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2011-07-28 - Resolution No. 11-16
' RESOLUTION NO. 11-16 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TO INITIATE PROCEEDINGS FOR LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION OF APPROXIMATELY 441 ACRES TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District provides sewer service to approximately 441 acres of residential/commercial developed land (hereinafter referred to as the "Locke Ranch area"), which the District wishes to annex the Locke Ranch area in order to adjust the YLWD boundary to be coterminous with its service area; and WHEREAS, the Locke Ranch area is within the sphere of influence of Yorba Linda Water District, and the District is currently providing sewer service to said land. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Yorba Linda Water District does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: The Board of Directors finds pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, Government Code section 5668.3 (a)(1), that annexation is in the best interests of the landowners and present and future inhabitants within the Yorba Linda Water District and within the Locke Ranch area. Section 2: The Board of Directors hereby applies to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County, (hereinafter LAFCO) to initiate, conduct and complete proceedings for the annexation of the Locke Ranch area to the Yorba Linda Water District on the terms and conditions set forth in this Resolution and such other terms and conditions as may be approved by the Board during these proceedings. Section 3: This proposal is made pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, Government Code Section 56650 et seq. Section 4: The proposed change of organization consists of the annexation of the Locke Ranch area, to the Yorba Linda Water District, for the purpose of adjusting the Yorba Linda Water District boundary to be coterminous with its service area. Section 5: A description of the boundaries of the land to be annexed and a map of the Locke Ranch area are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated ' herein by this reference. Resolution No. 11-16 Initiate Proceedings for Locke Ranch Annexation 1 ' Section 6: The Yorba Linda Water District is the lead agency and applicant for this proposed annexation and has designated the following persons as the District's representatives for purposes of this application: Mr. Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli and Mr. Steve Conklin. Section 7: The annexation proposed by this application is consistent with the sphere of influence for the Yorba Linda Water District adopted by LAFCO. Section 8: The Board of Directors finds that the proposed annexation of the Locke Ranch area is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under the State CEQA Guidelines, 14 Cal. Code of Regs., § 15319 (a) (Annexations of Existing Facilities and Lots for Exempt Facilities), and that Notice of Exemption has been properly posted and certified by the Orange County Clerk (attached hereto as Exhibit "B,") pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines, 14 Cal. Code of Regs., § 15062 (b). Section 9: Other than the Yorba Linda Water District there are no affected agencies that will gain or lose territory as a result of the change of organization proposed herein. Section 10: The Board of Directors of Yorba Linda Water District hereby requests that LAFCO approve the proposed annexation, as authorized by the Cortese- Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, Government Code Section 56663 (a), and that LAFCO waive protest proceedings as authorized by Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, Government Code Section 56663 (c). Section 11: Yorba Linda Water District waives any exchange of property tax revenues. Section 12: The Secretary of Yorba Linda Water District is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of LAFCO and make all other filings and pay such fees as are necessary to affect the purposes of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July 2011, by the following called vote: AYES: Directors Beverage, Kiley and Felton NOES: Director Hawkins ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Director Collett Michael J. Bevera President dp, Yorba Linda Water District 1 Resolution No. 11-16 Initiate Proceedings for Locke Ranch Annexation 2 ' ATTEST: Ke neth R. Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Ki mKi man, Esq. Kidman, Behrens & Tague 1 Resolution No. 11-16 Initiate Proceedings for Locke Ranch Annexation 3 EXHIBIT "A" LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION ' TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT - DA 11-06 Legal Description 1 All that parcel of land situated partly in the Unincorporated County of 2 Orange and partly in the City of Yorba Linda, County of Orange, State of 3 California, described as follows: 4 BEGINNING at an angle point in the existing boundary of the Yorba Linda Water 5 District (YLWD) as created by "Annexation No. DA 07-29" to said District, 6 said angle point being the most southeasterly corner and the southerly 7 terminus of that certain course shown as "South 00°05109" West 2711.21 feet" 8 in said annexation; Thence along the existing boundary of the YLWD as 9 established by said "Annexation No. DA 07-29" in a generally northerly and 10 easterly direction to the most northeasterly corner of the boundary of the ' 11 City of Yorba Linda as established by "Annexation No. 68-5 to the City of 12 Yorba Linda"; thence in a generally southerly direction through its various 13 courses to the southeasterly corner of said "Annexation No. 68-50, said 14 corner also being on the westerly boundary of "Annexation No. 70-1 to the 15 City of Yorba Linda"; Thence continuing along the existing westerly boundary 16 established by said "Annexation No. 70-1" in a general southerly direction to 17 the southwesterly corner of said "Annexation No. 70-10, said corner also 18 being the northeesterly corner of the existing boundary as established by 19 "Annexation No. 74-3 to the City of Yorba Linda"; Thence continuing southerly 20 along the existing westerly boundary established by said "Annexation No. 74- 21 3" to the southwesterly corner of said "Annexation No. 74-3" said point being 22 an angle point in the easterly line of a Record of Survey recorded in Book ' 23 62, Pages 30 and 31, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; 24 Page 1 of 4 25 EXHIBIT "A" LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION ' TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT - DA 11-06 Legal Description 1 Thence along said easterly line South 01022'33" East 1347.28 feet to the 2 northerly right of way line of Esperanza Road, 40.00 feet wide, as shown on 3 said Record of Survey; thence continuing South 01022133" East 140.22 feet to 4 a point in the southerly right of way line of the A.T. and S.F. Railway, 5 100.00 feet wide, said point also lying in the northerly boundary of the City 6 of Anaheim per the "Imperial Highway - Esperanza Annexation per Resolution 7 No. 69-R-5840, said point also lying on a non-tangent curve concave northerly 8 and having a radius of 5779.65 feet, a radial bearing to said point bears 9 South 04033'00" East;, thence westerly 356.56 feet along said curve and said 10 right of way and along said Annexation through a central angle of 03032'05" 11 to a tangent line; Thence continuing westerly along the northerly line of 12 said Annexation to the easterly line of the "Yorba Annexation to the City of 13 Anaheim"; Thence northerly and westerly along the existing boundary 14 established by the "Yorba Annexation" to the easterly boundary of the 15 "Revised Orangethorpe-Nixon Freeway Annexation to the City of Anaheim"; 16 Thence northerly and northwesterly along the existing boundary established by 17 the "Revised Orangethorpe-Nixon Freeway Annexation to the City of Anaheim" to 18 the easterly boundary established by the "Annexation no. 73-2 to the City Of 19 Yorba Linda"; thence northerly along the easterly line of the existing 20 boundary established by the "Annexation no. 73-2 to the City of Yorba Linda" 21 to the northeasterly corner of said Annexation also being a point on the 22 westerly line of the land shown on said Record of Survey recorded in Book 62, ' 23 Pages 30 and 31, in the office of the County Recorder of said County; Thence 24 Page 2 of 4 25 s EXHIBIT "A" LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION ' TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT - DA 11-06 Legal Description 1 along said westerly line North 01029'51" West 820.54 feet to the 2 southwesterly corner of the existing boundary established by "Annexation no. 3 71-1 to the City of Yorba Linda"; Thence northerly along the westerly line 4 and its northerly extension of the existing boundary established by 5 "Annexation No. 71-1 to the City of Yorba Linda" to a point on the line of 6 the existing YLWD boundary line as established by the "Formation" of said 7 YLWD; Thence westerly along said existing YLWD boundary to the point of 8 beginning. 9 10 The above described parcel of land contains 441.33 Acres, more or less. 11 12 All as shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference, made a 13 part hereof. 14 15 16 This document was prepared by me or AND 17 under my direction and supervision. F U r O 18 S L.S. 5108 19 Dated This 7th Day of July, 2011 20 OF CA0FO 21 . / 22 Gwen-Vera Del Castillo, PLS 5108 ' 23 24 Page 3 of 4 25 EXHIBIT "A" LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION ' TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT - DA 11-06 Legal Description 1 2 3 4 5 This document does meet the approval of 6 the Orange County Surveyor's office 7 8 Raymond L. Mathe 9 County Surveyor 10 ' 11 Dated this Day of 2011 12 13 14 By: 15 Raymond L. Mathe, P.L.S. 6185 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ' 23 24 Page 4 of 4 25 U u 00 LEGEND: EXHIBIT"B" Z I? LOCKE RANCH ANNEXATION DA 11-06 m ANNEXATION BOUNDARY 0 0 TO THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT a > F g "0 o EXISTING CITY OF YORBA p0 <<u M~ HV II LINDA BOUNDARY zF. 0 z -o ww~ 0=iu w EXISTING CITY OF ANAHEIM w a BOUNDARY ?¢ow rn wN2w cm U -~X Q > Z 'm nn 3 m I i l l EXISTING YORBA LINDA - W'LY LINE z ~I m a 3 w z "a WATER DISTRICT BOUNDARY ANNEXATION N0. 3 a n° o ) Tj z Q as z °p 70-1 TO CITY OF n i m a 0 a z o 0 YORBA LINDA 7 z 0 f - © a Crnz✓I ® f zQ[v .~0 ,O-. O u rvoa•33'oo`w 7 Xnam ( ` F > Z 0 ¢ ~ ~ APN (RAD) v -~z Q0Q 1 349-551-01 A ~ EfATNON NO. UNINCORP in a o > 3 COUNTY OF FAIp1A0pT /IFID TO.O OF ORANGE 90 B0~ O - TOR®A LAWDA N6457 15"E Q APN °.~.®.62 30=31 (RAD) 349-561-01 - P.O.B. m o w O UNINCORP. lm z J o OF \ I 00 COUNTY OF E'LY LINE NO. 3 N Q ORANGE \1`, dt>X0 y>w~ E'LY LINE z Q ANNEXATION m ANNEXATION N0. SEE DETAIL o~0 73-2 TO CITY OF Y LINE K ~z i= z o 3 DA 07-29 TO m , wr CURVE AND COURSE TABLE YORBA LINDA ORANGETHORPE-NI%ON G z Q pzm. YORBA LINDA ~a~w 4 BEARING DISTANCE x Q 4 FREEWAY ANNEXATION N00'04'28'E 2711. 55' wmw ro WATER DISTRICT I jZ , m 2 N89-59'42'E 1795.98' TO CITY OF ANAHEIM Gp LAND SL 3 3 SOl' 20' 58' E 7034. 41' PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT OT 2`' t~' ~L CU,gG DETAIL: 4 SCI-19'23'E 2356.56' SUPERVISION N TO SCALE VICINITY MAP 5 SOI'23'00'E 1423.29' Q o NOT TO SCALE 6 SOI'22'33-E 1347.28' } ! @~. 7 SOI' 20' 33' E 140. 22' I .t- NEl-Q..~yIS/I,~bl.tX.c.cl 9r L.S. 5108 2 qq _ 9 S88.59'05'V 826.35' YI ~Ty ~y 10 NOl'50'05'E 167.18' GWEN-VERA DEL CASTILLO. L.S. 5108 f 40P TTTTT m 11 S87'41'30'v 91.05' OF Cpl1 1 TIC 12 NDI'50'05'E 134.20' ! ! 14 N89' 55' 0 3' V 80. 34' 1 15 NOl-29'51'V 8409.61' THIS PROPOSAL DOES MEET THE APPROVAL 16 N89'25'00 'V 338.90' OF THE ORANGE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE. I P.O.B. 17 N01'29'51 V 820. 54' 0130' 30'120 DATED THIS-DAY OF .2011. p - C 2 op RADIUS DELTA LENGTH o 1 gl 1 = {~~ii 8 5779. 65' 3'32'05' 356. 56' BY: N O 13 2000.00' 26'52'50' 938.31' RAYMOND L. MATHE. COUNTY SURVEYOR m ~T I>1 3 L.S. 6185 r w H 77 NOTE: THIS ANNEXATION m ti Q W CONTAINS 441.33 ACRES. p Q U 2 ~ O N N Notice of Exemption Form D To: Office of Planning and Research From: Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 3044, Room 212 P.O. Box 309 Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Recorded ( County of Orange Clerk-Recorder Tom Dal 1, Count 1 Recorder Records, Orange County 630 North Broadway Street IIIIIIIIIIItl~I~IIIIIIUIDII~IIDUI~IIV NO FEE Santa Ana, CA 92701 20118500058810:10 am 05/16/11 242 NC-1 Z01 EXEMPT: PUBLIC AGENCY GOV. CODE SEC. 27383 SPACE Al 0.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Project Title: Locke Ranch Annexation to the Yorba Linda Water District - DA 11-06 Project Location - Specific: in the City of Yorba Linda, within a strip of land that includes the Yorba Linda Blvd.-Fairmont Blvd. intersection to the north and bound by Imperial Hwy. and Esperanza Rd. to the south. Project Location - City: Yorba Linda Project Location - County: Orange Description of Project: The project is the Annexation of the Locke Ranch area within the City of Yorba Linda that is outside the YLWD service boundary. YLWD currently provides sewer service to this existing development through a 1977 water and sewer service agreement between the District and the City of Yorba Linda. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: Yorba Linda Water District W 1 Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Yorba Linda Water District ~ Exempt Status (check one) ® :a-- i " ❑ Ministerial (Sec. 21080(6)(1); 15268); ❑ Declared Emergency (Sec. 21080(6x3); 15269(a)); ❑ EmarWcy Project (Sec. 21080(bx4); 15269(bxc)); ® Categorical Exemption. State type and section number: Class 19(a) Section 15319 - Annexations of Existing Facilitreb ❑ Statutory Exempfions. State code numbm Reason Why Project is Exempt: The project is an annexation to a special district that has existing facilities within an existing development. Lead Agency Contact Person: Steve Conklin. P.E. Area CodeiTelephone/Extension: (714) 701-3102 If filed by applicant: 1. Attach certified document of exemption finding. 2. Hasa Notice Exemption been filed by the public agency approving the project? _ 1® Signatur Date Title: Engineering Mk%s ® Signed by Lead Agency Date received for filing at OPR: M Signed by Applicant