HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-23 - Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda
Water District
Monday, May 23, 2011, 4:00 PM
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Gary T. Melton Art Vega, Info Systems Administrator
Damon Micalizzi, PI Officer
Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on
which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for
their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda.
Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District.
Comments are limited to five minutes.
This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar
items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda
may also include items for information only.
2.1. Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status
2.2. Draft Public Affairs Budget (Supplies and Services Section)
2.3. Public Outreach Regarding Shift to Surplus Import Water
2.4. Spring Newsletter Review
2.5. District Promotional and Display Items
2.6. District Website Makeover
2.7. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
3.1. The next regular meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee
will be held June 17, 2011 at 12:00 p.m.
Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items
and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available
for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA
92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's
internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/.
Accommodations for the Disabled
Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be
able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba
Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and
the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the
District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should
make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.
ITEM NO. 2.1
Meeting Date: May 23, 2011 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: 300,000
To: Public Affairs-Communications- Cost Estimate: 248,626
Technology Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General
Job No: 200915
Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information
Reviewed by Legal: N/A
Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director CEQA Compliance: N/A
Subject: Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status
On July 22, 2010, the Board authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services
Agreement with Westin Engineering, in the amount of $248,626, to provide Computerized
Maintenance & Management System (CMMS) software and implementation services. The software
proposed by Westin Engineering was Azteca's CityWorks software solution. The scope of work in
the professional services agreement identified 6 phases. District staff and Westin Engineering are
currently working on Phase 4 of this project.
District IT staff assessed the status, schedule and expenditures to date with regard to the Westin
Engineering agreement. The District has paid Westin Engineering $179,952.52 (72%) of the
$248,626.00 professional services contract to date. On May 19, 2011, District staff will have a
WebEx meeting with Westin Engineering to go over the status of this project. A summary of this
meeting will be provided at the next regularly scheduled PACT meeting.
On a site visit meeting held between District staff and Westin Engineering on May 4 and 5th two
main issues were addressed: vertical assets and preventative maintenance (PM) work order history.
During these meetings with Westin, District staff gained a better understanding on what information
and attributes to gather for vertical assets. Production staff is currently compiling this information.
With the help of Engineering, Finance, and IT staff, it is anticipated that the vast majority of vertical
assets along with what attributes can be obtained will be imported into the District's GIS
geodatabase for use with CityWorks. Staff is working to input the vertical asset information into GIS
by mid-July.
The second issue that needed to be resolved during the these meetings was PM work order history.
This was the issue where iWater's InfraMap software was being considered as a solution for an
additional cost of about $100,000. Westin Engineering proposed that instead of having one PM
work order per map grid with many assets in each PM work order, that the District instead issue one
work order for every asset in a map grid. In so doing, work order history per asset would be stored
and better asset work tracking information could be collected. District IT staff is hopeful that this
solution will work for the District and negate the need to purchase Water's InfraMap software.
District Operations staff would like to see a fully working demo before they agree to this method to
make sure it is not overly complicated to use for District Operations staff.
In the PACT Committee meeting held on April 11, 2011, staff indicated that an updated CMMS
project schedule would be provided at the next regularly scheduled PACT meeting. Attached for the
Committee's review is the updated CMMS project schedule.
Name: Description: Type:
YLWD CMMS Schedule.PDF YLWD CMMS Project Schedule Backup Material
VlVJD CMMS Pmjact Schedule
ID Phasafrask Task Name Duration Start Finish .1. Od'ID Nav10 Dec'ID Jail _ Feb'11 Mar'11 _ A 131__- _ Nay'11__ hn_',11 Jul•11_.
922 _ 915 Bli9 11#3 10!17 10131 11!14 3128 77112 12!26 119 123 216 2,77 51111 3R0 i. 4y3 4157 511 _ 5115 5129 [ &1? x 6126 117110 _
1 yLWD CMM8lmpienenta0an 210 days Man 91201110 Fn !!3171 _ _
? i Pon 28 days Man 3120110 Thu 10121110 gasaaaasir- w . . - - - . .
3-, 100 Implememadon Planning 28 days Nan 3120/10 Thu 1IXPY70--... Oliasssua#s>~assaw-- - : _ _ _ ~
4 Develop Purled Charter. Project Plan. Communications 10 days Mon X114 Fn 1011/10 ; _
5 Kick OR Walling iday Wad 9'72J10 Wad 927/10---_ r - - 1 _
6._ MSt: Dell-Fin jecl Charter. Project Plan. Commur i 0 day. Thu 1026110 Thu 10128110 r ats - - - - - - - - - - - - " " - - - _ _ _ , , , - -
7 2 Dan- 49 days Thu 11/51110 Wad 1119'11
8 200 As9esament and Process Mapping 49 days Thu 11/31/10 Valid 1118711 " . " " " , . - - - . - _ - -
8 On-ate Assessment and Wortahops 7 days Thu 11/11/10 Fri 11118MD - _ _ , - , - , i , • , • • ,
10 Weak i(Joe an site) sdsya Thu111N/10 Monivien0.. WaO _
11 Day 1: GIS andAsseb idry Thu 11!11110 Thu /11110
" 12 Day 2: Service RaOUesis I dry Fri 11112/10 Fn 11/1210 T - - }1 - - - - - - - - - - _ _ , _ ,
13 Dey3:Wark Omen, Inpedbns and Tests Iday Mon 11/15/10 Mon 11/15110
14 " Week 2!Glenn on alie) 4day. Tue 11/16/10 Fri 11/19110 - - - NP4 - _ -
15 Day 1: Search. Reporting, and Adminislralior iday Tue 17/16/10 Tue11/76110
19 - Day2: S-Ity and lmegndon iday Wed 11/17110 Wed 11/17/10 _
17 Day 3: Addl Workshops as Applicable 2days ThullilEAD Fn 1111&1D_ _
is Develop Assessment Report 15 day. Mon 11/22110 Fri 12/1011D - - -
19 MS2' DMNerAssessmem Report O days Wed 1119111 Wed 111WIl F 1 - N 1119 - - - - -
20 210 Develop Conceptual Implementation M0420 42 days Mon 11122110 Valid 1119111 1 _ ,
21 Develop To-Se Process 15 days Mon 37!22110 Fn 12110110 - _
22 1153: Deliver To-Se Process O days Wed ,1119111 Wed 1!19/11
23 7 Design 42 days Thu 10022710 Fri 17!24.'10:... - . „;Was. is as aP _
24 200 CMMS Can Training and Design 37 days Thu 1114110 Fri 17184110. { {
o - - 4 ,,111 . .
25 Clans Tishri (AZI.ra an de) 5day, The 1114f10 Wed 11110/10 _ _
- p-
26 Develop Design Specfaians 10 days Um 12!13110 Fn 122411D: s_ 1 <
27 MS4: DeVVar Design Specificalore 0day, Fri 1224/10 Fd 122471(31_ 2124
28 _ 310 Vendor Safi- Installation and Set-Up 10 days Thu 1002430 Wed 11110110 [p - _ -1- - - "
29 Install SoPovare (cknn on site A eca remote) 5 days Thu 10/26/10 Wetl 11137101.. - - i - - - - -
- -
30 Develop Soflaore Documentation 5 days Thu 1114110 Wed 11/10110 -.'j(_• - - - < -
31 MSS- Dalh'ar Son- Dacumernmtron 0 days Wad 11/10/10 Wad 11110110' - M 11110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
82 4 CanaWCt 130 days Mon 11127110 FA 112411 -
33 400 System Configuration 80 days Mon 12127110 Fri 3113111".. " " _ - - - - - - -
34 Perform CaMguralbn 60 days Mon 11127110 Fri 3118111 - - " - . - - .
_ - - " . .
35 - MSS, ConSgustion Complale 0days Fs YtY11 Fri 3116!11.....
36 405 Data C.-.Ion 35 days Mon 3721111 Fri 516'11 _ - _ _
37 Perform Data Comenbn 35 days Man 3421111 Fri 516111 - - - - • - - - - - - -
39 1157. Calsmmbn Complete 0 days Fri 516111 Fn 51TV71 _ - 9 - - - -
- - - -
39 410 Intedacae Deveopmem 80 days Wad 1116'11 Tua5110011 : _ Ipaal ( _
40 Develop interfaces 70 days Wed 1119/11 Tue 4128111 a , , s - , . ,
41 Instal Testing 5 tlaga Wall 4127111 Tue 573171 . - . , _
42 RMne hserface 5 day. Wed 514111 Tue X30111
43 MS8' Interfaces Complete a days Tue 5110/31 Tue 5110711 }i 5 3
44 420 System and integration Tasting 18 days Mon 5(007 Wed 811111 - - - _ . ~V
45 Develop Test Plan 3 day. Main 5191111 Wad 5111111... _ - - _ , . , . . - . - -
48 1159', DeMm Tert Phan 0 daps Wed 5131111 Wed 5(71711 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
47 AtpaPtarl4e Testing
15 day. Thu 5//2x11 Wad &111 - : - - -
48 MS70: District SngrF00 0 days Wad 611111 Wetl 611111 - - - - - _ _ _ 1 - -
49 430 Report Development 5 days Mon &20111 Fri 80011 - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - Pg -
50 Report Installation and Develapmem 5days Mcn620111 Fri 6124711
51 MS11: Reporting System Complee 0 days Fd 624111 Fit 6124711.. " _ " " " . _ - - - - - _6!11
52 5 Deploy 27 day. Thu 5112131 FA art 7111 - - - - - - - _
53 500 Training 17 days Thu 5712111 Fd W311I " . • . , . • - - . . .
-5{- Develop Training Plan 3days Thu 5132111 Mon 511SM1
55 CrFS6e End-Usm-Traimng 2days Thu 61111/ Fri 6!3111 -
_ 56 MS12: Training Complete 0day. Fri WWI1 Fd&3171 _ -
57 510 Cut- and Full Operations 10 days Mon 616111 F16117MI
58 System CcnBguratlcn as needed 5 days Mon 6211 / Fri 6110111... - . • • . • - - . - - - -
59 Interface ModiScellan as nestled 5 days Mon 6Rai1 / 1`1 16110111
_60 Cmsae CUbver Support 5days M-SM3111 Fri 5117111 - - -
61 M513: G-U- 0day. Fd6il7/1/ Fri6117111 - - - - - 17
62 d Support 15 days Mon 6120111 FM 718111 _ - - - - - - L~~
"63 590 support 15 days Mon 6020/11 Fn TeV11 _ . - - - - - CMP~
64 Post-l-WI Support 15 days Man SIMII Fn 71811 - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - ~ - -
, - -
Pima 0 days Fri 1/811 1 Fri 7m111
66 11514: SUPP.Prt COm
ITEM NO. 2.2
Meeting Date: May 23, 2011
To: Public Affairs-Communications-
Technology Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General
Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public
Information Officer
Subject: Draft Public Affairs Budget (Supplies and Services Section)
The Public Affairs Division of Administration Department is responsible for all Communications and
Public Outreach of the District. As a result of the Legislative Advocacy component being moved to
the Board of Directors Budget and discussions at the Public Affairs-Communication & Technology
meeting held on April 11, 2011, in addition to staff recommendations, the proposed Supplies and
Services component of the Administration section of the Administration Department budget for FY
2011/12 currently shows an increase of $76,520.
This 36% increase from 2010/11 includes $45,000 for a YLWD website re-design and installation of
video recording equipment in the Board Room.
Name: Description: Type:
public affairsBudget Detail.pdf Public Affairs Budget Detail Backup Material
Section Detail Expense Budget
Dept/Section: Admin (Public FY 2012
Information) (2020)
1-2020-0580-00 $242,850 1-2020-0580-05 30,150 Bill Stuffer (1800 X 6 Months) 10,800
COMMUNICATIONS (E) Advertising Ads in YLStar/ PL News Times 3,400
Street Signs (3) 1,650
Automated Phone Call (Program Update X 2) 7,800
2010 Consumer Confidence Report 6,500
1-2020-0580-15 25,000 Special Events (Site Dedications/Recognitions) 25,000
District Special Events
1-2020-0580-30 27,500 Postage 27,500
1-2020-0580-35 55,000 YLWD Bottled Water 20,000
Promotional Items
Re-stock Promotional Items 25,000
Public Events Materials (Pop-ups, Display Boards, 10,000
1-2020-0580-40 16,000 Sponsorship- OCWD Water Festival (Breakfast & Boot 3,000
Sponsorship- OC Water Summit x 2 3,000
Partnership - Fullerton Arboretum 10,000
1-2020-0580-45 68,000 YLWD.com Redesign 25,000
Video Productions
Media Monitoring Software and Tech 3,000
Video Taping Board Meetings Install and Fees 20,000
PSA/Video Production 20,000
1-2020-0580-50 17,600 Summer Newsletter 4,400
Water Conservation Materials
Fall Newsletter 4,400
Winter Newsletter 4,400
Spring Newsletter 4,400
1-2020-0580-55 3,600 Water Conservation Event 1,000
Water Conservation Programs
Enforcement Materials 2,600
1-2020-0600-00 $25,780 1-2020-0600-00 25,780 Muzak Contract 780
Conservation Rebate Frog. (Turf, Sprinklers, Appli 25,000
1-2020-0640-00 $2,040 1-2020-0640-00 1,440 Western Water 50
CAPIO Membership 600
PRSA Membership 790
1-2020-0640-10 600 OCRegister/LA Times 600
Newspaper Subscriptions
1-2020-0710-00 $100 1-2020-0710-00 100 **Misc Materials 100
1-2020-0780-00 $5,000 1-2020-0780-00 5,000 Customer Relations Seminar 5,000
1-2020-0810-00 $5,000 1-2020-0810-00 5,000 Training 5,000
(E) (E)
1-2020-0830-00 $8,300 1-2020-0830-00 8,300 **CAC Field Trips 5,000
TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) **Meeting Dues/Mileage 3,300
Section Total $289,070
ITEM NO. 2.4
Meeting Date: May 23, 2011
Subject: Spring Newsletter Review
Name: cv, i~a$icri: a ype:
Draft Spring 2011 Newsletter.pdf Draft Newsletter Backup Material
Yorba Linda
Water District
1717 E. Miraloma Ave., Placentia, CA 92870
(714) 701-3000 I www.YLWD.com ES
District Set To Maintain EastYL Sewer System Yorba Linda Water District
Over the past year, the City of Yorba Linda and the Yorba Linda Water District have t SPRING 2011 .4f
worked cooperatively on an agreement that would transfer the City-owned public
sewer system (beginning at San Antonio and heading east) to the District. With ever: Q° r n-
. increasing wastewater regulations and maintenance costs, both the City and the
District agree that residents will benefit greatly from this system transfer.The City will >
seea significant operational expense eliminated,while the District can now ensure that
r the entire public wastewater system is more uniformly and effectively maintained. -1
The transfer agreement will go into effect July 1, 2011. Since the District already -
provides excellent wastewater service to the majority of the City, adding the eastern sewers is simply extending
that reliability and high level of service to the remainder of the District's customers while achieving continuity kl~t
across the City as a whole.
Previously, residents living on the eastern end of Yorba Linda paid for their sewer service on a yearly basis
through their property tax bills. After July 1, those sewer customers will now see a $5.50 sewer charge on their = -
monthlyYLWD water bill. Otherwise, the only other difference you might experience if you live or do business Nearly 6,000 fourth, fifth and sixth graders from across Orange County attended
east of San Antonio Road is spotting YLWD's Sewer Maintenance personnel and equipment doing their best to _ .1, stir, the 15th Annual Children'sWater Education Festival atthe Richard Nixon
'r -
make sure your sewer system is maintained and kept operating at the highest level of reliability. We look Presidential Library and Museum on March 23-24. YLWD was there teaching
- gallons
forward to providing you with the same outstanding service you have already been receiving and have come to "Water Mechanics 101"- A hands on interactive look at how millions of
expectfrom yourtap. of water move up, down and across the District every day.
1~~ I
An inquisitive bunch were the Scouts from Yorba Linda Girl Scout Troop 1 1, as
Kenneth Vecchiarelli P.E. they toured the YLWD facilities. There were the typical questions ten year olds -41
General Manager,Yorba Linda Water District = If ask like:"How do you know where the pipes are underground?", and "How deep
26 Bid for Ohio Street Project zn+r does that well go?" There were also plenty of other more colorful inquiries,
I t J r thanks to a look inside the sewers.
The time is definitely right to get a huge discount
on big projects. When YLWD hosted bids for the
Ohio and Oriente pipeline replacement project
yi' ►f on March 23, twenty-six contractors showed up =
1. _
t to make their best offer. Twenty-six! The low bid T
came in at just under $1.4 million, less than half
i of the engineer's estimate for the project which r~
was around three million dollars. c1P,
! a G
Congratulations to that low bidder, M am co Con
struction & Development
, ,
r # -N1
The Yorba Linda Water District welcomes five new
WAI LU r::~ memberstotheYLWDCitizensAdvisoryCommittee
(CAC). Gus Bruner, Richard Buck, Fred Hebein, Joe
Holdren and Daniel Mole, all of Yorba Linda, were
;2 R selected by the YLWD Board after conducting inter-
4 views in a Special Meeting on April 20th.
Board gives green light for Sunday watering... "It was a nice problem to have;' said Board Vice Presi-
dent Phil Hawkins, when asked about the appoint-
ments. "We had a great group of very dynamic
If you have wondered about the impact on the water situation in California from all of
Y individuals to choose from. We really couldn't have
the rain we've enjoyed over the past year, you are not alone. Surely all of the wet made a poor choice based on the people who applied"
weather has had to do us some good, right?
In the end, the Board appointed five people with a
This spring, Governor Jerry Brown declared the California Drought was over. Shortly, variety of backgrounds including a civil litigation
11 thereafter one of the District's two water suppliers, Metropolitan Water District of attorney, a business owner with some political experi-
Southern California (MWD) declared an end to the allocations that required a 10% cut _ Photo Courtesy oEMark schock ence, one from academia with a background in mar-
fromallOrangeCountywaterdistricts. G osBroneroameiMole. soaraPres. MlkeBeverage. FredHebeln.Joe Holdren&Rlohardeuck keting and two with extensive water experience.
This is good news, `Water and wastewater is in my DNA, said Gus Bruner, President of Caliagua, a general engineering firm specializing in
water management and founded by Bruner's father, Oscar. "My kids are grown and I have more time so this made sense
but let's not start hosing down the driveway for me to get involved"
just yet... Also offering a wealth of water and wastewater experience is Joe Holdren, who spent 35 years in the City of Cerritos'
The end of mandatory cuts is a sign that supply conditions have improved since 2007, the driest year on water department, ultimately retiring as the city's Water Superintendent.
record for California, but many challenges still lie ahead. Even with an abundance of new snow pack and "This just seems like the right thing to do;'said Holdren."I've been retired for two years. I have the time, and I'm happy
increased water stored in our local reservoirs, Southern California is still highly reliant on water transported that the Board thinks my experience will be useful to the Committee"
from outside our region. Bringing this water into our area is a daunting task and one that carries a myriad of
legalandregulatorybarriers.WhetherfromNorthernCaliforniaviatheStateWaterProjectorfromtheColo- The new members will not only bring professional insight to the Committee but will provide theYLWD Board and staff
rado River, we m ust remember that until a solution for long-term reliability is reached, no amount of rain can with additionalfingers onthepulseof the community.
cure the State's water woes. This is particularly true in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta where the endan- "Yorba Linda has always been my home and served as a great place to raise my family;'said Daniel Mole, Co-founder of
gered Delta Smelt, a skinny, unremarkable fish, have put a strangle hold on possible innovations that could Pacific Utility Installation. "I feel privileged to participate on this Committee and to have the opportunity to provide
solve the State's water delivery dilemma. Simply put, Californians should continue making efficient use of feedback to the Board"
water a way of life.
And when it comes to feedback, most agree it's nice to have someone weigh in with a legal perspective.
YLWD customers have been especially dedicated to conserving water over the past two years, exceeding the "It's an honor to serve on the Citizens Advisory Committee,"said Richard Buck, an attorney and 12 year resident of Yorba
100/ogoal, and averaging closer to a 200/owater use reduction.The reduction comes from more efficient land- Linda."I look forward to providing any necessary assistance and citizenry input at the directive of the Board and the
scape irrigation practices in addition to the increased rains over the past year. Many homeowners have found District"
that the three day per week irrigation rule is more than enough to maintain healthy, beautiful landscaping.
However, for those who find only three days of watering to be a bit too strenuous on your landscape, the Rounding out the group is Fred Hebein, a College Professor at Cal State San Bernardino, who brings a marketing back-
YLWD Board of Directors has decided to allow watering on a fourth day: Sunday. ground along with decades of business experience with natural resource based companies.
Until further notice, all customers, whether they are currently watering on Monday, Wednesday and Friday or "Even though we're seeing more and more focus on water, it amazes me how many people take it for granted;'said
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdayare ALSO permitted towateron Sunday. Restrictions on runoff,washing off Hebein. "This Committee can be a tool for the District in getting more information out to the community"
paved surfaces, watering between 9am & 6pm, and watering when it is raining were designed to focus on The appointments fill the seats previously occupied by Phil Hawkins, Bob Kiley and Gary Melton, all of whom were
continued, permanent water use efficiency and will remain in effect. elected to the YLWD Board this past November. Two other original members of the Committee, Gene Scearce and
Richard Bogda, have elected to discontinue their service to fulfill other personal and professional commitments.
The YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee was formed by the Board of Directors in 2009 to provide community input on
Michael J. Beverage various matters concerning the District.The Committee meets the last Monday of the month at 8:30 a.m. All of the
Board President, Yorba Linda Water District meetings are open to the public.