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2011-06-17 - Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUB AFFAIRS-COMMUNICATIONS-TECH COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, June 17, 2011, 12:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Gary T. Melton Art Vega, Info Systems Administrator Damon Micalizzi, PI Officer 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Lease Agreement for Two Copiers Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to sign a Lease Agreement with Konica Minolta for a Bizhub C552 and a Bizhub 181 for a monthly cost of $525.00 and per copy cost of $0.059 per color copy and $0.00718 per black and white copy. 2.2. Review of District Slogan Recommendation: That the Committee consider recommending the Board of Directors change the District's Slogan to: Independent, Reliable & Trusted Service for more than 100 Years. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Elk Mountain Neighborhood Outreach (Verbal Report) 3.2. Water Conservation Signs (Verbal Report) 3.3. New Sewer Customer Outreach 3.4. Dynamics GP Consultant 3.5. Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status 3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks • Status of Public Affairs Events 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next regular meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee will be held July 13, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $15,600 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Cost Estimate: $525/mo. & cost per copy Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Account No: 1-0620-0600-20 Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director CEQA Compliance: N/A Subject: Lease Agreement for Two Copiers SUMMARY: The District currently has two large copy machines in the Administration building, one black and white only and one with color capability. These two machines are work horses that are relied upon for making multiple copies of reports, specifications, agendas and other documents. One of these machines has reached its useful life and the other has become problematic. Staff has researched replacement and leasing options and recommends a dual machine lease with Konica Minolta. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to sign a Lease Agreement with Konica Minolta for a Bizhub C552 and a Bizhub 181 for a monthly cost of $525.00 and per copy cost of $0.059 per color copy and $0.00718 per black and white copy. DISCUSSION: The District owns a Konica Minolta Di-250 black & white copier, which is located in the Engineering area. The District also leases a Xerox WC 7655 color copier, which is located in the Copy & Mail Room. There is approximately 2 years left on a 5 year lease with Xerox on this copier. The Xerox WC 7655 experiences frequent jams and electronic communication issues. It has lost its settings on more than one occasion, requiring IT staff to reconfigure the machine. Xerox support has frequently been slow to respond and their technicians have been unable to resolve these issues, which continue to occur periodically. The District has owned the Konica Minolta Di-250 for just over 10 years. It was relocated from the Plumosa office in 2008. While the District has a service agreement with Konica Minolta on this copier, repairs often take a long time since parts are no longer manufactured must be salvaged from abandoned Di-250 copiers. Currently this copier can print only single-sided copies because the part needed for the duplex function is not available. Due to the reliability issues with the District's primary copiers, staff has explored replacement options with vendors representing the manufacturers Xerox, Konica Minolta, Toshiba and Sharp. A selection committee of three was formed to evaluate and recommend replacement copiers. Staff consulted with the vendor IOTEC, who represents several copier manufacturers. Based on the District's need and feedback communicated by staff, IOTEC recommended Toshiba copier models over the other manufacturers. Staff also contacted Konica Minolta directly. The committee met with IOTEC and Konica Minolta and visited their offices to test out the copiers they recommended. Based on the features, needs of the District and ease of use, the committee unanimously decided that the Konica Minolta copiers were the best option. The Konica Minolta copiers are also the lowest cost lease long term. Below is a lease summary comparison table: Cost per Cost per Rebate / Vendor Monthly Lease Copy Copy New Lease Copiers (Color, Black & White) Payment Color B & W Lease Term incentive * Xerox (Current $568.29 $0.0921 $0.01050 60 month Xerox WC 7655 Lease lotec / Toshiba $899.00 $0.0800 $0.01000 $13,638.96 63 month Toshiba e-Studio 5520C, Toshiba e- Studio 353 Konica Minolta $525.00 $0.0590 $0.00718 $12,000.00 60 month Minolta Bizhub C552, Minolta Bizhub 181 Xerox (New $636.51 $0.0590 $0.01290 $0.00 60 month Xerox WC 7556, Xerox W5135 Lease * To assist YLWD in paying off current Xerox Lease Old lease would be terminated The rebate check issued to the District for $12,000 from Konica Minolta will be used to pay off the remaining lease for the Xerox WC 7655. The estimate to buyout the remaining lease from Xerox is approximately under $14,500. Staff is still waiting to receive an official document with an updated lease buy out amount from Xerox. IT staff estimates that the District will save at least $250/month depending on the volume of copies. ATTACHMENTS: Name Description: Type: Konica Minolta Investment Analysis.pdf Investment Analysis using Xerox's Jan invoice Backup Material Konica Minolta Lease.pdf Konica Minolta Lease Agreement Backup Material a Admbk KONICA MINOLTA Investment Analysis for Yorba Linda Water District t,_+j,re i me t'r ,Xx V C ,65'.'x. Monthly Lease Payment - 60 month FMV Lease: $568.29 Actual Average Monthly Volume (Color): 2947 Cost per Copy for Color $.0921 Monthly color billing $271.42 Average Monthly Volume (B&w): 12071 Cost per Copy: $.0105 Average Monthly Cost: $126.75 TOTAL MONTHLY COST: S1051.02 Pronosed Investment: Konica Minolta x552 ant 34zhub 181 Monthly Lease Payment: 60 month $ 525.00 2947 monthly volume @ .059 cost per Copy for Color 175.35 12071 Average Monthly Volume (B&W): Cost per Copy @ .03.00718 $8`5.57 Net Savings per Month: $264.00 Konica Minolta will issue check to assist YLWD with remaining stream of payments on existing Xerox lease for an additional $12,000 savings. Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. 1900 S. State College Suite 600 Anaheim, CA 92806 Direct: (714) 588-7726 SOC'050592 For office use only (Check one): S Erarlch []Windsor 05x25111 2.33 pin Amok .,^F'L£CATIr~ I•: NUP,"6 R =°,CRF'rP.:!FNT NUMBER Premier Luse Agreement KQNICA MINOLTh This Premier Lease Agreement ("Agreerrent") is written, in 'P'lain English'. The worts you an your refer to the cus"corner ,and its guarantors;. The words Lessor, we, us and our refer to Konica Minolta Premier Finance, a program of Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc., Its subsidiaries and affiliates. (Supplier) FULL LEGAL NAME S-EE- ,sDCFE^e YORBA LINDA WATER CT crTY $TAT- _ PHONE' FAX -PLACENTIA CA 92870 714 741 3000 - BILLING NA.MF ~IF 0 -.-r• ° rF:: h4 ABOVE! BILLING STF.F:? t -.F `=S - - - - CITY ST":'F EAIAtL AVEGACDYLWD.COM EQUIPMENT LOCATION {IF GIFFFF.-':T FROM` ABC--, 'By prcexins a telephgne .iu nher for a rpllt;la- plume or tithe- wreless deep , pnu rre exp•e my cr:-l a ^u rex+rg po.mn ratlrns !For \'Gh . ?r e! r Nnl a•r.Imn ,1.-Post; r of ;hat n nb .!.rd q,q, but -Wt H to, prerecorded o- wifiraa'vo,ce message calls. Text messages, and r.al:s grace c, an ~•e~7rsma.ic telepnone d al:r:g system from Less: - and :is a4liates and age^:s T`:s E^ GrnserE applies to ea Gh such t,.iephme mmhrr 1W pew prl'14to us rev ^ -.n. the future and permits sLrl; ca!;5. These calks a.qd messages :may :ncaer access'=°s'rare: your cellar provider. Ij„ - F'4L4{ { 1 t` ~ {~t•Ke CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE GUARANTEE Konica Minolta Business Solutions agrees to maintain the Equipment in good operating condition providing necessary maintenance service and parts for routine repairs. It our Service Representative is unable to repair the equipment covered under a Konica Minolta Business Solutions Service Agreement and this . a guarantee, we shall provide, at no charge, an equivalent replacement. MMIM EM L NO. 1 - BIZHUB 181 1 - BIZHUB 0552 ❑ See attached schedu:e for additional Equipment I Accessories TERM AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE 60 Monthly Payments of S 525.00 security Deposit $ 0.00. ;'mos.) arcs ap; bcatfe taxes! (plus appftsabie !axes) END OF LEA $E OPTIONS: c ^a re .:r , : ;c. r-^'crs a. ' fi r . R ^ a ^^,na. err.: o , de n= ;-ease e= tic! !erm'natec a^a es e ' of _ =r fYa eese a- oc f a r amid is -f P_:-Chase'- Fr.,'o-er?!c- the Fs 'a rxeI Va:_'e as Ce -7.f-F-1 by 2. :Re!,,&i he weaSe De r paracre_ : • ,A..^ re~versel- 3 Re.i. A e--! as THIS IS A NONCANCEL_ABLE I IRREVOCABLE AGREEMENT: THIS AGREEMENT CANNOT BE CANCELED OR TERMINATED. Konica Minolta Premier Finance ITLE CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT _r. EL LE-_A_ WIF n ru'.-r., r e,; h.^•. c' °:li - 95-2078694 fir i_ 1.1 - n~ct f r e . .n.-.: .I -I',i '•a' re:>: - „ :c-'".^]n •..-,,,zl . l - ntlY' ~ and sever:!'. , • ~ _ - - ~ r s _ ai ;IRe GllStOflStr :a II r'~•:.. t•:-.' ohl ga urns rw- r.u• under L7, s .Agrc,1 ana any „ -antc f . anc acmDt';N You a_ne :not we mny mike ether wranoe ~ nts is .Ii Sing com.. ;nis _ ?-ilia •rrln you and you wnl _ aJl 'e'en an7 wr e of ;terse a."lArrr; (=S a:ld 5la.itmtn' W-Pfn,~!r,l a`r~ prr[est dll, x -0r71811, .esp. •--hlb '!ft. free P0$1T:Pr x: :,hl (lat fr'15 of !-,A A(rv ...:,I.. 'Np dr' wr ha'r.e to M'4, ?RH 11':w cuSlyle^ is in deraun. If the curl '1PY dgfai .i!: rnen°lratasy %-`!h the .-ea..:. , m,'sion frl the. ,5gree.-enl ?l •:.,N j~ew fhe l2 r`rt°. "f the A rPe°•ry and X~'I pPrrn- 1;I lh . C' i'P a:' TIPr. II :1 f 5.^.^-•: FC:• t to ~.r.:..F!Lfl na to R't .1::I`, ypl; C%S. Ca5'4' : rm-,t ;o It a i',Ir~ ,Imn fry the mug, see r t in twra7mDh 19 and #Ppree ,o - }y u ~ ts. I171:A nr P!tr e,B app- -nG-j-I l Fn.r7r? ,t nr l'1'S gua"A r rw sa'r n is Ir. p,,-ed '.r;t :-.!da rct gym. hwlr.rw enfrrr. trtr. this guarg-~1, By ihlis guaranty. yru au na•ae uS k, octe;n i'.:e_ eau •e n is Ior r r:- ,Zf r:i 5-Ilnn ^ -!Ages. See reverse S!:dp `or additional terms. and conditions S00050592 06108111 01:01 pm > KONIiC,A MINOLTA Standard CPC Maintenance Contract Sold To: (legal name) Ship To: Name: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Account Number: Name: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Account Number: Address Line 1: Address I, ine 1: Address Line 2: Address Line 2: Street Address: 1717 E. MIRA LOMAAVENUE_ Street Address:. 1717 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE Ciy:_PLACENTIA State: CA ZIP: 92870 City: PLACENTIA _ State: CA Zip: 92870 Tax Exemption No ❑ yes (Certffil=0 required) Tax Exemption Number: PO Required X No ❑ yes (Copymquirad) PO Number: PO Fxpiration Date: Standard CPC Maintenance Plan Cost Per Copy 9 with supphes ❑ without Supplies - Purehasrd sepavaurly Effective Date: Billing for CPC contract: N Monthly IJ Quarterly Ll Annuatly Contract Term (Months): 12 n 24 (1 36 ❑ aB X 6c, Overages billed' X Mothly ❑Quarterly ❑Amually Digital Support Service: Digital Support Service (DSS) through the Digital Solution Center (DSC) at a rate of $10.00 per serial number monthly will automatically be added to the base payment below unless customer declines. DSS coverage by checking the following box: Product Covered Under Contract: Item !Model Description Serial Number T pt Start Meter Read Monthly Min Volume CPC Month Min $ Overage CPC 1 BIZHUB 189 C 0 4 0.00000 0.00 4.017000 BAV - - - 0 0.00718 - 0.00718 2 BIZHUB 0552 C 0 0 0.05950 $ 0.00 0.05950 B~ 0 0 0.00718 $ 0.00 0-00718 3 C B7W 4 C B)W C Bfw 6 C - - BM 11 X W a CLICK Customer's signature below acknowledges receipt and consent to KMBS Standard Maintenance Terms and Conditions "Schedule A" dafed 02-01-10, Not binding on KMBS until signed by KMBS Manager. Customer Name: KMBS Representative: Please Print bate Signature: KMBS Manager: Authorixod Roprmentativoof Cumomor Date Date Title: FOR INTERNAL USE ❑ New Customer ❑ Maintenance wl Equipment Order ❑ Maintenance only Maintenance Billed by KMES ❑ Maintenance silted by Lease Company ❑ Dealer Serviced PE Agreement Customer Cade 1: Promotion Price Plan Customer Code 2: Subflect Customer Cade 3: Key Operator Contact: Phone: Finail Addr: Meter Read Contact: Phone-. Email Addr: Accounts Payable Contact: Phone: Email Addr: Special Instructions: Additional Documents Attached: ❑ Price Farxphnn ❑ Tax Exempt Certificate ❑ Purchase Order X Gedit Applvcaton Sales Rep Number Sales Rep Name (Please Print) Sales Rep Email Address Originating: 644702 WEENDY KEOWN WKEOWN KMBS-KONICAMINOLTA-US Order Taking: 644702 WENDY KEOWN WKEOWN KMBS.KONICAMINOLTA-US Servicing: 644702 WENDY KEOWN WKEOWNraKMBS.KONICAMINOLTA.US Contract Processed: I ]wmdsor, Cr X Branch 464 - ANAHEIM (Branch Name) Sales District 46407 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U-S.A_, INC, 100 Williams Drive namsoy,. NJ 07446 201254000 www,kmtis.konlcaminalta,us Form: 1010-021411-C SC0a'SO592 06108111 01:61 PM KMBS STANDARD MAINTENANCE TERMS ARID CONDITIONS "SCHEDULE A" (Revised 02-01-101 the Following tears and conditions apply to tae provision of maintenance services by Konica Minolta Business 14. NETWORK INTEGRATION: If N wnrk Intu,,j-help sewicr,, are provided by KM&S, Customer warrants that Solutions U.SA., Inc. ("KMB5 to Customer during the term of this Agreement: the. KMB5 r]Sgitat N-,.d, Analysis ("DNA') his bran accurately Completed and KMUS may rely on the informatim conlin YI In the DNA in providing wtwork integration 5er,cfi5. KMBS resc r_ti the right to "ses additional charges 1. PAYMENT: Payncnt Fs due -than thirty (30) days, from Ole date of the invoire,. Should the customer tilt to for service due to CusromPl modification _ fits nCYwork `;rtware, or operating system(s). make any payment due hereunder, air be be me •nt or be. a party to or acquiesce ;n any bankruptcy or xei-hip Proe-rd:ng or any On lar ucincn afftCb no the aflsrs G property of Customer, ar +nolate any aspeeT of 15. ASSIGNMENT; Customer may not assign this Agreement, without KNI express r.r. ten consent _n tilt event N1-s A.yre`t Wentt, KMBS may (1) refuse to continue to service the. equipment nr provide. Consumable SupPIiF.1 anti that Kh1BS assigns or subconbacts any of its obligations under this Agreement, KMBS shall re'Ptar6 primarily may enter Ou5 c m:er'S prem'se5 to r ever any property or equipoitot uwrlul by KMBS or (2) furnish service on a responsible to Perform tfic ; obligations. Any claim or defense Ctstomer may have h,,,laanq to lhose oY:ligabons must time, travel and material N3.11.1, .,ith-t prejudi- to any, other remedies ti may have. If Oo tomes fail.., to he asserted only against KMBS and not its assignee. KMBS may as 5 qn, without ruLYe to Cusl-limier, any of i6 ir9hts make any payment when due por5uart to this Agreement, there will be. i service charge of ore and one-half under this Agreement percent (1 112°%) per month of the earl amount d e or the Xrr. rl legal Interest rate allowed by law, whichever i5 Itss. Reasonable costs, indud rg counsel f4 shall be. recoverable by KMBS in Thu event collocborl Ib. NOTICES: All trotnees required to be given under this Agreement Shall he n we- tiny and shah be sent by 17.5. achvNcs, =ncluding rtigation, are required to collect onltsta'nding amounts due Lrdc this Agreement- NO CA511 first class mail to the parties a.1 follows. To C ustDreer at the address listed on the fi'ont of th 5 Agreement and to PAYMENTS" ACCFPTFTI, Accepted manners of payment :ere by major credit card or checks made payabfe to KMBS. KMBS, it I.70 Williams Drive, Ramsey, NJ ty4ri6, Attention: Office of Direct Adminirtrntor.. METER READINGS: Customer will prowide tort rte and boldly Teter readings at the end of each b0haq 17. INDEMNIFICATION; Customer shall bear all risk of theft, loss or damage not rnu.sed by KMBS umpliayi ~ or period in a marine, pttscr= by KKMBS. KMBS charges for each copy or print, pertorri by talc: KMBS agent', to all Equipment delivered and accepted under this Agreement. Custom-. agn:c•s to induvrnhity, defend and equipment ind Ud itt in this Agreement. A Copy or print shall be deFnu"d cr; Nc gEficration of any document or hold harmless KF!BS, its cif], difectrss, employers and :gaits from all loss, liability, claims or expenses { ncluding -age an the. i e,quipmeM. For peirp- of this Agro[.nent, all such u5C5 of Ii equipment Jhall or, rnasnnable. attomiy's nests) ar sing out of Customer's use of Elie equipment, mcludinq but not limited to liabilities referenced herein as a "Copy.' KMB5 shall have access to monitor the meter recu'rngs and If :nnter reid}3gs am arisirig from Illegal use of KM65 equipment a., well as r: lily injury, ndudirg death, a; property damage to any not rived in a Tim" manner, KMBS may obtain or esiirnate Lhurn and Customer agres to pay for maintenance person, notes-i said injurie,, death or property darrfagt was caused solely as. the result at a grgent or intentional cervices based air estimated Ireter readings. Cusomer sha'.I not a'[er or attempt to alter atual meter reading, art or Dnnissiwh by KM65. Fach Bts" x 11" Copy will be reconled e5 a single meter drit Farh II- x 17' copy •rvill to-, reeafeled as a double rerutcr click. Duplexnd copdus shall be counted at twine the rate of simplexcd copies.. I'or models equipped with 1$, WARRANTY: KMB5 WAR.ANTS THAT THE SERVICES SHALL I5t PFRFORMFra IN ACCORDANCE WIT11 TI.1E ba lll'er printing capabilities, the following meter dirk charges shall apply: 14" to 27" - 3 ri i:k-,; 77" to 36" r MANUFACTUPTIRS RECLIMMENDA11UNS; AND SPFCl FTCATTONS FOR THE FQLIIPMENT. KMBS MAKCS NO 9111E R clicks; 36" to 47" - 5 dicks. WARRA.N'TIFS WHA"rtk) FR FXPRFSS OR IMPLIED WIT11 RDGARD TO TIfE SLlil THE ;,OFTWARF INCLUDFD WITH THE F.QUIPMFNT OR ITS INSTALLATION, AND ?LAIN 1 CNAWi AND FXPRFSSD Y F]CCL L1DF.S Al IMPLIED 3. SITE PREPARATION 81 ACCESS- O ustomer hall ensure that equipment is paced in a meet that WARRANTIES OF MLRCHANTAl Try AND FITNFS5 FOR A PARTH:UTAR PURPOSE. nonforn- with ihf: m nufdctu..r[:r`s spC:cilicitiorrs and requlremunts and will bear all east and expense for any nq, re rx3dellnq, and noun: and i'.]. REMEDY LSMITATIONS: The yuipment may rtbt R: re4Jmed to KMBS without KMBS' vin[!- ohl addltlon:al necessities required for IrstallatiCn 5uch a., telephore and lectrical Mr power flltcrs. Any electrical work ecrtemal to the egnjipment (i.e. associated periphemi e.q ipm:ent, puwtir, CUSTCMER'5 EXCLUSIVE RLMLOY FOR 6RFACki OF WARRANTY SHAII BF REPAIR OP THE CQUIPMLNT OR trIssion and phone: fines, and mrordens) and "f,r Iprnen line cord are not covered by this Agreement. `t1=PAC f:M'cNr OF A NOHtONFi RMLK(; PART, AT THE 01'T-LON OF KMBS. THE PARTIES WAIVE THFIR RFSPF(TR+F Customer shall provide KMBS' pu'rwr:rxt with fret and full access to the equipment and any necessary operating) TIC' 47F TO SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDEN`AL OR PUN1TpiJF DAM3GFS FOR ANY PROVEN tame for the purpose, of fu fishing maintenance scirvics. Customer shall arrange and insure that anti of its BRCACa1 OF THIS A(iRLEMLNI (INCLUDINU WARRANTY)- THE PAPi RESERVE THE RIGIiT TO RECOVER pl yces is i at all Urn- when i pe,rsonnel p[sform m - Lenarlcc services: Ruiueatrorr or make ruddy CONIRACI DAMAGES ALLOLYLD VIA THIS AGKt7tmFNT. KMBS' I IABIi. ITY UNDFR THIS ATGRELMLNT IS LLMII LD O shipment of cquipmeelt is riot coverer] by thl5 maintenancC A*}elment, [his service, when requested, will be. at THE COVFri DAMACFS ON THE COST OF ALYL%NATL MAINTENAPICL 5LRVIL:LS ANO/OR CONSUMASI Fs the then billable rate of KMElS. PURCMASE7IiY THE CUE] OMLR. KMBS SIIALL NO I Bb L]AbLt I Olt ANY DAMAGES, ]NCLUDING BLFi NOT LIMITLD IQ DAMAGES Vi 19 LOTS OF DATA nR INFORMATION OF ANY KIND. LOSS Of OR DAMAGt lO REVENOt, 1. COMMENCEMENT OF SERVICE: Thu eyuiprmenl. must be: in good Condition on the Commencement date of PROFITS CM GOODWILL, DAMAGES DUE TO ANY INTERRUPTION OF UUS1NL55, DAMAGE 10 CL,rTOMEi this Agreement. KMB5 charges for parts and labor required to place the equipmenm in such condition unless COMPUTERS OR NETWORKS, LVLN 11 KN11IS HAS BL EN ADViSLD OF 1HL POCf5181i ITY OF 1AUCI1 DAMAGES_ covered under any appl,rajle Warranties or a ranrimwus mantenance AgreerThcnL i Mil invoice the Customer and this will be in addition to the price set forth on the front hereof. 20. APPLICABLE LAW: f his Aga eernenr sha':l be go,iani by N: lays of U 3 Stare of New York wl trout +c3a rd to f 31- ar 1'. prirrclpes. In the event of lltngibon at other proceedings by KM65 to enforce or defend any Semi or 5. AVDMONAL EQUIPM@NT: No maintenance service, for additional or substituted equipment will be provided provi,iofd of this Agreement, Cilstorrle r agrees to pay all costs and 0,y .ri sustained toy KMISS, rniuCirlg but not fry KMBS until it is accepted by KMBS, in wndrig, for coverage. KMB5 reserves the dght to adjust the coverage limited to, reasonable amtamleys. Fees. 1 stomer further agree: to litigitt any depute concef'img this matter in the period for any additional or substituted equipment to assure common renewat dates. courts of the state of New Jersey, Consents to ]urlsdicton in that hart- and waives the right ro jury trial. 6. SERVICE INCLUDED; KMBS' Dtilrgatio05 under this Agreement is to provide tiasiC Maintenance Service on 21. FORCE MAIEURE: Neither party mall be responsible for delays o failure in Performance of this Agreemerd tl'.e equhNllent contr. ed by this 4g cement. basic Maintenance .CRrvice Is defired aS that le el of m iinte.nanm (uther Ilan failure to make payment) to the extent that 5KIcl' party was bindered in ltz permrmanee; by any act of .wry W mi :n the equipment in normal operating -,d,Uon as set forth in the equipment spE ,ricaPOns. (lod, evil CJmnlooorn, Iatx3r dr5PLae, or any ather oexum nee. beyond ft ma-habie control. Basle Maintenance Se wce5 indodes labor ands routine remedial and preventive maintenance sev:t3. as well a5 emeclla3 parts and Consumdbfei Supplies, If this option is selccicd, as defined in section 2-0. All part replacements 22. WAIVER 6 SEVERAOILYTYI Failure by KMBS to enforce any provivvns of this Agreement or any rlgllts shall be a1 ail exchange basis with new or refurbished items. l'mergency service ca 11.5 w'II be perforated at no hereunder, or failure to m e. se any d-tion provided for herein, shall in no way be comidered a waiver of such extra charge during normal business houe-5. Unless otherwise indicated, norrniil bsi- ho i i 8ID a.m. to p o snoi5, rght5, or elections, or in any way affect the Party's right t0 later enforce or exec s[. the same. her other S:f16 Pm., Monday through Fri&hy, -dusrve of hafduys DL-vel by KMBS. Chaltime charfcs, at. KAUS' then provesnons, rights, or elections it may have under h5 Agremmer.t If any, Ferri lion of 1h is Agreerneit 31s11 be cummt rate, will be charged fee all service calls outside normal business hours- In addition to any other righh unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, elm that ptcr ispn Shall be doe ed severable. from this Ag ,ment hereunder, KMB5 re s the right to da!i be discorltioud equ proem Ire] n this Agreement if parts become arid shall hot affect the validity and enforceability of tee remaininq provisions or th - Ag fulnunL unava dabrt for ciscorlbnued eco,pirent. 23. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT; Customer further agrees la) that facsimile or electronic sgnat- shall bi. ace,ePted 7. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE: Preventive Maln^.enanee shall be peffornlcd on the €litripnnMit at the as original signatures..; and (b) that t'.is, Agreement or any dorument c,.nl;etLYd pursuant tD this Agre'e'ment, may be intervals defined by we TCchniC31 Service Manuals for the particular model. Preventive Maintenance will inch.de a nt iined in an el trop;r d-urnent Storage and retrieval system, a copy of which shah be c -idered an original. r.1es, ning,. Iubnc bor, Wjuslme.nt, and may be. male. at the same. time -.Jidl servh'e is being performed. KM65 Kl•%BS may accept orders electronically from Customer pursuant to this Agreement. Neither party shall raise any text W cans do not carry or delver c suppl:- (t~r tir IJ-11-pCr, MC.). It is tile Customer's objection to the authenticity of this Agreement or any dcxriment created hereunder, based on edger the use of a responsibility to ilavt the necessary suppl Cs dva Table for the Fectrlician's use. r I . s"F;nuturf= or tir use a1 a copy retrieved from an electronic storage system. B. vCARE MONITORING: KMBS will iWoy and enuls'e Is vCAAE Solution, whidh Ls a Device Rcladonship 24. SUPPLIES INCLUDED IN THE BASEIPRINT CHARGE: If this option has bexrr stJoctcd, KMBS Cot Managerfent (DRN1j system that interact, with KM65 product(s) fit the purpose of automated maer readinq, despl-ated wrviceY'r •kvill provide Clls;nmer with certain types and quantilics of Consumable Supplies- Corls'lun txie t=etra: al performance mon.tonn9, consumable and supply-level monitoring for replenishment, and produd status Supplies are refined as tilt toner, developer, copy cartridges and PM kits necessary to ensure that the oquiprnent (and Pis de,.-inbed in KMBS' Digital Needs Analysis]. Should Customer opt-out of unlving vCARF, KMBS nsr:rv[_e opu'eates wlthm the equipment specifications throughout Hoe terry of this Agreement Custorrrv agrees that the the Tight to a ss an -7crncn&31 nvrzdery feu nut to -ueed twenty dive dohars ($2S) Pu:r rivace. Consumable Supplies are KMBS property until used by Cuslorneir Customer will u e- Consumable supplies only with the. cfrdruded equipment and r•n then to their ceaSrfarstlol poem. Customer shall not remove the Consumable 9. SELLER'S AGENT'S; C iorvr ickhoxlerlges that it lhas boon advisc.el that no agent, employee, or SeippLrs flan tle locator de_:.Ignatled as Customer's address on the first Page of th"s Agreement CusWmv shall not re,prcxnWtiue of KK51B5 has any authrarty to bind KMBS to any affirmation, promise, ropre;entaton, or warranty sell, res.-,ell or otherwise transfer any Consumable Suppne' to any otter thirty. Customer will return any unused concerning any of the equipment or services. Uniess an affirmation, prop i representation, or warn is. Censurnatile Suppil-- to KMBS at tine end of tds Agreement. Customer shall use reasonable rte tc stare and protect 'P ifiully set forth in this Aya'xrnerrL it des not form a basis of this bargain ard! shall nut be- anfurcoable K JIBS Consumable Supplies located at Customer'., Ioeatipn for Customers e%mvenics- Custaticv lk:frs risk of loss agalnst KMBS_ of KMBS ur'utied Consumable Supplirs in the -41t of theft, fire or odhcr mishap- Should c=ustomer's use of Cahsumalble Supplies cx od the Manufacturer Recommended Yields for the applicable unit by meted than Fr/. in any 10. DISCLAIMER. Then Agreement does not tone service required Cue to malfunction of palm, attad:ment;, given month, or should KMBS in its red ore. bar. dim:R'Licn, dcfurmrne that Consurnabie suppllu are being abu.,rrl in or s,Lrpphes of non-KMBS manufacture. When the use of a particular supply,tern may car . machine damage a- any fashiem, Cusrian- agrees that KMBS sh,41 have the right to charge for any such -ass or impmpr:r umg, Th, requre excess vr. urwcng, KMBS, upon notice to Customer, will not ontinoe remedial or preventive service fix' Marlr.factul is Recommended Yields for the Consumalhile Supplies are, set forth n r Audit that equipment By introducing supplies of differing manufacture into the KM€lS equipment Customer accept, the Rlghtc. During the term if this Agreurlcnt and during the Sixty (1j0) day period -morediMey I n the Tarn, vsponsibiilty to pay for any remedial or Corrective service roquirxl. Any alterations, modifications or changes Co KMUS shall hive tle rlght, upon reasonable notice or in onrnection with. a m Inurenanec u-11, to iudl'. Da taco Y'5 Line equipment by someone other than KMBS, including Customer, may resuk in termination of this Agreeni usage of C-Insumabie SuppPfim The al:dlr will be. conducted by Comparing the rmords genLratcd by the equipment vJ-dlaeit prior ak.thorizabon, this Agreement does, not apply to any equipment which ce,,i<xs to be at the Customer to the 'Minuta.turer s RccxornmenduYl Yields. If Urc, audit reveals that Customer has Xc- . 1 the Manuf:xYunY's ICxr.tion dfcscri bed an tore front s de her rot, T'h is Ag reemunt does not apply to any equipment lost or damaged Recomnlcnd:d Yield for the applicable unit, thin 0u5tnh- shall promptly pay to KMBS a amount for the excess through accdtnt, abuse, Irisuse, thee, neglect, acts of third Parties, file, water, Casualty or any other natural Consumable Sopp!ies us.rgc, bowl am the- trim current rate for the applicable cinnsumable. vappi KMBS .eservrw force:, and tiny loos or d.imege occurring from any o' t.he'ern:goirg is sPrifiuily -Juded from this Agreement the right to charge Customer for snipping and handling charges incurred! by KMBS for the delivery of any excess Customer •r••.®r ,nts and represents U3at the equipment will be ,5ecF for jusins5 purposes, and Of for personal, Cch-rrable Supp:l- de.111-red to C-Triorel family, or hot 5ehold p ipo5es. 25. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: [his :5 the entire Agreement hetwePn. Customer and KMBS on the sub;ttt matter I I. AUTOMATIC RENEWAL: solace on individual equipment .marl autorn i filly be -te d+ d for 1-1,,e_ Ive hcrexof and supuxrfs any proposal or Prior agreement, oral or wl'Imten, or any nner mm. itink s relating to one year tennis at the rates being chergcd by KMBS at the time CA renewal unless Customer N KMUS provides the maI'ltenance services for KMBS equipment and it may not be. rela seal, discharged, Changed, or modified ' C rcpt by other party thirty (30) days written notice before the end of the curent term of -ts intention not to renew this an instlumenr in wlritinq signed try a duty authorind repre_w3e:tatve of each party. Customer agrees that any Agreement upon renewal, either party may cancel this Agreement, with or without cause, uI.- dirty (3D) days Purchase Order or other dicunlental issued to KMBS covering the equipment or maintenance is is-d for purpose written notice to the other party. Upon cancellation Pursuant to this paragraph, Customer will be billed for se-ore of autharilalion and Customer's internal use only, and any terms and Conditions contained thererb shall not modify o- through the effective date of uilctiation. In the event this Agreement ri canceled or not renewed, Customer add to the terms and conditiehn5 of this Agreement. This Agranient will not be effective untl accepted by an stall return any unused consumable Supplies to KMBS. Slxnuid the Customer fail to return any unused arrhorued representative of KMBS. Notic of aooeptxlrtez is hereby waived by Customer Co 5L- -able S J pplsas, KMBS reserves the right to urge for any unused Consumable Supplies at the than Current rirbu f such s ppre. ?6. DIGITAL SUPPli SERVICE (Cl It this option has been sauteed, DSS provides Ccistomer access to K.+19S Digital Solution Comes (DEC) telephonically or by electronic xcess. D7 S Includes technical . ipport an items 12. ESCALATION: At the end of the first year of thiS agreement and anee each successive spe.dried o:h the DSS Suppoitcc Products List including Digital Multi-Funcborh Devices, e nerai 015i,t Appl)cations, twelve month period, \Ye may increase your payment and the cast per copy charge ewer the Graphic and r3esign Applications and Desktop Operating Systems. Customer Flay acDe-sS expert level Suemote by pages included (overage) by a maximum. of 10% of the existing charge- telephc h. or lectr. ii.ily- DEC support -bitable during Inc hours of 8:D6a.m. to 6'.00p.m. Faste.rn Time, Mond.'3y th raagh f riday, cxclud,ng KM US observed hd;(Ly5- DSC hours art. -hjeft to dwngu by KMBS. Customer system (5) 13. EARLY TERMINATION CHARGE' In the went Customer ternupate5 prior to ti1e expiration of the initial must rte in good working rmnditinn. DSS drw.c not irrdude parts or labor related to networkJcomputer problems not term of this Agreement without Cause or In the e';ent KMRS terminates this Agreement prior to the end of the directly involved in the printing or Scarwoq network or fax wnrk W, Customer rreY+Drk Changes, aLl3CltnlCntS it ni term dare to Customer's material breach, KMB5 will bill and Cit torrer wiSl be responsible to pay an early additions may require additional OSS charges. KMB5 reserves the right to terminate DES -ies in the event that termination Charge a5 liquidated damages, and not a5 a penalty. Fairly termination charges -will b- AiCulited in any of Customer Changes, art,erations Cr attachni makes it impractical for KMBS to provide DSS- Customer L5 the foLlgwirg mariner: i] KMB5 will average. the three (3) most rExeni hit r:y penaels of KMBS maintenance to response tiro for petformmg normal optvator functions, system backups sus 3eF3ns, and network security functions on arrive at an average maintenance figure, there it) multiply that figure by the number of remalning billing periods in a requler basis. the: remaining unexpired term, and then uU divide that number by two (2). KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U.S.A., INC. 100 Williams Drive Ramsey, NJ 6744E 281-325-f600 www.km6s.konicaminolia.u5 Farm: 1 61 6-12 1 41 1-C i S00050592 05124+11 03:4.' nrr KON1CA MINOLTA Lease Reimbursement f Direct Paid Buyout f Rebate Customer Name. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Address: 1717 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE City: PLACENTIA State: CA Zip Code: 92870 ❑ Lease Reimbursement Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S-A., Inc- ("KMBS") does hereby agree to pay the Customer named above, the sum of $ representing the principal balance remaining on Lease Agreement with , for Model Serial # provided ("Leasing Company`) KMBS receives payment in full from the Leasing Company (for a lease agreement) or from the Customer (for a purchase agreement) for the new transaction. KMBS shall have no liability to the Customer or to any third party as a result of this transaction. The funds described above will be issued based upon the representation by the Customer of the outstanding balance due. The Customer agrees to remit these reimbursement funds to the Leasing Company in payment of the outstanding principal balance. If KMBS agrees to ship Customer's equipment to the Leasing Company, it is the responsibility of the Customer to first provide the Return Authorization and shipping instructions to KMBS. © Direct Paid Buyout Konica Minolta Business Solutions U-S.A., Inc- ("KMBS") does hereby agree to pay direct to the Leasing Company named below, the sum of $ , representing the Total Buyout Quote(s) attached, itemized by lease agreement number and dollar amount below; provided KMBS receives payment in full from the Leasing Company (for a lease agreement) or from the Customer (for a purchase agreement) for the new transaction. Leasing Company: Address: City' State: Zip Code: Lease Agreement # Amount $ Lease Agreement # _ Amount $ Lease Agreement # Amount $ KMBS shall have no liability to the Customer orto any third party as a result of this transaction, beyond remittance of the designated funds Identified above. The funds described above will be issued based upon the Total Buyout Quote[s] attached and itemized above. The Customer agrees that any other charges not itemized on the Buyout Quote(s) attached, or resulting from additional charges for Lease Payments, Taxes, Late Fees, or Other charges imposed by the Leasing Company will he the sole responsibility of the Customer- If KMBS agrees to ship Customer's equipment to the Leasing Company, it Is the responsibility of the Customer to first provide the Return Authorization and shipping instructions to KMBS. Rebate Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. ("KMBS') does hereby agree to pay the Customer named above, the sum of $ 12,000:00 , representing a special incentive towards the lease or purchase of new KMBS product(s), provided KMBS receives payment in full from the respective Leasing Company (for a lease agreement) or from the Customer (for a purchase agreement) for the new transaction- Coll ments: Reimbursement or Rebate cheek will be issued in approximately eig.*.t (8)to ten (I0) weeks from the date of installation provided KMBS receives full funding far the new transaction Direct Paid Buyouts will be issued co the Leasing Company in approximately two (t) weeks from the date KMBS receives full funding for the new transaction. This agreement is not binding upon KMBS until signed by a KMBS Branch Manager or Director or Sales. Customer Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. Name Name Please grant Please 0,1M Signature Signature oast ,ako Title Title 5ra:ich ; ly: Director of Salcr, KcNICA MINOLTA BUSINESS. SOLUTIONS U.5-A-, INC. ton wlllams ®ri- Ramsey. N7 U1446 201-825.4000 -krntw.keeicam1no1is,u4 Form: 310!-040111-C f. KONICA MINOLTA ORDER AGREEMENT 05/241151 03,47 prn Order 2 of 2 Check Applicable Box ] Purchase ® Lease ] Other: • ■ Account # ■ r e Account # * Account # Le al Name CIT TECIiNC1LOGY FINANCING SERVICES Legal Name YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Legal Name YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Attn Line 1 Attn Line 1 Attn Line 1 Attn Line 2 Attn Line 2 Attn Line 2 Street Address 10201 CENTURION PKWY N STE 100 Street Address 1717 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE Street Address 1717 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE Cit JACKSONVILLE State FL Zi 322 56 Ci PLACENTIA State CA Zip 92870 City PLACENTIA State CA Zip 92870 Tax Exemp-. X No Yes Tax Exempt # P.O. Required X No ] Yes 7 P.C. # P.O. Expiration Date Payment Terms: o' Card Type Name on Card Amount SEE LEASE 2 Authorized Credit Card Amount: (plus applicable taxes) s c~ Q Credit Card # Expiration Date tJ Check # Requested Delivery Date: 06/2012011 Maintenance Contract XAccepted ] Dedined QTY MATERIAL # MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER PRICE EACH EXTENDED -77 7 1 A©P1011 BIZHUB, 0552 " 1 7670525500 DELIVERY CHARGE - LEVEL TWO 1 7670527700 INSTALLATION CHARGE - LEVEL TWO 1 AOHRWYI FS-527 FLOOR FINISHER 1 A10FWY1 JS-603 JOB SEPARATOR TRAY 3RD O 1 A10EW11 PK-517 PUNCH KIT FOR FS-527 1 A10DWY1 SD-509 SADDLE STITCHER KIT FOR FS 1 7640014750 ESP POWER FILTER NEXT N PCS 1 1 VCAREACT-0 V A ACTIVATION FOR MFP WITH OTY MATERIAL # SUPPLY - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH EXTENDED 1 AOTM430 TN-6130 TONER CYAN (YIELD: 30K) . 1 AOTM130 TN-613K TONER BLACK (YIELD: 45K) N A 1 A0 T M330 TN-613M TONER MAGENTA {YIELD: 30 N:A 1 AOTM230 TN-613Y TONER YELLOW (YIELD: 30K) N A. N~A N A Additional Charges TOTAL Network ] Removal ] Other (TOTAL is exclusive of applicable taxes) Requested Removal Date: 0612012011 if order is for a purchase of equipment Customer's signature below acknowledges receipt of KMBS Sales Terms and Conditions "Schedule A"(Revised 03.30-0) and consent to their terms, which are incorporated into this agreement. if payment by credit card is indicated above, Customer hereby grants KMBS the authority to charge the Customer's credit card in the amount indicated (plus applicable taxes). KMSS assumes no responsibility to pick-up, return to any party, andlor resolve any financial obligations on any existing Customer equipment except as specifically stated in this Agreement or separately executed farm- Not binding on KMBS until signed by KMBS Manager. Customer Name KMBS Representative Please Print Date Signature KMBS Manager Authorized Representative of Customer Date Date Title KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U.S.A., t'NC. 100 WMjams Drive Ramsey: NJ 07446 201-825-4000 www.kmbs.konicaminolta.us Form: 3000-110110-C€ pKONICAMINOLTA ORDER AGREEMENT 05/24/1103:477 m Order 1 of 2 Check Annlicable Box ❑ Purchase X Lease ❑ Other: • ■ Account # • ■ • Acccunt # + Account # Legal Name CIT TECHNOLOGY FINANCING SERVICES Legal Name YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Legal Name Y©RBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Attn Line 1 Attn Line 1 Attn Line 1 Attn Line 2 Attn Line 2 Attn Line 2 Street Address 10201 CENTURION PKWY N STE 100 Street Address 1717 E. MiRA LOMA AVENUE Street Address 1717 E. MIRA LOMA AVENUE City JACKSONVILLE State FL Zip 32256 City PLACENTIA State CA Zip 92870 Cit PLACENTIA State CA Zip 92870 Tax Exempt X No -Yes Tax Exempt # P.O. Required X No E Yes P.O. # P.O. Expiration Date Payment Terms: Card Type Name on Card ,e Amount SEE LEASE d Authorized Credit Card Amount: (plus applicable taxes} Credit Card # Expiration Date 0 Check Requested Delivery Date: 0612012011 Maintenance Contract X Accepted ❑ Declined QTY MATERIAL # MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: SERIAL NUMBER PRICE EACH EXTENDED 1 A08E011 BIZHUB 181 1 7670525502 DELIVERY CHARGE - LEVEL ZERO 1 7670527702 INSTALLATION CHARGE - LEVEL ZERO 1 4532621 AD-504 DUPLEX UNIT 1 4688621 DF-502 AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT FEED 76400 1 2 DK-701 3-DRAWER HT CABINET 1 AOCJ013 FK-506 FAX KIT DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH EXTENDED 1 8937782 TN-114 TONER (11K113TL., 2 BTLSICS, N, A ,,A NA NrA r r s Additional Charges auum Kai TOTAL 7 Network `f Removal ,J Other (TOTAL is exclusive of applicable taxes) Requested Removal Date: 06)20/2011 r • - if order is for a purchase of equipment, Customer's signature beicw acknowledges receipt of KMBS Safes Terms and Conditions "Schedule A " (Revised 03-30-49) and consent to rheir terms, which are incorporated into this agreement if payment by credit card is indicated above, Customer hereby grants KMBS the authority to charge the Customer's credit card in the amount indicated (plus applicable taxes). KM85 assumes no responsibility to pick-up, return to any party, andlor resolve any financial obligations on any existing Customer equipment except as specifically stated in this Agreement or separately executed form. Not binding on KUBS until signed by KV8S Manager. Customer Name KMBS Representative Please Print Date Signature KMBS Manager Authorized Representative of Customer Date Data Title K NICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUnOINS U.S.A.., INC. 1001Miluams Drive Ramsey, NJ 07446 209-825-4000 -w.kmhs.konicaminolta.us Forrn:3030.110110-Ce _ r PS' <ONICA MINOLTA Customer Confidence Guarantee for Hartwell Corporation At Konica Minolta, we are committed to the continuing achievement of the highest quality workmanship, customer service, and technical support in the office products industry. 0 In view of this commitment to the highest standards of excellence, we offer the Customer Confidence Guarantee. Konica Minolta agrees' to maintain the equipment covered by this S guarantee in good operating condition, providing r necessary maintenance, service, and repairs as specified by the terms of the written maintenance agreement. We commit to an average response time of 4 hours as well as a 95% fleet uptime. If our Service Representative is unable to repair a product covered under the Guarantee at your location, we shall provide, at no extra charge, an equivalent replacement machine. Replacement equipment may be like-for-like or reconditioned. We commit to this agreement to ensure your total confidence in Our Konica Minolta products.. Subject to the'I"ernis and C'ondition8 indicated on the reversc sroe. i Terms Conditions If Konica Minolta Is unable to satisfactorily service a Konica Minolta product in the field, a comparable replacement model will be provided to you at no charge. All Konica Minolta products placed by a Konica Minolta Branch are eligible for coverage provided that they are continuously maintained through a written maintenance agreement between the Customer and Konica Minolta from the date of installation. This Guarantee: Minolta's recommended specifications. n Provides complete service, and may include Konica Minolta supplies, excluding paper, for the specified number of years stated in 3 Does riot appiy to equipment damaged or destroyed by Customer the written maintenance agreement between Konica Minolta abuse or act of God, and the Customer. Does not apply to printing issues associated with changes in the ? May be covered up to a maximum period of five years, as Customer's networked environment; including operating determined by Konica Minolta. system updates, new software applications„ topology changes, or any other other connectivity related issue. n Includes all Konica Minolta new and remanufactured products provided they are continuous) maintained throu h a written > Will become invalid as a result of any act on the Customer's part which maintenance agreement between the Customer and Konica is CONTRARY to what is stated on the Guarantee. Minolta from date of installation. > is up to Konica Minolta's discretion to decide if the machine is un- a Does not apply to equipment that is operated outside Konica repairable, and if replacement is necessary. KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS U_S.A INC., MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IM PLIED, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCTS PURCHASED, LEASED OR RENTED BY CUSTOMER. THE SERVICE, THE SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THE PRODUCT OR ITS INSTALLATION AND MAIN-] ENANCE, AND EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER- CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR OF THE PRODUCT OR NON-CONFORMING PARTS AT THE OPTION OF KONICA MINOLTA, AS PROVIDED FOR IN THIS CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE GUARANTEE. KONICA MINOLTA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT L kliTED TO DAMAGES DUE TO LOSS OF DATA OR INFORMATION OF ANY KIND. LOSS OF OR DAMAGES TO REVENUE, PROFITS OR GOODWILL, DAMAGES DUE TO ANY INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, DAMAGE TO CUSTOMER'S COMPUTERS OR NETWORKS, EVEN IF THE CUSTOMER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY WAIVES ITS RIGHTS TO SPECIAL. CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE GUARANTEE AUTHORIZATION FORM ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2011 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Subject: Review of District Slogan SUMMARY: At the December 7, 2010 Public Information - Information Technology Meeting (PITT) the Committee discussed changing the District's Slogan, Reliable & Trusted Service for more than 100 Years, to include the word "Independent". After some discussion, the Committee then decided to continue this Discussion at a later date. With the purchase of new promotional items on the horizon, if a change to the District Slogan is imminent, staff recommends it be done soon. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider recommending the Board of Directors change the District's Slogan to: Independent, Reliable & Trusted Service for more than 100 Years. ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2011 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Subject: New Sewer Customer Outreach SUMMARY: Beginning July 1, 2011 as a result of the Sewer Transfer Agreement with the City of Yorba Linda, the District will be acquiring roughly 6,383 sewer accounts. In an effort to keep these new customers informed about the transfer and what they can expect the District included an article in the Spring Newsletter outlining the details of the transfer. In conjunction with that article, a July bill stuffer is planned to be sent to those new sewer customers as a follow up. However, as a result of reviewing the City's tax rolls against the District's customer databases and accounts, more correspondence may be needed. Staff has discovered that some customers have been billed redundantly by both the City and the District and may be entitled to receive a refund. In addition, some of the soon to be new District Sewer Customers haven't been receiving a charge for sewer service on their tax rolls from the City and will see this charge for the first time on their water bills from the District sent in August. The District must now decide how to best inform these new sewer customers of their specific situations that have or will affect their accounts. ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2011 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Subject: Dynamics GP Consultant SUMMARY: In discussions with the Finance Director, HR Manager and their staff it has become evident that more training and assistance is needed with Dynamics Great Plain's HR and Accounting Modules. The District's Strategic Plan identifies under Operational Efficiency Initiative No. OE 1-A, which states "Identify the Current Functionality of Existing Technology and Determine if it is Being Utilized to Full Capacity". The additional training identified above will provide an opportunity to more full utilize the HR program within the District's enterprise software system. DISCUSSION: District IT staff, Finance staff and HR staff met with two local consultants certified in Dynamics GP. District staff met with NeuLogics based in Mission Viejo and talked with Apex Info Tech based in Irvine. District staff recommends Neul-ogic representatives to assist the District in creating and implementing a high level plan for the following: . Review HR Policies and Procedures, Review Payroll process. After reviewing HR & Payroll compare current setup in Dynamics GP and make recommendations for improvements . Review Inventory module and make recommendations . Provide additional HR and payroll systems training . Review Dynamics GP Project Accounting with Finance . Train HR, Finance and others in using Dynamics GP's Smartlist Builder to ease in creating reports . Make any other recommendations that the District could use to make full use of Dynamic GP's capabilities . Assist IT staff with Dynamics GP Security The recommendation to engage Neulogics for this scope of work is based on their experience and proximity to the District. If successful with this training and implementation, the District will consider filing a change of partner form for Dynamic GP, at which time NeuLogics would become the District's support and renewal firm for Dynamics GP replacing Cogsdale, a firm based in Canada. Cogsdale would be retained as the District's support and renewal firm only for Cogsdale (Utility Billing) software. ITEM NO. 3.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: June 17, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $300,000 To: Public Affairs-Communications- Cost Estimate: $248,626 Technology Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Job No: 200915 Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Director Dept: Information Technology Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Robyn Shaw, Info Sytm Tech CEQA Compliance: N/A II/Programmer Subject: Computerized Maintenance & Management System Project Status SUMMARY: On July 22, 2010, the Board authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Westin Engineering, in the amount of $248,626, to provide Computerized Maintenance & Management System (CMMS) software and implementation services. The software proposed by Westin Engineering was Azteca's CityWorks software solution. The scope of work in the professional services agreement identified 6 phases. District staff and Westin Engineering are currently working on Phase 4 of this project. DISCUSSION: District IT staff assessed the status, schedule and expenditures to date with regard to the Westin Engineering agreement. The District has paid Westin Engineering $179,952.52 (72%) of the $248,626.00 professional services contract to date. On May 19, 2011, District staff had a WebEx meeting with Westin Engineering to go over the status of this project. Westin and District Staff discussed specific details of Cityworks configuration including service request configuration, work order types, work order templates, crew lists, labor rates, equipment setup and persons responsible for maintaining the data in the system once it is live. Westin has completed site setup, employee setup, user setup and service request configuration. Westin has also completed GP projects, inventory and CSM service orders in Cityworks. Production staff is continuing their work on the vertical asset database and is identifying additional work order types. GIS staff has made initial changes to the geodatabase to accommodate the initial sampling of vertical assets received from the Production Division. Westin has scheduled an on-site visit for June 14 and 15. Westin will continue to work on the Cityworks configuration and will conduct individual meetings to finalize business processes. Staff will also finalize a plan to implement the pilot group and begin system testing.