policy The following procedures and authority will°be used in emergency situations for events which require immediate extraordinary action to protect the public health, safety, welfare and property, with ratification by the Board at the next meeting or the earliest special meeting that may be called. Dollar Amount Procedure Authority $04100,000 Notify BOD General Manager >$100,001 Next or Special Mtg. Board of Directors *In all cases where notification is required, a written memo shall be provided stating the reasons for the approval by the designee. Section 6 Effective: The Purchasing Policy adopted herein shall take effect immediately upon adoption of this Resolution. Resolution No. 11-06 Modifying the District's Purchasing Policy and Rescinding Resolution No. 07-11 2 Section 7 Rescinding: That Resolution No. 07-11 and conflicting Minute Orders are hereby rescinded upon adoption of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of March 2011, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: r ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Michael J. Beverage, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Cowl: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. McCormick, Kidman & Behrens Resolution No. 11-06 Modifying the District's Purchasing Policy and Rescinding Resolution No. 07-11 3 Yorba Linda Water District Policies and Procedures Policy No.: 7010-11-01 Effective Date: April 1, 2011 Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Director Applicability: District Wide POLICY: PURCHASING POLICY 1.0 PURPOSE This policy establishes a procedure for obtain goods and services for operation at the lowest possible overall cost. This includes maintaining a purchasing system that ensures maximum use of fair and open competition and receipt of the best value for funds available, consistent with applicable laws and regulations. The purchasing functions are decentralized, with each Department responsible for compliance with District policies and procedures. Purchasing responsibility and authority shall be delegated to the lowest possible level consistent with good business practice and sound financial management policy. 2.0 DEFINITIONS A. Best value procurement - for procurements other than public works, shall mean to award based on the best overall value to the District considering: ability, capacity, and skill; ability to meet time requirements; character, integrity, and reputation; financial resources available for contract performance; previous vendor experience; price; and warranty or other documented considerations offered. B. Lowest responsible bidder - Bidder with the lowest price, and whose business and financial capabilities, past performance and reputation meet the required standards. C. Lowest responsive bidder - Bidder with the lowest price, and conforms in all material respects to the terms and conditions, specifications and other requirements requested. D. Single Source - a procurement where there is a compelling reason for only a preferred brand. Examples would be standardization, time schedule, technical expertise, follow-up on work to existing contract, etc. E. Sole Source - a procurement where only one viable source exists. Examples of reasons could be legal restrictions of patent rights, warranty issues, original equipment manufacturer, copyrights, etc. i F. Emergency - an event which adversely affects the ability of the District to carry out its functions, or puts District personnel or property in jeopardy, or which jeopardizes the health or safety of the community and its residents. G. Quote - a simple, brief offer to provide a good or service at a specific price. H. Proposal - a comprehensive offer to provide a good or service at a specific price. 1. Bid - an offer to provide a good or service at a specific price in response to a formal bid form. J. Contract - written agreement between the seller and buyer to sell and purchase a good or service. K. RFQ/RFP - Request for Quote or Proposal L. Appropriations - authorization by the Board of Directors to make expenditures for a specific purpose as identified in the approved Budget. 3.0 SCOPE A. The following apply to all purchases made by the District.- 1 . No purchase will be approved or undertaken unless an appropriation has been established, either through the adopted annual budget or Board approval of additional appropriations. It is the responsibility of the Department Manager to maintain control of their department's budgets. 2. All purchases shall be of the quality deemed necessary to suit the intended purpose. 3. Competitive offer requirements are set out in subsequent sections of this policy and are established based on the type of purchase and/or established dollar limits. 4. Purchases shall not be split to avoid required procedures or established dollar limits. Purchases of like items or services will be considered on an annual basis. 5. The emergency purchase of goods is authorized under certain conditions. 6. No purchase over $25,000 shall be made without an authorized Purchase Order (PO) unless exempted in these guidelines. Otherwise such purchases are void and not considered an obligation of the District. 7. No District employee or Board member shall have a direct or indirect financial interest in any contract or purchase of goods or services entered into by the District or shall derive any personal benefit from the District's purchase of goods or services. 8. No District employee or Board member shall use the purchasing procedures to obtain property for personal use or by misrepresenting to 2 vendors that personal purchases are for the District (i.e., for the purpose of obtaining price discounts). 9. No District employee or Board member shall draft or cause to be drafted any specifications for bids in such a way as to intentionally limit the bidding directly or indirectly to any one bidder, except for a sole source or single source procurement. 10. Any District employee or Board member failing to follow the purchasing policy and procedures may incur personal liability or financial obligation to the vendor. B. Department Responsibilities It is the responsibility of the acquiring Department to: 1. Make purchases in accordance with established policies and procedures. 2. Verify that an appropriation is available for the purchase. 3. Anticipate the Department's needs in advance to minimize the need for emergency purchases. 4. Review goods and services received to ensure conformity with PO or contract. 5. No invoice should be processed for payment when the goods or services are unsatisfactory or there is a price discrepancy from the price originally offered. These issues must be resolved prior to payment. 6. Ensure that all grant provisions are complied with, as Federal, State, or other grant programs may require special conditions that are more stringent than District procedure. 4.0 PROCEDURES A. Procurement of Services, Supplies, Materials and Equipment (Insert updated tables or reference approved adopted policy here) 1. The Department shall evaluate the informal quotes received and determine the best value procurement. The District reserves the right to accept that quote which is in the best interest of the District. 2. The GM is authorized to issue change orders or contract amendments for changes or additions to the original purchase that result in an overall amount up to $15,000. All other change orders shall be brought to the Board for approval. 3. Competitive bids of more than $75,000 for the procurement of services, supplies, materials and equipment shall follow the competitive bidding process as described in section B. B. Competitive Bidding Process 3 1. Bid Forms The initiating Department shall prepare a bid form including detailed specifications for the item to be purchased. The following format is suggested for competitive bids. a. Submission of bids shall include date, time, location, District project number and a detailed list of the information the bid should contain. b. The name, address, and telephone number of the person to be contacted concerning questions about the project should be listed. c. As much background as necessary should be provided to give the bidder an understanding of the environment in which the job will be performed and to which the job relates. d. The desired project schedule, as well as the minimum and desirable qualifications should be as described as specifically as possible. e. If a performance bond is required, the amount and form of bidders security should be detailed 2. Notice Inviting Bids The Department shall also prepare a notice inviting bids that include the following: a. A general description of the item to be purchased. b. A statement indicating where bid forms and specifications can be obtained. c. A statement specifying the time and place for the opening of the bid. A. 3. Bid Opening a. Sealed bids shall be submitted to the District office, time stamped when received, and shall be clearly identified with the bid number on the envelope. Electronic documents are also acceptable, with the District project number clearly identified in the subject line of the email, or on the data storage device. b. Respondents may modify or withdraw their bids prior to the established closing date and time without penalty. However, any modifications submitted after the established closing date and time will not be accepted. c. When a bidder's security is required, the amount determined shall be in the form of cash, certified or cashier's check, certificate of deposit in the District's name, or bid bond made payable to the District. Bidders shall be entitled to return of the bid security with the following exception: 4 1) The successful bidder must execute the contract and file acceptable documents within fifteen (15) working days from the date of award unless extended by the GM. Failure to execute the contract shall be just cause for annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bidder's security, as liquidated damages. The Board may, upon refusal or failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract, award the contract to the next lowest responsible and responsive bidder. d. All bids received shall be available for inspection during regular business hours in the District office for a period of not less than thirty (30) calendar days after the bid opening. 4. Resection of Bids The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to accept or reject any one or more items of a bid, or to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bids or the bidding process if it is deemed in the best interest of the District. 5. Evaluation The Department shall evaluate the formal bids received and determine the best value procurement. The District reserves the right to accept that bid which is in the best interest of the District. 6. Awarding Once the bids have been evaluated, the Department Manager shall prepare a report to the Board recommending the best value procurement. The Board shall then award the bid in a public meeting. 7. Change Orders The GM is authorized to issue change orders or additions to the original purchase that are less than a 10% up to $15,000 aggregate change. All other change orders shall be brought to the Board for approval. Any change order that includes a change in delivery time, shall be brought to the Board for approval. C. Public Projects 1. Any construction, alteration, demolition or repair work involving any facility owned or operated by the District, not including maintenance work. 2. Follow the same procurement procedures as described in section A, and if applicable, section B. D. Exceptions to Offer Requirements The informal offers and the competitive bidding process may be bypassed with the General Manager's (GM) approval in the following instances: 1. In emergency situations where time is of the essence. 2. Where a single source or sole source purchase is justified. 5 3. When there exists other governmental contracts that were competitively bid (such as State Contracts and DGS) that the District is eligible to use. 4. When an item has been bid within the last 36 months and the price has not changed. 5. When purchasing goods with significant market fluctuations (such as chemicals), wherein requiring a guaranteed price for a year may actually cost the District more. 6. When it is neither practical nor cost effective to continue soliciting offers until three are received. 7. Certain purchases are unique in nature and do not lend themselves to the process of competitive offers. Therefore, these items do not require competitive offers or Purchase Orders (PO) as listed in Sections B through F. These items include, but are not limited to, water or water rights, debt service payments, real property and ongoing expenses for utility services (electricity, gas, telecommunications, etc.). E. Payment Authorization Each Department Manager will be responsible for signing off on various financial and other administrative documents. Their authorized signature or initials on the invoice, receipt or other backup shall be considered authorization for payment. The signature or initials shall indicate that the signer has: 1. Verified that the District has received the goods or services in good working condition. 2. Verified that the purchase complies with this purchasing policy and that funds are available for the purchase. F. Contract and Purchase Order 1. If needed, contracts shall be prepared and two original copies signed by the vendor and the General Manager or Board President, as required. 2. A PO shall be prepared detailing the vendor name, address, goods or services being purchased, total price including tax and shipping, and budget account to be charged. The PO packet shall contain the PO and any supporting documentation (contract, proposals, quotes, etc.) 3. The PO packet shall then be reviewed by the Department Manager for conformity to the purchasing policy and availability of funds. 4. If necessary, the PO packet shall then be submitted to the General Manager (GM) for final approval. 5. Once the Department has received the approved PO (and original contract, if necessary) from the GM, they may contact the vendor to purchase the goods or begin the services. Goods must generally be shipped to the District address. If the goods will be shipped to an alternate location, this should be cleared with the GM in advance. 6 APPROVED: Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Date General Manager ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 2, 2011 Subject: Elk Mountain Reservoir Practice Field Project - Tentative Project Calendar (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Name. D-?sci F)',ioi - ; Final Elk Mountain Youth Practice Field Cost estimate 2-29 Cost Estimate Backup Material 11.pdf FINAL _PARK _LAYOUT.pdf Park Layout Backup Material Elk Mountain Youth Practice Field CD and Const schedule.pdf Construction Schedule Backup Material ELK MOUNTAIN YOUTH PRACTICE FIELD ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COSTS Date: 2/29/2011 Project: Yorba Linda Water District - Elk Mountain Youth Practice Field Estimated By: Greg Meek Project Element Breakdown Final Concept Item No. Item Description Quantit Unit Unit Price Total 1 Synthetic Turf Field 53,200 SF $ 9.00 $ 478,800.00 2 Parking Lot 5,445 SF $ 8.00 $ 43,560.00 3 Entry Gate 20 LF $ 100.00 $ 2,000.00 4 Concrete Walk and Access Road 2,300 SF $ 8.00 $ 18,400.00 5 Concrete Entry Drive 1,750 SF $ 8.00 $ 14,000.00 6 Concrete Curb for Synthetic Turf 24" Wide 800 LF $ 10.00 $ 8,000.00 7 Decomposed Granite Pathways 23,890 SF $ 6.00 $ 143,340.00 10 Security Fencing Around Hatches 3 EA $ 250.00 $ 750.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 708,850.00 15% Contingency $ 106,327.50 Total Estimated Construction Cost $ 815,177.50 ! I4 FENCED ENCLOSURE ~ ~ ~ £OP OF SLOPE Ff ~ i ~ EXISTING CdNCAETE CUIVEAi DECOMPOSED GRANITE SURFACEMATERIAL ZFOOT CONCRETE DANO ~ _ _ ` ` .ij 1 Il SYNTNETICTURFPRACTICEF/ELP CONCRETEWALK 1 PARKfNG LOi 1 tl: 1 STORAGE E EXlSTlNG FENCE , z ~ ON D.G. SURFACE MATERIAL FENCED ENCLOSURE 3 F/ \f - ROLLING SEGURITYGATE DEGOM EMA GRANITE - ~1 f ~ ~ f~ ` f L i SURFACEMATEAIAL Lt ~ ~ ~ lll~~~ , 14 © ELK MOUNTAIN YOUTH PRACTICE FEILD o a G=aL ,~3a YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA 92887 2010-0249 Y©RBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT - DATE: JAN.}2-20P} WEBB AE. E~ EsN CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN w,H~sas ELK MOUNTAIN YOUTH PRACTICE FIELD YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED PS&E AND CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE TASKS MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TASK 1- CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PREPARATION (6 Weeks) Kickoff Meeting Site Survey Base Sheet Preparation Grading and DrainagePlan Parking Lot Construction Documents Synthetic Turf Construction Documents Field Washdown System (Quick Couplers) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Water Quality Managenent Plan (WQMP) Meeting with the Yorba Linda Water District BIDDING AND AWARD (2 Months) Advertise for Bid (2 weeks) Bidding Period (3 weeks) Open Bids Award Contract (YLWD Board approval) Signing of Agreement (Bonding & Insurance Certificates) Notice to proceed CONSTRUCTION (45 Working Days) Clear, Grub and Grading Concrete Curb, Gutter and Field Edging Drainage Field Washdown System (Quick Couplers) Base Installation for Field and Parking Lot Fencing and Gate Installation Parking Lot Asphalt Paving Synthetic Turf Installation Final Inspection = Work progress 3788 McCray Street Riverside, CA 92506 36951 Cook Street #103 Palm Desert, CA 92211 T: 951.686.1070 F: 951.788.1256 T: 760.568.5005 F: 760.568.3443